THi; r.KK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. .U:ilST 14. 1914. 1 ' x-nn yj Tit t a- e. o m 1. r. Summertime Fables I I For What? 7T By DOROTHY DL. One upon a Time there wa a certain Man who fit the beginning of the Heated TWrn called Ma two Daughter to him ami Unit addressed them: "Tt Irka me greatly," he said, "that i I cannot put up for il . -' -""i your Annual Sum mer Campaign, but 0 fsycUological Tanlo that resem ble th Real Thing to a Low brow like nr. tins paralysed the Gro cery Trade and put Huslness on the tRIinlt. Therefore, 1 ovine that It Is Jlome Sweet llorue Tor yours this see. on. , ".Vis '.hnl ljonnriiy lituff,' leplied the Older daughter. "I ap prehend thut thore ia Nothing Doing l:i Toon in Summer, ( and lfa me for the Mountnin. wl t re l tan Write Back how 1 an SIcfTltif I X'nder a Klankkt In Jn'.y. Pesi.s, Hum- i iner U the Open .'Vasen f.'t .'ie Mjtri- ! ir.onlal Hunt, and when a Yon .tit Woman i Baa Collected a many Eirthdaye as I f have It behonvos her ;o he Hot on the ', Trail." 1 "Your Word aie Word of Wisdom," j groam-d the Poor Father. 'yet hoe. I ' am to get a Bank Uoll to Stako you In the. Game. ! a Conundrum that gives m the Willies to Contemplate." "Cut the Appropriation tn Half." said the Second Daughter, turning a Sympa- ! thetlc Look upon her Father, "for I will ' remain at Home and Wear my old clothes, while Ulster Dolls herself up In the Olad Hags at Fashionable Summer ResorU." Thereupon the Old Slater Fa led Forth. ' and began Playing the Big Time at the ' Swell Hummer Joints.1 S!:e would change. ; ler Clothes aleen time a Day for the In- jipection of the Old Cat" who fat upon I the Hotel Veranda and Clawed to Pieces . the Looks and Reputation of every Pul- ; rhritudlnous Woman that passed them, j Also at Night she Tangoed with other I Maidens, that wh.ich there 1 no Sadder j .sight on Earth. But she did not Urab Off any Engage nient Ring, Tor the Kxcellent Rason that j the only Men In Sight were either Dotty ! old Grandpa who were already Tied up ' with an Ample Sufficiency of Wife, or else they were Schoolboys with an Al- i lowance of 1.5o a Week for Spending ( Money. 1 In the meantime the Good Sister who i l ad Remained at Home In the City was having an Uproarious Time, because while j Most of the. Girls In their Set had gone away for the Summer, all of the Men were still Attending to Business at the Old Stand. Therefore ahe had a Monopoly which she Proceeded to Work In a Way that showed that Rockefeller will have j Nothing on women when they get me Chance. Dally and Nightly Iter Door was Be kteged by Youths with Automobiles, and Motor Boats, and the Price of Roof Gar dens In their Pockets, and as she always said that she Preferred the City In Sum mer, and did not think It At All Warm, three Misguided Young Men asked her Hand In Marriage, under the Delusion that she would Hold the same Views after she was Wed. Moral Thlg Table teaches us Two Things. First, that Virtue Is its own Reward It ne know how to Collect the Dividend. Second, It Teaches us the Wisdom of Fishing where the Fish are Plentiful. IT.: , . VI- l-V W- Vv- - I I!' I K I I I b 'l. : Ism ij' OJf- PV m-c.;-. fe.-f . .vx- v-y 9 ,.( . . . - . -. ' X r " Millions of mothers, infinitely patient, have given their lives, hopes, thoughts and energy to the care of A BOY FOR WHAT? For to unmarked grave on the field of battle, to make "food for cannon," to feed stray dogs and foxes that prowl on the battlefield. Mysteries of Science and Nature New Aladdin's Lamp Is Found in Atoms of Matter Which are Capable of Doing Some Almost Impossible Things. : : : : Tladamc he hells 3cauly Lesson M:nao Kill part ill. I.'xcrs flesh Is prone to arnumlate about the waist hue, the nipt and the mint. Wh. it these parts are equally af fected the reducing exercises that I hare i given earlier In this lesion and the diet I should be followed exaotly. When there 1 Is more flesh on one part of the body ; than on another, oertaln exercises should i be repeated We cannot safely reduce the slae of the ; hut .except by breathing excrcleee that i tend to harden the bosom and make H I morn firm. I!ut we can reduce the flesh I under the arms. This Is a bad place for i excess flesh, for It makes the bust loo i large and causes the arms to hang la j awkward fashion. Reduction on this part of the body ran be effected by reducing exercise 1 given In part VI of this lesson and also by the following exercla which we UI callR. R. 4 Stand erectly, well poised on the ball of the foot, right arm hanging straight with hand turned so palm la parallel with the fleer, and left arm raised so that back of han l , laid against lower part of cheek and Jaw lib elbow raised as high aa possible. I Push down aa strongly aa possible with j the right hand, raising the elbow of the ' left arm, at the same tlrhe feeling the un i der arm muscles pull. Now repeat the : movement, changing the position of the I hands. Do this twenty times night and morning In addition to the other reduc ing exercises and the loose flesh under I the arms will soon turn Into firm muavle. ! For hip reducing practice the rolling !exer,lse R, 8 (given In part VI of tilled j les-on) night and morning, giving as j much time to thta aa possible. Practice alro the lust movement of the wand exer : else given In part II of this lesson. Salt I rubs will also be helpful. For this make ' a very strong brine In sea gait In the i bottom of a big tub and soak two large J Turkish towels; hang these over the tub and let them drip until dry. After the ! usual bath rub body with a aalt towel, I treating vigorously Ins loose fleeh over I the hips and upper legs. I-esnon XIII to be continued. By GARRETT P. SERW.SS. Do You Know That Hank notes to the value of W.OOO were found hidden In the cork leg of Harry C. Wise while he was undergoing treatment 'n a hospital at Denver According to a Swiss doctor, the latest cure for 'mrvous diseases Is tea made with melted snow. One lighted gaa jet consumes as much Ir aa four adult. A Swiss prison appears to be the very place in which to spend a cheap holiday, as you have practically all you want a comfortable cell, central heating, elec tricity, good food, a fair quantity of wine or bear and tobacco, end a library. You c an learn a trade, have plenty of exercise, and trine is little work to do In -eiurq for all th?M advantages. I y ' Vwwf Do you remember when Aladdin had, at last, got down Into the cave under the tree, what Inexpressible marvels he found around him 7 What he had to tell when he got out was cal culated to make the hearer's ears tingle, but among all the I riches of the cave thete was only one dust covered thing that was really worth the risk he had run, because it alone was truly novel and un like anything else In the world the necro matlo lamp that had the genie for Its slave. With that in lila.. possession the poor boy was more powerful then all the monarch in the world provided that he knew how to handle the lamp, and that knowledge came to Mm by accident. I have Just been pondering over some statements made by Jean Cecquerei, tbo French physicist, about recent discoveries concerning the content of the atoms of which matter Is composed, and they have forcibly recalled Aladdln'a adventures to my mind. The Interior of an atom ia a little world Infinitely more marvellous There are l,5u0.0 more women than than the cave that contained the magio men In Great Britain. The proportion j lamp, and it conceal power incompar of women to men is slightly on the de crease, however. Af the tennis of 101 the proportion was l.ObS women to 1,000 v.n. Now it is l.fcl to tOOO. A novel method of scsih.g away birds l.3 bean adopted by a farmer. He has l.ided a number of cats, had them stuffed a iid placed, them In various attitudes among the branches of the fruit trees In hi orchard. ' broken up, the distinctions of the funda mental elements are confounded, thlnga lose their nature and shift Into other things; uranium gives birth to radium and to polonium; radium brings forth helium and the last transformation of polonium that ha thus far been ob served ia Into plain lead! It 1 Ilk a I transmigration of atomic souls. Rut thla I not the only consequence of the opening of the world of the atom. That opening release energy In form which, we can be recognise and which Home day perhaps w may be able to Utilise v Atomati: energy is the' magic lamp that the Aladdin of science ha found la na ture' secret cave. One day Aladdin' mother found the rueity lamp where he had cast It aside as useless and thought she would polish It up. Instantly at the first vigorous rub, the slave of the lamp stood before her, ready to do her bidding! The Aladdin of science has not thrown hi lamp aside He know It 1 full of magic. He Is sure that If he rute It aright the genie will appear before him, Advice to Lovelorn ; By BSATaUCS VA1MT AX ' , , 1 Daa't Be Jealous. Dear Miss Fairfax: I nm a young n-rl of 17 and have been going with a young fellow of the same ago often, but a young girl a year younger has come between um since about a month ago. 8 ho ha been his playmate from childhood. Hhe cares a great dul about him, but he doesn't seem In rare much about her, but she has winning wsys, and goes tn his home after him, and he pays hr a gieet deal of attentltm, but when be Isn't around he comes visiting me and WHnta to take inn out, but I have refused and he seems ery much hurt about It. ANXIOUH. It I very silly for a girl of 17 to de- Little Bobbie's Pa but he has not yet learned the right i mand' the exclusivo attentions of any stroke. And, perhaps, after all. It will be with him as It wa wtlh the other Alad dinaccident will teach him the secret. When the day cornea, If ever It does, there will hardly be any limit to the transforming power of man over the world he lives In. boy. Share your friend with other girls. That Is far safer than drifting Into a premature love affair. What Vacation Means A scarecrow of the ordinary type placed ably grvater than that of Aladdin' good genie. To the scientific Imagination the Inside of an atom hi inversely m wondrous a the atarry heaven. It Is infinite poer pac'.jed Into In finitesimal space. That, of course, is un exaggeration; but thU I a case In which one has to speak In Imposing figures, because the fact liirpass all ordinary experience. "The atom," gay Jean Uecquerel. "is a closed world, cr almost closed, and It ,1a in ur. uowara wuson s corn iieiaa at ; that fact T.hicl, constitutes Its Indivld'ial iliiroette, WU., having failed to frighten tty." -.he birds, w replaced by a feminine f!?vre with a low-necked blouse, slit skirt ard plumed hat. Crows have noty ceased tn haunt the locality. How to Abfrb mn Unlovely Complexion This ''closed world" of the atom la so small that If we could Increase the powers of our microscopes a thousandfold we could not render it visible, and yet that minute speck of matter Encloses a "solar fiy BEATRICE FAIRFAX. luienes is not vacation. U Is empti ness, vacuum, waste and loss. A giddy whirl of pleasures 1 not vaca tion. It is only additional work of a new sort exhaustion, effort and infinite tak ing pain for something not really worth while. Rushing from place to placu for a week or two week' sightseeing is not vaca tion. It is change, education, stimulation and a feverish panorama of seeing thlnga In such a rapidly ehittingjftird's-ey view that forget! ulnes follow the rush of the tour. A week ot society in a big city i not vacation. It deplete porketbooU and nervous energy alike and sends the worker back to the toil of autumn and winter with nothing gained, with no reserves of ambition and strength to bring to the long dy of toil. The ideal vacation is rpent in some iiuiet and natural spot of beauty at the hhore. In the mountain cr tn the coun try, where the noise and turmoil and un rest of the city are forgotten. The Ideal vacation takes you among new people and Into nw surroundings. It broadens your Interests and center outside of yourself in the healthful pleasure that sun with Us planet, and keep locked up there an energy so colossal that the plainest statements of fact that can be made about It seem like wild dreams. "The emanation from radium" (a sub utsncA vhou utoms sDontanunuslv civa (Phyllis Moore to Tow, Talk. out ,t. p.rt of lh,lr ,nergy) The face which la admired for Its beau- i.-pi,i , iiKrHn i loo 00 times more ty must have a satin-smooth skin, pink Fbl ' liberating l.tu.oi times more and white and youthful looking. Tha energy than the moot viulsnt chemical oidy thing i know of that can nuka ! reaction known." such a complexion put of an aged, fadwi I nrld within the atom ordinarily or discolored ene I mean a natural, not orla m,,nln ' ,ne "lom a Painted complexion Is ordinary mer- behave as if It had no concern with the ystem" as elaborate a that of the great wUh daybreak and end at dark. In- ioIUed wax. This remarkable substance lltraJlv ubiiorba tha unslaiitly cuticle. a little each dav, the clear, healthy, girl ish akin bensain gradually peeping out until within a week or so It la wholly in evidence. Of course such blemishes aa freckles, moth patches, liver spots, blotches and pimples are discarded with tt. old sign. If yea wlU procure aa ounce of iiiercollsed wax at the drug tore, use like cold cream every nlgi.l. washing thin off mornings, jouil find ll u. eritable wondsr-a orker. Another valuable natural treatment Is a wsjih lotion to remove wrinkles which can l eilv prepared. Dissolve 1 o. ! Uereo fcaxollte in pint witch hsxel tthe I he face In ibis and you'll fin.l it "work like magic." Advertisement. orld outside. It is sufficient unto Itself. It seeks no communication beyond ita own boundaries. It ia a tittle medieval China, with closed ports and Insurmountable walls all around. Hill, a very few atoms, like those ot radium, have a tendency to communicate with the outer world by a kind of explosion. If alt atoms should buist their walls simultaneously the whole universe would be dissolved In an instant! The atoms that do disintegrate pass fr-n change to change. Within thetr limit 1.1. e foundations of duller are stead of Just reversing the natural order of the day and night It brings you the rest of change. You all know hew a picnic lunch or a restaurant meal I a welcome break In the munotonjr of home cooking, however good that may be. The same principle runs all through lift. The human mind and nerves and body crave change. The summer vacation ought to be such a healthful change that it will bring you back to your work with the aame mettle some energy a colt shows in the spring after the restful pasturing that follow his winter rest. Tha Ideal vacation ought to bring you a fresh abounding of life In a new atmo sphere. It ought to send yeu home fairly kpoiling to work off your new vitality ia skill and force and Interest brought to your regular tasks. It ought to give you a storehouse of strength and energy which will fairly sweep you through all the de. minds of your next year of effort io out In the country and make your-rc-lf pari of Its life. Take part in all the Interest of the community around on. If the dances of the locality where you are staying happen to be Virginia reel and lancers, learn them and enjoy with the simple whole-hearted aest of the un afftoted folk among whom you are stay ing. Deem from the country people instead of foisting upon them your city way and customs. The change of pleasures will do you a world of good and give you a cer tain adaptability that will enable you to be happy and beloved wherever you are placed In life. Rest, plus Interest, plus newnesg, plus popularity, plus fresh air and exercise will make your vacation invaluable to you. Don't plungo yourself Into all sorts of silly flirtation and love affair with peo ple of whom you know nothing and whom it will be your great derlre to avoid when you get back to the city. Don't consume vast amounts of peanuts and popcorn and candle and rich beverage. Make simpli city and moderation the keynote of all your pleasures. Try to form a few real friendships that j will last and give you a tangible evidence that new peopto have come into your life. Eat and drink simply so that your diges tion and temper and compUxlon may not be harmed by your sojourn In the coun try. Conform to the customs about you Instead of forcing your own standard upon people who will not understand them and perhaps criticise you severely for what they consider most Improper be cause they are not accustomed to seting It done. Don't loll about on bathing beaches In scant bathing suit. Don't go off on long tramp through the woods In flimsy clothes. Don't romp noisily Into a sleep ing household at J a- tn., with no thought but to publish to everyone what a good time yen had at a dance. Avoid doing conspicuous things that wll make you a target for criticism. Be ruled by good taste, unselfishness and "the custom of the country." Make your vacation valuable to yourself In character and strength building aa well as the search for Joy. There la a great deal that the country folks ran teach you. In my next article I shall tell you some or the splendid thlnss you may bilng home from yo'i.- Station with you. 'Met tiood If.aoaah." Deur Miss Fairfax: I am 35 years old. I bav recently been keeping company with a widower who la about 40 years of age. He has five children. I have known him nearly all my life. I loved this man very dearly and had reason to believe thst my luvu was re turned, hu all my people objected to him, saying that he was not good enough for me. He drinks and It was rumored that he treated his first wife very cruelly. Do you think he would treat me any betterT IN DOVE. Your people are ciulte right Don't think of marrying a man who has either of the two vices you mention. Of course, It Is possible that he did not abuse his first wife, but uch rumor In conjunc tion with the known fact that qn drink do not recommend him as a husband. 'Jey nidlna." Dear Miws J"airfux: I arn a alii ot eighteen and considered good looking nd met a young man at a acbool dance. Now this young man la a chauffeur and hue Invited me to go riding with him. lie seems manly In every way. Hhall 1 accept his Invitation? T. W. X. Do not accept an Invitation to ride In the car of this young man' employer unles you are sure It I sanctioned by the owner of the car. Many people give their chauffeurs the use of their car at stated Intervals say once a week. When the car i uaed without permission It Is a stolen "Joy ride" such aa I feel sure a nice fill lik you would not care tu In dulse In. By WILLIAM F. KIRK. 1 herd sum ladles ti'UIng on a hotel randy today. ed Ma to I'a & the way thay wa boast-lng about the number ot servants thay had, I figured that thay must all be married to mllyunare. On ted that ahe Cuident porslbly git along without fifteen servints, t.evkaus thay had two children & ;ier hesbaud A her self. Shu sed she dldnt underetnd how the common peepul lived, with no ser vant or one at the most. Deer me, sed Pa, what a Intelligent lady she must be. 1 suppose she wa willing to admit that she wasent com mon herself. Indeed, eed Ma, sho sed a lot of things Household Hints ,showeia aie oittn heavy In the sum mer. A heavy coat become a nuisance to carry about. If you have a thin fa vorite cloak you would ' like to make show er-pi oof, here 1 the method: Dissolve four ounce of alum in one gal lon of rain water and four ounce of sugar of lead separately In another gallan. Theu mix, dip the material Into thla, well work It about, dry In the air, wash In cold water, dry finally, and there yeu are. Twe dippings and two drying will make It waterproof. To clean tennis balls take a cake of pipeclay and dissolve It In Just aa much water aa It will absorb. When dissolved, stir It well, and add half a tallow candle, meltod. Mis all together and allow to wile. I was in the party that I felt like ccjoI. then remove all dust from the tennl dis-putlng, but on yecond thought, sed J balls by brushing them with a atlff brush. Ma, It dident actm worth while I dldrntjTake a lump of the pipeclay mixture and l.eve and llaty. Dear Miss Valrfax: I am id years of aao and am enguged to a man of 40 years, who Is very wsll off and Is capable of giving me a good home. I became en talk any to her at all. That Ie the beat way to leel with a einpty-hedtlod person 'ike her,' sad fa. She might have found out that you were one of trie common peepul, with only ape servant. Here's to the common peepul, aed Pa, the peepul that do things, the peepul worth while. Tho men whose nalms will llv in history, sed I'a, dident have many servants ua a rule. I newer read win re. Hill tihakeapeere mennhuned much about hla servants & I alnt eeveu sure that thay kep a cook, & Mister Bockrateus, that wise old Oreek Ulnk, ate hla wife's cooking at had to say that he liked It, beekau I wa a fllnso fer A she was a champrcn al bawling him out. St Abraham l.inKun. If f roe member rite, sed fa, newer hud much trubbel hiring butler & footmen. Oh, I suppoae welthy peepul ha a rile to have all the servants thsy want, sed Ma. It stems kind of i;aterul tu them to be waited on. I doant know ubjut that, eclher, said fa. 1 was reeding vaniihliu the other ; day about Henry Ford, the grate Dee- trult rritlyunalre. In a Interview he told the rlter that since iie had brcrutn so welthy he lived tha ilm a.J wen he was poor. He sed that the only dlffarns was that thay had tried havirg a cook laltly, but he cuddent find one that rud rook tike h wife. & he sed that the f rends he had twenty yeers ago wi s the salm I trends that he had today. Thar is what j I rail a reel Man, aed I'a. t Dul I have often thojj'it that 11 I had t a lot ot mitnny 1 w ud I ke to be piomln-! cnt in aocioty. That i a very niUial frmlaln wish. dlesolve It In cold water to the consistency of cream. Apply-to the tennl ball with a sponge. Jars and plcklo bottle that smell of onions way be made quite sweet If filled with garden mould and left standing out of door for two or three day. When thoroughly washed they will be found quite sweet, and may be usej for Jam or any other purpose. To remove a splinter nearly fill a bottle ot water Just off the bolL Pre the linger hurt by the splinter tightly ever the neck of the bottle and hold it In posi tion tor threo or four minute. The steam will cause the splinter to come out and relieve the pain. Hard-boiled eggs should be plunged into cjld water a soon a they are removed from the saucepan. This prevent a dark ting from appealing round the yolk. To revive withered flowers plunge the sialics In boiling waaer and leave them In It till It becomes cold. Then cut about one Inch from the ends of the stalk. gsged to him to please my parents, think-ed I'a, but It Is nn that I newer wud ing it my nuiy to no mat because they r dependent on me, and he will also take care of them. I do not ktius- a hat to do my duty to ward my parents, who sacrificed a good deal for men or marry the man I oe l:. B. No true woman has a right to marry without love. You owe as, much to the children you may bring Into the world as to your parents themselves. I am sure that they would not want you to many one wan when you loved another, for I such things are scandals, divorces and life' greatest tragedies made. Talk this over with your mother and father. Yoer Kla ace's tails. Dear Miss Fairfax: I live in a flat with my sister and we are both working. I am engaged to be married and the young mail calls every evening. My sister goes to a sea lug club onc a m eek and tells me It is not pioper to receive the young man while ahe is out. ALICE H. It la quite proper for your fiance to call wild her your sister Is at home or not at home. gratify for you If I made a mllyun to morrow. .o society for me, sed I'a, excep the society of a few reel frends that we have had for yeers tt that have showed thay are true blue. If 1 had ten mllyun. sed I'u, you wud newer aee me around afternoon In a frock coat a two gallon hat. My bed alnt bill rue for one, he. sej to Ma. I like good clothes, sed fa, bu'. I have always bad a kind of f ling that a man that change hla cloth's eight time a day ought to change old mind i- go back to the plain business ut ot his fore fathers. But we ought to give Bobble a chanat to nilngel with society, sed Ma Maybe then he rud marry a rich furl and have everything hla hart deeslrei If I see any noshuus like that sprout ing out In ilobble, sed fa, wen he la big enuft to stand up spar, I am going to Jab them noahun out of him in five mlunit eV. 1 guess fa wud. RESINOL CURED ECZEMA III ITS WORST FORM I'eb. U5, lili. "I had ecxema In the worst form all over my face. It started with a rash Ilka hives, and Itched an! burned so that I could net keep tuy hands off of it. I could hardly sleep. The more I rubbed tt the. worse Ic ' Itched, ar.d the niore it spread, mis ters formed and when opened hu.4 pun In them. ( looked terrible. 1 would1 not let myself be seen. Till lasted for about three months, and during that time I had tried prescriptions, cold creams, camphors, etc Hut it "till kept getting worse, until at last I tried Resinol Ointment and Iteslnol Soap. THE KIRHT A f PLICATION HEL1EVK1 TUB 1TCHINU AND BURNING. I purchased a Jar of Resinol Ointment and a cake of Resinol Soap, and by tb time they were gone my fao waa en tirely well my skin la aa -amooth an 4 clear a ever." (Signed) Mra. Pheee Cole. lo N. Walnut Ht., Wet Bay City, Mich. Resinol Ointment and Reainol Eoap at e sold by all druggist. Trial free, write to Dept. --R, Resinol, Baltimore. I