10 nil-J liKK: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1914. BRIEF CITY NEWS By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, August 12, 1914. I ALMOST snsppct thst a meHsj-rnrr-r boy ha boen reading tbe society rare. Not long ago we had a little story about the pair of kanga roos from Australia, which are to arrive In San Francisco th latter . part of August to Join the roo adjoining the Gould Diets home. One day last week a small niessonRer lad arrived breathless at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Diets and Insisted on giving the mesnage to Mrn. Diets In person. After Mrs. Diets had signed for the envelope th small boy said, "I read In tbe papers about thoso animal, you had out here, and when I found out that 1 was to bring that mesHage here I hooked a ride from tbe utreet car and ran the rent of the way so I would have five min ute to see them." The small boy was then introduced to the parrots, the monkeys and the llamas, and even to the Angora cats and the Boston terriers. "Can I come back when the kangaroos got here?" he anked, and went away as delighted aa though he had been to a circus. Tot tot T. 9. Croat a for sheriff My. Tkosaas W. Blackbnra for Conjrrsss. Advertisement. oot rriot It -Now rtearnn frees. Ufa Mosthly Income Onulrt, flee BUI. IMdeUty Rtorar aa4 Taa Co. Song. 1614. Llg-htUif IMstarss Hurtress-Grsnden (company. had with her at J. C. Uittlnarr. At Carter Lake Club. Mr. A. F. Floom ent.-rtaind at luncn on at Carter iMkt club Tuesday. Cov r ere laid for: Meedaincs Mcsflamcs James Trimble. If. llcselln. A. Lancaotrr, .1. R. Ww"'. William TolUiS. M. Jacnhsen. W. U Vrt.T3, C. O. Waaner, J. K. Petard, A. F. Hloom. J. F. Wom. airs. J. A. JWera luncheon Mesdamoa Hejrwood aad Babaon. Mr. Hoy Beolt entertained In honor f her aunt. Mra. Vlerllnrf. Covara wera laid for twelva guests. Among thorn entertaining at dinner at In club laat eveninx w'era Vt 1. V.. Flckes, who had four giiuits; Edward U fcrhkxht, two; WI11ia.it Tlatner. elehf, 1.. B. Johnson, eight; Mias leWolr, eleven; Miss E. U Wood, flvo, W. J. Keating, seven; T. J. Brunnei, four; Gmrca.K. Thompson, ten; J. P. Klisel. four; A. K. Klopp, two; Clarence Snyder, three; V. O. Beat, throe; John beverl.lga. two; Ray Beeelln. six; C. I. Jaycox, threa. Seymour Lake Country Club. Mr. and Mra. Cleorsa H. Brewer enter tained at luncheon yesterday, honoring their out-of-town guests. Covers were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Clark, Mr. and Mra. It. A. Weir, Superior. Neb;; Mr. and Mra. leore II. Brewer, Mra. May H. Moore, Maltlmore. Md.; Mra. P. A. Htaden. Belleviie, Neb.; Mlsa Mary K. Uraden, Dea Molnea, la.; Miss Ilelu Clark. Misses Olira and Beatrice Jones enter? talned at a children's putty and luncheon Tuesday. Itainty dolla were favora for the girls while the boy received candy cigars. The plaoe ranis wera In the form of rtddlea, which afforded amusement. Tm gueeta were: Ruth tJtviMy. IVirothy Y. lxnt, Meriyn Phillip. Mssters M f Inn Combs, Misses -Mary Thumaa, Marauerlte L'rlon, UeorKlana Jones. Masters I lion Combs. W. F. Price of Chicago, who la here In the Interest of the Morris Packing com pany, and C. O. By am, local office man ager, we're guests of F. E. Ames at din ner.' Miss Frances Umatura was hostess at a luncheon Tueaday when her gueat wera: Metdames Weadames A. C. Jewell. Llla M. McNeill. it. 8. Urnatum, Miss Lois McNelU, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cheek entertained at dinner Tuesday evening, having with them , Mr and Mrs. Oeorg H. Brewer. Mrs. Mlna Mclntyre, Hartford, 8. D. Mrs.' May B. Moor, Baltimore. Md. Mlsa Helen Uuthrla. Central City. Mrs. 1. D. Clark waa hostess at a din ner party, her guests being Mr. E. M. Royce, Mlsa Royca, Miss Clarke and Mr. Robert Clark. Another luncheon party waa composed t Mra. Oeona Jonea, Mr. Kllineth V, Philllpa anad Mra. Harold M. Anderson. J. M. McCarthy entertained fUa guests at dinner, and I M. Cohn had a party of three. Mr. aand Mrs. C. E. P.rsns bad as their guests Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. James Ureves and Mra Harry Houston. At Fontenelle Park. ' The choir of the Immanuel Deaconess Institution entertained at a plcnlo In Fontenell park Monday evening iii honor of lUv., and Mr. J. J. Undell, who will leave for the mission fMd In China lildwy- Besides the slaters, thos present wet: Mlses- MUsis- Kthel Wallemtetlt of Thyra Bloom. Oakland. Neb.; rtha Neslande, Hvlen v allernladt of I'erlha Klodiiiaii, Oakland. Neb.; Kllen Lindber. Klslu bloom, llilttuo Llndtcr, Swim at Valley. , About lenl,v-n motored to Valley Sunday morning to enjoy a picnic and awlmmlng party. Those in the uarty were: Misses x Misses H !( Lwnnla, I.IIHc Ml he, Mlna Ames. HeUii hwasey, Mugna Hoi n, Mabel Kit hardson. Lu II Nttsche. Meesr. . Messrs. l aul MacRrlde, I .strr Hohlnson, Karl Hrsdsti-dt, Hiram I'rurha, lo n Id I'rucha. liobrrt I'avla. Mr. and .Mrs. Ceoruc lavls, Mr. and Mrs. Flunk Ames. :ir. and Mrs. Wallie Nltsrlie. Mr and Mra. Frank Prurha. ' Mr: and Mrs. lieorge Francis With the Vititori. Mr. and Mra. Frank Rubcl of Minne apolis arrived Monday to speud a few veeks lth Mr. and Mra. Charlea 1-lgut-ler. Mr. William Dulcher of St Iouta. Mo., U vUitftig his uncle, lr. E. U Alexander, and cousins, Missra Helen and Marjorte .'ilexsndi-i'. sjursta of their slstor, Mrs. Morttx Meyer, and Mr. Meyer for several dsys. Mr. G Irani 'iriswold Is enjoylnn a trip to Alsxka and recently visited th sea port of Wrangle. He writes that the tiortnrrn country Is most Interesting. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Marlln have gore to Iowa and Illinois to ho Ron until Into hetternbf r. Mr. O. W. Ixtomls leaves today to Join his family st their cottsge on thn Thous snd Islsnd. They Mill be gone until some timu In Srptomber. Informal Card Tarty. Mr. and Mra. F. 15. Tclier entertained Informally at cards Tuesduy evening for Miss Lillian Green of Minneapolis, form erly of Omaha. About thlrty-flva guests wsre present. McKinler Auxiliary Meets. The McKlnley auxiliary of th B'nal B'rlth will meet Thursdsy evening st the club rooms, Metropolitan hall. Fashion Hint 'if f ) Br LA. HAIOMTKIDK. Afternoon dress of Navy Blue Satin Th boluro jackot la sleeveless. The col lar Is In whit sher linen. The long sleeves of net am finished at the wrists with ruffle of same material. The long tunic Is fastened down the front with small buttons. General Manager Ware of the Union Pacific Marries Charles H. War, general manager of the I'nlon Pacific, surprised his friend by being quietly 1 married Tuesday night to Mlsa Nell Nesbltt of thla city. Tha ceremony was performed at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Anson In Dundee, Kv. O. K. Fisher of the Dundee PreHbytertan church officiating. I lraak A. Xsancdy, republic sn candi date for stale senator, twenty-eight years In OinsliH. Advertisement. Xfovla S, Hopkins, republican candidate for county clerk, nsks : our support at the polls, Anson! 1-Advertisement. Pldswalk Ordrd "lt r conimlslon ers have ordered sidewalk along the Deer Park boulevard. Mayor Dahlmaa Bark Mayor James C Dahlman Is back at his rierk after renting two weeks st his inttsge at Heymour lake,. Mia BTlggtaa Oos to Bsamark Miss Pansy HlKglns, who nn a siholarshlp In thn DanHh National Danrina: academy, stilled Tuesday evening on thi Nor wegian liner Chrlxtlanla FJrd. Tot for W. B. Komaa, republican can didate for register of deeds. Thirty years a resident and taxpayer of Dnuglaa county. Member Omaha t'orunerclal club and Resl Estste exchsntre. Advertise ment. Mstoalf to Talk oa Fanama Richard li. Metcalfe, ex-govenor of the Panama Canal tone, will addrena a meeting of the II unworn Park Improvement club at Windsor school. Thirty-fourth and Mar tha Streets, this evening. Jeff W. Bedford for state senate. Adr. "Tod ay' a Complete Mot rrogram" may be found on 'the first page of the classified section todiv. and appears In The Bee F.XrTMtHIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Political Mastlag otponed Th po litical meeting of the Pastmio Athletic club, which was to hav nee.i held Thurs day evening at Twenty fourth street and Willis avenuo, has been postponed Until Friday evening at the samo place. nilaots Msa Bobbed Two men, whoso Identity is not known by tho police, knocked down ami robbed I'd from J. M. William of Cairo, III., about 10:30 o'clock Tuesdsy night at Twelfth and Douglss streets.. Williams Is suffering from a bad cut over his left eye. D sisal s Bankrupt Although Hating their liabilities at t5,2no and their assets at a larger um-$S,-J. A. Dalsell A Son, a partnership consisting of James A. Dslxell and J. Chester Dalsell. haa filed a voluntary petition In t'nlted States dis trict court to be declared bankrupt. It la understood thst soma of the aasets are net easily convertible and would not cover the liabilities if sold at forced sale. Zwla Xlg for Bobbery A negro boy giving his name aa Kid Dewis, waa ar rested Tuosday afteriicm and charged with attempted robbery by Mra. Ellon Grady, 1713 Clark utrcel, whose home he entered. Mrs. Grady asserts the negro entered the back door while she waa in th front part of the house. Shu at first took the boy for hor son, but discov ered her mlstske and when she shouted, at him to net out hi rn. Several peo ple gave chase and the lad waa caught by Elmer Nichola, 1815 North Eighteenth street. Lewis was carrying a revolver when apprehended. Pioneers to Hold Big Celebration Here in the Fall A temporary museum is to be estab lished In the pioneers' room of the court house of Douglas county this fall during th days when the Nebraska Territorial Pioneers are In session here. The dates ar September ) tT October I Relic of pioneer day and of the Indian fights will be brought here " from alt parte of tho state and will be temiiorarlly placed oa exhibit In this museum. MRS. M'CLANAHAN. ONCE OF OMAHA. DIES AT CHICAGO Salvation Army Finds Case of Especial Need A case calling for especial recognition on the part of persons chsritably Inclined hss been brought to th notice of Salva tion Army Adjutant M O. Jamrs. A woman of about SO. with three children, has been deserted by her husband. Tha oldest boy Is employed In a Jewelry es tablishment and his earninga of II a week are the only means the family has. Th mother is III .a physician having recom mended an operation, and she haa been In thla country only a few months. Gro ceries and fuel for her ar especially re quested by the adjutant, who will furnish full particulars of tho case to those who desire. Dr. 11. M. McClanahan received word Tuesday of tho death In Chicago of Mra A. A. McClanahan, wife of hia brother. Th doctor was unable to leave In time to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mctlanahan formerly ressled In Oruaha, in tlie north part of the city. They wre for year members of old Knox Presbyterian church, which, with old Second church, combined to form what ts now North church. Twenty fourth and Wirt stro-ts. They still have many friends In thla city. Mr. McClan ahan waa once associated In buslnaas with George F. Ullmoi of Omaha. He ts an attorney and after going to Chicago waa for some years attorney for th Con tinental National bank. Bealdea Mr. McClanahan, six children survive Mrs. McClanahan. Kldaey l.lver Triable qulikly relieved by Electric Bitters. Best remedy for lndlaatIon. dyspepsia, heart burn and moat kidney troubles, it and fl. All diugg 1st. Advertisement. Army Notes Captain l M. Nutnisn wilt arrive In Ftirt Crook tomorrow oa his way to Fort 1-taveijwort h. wher he la detailed In the wsr school there. The captain haa beta at the front at Vra Crus. Major Joha Hngleton witter is now in Galveston In th Fort Crocket ho, pit el. II I expected at Fort Crook shortly oa sick leav. ladies Aid Society. Hie Ladles' Aid society of the Grace I nlted . Evangelical church, Twenty evetith and Camden a r rets, will five n Ice cream aoclat on the church lawn Thursday veiling. Th proceed ar for the benefit of th church. In and Out of the Bee Hire. ins. Alexander PoUxk returned riunday fioin a star of several months with re latives In Havana, Cuba, and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hlmnn Flslier of Lexlna- tm. iii., will arrive Thursday to b tbe j CUNARD LINE STEAMERS RESUME REGULAR SCHEDULE Information Jut received by the local offices of the Cunard line of steamer Is to th effect that sailings will be resumed from New Toik. 1 tost mi an.i Unniw.i I ports. A schedule until October haa been ...Bu, vui vj iiic iviiipaii)- ior in varioua boats. (lasj IV ftew MwTlri T If you want to know m advanc whal pictures ar going to b shown at your favorite theater tonight read "Today's Complet Movl Program" on th first want ad page. Complet program o! practically every moving ptctur theatet In. Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELY la Th Be. Everybody Heads Bee Want Ada. POLICE SEEK Y0UNQ FOLKS FROM RQCKPORT. MISSOURI Fred Vance. IT year, and Myrtle Scott. 14 yeara, of Rockport, Mo., supposed to be In Omaha for the purpose of getting married, will be taktu in custody It thsy appear at th marriage license bureau at th court house, in acoordanoa with instructions received from Sheriff Reya old of Rockport. The polk- are looking for the couple. With them. It la said, are Mr. and Mra. Charles Fisher, and. according to Sheriff Reynolds, "kidnaping charge may he In volved in tha caae. Polic Information is .to tin effect thst all four arrived In Omaha early this morning. ' You Cannot Arbitrate n n the question of a Sick Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, I ml i Rest ion or Constipation. It is a far better plan to help-Nature restore these organs to a healthy condition with the aid of e.OSTETTER'G STOfVlACH DITTERS TKV A liOTTLE TOIMV. KKKI KK hi I1STITI TKt WHEAT OFF NEARLY 2 CENTS Omaha Cash Market Shows Effect of the Bearish Depression RECEIPTS HERE ARE LIGHT Oalr For t-Three Car f Wheat, Tblry-f:iabt nf torn aad Twenty of Oata Arrive for l.oeal Disposal. With wheat off nearly 2 rents from Tuesdsy and the Omaha csh market ranging from W to W cents er bushel, receipts were the lightest In several dss. On 'tha tnsrket there si ere but forty three cars of whest, thirty-eight of corn and twenty of oats. Omaha followed Chicago and there was a decided dr.p from Tuesday's close. However, everything offered was qirlckly sold for December snd May delivery. Report to the Onmha Grain exchange Indicated that rrxeipts there were light and the .opinion was expressed tlsat thla was due to concerted action upon the part of the farmers, most of whom seemed to be holding their whest. The quotations received In Omsha In dicated that the Chicago market waa list less snd slow with hash prices and the options off better than 2 ' cents from Tuesdsy. Mar Options Narrow. On the Chicago market, according to the quotation received In Omaha, Sep tember wheat opened at 93, going up to with K cents the low for tho day. December was more artlve, starting off at M's and reaching IM. with the low for the day. The range In the May option was the narrowest of all, opening at $1 .K'4, selling up to $1.07 and down as low as $1.0f.'4. The fluctuation In the corn options were a little more than In wheat, but nothing so great aa during the first two days of the present week. There was a good de mand for cash corn, there being several buyers 'on hand from points In Missouri. They were tsking the corn for shipment to their home towns to be sold for feed ing purposes. Frcnzer Made Head of U, P. Telegraph FtsrtliiK his business career as a mes senger hoy with the Western Union Tele graph compuny, Peter Frenier ia now sunerlntendent of telecrsph of the t'nlon Taciflc railroad system, surceedlng J. B. Sheldon, deressed. At odd times while a messenger with the Western I'nlon, Mr. Frenier learned telegraphy. Then he wss given a key In the main office here, and twenty-four years ago went to the Fnion Pacific as one of the opcratora at headquarters. Six yeara ago he was appointed manager of tho company's office and now goes to th head of the telegraph system of the road. As msnager he Is succeeded by Homer E. Race of the Omaha office. Mr. Frenier haa lived In Omaha all his llf nd Is acknowledged to be one of the most expert operators m the country. CLIFTON SEARLE HURT IN MOTORCYCLE-AUTO MIXUP Clifton Bearle, 1'2u Park avenue, em ployed as a trouble man at the electric j sub-station. Forty-eighth and Leaven worth, was seriously injured in a collision with an automobile while riding a motor cycle near Thirty-fifth and Leavenworth. Tho automobile, belonging to the Bhsr plea Separator company, and driven by Manager C. M. Burdette, waa going south on Thirty-fifth, and Searle was riding west on Leavenworth. Tho Injured man waa taken to Wise Memorial hospital,, where he waa given medical attention. He is In a precarious condition. -t, 36e ANDEItpiLT 35of ef QJhrrufJburiTi Oireei cast axautm wwnuejua iont "TVALTON H.MABjSHAIX,Mansjr. An Heal Hotel with an Ideal Situation. Summer laies- 1 111 ""W .. f , . iisamsis'i i-ft iiasnsiniM, ' f- $5.00 Saved and 10 Months to Pay ' rsr $5.00 off the price of Cabinet Gas Ranges until the end of this month. Price now . . . $24.00 Former price . $29.00 See display at our store or send for a representative. Omaha Gas Company 1509 Howard Street -JJ 11 vv i W Fo r Everybody From Every Point of View It is sound housekeeping judgment to use TTTTXT EVAPOHAT ED N Sterilize! Uruwectened It it economical It is convenient- It is sanitary -It is rich It is economical because you can use every drop and have every drop carry proper food value. It keeps sweet for days after opening. It is convenient because you can always have a fresh supply on hand ready for any emergency. You can use it for every purpose for which you have been using bottle milk. ' It is unitary because it's perfectly sterilized with no danger of con uminition as in the bottling, handling and delivering of bottle milk. It is rich because it is the richest milk from the best dairying regions with only most of the water taken our and with nothing added. Cottage Milk never varies from its rich creamy quality. Cottage Milk is delivered direct from our Condenseries to your grocer, so it reaches you always fresh. At all good dealer In two sixes, S and Or I'lkone I 'I'LL UN BJtOKKKAUK CO. DoafUa 4413 818 Braadal Thaatr Bldf., pwiai, STXB. AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, CHICAGO 1 1 li r.-;7?r:UAOu: nmKz j satifmr- - --imis i mnriii" - i " t Send for Our BOYS' FALL CLOTHING Catalog. Fall Catalog of RUGS Free to Out-of-Town-Customers Tremendous Dross Skirt Bargains for Thursday 1,000 Handsome New Dress Skirts. A big special purchase made by our bnyer who Las just returned from New York, divided into THREE BIG LOTS DRE8S SKIRTS Made to eell up to $4.00, In serges, tweeds and a plen-fl OfY did line of wash materials, atJ 1 vIV PRESS SKIRTS Made to sell at M,00 to 5.00; plain sentes and tweeds, ajso the choicest fancy weaves and J 0 colorings: sale price V J 7f i PRESS SKIRTS Made to sell from $5.00 to $7.50; handsome silk skirts in most wanted weaves and colorings, both plain and fancy new styles; sale QC price Thursday J)XIsJ The most remarkable lot of Dress Skirt values ever offered. II V 1L1 I I! I 'J wmrrr -?r I I J HI I I 1 li Titfinirri criTsi inn nf thom all hIzph U M illUVIIl ' S ' SJ A V V wa for women and misses that sold up to $45. 0T), at... $10.00 Housekeeping LIHEHS 72-inch Belfast Satin Pamask, strictly pure flax, $1.39 qual ity, yard 81.00 5 4x5 4-inch Exclusive Quilted Table Pads, ready -f or use $1.85 values, each. . . 81.00 72x90-inch unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, all pure linen, $5.00 values, each ...S2.00 2 2.t2 2-Inch Dinner Napkins, as- ' sorted designs, dew bleached, regular $5.00 values, at, six tor 81.50 Wash and White Goods All white goods must go all fancies at greatly reduced prices. 100 pieces of fancy White Goods, all kinds that sold from 59c to $1.00, yard 48 60 pieces of 'White Fancies that sold up to 59c, at 35 75 pieces Fancies that sold up to 60c, at 25t Wash Goods Goods that sold at 11.50. SI .25 and $1.00, at TSo, 69o aad S9o Ooodki that sold at TSc, ft9c and 69c. - at 48 o, 43o and 380 Ooods that sold at R0 40o and 20e, at. 35o, 890 and 190 Extra Specials-Popular Domestic Room REAPY MADE SHEETS 72x90, 39c grade... 28 72x90 59c grade 46 81x90, worth 69c .45 81x90, worth 85c GG ItedKpreadM Unusual Value $1.00 values 5f $2.60 values 81.68 Great underprlcings on Ready made Sheets, Pillow Slips, Tow els, etc. Do not miss Thurs day's specials. Our new stock of Blankets and Comfortables now on sale. Blankets 50c to $25.00. Comfortables 50c to $15.00. Final Clearance Sale Summer Millinery Our Entire Stock of , TRIMMED SUMMER HATS Divided Into Two Lots Thursday. Trimmed Hats Made to sell at $5 up; your choice $1 Trimmed Hats Made to sell up to $5; your choice 50c Your choice of all the Untrlmmed Summer Shapes 19 Panamas not Included in this sale. By Trading at Hayden's for Groceries, Meats and Vegetables You Save from 25 to 50 on the Cost of Living. S lbs. Choir Jspan Rice BSo 4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c quality, for . 85o 10 lbs. best Rolled Breakfast Oat meal 30O 5 lbs. best White or Tellow Corn mral 190 48-lb. sacks best High Urade Dia mond O, lenox or Laundry Quen White Laundry Soap 35o Drape-Nuts, pks; ,10o Corn FlaUes, pks- So The best Soda Crackers, lb 7Vio Beverly Cookies, a resrular lSc seller. lb ...loo 4 cans Oil Sardines SSo 32-ounce Jars pure Fruit Preserves for 85o Ilvershey'a Breakfast Cocoa., lb. SOo The best Domestic Maccaronl, Vermi celli or Spaghetti pks; 7o Mclaren's Veanut Butter. lb....laVo frolden Santo Poffpe. lb.. aaUo CIUOID AJtKAVBaS ELBEBTA TKESTOsr FEaCIBS These are packed In bushel bas kets. Extra fancy fruit One bushel li eriual to three crates. Thursday, par basket 99.00 CaUfornla Slabrta Freestone Fsachts ThnrHday, per crate 86c ' California Bsrtlett laara Thursdv, per crate $3.33 BOTTEB, CKEESB AKD EOO AXE 16 lbs. New Potatoes for SOo S bunches fresh Meets and Carrots 6c bunches fresh Onlona for 6o Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb So A SNAP IN BAKTLKTT PEARS A carload of Extra Fancy Washington Bartlett Pears for Thursday shipped to us to sell for the grower; packed in bushel boxes, $2.10 Dx. vSs-TRY- HAYDEN'S FIRST,,, kirn. 1: ' 'l VJhoro to Go In Summor Tho Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast Region has innumerable attractions to offer th vacationist. Lot? Fares How In Effect via th Chicago and North Western Ry. to Chicago and choice of routes therefrom to all important points east. Round Trip front Omaha Detroit. Mich. Doston. Mass. New York. N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Toronto, Ont, Montreal, Oue. Atlantic City, N.J. Portland, Me. Duffalo, N. Y. $42.10 to 43.50 to 33.50 to 31.10 to 38.50 to 43.60 tQ 43.83 to 33.60 to $27.60 46.50 46.50 33.50 33.50 40.35 46.00 47.83 33.50 sfWSMs Tickets oa sal dsfly from June 1st to Ssptsmbs 90th Return hxnh 60 days, not to sscesd October list, 1914 Favorable stopovac pdrllsgea. UoaQaJw) Tri to Chicago and direct OODnsctJons wsta iaat trsioa 00 all hnes oaat. F0, pvtkulan all an Chicago and North Western Railway 1401 1403 Faraaai 8trti, Omaaa, Msa, CI 1 , ... .. it. i-r -,