Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1914, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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5 .
"i ' '
i I 5
1 '
The Store for Shirtwaists
Many special values on our coun
ters ' that should close out every
waist on account of the great reduc
tion in price:
$3.75 and $3.00 White Wash Waists, now S2. 1 0
$6.50 and $7.25 Linen and George. Crepe Waists now $3.95
$3.75 and $10.50 White Wash Waists now $4.25
$5.95 and $4.25 White Wash Waists-now $2.95
$17.50 and $13.50 White Wash Waists now S9.25
$8.50 Crepe de Chine Waists now ,. .$5.25
$5.95 Crepe de Chine Waists now $4.25
Wednesday's Items From
Our August Linen Sale
All Our $150 iiound Scalloped Table Cloths Wednesday
: .. $2.00 each
All $2.75 Center Pieces $1.38 each
All $3.50 Center Pieces $1.75 each
All $6.75 Lunch Cloths . .$3.38 each
All $3.C0 Lunch Cloths $3.00 each
All 55.C0 Lunch Cloths , . . .$2.50 each
National Foreign Trades Council
Consider Congestion.
A4opt Rraolfitlona Irila Prompt
rtuaic b- (mrrn of Rill
Aark Rffppt.
NEW .YORK, Auk. li.-Th National
IToralRn TnwJa tt'unrll hcia m pclal
maftlnB hr today to taka inraaurra for
tt'a relief cx ,lh concretion ' of ' forclifii
eommrct 'dui to tha Kuroa.n war.
Jainea A. . Karroll. pnaldrnt of ' the
Unllad Rtataa ftl corporal loiv and chair
man of tha counrll. opnnnd the nwUnt
with a atalcinnt,of ' th aviiouanpu of
tha altuation and with a pl'a for practical
action rathtr than dtacuimtnn.
Mr. FarrH aald tha flrxt mctaatty waa
to alart eiporta moving . - '.''.
H waa uwrffd that th council, which
conalata ' of tlili ty-flva national ipr
aentatlvf manufar turr-rrt, baiikcra, mcr
rhants, railroad ud atramahip rrwn, col
l!tlvly Maiidlnff tor th itcnrral Inter
cut of all elementa emrasrd In or affected
by foreign trad should work for national
unttjr of action In aMtlnif American ex
port and Import trndo frea from tha
pral)ei of tranaportatlnn.
Deciaton of C'aaacll. ,
Tha council rtn-ldcd to maintain rinlly
touch wllh'all Itg tnetnhera In all, part
of tha United Htatra and with tha numer.
oua commercial urd Indualiiat oi-Kanlaa-tlona
whlh have te!c(raphed to It for In
formation' rpardlji ahlpiilna. ". lt objoct
la to co-operate with every effective
axviicy for the extcnxlon of "American
commerce'. " ' ' ' 1 ' '
Atthourh' tha tneednn .n . railed., at
fclmrt notice, niembera came from every
)rt of the I'nlUid Rate. Jamea J. lllll
I'romptly left ft Paul to attend tha reu
nion, while C'aplaln Robert Iollar. the
Kranclco exporter, tvlcgntplttd to
itr. Karrrll that ha aa lea vine Fan
Kranclaco In Join a commute of the
council which will attend the conference
of ahlpptny and banking; Intereata called
y Secretary McAdoo to moet In Waah-
infton on Trlday.
Reaalatloaa Adapted.
A commute waa apiHiinteU to recum
mend action to the council. Thla com
1,1 It tee cubmltted reeolutlona, which were
adopted, urKlng the prompt paaaat of
the bill now pendlnt tn rongreita which
Mould provide Immediate meana to In-ci-eaea
tha American merchant marina
and recommending that the government
at once provide war rltt Insurance at
leacnmtble rate on both the bulla and
varaoea of American veaeela engaged in
wereea trade.
In order to apeed the accompllnhtnent
t tha propoeed relief meaaurea the reao
Ijtloua were Immediately transmitted to
I'reaident Wl'aon. Hecretary Hr'an, Sec re
Wry of tha Treasury McAdoo. e'wretary
of C'ommerca lieUfWU, b.-iulor Jamea A.
O Gorman, chairman of the annate tnter
o enlc canala committee, which haa the
landing rhipping reglatry bill In charge,
ajid to rongreaalonal party leadera.
Mr. Hill, Mr. Terrell and other
btroncly expressed tha opinion that even
with upwards of M) forelgn-bullt ahipu
teady to come under the American fUg.
In cane the bill paasea. the present rates
of Insurance wr ao high that tha move
nnt of commerce would still be retarded.
For this reason the recommendation for
government Insurance was adopted. th
council endorsing the principle and not
trgtng any particular method. Tha gen
rl sentiment waa that witn the anlp.
ping registry bill enacted and tha Inajr.
ante question placed upon a reasonable
ln!. the equilibrium of exchange would
oon be restored an an incident of re
l;eweS movement to exports and Imports.
CamatiMtee Apaolateal.
A committee, to be headed by Mr. Far
tell, was appointed to represent the coun
rll in WhMiIdkIuo at Hi conference on
Kr day.
In order that action truly representing
the interests of all nectlons of tho coun
try ir.ay ba taken as necessity arises,
commute of five waa appointed to main
tain corunuaiioatloa with -all member of
the throughout the country and
to meet daily In New York, to take auch
further action as neteaslty require. Thla
committee cor.sint of Mr. Karrell, John
J'. ISyan, president of the Amalgamated
t oo(r compny; A. 8. KrankUn. vioe
l.reoitieiit of th InUri.stlynal Mercantile
iiiurli.e; K. A. f. CUrke. preidTii of the
l i kana Kteel coinany. and
Th(ins. preelder.t of tlie I'r.ited Mate,
iu-cl iTodaits company, all of New Yolk.
(C'ontlntiPd from Page One.)
The bark paaml near enough to make
the name clearly legible. .
Twisted lao Knot.
Holts and fltlinga were not only torn
from their seats, but In one Instance the
brans runner on a slldlna done had neen
twisted Into a tangled knot. An Iron re
inforcement two Inches wide by one
quarter of an Inch thick had been mapped
In two. , .
Portions of the woodwork were anllnt.
ered Into matchwood and th general ef
fect of tho damagn done waa totally dis
similar to what would hava been the
work or even the hantlcni and roughest
One door panel bdre the appearance of
having been' pierced by a shell o tome
oth-r fragment of flying metal. ' ' f -.'
Ufcsavlng guard statluned -near e(tire
Ih Wreckage wa found aaJd theylurd
firing last Prldafar out at sea but oald
no attention to It at tha time. - ;; "
M5W Y'ORK. Aug. ll.J-Tha Hritl.h
cruiser Puff oik ateamed Jnto tha entrance
to New York harbor and to within a mile
and a half of tne hi. this morning, clear-
ing the way for a safe passage for the
Mrlllsh tramp steamer. New York fltv
from Madeira. .Aboard the New York
City were Important dispatches for the
Hrltlsh consul here, placed there bv of.
fleers of the Suffolk an hour bofore.
The Muffolk'a officers told officers "of
the New York City that they had cap
tured a German oil tank steamer two
days kgo; also that the Suffolk had
sighted a supposedly Herman cruiser with
a consort recently and Jmd.jflvcj chase to
the vessels, but tnat they had eluded It.
The tank steamer chttured by the Huf
folk waa taken, offlcera of the New York
City said, either to Hslirex or llermuda,
they did not learn which. It was considered
probabui that the vraae. waa taken to
Bermuda. Yesterday It waa reported that
a Brltlah crulaer was taking a German
veaael as a war prla to Bermuda.
Th name of thla vessel waa given as
the Kron rrlna Wllhelm, one of tha big
transatlantic steamers of th North Ser
man IJnyd line. Jn view of the story told
by officers of the New Tork City. It waa
thought today that thla waa Incorrect and
that the prise .waa tha Oerman tank
Blx Vessels reached New York? The
Kroonland (American) with IT cabin Pea
sengera from Antwerp; the ledrlo (Brit
ish), which laid up at Halifax fearing
capture on Its way her from Liverpool;
me r-atna (trench) from Falermoi the
Ward liner Havana (American) from
Havana,, and the America inJin
the Calarmes. All except tho Cedrto made
the Voyage without unusual Incident.
The 1'oU.lttiii of the Holland-American
line, laden with American tourists, return.
ing irom Jioulogne. is renorted one rfnv
overdue. It Is bllevd the delay may b
uu f,o It.
German Reservists
Drilling in Chicago
CHICAGO. Aug. ll.-Keporta that tier
man roaentata are drilling In tho auburb
of Klmhurst were Investigated today by
federal authorltlea. Kuch action would be
In violation of tha Vnlted Utatea neu
trality declaration.
Keventy-flve German reservists were
given lodging at the Klmhurst Evan
gelical college, when arriving here from
var.'ous sections of the country expect
ing to be sent t Germany, but It waa
found impoetibl to transport them.
The rvaervlsta were yesterday warned
against drilling by Kurt von Relswltx.
German consul at Chicago, but according
to Information received at tha office of
th I nlted mates district attorney today
the warning had been disregarded.
- 1
WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-(dpeclal Tele
gram. Charlea Kelchum, aecri-tary to
Coigr man Greco of the Ninth Iowa
dlatrti-t, has been clioaen af cretary of the
the Board of Trade of Washington, Pa ,
In tompetltloi! iu, m nu,ber of candl-
daUa. The committee apoplntod to
select tho secretary anuounoed that they
wanted a western man and In view of the
splendid allowing, selected Mr. Ketchurn
Lverybody Beads Bee Want Ads.
above was prepared by an army officer connected with ths
over which the German, Belgian and French troops' are now
Kaiser'a forces in their planned invasion of France.
pi : ,..;v
Information Bureau Established by
Government Issues Its First
Official Resort "ays Oerataaa Ioa
Great 31 a taker Before I.leg
bat Show tlreateat
IX)NDON, Atif. 11. (8:10 a. ra.)
Th Dally Mali's advices from
Basel, Switzerland, are that the Swing
and German troops are close to the
frontier and within a few yards of
each other near Basel. The Germans
hare built barricades across the
roads leading; across the frontier.
The Swiss artny la massed mainly on
the Trench frontier, but considerable
bodies of troops are being sent to
Tlclno to ruard the Italian frontier.
LONDON, Aug. 11.-1J:I0 P. ra.)-The
new Admiralty and "War office Informa
tion bureau established by the British
government began work thla morning. Its
rirst announcement was as follows:'
"About two German cavalry divisions
ara In the neighborhood of Tongres, to
tho north of Llcge. Three German army
corps atlll are opposing Metre and other
German troop ara reported to be en
trenching along the line of the river
A tone.
"The large Oerman force Is -moving
through the duchy of Luxemburg and Its
advance troops ax now at the Belgian
frontier. .
"German cavalry patrols hav been
reported near Marchtonne und Arlon.
Several Individual soldiers belonging to
Oerman patrols hava been captured, both
In France and Belgium. In all caaea they
were reported to be short of food for both
men and horaea and to have mode no re
sist noe. (
British Veaaela Mot Mleatd.
VThe British consul general at Phung
hal. China, reports that no British ves
sels have been pursued or molested. "
"A report' from The Hague, Holland,
states that public nervcusneaa In that
count ly has been allayed since the publi
cation of Great Britain's attitude respect
ing the neutrality of tha Netherlands.
"It la stated that th Germans lost S.eoe
killed before Liege, but this Is uncon
firmed. Meg,. Parts 1114 Oat.
"A report states that th principal
Liege fort are still holding out. although
some of the smaller forts hav bean cap
tured by the Germans. The bombard
ment of the fortifications by th Oer-
mans Is proceeding Without Intermission.
On on occasion a fort apparently had
been allenoed, but. when Oerman Infan
trymen advanced to attack It a hall of
bullets waa poured Into them so suddenly
and effectively that they retired with
heavy loss.
"The Oerman attackers, who are con
stantly being reinforced, displayed great
"It la stated that 130.000 men of th Ger
man army are engaged In the attack of
Lleg. Refugees from that city describe
th conditions aa terrible. Many houses
hava been damaged or burned."
'Tha Austro-Hungarlaa advance from
Cracow tn Auatrlan Oallcla, toward Kle
lo. in Russian Poland, la reported to be
In progress. At th same time th Rua
sian troops are aald to ba advancing from
Rovno up the valley of the river Ptyr
toward Lsmberg, th Uallc.iaa capital.
"The Bulgarian government haa de
manded a credit of l.Qua,A for mobilisa
tion expense In addition to a previous
credit of 130,000,000 for armaments."
Serbs and Austrians
Battle in Arizona
GLOBE, Arix , Aug. 11. Twenty-five
were injured, none fatally. In a pitched
battle between Austrians and hervlana
here early last night. Forty Servians and
twenty Austrians took part In th fight,
using rocks, clubs and their lata.
WASHINGTON. Aug. H.-By a vote of
163 to II the houa today etruok eut of
th railway mull pay bill the Cullop
amendment removing, all aaalatant post
masters, eierks and mploy ta local
postofflcea from civil servke. The bill
was then paased. It revlaea th present
system of computing cotnpenaatloa of
railroad carrying the malt and prescribe
aa examinattou for all preacnt aaiatul
' C. ' i- ' i
- -.. ...
"V. . 7 ' " ' " ''o -r
JV4 i
v Ycu
' v.
(Continued from Page One.)
eludes with the statement that the Work
of fortifying Luxemburg and South Mcti
has been completed by the Germans.
Klerk tiaar la Laxeatbarar.
BRUS8ICLS, Aug. 11. Vla Paris and
London. 11:80 a. in.)-An official atatemeiit
Issued today says that at Houffallse. in
Belgiau Luxemburg, a French putrol at
tacked a iwiuadron of Gennun cavulrv
day, sabred them and took several prison
With the exception of slight enoounters
between reconnollerlng parties quiet pre
vailed today In Belgium. .
' It Was reported that tho Oermun troops
appeared to be reorganising la livnt of
Llcge preparatory to beginning a. fresh
forward movement. Their advance guards
are on the banks of the river Ourthe.
General Joseph Joffre.
niander In chief, today sent, a letter to
tna King of the Bellns. thiuiklnr
majesty for saluting the French army in
recent procluiuatlun.
Voa Bleberatela's Soa ta Killed.
PAR1H, Via Ixjndon. uif. 11 l.liu,.u,it
naron Marschall von Blebersteln, son of
th Baron Marschall von Blebersteln who
was formerly German ambaxsador at
Constantinople, waa killed In a fight near
Gcnavllle In the French department of
Meurlh-Bt-Moalle on August 6.
Belgiau territory. excot Ii.mI rnnr
and to the south of Uege, was repertod
today to have been th OlYlUBrhlv rI.Mul . , r
German troops with the exception of some
L,nins who had lost their way.
Allied Troops re t'heerfal.
BRU8SELS. Via London. Aug. 11 C:25
p. m.) An official statement leaued by
th Belgian War office at 11 :M this
morning sUtes that th Germans have
dispatched four forcos In a weaterly. di
rection front' the north of th River
Mouse. Th detachments. It is aid, did
not appear very strong and it was ex
pected that th allied army would drive
them back.
Born outpost engagements wer re
ported today In which th Germans were
Th feollng among the allied troops is
very cheerful and their equipment is ex
cellent . , . ....
King Albert arrived here during the
night from th general headquarters of
the Belgian army at Louvala to the
northwest of Llcge. His majesty passed
several hours in conference with the
Belgian minister of war. after which a
cabinet council waa held.
It la reported here that all th civilian
hostages held by the Germans in th
town of Lieg hav been released on giv
ing their parole to remain at th dis
posal of the German military authortttea.
One of th spies arrested by th Bel
gians in ' Ostend had In his possession
plans Indicating th halting points of the
German army on the march to Paris. Ac
cording to these Brussels waa to be
reached August S and Lille, France, Au
gust S.
State of Georgia
Pays Tribute to
Noble Daughter
ATLANTA. Ga.. Aug. ll.-8orrowfully,
with bared heads and tear stained faoea,
the people of her native atate today paid
el lent tribute to Mrs. Wood row Wilson
when th train bearing her body croaeed
the state line, on Its wsy to its buriai
place at Home. Ua. In other states th
crowds wer silent and respectful, but In
Georgia the people gathered at every himn
let, village and town, looked grief
A silent, respectful crowd, the largest
that haa gathered at any point between
her and Washington, assembled In this
elty. Th trwtn stopped here twenty mln
sites, alias Alethla & Ax son. Miaa Carrie
Bells Ax son and Randolph Axaon, c-ouxlns
of Mrs. Wilson, Joined the president's
Party here. Absolute quiet reigned In th
station while tho train stood there. The
thousand - who stood outside ths gat
remained bare-headed and silent until th
train left.
LA to body Heads Bee Want Ads.
GERMAN TROOPS-The rough sketch for the map shown
United States forces, who has been all through the territory
fighting. It shows the probable future movements of the
wxakt ..
Engagements Reported at Long-wy,
Longuyon and Birton.
Kurtf-KlT Thoaaaad Are Aboard
Transports and Are All Bet t
Take Merman Foaaeealoaa
In C hina.
LONDON. 41:10 p. m., Aug. Ji.-A di.t
patch from Paris to the Kxchange Tele
graph company says the official an
nouncement waa made toduv that
gagements hud taken place between Ger
man and French troops at Longwy, Just
lnaldo tho French border, at a point wheru
Bolglum. Luxemburg and Oerman Lor.
rulno meet. . .... . v, ., -ri,,
FlahtlnsT Takes Plaee. ,
, LONDON. Aug. ll.-t:lfi p. m,) An
other dispatch to the Exchange TeavHnh
company Paris says it Is announced
oinciuny mat engagements between th
French and Germans hav taken place
long the Frunco-BelKlan frontier ..
longwy and Inguyon, on French terri
tory, and at Virton. on Belgian territory
to the southwest of Arlon. Oerman cav
alry patrols were met also to the north
of Montmedy, on tho Franco-Belgian
Kngland now holds as "prisoners of war
German sullora. taken off ships csp
tured by British war vessels or seised In
British ports.
Japa Heady to tight.
SHANGHAI, China, Aug. ll.-The cap
tain of a Japanese vessel which arrived
here today reported that 45,01)0 Japanese
soldiers had embarked on transports and
were awaiting orders. He ssid he be
lieved their destination waa Tsiug-Tau,
the German possession in China.
A French cruiser was sighted today, ac
companied by two German merchant ves
sels, which It had captured as prises of
Japanese shipping Interests hsve mad
complaints of the disturbance or trade
caused by the operations of fh Oerman
fleet. ' ;'
lUots are reported among Chinese resi
Lejeune and Baird were both safe on a
dents In Hong Kong owing to the high
prices of food and th dangers of famine.
Beveral Australian warships have Joined
th British squadron in east Asiatic
Cholera Breaks Out
Among Servians
NEW YOUK. Aug. ll.-Cable . advices
from Vienna, slating that cholera haa
developed among th Servian and Austrian
troops, has resulted, In precautions being
taken at this port to prevent ths disease
from gaining a foothold In this country.
Ir. Joseph OConnell. hea'th officer of
the port, announced today that special
inspection would be made of passengers
from Medltteranean ports and from
France and England.
The Inspection work will be under the
SOME men
to wear
but they don't, 'cause
wool makes better
britches The men
that smoke VELVET
don't do it 'cause it's
"t, 4" "v - -v arv 2 1 jf
VELVET, The Smoothest SrrMjkinff Tobacco, is made of
the best tobacco for pipe smoking'. It is Kentucky Burley
Luxe, the tobacco in which Nature put the finest smok
ing' qualities and with an extra aed-in-the-wood mellow
ness. Full weight 2 oz. tins, 10c.
direction of Dr. Oscar Teagus, head ef
the new bacteriological laboratory at
(Continued from Page One.)
here, it is pointed out that a cele
brated chateau in Belgium belonging
to a German prince was emptied alz
weeks ago, all the silver, work of art
auu other valuables being sent to
LONDON. Aug. lt-4:5 a, m.)-Dis-pstches
to the Times from The Hague
and to the Telegraph from Maastricht,
sent under yesterday's date, agree that
the struggle for possession' of the forts
at Liege waa going on continuously and
giving Vis to the terrible scenes of blood
shed snd heroism.
LONDON, Aug. 11. (8:06 a. m .)-The
Paris correspondent of the Exchange Tel
egraph company says that a dispatch
from Maastricht, the Netherlands, an
nounced that the Germans occupy Tbn
gres, a town ten miles north of Liege.
The place haa been abandoned by Bel
gians. Gormsn engineer are engaged In con
structing a second bridge across the
few Ueranana fa Lleae.
LONDON, Aug. 11. (2:80 a. m.) Th
Standard's . military ' correspondent, ex
plaining the situation at Liege, says:
"The withdrawal of th Belgian mobile
defense, left open all ths spaces between
the forts, whereupon It became asy for
tha Invader to get Into town by taking
advantage of the woods and hilly greund.
"It is unlikely that any consldersbl
portion of the Oerman amur baa entered
the city. A few hundred men would be
sufficient to keep th civil population
under control, and It would be an act of
madness for the German eom mander to
pass his entire fore Into what might
prove a trap without an exit
"The fact that th forts hav not mo
lested the invaders may be explained In
two ways, namely: 'It may be that their
guns cannot be trained inwards toward
th town, and It is mors likely that the
Belgians are unwilling to risk th de
struction of their fin city for the sake
of turning out ths enemy, wnoae occupa
tion matter little from the point of view
of the Belgian defense. Liege is quite
useless to the Germans so long as ths
forts hold out' "
KIs era Replace Crep Me eat
PARIS. Aug. lft.-7:ao p. m., via Lon
don, Aug. 11, 1 a, m.) Th crepe fee
toons, which for forty years hav hung
from th monument of the city of Straas
burg, capital of Alaace-Lorraine, which
stands In th Place de . La Concord,
were torn down today and replaced with
flower and palm branchea, while a tri
colored sash was draped about th figure.
Th ceremony waa conducted by 1,000
members of th federation of Alsatian
could afford
silk britches,
wncietles In I'aris. Joseph . Pansboeuf.
mayor of the eighth arrons)lement. em
braced the statue and then addressing
the gathering, anid:
"The hour of revenge for which wc have
prayed unceasingly for forty-four years
has at last struck. .The French army
Is In Alsace. The gay bugles of Franc
sounded the charge at Altkirch and Muel
eausen." Ther were few who were not In tears
when th speaker concluded. The ringing
of the Mamellals, followed by cheers for
Belgian. Russia and England, ended, the
Half MIIHob) Britons la trai.
LONDON. Aug. 11. According to to
day's Times. England Is how well on with
Its nrobllliatlon and has between fiOO.CX)
and nc,W men under arms, not counting
the national reserve.
"W should, therefore, view th situa
tion with comparative equanimity," say
the Times, "and not be turned from any
masculine resolve by the threats of an
assault by the Oerman navy."
r.elag t tii alavleaf
If you want to know ra advance what
pictures are going to be shown at your
favorite theater tonight read "Todays
Complete Movie Program," on the flrs
want ad page. Complete programs o:
Ijiractlcally eyory moving picture theater
In Omaha appear EXCLUSIVELT In.
The Bee.
No mors squeezing and pinching to get
rid of those unsightly blemishes, black
hesds. There Is one simple, safe snd sure
way to get them out and that la to dis
solve thern. To do this Just get about two
ounces of powdered peroxln from vow
druggist sprinkle a little on a hot. wet
sponge rub briskly over the blackheads
tor a few second wash the parts and
every blackhead will be gone.
Pinching and squeeslng out blackheads
make larga poree and you cannot get all
of the blackheads out this way while this
simple application of powdered neroxln
and water dissolves every particle of
them and leaves the skin, and pores In
their natural condition. Any druggist will -sell
you the owdered neroxln and about
two ounces .. .11 be all you ever need. Ad
OEaTOcas.-o Ca.jrDn.TX roa
x,u:uTBJAirT oovitnox
Primaries August 18.
H F. Snavely, born and rearod In Vir
ginia, haa been a citizen of Nebraska
nxteen yeara Wan schooled at the Ne
braska State' Normal at Peru 'and the
State University. tii'tu1uatet from-Law
department of titate University. Prac
llctJd law and in business in -Lincoln for
a number of yeara. Active in democratic
politic, president of the 1 eniocratlc
Saturday Lunch club. Toaotmanter at
the Bryan banquet In March, 1914.
Candidate Republican
Primaries August 18th
When yon want
to reach the public
v make it easy for the
public to reach you.
This location is the easiest
to find In the elty and known
to every person In' the middle
Its beautiful, capacious en
trance on the sidewalk level
and the new. Urge elevators,
their short runs, only six office
floors, save time and bother.
They make it certain for cus
tomers and clients to reach you
A few desirable locations in
process of adjustment now.. If
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Superintendent, Room 103.
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Y. JLC.A. Building , Omaii.