Kaiser Leaves for the A iastian Frontier Omaha Dai Hi mm VOL. XLIV NO. 43. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1!)14. Oa Trains and at Kotsl wi Stands, So, SINGLkJ COPY TWO CENTS. .Bee TTTTTA ly la.il ITALY FACES AN INVASION UNLESS IT JOINS IN WAR Germany and Austria Threaten Rome They Will Be Free to Draw Sword if NeutraL VENXTIA, LOMBARDY IN PERU Forces of Vienna Government Will March Into the Southern Kingdom. ENGLAND STRAINING ITS EARS Awaiting Naval and Military Rat tles that All Believe Are Impending. RUSH FOR CURRENCY AT END Unusual Demand for Provisions at Shops is Also Over. RESPONSE TO MONEY APPEAL Jlandreds of Thonaande of Poanda Subscribed to Care for Caaes of JVeed Arising Oat of War. ROME, Aug. 9. (8:30 a. m.) Germany and Austria threaten Italy with the declaration that if the latter persists in it stand of neutrality they will consider themselves free to de clare war and Austria will Invade Venetia and Lombardy. LONDON. Aug. 8. (11:30 p, m.) England is waiting quietly and confidently for naval and military battles which all believe are Impend ing. Except for the cries of news boys calling war. extras, the move ment of troops and an, orderly dem onstration in front of Buckingham palace this evening which again brought the king and queen and the prince of Wales out to bow their thanks, London has assumed its usual everyday appearance. ' - - The rush to the banks for cur rency came to an end with the issue - of small notes as did also the unusual demand at the shops for provisions. People are going about their work as they did before the crisis arose, stopping only to pick up reports of battles, most of which proved false. There is some disappointment at the success of the German cruisers, Gocben and Breslau, In eluding the British fleet in the Mediterranean, which naval men describe as a piece of splendid seamanship on the part of the Germans. Brlnira Rone Solace. The seizure of Togoland and the pene tration of Alsace by the French, together with the strong opposition of the Belgians to the German advance, brought some convolution to Englishmen, but it is to the navy that England looks for big events. Berlin has been celebrating "the ta.ll of Liege," but reports from other quar-j ters Indicate that German troops, having failed to take the fortresses by frontal attack, are attempting to get around them. This is a hazardous undertaking s the Belgian guns cover the roads. j The appeal for funds which are being j raised in England to care for the wives and children of those called to the colors and those thrown out of work, and to care for the sick and wounded, has aroused an unprecedented response, and hundreds of thousands of pounds have been sub scribed. The prince of Wales fund has already reached ,000,0n0. Die In Hospital. Four British sailors and four German prisoners, who were Injured when the cruiser Arophloa was struck by a mine, have died In a hospital. The American embassy has arranged with the government to permit Americans from Havre to land at Southampton, although that is a closed port. This will enuble a large number of Americans who liave been held up In Normandy to come to England to get a steamer home. They must, however, get a certificate of citl censhlp from the consul at Havre. The Weather For Nebraska Fair. Trmperatnrr at Omaha tfesterdny. kM IFI ,Ts::::::::::::::S a. ni.... id 8 a. in 77 9 a. in HO 10 a. m M 1 in.. K7 xn i CI m , fa ..76 12 m 1 p. m.. 2 p. m 3 p. m p. m 5 t. in p. m 7 p. m ( umparallt e Local Record. 1914. 1913. 1911. 1H. Highest yesterday W Jit! 74 Vi lowest yesterday..... ft M 74 J-asn temperature hi 87 titj w, Precipitation 01 T T .00 Temperature and nreclpltatlon depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature 7 Kxress for the day 7 Toml exi'cxs since March 1 378 Normal precipitation 12 Inc h Deficiency for tin? cay 11 Inch Tutal rainfall since March 1. . 15. US indies Deficiency sltice March 1 4.13 irn hea Deficiency for cor. period, 3 17 inches lWii lenc y lor cor. period, 1912. H.25 Inches "T" indicates Irne or precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. pi iE . J IBS Wk -n ' Drawn for The Bee by Powell. BELGIAN DEFENSE . FATAL TO GERMANS Unexpected Check Shakes Morale of Army Sent to Strike Swift Blow at France. BRITISH EXPERTS' OPINION London Authorities Eipreai Belief that Fltrht at Liege Means De feat (or the Kaiser's Plan of Campaign. (Copyright. 1914, by Press Publishing! Co.) LONDON, ug;. 9. (Special Cablegram to the New Verk "World and Omaha Bee.) Military experts here declare that noth ing more Inspiring than Belgium's heroic dcXonse ot Ms territory against the Ger man Invaders can be found In history. The Germans' appeal for an armistice and their alleged acknowledgement of a casualty roll of 26,000 men amply con firms the Belgian triumph, they say. Campaign a Fa 11 ore. This check points, in the view of some military experts, to the failure of the en tire German campaign. If picked army corps under Germany's most trusted commander have failed against thirty-year-old forts at Liege, what chance. It Is asked, have they of penetrating de fenses Judged the most perfect of their kind In the world those on France's east ern and northeastern frontier. The German plan was that France should be beaten to the ground first while Russia was slowly moving her forces. Then the victorious German troops were to drive back the Slav In road. But Instead of gaining a victory, It is argued, the "Germans have opened their war by defeat from a minor power esteemed of no military Importance, and have shown that their fighting methods are altogether antiquated. German Morale la Shaken. Thomas Naylor, the Chronicle's corres pondent In Brussels, says In a despatch that there can be no doubt that the morale of the German army has been shaken by the Belgian defense. "Just over the Dutch frontier," writes the correspondent, "I met several refu gees beyond Maastricht, from whom I obtained fresh details of the effective de fense of Liege. It appears that the Ger man artillery, which conducted the bom bardment up to Thursday morning, was comparatively weak. Then It was evi dently reinforced, for shells began to fall in all quarters of tha city east of the river. C'ltlsens In a Panle. "People were advised to move to the west side of the river. When they had done so the Belgians blew up the bridges. All this time the outlying forts east of the river held out gallantly and are atlll uncaptured. Shells soon began to pene trate the western side of the city. Many buildings caught fire. The burgomaster advised surrender. General Leman re fused. "Then a messenger came with a white flag from the Germans demanding sur render, .under threat of still heavier bom bardment. Thousands of residents rushed panic stricken to the railway station and entrained for Brussels and Tongoren, while others took refuge in cellars to await the bombardment. - . Humors I nfoanderi. "At 4 o'clock this morning the rumor spread that the Germans had arrived In the city. Persons spying out from their hiding places saw troops believed to he the German Seventh army corps,- pass through and proceed in a southerly direc tion, presumably toward Namur. This rumor proved untrue. "I failed also to get any corroboration of the story that a 7,eppelin dirigible had dropped bombs Into the city of Liege." RESERVIST UNDER BOND TO SUPPORT HIS FAMILY NKW YOrtK. Aug S.-Tity Magistrate O. M. Harris, alttlng In the Domestic Re lations court, today established a prece dent in the case of wives and families of foreign reservists called to the front. Joseph Geler was placed under a bond of $2i0 to support his wife and two children In the event that he Is compelled to leave this country. Mrs. Geler made the appli cation. Geler is an Austrian. A Ready-cVf jq Friend S vv. . you fellows hav Lsa 't.v .'t enough ot that. Jm Etetfifei V v Trifl11' to help unscramble n J" zt" r-. i f i BERLIN HEALIEGE FALLS Dispatch Received in Amsterdam from German Capital. THREE CORPS CUT TO PIECES All - Men la One Division Which Succeeded In Crossing- River Are Killed or Captared, It la Stated. BULLETIN. PARIS, Aug. 8 (0:45 p. m.) Official dispatcher from Liege re ceived at noon today announce that the German forces have rested In their positions since yesterday and that the Belgians continue to hold all their fort and positions. BULLETIN. LONDON, AUg. 9. (3:85 a. m.) Dispatches from Brussels aay that at noon, Saturday, communication with Liege was cut off.. It was pos sible to communicate as far as Ton gres, eleven miles to the northwest AMSTERDAM, Aug. 8. (Via Lon don 11:25 p. m.) In Berlin there has been great rejoicing over the re port that Liege has fallen. A dis patch received from the German capital says: "The news of the fall of Liege spread with lightning rapidty throughout Berlin and created boundless enthusiasm. The emperor sent an aide de campe to an nounced the capture of the city to crowds that assembled outside the palace." Policemen on bicycles dashed along Under Den Linden proclaiming the joyful tidings. Imperial Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg drove to the castle to congratulate the emperor on the victory and was enthusiasti cally cheered along the way. The newspapers declare that false reports, which are known to have been circulated in foreign countries that the German's suffered a severe reverse before , Liege, will no longer serve to conceal Germany's triumph. The Lokal Anzeiger says of the re ported victory: "It confirms our confidence that we can calmly await coming events. It was the prelude to deeds which will be spoken of as long as men live on earth." Another paper comments: "When our soldiers in the field learn of surrender of Liege they will rejoice not only for the victory of our arms, but because of the assur ance it gives that our march through northern France cannot be stayed." Official Account of Battles. PAKIS, Aug. 8. 2:30 p. m.) While the battle between the German forces and the Belgians Is still in progress, around Liege and the final outcome is not yet known, an official detailed account of the engagements covering a period between August 3 and 5 was lusued here today. In summarizing the operations the ac count says: "The Germans lost 5,000 dead. Twenty-four guns were captured, and (Continued on Page Two.) Austria Invaded by Russian Troops HT. PETERSBURG (Via London), Aug. .(7 30 p. ni.l RuKsian troops have peue ti'ated through the valley of the river Ktyr. which rises in Austrian Galicla anj flow Into Russia, and have entered j Austrian territory, driving the Austrian! advance posts before them. j MUCH STERN WORK BEFORE PEACE MOYE English Newspapers Think Great Britain Has Sympathy of United States. COMMENT ON PRESIDENT'S OFFER Assume that In Fotore Leader of American People May Have Hand In Brlna-lna- About Peace Negotiations. (Copyright, 1814, Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. 9. (Special Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) The newspapers print appreciative edl torlals on President Vtlson'a oner of mediation. and are" specially ' laudatory of it because It was made when he was beset by private grief. "It IS with profound satis Taction, " says the Times, "that the British people have taken note that the cause in which they are fighting has the sympathy, virtually the unqualified sympathy, of their Amer ican kinsmen. The United States govern ment Itself has of course proclaimed of ficial neutrality. t.'It Is the only first class power of the western world that can maintain an at titude of even comparative detachment toward the combatants. As such there may be reserved for the president of me United States a role not unlike that as-1 sumed by President Roosevelt In the war between Russia and Japan. "President Wilson, to whom at the mo ment the sympathy of the who British people is extended in his private sorrow, has Indeed already Intimated his willing ness to act In the Interest of European peace whenever occasion presents Itself. That time Is distant. There la much stern work to be done before any government Is likely to avail itself of his proffered services." Germany Threatens America. The editorial closes as follows: "What they (the Americans are now beginning to appreciato is that the rise of Germany to the power and Influence hitherto enjoyed by us would be Inimical to American Interests In the Caribbean and In South America and the Pacific, and a menace to the position and free dom of the United States as a world power. "It may even be that to a greater ex tent than they yet imagine their neutral ity depends on tha ultimate victory ot Great Britain and her friends." "President Wilson la one of the very few heada of states at the present time," an editorial In the Dally News says, "to ward whom his fellow cltlxens have rea son to feel warm gratitude. Even In the midst of his own troubles, It would be churlish not to give some expression to the sympathy which men of good will everywhere must feel for him In his heavy sorrow. Europe Deaf Now. "He wrote his offer of mediation from the bedside of his dying wife. It has fallen for the time, as It was bound to fall, on deaf ears In warring Europe. Not every man can thus completely sub ordinate his private griefs to the service of mankind. "President Wilson's self-sacrifice has been for the moment vain, but the time will no doubt come when Europe will be glad to listen to It. We may be sure it will not be President Wilson's fault if it does not yet bear fruit." WORD IS RECEIVED FROM U S. EMBASSY AT BERLIN WASHINGTON, Aug. . -Communication between the State department and the embatwy at Berlin was re-esl ibllshed totay. Heveral messages, the nature of which was not disclosed were inter changed this morning. Minister Von Dyke a bled the department that the Holland American steamer Nleuw Amsterdam had sailed from Tha Hague with U Americans aboard. The vess-l will touoh at Plymouth. An appeal from M'lan, Italy, reading "Hundreds In dtstreai: what relief from you 7" was signed by Henry Hudd. Rev. Mr. Bolton, Alfred Nller and Harry Nason, all of Philadelphia. TEUTONS SAY KAISER LEAVES IN MOTOR GAR FOR ALSACE FRONTIER Dispatch from Berne Says that Big Battle is Imminent on Franco Swiss Border AUSTRIAN'S ARE NEAR BASEL French Assert Teuton Losses Are Very Serious and Their Own Are Not Excessive. GALLIC ASSAULT WITH ARDOR Cavalry of Defenders is Pursued in the Darkness by the Attack ing Forces. PEOPLE GREET THE INVADERS Joffre Declares Soldiers Workers for Revenge. FOE RETIRES TO NEU BREISACH Before, Betrentlns; They Set Fire to Namerooa Bnlldlnas In Mnel hansen and Caose Great Havoc In Country. PAIUS, Aug. 0. It l unofficially reported that Kolmar, a city forty miles southwest of KtrannburK, in Alsace-Ixrraino, has leen occupied by the French. Kolmar, also spelled Colniar. Is a city with a population of B0.000 on the . Ill river and almost directly north of Mulhausen, the city which the French are said to have occu pied Saturday. Kolmar was ceded to France by the ieace treaty of Ily wick in 1007 and restored to tier many by the treaty of Frankfurt In 1871. LONDON, Aug. 9. A dispatch from Rome to the Dally Mall says a. mnort Is current that Emperor WllUam has left Berlin in a motor car for the Alsatian frontier. The Daily Mail's Rome corres pondent adds that according to dis patches from Basel. Switzerland, the Germans have evacuated Bant Ludwlg, in Alsace, four miles to the northwest of Basel, and that a bat- tie Is imminent on the Franco- Swiss frontier. A dispatch to the Time from Berne, Switterland, says 40,000 Austrian troops have concentrated near Basel, and that German and French troops also are near the Swiss frontier, so that a big battle may occur at any time. The foreign office has received a telegram from the British vice con sul at Venice saying that the Austri an merchantman, Isglad, which ar rived at Venice Friday, reported a strong Austrian fleet off Pola. Austria, and that the lights in the lighthouses of the Austrian coast of the Adriatic had been extinguished. German Loas "erlons, PARIS, Aug. 9. In a French of ficial statement concerning the in vasion of Aluace by French troops, and the occupation of Altkirch and Mulhausen, it is asserted that the French losses were not excessive, while those of the Germans were "very serious." It was nightfall on Friday when the advance guard of the French brigade approached Altkirch, says the official statement. The city was well defended, and occupied by a German brigade. The French bpgan tne Assault with ardor, a regiment of infantry dlstlnguiHhlng Itself In a furious charge, shortly after which the Germans retired In disorder. I'renrh Parsae Germans In Darkuesa. A regiment of French cavalry fol lowed the enemy, pursuing them In the direction of Wallhelm and Tugo lischen, Inflicting serious losses upon them, A French colone', and seven of his men were wounded. Darkness permitted the Germans to conceal themselves and the troops of France entered the city amid the cheers of the people. All the win dows of the houses were thrown open, veterans embraced the French soldiers, and a great shout re bounded. At dawn of day the advance guard resumed lis march. The cavalry charged patrols, and the march of the entire brigade on Mulhausen ' was begun. In the afternoon of Bat-! urday the scouts found that nuiner-i ous and Important defenses protect- (Continued on Page To.) LIEGE TAKEN: RUSSIA BLAMES ADSTRIAJOR WAR Minister Saxonoff Says it Provoked Conflict Among Balkan Slavs. STATEMENT CAUSES SENSATION Internal Dlfftoallles (anirj It to Declare Mar on Serbia Word from Kaiser onlrt Have Pre. vented General War. ST. PUT ERSNl 'KOI, Aug. ft. -(Ma Lon don 7:15 a. m l Minister of Foreign Af fairs M. Kasonnff. reviewing the European situation In a Hpcech before the dumit blamed Austria largely fur the war. He declared that the national eonaelem-e of rtussla vo clear and that after Its great efforts to preserve the peace. Its enemies would not succeed In throwing upon Hus sla the responsibility for the conflagra tion. , The minister caused a senuatlon when he declared that It was Austria-Hungary who provoked the war among the Klavs and added: "But thanks be to God, It will not ruin the work of Slav unification." Asserting that Austria's Internal diffi culties led It to have recourse to- the sword. M. Ssxonoff said that It was Im possible for Kurope to recognise trie will of Germany as obligatory, if tha Ger man cahln.'t hnd si) desired, it could have stopped Austtrla by a single word, but Germany preferred an equivocal policy, he in id. The speech was Interrupted many times by extraordinary demonstrations, When reference was made to Belgian bravery and to Fiance and England, the whole house rose and the member, facing tht ministers of these countries, who oc cupied peats In the diplomatic gallery, cheered wildly. The minister of finance, M. Bark, then told the members of the financial re sources of the country. Russia, he said, had entered the war with T75,OoO,000. It was proposed to provide further Income by Increasing the taxes on wines and tobacco, he said. The ensuing debate displayed the un animity of all parties In support of the government. Resolutions expressing rcnfldence In the ministers and extending fraternal greetings to those nations who are supporting Russia ."and. the brave Russians who are defending the empire" were adopted. All legislation necessary to provide funds for tha war was passed. At, the ooncluslpn of tha, bualncM an Jm- jierlal ukase, adjourning tha duma until February, was read. Germans Become Objects of Fury While in Antwerp (Copyright, 1914, Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. 9.-(Speclal Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) Kdgar Rowan, correspondent of the Chronicle at Amsterdam, sends to h'a newspaper stories of Germans who were driven out of Antwerp, Belgium, after their belongings In thft city had been looted or destroyed. Many of them did business at that port, and got along well until they became suddenly tha objects of public fury. "These fugitives from anti-German d monatratlons In Antwerp," the corre spondent writes, "have been arriving here since Thursday. One told me that the Hotel Weber had been raided by the mob because It was owned by Germans. The furniture was wrecked. Attack was made on all the German cafes near the harbor. The assailants lugged out pianos, tables, chairs and other furnishings and threw them Into the water. "Crowds went around tho city,' stop ping at all houses In which the presence of Germans was suspected. When they found houses containing Germans the contents were looted or destroyed and the biilldln.;s wrecked. "German refugees have been able to get awsy by trains only as far as Esse. There the trains have stopped, and pas sengers have been obliged to walk across the frontier, loaded with their baggage, getting another train at the Dutch sta tion of Kosendahl, and thus reaching Am sterdam." Germany Sends New Threat to Belgium URCfiHKLS, Aug. 9 (Py Way of London. J u:. a. m According to the Uasette, tho, Fk'lgian geenral staff expected Important developments during the night, but up to 2 o'clock Sunday morning nothing had occurred. It Is reported that Germany has sent a new and threatening message to Belgium. British, French and Belgian Hosts Win imrsKLB (Via Paris). Aug. . (1:23: p. in.) News that the French, Belgian ' and Krltlsh troops had effected a junction1 across the lines of the German advance, In lti'lglum caused great rejoicing here1 today. The crowds sang the national, anthems of the three allies. Turkish Troops Active in Belgian Territory ATHENS (Via London). Aug. (.-Large Turkish forces have, concentrated ot Bulgarian territory near FereJIk In the vh lnlty of the river Uaritha. They are moving kpparently in the direction of the frontiers of Thrace and Bulgaria ' by agreoment with Bulgara. BELGIUM DUMB GERMANS INSIST LIEGE CAPTURED, BELGIANS SILENT Berlin Report States Losiei of the Enemy Considerable and Many Made Prisoner! OWN CASUALTIES UNKNOWN YET Will Be Communicated at Soon at Reliable Information it at Hand. THOUSANDS OF CAPTIVES TAKEN Between Three and Four Thousand on Way to Germany, Accord ing to Advicei. ASSAILANTS SHORT OF SHELLS Bnmela Dispatch Asserts Enemy is Shy of Ammunition. r ADMIT THE CITY IS INVESTED All Forta Are atlll in Belgian Hands and No Serlona Oeenpatloa ' ot the. Town by the Foe. AMSTERDAM, (Via London), Aug. 8.- (6:80 p. m.) A semi official message from Berlin gays: "We hold fait. , Llge la in our hands. The losses of. the enemy were considerable. Our losses will be communicated, as soon a reli ably known. Tha transport of 3,000 or 4,000. Belgian prisoners to Ger many bag begun already, according to newg received here. We were faced at. Liege by 'a quarter of the totlt Belgian army." Berlin Ctals I.tea-o Taken. LONDON,. Aug. JJ.--A somi-offi-ctal dispatch from Berlin today says: , "Liege is In our hands. Between 8.000 and 4.000 ' Belgian' prisoners are enroute to .Germany." No confirmation of the report published in Berlin or the tall of Liege has been received' In London, and nothing on the subject has reached London since the report was announced last night. The Belgian legation here refuses to give the report any credence. Belarlana Silent Abent Lleae. The latest measaee received her from Brussels, filed t 1:20 o'clock this afternoon, . waa atlll strange silent on the subect of the Germav. assertion that Liege had fallen. It la undestood that the Belgian min ister of war's announcement regarding loss of 80,000 killed and wounded by the Germans and 16.000 by tha French In the battle at Altkirch, Alsace, was based on unofficial reports of the fighting reach ing the Belgian ministry o! war. A dispatch to tha Exchange Telegraph company from Bruasel at I IS p. m., this afternoon eald tha German attack on Liege had been suspended tor two daya. The Germain wero safe beyond tha reach of the forta and were spending Hunday In rest. Their projected advance toward the River Ourthe to the aoutv of Llegw had proceeded no further.' Instead all along the line from Llc?e to the French frontier, the attack for the tiros being had been arrested. German Advance Suspended. BRUSSELS (Via Paris), Aug. S.-(I p. m.) The German advance, checked by the resistance o fthe Belgians at Liege, apeared today to have been entirely sus pended. The Germans remained muiv In their positions beyond the fire of tha ueigian forts. It wis understood they were concentrating their forcts. Germans Short of Shells. At noon today the forta of Lleaa win still holding out. The German bombard ment had become very Intermittent, the German gunners. It waa belled, having run short of shells. An offlcel announcement atty Liege Is Invested but all the forta are still In Belgian hands. There has been no serious (Continued on Page Two.) German Cities arm Best Governed aVBaaasaansssna BnaBnnnnnnB.aBvaaaBBBBaaaB Read how Frank, L. HalUr o f Omaha wat impr$jJ by municipal manage ment which A dm tcribtt for our read er. See Editorial Page