Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 7

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JTtper on Rare Dnhei that Have
Tickled Foreign Palates.
peataera. Fntnr eaa Italy -A
f;rerlc Laay " Laadea Oft
I..' (he Inlri TrarLa at tae
' Jint, joif unde rstand," said my lather,
"none of your hucma.nn and skewer bits, i
In these words, put Into the mouth ot Mr.
Burton the elder, Henry Kingsley summed
ip the typical Kngllsh attitude towards
food. Wht hnii not nut the landlady
who !n reeponse to a request for some- j
thin Besides a mop lor oinner ik- ; n)14y u, lwnton,.( three dellcoclea which
two chops? With her and her claaa Joints j trAyrifTn cut do not ta.t,.. The
ron the higher end of tha scale which fir(lt , CK!( of ,,, chlneae epicure,
descend! to hagmsgs and klckehawa the t na- cn i,iirled for more than a cen
contimiellous term kickshaw expressing , tury, and an eg of a vintage year hold
our Ineular contempt for tha Frenchman a
art of making "quetquechoee" out ot
nothing. Have wa even a neutral word
of our own for what kickshaw atand for
a word that doea not suggest our dis
like for the thing? There la haah, of
ours, and there, ia mince; but to make
mincemeat of an argument la to show
It at Its weakest and to make a haah of a
Job la to do badly what might have been
dona well.
Food for rhlloeonnera.
If English were a dead language de
ciphered from cuneiform Inscription some
learned philologist would write a paper
upon these metaphora, and would prove
that tha race which used them had suf
fered much at tho bands of Its cooks to
whose Incompetence Its early and com
plete extinction was no doubt dua. And
perhaps Juat about tha time that explor
ers ehumed and interpreted Voltaire's
gibe about a coon try with on aauce some
till mora learned philologist would put
forward a rival theory In a longer book.
He would begin by extolling tha Ideals
cf a people which immortalized in Its
common speech Ita preference for plain
food plainly cooked; and then he would
demonstrate that unnumbered namelcsa
TWUhmen must have plied knife and
fork In high seriousness for thousands of ',
years before evolving the national bill of
fare and tha Jaw of tha contemporaneous
JMltdown akult wkh coped with It "a Jaw
which !U. for In presence of two dis
tinctively human teth would certainly
bave been referred to a chlmpansee or
Bjerlll." There would be a lengthy digres
sion on the debased civilizations of Ger
many and Italy aa typified by sauerkraut
and bologna sausage, respectively, and of
India aa typified by Bombay duck; and
we should learn that aa the Greek bod
expressed himself In his templea and the
Frenchman In his prose, so the English
man had expressed himself In his roast
beef. (In the appendix there would be a
variorum edition of the ode, "Tha Itoaat
Iteef of Old Kngland.") Finally the au
thor would ask htmeelf how. the English
man, who in art generally snowed no
hent towarda the claaalcal, came to davlse !
the noble line of hla Christ mae dinner.
Here we must leave him; nor have we
space to dlsouss whether the English
man'a dislike to made dishes Is to be as
cribed to the Englishwoman's Inability
lo make them; that la a subject for a so
cial economist. "
' fodder la - Fraace,
This dlallKe, though noticeable enjugh
In l! tourist on, the Continent, ia not a
characteristic of the true traveler in
whom tho spirit ot Inquiry mauifesta it
self also In the palate.
Your true traveler calls for the apeclal
dUh of the district Juat aa he orders the
wine of tha country; In Franoe be will eat
not only otnelcttea and roast chicken, but
should he find himself for Instance at
Murguery restaurant in Paris he will
actiuleece, perhaps with a sigh, at the
waiter's auggeattoa and allow hla aote to
be aerved a la Marguary that la sub
merged In yellow aauce and ahnll fish and
sundry garnlshtnge. Very good it la, but
dlsclplea of Mr. Burton will duny that it
ia an Improvement on fresh aole plainly
grilled when the grlller understands both
eolna and grilling. However, It leada the
novice on to feasts of high emprise to
grappling with vol-au-veut of frogs' legs,
and with analls. the large grey French
snails, dressed with white wine.
On reaching the aouth of Franca oar
traveler discover that the country la no
longer divided aa. la Caesar's time Into
three part a, but into two; and tnat one
cooka with oil and the other, with butter;
according to .Alphonse laudet the anti
pathy baaed on thia culinary distinction
la Ineradicable, and one underatands that
It haa to be reckoned with by all ataiea
men. Oil can be put to good purpose
even by those who do not uae It habit
ually; many worthy people In Italy study
both their consjlencea and their stom
achs at one enaV the earn time by aulv
atltutlng Jt for butter la Lent, when the
cereal they consume In ao many forma
n!uht otherwise be unpalatable. Not that
the Itallana are timid trenchermen or
vegetarian by convlotlon; tiiey smak
their llpa ovf auch little monsters aa
guarrkini and scorfanl ("the difference
between a acorfano and a toad being thiU
tha latter ha twice aa much meat on
It") and aguglle and toteii. Those in.
teresteil may be referred to Mr. Norman
1ourUs- "lren Land " Ho deal very
faithfully with the totero:
Kverybody knowa the totem or aould,
ait animated Inkbag of perverse leaning.
which awlnia bark wards becauaa ail othrr
rrraturea go forwards, and whose India
rubber flesh nilKht b useful for deluding
lumicer on dem-rt liilanuM, alne. Ilk
American chewing gum, you can chew it
for months, but never got it down.
Terrors af the Flshiuoaaer.
Round the east of tl mediterranean the
pteparatlon ot food la recognised aa an
art which lemla dignity to the artist, and
the wives ot the upper classes in many
cases still do their own cooking, as in
ilia west they do their own dancing.
When expatriated to England they cling
to their old ways, and now and again
they may be seen In London streets
pointing an accusing foreflngvr at the
aunken ejrea o( the fUb on the fish
mongers' slabs. ,
One old woman used U be the terror
of Itayswater provUioii merchants, fur
her eye waa unerring and her Kngllah
vocabulary began and ended with the
word "bad." Her accomplishments, how
ever, were many and pleasing; the curd
now fiuihlonable aa yaguurt a he made
daily out of cream cheese, and indignant
would she have be n to hear it associated microbes, however beneficent; she
excelled also In a bland fish Jelly to which
there went selected cuta of aalmon and
tuiU.t and soma two dosen Seville
oranges and lemons; pilitfs. with every
train of rice inde(endent and -yet at. ft,
she could turn out every day for a Week
without repeatlug herself, and on Certain
high ft-stlvala she would go into retreat
fur a apace and return with a atew ao
i-.Yiowly compounded that it may have
leu iha which coat Aristophanes
In the rVclf 1au a word cf fir line
long to do Justice to.
Ph ram from a land where hat tnst
terea wa lasts and not time, and aha
had been trained over a alow charcoal
fire; 'Torn, poco," aho would exclaim to
tha glowering cook, and when that much
Injured woman not unnaturally seised
the poker and produced a fine blaze, ahrlll
protests In an unknown tongue would
come wailing up the narrow stalrrnae.
( nmestlhle Without . am her.
Hut our trnvrllrr haa lingered In the
Levant, and haa yrt to taste hla passion
fruit aulud in Australia; hla armadillo
i roasted In the ahell a delectable, thing
In Argentlnn: and In New Zealand tha
Moari worm which Uvea In tree trunk
and haa a nutty flavor when fried. Itlrds'
neeta he may eat In China, for they are
carefully waahid before being served
with a aort of chicken broth, , And here
the plana of a great hock; aecondly, there
la the soap, which the lklmos persist
In regarding aa a comestible; and finally
the eponymous dish of the cannibal ban
quet; this la distinguished by tha name
of Ing rig.
The experience of travelers on beaten
tracka are tame to Ihnaa of explorers, pi
oneers, and "gentlemen adventurers." Or
ellana, who waa all three, waa glad of a
bite of snake on hla terrible Journey to
tha mouth of the A mason. As for tha
hero of tha Eoys' Iiook, ha may be said
to hold Ma high ofrice in Virtue of being
omnivorous. The ham of a bear Is a
favorite dish of his, ami when he had
finished a ham overnight, he eata the
pawa for breukfast next morning much
aa the husband of the Indies who write
cookery books consume the remains of
TuesOny'a breakfast haddock aa a Savory
on Thursday not that ha touch-n bear
meat if there Is elephant's foot to be had.
Give him a junple, a generous helping of
elephant' foot, and the rest of the beast
to recline against, and he la at hla hap
piest happier even than when munching
hla way through a stranded whale with
the natives whose national dish it in; foi
st rami ed whale Is strong iiiuat
One Thlaar Marred,
nut tha Uoye Pook hero Is not a true
n8ro. fr ho draws the lino somewhere;
he will not eat monkey, and for that
reason, when he reaches his proper limbo
he will le blackballed for the Hero
(which corresponds to our travolers) by
Ibsen's band. True heroes people who
draw tha line nowhere both In fact and
In fiction, are great and adventuroua
eaters: many of their dishes are recorded,
but we shall never know what It wu
that the blameless Ethiopians act before
the goda when ambrosia which appears
to have been n kind of highly acented
hair-grease had lost Ita savor. Rabelais
la more explicit, and ao la Phakewpeare.
"Poor Tom" was far from being content
with "rats and mice and auch small
deer;" he could find a corner or cor
ners for tht tond, the tadpole, tins wall
newt, and the Swimming frog. Indeed,
It may well be that he came by hla adjec
tive much as "Little" John did, and that
n reality he waa aa fat aa Hamlet or
stout Cortex.
And yet "his cheek tanked not."
to Judge from Octavlu' apostrophe
The harks of trees thou browaedst.;
the Alps
It la reported, thou didst eat atrange
i flesh, i
Which gome did die to look on.
And yet "hla check tanked not." Lon
don Times. '
rataetoajlrat Coadltloaa After the
Klevtrle Tarrant Una none
Us Work.
In a recent detailed account of the leual
electrocution of the four "gunmen" at
flng Sing. N. Y , M. R. Klein, after de
scribing the actual putting to oeath of
each ot tho criminals, gives the following
brief but Interesting account of the patho
logical conditions found post-mortem:
No changoa of color could bo detected
on any, of the bodlev. except on the face
ot Whltey lewln, r.e I remarked above,
on account ot hi rpoaking until the last
fraction of a second; hla llpa, a I aaw
myself, were moving during tho full ac
tion ot the first shock. The heart ot an
executed lody I woken, cck like a
lump; tbtre I no air urn and the ven
tricle can 1 easily septitated. The great
arterie are all In a bnke.t shape; there
la no real rupture, but In many Placet
perforation. The bowel are emptied ail
the bladder is pule, bloodless, violently
shaken vp. Liver an I tpleen show n.i
change. Tha lungs are fill id 'th bloul
The brain show hemorrhage and rup
ture of bovi arterlis ani veins. The
teinperatue ilse as high as n: degrei
Farenhelt, and In Lefty Louie' caae it
reached 1W degreea Kahrenh-jl!. riie.elcc
trode, put en the leg partly cut the
inua'-.lva and other tissues, but the bones
remained Intact. In each body there wa
a sign of regurgitation in tho throa..
probably from suffocation. It In very In
teresting to know that the urine, a few
oropa of which It w as possible to collect
from the clothing, allowed a laigfl amount
of albumen and an Immense percentage
of calcium phosphate crystal. Thi blood
chanhes are remarkable In ruard to tha
collupae of the red blood corpuscles, al
though no Chung cculd lie rten in the
leucocytes. It was Impossible to make
further scientific examination fr-im olrer
standpoints. Having noted the patho
logical changes after executions by the
rope and guillotine In Austria. Germany
and France, I am sure that the elect rlo
chair producee more alterations than ery
other kind of lesal killing. Lanot Clinic,
Mis I'artltlua Me vara lea Fresh froia
Halt Water la Tela Marvelaaa
Oi.e of the wonders of Mexico Is the
elf-vroduclng lake near Haltnaa station
on the Tamico division ot the Mexican
Central railway, aev.nty-two miles Wet
of Pan lAila I-utosi. It may well
termed a twe-story lake, tor at llmee
there is a lake ot fresh water overling
the salt lake. A watertight roof of greet
mud seiarotpa the fresh from the sslt
Kor a large pait of the year there la
no Ireeh water lake there. The sun Uka
It up soon after the rainy season ta ever.
Th. salt secured from the lake goea
all over Mexico. The lake ha been
worked about sixty-five year. Tha whole
town of &. makes Its living from th
Th prjptrty Is owned Vy a family or
etat. but It I said that not one ef the
ownrs haa lived there for yeera. The
old residence of the owner la a 111 stand
ing at t'all'iMS. Its maaslv walla and
toaer and turreta give the place a re-it-nit.laiKe
to a fort or feudal castle New
York un.
Th most desirable turalahed rooms are
advei-tlaed In Th itee. Get a nice Cool
room for the summer.
Woodmen Circle Hold Firtt Meeting
of Month Next Wednesday.
A sclent Order ef I altej Werksaea
4 r,l Aaaaal Baaket rieale
at Ralston Saterilay'ef
Tlile Week.
Member of Alpha grove No. 2 will hold
their first meeting for the month of
August next Wednesday evening at the
usual meeting place. The plcnio given
last Tuesday was thoroughly enjoyed by
the members attending. Lunch was
served to the entire party late In the
afternoon. In the contests, the following
were prlise winners:
Pinning clothes pins, twelve conteat
anta. Mrs. Cora Clark, first prise; Mrs.
i if. Klinn, second.
I Peanut race, seventeen contestants,
j Miss Anne McOuIre, first prlxe; Mrs. t.
Kllnn, scconl.
Hunnlng race. Misses Anna Maack and
Grace Kalaer.
Olrla' race, Helen Iarsen and Pel ma
Hoys' rare. Charlie Uirdsell, Curtis
Weller and Sheldon tiunrigren.
George Crook poat. Grand Army of the
Republic. Is on furlough and will not
meet again until Friday, September lL
The central committee's big baaket pic i
nlc will bo held on Saturday, August 15.
at Lakeside park at Ilalston. Band eon
cert by Ancient OpW United Workmen
military band from 3 to 5 o'clock. Prize
rsees will come off between S and 7, and
dancing in the evening until 10:30. Good
time assured and admission free. Com
mittee meets on plcnio and float at 314
South Thirteenth street at 10:30 a. m. to
day. The Log Rolling association will hold
Its fifteenth annual plcnio at Krug park
Thursday, August 30. The association
combines Doughis, Marpy and Washing
ton counties. The foresters of the aer-j
era! camp will have competitive drills.
Pansy camp. Royal Neighbor, w ill .'give
an exhibition drill, a baby show and other
The Rrotherhoud of American Teomen
will give a box social at their rooms in
the Raright building tha evening ot Au
gust 12. Kunday, August 16, the annual
picnic will be held In IUvervlew park,
Mondamln Lodge No. Ill will give a
card party Friday evening, Aguat 1, at
Its hall. Twenty-fourth and Parker street.
The reception given by Elwood Grove
No. 288? Woodmen circle of Benson of
the supreme officers Monday evening was
a decided success in every way. The
lodge room waa tastefully decorated in
the color of the order, lavendor and
green, and a profusion of cut flowers
and plants. Mr. J. W. Hood presided,
Mesdamea Ohey and Mather served punch
and wafer.
Ladle of the Mavoabees.
Ladies of the Maccabees will rive a
lawn social Friday afternoon at the home
of Mr. F. R. Hlgley, 12 (Spring street
Travelers' Protective Aaaoelattaa!
Omaha poat ot the Traveler' Protective
association will give, their annual picnic
Saturday, Augudt 22, ot Kim wood park.
A lively program of event will start at
1:45 p. .mi. and continue until evening.
There will be a band concert In the even
ing. Contract is Let '
for The Castle
The contract for the construction of
The Castlo, the new hotel to be built at
Sixteenth and Jones ntreeta for Fred
Castlo by Dr. Harold Olfford, has been
let to the Hclden Breck construction com
pany. The building Is to be turned over
to Castle, completed February 1. The
amount of tho contract waa 1175,000 and
the building is to. be alx stories high.
Ttie Omaha Kobe and Tanning factory
Is a new plant that ia to be built In Kouth
Omaha at Twenty-seventh and N atreeta.
The contract for the ereoilon of the build
ing ha Just been let to Charlea Bauer.
It la to be a building Hr.xtO feet In dl
inenslons, and Is to have two atoriea and
a basement.
Hlver Thieves 1'raaaea aa They Loot
a Schooner an Delaware
" hen John Ball, steward of the
arhooner! Wing, at anchor in the
ticlawere jiver, off Cooper Point, stood
on the wharf and swept tha river with hi
binocular to pick out hi vessel he din
covered river pirate at work stripping it
Ha appealed to the police tug and that
rrut hurried to the aide of tha achooner.
Half a dosen nitm who were In a launch
alongside the Kagle Wing fled, but Henry
Heia, who wa aboard th vessel, wa ar
rested and locked up.
"els la charged with disposing of the
schooner' property to the pirates. He
declare himself to be on of the crew,
and contended that the gooda were his
ewn. The steward, however, told tho po
lice he had never seen' the man before
and insisted upon hla arrest. Philadelphia
North American..
sea Uall mm Doree Are t hief gar.
terera from Aerial Die.
Isrsaseti. ,
Wirela telegraphy ha done much for
us. and probably or rather, surely will
do a great dial more for the benefit of
humanity at large. Hut. If they could
speak, many bird would probably tell
you that they don't approve of this new
Invention la the least. Kor In the part
of the world where there are a laraa
number of wireless stations observations .
have been made which seem to indicate '
that blrOa are disturbed in a very curt one
way oy me wireless wavea The unof
fending seagull 1 ana ef the chief suf
ferers, aa slso ia the harinleaa dove.
This strange Stat ef things Is attributed
in some way to aa effect or the ether
wav-s. though how it la brought about is
not yet understood. 1-ondoo Answers
A Terala Liver
gives a sallow complexion. Take 1'r
King Kew Ufa fllla and rid the system
of impurities. Look healthy. !ic. All
druggtaU Advertlsenif at
A Few
v JLi3 aJL -mJf2
Local Storage Space is Being Rap
idly Occupied with. Grain.
Laylngr In Heavily oa Cneh and De
cember Option and Hejllaar All
May Contract Then faa
' ' Dispose Of.
With the embargo complete on tne ex
portation of grain to countries In Europe,
Omaha elevator ar rapidly filling with
wheat, corn and oats. A soon aa the
deliverlea are mad on the August sales.
It I expected that within thirty day
thereafter, in the event tho embargo 1
not lifted, practically alt the storage ca
pacity in Omaha territory will havo be
come occupied.
At this time the atocks In atorage are
a follow: Wheat, 430,000; corn, 252,000;
oata, 231,000 bushels. On the correspond
ing date of last year the atocks were:
Wheat, 980,000; corn, 203,000; oats. 892,000
. Omaha receipt today . were: Wheat,
ninety; corn, alxty, and oata, fifty-one
carload. Omaha cash price on wheat
were 8&gS6 cents.
ILoral trader Baying.
Ixcal traders continued heavy buyer
ot cash and December wheat and were
just a heavy sellers of May, They fig
ured out that there waa big money deal
ing In the actual grain and few of them
took any chance on speculation. For In
stance, If they bought 1.000 or more bush
el ot cash, or December wheat, they
old the same quantity of May.
The September option opened in Chicago
at S cents, which wa low for th day,
and went to MK. December atarted off
at which wa the low, and climbed
to 99?i, while May kept within a fluctua
tion of t cent. It opened at fl.OSVa. the
low price of the Saturday short session,
and went aa high a tl.OTH.
There are a lot of Omaha grain trader
ho are taking the cue from Armour
and whenever cash wheat sells around 85
cent here, or when December drop to
90 cent, or below, they buy. Then, when
the December option reached 11 or above,
or when the May passes $1.07, they sell.
They figure that the carrying charge. In
cluding handling and Insurance, Is about
1 cent per month per bushel and on this
basla they conclude they have a sure
profit on all the deals.
Bajoylaa; r'ralts of the Kavelalloa
that llaa Been Wroaaht la
Northern Mexico.
The Mexican peon la today enjoying
greater prosperity than ever before In
the history of Mexico for the reaaon that
he ha been freed from the oppressive
rule of tyrannical landlords by the tri
umph of . the present revolution.' Thia
la the conclusion that II. J. Browne of
tw York, a atudent ot economic and
social problems, draw from a two week
investigation of conditions an northern
Mexico. . , t
In a letter addressed to Charles A
Piano Moving and
ii rroot
I rc
I ne
lTOeVlO CunUag Street.
specify v.
Call and aee th
Keautllul New t'olora
i La
New Home Suggestions
Well Planned House by C. N.
. : : .: 't'rr' -; V . ' ; -; v -C,
Douglas of this city, Mr. Browne throw
an Interesting light on the economic and
political condition that have followed In
tho wake of the constitutional's! armies
and indicate that the restoration of law
and order has followed fast after them.
"At Tamplco, the large business opera
tions," writes Mr. Browne, "were alowly
lesuming. The city was clean and or
derly. I did not aee a single drunken
or boisterous Mexican. The market place
waa filled with a profualon of food sup
plies .potatoes alone being scarce. Prlcea
were high In constitutionalist money, but
moderate In American money. Retail
business wa brisk. I did not see a single
beggar In Tamplco.
"Governor Caballero, I watched in his
office and waa struck with hla grasp
of, business detail and the rapidity with
which he dispatched business. The whole
state and municipal machinery moved
with little friction and an absence of
led tape. :
"Train service to Monterey wa poor.
The rolling stock 1 in bad hape front
the ravage of a fierce military cam
paign. Along the rout I was struck with
the absence of signs of aerioua distress
mong the common people such aa I
witnessed in Cuba just-prior to the Span
ish war. Everyone has had enough to
eat. There was no gathering of half
starved, emaciated beggers.
"A a matter of fact, throughout all
upper Mexico the peona have been prac
tically free from paying rent to their
former oppressive landlord for the last
year and are enjoying a consequent in
dividual prosperity to which the war ha
hardly given a blow. Not being handi
capped by a highly specialised Industrial
syatem they flow back to the land at the
first opportunity.
"Monterey, a much larger city than
Tamplco, wa equally a ordorly. Big
butlneas there waa none. The large
banks were closed; business of all kind
waa alaok, but the town wa a clean a
Washington. Again th market ahowed
a profusion of food.
"It ia the day of the peon- The wealthy
have Buffered. Splendid mansion have
been seised by the authorities. Their
owners have fled across the border, as
was th case In France in 1789-93. Tou
remember the French assembly changed
France from a country of 130.000 landlorda
to one of 4,000,000 peaaant proprietor in
a day. Now I can aee the spring, tne
Storing a Specialty
hoa Beagla 44aa.
a day. inow i can mw pima, II
f Telephone
w in ii n u ra
- irnrir BiCl "Th,ffl?"ty
pssna1 Ml Till 11 TI ' ' - - "ill i I
1 Ceo loon I 5ift'no,
1 I n.
we oaue. 31
eeo(.ii . .. 5.J.1, ,
new life, tho energy with which these
peons, newly awakened to the poBsesslon
of land and to economical and political
freedom, are meeting the situation, are
f!ghttng with the same irresistible im
pulse which swept the French peasant
over every army In Kurope.
"The people all understand that the
agrarian question la the main one and
the peons underatand that they are to
have the land and pay no more rent.
Also they wish this condition to be
brought about fairly.
"iraltlllo look J1 Indian. It la the
temporary capital. I didn't see a begger
or a hungry looking person there.' Car
ranza waa distributing to bill to every
woman. If alio wa old, she got 1V."
Washington Post. '
' "Ian.
I'rof. Thomas It. Lounsbury, tho gram
marian of Vale, said the other day:
"The peach season will soon be upon
ua. Thia remind me ot a slang1 word.
"There waa to be a school picnic in a
Wood one summer day, and the teacher
said to little Tommy:
" Tommy, run to the grocery and buy
a half peck of peaches. Hut pinch a few
first to aee If they're quite ripe.'
"Tommy hurried off and soon returned
with peaches In a huge bag.
" 'Did you pinch a few first, as I told
you?' said the teacher.
"'A few?' laughed Tommy. 'Why, I
pinched the whole half peck.' "
Ia the Neighborhood.
Hampton Dinwlddow told me his
family la a very old one. They were one
of tiie first to come across.
Rhodes The grocer told me yesterday
that now they are the last to come
across. Judge.
Why Move in Haste? Store Your Goods With
Us White Looking for a Suitable House
W Employ Skilled and Competent Workman
804 South Sixteenth St.
rHon jouai.AS 3730.
I'ul R BU
H 11 H Ii
I y B H H
Douflas 2981
James Hodge, chief clerk In the office
of General Manar IToldrege of the Bur
llnnton. is homa from his outing In
V voming While there he had wonderful
luck catching trout in the Laramie river
and tributaty streams.
Will Earn
s i I
Home Builders
Guaranteed Preferred
. Shares selling now at
$1.12 each.
They participate ia th build
ers' profits which we tret on
every house we build.
im was netted to share
holderg for 1913.
NOW IS our crowded, busy
' building season and YOUR best
opportunity to have your money
share In all of HOME BUILD
ERS profits for 1914. which is
our banner year.
Come and see us about It or
ask for our free booklet, the
"NEW WAV" by mail.
American Security Oo HscaI Aats.
1 axlji&fLif'dimn istaM
The standard
for twenty-five years...
This building has been the
"standard" in Omaha office
buildings and office building
service ever since it was built.
As good as The Bee Building
means first-class.
. "Th but ding tat is alwayt neu"
has kept its prestige because it was
built right in the first place, because
it has always been kept in perfect re
pair, because its service has been al
ways kept up to the highest test and
because of its incomparable archi
tectural beauty.
There are a few and only a few
very choice offices at your disposal
now. If you are Interested, it would
be better to make your selection at
once and not wait until fall.
For office space apply to Superin
tendent, room 103. Tel. Tyler 1000.
)1 II
ar j 1 11 a urn
E. J. EBauis
safe imin
Heavy Hauling
1212 Farnam