T1IK OMAHA SUNDAY NKK: AUHUST .), 11)14. 5 A TOPICS FOR A DAY OF REST! Memorial Semen for Mrs. Wood row Wilson at Trinity Methodist EOBEBT COWELL TO SPEAK stneta. Mid-week service Wednesday evening- t n c IOCS. Pastor Thonii Bltnell Will 11st C'fcarae of rrvlrea aaa Will Mkelr Be tMlitfd hr RT. D. E. Jeaklae. Rev. Frank N. Kiale, D. D., of St. Louis will preach at the First rresbyterlan church at 11 o'clock. No evening- service. The Omaha Ministerial association Fri day adopted a revolution calling; upon the pattors and people of all local Protestant churcliea to engage In prayer Sunday for the "president of our nation In this his hour of sore bereavment." The resolu tion bears the signature of Rev. Grant K. Fisher, D. D., as president of the associa tion. Baptist. First, Twenty-ninth and Harney Morn in a; service at 10:3t, preaching by Ilev. Thomas Anderson. Sunday school at 9:30 during the month ot August. There will bo no Sunday evening services during tills month. Frayer meeting Wednes day at 7:4i. Calvary, Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning, "The In dwelling Christ." Rvenlng, "Repentnnce and Faith," an evangelistic service. Klble school at noon. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m., led by Dr. Martha E. Clark; subject, "Some Things Young People trioiild Know." Prayer and conference meeting of the church Wednesday even ing. Olivet, Corner TMffy-elphth and Cirnnd Avenue. V". A. Mulford, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11; sermon topic, "The Influence of Fighting On Spiritual Life." Evening worship at 8. subject. "Your Signature." Baptist Youug People's union at 7. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8. Sermon at Olivet Orova Mission Sundays at 2:45, and Thursday at s. Ckrlstlaa. North Side, U'wcnty-seconu and Loth rop, Rev. Oeorge L. Peters. Pastor Bible school at 9:90 a. in. Morning service at 10:110 o'clock, subject, "The uiHeen Ue fen'leis." Evening service at 7:) o'clock, theme, "The Cure of the Soul." First. Corner Twenty-sixth and Harney, Charles EL Cobbcy, Minister Mornlns service at 11; Mrs. Laura Oarst, formerly missionary to Japan, will occupy the pul pit. No evening service. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 7.' Bible school at Christian Scleaee. First Church ot Christ. Scientist, St. Mary'a Avenue and Twenty-fourth streets. Services 11 a. m.. and 8 p. m. Subject "Spirit" Sunday school (two sessions) :ib and 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting 8 'p. m. roaa-reaatlonal. First. Nineteenth and Davenport Streets Morning service only. Sermon by Dr. David K. Jenkins, of the thc University ot Omaha. , Episcopal. Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twenty-first mar Paul Street, Rev. John Albert Williams, Vicar Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Holy communion t 7: . m.: morning prayer at 10:30; holy communion and sermon at 11; even ing prayer ana sermon u i: nu-. K vanaeJlral. First United. 21J0 Franklin. Rev. J. M. Runcie, Pastor Teachers' meeting at 9:30 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 11 a. m. Mission band at 3 p. m. Holiness association meeting at 8:30 p. m. Keystone league of Christian Endeavor at 7 p .m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Key stone league of Christian Endeavor meet ins at Hope mission. 1316 Dodge street, Tuesday evening. Mid-week prayer ser vice Wednesduy evening at 8 o ciock. Young People's Missionary society meet ing Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Latkrrsa. . BU- -Paul's,. Twenty-filth and . Evans Street, Rev. I T. otto. 'asior services at 10 a. m. Evening sermon in English every- Sunday at 8. Sunday school 9:15. Orace Twenty-sixth Street. Between Poppleton and Woolworth Avenue Ser vice at u a. m. bpv,,i. ivuniw win urourh on "The Transformed Life. Sunday school at :, Mr. J. b Smith, superintendent. , , St. Matthew's Knglish, 'Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. O. W. Snyder, Pastor Mom ni service at 11 o clock, subject "With Authority." . No services in the evening. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Choir rehearsal on Saturday at 10 a. m. Zlon. Thirty-sixth and Lafayette Avenue. Rev. A. T. Lorlmer, Pastor rinndav school 0:45 a. m Morning ser i-i.-a at 11 a. m. Evening services at 8 p. m. The Sunday school teachers will meet Monday evening in mo tauren parlors. The Ladles Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Axel Johnson, Twentv-flfth and Franklin streets, Thurs day afternoon. Midweek service Thurs day evening at X o'clock. Choir prac tice. Methodist. Walnut Hill. Forty-first and Charles, riev. Oliver M. Keve. Minister Sunday school at :30 a. m., followed by preach ing service. Epworth league meeting .at 7. p. m. jrreaciunn at s p. Peurl Momorlal. Twenty-fourth and Larimore, Kev. J. Franklin Haas, Min ister Sunday morning at m:.w o ciock ana evening at 8 o'clock the pastor will oc cupy his pulpit. Epworth leage meeting at 7 p. m. Sabbath school at noon. McCabe, Fortieth and Farnam, Rev. W. H.. Underwood, Pastor Morning service at 11 o'clock, sermon by Rev. John Lewis, sur.day school at 10 a. m. Bible duns at 10 a. m. Dr. D. C. John, teacher. Kven cupy his pulpit. Epworth letguo meeting at 1:30 o'clock. Jennings, Fifty-first and Hickory, Rev. Edward A. Smith, Minister Preaching service at 10:30 a. m., theme. "The Church That Jesus Loved." Following the sermon the pastor will receive new members and administer the sacraments. Mrs. Bostock will sing a vocal solo. Oorman, Eleventh and Center. Rev.' O. J. Jalser, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m , August Doerlng, superintendent Preaching st 11 a. m. by the pastor. As 8 p. m. a union service will bo held at this church. Rev. Oscar Antrltt of the Ger man Baptist church will preach the ser mon. Parkvale, Thirty-first and Gold. Rev. A. K. Lehmann. Minister Morning preaching service and Bible school, 1U:30, Evening song service with sermon, 7:4i. On Sunday evening H. L. McCoy will sing "Jerusalem," by Henry Parker. Mid-weeli prayer meeting and senior chorus re hearsul, Wednesday, 7:46 p. in. Diets, Tenth and Pierce. Rev. C. N. Dawson, Pastor Sunday school at :! a. m. Sermon at '1 a. m.. topic, "The Bread Question"; sixth in series on the Lord's prayer Meeting of Epworth league at 7 p. in. Serman at 8 p. m., subject. "For giveness"; seventh In series on the Lord's prayer. Brotherhood meeting Tuesday cveilng. Presbrterlaa. First German. Twentieth and Spruce, Rev. Julius K. Schwars in Charge Morn rig service, 10:46. Sunday school, 11:45 a. rr. First, Rev. Frank N. Riale, D. !., of l-t. I.ouis will preach at 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, "He Must Needs Go Through Shinaila." I .owe Avenue, Fortieth and Nicholas Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Rev. Thomas A. Stamp. D. D.. of Concordia, Kan., will pleach at 10:30 a. in. Junior Endeavor. 3 p. in. Senior Endeavor, 7:15 p. m. First United. Twenty-first and Emmet, A. t Douglass, Pastor Morning worship, 10:50; topic, "Gol's Husbandry." Vespers, 1 p. m ; topic, "The Line between Church and World." Bible school, 12 m. Young People's prayer meeting, 6:30 p. m. Falrvlew, Pratt and Fortieth Avenue, Charles H. Fleming, Pastor Bible school, 2 p. in. On Friday evening at 8, "In Dark est Africa." a sermon on the effect of the Bible in the dark continent, illustrated by first class views with a stereopticon. North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt, Rev. M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. by Ilev. Walter N. Halsey. Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. No evening preaching service. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at I o'clock. Westminster. Mason Street snd Gnorirla Avenue, Rev. James Franklin Young, Pastor Morning worship st 10:30 o'clock. Hev. Stephen Phelps, D. D.. will preach. Bible school at noon. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m . An out-of-doors ser vtee, corner f Pacific and Thirty-first Clifton Hill. Fort v. fifth and Grant. Rev. B. It. Von der Uppe, Minister Preach ing service. 11 s. ni. ; theme: "Rest That Is Rest." Combined ser v lea with Chris tian Endeavor. 7 p. m. Sunday school, t 4." a. m. ; II. C. Foegy, superintendent. Mid week nmlan mnt nrtvar .rvi.-A Wedni'S- " f "J - - - .... Third. Twentieth mid Iavenworth, Rev, a mm. i went let ll nim lpvpnwiirin, i.m. tobert Karr. Pastor Sunday school at :3 a. in. Public worship and address by lentv F. Kleser at 10.45 a. in. Junior Kn eavor meeting at 3 p. m. Christian Kn- AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Board of Equalization Lets Yards and Packers Down Easy CITIZENS GROW WRATHY a in 1 1 1 1 iiik ni a i. in. iiiiniimi i.n- . . ,.ll.. s, . g worship and iirrmon hy Rov. Hubert WliMlnr II ll att tt n'oli-k Offlellar Street. Sixteenth and 0- ill.a i ' A t . 11 a ..- . i. "l J T- , V . V . l -T-r, 1 It 'UM rlt ll I M l.lkn.,1 4 1 i ... i j a at iv m. in. inrniiiK urrviftj r.i u I'olock, Alexantler tray mill noeftk. In- ermediate t'hrlMian Kndeavor meeting j nietlnR at 7.45 p. m. Prayer meeting eaiirnay evening at S o ciork. South Omaha United Twenty-third and II. Hev. Carl S. Oladfelter, I'aKtor Sab bath arhool at 9:4h a. m. Morning wor- r' - 111.. IIM'IIIF, lft Ml, I lf f VP- ftorer of Iilt-ala.' Young People's Chrfa- imii Kiiioii nitvimu in ft p, m. l ne con- U litirat will 4,,in I . . i. . i . - - jv'"i in nit 4 rnprr orr i cn on the hlKh aohool lawn at 7 p. m. TIlA nuiKAH A S-. a A A. a " ft uir vux'imMi, j rail HHU Twenty-aeventh, Charles H. Fleming. i iui-muming worsnip wun Kfnnon ny .Mr. Ckorge O. Wallaee, 10:; topic, "A ,,rn vwniut-i iiik. rioi pfnooi ai nwn. Kvpntnir wnraiiiit a & 4Al.in i .. .. l - AfrtcaV illustrated by first claaa atereop- i' "ii vitwa ana unoming me enert or inn I llo in tilt lil rlr nnntlnsnl VI Irl.n s.slf service, Wednesday, $ p. m. Benson, Hev. A. J. MeClttng, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning piaoh1ng service at 11 o'clock. Hev. wunun r. .-rnwarr win preacn. l ne cnoir anthem will be 'Holy Is the i-ord," by Hradbury. Christian Kmleavor meeting ut i lY ht a nnUr. ...t,.. I . 1 ...ill bo hold at th PresbyterlHii church. Vf i A i.M,i t.n1. ...ill L mi. -' "tiiiui Aio rt win r'!s,t"n. I no choir will sing- "l will Lift l p Mine r'f". ".v j-eace, ami miss Helen Jor- KenS4'n Will Crlv n n nfrrti.rv aftl.. Tor.. With Mo," hy Sohackly. 1 nlted Brethrra. Vnlled Brethren. Nineteenth tml I.oth- TOD. KeV V ft .lnnn. I) Tl Mlt... 6 iin day school at 10 a. m Mornina- wor- 'I ii ij o ciocic .;nrisnan Kndearor at 7 p. in. Miss Aer; V. Fetters, assist ant to the pastor, r.'ltl conduct the morn ing service In tiio absence of Kev. Mr. i ne who ""dcrwont a surgicul opera- Miscellaneous. Bible preaehlii at the Saratoga Con Bregatlonal church, corner Amea avenue and Twenty-fifth street, at 10:30 a. m.. Omaha M nl 1 n A ..I . . ! njM w Vtr li .V 7. c-",av'"". v ranK lln, W. E. Foshlcr. President-Aftenxion service at 3:30 o clock. Jens Jensen, leader. Peoples 515 North Eighteenth, Hev. r!!Srle".rW' ff-VJfW. Fsstoi Momln VuL ii " I .':r,rl Hn1 1 im Principles the Hope of the World." EvenlnR sub Jr, u'Mo?rln5 Pictures: The Star of i.ethlehem. r Sunday school at noon. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ SLt1?,1" 0U"? Kalnt"' Twenty-fourth and Ohio Sunday school at i:46 a m preachlmf at U a. m.; rellalous ser'ice at ,,,7 Preaching- at H p. m. ; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 oTclock. leJr?f.iPrt,i?ieMMV"' -s!,riuallst, Mack n a "i1, ""'I'arney, F. A. Thomas. I. S. H.. Pastor-8 p. tn., lecture and messages, subfect. "When Shall There Be Universal Peace?" Tuesday at p nv., messaae service; Thursday at i30 p. m., ladles' aid message service. BRIEF CITY NEWS Thomas W. Blackburn for Congress. Hare Boot Frtnt ItNow Beacon Press. tlfa lConthly Znooms Qould, Bee Bldg. ridsUty atorags and Ta Co., Song. lSlfl Ughtlng rizttursa Burgess-Qranden company. " Help Xinry p. Meyers for register of deeds. lie deserves reeognltlon.-Adv. Louis B. Hopkins, republican candidate for county clerk, asks your support at the polls, August 18. Conosrt at Xonntsa Park The Fourth regiment band will give, a . concert at KounUe park at 1:30 Sundar afternoon. ' Tlnsd 'Xlsordsrly Charge J. U Kempleman, , who was arrested for con ducting a disorderly house at Hil9 Farnam. has. been fined IV and costs. He appealed the case. Today', Complete MotIs Prorrant" may be found on the first page of the classified section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. ns Brallsr j Borraaoa Suit for IS.000 against Bralley & Porrance has been brought In district court by Anna Hammerlun who alleges that she was run over by an ambulance belonging to the defendants at Twenty-fourth and Ames avenue. Restlaalna; tn 1 Her l.ona Protests Over the Aetloa Takea Womaa Takes l.andaaam and Arid la Attempt at Snrelde. have been good ones and the lodge Is entirely satisfied with the results. The Indei-enilent Order of Odd Fellows will hold their weekly meeting next Monday evening st their hall on Twsntv fourth and M streets. A lecture on social purltv and child conservation will he given hi the lecture room of the South omalia library on Wednesday st p. ni. The six-aker. t'hnilolte K Wnlte, conies un'ler the auspice of tile 4'hlld Conservation l.tsKHe of America. Ths most desirable ruin-sled rooms sra advertised In The Pee. Get a nice cool room for the summer. SUES HER LANDLORD FCR FALL INTO A WELL Mrs. Il.-ssle V. flihbons, JVis lllondn stiert. who on April 79 wus hnnKlng out A WHshlr.g nnd win alleges thnt she fell Int.i nn old well. Iihs hrought suit for I tt.oon against her landlord, William C I Jenkins. 1 ! t nhb'n Hand Some tiol. W hile Ty i'ohh's injured thumb has In. terfereil with his hull plsylng, we not4 from his .loiirnsllstlc efforts thst he 14 still able to hold a lx n. German Alliance to Start Fund for Soldiers' Widows To start a fund for German war suf ferers the Herman Alliance of Omaha will hold a meeting Sunday at 4 p. m. at the German home on South Thirteenth street. Special speakers are heln sennrAil mnA arrangements are being completed to launcn a big movement here for the re lief of German widows, orphans and other victims of the great conflict. Valuable Headpiece Undervalued by Police How much Is a home made hat worth? This question was put squarely up to the police department last night, and al tnough the owner and maker of the headpiece declared that ho spent two weeks In rigging It up, and valued It at K'5, the heartless officers made an entry of "value $1.60" In their "squeal book." Dr. F. B. Mng of 708 South Sixteenth street, a Chinese physician, reported that while he was wearing the hat, with some nifty white knickerbockers, white stockings and shoesT and a long linen duster, and was listening to i, street meeting at Fifteenth and Dnuilu ,-iriw.i. some "coarse, rude neraon." carae nn i. hind him and snatched off his lid, escap ing with It. No arrests have bt.en made, and the doctor's conspicuous wh:te cos tume has been luid aside until he can make another hat to match it WILL OF LEAH HOSEWATER IS FILED FOR PROBATE The will of the Iste Leah Rosewater was filed In the county court today with application for probate by her son. Victor Hose water. Akide from specific bequests to her grandchildren, and to her sister ard her nieces and nephews In Cleveland, O., the property is to go to her direct heirs, namely Victor- and Charles C. Rosewater, Mrs. Stella Rosewater Fell. Mrs. Blanche Rosewater Newman and Nellie R. Elgutter, being In the nature of a redistribution of the part of the estate of Edward Rosewater which went to him I widow. No schedule Is filed, but th property Is estimated as approximately about too.OuO. City Treasurer V. 3. Martin and Ta Commissioner Jerry Fltigerald voted no yesterday when the rest of the Board of Equalization voted to permit the packers and the stock yards to go without a raise fh assessments. Mayor lloctor voted no, although he had Introduced the motion to allow the stock yards to remain at the same figure as last year. Martin and Fitzgerald believed that the packers and the stock yards should stsnd for a raise, at least as much as tho 15 per cent placed upon the small owners and bus iness men of the dry. The council and board, Martin and Kav- anaugh voting against the move, rut taxes on Mayor Iloctor's private property from IT00 to HOJ per lot and less. Councilman Rlha Introduced the motion that the packers and the stock yards be assessed the same as last year. Mayor lloctor wanted the stock yards to remain the saifie and tho packing houses cited in sepnratcly. There Is nn doubt that the citizens are wrathy over the Board of Equalisation and lleylcw v;lth the exception of Martin and Fitzgerald, who fought to have the burden placed on the shoulders of the corporations as well as on the small tax payers. Citir.ens were openly complain ing of the burden placed on them and swearing that they would vote for annexa tion. Tho lsst move of the council, which left tho burden on the small taxpayers and did not raise a penny on the pack ing houses and the stock yards, was too much, and a howl was going up last night. s Takes I.aarianam and Arid. Using luudnnuni and earbollo acid to make sure, Mrs. Jacob Jones failed to commit suicide yesterday afternoon at her home, Twenty-seventh and N streets. The woman Is about 40 years of age. The police any she had experienced some troublo with her husband In the morning. The couple Is said to have renewed the trouble later In the day. The woman then procured the soporific and the car bolic acid. It Is thought that she took the laudanum hoping to dull the pain of the carbolic acid. She was found by neighbors, and Detective Andrew Le plnskl summoned medical aid. After phy sicians had rendered first aid, they or dered Mrs. Jones to the South Omaha hospital. It U thought that she will recover. Tramp loind Dead. One tramp found another dead at Sixtieth and L streets yesterday after noon. He told Joe Boyer, a farmer liv ing nearby, who called Undertaker W. J. Iarkln, and had tho body removed to the morgue. The dead man, according to Larkln, had been dead for at least three weeks. The body will bo Interred at once. No marks of Identification were found on the man. Boyer says he saw a man hanging around about three weeks ago. The man may have been a suicide ot he may have died from natural cause. Chasoh Matters. All South Omaha churches will resume their regular Sunday morning program tomorrow morning with the exception of tho Methodist Episcopal church. Union vesper services will be held on the high school lawn at 7 o'clock in the evening. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. In the absence of Rev. J. W. Klrk patrlck there will be no morning services st the First Methodist church at Twenty fifth and E streets. Sunday school will be held as usual at 8 :." a. m., Superin tendent Dean Ringer presiding. First Presbyterian. Twenty-third and J Streets Bible school in all departments at :4. Dr. Wheeler preaches at 11; topic. "And He Manifested His Glory.'1 At the morning services, resolutions of sympathetic condolence for the president of the United States In the death of his wife will be presented to the congrega tion, followed by prayers. The union vesper services on the high school lawn will be addressed by Rev. William 1L Mill of the Baptist church. Dr. Wheeler will preach for the Third Presbyterian folks on next Sabbath evening at Twenty second and Leavenworth streets, Omaha. Baptist. Twenty-fifth snd 11 Streets. William R. Hill, pastor Morning worshiji anil nermun ai ii. cuuiiay bchuji ai. v:.. Union services on high school grounds at 7. Hrown Park Sunday school at 9:45. Hillsdale Sunday school at 2:30. Preach ing at 8. Matrle City 4o!p. Mrs. William Berry and her son, Malms. will leave today for an auto trip through lowa. The local uerie of Eagles will give a dancing party this ovem-iv at their hail. Twenty-third and N streets. The Eastern Star society will hold an important business meeting this evening. All members are requested to attend. There will be a big dance at the new Settlers' hall. Thirty-sixth and I streets. this evening. Admission will be charged. A. V. Stryker and Willis m Shellsberg, both of the local stock yards, have Just returned from a business trip to Denver. The local order of Moose are holding nightly dances at their hall on Twenty- fifth and M streets, now tho center of the carnival. Th Moose carnival, which Is now ort' In full force at Twenty-fourth and M streets, will conclude is lull, to South Omaha this evening. The crowds nightly COLORED WOMAN STABBED TO DEATH BY HUSBAND Mrs. Frank D. Green, 113 North Nine teenth street, is deal as a result of a family quarrel in which she was stabbed In the heart by her husband who Is lodged In the city jail with a charge of murder against hlin. Catarrh of Head rX I Feel It , 1 a Duty I to ) Mankind J to Let' J Them jjSj Know of M iva Pe-ru-na Mr. W. H. Chaney, TL F. D. j, Sutherlln, Pittsylvania Co., Vs., writes: "For the past twelve months I hava been a sufferer from catarrh, of the head. Bine taking four bot tles of your Peruna I feel a different person altogether. The severe palna In my head hava disappeared, and my entire system has been, greatly strengthened. This Is my first taa. tlmonlal to the curative qualities of any patent medicine, but I feel It a duty to mankind to let them ltnow of the greatest medicine on earth Peruna In my estimation for the above trouble." Those who object to liquid medi cines can now procure Peruna Tablets. Sunday, August 9, 1914, STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY Sixteenth and Harney Streets. MONDAY IS CIRCUS DAY "D JX(iL1X(i'S circus with its mighty sjuM-taelo ami arcn xv pleasure seekers, hut with all the attractions ot the "g unusual avinr nosalbtltttPB afforded by thin grout cloanup inovonient I and the underprlelng la most remarkable. You'll want to see the " . . 1. I I . ,1, V . .... . - . , . . jour eiiuppiiiK. ii win oe prt'Biiy to jour amaiuane. par e womlers is here tomorrow, to attract the thousands of rent est show .-mi earth" vou must not lose sight, of the verv n force throughout the store, l'ractlcnlly every acrtlon Is represented iule," it will pits our store about 11a. in., so come down early and do III KGESS-NASH COMPANY. ROc While titMMN, U.V Broken line while goods, Includ- InR novelty crepes, rice crepes, voiles, fancy weaves; val ues to tide yard . . . . Bnrrsss-Wssh Co. Main Tloor. 25c il.V limit Towels, 17c. Scalloped huck guest towels, dauinsk: wreath medallion ends; values, cleanup price, each Burgess-Wash Co. Main Floor. and 2 lie sale I7c t..V) Table Napkins, Irish damask table napkins, sine Z222 and 2:t'4 In pood srl iion or designs; were :i.o0, Monday, dox nrrs-Wtsh Co. Main Floor. -M'ix ft srlec- y 215 Kmliroiilct le at l.V Corset cover embroideries Inches wide; also flouncing, good se lection of designs; Monday, yard Bnrgsss-lTasli Co. Main Floor. lb I5c Ijmt KlouncinK, Pretty lace flouncing, 27 to 45 Inches wide, good selection of new patterns, Monday, very special, yard. . Bnnress-ITash Co. Main rioor. 39c $:1.IIM Table Cloths, $2.1.1 Pattern laMe cloths, slr.o 2x3 yards, good seler- QftIC lion of patterns, 0 JtU were $3. PS, In the f - sale Monday, each Bnrgsss-Mssh Co. Main Tloor. Xel Top Irftces. I lie uroken line of net top laces In a wide range or new designs; very special for Monday, the yard Mnrrsss-Wash Co. Mala rioor. 19c IHc YVawh (JihmN, rtllc. Including plain and plaid tines, linen suitings, silk atrlpw voiles plain coloied crepes, 42 to 48-ln. DSc value Bnnrsss-irash Co. Main Tloor. ra- 39c Silk miliums, 2.V. All fllk ribbons in widths of 5 to 6 in. pretty shades, also white and blnck. sale price Monday, ynrd Bnrgsss-Nssh Co. Mala rioor. 25c 25c YVmmIi Oepos, lie. YaHh crepes, striped and fig tired. :!2 inches wide In a pretty selec tion of designs and colors, Monday, yd... Burg ss-ash Co. Ms In Floor. 9c 10c Silk Taffeta, lc Silk taffeta. 2:i In. wide in navy, apricot, reseda, tan, brown, pink, taupe, blue, red, etc., were 60c a jard Bnrrsas-ITash Co. Mala Floor. IGc Stamcil Gowns, 4(H; j Night gowns of best quality crepe, stamped for working, new de signs: very special Monday at Burysss-Wash Oo-aaoond Floor. 49C fl.no Crepo tie Chlno, fl.20 Crepe de chine, In all the popu lar shades, also cream and black; formerly $1.59, In sale Monday, vd. . . Bnrgess-Knsh Co. Hull rioor. lie popu- S29 Stamped downs, Hilc Night gowns of best quality rrencn nainsook, stamped for eyelet, rrench design, spe cial Monday at Bnrgsss-Wash Co. Ileeond Floor. 39c Til low- Cases, illlc Stamped ready for working on good quality muslin, sir.e U x 4 2 in., hem stitched nnd plain scalloped edges, at . . Burgsas-Bssli Co. JUeond Floor. 39c Crochet Hollies, 10c Hand crochet dollies, 0-ln. w-ido selection of de signs, special for Monday, dozen, fl, or, each Bnrgess-Wash Co Second Floor. slie, 10c Men's f2 l'ajamas, f 1.411 Men's pajamas, Faultless make, good selection of CJ patterns, Monday, 0 garments formerly $2.00, for Burgess-Wash Co Main Floor. .Men's H(H) l itderwear, 2lc Men's Roxford underwear, uroken lines, mostly "ulrtH, formerly 50c, Monday, very spe cial at Bnrrsss-Bash Co Mala Floor. 29c IIHc MessaJIne Silks, 7.1c. Kinpea messaune suks In a good lino of colors and designs, 36 In ches wide, were 9Sc, sale price, yard .... Barffass-Haah Co. Ms In Floor. 75c Monday Sal e of NOTIONS Chamois Jewel cases at. . loo Honed belting, all widths, at, yard ....UK: A 1 u m I num drinking cups, large and small, at. . 10c Plain nnd lace trimmed sanl t a r y aprons, each 25c Fancy si Ik dress shields, pair 10c Sanitary nap kins, d os.. Boo Linen tape, assorted width, 6 bolts for Be Slipper trees. 3 pair for 25c A d J u stable dress shields for butterfly sleeve, pr.25c Real human hair nets, all shades, at two for 2Bc Machine o 1 1, can .5c K tndergarten beads of as sorted colors and shapes, box 10c Puro beeswax, each ...... .Be Silk beading taie w ltli bod kin, bolt of B yards . . . . .Be Warren's new collar eulmpes. all sizes. ..25c C h 1 1 d r en's leather knee caps, pair. 25c Bnrfsss-Wash Co. Main Floor. fl.BO Waist at flftc White voiles and lawns, also coiorea voiles witn white collar ant currs, broken assort ment of $1.50 llnei Bnrtrsss-Wash Co. Second Floor. .B9c f 1.05 Waists at Mile Hroken lines of sizes of waists formerly $1.9.r1, of voile, lawn and or gandie, lace and embroidery trimmed., Bnrfsss-Wash Co. Seoood Floor. 89c f2.BO-f2.05 Waists, fl.05 Voiles, lawns and sheer summer materials, lace and O embroidery trimmed, y long or snort sleeves, were $2. CO to $2.95. Burysss-Wash Co Second Floor. 25c Hut IMna at lc Sterling: silver top hat pins, two on a card, small and neat; are regularly 2Dc; Monday, per pair only Burrsss-Wasli Co Main Floor. I9c Silk Hun lnios, 25c Tretty silk run laces, 18 Inches wide, splendid selec tion, were 75c to $1.00; Monday very special, yard Burrass-Bsah Co. Mala Floor. 25c Men's Silk, Hose, Men's fiber silk liose and colors; extra quality and a re markable v a 1 u e Monday at, pair .... BnnrssB-Wasli Co. Mala Floor. 25c 1n black 25c Women's 25c Hose, 15c Women's tan fiber silk boot nose, run seamless, former prlco 25c, cleanup sale price, pair I Bnrrsss-Vash Co. Main Floor. I5c Child's I'nlon Suits, 20o "M" style for boys and girls, iow necK, sleeveless, drop seats; for ages 2 to 14 years, Monday Borrsss-stash Co. Main Floor. 29c Silk LiNlellose, 35c Women's black Glorletta silk, lisle hose, high spliced heel, double sole, C-thread toe, best values at, pair Burgess-Wash Co Main Floor. 35c Women's 25c Vests, 15c Women's low neck and short sleeve white cotton shaped vests; were formerly 25c, Mon day, sale price , Burg-sss-Wash Co Mala Floor. I5c Monday Salc.of Drugs Toilets Chloride lime, Peroxide large can.. He. cream, 25c Jar Jap Rosesoap, for oc rake c Absorbentcot- Perpxlde, U- ton, 1 pound, lb. bottle.. 4c (Lee's) . .22c : Hublier Klovcs, 50c kind. 10c Sal Hepatlca, Crepe toilet 25c size.. 14c paper, 4 rolls Fountain syr- for 25c Inge, 76c kind Sanl-riush, 25c for 0c can for... 17c P. & O. Naph- Canthrox, ROo thasoap...4c size 20c White Lily soup, raken, c 20-Mule-Teant Wyeth's sage, borax, 1-lb Oc 60c size.. .34c Jad salts, 75c sixe ....40c Aspirin tab Syrup of Figs, lets, 25c size 50c size. ..33c pkg. for.. 10c BurfSB-Bash Co. Mala Floor. Tailored Suit, f 10.00 Made of silk and cloth materi als in a variety oi de sirable styles, were $19.60 to $35, sale price Monday , Barress-Wash Co. Bsoond Floor. uiaieri- SI0 Summer Hresses, $4.0.1 Our entire stock of fine sum mer dresses, Includ ing voiles, ' lawns, crepes, etc., were $15 to $25, for BurfB-W"asti Co oond Floor. f 7.BO Cloth Skirts, f 4.05 Women's cloth skirts, tunlo styles, good selec- tlon of materials and 2hfjH1 W SB WW .4 colorings; were $7.60 sale price Bnifo SB-Bash Co. Ssoond Floor. f 7.50 Wash Skirts, f2.05 Our entire stock of fine wash skirts, white pinue. narrow and wide wale, were so. ou to f $7.50, sale price .... La Bonrs-Wash Oo. Second Floor. SQ95 f 15 to f25 Coats, f 10 Coats and capes in every known weave oi. material, many styles for se lection, were $15 to $25, choice for Barress-Wash Co. Second Floor. auuvt u SI0 flB Vloth Coats, fl.05 Women's cloth coats of fine all wool eponge in variety of styles and colors: were $10 to $15, for Bnrrsss-HTash Co 4Seoond Floor. s of line all ?.sp Klosflt Petticoat, $5.00 Klosflt petticoats, the iiiobi popular petticoat of today; beautiful line of new shades, Mon day at Burgess-Wash Oo. Btoond Floor. sp House Dressea, f 1.03 Balance of our stock of dresses. J uoBtiauiQ 1U1 house and wear; were $6.60, for Bnrgs-Wash Co Heoond Floor. ur stocK 01 aresses, able for ftBnf. ld street Jkaflh $3.50 to WUU Girls' Dresses, f)Hc Girls' wash dresses in a big se lection ot styles and colorings; .ging hams, crepes, cham brays, etc., at Bnrgess-Wssh Co. Bseond Floor. 98c SH.50 Mattresses, f l.05 All felt mattresses with fancy ticking covering, reg ular price $8.50, sale price Monday only , Burgess-Wash Co. Third Floor. S195 ' fa 50 Fiber Hugs, f 4.60 Fiber rugs, splendid assort ment or colorings, in cluding blue, brown and green; were $8.50, for Burgess-Wash Co. Third Floor. 1 assort- $4iB I gnrgess-x.a v. 1 1 t www s-ioor. Burgess-Wash oo. Third Floor. Burgess-Wash Co. Third Floor MONDAY the ECONOMY BASEMENT . 1 1 . 1 1. OO lted Spreads, 40c Seersucker and crochet bed spreads, "d full size, good assort ment of designs; were $1. Monday . . ' Bnrgsss-Wash Co Basement. 49c JBu Wash t'repes, Oc Good desirable Inexpensive ma terial for waists, chil dren's wear, dresses, gowns, etc., were 15c, Monday Bnrgess-Wssh Co Basement. 9c 10c ISleached Muslin, 5)c Yard w ide bleached muslin and long cloth, free from starch, fine quality, 2 to 10-yd. lengths, formerly to 10c, yd. Burgsa-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. 5ic Dress Percales, 7 We Hundreds of dress lengths fine quality percale, new pretty patterns, fast colorings, light or dark colors, yard. . . Bnrgsss-Wash Co BaBemsnt. iub line 7!g 10c Scotch l'Ulds, 4ic Scotch plaids and fancy check ginghams, the reg ular 10c quality, Monday sale price, the yard Bnrgsss-Wash Co. Basement. 41c 12 He Chanihray at 0c Yard wide, soft finished blue cbambray, the regu lar 12 Vic quality, sale price, Monday, yard Burgess-Wssh Oo Bassnisnt. 6c 35c P.rooiu for 10c Brooms, four-tie, of best quality broom corn, regular 35c quality, sale price for Monday, each Burgsss-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. I9c BOc Double Holler, 2ttc Gray enamel double boiler with enamel lid; former price was 60c, In the clean up sale Mon day at Burgsss-Wash Co Baasmeat. 29c f 1.25 Hath Fixtures, 40c Lot of high grade bath room fixtures, Including combination tow bars, etc., were $1.25. for Bnrgsss-Wash Co -Bsssmsnt. !".49c 75c Hath Fixtures, 25c Lot of bath room fixtures. towel bars, etc., best quality brass, nickel plated sample pieces, were 75c, for Borgess-Wash Co. Bascmsnt. 25c 40c Steel Skillet, 20c No. 8 cast steel skillet, "Never- Break" brand, regu lar 4 0c size, Monday, very special at Burgess-Wash Co. Basement. 29c fl.no to f 1.75 Tea Kettles 2 -coated all white enamel tea kettles, sizes 7 and 8, fully guaranteed; were $1.50 and $1.75, Monday at. . . , Burgsss-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. 98c fl House Dretes, 30c Broken assortment of women's house dresses of lawn percale and Cham bray; were $1.00; sale price, each .... Burgess-Wash Co Bsssmsnt. 39c f 1.08 to f2.0H DresM, f 1 Chambray, percale and other desirable materials, &U'Anf) over embroidery Iriiu-S 11111 med; collar and vest; I were $1.98 and $2.98. at I Bnrgess-Wash Co. Bsssmeut. Women's f 1.47 Waists, 30c Clearing ot all waists in base ment section that were priced to $1.4 7. Voiles, lawns and crepes. Choice for Burgsss-Wash Co Jlassmsnt. 39c 20c Corset Covers, 10c Corset -covers of nainsook and allover embroidery, some lace and em broidery trimmed; 29c values, at Burgsss-Wash Co Bsssmsnt. I9c BOc Combinations, 80c Combinations or nainsook em broidery, lace and ribbon trimmed; were 59c, sale price Monday each . . . Bnrgess-Wash Co -Bsssmsnt. 39c 70c to DHc Gowns, 00c Gowns, petticoats and com binations of nainsook, lace and embroidery trimmed; were 79c to 8S?. at Bnrgsss-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. 69c Kiubrolderies at 2 He Nainsook and cambric edgings and Insertions la widths 2 to 5 Inches, also embroidery beadlugs, per yard.. Burgess-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. .... O ... 3 u 2!c 35c Hacques, 10c Fancy lawn, striped or figured; were a5c, clear ing sale price 190 UTPiT aas vaaasaaBBSBBHMPBBBaaBMBBBBBBBBr 'UBBSaBMBHBBBBBlBBBBaSBBaSSBBBSBaBBBBBBBSaaBSBBIMMHMaHBBBBBBBBk ESS-NASM CO Women's Coat at OHc A broken range of sizes in linen and cloth coats, many styles and materials; were $5 to $7.60, Monday at Burgess-Wash Co. Bsssmsnt. 98c EVERYBODY'S STORE Laces at 2Ue French and cambric edgings and i abor tions to smutch, also viluen torchon. 2'c