Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 2

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    'Frewh Troops Invade
unday Bee
Generally Fair
single copy five cents.
Tour British War Veueli la Water
way Leading to Hall Are Be
ported Sank.
Number of the Attacking Craft Re
ported Lost Daring the En
Report Tallies with Statement
May Be Unfavorable.
News of Sinking of Amphion Cause is
little Excitement t
War Office Convince that Kalael
Hna Maintained Complete 87 s-
tern af Espionage In Ens
land (or Tears.
NEW YORK, Aug.. 8,Privat'
came advices in New York report
that a flotilla of German torpedo
boats Has attacked British warships
In the Humber. the waterway to
Hull, on the east coast of England,
elnklng four of them.
A number of the attacking German
torpedo boats were lost. The report
tallies with yesterday's declaration V
of the British admiralty that the first
news of the war might be unfavor
able. The date of this engagement
is not given.
Connm . Oenaaneea Palto Reports.
LONDOV. Aug. a Heated condemna
tion was "voiced In the ouae of Commons
' "today of the dlaseminatlon'ef " 'falsa news
"IJStjncernlng tSe war such as that published
j 'H'rtsard to "reat hsval battle otf iitJ&
4ii';ta:;r Holland. ' c
- : "It was absolutely false, said Reginald j
McKenna, the home secretary, and he
expressed the hope that the house would '
Join htm in the strongest condemnation .
of the publication of such reports. lie
I do. net say it was wilfully done In
this case, but It might be wilfully done
In order assist the circulation of a
"The publication ef false news Is a
misdemeanor and now that a press
bureau with a constant stream of reliable
Information haa been established, the
publlo has the right to expect that no'
such news will be published except when
furnished by the press bureau."
Mf. McKenna added that he was confi
dent the unanimous opinion of the House
(Continued on Page Two.)
) Czechs in Bohemian
Regiments Are Shot
PARIS, AW- 1-M p. m.)-An official
dispatch received at the war offlo here
atatee that the Auatrians shot a number
of Caeca soldiers In the) Bohemian regi
ments before the utter left for the scene
of war. '
Hamlin is Governor
of Eeserve Board
WASHINGTON, Aug. ' a-Charles B.
Hamlin ef Boston has been selected for
governor of the federal reserve board and
Frederic A. Delano ot Chicago haa been
elected vice governor.
Austrian Troops
Burn Russian Towns
BT. PETERSBCRO, ' Aug. S.-(Vla Lon
don) l: p. m. Austrian troops crossed
the Russian frontier neat the Roumanian
border today and burned some villages.
The Weather
Forecast till T p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair Sunday; somewhat cooler.
Tptlnrt at oauaaa Yesterday.
Hours. le.
6 a. m It
a. m 7?
T a. m 7S
a. m
a. m M
10 a. m M
11 a. m M
i: m W
1 p. m M
t p. m t j
t p. m. M
4 p. m 7
I p. m fj
p. n t4
7 p. m 2
Cossparatlre Local Heeord.
1914. lia 1913. 1911.
Hlvheat yesterday W It 77 tu
Lowest yenterday 17 f H m
Mran temperature 87 87 70 78
Precipitation 00 T .SO T
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 7f
Kxceas for the day 11
Total excess since March 1 371
Normal precipitation 12 Inch
LH-f ti lency for the day 13 Inch
Total rainfall a n March 1. .14. 07 Inches
I efiriency since March 1 4 18 Inches
Itatfctency for cor. eriod. 191J. 1.76 Im'hes
leric;ency fur cur. period, Wi. Inches
"T" InUlcatea traia of prrclpttatiun.
1 . WELill. Local Forecaster.
1 1 y -ties, - aw-tw,. . ..
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
Huge Crowd Gatheri at Florence to
Hear Speeches and Eat
Roast Beef
Jefferls, tke Oaly Speaker Nat a
Candidate far Office, Reviews
Past Aealerentr.uta And '
. . ' .;. Brilliant Fntajjrc.
It was probably the blyest republican
alfy'sln'e tTie" iood "olcl c1Hnr-aTn3''jrt
S and 190ft that Wat staged at Florence
UitfiwvYt9fkin aha evenlhg'.;' It wad
cheduled for 3 o'clock. Long before that
time the crowd began to gather in ths
tMTk at Florence., Every car from Omaha
cairrted loads Jammed into the seats and
clinging to the straps
fThe crowd was treated to speaking by
thie candidates; That was food for the
bAaln. Then there t was food for the
stomach also.
Flor soon after daylight In the morning
besran the roasting of two oxen in an
enormous nheet Iron roaster built for tha
purpose. But they were not stuck on.
spits and turned and turned over a fire
to tie burned to a crisp on the outside.
lef tJ rare In the middle, and, then cropped
Intel the ashes by accident at the finish.
Continued on Page Three.)
Final Arrangements
for Funeral of Mrs.
Wilson Completed
WA8HINQTON, Aug. S.-Final arrange
ments made today for the funeral of Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson, wife of the president,
made It certain that the services both at
th White house Monday snd In Rome,
O a., (Tuesday, will be the simplest. Every
effort Will bs made to conduct the funeral
as f tha president were a private citizen.
Secretary Tumulty said In addition to
the committees of the senate and. house
and meitibers of the cabinet, only rela
tives an! a few of tbe closest personal
friends would attend the services. Only
the family and a few intimate friends will '
go with the body to Rome for the burial.
Members of tbe congressional commit
tees wtll not go to Georgia because of the
president's desire that work of congress
shall id on.
Both senate and house, however, will
adjourn from 1 p. ni. to 4 p. m. Mondsy
while the funeral services are going on.
There will be no honorary pallbearers
at the White bouse services.
Attendants from the White house will
carry the body from the east room to the
hearse, and then It will be taken directly
to a special train. 1
The Rev. Sylvester Beach of Princeton,
N. J., the pastor of the Wilson family
and Rev. J. H. Taylor of the Central
Presbyterian church, -Washington, will
conduct the services at the White house.
The pastor of the Presbyterian church of
Rome, of which Mrs. Wilson's father was
formerly in charge, will conduct the ser
vices at Myrtle Hill cemetery.
The funeral train will leave Washing
ton at 4 p. in. Monday afternoon and
will arrive in Rome at about S p. m.
Tuesday . The' Ust services will be con
ducted Immediately and soon afterwards
the funeral party will return to Wash
ington, arriving here late Wednesday af
ternoon. The president appeared at the executive
offices today In an all-white suit, with a
band of black about one sleeve. Police
men .who have been stationed at the
Whit House for many years have been
selected to carry the casket from the East
room to the hearse.
Announcement Extraordinary: The Bee has perfected exclusive arrange
ments with the New York World for special war news service for the
benefit of our readersthis in addition to the full Associated Press reports.
The Higher Appeal rZT
Steel Works Gives
French Government
Big Guns Batteries
PARIS, Aug. (1:25 p. m.) The Creu
sot Fteel works has presented to the
French government twenty-six complete
batteries of 105-inllllmeter guns of a new
type, which had been ordered by a foreign
government Just before the war broke
out The company informed the govern
ment that It stood ready, to pay Indemnity
for the nonexecutlon of the contract. As
tha manipulation of the guns requires
special knowledge, a number of Creu sot
worKmen have enlisted to handle 'them.
The gift represent a . value ot over
$.1,000,0(10., - '
Makes it Hard f6r Repablicaft Voters
to Get Their Names on Regis
tration Books.
Democrats " Are) Shown Preference
When They Appear at (ommli
sioner'a Office to Rearleter
for Canting; Primaries.
"Voting used to be an inestimable
privilege, but now It Is a privilege with
Election Commissioner Moorhead decid
ing whether to make it bard or easy for
me," declared a sarcastic would-be
voter, as he abandoned his attempt to
register. "I know and others know that
men who are known to be republicans
lire given the worst of It, but what can
we prove T"
Complaints rose to the heavens from all
sides yesterday concerning the manner
In which the election commissioner was
l conducting his office during the rush of
Ilna registration tor the coming primary.
The principal complaint was that demo
crats found it easy to register without
loss of time,, but that, republicans were
kept waiting and otherwise annoyed. A
throng of voters besieged the few clerks
all day and until late at night.
Another source of woe' was 'the clerk
In the election commissioner's office who,
some "cranky" voters complained, de-
Vnt V4 tru-a mnnh ahantlnn a at l..
( v. . . VB..?ll,
uuwjr men vera waiting jor atten
tion. Others complained that more facili
ties for handling tha crowd should have
.(Continued on Page Three.)
Servian Army Has
Invaded Austria
(Copyright, 1914. Preas Publlrhlnb Co.) .
LONDON, Aug. l-Speclal Cablegram
to the New York World and The Omaha
Bee.) The Times today has the' follow
ing from Nlsh: The Servian army has
invaded Austria at Uvats, which haa been
abandoned ' by the enemy after setting
fire to the barracks. The place Is In
flames. Ooutpost skirmishing is the only
fighting going on.
Nephew of Kaiser
Reported Captured
(Copyright by tha Prees Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. a (Special Cablegram
to The Be and tbe New Tork World.)
The French forces have effected a Junc
tion with tha Belgians and it Is reported
that a nephew of the kaiser was In com
mand of the Oerman forces which were
reported captured.
French Airman FireS on by German
Soldiers, Rises Beyond Range
of Bullets.
Onter Forts of Liege Tara Gana on
Friendly . Avtatora, Already
- Mad Targrets by the
4 "' "' Germane. '
(Copyright, Mil,' Press Publishing Co.)
, IONDON, Aug.. ,-8pU Cablegram
to New Yolk World and Omaha Dee.)
The : ClimnloU hag a dispatch srom
Edgar Rowan, its Amsterdam ' corre
spondent, which savs:
"Tha whole Franco-German frontier is
being patrolled by rival aeroplanes, which
are flying parallel and within easy sight
of each other.
J "Soldiers 'and antl-seroplane . artillery
are posted on both sides of the border
line to destroy hostile airmen.
"Passengers on the last train from
Berlin to Amsterdam saw a thrilling In
cident. An airman, believed to be French,
crossed the line and was fired upon by
German riflemen.
Rlsra Beyond' Ranare.
- "lie seemed to see the aim being taken
at him and rose higher and higher In
(Continued on Page Two.)
Greedy Rich Britons
Try to Corner Food
Supply in London
LONDON, Aug. s.-(S:18 p. m.)-Walter
Runclman, secretary of agriculture. In
troduced a bill into the House of Com
mons today giving the British govern
ment power to seise all the food stuffs.
The bill passed through' all Its stages. ,
Mr. Runclman said his reason for in
troducing the bill was what he termed
the "greed of wealthy peoplo, who with a
long line of automobiles hid dlvgraced
themrelves by cornering the large stocks
of provisions and causing great suffering
among the poorer classes."
He said ha believed the panic was now
over, but the government . wished to be
prepared In case of necessity.
Germans Accused of
, Shooting Children
PARIS, Aug. I. 1:62 p. m.)-Count
Albert De Mun, of the conservative lead
ers In tha Chamber of Deputies, writes
over his signature to a newspaper here
"It was related to me by a friend that
twelve ' Danish ch'ldren who were on a
German train going to the frontier car
ried away by the imprudence of their
youth and the ferver of their young
hearts, shouted: 'Vive la France.' They
were immediately dragged out of the
train and four of them were picked out
sad shot."
The Omaha Grain exchange will close
at noon Monday out of sympathy of Its
members for President WHson In his
LONION, Aug. 8. Enough German
reservists to form a large regiment were
taken in custody today by the police In
provincial towns of the British Isle.
British Army Sail to Have Landed
in France on Its' Way to
Continuous Assaults of Germans Fail
; to Make Any Impression on
AH Men in One Division Which Suc
ceeded Jn Crossing River Are
Killed or Captured.
Another fight in Luxemburg
Armistice is Refused Because of the
Fighting Elsewhere.
Soldiers Seen to Lack Enthaalaam
CnBtared Officers Try lo Pass
Themselves Off as
LONDON, Aug. 8. (5 a. ni.) A
dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph
enmnanv from Brussels, gays that a
division of German cavalry which
hvd succeeded in fording the Meuse
to tho nortn or Liege was surprised
and practically annihilated by Bel
gian cavalry and Infantry, supported
by a battery of light artillery. The
German rout was complete. Seven
German regiment surrendered. ,
LONDON, Aug. 8. (1 . m.P
According to late dispatches . this
morning quite an Important engage
ment between French and Germans
occurred In Belgian Luxsnburg.
The Ktotle Beige of Brussels
learns from an official source that
no decision has been reached on the
question ot an armistice at Liege, an
engagement having begun elsewhere.
BRUSSELS, Aug. 8. (Vta Lon
don Aug. 6.) Tbe War office has
issued an official statement saylnn
that 125,000 Germans participated
in the assault on the forts at Liege,
but that they completely ' failed to
make any Impression on tbe fortifica
tions. Three army corps engaged
in the attack were cut up and ren
dered useless, It is declared. '
LONDON, Aug. 8. All eyes were
turned today toward Belgium, where
the unexpected stand made by tbe
Belgian army agalpst a German ad
vance guard has earned praise in all
The authorities here have taken
the greatest precautions to prevent
the leakage of information as to mil
itary and naval movements, but in
dications were seen in the com-
(Continue J on Page Two.)
United States Tries
to Avert Further
Clash in Mexico
WASHINGTON, Aug. S.-The United
States made further efforts today to
avert the clash of constitutionalists and
the Carbajal government at Mexico Lity.
Telegrams to American Consul Bllllman
urged him to persuade Carransa to enter
Into direct communication with Carbajal.
Joae Caatellot, personal representative
of Carbajal, conferred with Secretary
firyan and then telegraphed Carbajal,
urging him to offer to surrender the gov
ernment If amnesty and guarantees were
given. Should the latter condition rot be
accepted by Carransa, Mr. Castejlot ealu
armed resistance wss Inevitable.
Carrama's reply to the urgent request
of the State department that he confer
with the representatives of President Car
bajal respecting the terms of the occu
pation of tho city of Mexico was embodied
in the following statement tranamitted
today through Consul bllllman at Saltlllo:
"Cxcess will not be permitted and the i
conduct of the new government will be
determined by what It deems for the best
Intersst or all those concerned and this
conduct will be In strict harmony with
tha laws of wsr and the usages of civil-
ised nations unuer similar circumstances."
Summary of
War Situation
Indications that both BrltlHh
and French troops ere hurrying
to the Bsslntanre of the Belgians
are given in French official dis
patches. The extent of the sup
port Is kept secret, as well as the
route tsken by th reinforcements
French navalry Is said to have
arrived at Liege, where masses
of German troops are reported
moving forward to support the
strong advance guard which was
checked by the Belgians, and, ac
cording to reports from Belgian
sources, lost 25,000 men in killed,
wounded and prisoners. The
German war office declares the
German check not a defeat, but
the result of an heroic attempt of
small German force to advance
in fare of difficulties.
French and German troops are
said to have come Into contact in
Luxemburg, where several Ger
man army corps are supposed to
have concentrated.
Numbers Of Germans have been
arrested in England on suspicion
of spying.
Portugal decided to act as ally
to Great Britain under the terms
ot an old treaty by which it must
supply 10,000 men.
A French newspaper dispatch
reports the sinking of the German
cruiser Augsburg in the Baltic
sea by a Russian torpedo boat.
A big Norweglnn steamer struck
a mine on the Dutch coast and
was beached. - ,
Transatlantic lines running
from Glasgow suspended their
sailings, causing the stranding of
many Americans and Canadians.
Tbe Bank ot England reduced
Its discount to 6 per cent owing to
the improvement in the monetary
Bttuatioa, ' ' - x ... ' - - -
Crown Prince Said to Be at Head of
Reinforcing Army of Eight
Hundred Thousand.
Cross River Under Klre of Belgian
boas and Reach the Left Bank
t Streaming; Man
of Hasaanlty.
(Copyrlht, WI, Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Aug. 8. (Special Ca
blegram . to New Tork World and
Omaha Bee.) Hugh, Martlu, the
Daily News correspondent, wired
from Rotterdam Thursday night:
"Speaking to Dutch across the fron
tier at Eyesn this afternoon, the
Germans declared that the crown
prince with 800,000 men is at Ver
vlers. Six pontoon bridges were
thrown across the . Meuse south of
Vise yesterday and by 6 o'clock this
morning a large force ' had' crossed
to the left bank under the fire of
the Belgian gunS. The army then be
gan to move south on both sides of
tbe river blowing up a number of
(Continued on Page Two.)
Shelling of Historic
Buildings in Liege
Causes Indignation
NEW YORK, Aug. (.-Reports that
Liege, the greatest commercial city in
Belgium, waa In flames in places as the
result of shell fire created dismay and
rags among the hundreds of Belgian vol
unteers who have flocked here from all
parts ot the country on their way to
Europe. The Palais d'Justloe and Ht.
Paul's cathedral reported damaged by
shells, are among the oldest buildings in
Speaking of the reported destruction,
Pierre Malt, the Belgian consul-general,
said today:
"It Is monstrous and Inhuman the fight
being made In the city of Liege. It lies
on the right bank of the Meuse river. In
the center of the circle of twelve forts,
which comprise the fortifications ot the
district of Liege.
H Is flatter than New York and Its
approaches Inside tha forts are un-
, guarded. There are 171,000 people in the
j cliy proper and In tho poorer quarters the
congestion Is a serious matter. It a fire
ever starts there the city Is doomed."
Inyade German Territory of Alsace
and Engage in Fierce Fight
at Altkirch.
Officials Report that They Hare
Entered the Town of the
Great Fortress.
Natives Are Delighted at the En
trance of the French Troops
Into Country.
Twenty Thousand Land at Three
Impontant Places.
Phoreed nt Once In the Direction of
Naanah, to the West of Leege,
on Their Way to Meet
I tirrman forces.
PARIS, Aug. 8. (8:05 p. m.)
It Is officially reported that French
troops have entered Muelbausen.
PARIS. Aug. 8. (3:45 p. m.)
French troops today entered Alsace
and captured the village of Altkirch
rear the Swiss frontier, seventeen
miles west ot Basel. 1
Tha official report of the Frnch
invasion of Alsace today says "th
French troopscroBsed Into Alsace
and delivered a flarce attack on the
German forces at Altkirch. Tha
French troops took the village, a
place of nearly 4,000 inhabitants.
Tbe German .forces retreated, pur
sued by the French troops in tha
direction of the great fortress of
The Alsatla natives were so- de
lighted at the ni rival of the French
soldiers that they tore up the fron
tier post.
British Land In'Vraaea.
PAIUS, Aug., S (I p. m.) It was of
ficially announced this afternoon that
tO.ttiO English troops already had been
landed at Ostend, Calais and Dunkirk.
They are now proceeding toward Namur
to the west of Liege on their main rail
road lne to assist the Belgians.
Great Britain and
Germany will Try to '
Exchange Citizens ;
' LONDON, Aug. I Francia Dyka Ao
lund, foreign under secretary on behalf oC ,
the Bittlsh government today gave ex-
pressiun to British appreciation of tho
diplomatic assistance rendered by tho
United States. Speaking In tha House ot
Commons, he suld the various American
embassies had been most kind and cour
teous In all matters connected with tho
position of British subjects abroad. Ha
hoped that before very long it would he
possible through the United 8 la We to '
arrange for the exchange of British sub
jects in Germany for Oerinan subject
In Oreat Britain.
Wilson's Mediation
Order is Producing
an Excellent Effect
ROME. Via Paris. Aug. S.-(S:W p. m
The ofrer of mediation by President Wil
son has produced an excellent effect,
Italy, while admitting the great obstacles
to Us succes will warmly support the
American proposition.
Regret Is expressed at the absence ot
the American ambassador. Thomas Nel
son Page, at such a critical time, but
Secretary Jay, who enjoys the fullest
tonfldence of those In official circles, ia
lolng his utnioat to promote the cht me.
lie had several conversations regarding It
with ths foreign minister.
LONDON. Aug. S.-(1:1S p. m )-A tele,
gram from Rome to the Central News
sxys semaphores on the south coast of
Italy report the Oerman cruisers Ooeben
and Breslau making for the Adriatic A
request to the Austrian fleet tor aid wad
refused on the ground that there had
been no declaration of war between Aus,
trla;Hungary and Great Britain.
LONDON, Aug. S. !:" p. m V A Brit
tsh fore on the gold coast of Wat
Africa, haa aelsed Port Lome, German,