KKE: OMAHA. SA'l UKPAY, A I (il SI ,s, J1M4. GERMANS LOSE 25,000 MEN IN ' FIGHT AT LIEGE (Contlniifd from Page On.) Liege hare akel for an armistice of twenty-four hour. Ii Peuple says the ttomrwrilment of Liege had raunetl six or seven fires In the city up to T o'clock last evening. The heaviest firing oc curred yesterday afternoon. Ger man officers then came to the city with ft white flag and demanded the surrender of the place.' They re ceived negative reply and the bom bardment was resumed at A o'clock. Martial law has been proclaimed throughout Belgium. BILLETI. BRUSSELS, Aug. 7 Via London. 6:05 a. m. It U reported that the attack on Liege forts has been abandoned after a three days' en counter. The German division has retired to the left of the River MeUse. LEADERS IN THE WORLD WAR Grand Duke Nicholas Nickolovitch, who has been put in command of the Russian army (left upper); Lord. Kitchener, famous English gen eral, .who has been put at the head of the land forces of tht British empire (right up per); King Albert of Belgium riding through Brussels. IU XLETI1V. BRUSSELS, Aug. 6 Via London News received from Liege tonight says that the fortress is still hold ing out. It is being bombarded by heavy shells, but is still undamaged, while the Belgian fire is working havoc among the Germans. It is re ported that French forces are in creasing from several directions. LONPOX, Awn. 6.-(10:30 p. in.)-The correspondent of the Daily Newt at Brus sels Rendu the following dispatch: "All the forts surrounding; Liege arc In tact. A Belgian airman thus describee the German attack on Liege: " "After a terrible cannonading the Ger man Infantry approached en masse and reached the glacis of the forts, where the heavy defensive guns were unable to reach them. General Lemun sent artillery to a point where tlie invading Infantry could be shelled and the Germans were swept from their position. This occurred ceveral times during the day and night.' "A patrol of Uhlans performed a re markable exploit by rjdlng Into the town. Belgian officers recognised them an Ger mans and a desperate fight ensued. Sev eral on each aide were killed. "Red Cross automobiles arriving at Brusst-ls report that the ground before the forts is covered with dead and wounded Germans." Alleaea Violation of llaorae Treaties. PARIS, Aug. 7.-fi:60 a. m.) An appeal to the United States to protest against violations of The Hague treaties Is mado In today s Figaro by Gabriel Hanotaux, j former minister of foreign affairs. He suggests that an inquiry should be be gun Immediately and proposes that Pres ident Wilson, Secretary of Htatb Bfyah. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Carnegie. Nicholas Murray Butler and Robert Bacon assume the duty. He de clares the fate of civilization to be in ths hands of the neutral powers. Quiet" la reported from practically every point along the Franco-German frontier today. A strong force of German troops ia known to occupy Luxemburg and It la ! offlically announced here that the French troops, which heretofore had kept at a distance of over" five mile from the Ger man frontier, have crossed in small de tachments at different points, probably on reconnaissances. Abet Ferry, under secretary of state for foreign affairs, has left for the front as a sergeant, taking his place with Edmond Rostand, Adolphe Messimy, the minister of war; Maurice Barrea, the academician, and other notabilities. A committee composed of former Pre mier Arlstlde Brland, Theophile DelcaBse, former minister of foreign affairs, and others formed today to consider the ques tion of food supply for the population, Aattle Line lMrny Miles Lob. LONDON, Aug. 7 (3: a. m.)-A dispatch to the Daily News from Newcastle, timed 1 a. m. today, says that a wireless mes sage received at South Shields shortly before midnight states that the British fleet engaged the German high seas fleet in a heavy battle oft the South Dogger banks. After a general engagement along the battle line, which extended for many . miles, and In which many ships on bolh sides took part, the German fleet was beaten back and moved in the direction of the coast of Holland. It la now believed that the German floet is completely hemmed In on the eastern i2 of the North sea. All the rest of tha sea is in the control of the British fleets, support for this conten tion is found In the . official permission given to fishing trawlers to leave the Tyne ports, those of the H umber and other east coast fishing centers for the fishing grounds today. This had been forbidden for two days. The surgeon In charge of the South Shield hospital received a wireless mes sage last night asking what accommoda tions he had lor the wounded. Ho re plied that he could take care of 1,000 persons. ftermaaa Lose Wlneteea Skips. LONDON, Aug. T (3:40 a. m.)-A dispatch to the Dally News from Whitby says that a ship owiwr is responsible for the statement that nineteen German ships were sunk or captured In the Uittle io the North sea and that several British and French vessels were sunk. Reports from various ports say that heavy firing has been heard in the North ea for the last t enty-four hours. Crnlsera Pnrauv Desretr LOWESTOFT. England. Aug. 7. Trawl ers returning here today report that they witnessed fighting in the North sea Wednesday. A German destTbyer was fleeing from two British cruisers. A dense cloud of smoke from the destroyer gave the impression that It was afire, IT, - i , 4, I III ik'fciwtiild ' It. - . A : . - r7 , k . , rxor m u v : i N m --w, ' ' .-.'. i,; i . ' - -.. v. ? ' ' 7 '. J .-.-Si, III Thirty Unidentified Victims of Neosho Wreck Are Buried JOPLIN, Mo., Aug. 7. Funerals of thirty unidentified . victims of Wednes day's wreck at Tipton Ford, where forty persons are known to have lost their lives, were held at Neosho, near here, today. The bodies were so badly charred it was Impossible to " identify them and they were burled in unmarked graves, Only six among the dead have been Identified.- MEN WHO FRAMED ENGLAND'S WAR DECLARATION. f O i if jl .smsalV.ot. q .mms.. w. . .J niiHBHSanaB 01 .( FOR ANY SPRING OR IN THE HOUSE "PALM BEACHES EXCEPTED" GentlemenGood things can't last forever. That's why you should take advantage of these remarkable clothing values tomorrow. Our entire high gnwlc stock is your fieM for ohosing. We've sizes to fit nil corners styles, patterns and fabrics to meet all tastes. Plenty of courteous, efficient salesmen to serve you promptly. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF "TRUE BLUE SERGES" AS WELL AS ROGERS, PEET & CO. EXCLUSIVE HAND TAILORED SUITS GO IN THIS WONDERFUL HALF PRICE CLEARANCE $10 to $40 SUITS $ CAN NOW BE BOUGHT HALF PRICE, OR EUROPEAN DEMAND FOR AMERICAN GOODS BEGINS NEW YOKK. Aug. T. -Marine insur ance underwriters reported toaay mat the European ' demand for" American manufactured goods bad already started, weeks ahead of the earliest moment e pected by the various lines of export trade. The demand for Insurance on shipments was' brisk; yesterday despite the reports of the activities of the Ger man crulsera along the Atlantic seaboard and the further fact that rates had been raised 20 per 'cent. FUNERAL OF MRS.. -WILSON MONDAY Servians Wipe Out Austrian Regiment East of Belgrade ROUE, Auk. I. Via London, z.d p. m An unconfirmed dispatch published by the Tribune says an Austrian regiment was annihilated by Servians to the east of Belgrade, and that the Austrian are in full retreat toward the Danube. Commencing- Jnne 1st, - Nkkel Plat Road sells tickets Chicago to New York and return. UT.OU. Boston and rrturu. fVOO. Also variable routes. Liberal stou- cwrs. Inquire lo ! agent, or addres John T. Calahan. A. G. K A.. W W Ado St., Chicago. III "oi " -''TSl j (Continued from Page One.) TWO AND HALF MILLION OF GERMAN GOLD SEIZED COME SATURDAY, CHOOSE ANY C o t r a r u A T V O 1 I VV n rt 1 IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT rAWAMAa AltS BAVOXOXB OITB-TXIKO OTT 1 .00 Your opportunity to save greatly on cool, stylish Furnishing! NECKWEAR PRICES SURE TO TEMPT YOU 5(V. 75u Ties now. now. . .25c . .45c $1.00 Ties now. . .65c $1.50 Ties now...95o $2.00 Ties now $1.25 t OMAHA'S GREATEST SHIRT VALUES, HERE $1.00 vShirta now 65c 4imc,; 0rt1 $2.50 Shirts now $1.75 $1.50 Shirts now $1.05 -W Irts n0W $3.50 Shirts now $2.45 DECISIVE SAVINGS ON PAJAMAS $2.00 rajamaa; .$1.35 $2.50 Pajama3..$L75 $3.00 Pajamas.. $2.00 $1.00 Pajftmas. . . . 65c $1.50 Pajamas. .$1.05 $3.50 Pa jamas.. $2.45 $5.00 Pajamas. . $3.50 PoroB Mesh and BnJbriggan Union Suitsan extra special C leader, the suit OwC OMAHA'S LARGEST or MEN AND BOYS " PLYMOUTH. Aug. ' 7. The Holland American steamer Tubantla, from South America, whloh'has been brought here by warships, has $2,6oO,OCO- In gold aboard. committee, . selected the ?niember- from i"-'"' " each state who.has servedlong-est in the f London There are aJso several uerman reservists, . msnies a quaniny 01 Hoiiar Law, Lord Lunsduwn and Arthur Kalfour. leaders of the war party in Par liament, who are the men responsible for England's war declaration against Ovruiany.f t house. . ; ' " Senators Martlne and 'Kenyon .were des ignated as "an Inforrtial'; committee" to send flowers for the senate. " The commlttee;representlhgfevery state. Speaker Clark' -received unanimous ' con sent! to add1 Representative ; Gordon ' Leo of Georgia, representing . the ' Homo ' dis trict. Representative Leo' and Kdward P. Brown, a relative of : Mrs: ' Wilson, left at-once for Rome to' make arrangements for -the funeral '. there. , - ' KapreaaloDS of Sympathy. 1 A' procession 61 carrlugeo,' .bringing; cards ' and ' callers from ' official" and diplomatic circles, circled' around the White- House'' office. "'On every'- hand throughout the capital expression of ten- dereBt sympathy , for the .'president ' were heard. ' . Under the heavy strain of domestic' leg islation, the situation at home resulting from the European crisis; the. long,. hard vigil through ; the . Mexican .crisis, he worked-unceasingly, - His knowledge for the last three weeks that his wife was 111 to death has added Immeasurably to that burden, and yesterday ' afternoon at B o'clock when the last faint ftlrks of life was extinguished, those' Who knelt at the bedside saw him ." give .way.- to his; grief, probably for 1 the.' first time: -1 . Special telegraph' .' operators v ; were brought to the ; White .House-; to receive the flood of messages -.which- came-from persons In every walk of ; life '.in , every, state.- !, - : ' .,- , , According to present arrangement, the regular business, of the government de partments will not be Interrupted except at . the time of the funeral. . .. Aaka rBjre te Coatiaae. The president sent direct . word to the leaders of thr-senate and" house and the heads of the government departments that It was his wish that the- regular business continue and that the -lowering . of - the flugs to hair-mast be, the only., publlo recognition of Mrs. Wilson's death. '. He was desirous- that, congress, continue In session without Interruption.-' ' : The presldunt , has also 'expressed the direct desire that the funeral services be as simple a, possible. . - W tree Sympathy. GRAND ISLAND, Neb..' Aug. ".Spe cial Telegram.) A. H. Thompson, as state chatrmun, last night wired' to Sec retary Bryan the request to "convey to President. Wilson the. heartfelt sympathy of Nebraska's 'entire democratic party Bearing up Well, under, his grief. ' the president went to his desk tJ sign a' tew Important papers, -but jkturned Immedi ately to the W hite House,' where the flag fluttered at .halt staff., and the shades at, the windows were drawn: , Gates 'to the grounds were closed, only the most pressing business Was transacted at- the executive of fives, and attaches and serv ients, all of whom Mrs. -Wilson knew per sonally, snowed their -deep . grief. grain aboard the Tubantla. Rivals Her Daughter ' " in Youthful Beauty A well-known society matron whose youthful beauty Is so well preserved that she U regarded as her daughter's rival in this' respect though she does not pose as such attributes her glrllHh complexion chiefly -o ..two things. She. says: ..'I am convinced that many cosmetics, by overloading the skin and pores, tend to age the complexion. Mercolised wax has just the opposite effect. It keeps the pore clean, permitting them to broathe, and removes dead particles of cuticle which are constantly - appearing and which give the complexion that faded look. Whenever my skin, begins to get the least bit off-color, muddy or tanned, 1 - irn tn mv. drutiiat for an ounce of tnercollzed. wax; 1 apply this nightly, like cold cream, for a week or so. washing it off mornings. This ia what keeps my complexion so fresh, white and velvety, (irn durtnr the trying days of summer. "The. absence of wrinkle and flabbl- na,. 1 .iub tn the nM nf a aimnle face bath prepared by dissolving one ounce o? powdered -aaxclite In a. halt pint witcn l,axel. This keeps the skin 'Urnf and firm." -Mortal Register. Advertisement. a 'STORE f "J6 at Howard -Home of Quauty Clothes; 1 fijiiiiiiMi stejl Barbleaj's Anli-s Salve. Kor a out. brulce,' sore and sk' trouble a box should be In every household, 2&c. A4 jjr ujil. Advertisement. ' When you want to reach the piblic make it easy for the public to reach you. ' This location is the easiest to find In. the city and known . to. every person in the middle west. Its -beautiful, capacious en trance, on toe sidewalk level and the-new, large elevators, their short runs, only six office floors, save time and bother. .They make It certain for cus . torners and clients to reach you easily. A.few. desirable locations in process of adjustment now. If you want one, now is the time. ' Superintendent, Room 103. Telephone Tyler 1000. THE BEE BUILDING "Tha building that U alwmy$ new" War. on Drag Prices at The Rexall Drag Stores AM inifUs vm let Uvtmr Valla to Orf rr.mis lu.tr fftiiiur. . H'4 m mt grnrrlUS, I HAIR BAL8 Sf SrTOSjsobt I II SJaXlsjIwI ' 25c Danderine for 14 60c RlckBecker's Cold Cream 34 60c Marguerita Sylvia Rouge 20 75o K rank's Pink Blush Mas sage Cream for 39 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream -SOt 25c Houblgant's Rice Powder 14 25c 4711 White Rose Soap. .12 25c Arbutus Talcum for. . . .15 Lee's Flower Girl Perfume or Hildreth's Stolen Sweets, at, per ounce 30 Rexall Tan and Freckle Lotion, bottle 25C 60c Carmen Powder (3 shades) for 20C 25c Pond's Ext. Van. Cream 14t HOUSEHOLD DRUGS Sulphur, Epsom Salts, Bicarb Soda or. Copperas, lb. pkg..5c Crude Carbolic Acid, per tt-gal. bottle 45c Anti-Germ Disinfectant, at 40c nJ 75c Rat Corn 25 C. 50c. 81.00 This kills and mummifies rats and mice. No odor. Rubber Gloves for household use, 76o quality for 30C RUBBER GOODS Good Bulb Syringe, Sso Household Kubber Stoves , .3o l-qt. - tun t a t n My rlnge ...4o l-qt. Foun tain Sy ringe ...BSo Nlpplsa, best kind, 00 Atomiser, SSe to 91M I Kubber Ice Bags a-qt. Water Baa. WE SUPPLY CAMERA NEEDS Complete line of Cameras and Supplies at 'lowest prices. . ,8S0 to fl-99 4SO 100 Kinds Mineral Waters From foreign and American springs, by bottle, dozen or case, at lowest prices. PRKSKUVI.NO AND CANNING SUPPLIES We sell all sorts . of materials for canning and preserving. Mrs. Price's Canning Comp. . 10c 2 dor. Wine Corks for. . . . . -25C Redlich's Wood and Metal Cork Driving Machine (will last life time) 75C Can Sealing Wax, per lb 5 1 lb. Paraf fine Wax. 15c Gallon Jars, per dozen.. (J0c White Mustard Seed, Allspice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Celery Seed, Colander Seed, Laurel Leaves, etc. 5c. 10c. 15c and 20c . Packages. VANTINE'8 ORIENTAL PER FUMES, TOILET WATERS, SACHET POWDERS and s COLD CREAM. Our stores are headquarters for these goods. For your friend at the Moun tain Camp or Northern Lake, we will send, per parcel poBt, paid, one 400 box O'Brien's Marsh mallows, for 81.20. 4 STORES Sherman & r.lcOonnell Drug Go. Ooraev ISth and Dodge Streets. Dwl Drag Co lth sad Karaey ts. slarvard Vharaaaay, Mtk and Varaam. Loyal rharmacy, SOT-SOS ST. ISth. 4 STORES IB OS? The Ideal Family Beverage Anhcuser Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Family trade supplied by G. H. HANSEN, Dealer Phone Douglas 2509 OMAHA NEBRASKA A 1 s.'i wwaw. ai,MjHis i i i w ('lrlr); I j TIIE OMAHA 1JKE- TlO-v HOME IMPEB.