10 THi: HKK: OMAIIA. -SATl - ItDAY. AUGUST 8, 1!U4 Jk iff 4m-f' By MELLIFICIA. Friday, August 7, 1914. LETTERS from Europe, especially from the center of war, are de cidedly interesting at present. Edward B. Perkins of New York, formerly of this city and High school reporter for The Dee, has written an interesting letter from Vienna dated July 27: "This has been a most fortunate trip for me, for I .have landed in different plares at the most exciting and interesting' time. At Preatwtck, Scotland, I saw the World's Open Golf championship; in Iiondon, the World's Open Tennis championship at Wimbledon, and the Midnight Cos tume ball at the Hotel Savoy, and in Paris the big review of the Paris gar rison of the French army at Longchamps July 14. And then I arrive in Vienna on the very evening when war preparations began between Servia and Austria! I "Believe me, this is no common war scare. It it a stern reality. Vienna is literally swamped with, troops ready to embark for the Servian border. One sees soldiers at every turn and every hour, day and night. I Jostled with the loud-voiced populace at two different street demonstra tions Saturday night, one near Nordwest . Bahnhof (station) and the other on the Graben. Violent speaking and deafening shouting, but or derly conducted, nevertheless. Both Saturday and Sunday nights wild scenes were enacted in some of the cafes, with patriotic music and singing of national songs. There are hourly Issues of extra papers with huge care heads. "At the Feslsplel theater. In Kaisergarten, last- night I heard the much discussed operetta, 'Terefllta. The playhouse was crowded, and ahoutlng and stamping of feet between acts. The orchestra cut out the -waltzes and played Austrian war marches, one of which, Eugene," the Noble Knight,' Includes actual firing of a series of rifle and field artillery blanks. . "Leave for Budapest Thursday, July 30 a-four .hours' Journey and have my ticket to Belgrade from Budapest, and then to Trieste, to eall Angust 6 on the Carptthla. It Is not certain if one can cross the border Into Servia, since -two railroad bridges across the Danube have already been, blown up and traffic halted. If I do not get, down . into Servia I will only be out about 90 kronen, so why worryonly I certatnly would, like to see a couple of real battles. They're considerably .ruffled up and anxious to fight. , . 1 "Have made a fair alied amount of geld' already . on a feature war Article and have three more assignments when this war hurricane begins to whirl death and destruction. Vienna is under military law and all messages are censored." la Ornnh py mnjr of rn'1 and th (.irrat I-ale. nftr nlinrt Vimt In nrrsnn nd Washington. Hhe I mjwrtI homo about tho first week In Peptembert Mr. and Mn. H. A. lUnpk Wt Imt even ins tor Tine '"fine, Dorwt, Minn. They will be Rone three, weeks. Mr. F. T. JOverln it.id family leave I ("sturdily for a three week' motor trip throush Wlsojisln. inning Chicago and Milwaukee enroute. At Carter Lake Club. The carter lke Kensington elub was entertalmx: at a 1 o'clock lum-heon Thura day. The guijata of the club were Mm- damea J. P. Weir. A. Remington, b. W. Turner. K. K. Potter of Ht. Jonenli and Miss (leorgla Potter. The member! of the club are: Misses Kthel Tlerney. Terra Tlerney. Medame Meedamea At the Field Club. About " thirty -four women golfers had luncheon at the Field club today, after which a tournament waa played. There were sixteen vlaltlng women from the Midlothian club of Sioux City. A prlsa waa offered for the beat vlaltlnf player and also one for the beat score mad by the local women golfers. A third prlae waa a larg silver filigree basket offered for the winning team. European Traveler!. "Safe; sail soon," ia the cablegram re ceived this morning- from, Rotterdam by r. B. Allan, telling him that his slater. Miss Elisabeth Allan, haa escaped from Germany and haa reached the coaat of neutral Netherlands. Bhe ia welt known In Omaha aa Instructor of manual training- in Maunders school, and makes her home at 133 North Thirty-third street. This summer she waa studying vocational train at Munich, when the war broke out. Mr. and Mra W. O. Whltmoiw of Valley ailed June 1 on the Oceanic for Europe and have not been heard from alnce the outbreak of the war. Mra. Whltmore la president of the Douglas County Women's Christian Temperance union, which holda Ha annual convention In Waterloo August 1U - Mrs. Whltmore Intendod M return In time for tha convention. In her absence the vice president, Mra. C. J. Roberts of Omaha, will preside. Summer Plant Mra. Harry Welch and daughter. Alias Anna left Tueeday to spend a month at Clear Lake la Mlas Iva Catheryn Clark left Tuesday for bos Angeles, where aha will be the guest of Mlas Hasel Shaeffer, formerly of Omaha, during the coming month. Miss Clark will apend some time lu Venice and San Francisco, and return Misses George. T. blndley, I. M. Ih. h. P. I. Meyer. R. A. Newell, CSeorge N. Aulabaughl '. b. Newell, A I. Chapman, M. W. ChrlBtlancy, I lilckman, Dygert. I F. Fnalrr, Myron Hart. H. K. Ilanford, ! P. Heeney, 'A. Jsger, Wants, F. Ij. Keller, F A. Tardun, V V. Haxton. tilen Pettegrew, '.. H. T. lllepen. .1 Koliarek. A Hrhwarlck, W. rt''hwarli k, V ?. Hcott. Max U Smith, A. Horenson. Thomas Water. The Omaha Credit Men's association made H reservations for dinner Thurs day evening. Others entertaining at din ner were Miss Clara Finger, who had ten guests; John Muttern, fourteen; A Airford, two: E. H. Christie, three; It. If. Jacob- berger, three; Mlaa Virginia Farnsworth, three; Miss Whltlock. three; C. If. T. Riepen, three; J. I. Hiss, four; Pr. Grant Williams, seven; Miss Rthel Clark, five; 8. P. Mason, two; Frank b. Weaver, fi.ur; P. T. Cullen, four; A. A. , Burna five; F. J. Castle, four; Mrs. O. llau flalre, nine; Henry Reynolds, three; F. tj. Sturtevant, two, Robert Kpanglor, two: ieorge Victor, four; C. D. War field, six. Chore-Olien Wedding. . Mr, and Mra. Krnest Chore, who were married In Wahoo Wednesday morning, aiwnt the day In Omaha Thursdays Mm. Chore, was formerly Mlaa Minnie Olaen, sister of Mr. Krnest Olsen of this city. The young couple will make their home In Brlstoe, Neb. In and Out of the Bee Hive. : Mimes Mabel and Mae Kngler wilt re turn Saturday . from a three weeks' stay nt Kates park. . ... -Miss May E. Csthre left Thursday to be gone a month visiting friends and relatives In Davis City, and Kansas City. Vr. C. H. Ballard and family, and !r. and Mrs. C. 1. blober returned Wednes day from a two weeks' motor trip to Rocheater and other points in Minnesota, Fashion Hint v. $ v f BAKER WAITINGTO GET BACK Corporation Counsel and Wife in London Anxious to Get Back. OTHERS ON THE CONTINENT Mens. 4 olaaerl aaa John R. Wc staler Are somewhere la Rarape, bat Have Bees Heard Front Rereatly. Hen H. Pakor Is not going to see very much of Kiirope this year. lie Is now in bondoit and Is coming bark to Omaha. Jiirft as soon aa he can secure passage n a boat that will land him at some Ameri can port. Mr. Baker, accompanied by his wlfj, left Omaha some weeks ago, bent upon touring KnRland, France, Germany and Italy. After he got to Ixindun he dis covered that war was on. Then he can celed the remainder of the trip and, ac cording to a cablegram that he has sent to W. E. Bock, steamship aent here, he haa loafed around the steamer officer In London trying to get aboard of some b'mt coming to thla side of the Atlantic. John R. Webster, attorney, In the City National Bank building, s unions; Amer ican tourists In Europe. It is thoug.it by his associates here that he Is In Germany, but as no word has been received from hi in fur some time there is no certainty as to his whereabouts. Father t olaaerl la Karoae. It la thought by Omaha friends who have received recent messages that Mom. Colanerl, who departed from Omaha a month ago for Europe, Is In the midst of the war sone. Mons. Colaneri's Itinerary called for his departure from Rhleras to Brussels on July 28, and from Brussels he was to visit Cologne, Berlin, Dresden and Vienna In succession before going to Rome. This would bring him Into central Germany or perhaps Austria, where the fighting Is at Its height. Mons. Colanerl will likely not return to Omaha soon. Walters Back from Wage Conference After having been In Chicago nine weeks working with othfr officials of the rued on a wbkb rihedule for conductors and brakemen on the system, General Manager Walters of the Northwestern has returned home, having completed hi lnlxirs. Mr. Walters asserts that a satisfactory wng schedule has been agreed upon and I Hint It has been slsned hv the nffli era of the road and the member of the com mittee representing the men. There are numerous chnngr Trom th? old schedule, which hud been in erfect for twenty years, but on the whole the wages paid to the mn are higher than those paid In the past. The conference adjourned with the best of feeling existing between of ficials and employes. MAIL TO EUROPE SUBJECT TO AN INDEFINITE DELAY . Although mall rn'ss'1 nre '"'"g registered for safe delivery by the ree Ixtry division of the Postofflce depart ment. It Is only with the. ' understanding that all such mail for European conn tries is subject to Indefinite delay at New Tork. Registry clerks say thitt they be lieve no registered matter will be sent acrors the Atlantic under the conditions existing at present- 22 POUNDS FOR $1.00 Best cane Granulated Sugar. It will ray you to put up your fruit with purv. cane augar. t. m .1 lbs. Moyune Special Coffee. . . . . ? Ten, all kinds, per lb 40o to 800 Sugar sold with $1 00 other goods, MOYUNE TEA CO. 406 W. 16th at. Kions DoufUs 46. Blowing of Curfew . Whistles Resumed Three curfew whistles will be blown Saturday night at o'clock in accordance with arrangements made by Juvenile au thorities and Probation Officer Mogy lUrnsteln will continue his campaign to enforce the curfew law forbidding chil dren under It years to wander about on the streets unaccompanied by elder per sons. Mogy declares noticeable Improve ment already haa been made. HV LA Rtt'OITKt'SR. Street costume In hunter's green broad cloth. The extremely short coat Is tightly buttoned ' close to the neck. There Is a small turned down, collar .of embossed velvet, the cuffs are of the same ma terial. A small pocket Is placed high up on the . left side. A belt terminates In front at the dart, fastened with a button. Tlio straight close-fitting skirt has two narrow plaits in font. FEDERAL BUILDING FLAG AT HALF STAFF Signifying the nation's sympathy for President Wilson In his great bereave ment, flags on the Omaha postofflce and all other federal buildings throughout the country are at half staff and will remain so until after the funeral. Tele graphic Instructions to that effect were received by Custodian Cadet Taylor of tha local ' building, and they were Im mediately carried out. FAMOUS BOSTON ORGANIST, WELL KNOWN HERE, IS DEAD Pamuel Brenton Whitney, thirty-six years organist and choirmaster of the Church of the Advent la Boaton, Mass., a founder of the American Guild of Or ganists, and a musician of International reputation, passed away. at. his home in Woodstock, . Vt, August . Mr. Whitney waa perhaps the dean ' of American or ganists. His . contributions towards the music of the Anglican church were among the best. Ills hymns, . "The Son of God Goes Forth to . War" and "Round the Lord in Glory Heated," are known to every congregation, and his organ compositions and arrangements are played the world over. Ben Stanley, organist of Trinity cathed ral, spent some time with Mr. Whitney in Woodstock, during June, and while very weak, he walked over to the little church which he had recently presented with a beautiful organ and played the Uandel bargo, which was the last touch of the distinguished organist It will be remembered that Mr. Whitney visited hla niece, Mra. George W. Updike, In Omaha at the time of Bishop Beecher's consecration: and .played the -.organ at Trinity cathedral In a notable recital pre ceding the ceremony. ' Afterwards he gave several recitals by Invitation. 1914 MILK FED SPRIRG CHICKENS, 191-2c 1913 Fresh Dressed Chickens, lb. 1 2 3 -4c Choice steer pot roast. '. 12tc, lllie Pig pork roast .- 19s Young vex.1 roast 1810 Young Veal chop lio fjimh leg 1IM bamb chops iaio Kxtra lean hams 160 Small hams 134o 1940 Kxtra lean bacon Sugar cured bacon ' ' S FX CIA 1. 8. Trom a p. m. till t p. m., lamb chops So From. S p. m. till 10 p. nu, 3-lb. pail compound 30o Bankrupt Sale of R. E. Welch Still Going On 23 lbs. bent sugar B1.00 With 1 lb. beHt tea 69o 10c cans corn or peas 6o 5c cans corn or peai 7MiO 10c Jars peanut butter 6o Four 10c muatard Kardlnsc 1 5c Baker' chocolate, bitter or sweet. per pound 90 BOc . Price's baking powder 98c 25c can berries, 3 for . 25c Mason Jars stuffed or-Queen olives for 830 PUBLIC -VI ARK ET J?01?. ftlSJ zfh I For Breakfast Foods S There's nothing more appetizing than cereals la hot or cold served with Cottaqe Uniweetanad Cottsge Milk comes from health 7 cows and is con- denied in our spotlessly clean factories. It i the richest milk with nothing taken out but water and nothing added. It lasts indefinitely. 1 ! sr- s 11 itv r If I rT& S U 3' III I : 1 m ma m For purity, freshness, flavor snd economy, umise mui is unexceuea. use 11 wner ever you have been using bottle cream or nuuu v..c a supply aaoay. In Two Six 8 and lO CENTS AlAUCoodDmmlmrt AMERICAN 1 O3 We remember when we were younger than we are now being thrilled with the jingle, which was sung in Music Ilalla, hummed in the homes and marched to on the streets: We don't want to fight, but by jingo if we do We've got the ships, we've got the men, we've got the money, too Since then philosophers have talked of peace and prophets have declared "There shall be war no more," and yet the cry in this twentieth century is' cannonaded round the world PEACE, PEACE THERE SHALL BE NO PEACE 1 1 We are still cave men and Force must govern the world, notwith. standing twenty centuries of Christianity, Peace Associations and Hague Tribunals. Ambition! Aggran disement! Creed! Selfishness! OH, THE SHAPE OF IT ALL There is a place for WAR war against Falsehood, war against Faking, war against Misrepresenta tion, wax against Dishonesty in Business against these things wo pledge our best efforts until for us at least, lime shall bo no more." So sanguinary will be the battle of the Titans, that we predict the war will soon be over, but unless settled right, over only to break out again. Our own AUGUST Sale is a war, too war on high priceswar on profits: but for all this there is good reason CLEARING OUT ALL SUMMER STOCKS." SATURDAY, AUGUST 8th SEES THE END OF MANY LOTS READ THE LIST Ready-to-Wear Section Suits for Women all kinds, most colors, many mater-ials-silks, wool and mixed moires blacks browns and' blues light materials, f7S (T& HS medium and heavy. Suits for now, suits for vacation, suits for early fall $25, s. fU ill l"f $35, $45, $50 and even $60 not last 6pring or last fall's prices, but this very jttf mij fill season's; Saturday , : t y Take our word for it; no better suit bargains have ever been seen by usi and we've seen a few. We can fit most any one, but if we have to make alterations you must pay extra for them, plain pique wide collars. A.won- No exchanges. No approvals. No reservations. Priced for a quick and permanent sale. Japanese Silk Waists at S1.00 organdy fronts, embroidered- dertul dollar's worth. Cleaning up a lot of white and fancy waists, NOT the very latest styles, but good fitting and at tractive. Sold up to $2.00, at 50c each. - i Crepe Waists at $3.98 plain and figured, some beauties in this lot. Also all our best waists of a fancy kind chiffons, laces, Georgette crepe, all at Y2 PRICE. BUY A PARASOL? No buy is not the word, for at the prices for Saturday it will not be selling. Not very many left. Let's have a farewell party. Two prices for your pick, 49c-aud 98c. We will just hint there is one at least in the lot which was more than $5.00. We open at U if you can use a parasol a word to the wise i? sufficient. Frcm the Children's Section Comes the warning, "The End is Near!" Now gooda rushing In Room! Koom! is the word. Wash dresses at 3 prices. Qg. 81.49 nd g3.Q8- Final word on Children's Straw Hats, and 23, Let the children romp and ciothe them aentlblr. Romp era Saturday, 6 montha to 6 years, 39 Instead of 60c; 7P Instead of 1.00; Qg inatead of 11.50. Infanta' Dreaaea and Pettlcoata up to 6 yean of Age: 4 Lota No. 1, formerly up to $1.00 at 4f, No. z. formerly up to 11.50 at 70iJ No. 3, formerly up to 11.00 at OSf, No. 4, formerly up to $2.60 at 81.03. HOYS' WASH SUITS A real snap. Two prices Saturday. Values up to $2.00 for 50t: values up to $3.60 for $1.00 . MtSX! We are almost through with the Clean-out bar galna for you. Come Saturday, In the morning if possible, but if not convenient, come any time. Be a little patient. Please. Thla la vacation time no new thing in our busi ness. For more than fio year the head of our house has given employee a vacation with pay, of nune. This is something we would not refer to now, but Institutions who are falling In line for the first time are blazoning it to the world, aa if there was some special merit In the act. It'a a good thing, gentlemen. Glad to see this atep in the right direction. Keep on, there's hope full Justice will be done inose wno ton yet. Pardon digression let'a talk Shirts. Shirts for Men. Crepe, madraa and part silk, soft or laundered cuffs. All of thin aeasoa'a crop. Values to $3.00 Saturday $1 49 Glove Wearers' Attention! " Every fabric glove In stock, whether of silk, lisle or cot ton, all reduced for Saturday. We agreed to mention no names, and we'll keep the faith, but, somebody Is going to buy gloves cheap on Saturday. 9 till 9 selling hours. Night Shirts and Pajamas to smooth the ravelled sleeve of care and give you the sleep of the just, at very tiny prices. K1LK SECTION All day Saturday double width foulards, crepes and poplins, worth $1.85 to $2.25, at 89 Ptr yard Absolutely perfect; new this season. If you appreciate the value, would not last one hour. VMON 81ITS much reduced. ROe. 08. 81.49. Wash ties at 12HS ehould be 25c; wash ties 25S should be 60c. , At the Hosiery and Un derwear Sections The mere mention of a special sale at this department arouses a thrill of curiosity, for ordinary prices are usually difficult to match. Vests, pants and suits, were 25c and 50c. 10 each. Fine ribbed, light weight, tight knee suits at 37 each. Broken sizes in union suits, sold up to $1.00, at 59. Union Suits, were $1.25, at 89 each. LACE HOSt: Not just the latest kink, but what more comfy for tropical temperature, JO pair. We have sold hundreds of pairs, same kind, at uOc. . . Plain and fancy vests, 37S should be 50c; at 25S formerly 25c and 35c. S2.95 Last Great Shoe Sale of the Season On Saturday wo place on Bale the fine shoes made by "Baker"-late Btyles, splendidly made, worth $5.0) and $6.00 per pair; at one price, pair. . . We are famed for our Children's Shoes-Saturday will sell Ankle Straps, Canvas, Dull and Patent fchoes, worth $''. J and $J.00, for $2.00 per pair. Boys' Shoes, made for growing feet and made to wear regular price $3.50, at $2.85 u pair A telegram from one of our partners In New York City haa called east additional buy ers. Goods advancing rapidly, and there w ill not only be a dearth of foreign merchandise, but it will be absolutely Impossible to get aome lines. Now let us all keep our heads and pray that our beloved country may keep off thehoals. Ours is a truly Cosmopolitan population we have friends and relatives in every land May we do nothing to cause friction and may we escape offense or injury, so that there will not be necessity for letting loosa our war dogs. Blessed with a bounteous crop, at.ieace with all the workl we should be of good cour age and attend to the business of the hour. Open at 9, close at 9 on Saturday 12 hours of great activity and about tlii end of money saving opportunities on many lines. But what of that If that la the worst that b-flls us, we can live yes, live well and comfortably on what we raise and manufac ture in our own land. Thank God for that. . rCTTIcziJ