Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1914, EXTRA, Image 5

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-. . . 1 1
Your System
an occasional corrective to insure
good health and strength. Success
is almost impossible for the weak
and tiling. Enjoyment is not
for the sick. Impaired health
and serious sicknesses usually
begin In deranged conditions of the
Stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels.
are recognized all over the world
to be the best corrective-of troubles
of the digestive organs. They tone
the stomach, stimulate the liver, reg
ulate the bowels. They cleanse the
system, purify the blood and
act in the best and safest
For Health
and Strength
Unri Sal. of Any Mdkle In the World.
Said nfTfc In bojcM, 10c, 25c
Lincoln Sanitarium
Kwly Kebulit. Doubled Opacity,
... EHctrlc Elevator. Modern
' In uvery way.
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our premise and used In
Natural Mineral Water
', Unsurpassed In the treatment of
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver
; . . . . Diseases.
Moderate charges. Write For rates.
, -Dr. O. W. EVERETT, Mgr.
' 140S M St., MCCOLM, ItEB.
When you want
to reach the piblic-
make it easy for the
lie to reach you.
.'. l,Tn8 location fta the easiest
- to find in the city and- known
io every" person lii thtf 'middle
Its beautiful, V-apacious en-
trance on the sidewalk level
and the new, lare elevators,
their short runs, only six office
floors, save time anil bother.
.They make it certain for' .cus
tomers and clients to reach you
. easily.
i A few desirable locations In
process of adjustment now. If
you want, now is the time. .
Superintendent, Ilooni 103. .'
' Telephone Tyler 100O.'
" 7W building that it always ntw' '
Have Soot Frint It Now Beacon Trees,
iife Monthly Income GouKI. Uee Bids.
Tldality Storare and Ta Co Jonff. ISIS
Ughtlng- Fixture Bursess-Oranden
Coney te loan on city property. W.
IL Thomas, Slate Msnk Untitling.
When yoa kaow fas tlraUas; you pre
fer It. Omaha Gas Co., 150 Howard St
Kepoblleaos Attention FYnnk Iewey.
county clerk, first term only, wants re
nomination. ,
BTlelsea a Bankrupt Jens Nielsen line
been declared a bankrupt In the sum of
1712.50. Nle'sen's occupation Is soliciting-.
United Improvers to Meet The t'nlted
Improvement clubs of the city will hold
a meotlnff Wednesday evening in Street
Commissioner J. 3, Ryder's office at the
city hall.
Mounts Assumes Haw Duties Dayton
R. Mounts has taken up his duties at the
Young Men's Christian association as as
sistant to J. V. Miller in the educational
Irish Tolaateers to Meat There will
be K meeting of the Nebraska provi
sional committee to aid the Irish national
volunteers at Arlington hnll, 151 14 Dodge
street, Thursday evening.
"Today's Complete Movie Program"
may be found on the first page of the
classified section today, and appears In
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture, theaters offer.
Boiler Inspector Beslg-na R. U. Wolfe,
city boiler Inspector for elsht years, has
handed In his resignation and will be
come sales manager for Wigert Boiler
works of Canton, III. Mr. Wolfe asks that
he be let out September 1.
Many Beading Foreign Vapor -There
has been a great demsnd for foreign pa
pers and periodicals at the public library
since the European war has broken out
The library has the London Dally Times
and several weeklies In the reading room.
Turks Hay lolloit Funds Two Turks,
Rev. Uohrum Paulus Patrus and Nlck-
adeimis Ellas, have been granted permls
1 slon to solicit funds for a church In
Turkey. The permission was granted by
Acting Mayor Dan B. Butler after a con
ference with the two men.
Clansman's Sentence Suspended An
altercation on a street car led to the ar
rest of Ed,Clausman, a contractor, liv
ing at 6232 Thirtieth street. He was given
a suspended sentence of thirty days after
George Htllstrand, 22 North Twenty
third street, complained against him.
Colonist Bate This TaU Although the
tariffs have not been Issued, the railroads
have announced that one-way colonist
rates will bo in effect again this fall and
i that the rates will probably be the same
1 as In the past. It Is said that tickets will
' lc on sale from September 24 to Octo
ber 8.
i Boiler Offers Assistance Educational
I Secretary J. W. Miller of the Young
' Men's Christian association has offered
free assistance to all foreigners who de
sire to take out naturalisation papers.
The fee for first papers Is l and for sec
I ru ,-., La 11 tiuvnhle to the officials
at the court house.
Bronson Rets Ninety Days While
stopping over night at the Overland hotel
Lewis K. Bronson, an electrician from
Kansas City, Is said to have visited the
room of another guest and taken some
money from his clothes. He was sent to
Jail . for ninety day s on a charge of va
gruncy and being a suspicious character.
Thought He Was QoTarnor According
to police court records, Frank Nebraska,
1412 Kavan street, was In a state of, Intox
ication and thought he was governor.
W.lien. he camo to, he, Instead found him
self to be a candidate for a police court
sentence,, but .on promise to. stay out of
(hat kind of politics, he'was discharged
by Judge Foster.
Ordered Out of Town In the police ef
forts lo clear the city of suspicious or
undeslrabio negroes, many of whom have
been banging around the railroad yards
recently, .lint 'AUeft wus given a ninety
day' in1 police court, which was
suspended on his agreement to leave
Omaha under police surveillance.' When
Allen was arrested several days ago a
loaded revolve wus found in his pocket..
To rut on Another Inapeotor Dr. U
C. Klggln, Dr. J.- II. Gain, Dr. C. M.
Day, Dr. Schmella, federal live stock
inspectors, met Monday at South Omaha
with J. lh Bulla of the South Omaha
Live Stock exchange and went over some
proposed plana for the enforcement of
the rules regulating the manufacture and
sale of anti-hog cholera serum. It was
decided by the federal inspectors to put
on another field man.
Doin; Much to Bring- Out Big: At
.tendance Next Friday.
Heeelsita to He I ed to Skon Minor
l.eaaae Soanri tiood Time
When They Come' to
Omaha In the Kail.
Due to persistent efforts oh ttie part of
Victor Parrish of the publicity bureau of
the Commercial, club, and several other
Omaha boosters, the Omaha Jobbers and
retailers are planning to make August I
a gala day for the Omsha base ball fans.
Th M. E. Smith company and the Byrne
Hammer company have already an
nounced their wllllngmas to permit every
employe, who may desire to see the ball
game that day between Omaha and Des
Moines, the afternoon off, and several
other firms will soon fall in line with a
similar agreement.
The receipts from the game will go to
the Commercial club for an entertainment
fund to be used when the big convention
of minor league magnates assembles In
Omaha In November. The Commercial
club, Ad club, jobbers and retailers are
all boasting for a big crowd at the park
The game will be called Friday at 4
o'clock Instead of the regular hour, In
order to allow more to attend. Heats are
on sale at the Paxton, the Rome, the
Commercial club and the Elks' club. Many
tickets have already been sold. The Ad
club will attend the game fh a body.
Cattle Fall Off and Hog-s Drop More
Upon Live Stock Exchange.
Banks ee Ttiothlnai In Speculation
and Stint Down t nnn lay Kffort
to Deal In Ksnectatlona Con
dition Only Temporary.
K. J. McVann has gone to Wah'.nt;io)i,
D. C, to file a brief with the Interstate
Commerce commission In the southern
hardwood lumber rate case. This 1 the
case In which testimony was taken '.n
St. Louis before ah examiner of the In
terstate Commerce commission In June.
From Washington McVann Is to so to
Boston to attend the meeting of the Na
tional Industrial Trafflo league.
South Omaha's live stock exchange felt
the tension of the oontlnenial war yester
day, when hogs dropped 5rt cents and cat
tle fell off X cents. While the banks
would not admit as much and many
stockmen refused to be quoted on the mat
ter, It la known that the banks prac
tically shut down on the speculators.
Commission men also reported a tlght
nesa of money.
The pens were fairly filled yesterday
evening. The few minutes that the
council stayed around, however, wm long I
ei ough to bring In a delegation of women j
and a number of attorneys appearing for i
warring paving contrai tors. It appears !
li nt the old question of getting signs- .
lures to petitions designating paving ma
terial continues to be fruitful of disputes
nd troubles between paving companies. 1
It Is said that promoters have been paid
to obtain the signatures In some Instances j
at least. '
Manic City tSoaalp. j
Harry Hnythorne, a prominent breeder '
of Martin. Neb., was visiting at the yards
yesterday. j
A special rloamip sale on wnolen suits !
to order. 110. Dunham ft Dunham, 412 :
N. luth. Phone So. 141.
C. H. Kramer of Hyannls was st the
stock yards yesterday morning with it I
consignment of cattle. j
Office space for rent In Bee office. 2T11V I
N street Terms reasonable. Well known !
location. Tel. t-'outli 27. j
The Mystic Workers of the World will
meet this evening In the Odd Fellows
Our 40th Year.
morning when the market opened, but It I nail. T'"!y-,our!., and M streets, at S
was 10:30 o'clock before any bids were of- - -w ? T J'" "!. . . .
,k. l.. h,i,. i i,oe The M. and A., No. IWo will bold a
"Juot Say".
It Means
Original and Ginuini
Tha Food-drink far Ail lgt,
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakest digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
fiich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared ia a minute.
Takt ns mUtitntc. AsMorHORLICK'S.
- Others are Imitations,
OmanaNHEflLy Omaha
The election commissioner's office
will be kept open Thursday and
Saturday nights of this week to allow
voters to register for the primary election
of August IK and to give notice of change
of residence. Saturday Is the last day on
which voters may register or give notlco
of change of residence In time to cast
ballots at the primary.
See renl estate columns for bargains.
Hncklen'a Arnica Salve.
should bo In every home ready to apply
to all burns, bruises, sores, cuts and
scalds. Heals quickly. 25c. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Superintendent E. U. Graff of public
schools left last night for the east to
scout for teachers. lie will be gone a
week. s
fered. Then the market broke to pieces
and a flat fall of BO cents was offered by
the hog buyers among the peckers. For
cattle the market ran low 20 cents and
later 2$ cents. The sellers did not fall
for the bids until late In the afternoon,
when It was seen that the buyers would
not come up on the morning hid. Even
at that price but a few loads were re
moved. The condition ot the local , market Is
said to be the same as that at other
points In the country. The banks hava
shut down and everything was cash basla.
One man, speaking of the market yester
day, said: "If you had $1,000 In the bank
you could use It; If you did not have the
ready cash the banks could not see any
thing In speculation."
Among speculators the market showed
a temper that was very near panicky.
Heavy dealers used their best endeavors
to steady the market and counselled con
servative marketing and advised strongly
against any movement that would bring
on a panic. It was said that stockmen
should hold back their stock until the
market had steadied and the banks had
adjusted themselves to the exigencies of
the war. It was urged thst the near panlo
was only temporary and that the market
would right Itself as soon as the stock
men had gotten hold of themselves. It
Is a maltter ot keeping cool and holding
your head, was the advice given out at
the stock yards yesterday.
Yoangr Woman Prostrated.
Whether from heat or other Illness, a
young woman about 18 years of age
dropped over unconscious near Cudahy's
Ice house at Ralston last night at 9
o'clock. Assistance came to her from
people living near the place and from
street car employes who happened to be
pushing. When the young woman re
covered consciousness she was unable to
give an account of herself or even re
member her name. She was cared for by
people living near the Cudahy Ice house.
t Mmw Carnival Opens.
Hundreds of people took advantage of
the flno weather last night to attend the
Moose carnival at Twenty-fifth and M
streets. A big tent show Is planted about
the Moose home. In the building proper
the Moose entertained until a late hour,
dancing and music being on the program.
The carnival will continue for soma days.
ravine War A gala.
Because the council was not ready to
take up the levy ordinance last night an
win, rt., ..... nui ii., in
meeting at the Odd Fellows' hall. Twenty
fourth and M streets, next Thursday even
ing. Members are requested to attend. !
The entertainment committee of the lo- I
ral lodge of Ksgles will give a smoker st 1
the Kagle hall. Twenty-third and N '
streets, next Frldsy evening. Advance )
preparations are now lel ng made.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F Pmlth of For-
tleth and V streets, entertalued Mrs.
Uooney of Chicago and Mrs. Cock ran of !
Fort Oixlge, la., at Uincr last Sunday.
The afternoon was sent pleasantly. I
A. .1. Shlnn, an Iova cattle raiser, I
brought two car loads of prime Here
ford yearlings to the niHiket yesterday
morning, which sold a P This Is
considered an exceedingly godd price.
Another Mg horse sale will take place
. .... ' " ' w.ii, ..... .
tt tltla nt.,,111, Th. ,ul. u 111 lin It, rltm aii 1
of Messrs. Anspach and tlallup. a well
known local horse dealing concern, and
will be made largely in Wyoming horses.
No word has been received recently
from Omaha school teachers who are
touring In Europe. Misses Isabella nnid
Mima Doyle and their sister are sup
posed to be In Germany. The following :
. . , . ,i i '
other teacners are in ruroir. mmn
I.ucy Evans, Miss Tearl rtockfellow, Miss
Johanna Anderson, Miss Elisabeth Allen,
Miss Josephine Grant.
Kir the Weak and Nervous.
Tired out. weak, nervous men nnd
women need Electric Hitlers. Helps the
mjtves and tones up the system. 50c find
II. All druggists. Advertisement.
Mrs. 1ee' Bridges, Misses 11a and Edna
Bridges and Miss Florence Hoye will
leave this morning for Wall I.nke,
la., where Ihey will occupy a cottage for
two weeks.
Fred Anheuser, city prosecutor, and ;
. -i I .. I, . ni..l...ii '
where Mr. Anheuser spent hlH vacation.
Mrs. Anheuser dlHtlngulKhed herself by
catching a fifteen-pound pickerel.
Use Dlanchard'a Eczema Lotion
20 Vaars on the Market
old at Drua; Stores
Write for free Booklet describing;
Address Prof. J. u. Hlancnara. jsii
liis is your opportunity to get n High Orado
Piruio at a fraction of original price. We find we
are long on pianos and player piajios and short on
cash. Our fall deliveries of new pianos will begin
to arrive soon, so we have decided to make this un
usual cash offer to clear our floors for the new
instruments. This sale will positively close Satur
day evening, August 8th.
JjusI Week. This Week
McCAMMON $150 $ 50
S0HMER $200
PRYOR $275
1513 Douglas St., Omaha
If You Live Out of Town Write Ub Today
,Neb. N
adjournment was taken until Wednesday Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago.
Allison Killed by
an Unknown Negro
That Paul W. Allison, Burlington
swltchmun, was killed by an unknown
netro wielding a knife or raxor at Ninth
and Farnam streets early Sunday morn
ing, was declared by the coroner's jury
which held an Inquest In the case today.
It was recommended that If the mur
derer Is caught, ho should bo held for
first degree murder. So far the police
have bn unable to prove the guilt of
any suspects arrested.
1502 S. 10th St.
Phona D. 7556
Definite arrangements have been com
pleted, whereby the people of BensoQ
may use the Omaha public library, and
books are now being issued to them with
out charge. In return, the city council
of the suburb pay a a certain library tax
to the city of . Omaha, proportionate to
tho Benson population. The Omaha
library board plana to establish a branch
library station at Benson later, when
the Omaha library station system Is
thoroughly organized.
Teething Badies
Ito. Mow's Soothing Syrup
Dr. Henry W. Belbert has wired Rev.
Julius Kchwars of his acceptance, both of
the rail to the postorate of the Klrst Ger
man Presbyterian church of Omaha and
the proiessorship In the University of
He wires from Newark. X. J., his old
home, whither he went after a few weeks'
stay in Nebraska. He expects to return
to Omaha with his family soon snd es
tablish his residence here.
This region of majestic glacier-capped mountains the climax of tho rugged gran
deur of the Rockies is reached by the. Great Northern Railway from Glacier Park Sta
tion, at which point 4he railway company has constructed n hotel costing $150,000. Au
tomobile roads have been built from this entrance and from Belton (western entrance)
thiough the park. A detour may be made from either entrance, or going in at one and
coming out at the other. In making a tour of tho coast, such a detour will prove to bo
one of its most attractive features.
Illustrative Detours and Rates
. 8.25
. 21.00
. 31.25
Rouod trip fare from Omaha to Glacier Park Station
One-day park tour from Glacier Park Station
Three-day park tour between Glacier Park Station and Belton ,
Five-day park, tour from Glacier Park Station ' ,
These detours include automobiles, launches, coaches, hotels, etc., and cover dis
tances of from eighty to one hundred and fifty miles. As hotel and transportation ar
l, rabgements in the park are under the supervision of the Great Northern Railway, the
comffcrt and enjoyment of tourists is assured.
The Burlington-Groat Northern Express
Leaves Omaha at 11:35 P. M. Monday for example.
Arrives Glacier Park Station 8:35 P. M Wednesday, for example.
250 Mountain Lakes
60 Living Glaciers
Peaks From 8,500 to 10,600 Feet Altitude
Ask for free publication! 'Glacier Xa tloaal Park," "Over the Trails of Olaoler
Tatlonal Park," "Kotels aad Tours ia Ola dsr JTstlonal rark," "aroplaaa Ylsw o
Olaoisr national rark."
City Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street, Omaha
Use of the Telephone
in U. S. and Europe
When telephone rates are low and service
good, the use of the telephone is liberal; if
rates are high and service poor, the use of the
telephone is restricted.
Because telephone service in the U. S. is the
best and the rates the lowest in the world,
Americans use the telephone more than twice as
much as the people of any other nation.
Here are some interesting official figures: '
i (
Country Operated by -. Caller Parent '
- - - '
frilled States Private 161.99 100.0
Sweden, Prlv. and Gor. 77.47 47.8
Norway , , Prlv. and Gov. 70.00 43.2
Germany Government 84.89 21.5
Great Britain Government 23.81 14.7.
lieltclum Government 18.23 112
Austria , Government 12.6B 7.1
Uungrary Government 9.S9 6.9
France j Government 8.3 8 6.3
,Xmt o tlniait After All.
You may think It Strang that so many
ricopls ara cured of stomach troubla by
Chamberlain', Tablet. You would not,
however. If you should give them a trial.
They strengthen and Invigorate the stoiq
acb and enable It .to perforin Ha func
tions . naturally. Mr a. Roale Rlah.
Wabash. Ind., writes. "Nothing; did m
th least good until I began using- Cham
terlaln's Tableta, It Is decidedly the best
medicine for stomach troubla 1 hava aver
used." For sal by all dealera. j
the BiCRer as sourrc pvftinr
Phone Doug1. 1 889 and Have a Case Sent Home