12 HIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1!)U. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable voi mm m boilaq WEE Buy the right kind of LIGHTING FIX TURES from us and you can be sure you are getting the best in workmanship and material our prices ere reasonable. When you deal with us you are dealing with the most reliable electrical house. THE ELEGYHIG SHOP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. 1810 Farnani Street We are as near to you as your telephone. Tyler 1414 NOTICE TO CONTESTANTS sat Ta.sday w will pnaliah the Staatflnff af alt eoateetants wba have taraad la their aemla.tioa eonpon or caah eheeke for rot., la this oa t. Oat year raoalpta la by Satur day rmlng. ao that yonr staadlnr will appear la the Hat, tho. lattlnf year frlaada kaow tbat yon ara wn. patina; tot a trip ta tba JTenaraa e-posltloa. fi 1 . DolUf nnnntfl in Onen a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE EflCn AlITS HATIOIIAL BAIIK Counts 100 Votes inThe Bee's PanamaContest Capital, $500,000 Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE ERGUAIITS HATIQIIAL BiUKl 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK 1:. HAMILTON, Vice President FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier 3. IL MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier HOTRt Vetea wilt not fee allowed for othar than bona, floe new aavtnf irull number of Cotes wilt ba allowed up to sixty day before Sol UV! VStSl ItaU o 10.000 will ba placeS on aacb a.a- account. Contestants' Standing Varna. ST.. af Totes. Tay K. Watta a,B7S.os Rata. A. Planay a,09a,7a Mra. Bmma Ferry 3.O32.B0S Charlaa Ball t,ftl,3l WUka Ward 30,143 ylrla Rahaa 41,108 0. A Kyrtrom 177,41 a Robert Lewis Uwatl 19,961 Mary J. Aberly 64,141 Arthur Wlldbaok 14,684 Daal.l A. Iacfald ,4i Bam Btalabarv T.I11 Koewell rotta 4,71 Mra. m. B. Smith a,98 Clyde t. Lata l.aas Koa Bchal.k l.flM Frad Bon . 1,707 Oraee M. Babar. Beatrtoe, Bab.. 1,000 Barbara O. Walla 1,000 W. J. Mattlaa 1,000 Chrla sjimoasoa. Ttioa. Bab.... 1,000 fnllaa Barria 1.000 Barry J. ajeveraoa 1,000 Minor O. Bamaady 1,000 Rarbart O. X.andoa l.00 Maria B. Blrara lO0 Jeaai K. Waabbnra 1.0O0 Charlaa . Tkoaaaa IjOoe) Myrtle t. Barrtaoa 1.000 Mra. James Morttmore 1,000 Xanrlatta Mweaaea fM Mra. Bobart T. eaaa 1,009 James I.. Knlakofsky l.Ooo) Myroa DeForeet 1,000 1. O. TbonpfOl l.OOO Mra. Oaora-a B. Brsxta l.OOO Louiaa raajUat-barc l.OOO aal Bortoa 1,000 Baary m. Blar 1,000 Mra. Xdlllea Znrd.a 1.000 Bamaal I, Book 1, aha rilokar 1,000 Jnla Waehataia . J 1,000 Barry Brnsy 1.0O0 Mra. B. Baaaridfa 1.0O0 Mra. Biaaa Clrela l.ooo William Wlnqnaat 1,000 itretoaas xa-ar loo Jamea O. Wisely l.ooo ara baa iaw Wayna Bilay 1,000 at. w. Baoka l.ooo Mra. J.aal. Kartla 1,000 LUllaa Brlekeaa. Kaaraay, Bb. l.ooo Joha Cevleeaa, Barwall. Bab.. IjDOO mrm. aiaraa oannra iaxto Charlaa Baaalraa - l,"O0 Bobart W. Mullia 1,000 3f Ucry interesting" Drug Store , i .. ,-.....11 a i.Av ..n.ntlu tAl.t ii nut Ktnraa w-fra Wo littnd aho whj 1-lnht ror Uia aatherinir toirttier or iio.wuu avery portion of tha earth, la a faaolnatlna; occupation ' of ltMita ia. to ay tha lat, an lntereHtlnn one. la trtiit & Ww1.lv raVlld lad niodaatly aflin articioa irom and the array In tha modsni dra rtora may also now 1 obnerved, tha reault attalnad by rapid avolutlon from audi practice aa "lrnina- and potent ana loua Uiin, to the prffaent-duy relan of prouliylnxla and hyaiena. nox- M Boina Deasonahle Toilet Goods at Sharply Reduced Prices. tie Pandeiina for 14 tOc Rtckaecker'a 0ld Cream... 84a tAo Marcueirlta Rylva Ron, tee T6o Krank'a Pink BluaA Vfaaaaaa Cream fur 8a ICc Hind a Honey and AlmornJ Crm aa the HtxiMirant'a KJr-e Powder, la lf.o till Whltn Knee Boap for 18a SSc Arhutua Talcum for......laa le'a Kiowr lrl Perfume or HII- dreth'a Stolen Bwaaia at per . oa. Kesall Tan and Freckle Lotl'X'. bottle oo ' te Carmen Powder (I ahadee), at Pond'a Extract Vanlahlna Cream, Heala. 8oftna and Whltana, J6o else. Saturday for 14a Special Sale French Olive OiL l-ot Can tl.BO 4-qt. Can Aa.W Tha above U tha famoua rtaUa brand from Maraalllea. rVatK-e. . Vantine's Oriental. Perfumea, Totlat Water. Bachet Powdara and Cold Cream. '' Our atnrea ara baadquartara for three gooda. For your friend at tha Ko. tela Oatap or Bortbora Xke. we will aend per parcel poet. Paid. 1 40 bo O'Hrien'a Maraa-Mallowa fur $14. 100 Kinds Mineral Waters. from foreign and American ttprtnaa, by bottle, doaan or raae at loweat prlcea. 1 siiEnr.imi a .iccoiiiiell dhoq go. Cioraer 16tk aad Sodaa Street. Owl Sraa- Co, letk aud Baraey Bta. Karrard Vkarmaoy, B4tk aad Taraam. X.oral rkarmaoy, tOT-a B. ltk 8t- How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition RalM af Caateet. 1 Tha Bea of fere and wjll award three round-trip tlcketa and axpanaaa to tha Panama Expoaltlon, the total coat of eaab trip to be 1209, aa prise to tha three con teatanta ha vine tha area teat number af polnta at tba c!oe of tha contest, a Thia eontaat open to everybody et capt employe of advartlaara oa thia para and of Tha Baa. The eontaat pace will ba published ono day auch weak and will run for period of ona year. 4-PolnU will be fUrurad oa tha baala of ono point for each 1 eant abown on caah checks or receipts for purchases made from advartlaara oa thia pace. e Caah checks must ba deposited at or mailed to "Panama Contest Editor" Tha Boa not later than thirty days from data of payment of same and receipts will bo Issued for them. Cuntest to close November T, 1911 All rash tlcketa and recelpta must bo turned into Tha Baa office tut later than I p. m. oa closing day of eontaat. or It mailed, must ba postmarked aot later than tbat hour. TO FORTIFY BANKING SYSTEM U. 8. Government Acti to Protect tht Nation Financially TREASURY OFFICIALS TO N. Y. MeAdoo aad llaatea Leave far Uothaaa Aathorlsrd to Pat lata Opfratloa Plaa Bo Kmeraeary . t'arrenry Available. sap Berlin Statement Says Russia Invades Land in Peace Time RERUN', Auk. 1 An official state ment Issued today, aays: "In conse quence of a Russian attack on. German territory, Germany la In a atata ct ar with Ruasla. Tha Trench reply to tha Oerman representation la of an unsatis factory character. Moreover, Franco has mobilised and an outbreak of war wljh France muat therefore ba reckoned 'with any day or any moment." ' Another statement declar-e that Rus sia haa Invaded Germany duiinar a time of peace, "In flagrant contradiction of Russia's peaceful assurance.'' LUXEMBURG.. AuT t-Tha mlntater of tha state of Luxemburg; baa received a telegram from tha Oerman Imperial chancellor declaring tha military meas utr taken, by Germany In Luxemburg d not constitute a hostile act against ! the Grand Duchy. They ara simply ' measures, the chancellor stated, to pro- tect a railroad connected with tha Ger man system against possible attacks ty French troops. Luxemburg will ta cim- plrtely Indemnified for any danuge to Its lines. WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-The vast ma chinery of the federal government was tinned today toward the perfection of plans to fortify the American banking system ao that the natlon'a share In the financial burden of European war will ba distributed on many shoulders and Its direct effects minimised. Conferences at tha Whlta Houae and Treasury department at which the for eign and domestic aspects of tha situa tion were dlacussed culmlns4 lata to day In the departure for New Tork of Secretary McAdoo and Comptroller of the Currency Wllllama. These two men have all tha govern ment authority to put Into operation the plan which congress designed years ago for auch altuatlons aa tha present by which tha national banks of the country can obtain WJO.OOO.OOO In currency under the Aldrlch-Vreeland act with which to face any condition and meet any obliga tions la Ezeelleat Shape. Mr. McAdoo, before ha left, declared that ha considered the country to be In excellent shape to take care of Itself, and that there was not the slightest reason for any feeling of alarm. President Wll aop, who discussed the situation at lunch eon with Secretary McAdoo, Is confident that any condition which arises can ba met without great difficulty. Mr. Mc Adoo and Mr. Wllllama will confer with financiers In New Tork aa soon aa poa alblo and these conferences are expected to strengthen the spirit of co-operation between tha government and the banka. Mr. McAdoo may return to Washington lata tomorrow In time to meet repre sentatives of the clearing houae associa tions of Chicago and St. Louis, now an route to tha capital at hia Invitation. Pelt ta Gwoaaaa rtrat. In official circle hero the feeling waa evident that any unusual atraln will be manifest first In New Tork. and both tha president and Mr. McAdoo . were anxious thnt the highest government financial authority be on the ground. Before Mr. McAdoo left Washington the treasury shipped out about fioo.000,000 of tha Aldrlch-Vreeland currency which will be In tha vaults of tha aubtreasurles to morrow ready for tha New York banks. Approval af Carraacy. Thia currency In moat essentials la like that or tha national banks,' but can be Issued on tha security of high class com mercial paper or atate and ' municipal bonds. Commercial paper used for this purpose must ba approved not only by tho bank which aska for currency In ex change, but by tha particular special as- j aoclatlon of which the bank la 'a mem-1 bar. ... In addition the security must be ac ceptable to tha government. Tomorrow Mr. McAdoo and Mr. Wllllama probably a HI scan securities offered by New York banka for emergency currency and facll tata In every way Ita movement front tha aubtreasury to tha banka. It would not surprise officials In Wash ington If Mr. McAdoo used hia Influence In New York to keep tho New York Stock exchange closed for some time. . No di rect proposal of this kind may be mads, but ha la expected to ahow that the gov ernment doea not look kindly upon the reopening! of tha exchange at this time and the speculation which may follow. A feature of the situation here which called forth favorable comment tonight was the Impression which the admini stration has gained that party differences In congress are to be laid aside for the present, and that the president and his advisers can count upon unanimous sup port In any meaaurea they deem needful to meet conditions. There haa been no call from outside Naw York for Aldrlch-Vreeland currency and it was not believed here tonight that other banka will make auch calls. The treasury la stocked with many millions mora of bills printed, stamped and packed, ready for Instant shipment. The very fact that thia vat itim la here la expected to have a reassuring effect throughout the country. Another factor which offlclaia think may help to allay uneaalness Is tha deposit of 134,000,000 by the treasury In national banka in tha farming sections of the country to be used In moving crops. This fund will be available aa aoon aa the banka comply with the conditions laid down by the dl partment. and probably will be pla'ttd at their disposal within a short time. Dis tributed through a large section of the country. It will aid the banka la meeting the uaual demand for money- for the crop movement, relieving New York front this burden. It became plainly evident today that the flrat concern of the adminlatratlon Is for American financial institutions, and that quentlons of foreign exchange and International finance are to be relerated to second place. Karly today Mr. ic Adoo had a long talk with Max May of the Guaranty Trust company, August L'irlch of Ladenburg, Thalman and com pany, and Franklin '. Brown of Red mond and company, all of New York. Paul M. Warburg, nomineo for the Federal Reserve board, Adolph C. Miller, a member of the board, and Comptroller Wllllama also were present. Mr. May and Mr. l'irlch called particularly to discuss the questions of foriign exchange. Mr. McAdoo was glad to get all possible In formation about International banking conditions, but no concrete plan was adopted by which the government will mix in affairs between American and foreign bankers. It wss understood hen that the New Yorkers did not present any specific plans for the betterment of conditions In the exchange market, but dlacussed many ideas. They returned to New York today and are to call a meeting of foreign ex change bankers there tomorrow. There .as passing reference to the creation of a 1 100,000,000 fund for the use of English bankers, but It waa explained, however, that It la not Intended to have the United States government lay aside such a sum to the benefit of British bankers. It waa the understanding that It might be found advisable for New York foreim ex change houses to extend a large line of credit to British Institutions of known soundness. It was presumed that how the treasury would view European commercial paper under present conditions waa an aspect of this plan to be considered. It waa made clear, however, that the treasury, willing aa It Is to give every possible aid, regards this matter as one to be ar ranged between the bankers concerned. Reliable Workers If a sa!eraan is ranted to look after a particular territory, if office helper are required, if there's need for worker? in the factory, if the cook or maid has given notice of leaving in all tuch instances the first thought in the Want Ad columns of The Omaha Bee. The Want Ads of The Bee aro read and used by ambitious men and women the most efficient in in their respective lines. Bee Want Ads are ever chauging, right ui-to-date, quick in bringing return! and inexpensive in cost. Telephone TyUr 1000 THE OMAHA BEE TjiriIm-iv Jtajnds Rem Wo nf Ads Kasser Says lie Is On Defensive BERLIN, Aug. I. An official communi cation, published here today concerning the beginning of the war, says: "In consequence of a Russian attack on German territory, Germany la in a atate of war with Russia. "The French reply to Germany'a note haa been received In the meantime and la of unsatisfactory character. In addition. France has ordered the mobilisation of Its army, so that the outbreak of war be tween Germany and France must be awaited at any moment." Another semi-official communication. Is sued today, says: "While no German soldier has yet set foot on French soil, official reports from the frontier, state that French troops In bodies aa large aa a company crossed the German frontier at Gottesthal, Netseral, Markclch and the Schlucht Pass, before there was any declaration of war. "A breach of neutrality also has been committed through the fact that French military airmen In great numbers have flown over Belgium and Dutch territory on their way to Germany." M. Sverblev, the Russian ambassador, waa handed hia passports this morning. Dealing with the question of Great Britain's obligations. Sir Edward Grey, said: "Up to yesterday we had given no promise of mora than diplomatic support. I waa asked at the time of the Algeria crisis If we would give armed support, and I said I could promise nothing to any sforelgn power unices It received the whole-hearted support of public opinion. "I Cava no promise, but I told both the French and German ambassadors that If war. was forced on France, public opinion In the British Isles would rally to France." This part of the speech waa received with loud cheering. The foreign secretary stated that the British fleet had been mobilised and the mobilisation of the British army was taking place, but that no engagement had yet been made by the British government to aend an expedition abroad. He con tinued: "The French fleet is in the Mediter ranean and tha northern coasts of Franco are defenseless. If a foreign fleet en gaged In war against France should come down and battle against those defenseless coasts we could not stand aside. "We feel strongly that Franca waa en titled to know at once whether In the event of an attack on Ita unprotected coasta It could rely on our support. "I gave the Information to the French ambassador last nlgtit that If the German fleet goea into the Kngllah channel or Into tha North aea to attack French shipping, or tha French coast, tha British fleet will give all the protection in Ita power. "That answer is subject to the approval of Parliament It Is not a declaration of war." Omaha real estate la tha best Investment you could make. Read The Bee's it si estate columns. British Steamer Laden with Coal Seized by Germany j ' LONDON. Aug. I According to a dis patch to tne Central News from King's Lynn, a seaport In Norfolk, England, tha British steamer Baxon. which left King's Lynn last Thursday with a cargo of coal for Brunsbuttal, Prussia, haa been alsed by the German navy and taken to Cuxhaven. RAIL SERVICE BETWEEN FRANCE ANO SPAIN CEASES MADRID, Aug. t The railroad eervtce between France and Spain haa oeased. As a consequence many Spanish tour- j sts are stranaeq, in r ranee ana uer- many. A number of Brltlah and German Ves sels are remaining In Spanish harbors until further notice. AUSTRIA LEAVES SERVIA ALONE TO FACE RUSSIA NISH. Servta. via Balonlkl Aag. L Austria appear for the present to have abandoned Its aggressive " eampalgn against Servla In order to prepare for poastbl Russian attack. The bulk of tha Austrian troop who were concen trated at Semlln have been moved to an unknown destination. The few troop re maining conduct a desultory bombard ment of Belgrade. TV IN TEW THINGS are constantly being added to this laundry, in order that our service to you can be of the up-to-date sort. Cf For instance, the turn down col lar gave us some problems. Now we turn them without breaking, and we finish them inside the fold so that your tie will slip easily. Cf We have been handling men's linens for years, but we are finding out new ways of pleasing them every day. Cf Telephone us. Tell us to get your bun dle for a month. Let us show you what our sort of service means. tu nruiwgur or Tata stoat) 1507-09-11 Jackson Street Phone Douglas 919. Member of LaundrymeQ'a National Aaaoclatloa of America, Call Tyler 345-and-Presto! Your Soiled Summer Togs will be WHITENED again. White clothes, straw hats, white shoes, etc., stay whlta Just about SO long then they partake of. a dingy, yellow, faded out color. THEN you need Dresner's cleaning service: THEN you should call Tyler 34 5 Just tell Dreshers to put the "ginger" back Into your summer togs. You've a great deal of hot weather before you yet, and with cleaning prices aa low as THESE it PAYS to "clean 'em up." Cleaning and Pressing 2-plece Palm Beach, Linen and Mo hair Suita i Cleaning and Pressing Ladles' White Dresses, $iSH and up. while Ladles' Linen Suits may be cleaned and pressed for fi.ao Dresher Biros Dry CleanersDyers 2211-2213 Farnam Street, Omaha. FEMDAMT A multitude of very strik ing new designs with coral or cameos and other sets, also solid gold mountings. with diamonds, hundreds of these, every one distinctive, on which the regular price would be from $14 to $50, may now be selected at prices ranging from $7.00 to $25.00. Arm sign of me CROWN BP WE COt WW STAIRS V-'-tlV-a " m AL. a aV M X. , af rfl"11'l?1.v " i Summer Ironing Made a Pleasure in This Cool Way Iron in cool enjoyment this Sum mer with an Electric Flat Iron. Attach your iron to a socket in your bou doir, on the porch, or the coolest spot in the house. An Electric Flat Iron is so clean that you can wear your most delicate garments when using it, with no fear of soiling them. Easier, Better and Quicker Ironing Whether it's your most delicate'lace or a heavy garment, an Electric Iron will iron it better . and quicker than any other iron possibly could. Omaha Electric Liht ? Power Co. Do It Electrically" t2