Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1914, EXTRA, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUB BP?;: OMAHA. MONDAY. AUGUST 3, 1914.
be for th continental powers to
unit against the British empire,
Russia, taking; her reward In Asia
and India, Germany la Africa and
France in Eerpt. The original pro
posal hrok down becatts Franc
In dated on the recovery ot Alaate
Ixrralne. To at barrier atlll eiUts.
The crar la confident of victory.
He bears nothing alarming about
tbe International situation. Ras
putin, who waa the peace tnfraence
during the last Balkan war, still la
iConUnuod from P Ob )
forty-four year ago today, that th
ll-snch and German clashed In the first
buttle of tht war t Baerbrwken. where
the prinr Imperial, under the order of
the emperor, received hl famou "bap
tism of fire."
It would appear today that Germany
la taking the ftilleet possible advantage of
Ita auppoaed superiority ia rapid mobiliza
tion over France.
Plaa af Kaiser.
The plan of the German emperor, c
cording to military observers here, la t
vanquish, or attempt to vanquish. Prance
In the Interval before Ilussta will o abi
to create aerti ua trouble on her northern
frontier. It la auppoaed that ituaalan
mobilisation will take about throe eek.
All telegraphic and telephonic commun
ication between Hrussel and Luxemburg
has been severed.
Uy the treaty of London, alcned In 1W7,
the grand duchy of Iuxemburg was de
clared neutral territory. Ita Integrity and
Independence were guaranteed.
Ixnwy la a fortified town of France
on the Belgium frontier, forty miles
northwest of Mrialn, (tonne ny.
A train full of German soldiers ar
rived at the station at iJixembiirg dur
ing the night. The troops seised the
station and the bridge on the Treves
and Trola vlergea line In order to In
sure the regular passage of military
trains across the grand duchy.
Offleer r rot rats.
After these aeliurea the aoldiera pro
ceeded to the barracks. The major of
the Luxemburg volunteers protested
against the violation of neutrality, but
. In reply the Germans asserted that the
railway belong to them and that they
have the right to do what they Ilka In
A telephone dispatch from Brussels to
day said It waa reported there that Ger
many, had declared war on France and
that the French ambassador, Julea
I'ampon, had left the German capital.
This report could not ha confirmed.
The French embassy today Issued the
following statement:
"French territory has been Invaded at
(trey and Oerman troop are marching
on the fort at Clrey. This act lias been
rommltted without a declaration of war.
The German ambassador la at present la
t'aa't Answer Uaeatluas.
Germany declared today that It was
unable to answer the question put by
the British ambasaador at. Berlin a to
whether It I prepared to respect the
neutrality of Belgium. This statement
. appeared In a communication Issued by
the French embassy.
The neutrality of Belgium has been
guaranteed by Great Britain and It la
bound to protect Belgium for It own
safety, aa Belgium under Oerman rule
would fee a never ending menace to
(eVinaaa Meet l.oaaea.
ARIvON, Belgium. Aug. 1 According to
. advice received here 100,000 Uerman
troops are crossing the Grand Duchy of
I Aixemburg and concentrating on the
French frontier near Liege. Frontier
enagement are reported tn which th
German are aald to have lost. More
than tft,XX men are engaged In digging
trrnche In front ot the German and
French position.
Debts Saaaeaded la Fraaee.
PA HI a, Aug. I. A moratorium, sus
pending th pay meat of all debta la
I rani until August SI. will be today
proclaimed by the minister of finance.
Bankers to Have
Currency Eeadyin
Gotham Monday
WAriHlNUTO.W Aug. 8 RetreUry Ho-
Adoo and Comptroller "Wllllajtia fort for
New York today to ba In closer touch
with the sltuastlon there tomorrow. Mr.
McAdoo declared he had no fear for the
situation, but thought It well to be near
Several mtlllona of dollars In currency
with Preeldent Wilson.
Several millions of dollar In currency
to be Issued under th Aldrlch-Vreeland
law, have been sent to New York to be
ready for the call of the banks there
New York bankers will confer agala to
morrow on th proposal to place 1 1 00,00. -OuO
In gold to the credit of Kngland.
Secretary McAdoo hold that Is a matter
to be decided between the banker then
selves, who will later announce their
tar f laatceettaa.
VI rs. Badie P. Clawaon, Indiana. Pa.,
was bothered with Indigestion. "My
stomach pelned m alght and day." aha
writes. "I would feel bloated and have
headache' aad hatching after ' eating. X
also suffered front eonsUpatlun. My
daughter had used Chamberlain' Tablet
and they did her so much godtl that she
gave me a few dose of them and In
slsttd upon my trying them. They helped
me aa nothing else haa done." For sale
I y all dealers.
Specie Payments
Suspended by the
Bank of England
IXtXDON. Aug. 1-KJng George held a
privy council this afternoon. Aooordlng
to Tbe ,Preea association he algned a
procuunatlua authorising th suspension
of siiecte payments.
Germany having Invaded t'raave, ltta
felt In l4ndun that tbe time for AoUoa
on the part of fiugUod baa arrived.
There la twasoa to believe that at the
cabinet meeting today, prepratlon we
completed) for such Instant action as the
circumstance may demand.
Inl far ftkte Diseases.
rluckteu Arnica galve le soothing,
healing aad antiseptic. Beat for burns,
eeies, wnuods, bruises, piles, e to. K.
All uruggW, Advertisement
R , ... . ,- i yt ; ,' . v, 4 .-.. , t '., ;; , ' ' . ;' - . .- . . . -
nfr v. '7 -J. t -r x.T ----- . - v k 1
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! - , ju air TZ T Jf . . ' - 1 U fJ
if A ;' v- jV. r yr -.-rtfJ, - if
x ... ., .:."- t v .-, . - r - ' : t
The above photograph, taken during the
recent visit of the British fleet td Ger
man waters, shows a Oermsn army
P. W. Alliio'n Dead and 0. L. Hender-
10a Badl Wounded.
rellre Pat Oat Dragaet, hat aa Ye4
lla Not Beea A hie tm Flad
Aay Treee af tbe
r. W. Allison, a Burlington switchman
living at 501 North Twenty-4jfth street la
dead, hla throat cut. and O. 1 Hender
son, lOOSVi Houth Hleventh atreet, also a
Burlington switchman, I In Bt. Catherine
hospital suffering from knife or razor
The police are seeking two negroes,
red about 90 year, and desuribed r
typical vagabond negroes," dressed
blue overalls and white cotton shirts.
Allison and Henderson had ,ust finished
their work and were on their way home,
when th enoounter took place at Eighth
and Far nam street. It about 3:20
o'clock In the morning, and thus far tn
police have been unable to find any eye
witnesses. Allison tiled on the way to Ht. Joseph'
hospital bejore he had made a a'.aiement.
and Henderson lapsed into unconscious-
nea while detectlbe were getting the
tory ot th murder from him. 2ter
he said-
Starr ( Attack.
"My partner and myself had just left
the switch shanty at Keventh and Doug
las streets. W had walked aa tar aa
F.lghth and Farnam when I suddenly
remembered that I had neglected to put
some plates in my dinner panll. t
wrnt hack, Paul going ahead and walk
ing alowly. When I returned a minute
or later, I. waa just even with a re
frigerator car at Klghth and Douglu
streets, when a negro sprang out of a
Tou l'v got you bow," he
exclaimed. "He had a rasor In his hand
and he slaahed m across th face before
t knew what wa going on. I grappled
with him, and got him down, but be es
caped after cutting m a couple of time.
I got up and aaw a trail of blood lead
ing toward the Bally hotel, and I Just
noticed It, I heard my partner yell. I
ran over and found him wallowing lti
hi blood, horribly cut. Then I called
a train crew that I saw passing up th
street a little way off and we got th
Henderson thinks there waa only one
i egro and that he used a rasor Instead
cf a knife. He would knewjhlm again
It he saw him, he ssld. I
A bottle of Hprtng llffl whisky, con
taining about three drink, and covered
with blood stslns mad by a hand, waa
found near th spot where Headersoa
ay ha encountered the negro, lie de-
rd that he had no whisky, and to
th best of hla knowledge, neither did lft
, Na Caaea for Attaek.
Karly tn the evening Henderson ana
Allison chased a number of negroe away
from a water tank near th switch
shanty, but Henderson doea not thing
them urderer waa In th crowd.
"I don't know why he should ' attack
me, or ba laying In wait for me, because
I never had any trouble with a negro In
my life. I don't know what transpired
between th negro and my partner, be
cause Paul waa unconscious when I got
Allison died oa the way to R. Joseph'
hospital, and his body wa turned over
to th coroner. He ia married and had
two children. Henderson ia married and
ha four children. Physician belle' he
haa a good ohano for recover'.
Will !urtetaen and Howard Ulbba
both employed st Harding's creamery
saw a negro going past the place a few
minutes after the cutting. He waa act
ing auspiciously and Iaurietssn thought
ha waa full of cocaine. He yelled "Hey,
nigger, where are you going?" Th negro
turned, looked at him aad then ran
toward the railroad tracks. Laurietaen'a
description of the negro tallies with that
given by Henderson.
At Sheely, during the afternoon. Wil
liam Ferguson, a negro, waa arrested.
He was covered with blood stains but re
cently dried, and at first It waa believed
that h was the murderer. Lev tor, how
ever, there were development which
caused th police to believe that he was
not mixed up la th murder case.
All of the "vag" negroe now In Jell
wtU he prosecuted In police court thte
morning In aa effort to make them either
leave towa or find regular work. For tbe
lst week tbe police have been making
aa effort to keep th old tenderloin dls-
Air Fighter Flying Over
dirigible hovering over the English bat
tleships. Hhould Europe be thrown Into
a general conflict aa a result of th
' -' i,1 1
trlrt cleared of Itinerant negroes, on ac
count of the frequency of strong-arm Job
and complaint of assault.
A Moody newspaper, with which the
murderer evidently wiped his hand, and
which was covered with finger print la
blood, waa found near the scene of th
tragedy by Lloyd DeWolf, a treet oar
conductor, and turned over to the po
lice. DeWolf also found a white linen
collar, but this I thought to be th prop
erty, of one of the victims.
Allison was married and leave, beside
hi widow, a son under year of age.
Cermany Invade France;
LoseB Heavily in the Firtt
Clash; Progreu of the War
(Continued from Page One.) t
by France at the time.
Perls I at a fever heat. A declaration
tf war against Germany I expected mo
mentarily. The war council ha been In
session practically all day. It ia probaU
that th declaration ha already been le
aned, and that th army I now In mo
tion against the Teutons. The Invasion
ot French loll by th Oerman force at
Nancy, however, la declared by all au
thorities on International law to have
been tantamount to a declaration of war,
and thai all Prance Is In duty bound to
do le dviae the world that she ha started
her armies, leaving Germany to find It
out a best she can.
Preach. Terrltety Invaded.
! The war office has received a dispatch
stating that a large Uerman force 1
marching on the fortress at Langion, a
fortified town not far from th Belgian
frontier and fva mile In French terri
tory. This new Is causing much uneaslnes
here in view of Germany's refusal to ad
vise the British foreign office whether
she would cros Belgian territory or not
In approaching Franca, Belgium haa al-
wa been th buffer state and England la
bound to have It held inviolate. Ger
many's refusal to deny that eh will vio
late th neutral country i considered a
good as a threat that she will do so,
Ueea Oase.a Aagnset .
Germany seem to believe In the good
omen of th date, August I. It wa Just
forty year ago, August , WO, that th
first clash of arts between Germany and
France took 'place. Relying on her sup
posed superiority over France tor im
mediate mobilisation of her army, Ger
many seem to have chosen on of her
"lucky days" to try It out.
Leading military authorities. In dis
cussing Gertnsny's probable course, agree
that her best plan of action I to hurl her
entire army against Ffap.ce Immediately
In a mad effort w tireak her power be
fore Russia, notoriously alow In mobilis
ing, get ready to attack Germany on th
east. ' . .
Raealaaa Kate Eaat Prassla.
. This plan appears' to be fraught with
much uncertainty, however, aa dispatches
from Berlin say that Cossack already
are riding toward Johannesburg In oast
Prussia, and appear to be followed by a
large force ot infantry and artillery. It
ia also reported that a strong Ruaalaa
tore vroased the German frontier at
JClchenspld. In Posen, and attacked aa
outpoet guarding a bridge over th
Wart be. The dispatches state that the
Russian were repulsed.
Kaglaael Mobilises Keaervee.
Lt this afternoon Premier Aaquith
and Klret Lord of the Admiralty Church
Ill had a long conference. Immediately
afterward an order waa Issued ordering
th mobilisation of the naval resreVes.
Almost at th same moment an order waa
dispatched t Ottawa, Canada, requesting
th Canadian tuUltla and av reserve to
Royal Reserves
of British Navy
Called to Service
OTTAWA. Ont.. Aug. J.-Th Royal
naval reserves have been called upon by
the British admiralty for service. Tbe
Canadian government was officially no
tified of th call today. Th call la In
terpreted as meaning that th British
navy will be engaged shortly.
Th royal naval reserves are officer
and aeameu of the merchant aervtoa who
have tsken a special course of training
la the British navy, have received a cer
tificate of aompetanoa and have pledged
themselves to answer a call to serve In
the navy. They are scattered all over the
world, there now being many thousands
of them n the port ot New York and
other American ports.
This la th first Km that such a call
ha ever been made and it 1 considered
most significant.
the British Fleet at Spithead
present Austro-Kervlan war, balloons and
all other type of flying craft will play
an Important part. All the nation In
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2,-Conaui In
Europ wer today Instructed to have or
der for transportation horn for stranded
Americana honored by European agen
cies. Relatives here may deposit funds
with American agent of the transporta
tion companies.
Nentrallty for Inlted States.
WASHINGTON. Aug. S. Preparation
of a neutrality proclamation was begun
today at the State department. Officials
aid It probably would be Issued tomor
row. Channel Steamers Still Bosnia. .
LONDON, Aug. 2. The croes-chunnel
steamers ar still running to England
from France and Belgium. The boat
again today were crowded with passen
ger, including many Americana.
The Paris Nord line. today notified the
Kngllah agsnta that they could no longer
guarantee train to and from Pari.
To Prevent Cornering; Koodstnffs
TUB HAGUE, Aug. i. The government
propose axtraordtnary measure to pre
vent th cornering of foodstuffs. It
will also Introduce bills authorising The
Netherlands hank, in case of war, to sus
pend payment In gold.
Belarlant Is Getttnw Ready.
BRUSSELS, Aug. . Parliament has
been called to meet Thursday.
LIEGE, Aug. 3. Th special corps of
th olvio guard haa been mobilised and
la guarding th bridge,
German Battle Flea oa Way.
COPENHAGEN, Aug. ?.-A Dane, who
baa Just arrived from Kiel, saya the
German Baltic fleet is making it way
to th North sea. Only an armored
cruiser and two old ships are left In
the Kiel roadstead.
Baalaad Mobilising.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 2. Official dis
patches received here at 1 p. m., report
England mobilising forces along the North
British Naval Reservists Called.
LONDON, Aug. 2. The naval reservlnts
were called out at 3 o'clock this after
noon. The action confirm the belief
that the British government ia ready
to take It part In the ttruggl.
Co sacks tOaterlasr Uermaay.
BERLIN. Aug. 2. A Tluesian column,
with artillery, has crossed the German
f rentier at Schwinden. southeast of Blalla,
Two squadrons of Russian Cossacks
are riding In the direction of Johannes
burg, In east Prussia, .fifteen mile from
the frontier.
Itebts Suspended la France.
PARIS, Aug. 2. A moratorium, sua
jiending the payment of all debts in
Franc until August 31, was today pro
claimed by th minister ot finance.
The measure applies also to deposits
and current accounts In banks. Deposi
tor may withdraw only too, and 6 per
cent of their remaining balance.
. French Fleet Tkresgk Gibraltar.
GIBRALTAR, Aug. 2. A French fleet
consisting ot twelve vessels ' passed
through the etraita of Gibraltar today,
bound east.
PARI;, Aug. 2. The German ambassa
dor lata this afternoon waa still In
Paris awaiting instruction from Berlin
to leave, none seemingly having yet
reached him. It Is understood that if
h docs not ask for hi passport, they
will ba handud him tonight.
Privy Coaarll Held.
LONDON, Aug. 2. King Ueorg laid a
privy council this afternoon. Accord
ing to th Press Association lie signed a
proclamation authorising the suspension
of specie payments.
Mobilisation la Far blast.
RARH1N, Russia, Aug. I. A telegram
received here from St. Petersburg an
nounces the mobilisation ot the Ki'riinn
force tn the far east.
War Signs Appear
i All Over Far East
TOKIO, Aug. I The western shores of
th Pactria tbday showed active prepara
tion for war. The Hrttlah Asiatic fleet
I concentrating at Hong Kong and the
Uerman warships In Asiatic waters a re
making their way to Talng Tau. The
warships of Japan are making every
preparation for possible eventualities and
are ready to sail at moment'a notloe.
Th Japanese dreadnought Hlyml had a
successful trial trip today.
tiemiana resident In Japan subject to
military aervica have been ordered to
hold themselves in readiness to return
The transportation of freight between
Japan and Siberia and Europe has been
stopped. Effort sr being made to
volved are well supplied with aerial
flahters with the exception of Servla,
which haa only a few aeroplane.
cure the vessels of neutral countries to
move cargoes destined to Europe. All
Insurance Is at war rate.
Heavy Firing is
Now Proceeding
in the North Sea
LONDON, Aug. l-Tbe News of the
World says It haa received a wireless
communication to the effect that heavy
firing Is proceeding in the North sea.
The newspaper presumes that German
and French fleets are engaged.
I jsf t eatsesasasjaJ ' I anininiiiriiitf j
Why Take the Risk
of your beer becoming impure?
You are not asked to take a similar
risk with other kinds of food.
And yet, every time you buy beer in
a light bottle you must assume the
burden of keeping it away from light
to avoid that skunky taste.
Get Schlitz Brown Bottle, and you get
beer that is kept pure from the brew
ery to your glass.
See that Crown is
branded "Schlitz,"
I 1
Declare! It Waited Till Last Moment
Before Mobilizing.
aie l.rrmair Ha Violated Sea
tralliy ef I.axemfcarg by Sending;
Troops Tkresgk that Vlare
l eslrsry to Treaty.
LONDON. Aug. 2 The French em
bassy in London today Issued the follow
ing statement:
"German troops have Invaded Luxem
burg, violating It neutrality. This neu
trality wa established by a treaty nego
tiated and signed In London In April, 17.
Ratification of this treaty were ex
changed In Ivondon. May , 1K7. Article
II of It reads as follows:
"Th grand duchy of Luxemburg will
be a state perpetually neutral. The pow
ers which sls'n the present treaty declare
themselves as bound to respect this neu
trality, and to make It respected by oth
er. This neutrality Is placed under the
guarantee of the powers which have
signed this treaty."
Continuing the ststement of the em
bassy says:
"The British ambassador at Berlin
asked the German secretary of state for
foreign affair whether Germany was
prepared to respect the neutrality of Bel
gium. The German secretary of stte for
foreign affair declared he was not able
to answer. The neutrality of Belgium has
been established by a treaty signed in
Stops ITmce Talk.
"Th German ambrtsssdor at St. Pe
tersburg notified Ruseia of tbe declaration
of war by his government while negotia
tions were pending between AuBtrla-Hun-gary
and Russia and at the very moment
when Austria-Hungary had declared that
she waa prepared to consider the matter
of the Austro-eVrb conflict with Servla,
or with a neutral power on behalf of
"The German ambassador at Pari yes
terday morning held an interview with
the French prime minister concerning the
Austro-Berb conflict and especially about
the decision reached by Austria-Hungary
to consider th matter with Servla or
with a neutral power apeaklng In behalf
of Bervia. In spite of this, on the after
noon of the same day war was declared
by Germany on Russia.
Germaay Want to Know,
"France was asked te tell what she
would do in case of war between Russia
and Germsny, and the German ambassa
dor at Pari began to prepare everything
for his departure from the French capital.
"July 31, Germany called to the flag
the last five classes of the reservists.
This she could not do by means of mar
tial law by Germany, which permitted
her to keep this new secret. Conse
Phone Doug. 159T
Bchltts Bottled Beer Depot v
7t3 8. Ith Street Omaha, Nebr.
Phone 4M
Hy. Oerber. 101 8. Mala 8U
Council Bluffs
';-l'-. I IB I Ml I I I Bill " jM . S
quently, on July SI mobilisation was go
ing on In Germany.
"In spite of thin France waited until
August I at 5 o'clock In the afternoon
to order a general mobilization. This
as don for the purpose of making it
clear that rhe was not the nsirre"lve
power, and also that she might be able
lo claim British support.
France Walts on Germany.
"General mobilization wa ordered in
France August 1 at S o'clock In the
afternoon. Th first day of mobilisation
began August 2 nt midnight."
The French emhanKy has received the
following statement from M. Vlvlanl, the
French premier: 1
"f have Just sent the following tele
gram to the French minister at Luxem
burg. 'Will you inform the premier that
In conformity with the treaty In London
of 1M7 the government of the republic
Intends to respect the neutrality of Lux
emburg, as has ben shown by her atti
tude. The violation of their neutrality
by Germany Is of such a nature as to
oblige France to take Into account the
care of her defense and her Interests.'
German Fire Brings
llown French Plane
BERIJN, Aug. I German troops today
fired upon and brought to earth a French
flying machine near Wesel.
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