4 A s: i 4 KlhTAID . IS JOKING. FIGHT CoBjTeitman from Sixth District After rthfiader Flow. Servian Troops on Their Way to War TO CO STUB, WITH OFFICIALS Hes-es Convince Secretary ft terier ( . cress It yof Iteleaelaa; ImpoaaeVal fVater for Ben efit of Settlers. tFrom Staff Correspondent ) WAfMIINQTOX. Aug. 1 (racial Tele gram.) Congressman Klnkaid, Impreeiud with tha very urgent rail of the section, of Nebraska and Wyoming using water from Irrigation ditches, la prepared to I Introduce a resolution In the house re- I quiring tha secretary of the Interior ami ' reclamation officials to release tha sur plus water In tha Pathfinder dam, and permit U to flow down the Platte river and Into the canala tmllt lateral thereto. In order to relieve the drought stricken localities and withering corn field be tween Bridgeport on the wen and Crand j lalaad on tho ea.i. Previous, however, to the Introduction of the resolution. which he hs prepared. Judge Klnkaid aald that he waa to have aa Important conference early Mundny morning with the secretary of tl"c Inter ior and officials of the reclamation aerv : . . ;' ! ' '''' 1 5 "a 5-lf , j -t ;vt ;:-'.:' i'., i 1 iu s ri . . n .'i.-w :,:. i- ' I I I , ' A , , i ' . Ice, hoping that out of that con fere nee wlU.corae an agreement that the reclama tloB aorlca will permit the water In the Pathfinder dam to be used for Irrigation gturposea. notwithstanding that, many of tha people along the Platte river do not hold under Irrigation patents. "'. f Judge Klnkaid stated that the altuatlon was extremely serious and that the gov erntnent oouid 111 afford to withhold tho watr that. It has Impounded In the Path finder dam because somebody had re fused to take out a water right along the 11b of the government construction. Aa to Blraslac Salt. Judge Klnkaid further stated that he kad received a telegram from senator 9!oagland sggestlug that he Introduce a resolution permitting the state irrigation board to bring a friendly suit agalnat the government for ilia use of the water un der the Present distressing conditions, but Mr. Klnkaid realises that that suit might be long drawn out and In tha meantime the work of the farmers In those sections would he entirely lost by reason of the drougth which is now pre vailing. . He hopes, therefore.' to convince the representative of the administration that the imperative thing to be done is to release the Impounded water In tha Pathfinder dam to the end that the aoroeeteader within the section now auf (ariiui ,betwea Bridgeport on the west and Grand IsKnd on the east by given relief .In tha most expeditious manner Ipoaaible. ." WALL STREET MARKS TIME (Continued f.-om Page One ) that tho ' movement would be reatrlcted henceforth. The foreign exchange business wss again at standstill. At the close of the week such fantastic rates were quoted aa Td for Xxmdon cables and d for de stand. Thar waa a meeting of the leading for eign exchange intereats to consider meth ods of safeguarding tha altuatlon and re duce It to a sane basia, A committee a, appointed to outline a plan and will re-' port on Monday. One of the auggeetlons made at the meeting was tks shipment of $100,0o0,uo0 gold to London In the form of a loan or In payment of bond purchases. Tbic transaction. It waa said, would be f great benefit to the London market ji.d react to the advantage of our own. HeA4oe Calls Coaaell. ' WABKINQTON. Aug. l.-To consider what shall be done to protect the finan cial Interests of the Vnilod States during tsa European crisis, Secretary McAdoo today tailed on clearing house associa tions In New York, Chicago and St. Ixniis to aen4 representatives here Monday ' morning to dtscuse the sltustloa with him. Vara Ciald hipped ta New tark. PHll-ADBUPHIA. Aug. l-Thirty mil. lion dollars In double eagle gold coins waa shlpptd today by parcel post from the Philadelphia mint to the aubtreasury at New York City, making a total of (jO.0O0.oa0 forwarded since Thursday. It I said tao.OOO.OW will S sent on Monday. Wheat ad Cra ttalet. CHICAGO. - Aus. 1. Business on the wheat market today veared away' from wheat and corn. It waa decided that for the time being the wiser course was to tura attention as far as practicable to a commodity depending chiefly on doroeetlj conditions and not upon the uncertainties of European politics. The wheat market m aa only fairly active today. After having kept within f cents la either direction from last nltht's level, the market closed firm, to Vt net ad vance. ' " t Com n4d suroag snd actl, with an upward tendency all day. Drouth dam ago and the threatened strike on U rail roads west of Chicago waa tha cause. The nut advance In corn for the day was IV to IVt rents a bushel. . ''' ' . TIHA' A t llf llll A P aaa .1 1 iiri rviArvc. ur ur. GERMAN HOTEL EMPLOYES BERLIN, Aug. l.-Tlpa make up tha sole wage of the unskilled employes of mure than HO per cent of 70 Oerman hotels, according to an Investigation Just completed by the Aaaoclatlon of Hotel Servants. The highest' wagw paid la $11 monthly, and the total expendi tures required of the employes mora than equal their fixed wage. Only (.1 per cent of tho servant In tha hoteta Investigated have leas than 100 hours of work weekly, while 42 per cent work from 100 to 111 hours and I per cent have at least eight een hours' work a day. Twelve per dent have n dsy of ret whatever and leas than half have three half day la tha month. decision points out, that tha rates In central freight association territory are the lowest In tho United Htutes and that the basis for them la wholly consistent. examples of debilitation of credit throuxh acquisition nf unprofitable suheidlary line. Private csra and sleeping csr con trncti, the; commission held, should he esrefully reviewed before being renewed. An order was Issued cancelling tha gen eral S jwr cent proposed. Such roads an get advances will file tariffs to con form with the dnrlrlon today. The de cision Is effective at once. II J. McVann, manager of tha Omaha Traffia bureau, said that the raise In rates In the Central Freight association trrltory had been forecasted In tha argu ments before the commission as Mr. Brandels had admitted that thee rates were too low. Mr. McVann also said thst few Omaha manufacturers would bo effected by the relse, those being the men who bought raw material from, around the Pittsburgh, district. History of f'aae. The railroads which applied for tha Interstate Commerce commission permis sion to raise their freight rates were the fifty-two lines In the territory east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio and Potomiie rivers. The Increase asked was 5 per cent. Just half the Increase which these same railroads (lied to ret approval of the 1910, but failed. Jt was deemed that public, sentiment desired a prompt decision of the new ap plication, and the Interstate Commerce commission Immediately Instituted hear ings, at which President Willard of tha Baltimore Sc. Ohio, President Delano dt the Monon system. George Stewart Pat. terson, general counsel of the Pennsyl vania, snd other prominent railroad of ficials gave testimony. Louis D. Bran- dels of Boston, representing the commis sion and the shippers, was one of tha leading counsel In opposition. The contention of the railroad man agers wss that In the last three years tha railroads had spent $600,000,000 In new capital, but that In 1913 the earnings were $16,000,000 leas than In 1912; that tha great est Increases In rsilroad expenses had come about by higher wages, taxes and new Investment In the properties; that conditions were such that the New York Central had since September, 1913, been forced to lay off 13,000 men; and It was strongly Intimated by some witnesses that unless tha situation were relieved tha rsilroads might have to accept gov ernment ownership as the only alterna tive. Opsnalss Contentions. The opposing contentions were in ef fect that the railroads were constantly enjoying higher revenues; that they spent more on Improvements last year than any other year In history; that one terminal alone, built at a cost of $l(M.ooo, 000 "would have built an entire railroad from New York to Chicago"; and, above all. that the free services which tha rail roads performed for large Industrial con cerns would, if paid for, net the railroads approximately $J0,000,flOO a year. Mr. Brandels declared that "a sum approach ing ino,0no,ono a year Is easily within tha railroads' grasp if methods of conserving revenues which are being suggested are adopted." The greatest opposition from shippers came from those Interested in. rnal ant petroleum, and It waa charged by Inde pendent refiners thst the lncrcssed freight rstes would benefit the Standard Oil company at the expense of the indepen dent concerns. Various attempts were made to repre sent President Wilson as being' In favor of the Increase, but ha took the stand that the ease waa beforo a quasi-Judicial body, and no word of the president's at titude ever was officially given. He did, however, express the view that the cane should be determined without any un necessary .delay. 3C SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GOAL BILL By ordering the best substitute for Hard Coal That is OZARK (Spadra), mined from the deep vein of the Arkansas Anthracite District. 51.00 A TON SAVED IS DIG INTEREST EARNED OUR PROPOSITION: Por August delivery only, OZAKK, furnac size, for $8.00 ton. TnU Is a genuine bargain. Iant winter the price was 9.BO. Next Winter It will doubtless be as high or higucr. ALL NEW, FRESH. THOROLY DOUBLE SCREENED OZARK CERTIFIED FURNACE COAL, $8.50 The Sunderland Guarantee Certificate, Sunderland coal quality and Sunderland service make Sunder- land patrons the best satisfied coal users In Omaha. "THERE'S A REASON" FOR THE LANDSLIDE. 70 BIG YELL-OS FINE TEAMS SUHBERLAnO BROS. CO. ENTIRE Id FLOOR H. E. Cor. 17th & Harney AOGU CLEARANCE' A REAL SALE WITH REAL REDUCTIONS THE LARGEST HIGH GRA DE STOCK OF FURNITURE INTHE CITY AT SACRIFICE PRICES! Tomorrow morning at 8:30 sharp, we open our August f M ol- . mi i ii i . . . . vifuiiuii-e rune, inis means ine greatest lurmture oppor tunity of the year to you. The values are truly remarkable. Tho quality is unexcelled. The sweeping reduction in price on every article in stock will be a revelation, even to the most experienced buyers. Our entire stock must be off the floors within 30 days to make room for our fall and win ter merchandise, and we earnestly urge you to make your i i.: i i m i , 'ii . . btMeuuuus tariy wiiue our biock is Slul complete. Holds It to B True. I. WOMAN IS KILLED BY TRAIN AT DEN I SON DUNISON. la., Aug. L-(8palaLWrba fast mall tbls morning- on ths Nortb- wvstern ran ovsr and alllod lira, albert Krai. Tha local and fast mail dm thsr and she. rushed across tha traoka tltinklna; to catch ths local whan ths mall train waa coming;, Th wamtnsa of bystandars wets not hsadsd. Bhs was an aldrrljr woman and lived on a farm north of Vail. ROADS' DEMANDS FOR RATE RAISE IS PARTLYGRANTED (Continued from Pass One.) paasermer (area and elimination of coatlf free services to shippers, and practically all free puns, and development . of f reater efficiency la personnel and equip, wont. "Aa increase of i per cent la tha Intra territorial class and commodity rates la central freight association territory ap proved, subject to the qualifications la tha report The need of a central read. Juatment of rates la that territory dls cussed. saaseatlans fas farriers. ' "Sufc-ttiatlon wars made for considera tion by all the carriers in official classi fication territory as to ths methods by which they may Increase their Bet 1m ooma other than by a caaeral rata la crease, (jpeolal attention Is called to the existence of many Individual rates and charges apparently unremuneratlve." DlfcusKlna; the "crisis, " said by rail way executives to be confronting; the roads and the Insistence upon ths need of immediate relief, the commission held that "de tlopmenls have ahown that there was little foundation for any such views." It waa pointed out that rail roads relatively had suffered no mors from impairment of credit or high tn teroat rates than governments, states, municipalities, public service) corpora tions and Industries. Meat Heads praepereres. "Most of ths roads In trunk Ma tJ rllory," the decision says, arj sMs UncUy prosperous." It was beld that Ute conditio at New England roads aud thug la central freight aaaeVtatlon territory could cut be helped materially by aay prsisUcsJ ad vane in rates, but that they must be helped by re-orsjanlaaUosj ca a sound fl- aoruitil bails. Ths commission held (hat tu be- true and whlis it permits the railroads - to put in a I per cent Increase. It Informs them ths real help for .hslr situation Is an entire readjustment of ths rats struc ture. Ths commission put Itself squarely behind tha railroads for such a read Juatment. Chairman Harlan in the decision ssva officials of ths Control Freight associa tion roads Joined the i per ceut advanos application, not because they thoucht such an Increase would meet with their requirements, but only because of the powerful trunk lines to present one plan of relief, lis says they expressly con demned their weeent basis of rates am' Indicated that they shortly would sac Increases beyond those allowed today. Iltajrht Grade ef Service. Surfeiting an increase In uaasenaera' fare, ths commission referred' to the hiph grade service on American roads and said: "A publlo that demands su a service cannot reasonably object t tbe payment of a reasonable compensation," Kailroads are urged to dissociate fmm such properties aa are no, autuaily used In transportation servloe. The raiiroarfa asking for Increases In rates have an aggregate of fffllOOO.OOO 1 such properties, ths commission found. Financial trans actions of ths New Haven. Rock Ial.nd and Frisco systems were referred to ss THREE "WINNERS E A STRONG STOMACH LIVER ACTIVITY BOWEL REGULARITY It is impossible for you to be strong and robust to be able 4 4 to w in, " if you do not possess these three essentials; but here is a splendid op portunity, with the as sistance of HOSTETTERS Stomach Bitters to restore these organs t.i a normal condition and thus promote- health and strength Start today. CONVENIENT MONTHLY TERMS ARRANGED ON ANY PURCHASE IF DESIRED LOOK FOR OUR SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE TAGS EACH ONE MEANS A SAVING TO YOU. SIX HANDSOMK COLONIAL DINING ROOM CHAIRS, verv strongly con , structert throughout of American quarter sawed Imitation oak. Have roomy ..i:nu, "-Yf comionaoie saaaie seat ana neavy scroti legs securely braced. Fin. duplicated elsewhere sals price for only aDie saaaie seat ana neavy scroti legs securely braced. Fin. UUantly polished. Positively cannot be gT1 OO for less than $16.00. August Clearance tblftmfu s ssaeeeseseaaaa saa sm tj WONDERFUL) VALUE IN A SPLEN DIDLY MADE SOLID OAK DRESS ER, constructed throughout of well selected wood, beautifully finluhed in golden. Base fitted with three roomy drawers, the mirror is of French beveled plate set in neat turned standards. On tale (or CT 07 tliis week only ...4? GREATEST BRASS BED BARGAIN IN OMAHA Or EXTRA HEAVT WE3IJL, MADE COLON IAL LIBRART TABLK Built throughout of hard wood and finished In American quarter sawed Imitation oak. Haa large top, meaauiing 28x4t Inches, fitted with roomy stationary drawer, supported by heavy turned scrolls reatlng f f IE on platform base. Positively J . J on sale for this week only. ! i Met ' 0 !: f fc .... MtMsammmmtn in 1 1 EXCEEDINGLY COMFORTABLE and well made upholstered rocker. Frame Is neatly carved American 'quarter-sawed imitation oak finish. It la upholstered in Imperial leather over full spring construction, back beautifully tufted. Greatly re- ffT QC duced for our August Sale, at. . . 4J2J AN AMAZING VALUE IN A TWO-INCH CONTINUOUS POST GEN UINE BRASS BED. Prices notated below is tha lowest price ever quoted on a bed (similar ia design and charaxter). It is made with five heavy fillers with handsome cast ornaments the finish is a rich eatin. Specially priced for this sale or until th stock ' CO "ZfZ Is exhausted, at, , , ,$SDD Some Amazing August Clearance Sale Reductions in FINE RUGS Each One Guaranteed a Positive Bargain xl2 FT. VELVET I M Q I RUQ8 PRICEP AT.I'"'3 A IrClDKI VALVE IN t-INCH' OONTIN VOVH VOtTH. CHILLKSiJ 8TEEL BED COMBINATION. Bed haa five heavy J inch fillers, Vemts Martin finish, all alses. Springs have all angular steel frame, tw rows of copper evil supports, heavy cotton top mattress with strong ff f durable ticking. Complete JiZ. I J outff T f m A HIGH GRADE SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE. Beautifully finished In golden and splendidly constructed throughout. The heavy pillar is round instead of square as shown, supported on four colo nial turned legs. Can be extended to six feet. Our extremely low price for tbls week z FT. BRUSSELS C OF RUG3 are priced at. ..5Usi.iJ 8 ft S Inch by 10 Brussels ruga, new Kteslgns 9x11 ft. Brussels Rugs are priced at 17x54 tnoh AXMIN8TER RUGS, antW..... SI. 60 Every Persian, ft. Inch $8.75 $10.98 $3.10 $1.79 SI 1.95 possible shade and color combination has been included. Oriental, Kloral, Medallion designs. Extra, flue weaves. It Means Money In Your Pocket to In vestigate This Opportunity J6xS inch Axmlneter rugs priced at 37x54 inch Velvet Ruga priced at lill ft Velvet Rug priced at m Let Hartman Feather Your Nest. "7 ' I a - - f 1. ia, mm JL Si J ' '; 1 1 mi 1 pi -1 m m M MASSrVB COLONIAL BUtTET. Made of heavy American quarter, sawed imi tation oak, fitted with two silverware drawers, one large center drawer and two roomy compartments, all set with wood knobs. French plate beveled edge mirror eei in neavy rrama. auiuii visaxance bale price $11.96 A , A i.cJlARKABLE MISSION COUCH BARGAIN. -Frame Is of soln. finished fumed. Upholstered over full set of steel springs In jrenulne Hiamsn imperial leather, ideal for your den or living room. Specially priced for quick selling; during ' this sale at ,,.iM...,,fc,.,iiM,iiil,i,..l,,.,i ENT1RB LINE OF RErRIOtR ATORfl haa been reduced An example of the splendid value offered Is our white enamel lined hard wood refrigerator, finished golden. Inner wall filled with mineral wool. ime white enamel re- movioi. sneir, roomy pro vision ceinpartmem andT ice Chamber. Tliia week at only.. $5.95 LARGE ROOMY $7.35 CHIF- FI0NER Mad eatlrelr of solid oak. splendidly fln 1 a hed golden. lias five roomy drawers, neatly trimmed with wood drawer pulls. A limited timber only-offered at an extreme low price during our August Clearance sale $4.95 1414-1416-1410 DOUGLAS ST., It bas been contended for yean, tbs