Germany Has PART ONE- NEWS SECTION PAGES ONE TO TEN. VOL. XLIV NO. 7. ROADS' DEMANDS FOR RATE RAISE IS PARTLYGRANTEO Five Per Cent Increase Between Buffalo and Brooklyn and Mississippi Allowed. I. a C. GIVES OUT DECISION Raise East of Buffalo and Pitts burgh on Freight Charges is Refused. WILL MEAN GENERAL ADVANCE All Class Rates in Central Freight Association Territory Ad vanced. ATTEMPT TO MISLEAD ; PUBLIC Commission Scores Efforts Made -to Create Sentiment. FREE SERVICE ' SHOULD, ' GO Meat , of th Carrier la Trnnkl Terrltorr Declared r R"" to Be In Prosper Conditio. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Fir per cent increased freight rates between Buffalo and Pittsburgh and the Mis sissippi, river were granted today by the Interstate Commerce commission in the eastern division advance rate case. All increases east of Pitts burgh and Buffalo were denied. No increases were granted on lake and rail rates. All clsusa rates within the Central Freight association terri tory were advanced 6 per cent. Com modity rates got a like advance ex cepting coal, coke, brick, tile, cljay, starch, cement, iron ore and plaster. Percent of Increase. The new rate are expected to Increase the Income of the railroad approxi mately 1H per cent All the principal eaat and west ssytem will benefit by the In creases, as their lien traver the terri tory effected. The commodities upon which no ad vance were allowed compose approxi mately 85 per oent of the total volume of traffic in the central territory. Th commission held the Income of th railroad was smaller than Is demanded In publle Interest, but that no showing had been made warranting- a general in crease In rate. Pnblle Misled. Condemning what 1 characterised a a propaganda to influence it decision, the commission said: There can be no doubt that this clamor and outcry have tended to mislead the public and have seriously aggravated the present commercial depression." Commissioner McChord held no differ ence should have been made between the territories east and west of Pittsburgh and Buffalo. Commissioner Daniels held that a 6 per cent Increase should have been granted generally. The commission suggested advances In (Continued on Page Four.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Sunday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity Fair; no important change In -temperature. Tempexature at Omaha leaterday. Hours. a. in.. 3 a. m. 7 a. ni., 8 a. ra.. " S a. m.. 10 a. :.. 11 a. m.. 13 m 2 p. m.. 1 p. m.. 3 p. m.. De. 7 p. m.. Comparative Local Heeord t lH-1913. 1912. 1911. Highest yesterday M w M 19 Ixiweat yesterday 7 t2 M 61 Aioan temperature .... 70 77 Preplpltatlon 00 .00 73 70 00 .00 depar- Temperature an1 precipitation ture from th normal: Normal temperature Kxcess for the day Total excess sineu -March . Ttl 0 1 840 Normal precipitation 14 Inch Deficiency for the day 14 inch Total rainfall since March 1....14D1 Inches Iiefli-ienuy since March 1 3.61 Inches lficiency for cor. period, 1911.. 1. 92 Inches IMlclency for eor. period, IMS.. 8. 44 inches L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. The YILLA NOT ASKED TO SHARETRIUMPH Chieftain Not Expected to Take Part in Entry to Capital City. CAROTHERS BACK FROM FRONT Intimation that Villa I Wot In clined to Submit t Authority of Cnrransa I Strength, entng III Army. EL PAPO, Tex., Aug. 1. General Villa lias not been Invited officially or unof. flclally by General Carransa to take part In the entry of the constitutionalist troops into Mexico City. This was learned definitely today. It explained. In part at least: the delay of the northern commander in moving his forces south. It was learned also that Villa has been recruiting an average of 4X) men dally at Chlhuhua City. Reports from Aguns Callentes today told of disturbed conditions below that point. Alberto l'uentes, the constitutionalist gov ernor, believes travel to the south Un as fe. General I'ascual Orosco, with at least 1.W0 federal irregulars. Is terroris ing the country below the state capital. Attitude of Villa 1'neertaln. WASHINGTON, Aug. l.-Georg C. Carolhera, special representative of the State department, .who has been accom panying General Villa, arrived today from El Paso, and had a long conference with Secretary Bryan. Neither Mr. Bryan nor Mr, Carothers would discuss the mat ter," but f of several day-reports of Vil la' disinclination to submit to Carransa have been reaching officials here. Another aspect of the situation which' was not regarded as favorable, was the reported attitude of General Carransa on the subject of amnesty. Some doubts are expressed In official reports as to whether Carransa would give a pledge for am nesty In any form or way, being opposed to the Idea that Carbajal' surrender should b conditioned on anything. Obrearon Marching; on Capital. GUADALAJARA, Mex., Aug. l.-Oen- eral Obregon today telephoned Provisional President Carbajal: "With my troops, I will begin marching on the capital to morrow, disarming all federal garrisons I encounter. I notify you if resistance Is offered or attempts made to destroy railroads by federal troops under your orders, I will give battle and hold them responsible." Carransa at Raltlllo. 8ALTILLO, Mex., Aug. 1. General Carranza, the constitutionalist chief, ar rived here last night The Carbajal com missioners are expected to arrive tonight. French Army Will Begin Mobilization Sunday Afternoon PARIS, Aug. 1. An official decdee or ders a general mobilization of th French army, beginning tomorrow. LONDON, Aug. 1. The Central New ays the British foreign office this even ing received an unofficial message that German mobjllzatlon had been ordered. British Bank Act Will Be Suspended LONDON, Aug. 1 The British chan cellor of the exchequerer had a prolonged Interview with a number of prominent bankers today as a result of which It Is said the government will ask Parliament on Monday to take action to "deal with the financial situation," or in other words to suspend the bank act Slayer of Jaures Before Alienists PARIS. Aug. 1. Alienists who today examined Raoul Vllllan, the assassin of M. Jaures, the socialist leader, declared him abnormal mentally and partially at least. Irresponsible, , The miners of Albi, a town in M. Jau res' constituency, ceased work today as a mark of respect to his memory. GRAIN EMBARGO ON GALVESTON CONTINUES TOPEKA, "Kan., Aug. 1. The gain em bargo against the port of Galveston, Tex., will be continued until August 7. This a a decided today at a meeting of offi cials of the Atchison, Tepoka tt Santa Fe and Rock Island railroads. Announcement Extraordinary: The Bee has perfected exclusive arrange ments with the New York World for special war news service for the benefit of our readers--tHis in addition to the full Associated Press reports. Formally Declared War on Omaha OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, The Somber Shadow of Europe's Call to Arms KAISER THROWS AMBASSADOR OF KAISER LEAVING ST. PETERSBURG Diplomatic Relations Between Em pires of Germany and Russia Are Reported Broken. FRANCE SEES LITTLE HOPE German Ambassador Sees French Premier and Will Leave Paris This Evening. HERRICK WILL TAKE CHARGE United States Probably Will Look After Interests of Germany in All European Capitals. ENROLLING RESERVES IN RUSSIA Hundred Enlistment Places Opened in St Petersburg. WAR IS ' QUESTION 0? HOURS Condition Vaer Which Dlplo atle Conversation ; Continue Makct tt,Xmolhle Ei. pect Successful Issue. BCLLETIW. PARIS, Aug. 1. The Gorman am bassador to France bad packed and was ready to leave at 1 o'clock this afternoon, when a dispatch reached him from Berlin making some sort of suggestion, which the French gov ernment took into consideration and about which it exchanged views with London and St. Petersburg. It was stated after the receipt of the German communication that there was only the most slander hope that it would have any result. Arrangements ...were made last night by Myron T. Herrick, the American ambassador, acting under instructions from Washington, to take over the affairs of the German ambassy, while Alexander II. Thack ara, the American consul general, is to look after the affairs of the Ger man consulate. BtMCTIK. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Official advices received at the White House today report the German ambassador leaving St. Petersburg. Ambassador Herrick, at Paris, re ported that a proposal to place Ger man Interests in France in his hands was being discussed there. No ac tion has been taken by this govern ment on the proposal for Ambassa dor Herrick to represent Germany in France, but officials expect that such duties will devolve on American diplomats generally in Europe and will be assumed by them. " OtherV reports received at the White (Houg from American diplo matic officers were characterized "Not encouraging." None received held out any hope that' a general European war might be averted. S yXVDOX, Aug. 1. Information reached the French embassy her todsy that the German ambassador In Paris had Inti mated 'that he purpose leaving his post tonight. .-'" Officials at th French embassy said, however, that efforts were still beli.' made in various direction' to maintain (Continued, oa Pag Two.) Sunday AUGUST l 1PU-UIVK K1XTIOXS TIIIUTY-SIX PACKS.' Germany Declares War on France as Well as on Russia (Copyright by Press l'ublhln(r Co.) LONDON, Au. 1. (SrMM-lal to New Tork World and Omaha It is reported here on htgheat authority that Germany has Just declared war on France a well as Russia. French Army Will Begin Mobilization Sunday Afternoon ,.;PARIS, Aug, 1. An 'official decree orders' a general mobil ization of the French army, be ginning tomorrow. LONDON, Aug, 1. The Cen tral News says the British for eign office this evening re ceived an .unofficial message that German mobilization had been ordered. WALL STREETJARKS TIME Stock Market Will Not Be Opened for Several Days. WILL WAIT UPON LONDON New York Does Not Want to Dear Financial Harden of the World Hl Firms Bar Out side Trading;. NEW YORK, Aug. l.-Wlth the stock and commodity markets till closed the financial district marked time today, while word was awaited of the decision of the European powers for peace or war. To all outward appearances Wall street was almost busily engaged a under normal condition. At the office of J. p. Morgan Co. representative of some ot the largest financial Interest In New York and Philadelphia met today. Th meeting was behind closed doors and no Informa tion was obtainable as to what took place beyond the fact that the present troubled situation was discussed with a view of taking whatever precautionary step might suggest themselves. It is Understood that no definite time for the reopening of the exchanges was agreed upon. A meeting of tha newly-formed Association of Partners -of Hto-k Ex change Firms was held and a statement was made urging, all members not to engage In outside dealings in securities. Although the 'time of the reopening of the eVchange rests entirely In the hand of the board of governors. It was every where assumed that trading would not be resumed for some time. It was felt that it would be unwise to reopen the market until the London board, at least, should take up buslnens again. Otherwise New York would again be placed In the position of bearing the financial burden of the world. Further engagements of gold wa an nounced today. London took $vw,000 and Canada t3,Su,000. The extent which the gold export move ment would continue was one of tho most Important questions of the financial district at this juncture. Gold shipments to Europe are new so expensive and Aaisrdous that It was the general opinion (Continued on Page Vour.) GAGE TO CZAR GERMAN KAISER DECLARES WAR ONRUSS EMPIRE Emperor, in Name of His Govern ment, Sends Formal Declaration to St. Petersburg. DISPATCHED AT 7:30 0'COCK Entire Staff of German Embassy Leaves Russian Capital After War Declared. GERMAN ARMY IS MOBILIZING General Movement of Military Forces Ordered by the Berlin Government BULLETIN. ST. PETE1WMUIU1, Aug. 1. The German "empwrr. In the name of his government, sent to the - Russian minUter of foreign affairs at 7 ISO o'clock a declaration of war. ' LONrfON, Aug. 1. After a con ference betweeu Premier. AsquUh and ' Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George and leading London flanclers, It was decided to introduce a bill in Parliament on Monday to "deal with the financial situation." This doubtless means that the bank ing act will be suspended. BRUSSELS, Aug. 1. The French minister today informed the Belgian government that France will respect Belgian neutrality in the event of a war breaking out, but if that neu trality Is not respected by the otber powers, it must consider what action to take. LONDON, Aug. 1. It was an nounced here tonight that Germany had declared war on Russia. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 1. Count von Pourtaless and the entire staff of the German embassy left St. Petersburg tonight after the declaration of war had been de livered. LONDON. Aug. 1. A dispatch re ceived by the Reuter Telegraph agency from Berlin says that a gen eral mobilization of the German army was ordered this evening. BERLIN. Aug. 1. A semi-official statement issued tonight says that the threatening danger of war neces sitates that military measures be taken for the protection of the Ger man frontier and railway Hies. Re strictions therefore on the '-postal. telegraph and railway services are inevitable owing to the requirements of the military authorities. WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. Ger many, Great Britain and France have formally asked the United States, to take charge of their embassies tLroughout the t Borate r of hostilities "In case of emergency." The United States will act for the powers in volved and American ambassadors and ministers abroad are being in structed. PARIS, Aug. 1. An unofficial but credible report is current in diplo matic quarters that Austria-Hungary haa offered to withdraw its troops from Servla and to submit Its grievances to an international con ference. COPENHAGEN, Aug. 1. German torpedo boat destroyers operating outside the Danish sea territory made an unsuccessful attempt today (Continued on Page Two.) Bee S1NULIJ Ik MmiB M mum Late News of Crisis in Europe With nightfall In Europe came a sudden cestiatlon or teiegrapnic communications direct from the European countries concerned in the quarrel, which sppears to have reached the verge of a gen eral war. In London a strict censorship over news dispatches telling of military movements of all kinds have been Instituted. An official decree orders a gen eral mobllltatlon of tho French army, beginning tomorrow. - No definite Information as to whether German mobilization has started has been permitted to come through and telegraph com munication has been cut between Germany and France and between the continent and England to pre vent leakage of this Information. The whereabouts of tho British and German fleets are likewise a mystery to all except the govern ment concerned. Ultimatums were sent today by Germany to France and Russia. Russia was ordered by Emperor William to stop mobllltatlon within twelve hours, expiring at noon, while France was given eighteen hours to declare. Its atti tude In certain contingencies. Italy probably wllf rqmaln neu tral, as it regards the campaign ot its allies, Germany and; Austria, as an aggressive war. in which case it Is not called on 'to inter vene. King George made a' final ef fort today to maintain peace by telegraphing to Emperor Nicholas ot Russia. The Bank of England's dis count rate went up to 10 per cent today the highest level it has ever reached. Continental banks also raised their rates. , Frauce was reported to have ordered general mobilization of its forces, as the prospects of peace are thought hopeless. Strict censorship in European countries kept back news of milf tary movements. Communication by telephone between France and England is Interrupted, the governments be ing desirous of preventing leak ages of information. Japan will not intervene unless British Interests in the far east are endangered. The German ambassador was reported to have left St. Peters- burg. British Warships Will Be Interned in San Diego Harbor BAN DIEGO, Cat., August l.-That the British sloops of war Khearwater and At gerlne will be Interned at Han Diego and their officers -and men rushed overland to New York for passage to England, to be used In manning the larger warships of the British reserve fleet, was the re port cumnt here yesterday. The Al geiin Is reported to be steaming at full speed from Maxatlan to this port. The Shearwater, fully coaled and provisioned, la lying In the stream. Under International maritime law the two vessels will have the breech blocks of their guns and all ammunition nd rifles taken off if they are Interned here In case of war. Thirty Millions Will Pray for Peace NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Thirty million members of the World's Bunday School association scattered throughout the world have been called on to pray to morrow for peace. The call for the peace prayer was Issued today by Kir Robert Laidlaw, president ot the association. Russia THE WEATHER. Generally Fair COPY FIVE CENTS. mi ENGLAND MAKES FINAL EFFORT TO AVERT OUTBREAK King- George Sends Message to Em peror Nicholas After All Night Conference with Premier. WAR CLOUDS GETTING BLACEXS i t Kaiser Sent Ultimatums to Franco and Russia Which Expired at Noon Saturday, NO INDICATIONS OF YIELDING Czar is Required to Cease Mobilizing Army and France is Expected to Remain Neutral. ITALY WILL REMAIN NEUTRAL Allies Are Told that it Will Not Aid in Offensiro War. CENSORSHIP NEARLY COMPLETE Government Ila-r Taken Fohih lea of Alt Wires Btwen Parts and LssB-Bask of Esg. , land Raise Rate. ' ... , - i BULLETIN. PARIS, Aug. 1. Dispatches from Iome say that Italy formally noti fied the German ambassador there this evening that it will remain neu tral. BULLETIN. ' ' LONDON, Aug. 1. The Germad ultimatum sent to Russia said that If Russia did not stop its mobilisa tion by noon today Germany would begin the mobilization of Its army. LONDON, Aug. 1. King George, In a final effort to prevent the out break of a general European war and the meeting of millions of men tn armed conflict, today, at the elev enth hour, sent a dispatch to Em peror Nicholas of Russia, and tha message was understood to contain an ultimate appeal for-the preserva tion of peace. His majesty's action was taken after an audience '"with Premier Asquito at 2 o'clock this morning, when the war clouds were blackest. ,' , At th sametime from Rome cam the news published in the Messagero that Italy had decided to remain neu tral unless attacked. While' tnls .in formation, was not confirmed, lt'was said in official circles to have ''caused no surprise.'1' At the Italian embassy In London the belief was expected that should Italy remain neutral, with the possi bility left open of Its turning against, its allies, German and Auatrla Hnngary, the latter nation would be reluctant to embark on a general European war. On th other hand, the facts Mood out that Germany had taken a very firm at titude and had asked Russia to suspend the mobilisation of Its force within time limit of twelve hours, expiring at noon today. It also had asked Franc to define within eighteen hour th attitude It would assume In case of a war by Germany and Austria against Russia. It was pointed out In auihorttativ circle that France' attitude could only be that under th term of It treaty with Russia It would be compelled to intervene. German circle today showed conldr- (Continued on Pag Two.) The National Capital Saturday, iit 1, 114. Th Senate. Met at 11 . m. TNtbated trad commission bill. Tha Cummins amendment for a limited cou t review of the proposed trade com mission orders a distinguished from th board of review prosed by th Poni rrene amendment wa incorporated bl the senate today in the trade ooouu!JBk bill by a vote of S3 to . The Hons. Met at noon. " ' Considered general dam bill. Action on emergency currency and ship-, ping registry bills delayed In commute by lack of quorum. Adjourned at 1:10 p. m. Until Monday noon, brouahX about by lack. u aWecan. -30 9$J