10-A 'i'uv mr.TTA crvn a v rtttt. apptt. o mu TOPICS FOR ADAY OF REST Eev. G. I. Peters to Take Over the Horth. Christian Pulpit. CANTATA AT ALL SAINTS Iter. Nathaniel McGlffln to 'Preach Farewell Sermon at liovre Aye nne Irebyterlnn Church at the Morning Service. Tlev. Nathaniel McOltfln will preach his farewell sermon to the Lowe Avenue congregation at Fortieth and Nicholas streets. Sunday morning at 10.S0. The pastor wilt ordain ana Install at this ervloe tha newly elected elders and deacons, baptize Infant children and re ceive new members. There will be no evening service. Dr. McQIffin begins his new work ot synodlcal superintendent of Nebraska May L Rev. Oeorge It. Peters, the new mln itter of the North Side Christian church, will preach his first sermon Sunday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Peters comes to the Omaha pulpit from the Central Christian church ot Springfield, Mo., where he has Just closed a pastorate ot five years. He was born In Buffalo, N. Y., In IKS; began his business career In New York City and came to St. Joseph, Mo.. In US7. He was converted In the First Chris tian church In that city and educated for the ministry at Eureka college, Kureka, 111. He is a member of the State Board of Missouri Christian Missionary society. His family of a wife and two daughters and two sons are with him in Omaha. The 11 o'clock services at All Saints' Episcopal church Sunday morning will be given over to the cantata, "The Paschal Victor," by J. Sebastian Matthews, a Now York organist of note. This Is a beautiful work for solo voices, chorus and organ, and will be given for the first time In this vicinity under the direction of 3. 11. Slmms, organist and choirmaster. Rev. Watson Mills will preach at the OllVet Baptist church Sunday at 11 a. m. A number of Japanese from South Omaha, will have' charge ot the service at 7:39 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday at S p. m. Rev. Titus Lowe wilt speak Sunday evening on "Ambition," taking his theme from the Shakespcaro drama, "Richard III." This will be the second ot the series of five lectures he will give. Rev. C AdoIpL Anderson of Salem, S. D, will speak at both morning and evening services In the First Swedish Baptist church, Sunday. His sermon topics will be, It a. m.s "A Vision of God;" 730 p. m.; "The Evil Eye." Rev. Andereon will also speak at the regular Young Peoples mcetlne held at 6 p. m. His topic then will bo: "The Woe ot Silence." W. J. Sprlngboum of' Cleveland, the ex. peU ou city sanitation, who addressed tha University club Monday, wilt address the business men'a class at the First Congre gational church Sunday noon. Mr. Rouse whi preach Sunday morning on "The White Mah'n, Burden." or "Our Duty to Mexico," Baptist. Calvary. Twenty-fltth and Hamilton. 3. A. Maxwell, Pastor-Morning, "Redemp tion from Law." evening. -Importance. Influence and Ideals ot Woman:" Bible school at noon; young people's meeting, fl:30 p. m., led by Miss Rosetta Smith, ujjject "Missionary Work In the Btblo First. Corner Harney Street and Twenty-ninth Avenue, Rev. W. Jasper Howell, Pastor The pastor preaches at each serv Ico; morning worship at 10:30; Sunday achool, 15 m,; Baptist Young People's union 6:80 p. m.; evening worship at 7:M; baptisms; prayer meeting Wednes day at 7-45. Zlon. Twenty-slxth and Franklin. Rev. F. Bolts. Pastor Morning services at 10:SO; Sunday school. 1 p. m.; BapUst Tfoung People's union. 6:30 p. m.; evening service ut 7:4; preaching by the pastor at 8 P. m.; literary, Tuesday evening, S p. m,; midweek prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:(S. Grace. Corner South. Tenth, and Arbor, E. Ii. Taft, Pastor-Sunduy school, 10 a. m.i mdrnlng worship at 11. subject. "In spiration from the Institute;" Baptist Young People's union. 7 p. m.; evening worship at 7:45, subject. "The Salt ot the Earth," Mission Sunday school, 9)10 South Fourth street, at 3 p. m, Immanuel. Twenty-fourth and Plnkney, Arthur J. Morris, Pastor Morning serv ice at 10:30, topic, "The Lord's Treasury;" evening service at 8, topic, "The Crown ing of the King;1' Bible school. 13 m.; Baptist Young People's union, 7 p. m.; an nual election of church officers on Mon day evening at S: men's fellowship meet ing and supper on Wednesday evening at 6:30. followed by tb usual Bible study; prayer and praise service at S p. m. Christian. North Side, Twenty-second and Loth top, George L. Peters. Minister Preach ing at 10:S0 a. m. and 7:20 n. m.i Hlhin school at noon; Young People's Society of vunauaui Anucavor, :u p. m. First. Corner Twenty-sixth and Harney. Home Cure for Piles Trial Package Absolutely Free Will You Bpend a Post-Card tor ltV If you are a sufferer from plies, instant relief Is yours tor the asking, and peedy, permanent cure will follow. The Pyramid Drug Co., 471 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall. Mich., will send you free. In a plain wrapper, a trial package of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the wonderful, aura and certain curs for the tortures ot this dread disease. Thousands have al ready taken advantage of this offer, thousands know for the first time In years what It Is to be freo from pains the Itching, the awful agony of piles. Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the pain and Itching Immediately. The Inflamma Hon goea down, tha swelling Is rulu'-ed and soon the disease Is gone absolutely No matter how desperate you think your case Is, write In today for the free trial treatment. Then, when you have used It In the privacy of. your own home and found out for yourself how efficac ious It !, you can get the full-size pack age at any drug store for 50 cents. Every day you suffer alter reading this notice you suffer needlessly. Simply fill out free coupon and mall today. F1EE MCXAIE CBIPIN PYRAMID DRl'G COMPANY. 471 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kind ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile Remedy, at once by mall, FREE, In plain wrapper. Street .. City State Charles E. Cobbey, Minister Morning worship at 11, "The Influence of Read ing;" evening worship at 7:W. "How We jv.now we Are eaveu;- Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.; Junior Endeavor, 4:3J p. m.. Bible school. 9:15 a. m. Christian Science. First Church of Christ. St. Mary's Ave nue and Twenty-fourth Streets Services, 11 a. m. and 6 p. m., subject, "Probation After Death;" Sunday school, (two ses sions), 9:4S und 11 a. m.; Wednesday even ing meeting, 8 p. in. Cnntrre oratlonnl. First, Corner of Nineteenth and Daven port, Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morn ing worship at 10:30; evening worship at 7:M; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 6: (5 p. m.; business men's class, 12 m. St. Mary's Avenue, fit. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh Street, O. A. Hul bert, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30, text, John 1:33-39; Sunday school, 12 m., with kindergarten; regular midweek serv ice Wednesday evening at 8. Plymouth, Frederick W. Leavitt, Min isterService at 10:30 In the University auditorium, Twenty-fourth and Evans streets; topic, "The Presence of War;" young people's meeting, 6:30 p. m., topic, our Tongues tor cnrisi, sunaay scnooi, m. Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8. Hamnton. Pastor Mornlns worship at 10.30, sermon by the pastor; evening evan gellstlo service by Rev. W. J. Shallcross. theme, "The Drunkard's Inheritance;'1 Sunday school, 13 in.; Junior Endeavor society, 3 . m.i Senior Endeavor meeting, 7 p. m.; evangelistic meetings all the week. Episcopal. Ci . HtitUlnm IT.ntl. n h ,1 n'.(l.ll.rt.H Rev. QeorKe S. South worth. Pastor --Sec ond Sunday after Easter; holy commun ion at 8 a. m.; cnurcn scnooi and uioie class at 10 n. m.; morning praynr and Mrmnn nt 11? nlilrAM nn "fTnnf Irmi f Ion'1 at 7:30 p. in. Church of St. Philip the Deacon. Twenty-first. Near Paul, nev. John Al bert Williams, Vicar Second Sunday after Kastcr: Holy communion, 7:30 a. m. ; matins, 10:30 a. m.; holy communion, (choral), with sermon, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 13:43 p. m.; evening prayer 'and sermon at 7:30. All Saints'. Corner Twenty-sixth Street and Dewey Avenue, T. J. Mackay, Rec torInstead of the regular service at 11 a. m. the choir will present -the magnificent new cantata, "The Pas chal Victor," by Sebastian Matthews. The cantata will be Interspersed by scripture reading by the rector and hymns by the congregation. Strangers and the publlo will be most welcome at this service. ETanicellcnl. German Evangelical. Eighteenth and Cuming. Rev. F. Ostertair, Pastor-Sunday school at 10 a. in.; preaching at 11 and 8,; Young People's society at 7;U , m. First United Evancellcai. 2420 Franklin. Rev. J. M. rtuncie. Pastor Teackera' meeting 9:30 a, ni., Sunday school at 10 a, m., preaching at n a. m., association holiness meeting at 3:30 p. m Keystone .cogue unrisuan isnaeavor society at ;a p. in., preaching at 7:30 p. m mid reek prayer service Wednesday evenlnar at 7:30 o'clock. Quarterly confernncn Preaching and business meeting Friday evening ni 7:30 o'ciock. I.nthorrtn. Immanuel. Nineteenth and r. Art riff lUlt. POStbr. nrnharri .Tnhninn rhnlr Director Second Hundav itftcr Raster: morning aervlce at 10 a, m.; Sunday school and Bible classes at 11:45 a. m.; evensong at S p. m In English. St Paul's, Temporarily Corner Thirty fourth and Seward. nv. v.. t. ntn. t. tor-Services at 10 a. m.i Sunday school .m i "venlng sermon Irt .Eng lish at g o'clock In Our Savior's Lutheran church, Twenty-sixth and Hamilton.' Rev. uuo win preacn, SL Mark's nnfflldh. Trr.nfl.tli nun. dette. Rev. L. aroh, Pastor-Services gunoay pt 11 a. m.; subject. "The Good Shepherd: Saving, Feodlng, Leading;" ?.P 5V "Charity and Correction by God's Word;" Sunday school at 0.15 a. m.i xoung i-eopio s, Christian Knaeavor at Grace. South Twentv.ith Ktr. w. tWten POO Die ton and Wnolwnrth Avk. nues. Rev. Clarenco N. Bwihart. Pastor nervioes at u a. m., subject. "The Stray- Ing SheeD and the Savins Rh.tlh.rrt-" 7 p. m "The Luthor League;" 7:45 p. m.. j no rower or me united Kingdom:" Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Prof. J. F. Carnal will sing at both preaching serv ices. SL Matthew's Rnirllili. Kln.lx.nlh mA Castellar, Rev. G. ",V. Snyder. Pa tor Morning services at 11; ''oubjoct, "My ioia ana My uoa," evonlng services. S PvU?.i,?ul)Joct' "Why Should They Per ish?" Sunday school. 10 a. m.; Gospel services. Wednesday. S n. in. Th TjuH.k- Aid society will meet Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. 8. F. Christen sen. 3Jj0 South Nineteenth street Choir ronearsai bi cnurcn uaturoay, 10 a. m. Kotintze Memorial. yrnuin Hlr.t nnrt Twenty-slxth Avenue, Rev. Oliver D. ualtziy, Ph.D., D. D Pastor-Morning worship at 11 o'clock: aubtect. 'IA TlVol Question That Must Be Honestly An- Wr-l1:" vntnkr wnnhln t Q n'MnAl. The monthly musical service, composed of several great anthems; a short ser mon; aunaay scnooi at 3:45 a. m Oscar P. Goodman, superintendent; Luther league At 7 p. m A congregational re ception for the new members will be given on Thursday evening. Zlon. Th rty.slxth Street and Tjifuv. ette Avenue, A. T. Lorlmer. Pastor btnday school at 10 a. m.; services at 11 a. m. and 8 D. in. next Sunriav: mlH- week service at :4 Thursday evening: choir practice Immediately after. On Friday evening the Ladles' Aid society "in bivo in resuiur annual lesiivai in the church. A program will bo given and refreshments served In the church parlors Immediately after. The conflrma tldn class will meet on Wednesday aft en.oon and Saturday morning. Methudtst. Hanscom Park. Wool worth Av.mi. nnrf Twenty-ninth. C. W. McCasklll, Pastor iTeacning services, ii a, in. ana 7:IS p, in., conducted by the pastor. Sunday school. 8:45 a. m.; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m. Midweek prayer service, Wednes day, S p. m. Dletx Memorial. Tnth n,l Tl.rv. n m Dawson, Minister Bundav services: Sun day school. 9:45 a. m.; Dr. J. L. Franr. superintendent; preaching. U a. m.; "Prayer;", Epworth league. 7 p. m.: evangellstlo services, Prayer meeting. Weduesday, 8 p. m. Swedish. Nineteenth and nni-t -.., preaching service. H; subject, "The Ideal ".if1 . 7 .p- Epworth league eervlea with lecture on the book: "Tho New Era In Asia; 8 p. ra.. prrachtnir: sublect. MtivABuiH 4 ,aiui ounuijr scnooi. lu "Doing the Will of God." Trinity. Twentv-flnt anct i)in. Thomas Blthell, Pastor Morning servico! iu-.su; Dnuimwi scnooi, noon; Epworth league. 7 p. m.: evening service, 8. Mrs. D. A. Foots will besln n acrli nf -,)- drt on "The Life ot Christ" In tho jiiwuriii icagua service. . Hint .Memorial, Thirty-fourth and Lar Imore, Rev. H. E. Hess. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. : E. W. Slnnett. sunerln tendent; preaching, 11 a, m.s subject. - l-aurs L-oncepuon or Faith;" 8 p. m.. "Savonarllla. the Florentine nform" Epworth league. 7 p. m.; leader, Ralph ,rn wmci . German. Eleventh and Center. nv n J. Jalser. PastorSunday school, 10 a. m. ; aiu ipcjius. Rupcnnittnueni. freacn Ing at 11 and S. by llev. William Frlcke or Paptllion. Celebration of the holy sac rament In connection with the morning service Epworth league meeting, 7:30 p. m. : Milton J. Jalser. gresldent. McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. W. II. Underwood, Pastor Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.: Sunday school at 10; War ren W. Cllne, superintendent; adult Bible rlawi at 10; James Trebllcock. teacher; Junior league at 3, In charge ot Miss Dorothy Shtmer, teacher. Epworth league at 7; Mrs. Ethel Thorpe, president. Presbyterian. Westminster, Corner Mason and Geor gia Avenue Bhort session, song service, solos and special selection by the Sun day school singing society and orchestra, 13 o'clock noon. Church of the Covenant. Pratt and Twenty-seventh, Rev. Charles H Flem ing. Pastor Morning worship at 10:30; theme. "Jacob Paylliz for Ilia Family.'' Bible school ut noon. Endeavor meeting ai o:t.. enrenmg worsmp ui cau; suojerr. "Poor. Rich Young Ruler." Wednesday evening at 8 the Covenant Bible club study the thirteenth chapter of 8t John's (TA.n.l First. Seventeenth and Dodce Streets. Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D.. Pastor Morn ing service. 10:10. livening service. I.J); suoject, ine Mexican situation, sun day school at noon. Young People's meet ing, 6:30 p. m. Falrvlew, Pratt and Fortieth Avenue Afternoon worship at 3, theme, " JacnU Paying for His Family." Bible school at 2. Tuesday evening at 8 the Falrvlew Bible club study the thirteenth chapter of St. John's Gotfpcl. Castellar Street, Sixteenth and Castel lar Streets, C. C. Meek, Pastor Services stril A th. and 8 p. In. Sabbath school. 10 . m. .Junior society, 3:30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Prayor meeting, Wed nesday, 8 p. m. Central United, Rev. Hugh B. Speer, Pastor Morning service at 10:30 a. m., subject. "The Purpose of the Gospel." Evening service at 8 o'clock, topic, "The Power of Habit." Sabbath school at noon, N. B. Brown, superintendent. Young people's meeting at 7 p. in. Clifton Hill. Forty-fifth and Grant Street Preaching In morning at 11 and evening at 7:30. Rev. F. P. Itamsay will occupy pulpit both morning and evening. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Christian En deavor society, 6:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 o'clock. Westminster, Corner of Mason Street and Georgia Avenue. James Franklin Young. Pastor At 10:30 a. m. the nastor will preach- Young Pcopln's meeting, 6:30 P. m. Evening service. 7:30; theme, "En vironment." Sunday school at 12 m. Mid week service, Wednesday evening, 7:45. North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt Streets. M. V. Hlgbce. Pastor Sermon at 10:30 a. m. ; theme, "Real Gain." Ser mon at 8 p. m.; theme, "Living on the Level." Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Seminary graduation, 8 p. m. Wed nesday evening. Benson. A. J. McClung. Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11; subject, "Strength for the Day." Junior Christian Endeavor at 3.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor, 7:oo p. m. livening worship. 8 n. m.: sublect. "The Parable of the Rich Man." Prayer meeting, Wed nesday evening, 8 p. m. Lowe Avenue. Corner Fortieth and Nicholas Streets, nev. Nathaniel McGlf fln!. D. D., Pastor Morning service at 10:80, with farewell uprmon by pastor baptism and reception of members, In stallation of officers. Sunday school at 12 m. Christian Endeavor at 3 and 6:45 p. m. No evening service. Third. Twentieth and Leavenworth Streets, Robert Karr. Pastor Sunday school, with classes for all ages, 9:80 a. m. Publlo worship and sermon, 10:45 n. m,; theme, "Useless to Worry." Junior Chris tian Endeavor meeting, 3 p. m. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting, 6:30 p. m.; Gei1 ald Fitzgerald, leader. Evening worship and sermon. 7:30 D. m.i theme, "The Abundant Life." Parkvale. Thirty-first and Gold Streets. Rev. A. E. Lehmann. Mlnistor Morning worsh o and Bible school at io:ot. wun sermon by the Rev. R. H. Houseman, educational superintendent; theme, "The Church's Greatest Aset." Junior Chris tian Endeavor society at 3 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor society at 7 p. m. Evening service nt 7:45. at which time the Rev. R. H. Houseman will speak to those Interceded In Sunday school ad vance. Junior chorus rehearsal Wednes day at 4 p. m. Church prayer meeting, followed by senior chorus rehearsal, Wed nesday, 7:15 p. m. aiUcellaneoa. Tho Omaha Holiness association meets evury Sunday at 3:30 p. m. at 24M Frank lin street. W. E. Foshler, president Leader Sunday, J. H. Johnson, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Twenty-fourth and Ohio Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Rellgio services nt 6:30 p. m. rrayer meeting Wednesday evening. The United Spiritualist society will meet Sunday t-ventng at Barlght's hall, Nine teenth and Furnani streets. The subject will be whatever the audience suggests. Ttkt messages by Rev. S, E.'Burwell. United Brethren, Nineteenth and Loth rop. Rev. W. O. Jones. Minister Bible school at 10 a. m. Public worship with sermon by the pastor at 10 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Worker' meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. - W. . E. Rlker will give a tree lecture Sunday afternoon, at .2:30 o'clock sharp at the Hoffman, chapel, corner, Dodge and Twenty-fourth streets,' oubject, "The Myateriea ot the Chrlot -and His Second Coming." People's. SIS North- Eighteenth. Rev. Charles W. fiavidge. Pastor Morning subject, "Serving Two Masters"; evening topic, "Fear That Hath Torment:" Sun day school at noon. Prayer meeting F'.1ri..Pl?.BT'"lve Spiritualist, Mackle'a Hall. 1S16 Harney, F. A. Thomas, D. a S Pastor-Sunduy, 8 p. m.. lecture and messages, subject. "The Effect of Thought on Future Generations." Tues day evening nt 8 o'clock, message ser- i-aaies urn message service Thurs day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Persistent and Judlciouu Use of Newspaper Advertlslnu Is the Road to Business Success. Thieves Overlook Fortune in Grip Frank Klobucar or Frank Nqvakuey, arrested Thursday evening by Officers A. F. Francl and John Unger.-whtle detained In Jail was unfortunate enough to have his rooms at 1234 South Fourteenth street ransacked by thieves, The prisoner, fearing that he would be robbed, gained permission to go home un der escort and remove his valuables to police headquarters. Upon entering the room .he almost collapsed when he found grip containing $2,610, his life's savings, ransacked. He came near fainting with Joy a few moments later, when he discovered the thief had overlooked the money, which was wrapped loosely In a newspaper. Novnkuey was arrested on advice of the Cleveland, O.. authorities, who assert he is wanted there for negloct of his child. Tells Positive Cure For All Foot Troubles Science has proven that nearly all foot troubles originate from a com mon caui,o; tli at of injured tissues. The following Information will be welcomed by thousands of victims of dally foot torture. No matter how many patent medicines you have tried In vain, thia treatment, well known to foot doctors, will do the work. "Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of Caloclde compound In a basin of warm water. Soak the feet for a full fifteen minutes, gently rubbing the Mfc Exo;sa Swattks8 and Bsd Odar An Endorsement Dr. H. Patterson of New York City, who natf for soma years been ret ognlzed aa an authority on crown and bridge work, visited Dr. O. W. Todd, 403 Urandels Bldg., and ald: "I have long felt the great necessity of sonvi revolutionary sanitary cotnlltlon to be Introduced In the method of making crowns and bridge work. Dr Todd, the great tooth inventor of the twen tieth century, has accomplished It without the shadow of a doubt. I sin cerely hope that all recognized dentists will some day use the advanced sanitary bridge work In compliance with Dr. Todd'a recent discovery Call at the office and let ua explain this work to you. DR.G.W.TODD,JKM AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Police Raid Resort and Make Seven Arrests. DECLARE MORE TO F0LI0W Packers Kxpcct to Ilecelr Contracts for Ilrrf for Army Soon nml 3Iny Speed Up Tlirlr Plants. Police yesterday afternoon raided the house at 2311 N street, known as "Little Reno,' and arrested halt a dozen men and one woman. This Is the second time within a fortnight that the house has been raided. The men were from Omaha and gave their names at the police stfl- ( tlon as Sam Jones, Al Levy, James iuiey and Sam Dreyfus. The woman's name was Ruby Watson. They were all re leased on $10 appearance bonds. Chief of Police John Brlggs and Chief of De tectives James Sheshan made the raid. This is the first of a series of raids to bo mode by the police. It is aald. Dr. Illff Lectures. Rev. T. C. Illff, D. D of Denver, Colo., delivered a lecture on "The Sunny Side of Soldier Life with the Boys of '61-'65" last evening In the First Methodist Epis copal church. After the lecture he pub licly shook hands with six civil war vet erans who were also In the congregation. Packers Expect Contracts. It Is expected by packing house men nt South Omaha that army contracts for beef and meats generally will be received hero within a few days. Bids for army supplies were submitted in New York a few days ago by Cudahy A Co. and others of the large packers are said to have also submitted bids. General Manager R. C3 Howe of Ar mour St Co. said yesterday that he had received no orders as yet to fill army contracts. He Intimated that the orders were not unexpected. At present a large number of packing house men have been laid off under retrenchment policies In the different houses. It the army should seek large supplies because of war It is probable that the fall cattle market will be rushed and the packing houses speeded up. Nctt Clnb nooms Open. Morgan Heafy, one ot the board of gov ernors of the Centurion club, entertained a number of newspaper men and city officials yesterday at a dinner given at the Atlas restaurant. The party was first taken to the new club rooms of the Centurion club at Twenty-sixth and F streets', where the new quarters wero Inspected under the guldanco of Rev. M. F. Ballou ot St Bridget's church. The Club rooms are located In the school building. The library Is furnished 111 oak, the gift ot Morgan Heoty, while the parlors are furnished In Russian leather. Besides the reception rooms and the library, the club will have a large gymnasium and billiard and dance halt combined. Six rooms, with every modern equip ment, are to - be devoted to the school work. The work of building the new school house has just been completed-at a cost pt $25,000. it will be opened In the fall for school. Renistrntlon Closep. Yetterday closed registration in South Omaha. For the two days not more than 100 were added to the lints. The number registered total about the regular num ber of legitimate voters In South Omaha. The location of. a special registration office In South Omaha was made at the Instance of a few democrats In South Omaha who wanted to get their old rot lowers to believe they had some Influ ence at election time still. To Inspect License. As the time for issuing liquor licenses draws near there Is considerable com ment anent the kind and character ot men who apply for licenses. It Is said imi ma Anii-eaioon league will take a hand If the board should allow unfit persons to operate saloons. Students Are Warlike. One hundred students, of the South Omaha High school have volunteered their services should there, be need of them at thq, front In Mexico. A list of 100 names was quickly secured among tha students yesterday. The list was posted In one of the halls, but later dis appeared. South Omaha High Is not graded as a military school. Church Notes. United Presbyterian. 1-wenty-thlrd and H-Publlo. worship at 11. Walter Mayer of the Omaha Young Men's Christian asso ciation, will speak. Sabbath school at 9:45, R. J. Robertson, superintendent. Young people's meeting at 0:30. Firnt Christian. Twenty-third and I. J. G. Albor, Pastor Morning sirmon at U o'clock; subject. A Uay in World Con quest: the Crowning Glory of the Ages." Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening preaching at 7,5): subject, "Pearls from Beyond the Sea." First Pttsbyterlan, Twenty-third and J, Rev. It, L. Wheeler. Pastor Morning ser- sore parts.1' The effects are mar velous. All pain disappears Instantly and the feet feel simply delightful. Corns and callouses can be peeled right off. Bunions, aching feet and sweaty smelly feet get immediate re lief. Use this treatment a week and your foot troubles will be a thing of the past Ca'ocldd works through the pores and removes the cause. Don't waste time. Oct It at once. Any druggist has Caloclde In stock or will get It from his wholesale house. A twenty-flyo cent box Is said to he enough to cure the worst feet Don't b persuaded to take something else Instead. Caloclde Is prepared only at laboratories of Medical Formula Co., ot Dayton. Ohio, and Chicago. 111. "mon at 11 o'clock: theme, "The .Supreme Conquest." Sabbath school at 9:45. Senior and Intermediate Young People's Chris tian Endeavor at 6:3a Congregation will meet with tha congregation of the First Methodist Episcopal church at the nevr building for tho dedicatory services. The Methodist rongre gallon Is planning for a great day Sunday. The new church nt the corner of Twenty-fifth nnd E streets, will be dedicated, Dr. T. C. Illff of Denver handling the preaching and managing the finances. The service will begin at 10:J0 sharp. There will be a good-fellowship meeting nt 3 o'clock, and a great gathering again at 7:30 p. m. The choir has prepared special musle for both morning and evening services. The Sunday school orchestra will furnish the M ILTON & SONS CO. The Finest Gas Range in the World Gas Stoves Why should a good wife have to drudge along with an old back number gas range, when It Is so easy to replace it with a new A-B Hew Idea Up-to-date, efficient, economical 1 no low down oven or broiler ' no Btove blacking; all enameled inside and out, preventing rust. They have white enameled broiler pans and dirt tray under the burners. We connect our Gas Stoves and sell them on payments if desired. m . This Man Can CURE You trft I . ... WONDERFUL INVENTION REPLACES TRUSS Rupture Now Supported and Actually Cured Without Use of 01d-Flikmd, IU-fitting Steel Spring or El tk$HrDe. Here's joyous news for you, for erenr Rupture sufferer. Thtnk. of itl Now you eta take your eld-ftsSsjoaed, fltxa blndlog. ill-fittine. ever-ilipstaff. steel snin .Imir k.n or leg map harness and do just what you've felt like doing uuny umci oejore tnrow ii tnio the fire and burn it up. That's the place for it, too, for such muniment! of torture not roly make life miserable for the wearer but often permanently dsmsge hit or her general health. Now it ii possible with the aid of a single but ingenious device, the Schuiling Rupture Lock, to hold the rupture per fectly at all times, under any and alt conditions, and to b perfectly and absolutely com fortable while wearing it The SctiutiinQ Rupture Lock It an entirely new idea, different in construction from any other device obtainable for this pur pose. It is surprisingly simple, no springs o m-re into ! flesh, no elastic bands to rot and smell, no leg straps to make you feel harncsed up like a truck horse,' no improperly con structed nadi to prest riirctlv Into and enlarge the rup- rurea opening. ne wrm-i ' Itupturo Imcc Is scientific and so constructed that It la Im possible tor It to goage, bind, slip or gst out of place. It Is the most comfortable device ever Invented for the sup port and cure of nupture. Experience in many of tha most severe and aggrarated eases that could be found ham proved that the ScheUlar Knptar not only holda the rupture with sootKng Annneaa and perfect comfort, but does it in a way that per mits rantd healing and cotnnlete at1 lasting eAre. Hun dreds who hare used it say It in a blessing long looked and yearned for by the rupture afflicted. Send This Today m de,ef- 1 mined to prove the wonders of this Rupture Lock to all. Write to me now, this very day, and get my 30 day FREE TRIAL OFFER. Now, now while you are thinking of it and have the addrcts In front of you, now it the time; you've suffered long enough. The grandest surprise of your life awaits you. musle for the afternoon meeting. Rev J. W. Klrkpatrick, pastor. Stasis City Gossip. William Sehulte of Dodge was at the slock yards yesterday on business. H. P. Nelson, farmer, of Dannebrog, was In tho city yesterday on a visit The Juniors of the wgu school will hold their annual Junior fair In the high school this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. The public are promised an excellent evening of amusement and are Invited to attend. All members of Nebraska lodge No. 227, Ancient Order of United Workmen, are requested to attend the funeral of our deceased brother, Joseph Kubat, Sunday R REFRIGERATORS New sanitary Improvements, cold air circulation, heavier Insulation, bigger, stronger locks, make our Refrigera tors splendid money savers and food preservers. No odor, no taint. We nave Just the size you need, at very moderate prices "THE PEERLESS, not like cut, white enamel K11 CC lined. Prices P from ... P1 Get our free book, "How to Use a Kemgeraior. Liwh Mowers SAWX SCOWSB8 Our ball bearing. I 4-knlfe Hustler mower, high wheel., I self-sharpening; regular 9 K $4.95. Monday . I I .11 4. RUPTURE READ THESE WORDS ThefoUowtoig are extract from a few of. hundreds of sdmllar lettsro that have bean rolvif by The Bobulllmr Rupture Institute from former sufferers in all parts of the country. , CuractJn 4 Months .-Ajn? jWted with th Sebontag Ruptar Lock toor months as " M Ond ttut tb nntnr4 epcnUuni am entirely hMlwl vp. 1 am ai jw, 0I4 aal nrnr expected a cws at my ac." Ca!mM. Ud. JQBtf SCBlXirSBXH , v .VVos Ruptured IO Years Cured - m" 9 ben rimtnrsd for ynt had worn all Mods of true and apptlanou. but all to no inll uitU roar lock m tried. It held raj ruptuw u nothlnc brforo bad done. Woro it tor otfbt months and was eossdsttlr enrsd." Vr. TuaM Dlvuio SU. BOWJUtD B. tfCXXgJO.V nd ktpist x.ek. Sulfr4 90 Yoers-Now Well ' ' 1 I nrd with th wont kind of dooblt br US?4 hyf t.fM'Owktadi W trusses without aaooua. TVmi toM to try a SebuUhu; Ttuctor Lock. It carta my rupmns la nino mootbs. iron MajUt, MkA. V ALTS It WAT . Only One Tluit Gave Relief Of tho ntrmerr 1lfrmt trams taut I haro boucbt otneo my ruptvrt Brit thowtd Itself Un roars ftro. your Ksvniro Lock -as th only ooo that nn nt tbe Mailt luptwrt and at th nm, tlm oomrcrtsbl to r. Will annrr all who an looking for com fort and a cur." 5ITOM, MtrtVtni. WM. C mnux. Another Remarkable Case "Tour Jloptnr Tock curd dm ntlrly. Th rupturtd opnlnr and T"'1 1 toaI4 pot ,10 0aTT 'ot It now I cn't .. " lw MUf. V, T. BONIS CX033 Entirely Cured 1 hr lWn off my Ruptur Lock about thro month ara. entirely eurod ot . t'ubbo-n nimura. I am 41 yra old. w run. tumd ta yr and could stick two nnxcr Into th opening." Ps V"fcv Mtn. ALrxtD STAStNCa SCHUILING RUPTURE S32 W. Market Send roe FREE your 10 day Cure Rupture. Name City State afternoon. Meet at McCraan'i ball, Twenty-fourth and O streets, at 1 o clock. Couldn't Be Done. A New Yorker tells of his sojourn at a certain hotel In the Carolina mountains. At about 8 in the morning he wm aroused from a sound slumber by a knocking on his door. "What la It?" he shouted. "Telegram to' you. boss." replied the darkey on the other side ot the door. "Will you open the door7 The New Yorker was angered by this. ..t m t,& vtiiri back. 'Cant you slip Is under the door?" t , "No- boss, was uii riiv" a tray "-Llpplncott's Magazine. 1 OGEffS 1515 HARNEY Ghi-Namel The Chinese Oil Varnish Is supplied in the following colors and color less: Light Oak Walnut Mahogany Dark Oak Oherry Satinwood Green Golden Oak Rose Wood It is transparent as glass, yet a sin gle coating tones up the old dingy surfaces and makes white scratches disappear. Dries qulok and gives a hard, wash able surface. Easy to apply, costs only -cent per square foot. Garden Hose SAJtBEir XOBTS We sell only. good, guaranteed hose. Monday, for a spe cial, we put on. In 60-ft. aectlons. our 3-4-lnch, B-ply hose: Ss5 regular $6, special Monday Dandelion siggera and Oardsn Tools. FREE TRIAL IS OFFERED TO EVERY SUFFERER Now Is the Time Here Is Your Cbaace to Discard Your Traw Forever and CURE Your. Rupture, Without risking a penny or taking any chancrs you can obtain tha wonderful BchoiHnff Rtiptara Lock, perfectly fitted.4ro tha ladividail requirements of your can, enjoy its Imronoci comforts and its inestimable benefit for $0 days. Yon can prove to yourself by an actoal test'bl.yoar own ease that there is at least one d erics within your reach that will bold your rupture perfectly while you jro about your duties, while you walk, run, strain, bend, twist or move about in any w you like and that it never tl'.pr. The Schuiling Rapturt LocV Can't slip, Can't bind, Can't pinch. You will feel like shout ing with Joy before you've worn it one day. Read the statements ir the center of this article from per sons who have tested it, The results they describe art won derful. Rupture Book FREE Write this very day for the Schuiling Book, "How to Core Rupture," a scientific work In .... i. ..in .ti about this awful affliction, the modern method of cure and fully describing the Schuilinir Rupti.re Lock. With it will be sent full particulars of the Free Trial Offer, the accept ance of which will enable you to learn by actual experience the wonders this modern scientific device is accomplishing. Write today eimply fill inthe coupon below or send your name and address on a post card. INSTITUTE St., Indianapolis, ind. trial offer and also free book. "How to ' ,