Pill; DKKi OMAHA, MOXPAV, AIAKC1I SO, 1914 JTTI mv IT -TL IT Mow tKe 1914 Girl Keeps in Trim Is It a Wonder She's "Slimsey Sue"? By Nell Brinkley Copyright. 19M, International News Keri. r Nell Brinkley Says: When your gran'mother anil mlno wore young persons, with hair in bobbing' curls, an kles in pantalettes, and billows of skirts llko whipped cream, a canter in the saddle with plumes and sweeping skirts .weighted with bul lets at the hem was a bit of fine exercise, I'm tellin' ydu. And a swaying little stroll In the park was one other way of keeping the biood Ip her cheeks and health all over and about her. But now! A stroll is bread-and-milk and a canter is a slow business. Is it any wonder tho girl who steps so gaily through nlnetoon-fo ir teon with her slim hips and boy-carrlagc is rather coltish because of the life in her? She plays polo, along with tho rest of the defenders of tho cup driving tho little while "pellet" along tho green hot'sl carpet turf astride of her horse, as she should bo sticking to her slippery little eggshell saddlo as cloco asi the hair on her mount's satin back hitting hard her tongue between her tcoth llko a small boy hair tight to hor head, fuss and feathers shaved down to nothing! Sho plavs tho grand old game that tho boys have Just fin ished, gracefully and generously showing off to tho nitons across tho many waters (over In Jersey, you know, there's a girl-team that Is surely up In tho ganio nnd looksl ) Sho dances my gracious, how sho dances! And nowadays tho danco is i pretty riot that fascinates nnd enthuses, puts ovory muscle n-rlpplo, makeH feet, ankles and all the cease lessly moving body a tireless, beautifully work ing thing; shamoIosBly washes all tho powdor off a girl's pretty faco, sends her blood singing under tho skin and makes of hor just the sr. no, hlpplty-hop, llnibor-Itmbod child sho was whan sho was 10. Sho boxes oh, yes! (Ovnr In Franco behind your hand say this she fought n fast, furious battle, 'til ono of hor 'wont out." And to finish off her llttlo round of exor cise, she drives her father's motor car" with a looso, quick hand, steady nerves and a clash of Tetzlaff! And, moreover, when It pulls up with a kind of sinister sound llko a breadcrumb .n Its feed pipe, and conBOS sho can got out and get under and roax it bnck into a s'eatly, swoet hum again. She ran adjust n distributer, take tho cork out of tho carburetor and oxnmlno Its works regulato tho um-ha-ha as thoroughly nt. the noxt fellow. Is It any wonder she's a slim, boyllKe creature? Hut don't you think don'c yu really think she's a mighty sweet, feminine, dainty, womanly young person, after all? .Innt a bundlo of girl, with It all? Mo? I do' Iff I LI WXHRTmi flf!lVMRAffl ' ' . -..a.-, You Can Begin This Great Story To-day by Reading This First IJhlllp Anson, a boy of 15 when tho story opens, Is or good family and has been well reared, Ills widowed mother has been disowned by her wealthy rel iitlves and dies in extreme poverty. Fol lowing her death tho boy Is desperate. On his return from tho funeral, In a violent rain, ha Is able to save the life of a llttlo girl, who was caught in a street accident. He goes back to the house where his mother had died, and Is ready to hang himself, when a huge meteor falls In the courtyard. He takes this as a fclgn from heaven, and abandons suicide. Investigation proves the meteor to havo been an immense diamond, l'hlllp arranges with a broker named jsaacstcin to handle his dlumonds. In getting away from Johnson's Mews, where the diamond fell, he saves a policeman's llfo from attack by a criminal named Jockey Mason. He has madu fritwli with l'ollce Magistrate Ablngdorn. und engages him to look after his affair ha guardian. This ends the first part of tho story. The second part opens ten vr inc.. J'hllln hn.t fnkn a pniiMu n i Ycrslty, and Is now a wealthy and ath letic youns man, much, given to roaming He has leatned his mother wns sister of hlr Philip Morland. who Is married and his a stepson. He Is now looking for his nephew. Johnson's Mews has been turned Into tho Mary Anson Home for Indigent .Hoy, one of London's most notublo 'rtvte charities. Jockey Mason, out of prison on tickot-of-lcave, seeks for vengc- " unn.. .....I l 11. t,i. m t . iiu, nnu iuua in mm ricior urenier, n master crook, and James Iangdorl, Btep. son of Sir Philip Morland, a dissipated lounder. Philip saveB a girl from Insult lrom this gang, and learns later she Is the same, girl whoso life he had saved on that lalny night. Orenler plots to get possession of Philip's wealth. His plan Is to Impersonate Philip after he has been Kidnaped and turned over to Jockey Mason. Just as this pair has come to an understanding,. I-angdon returns from tha Plrl s home, where ho hus attended a re ception. Tho thr crooks lay their plans, and In the meantime Philip arranges ho Mrs. Atherly recovers some of her money Horn Ioni Vanstone, her cousin, and secures it promise from the daughter to wed him, 'Anson Is lured by false mes sages to visit a secluded spot. Anson Is trapped by a gang at a ruined house, tie la hit mi the head by Jockey Mason, who thinks he has slain the man he hated, and Victor- Grcnler helps strip the body. They throw the naked body over a cliff Into the sea. and Grenler completes his preparations to Impctsonate Anson. A notd from Uvelyn warning Philip of danger Is opened and read, and Orenler tells Mason to call Anson's servant. He finds Anson's check book, and with Jockey Mason sets out for the railroad, meeting and chatting with a rural police man on the way, Grenler goes to York and opens communications with Anson's bankers, with Abingdon and Miss Atherly. Grenler secures possession of Anson's be longings, and Mason gets an unexpected summons to visit police, headquarters. Orenler forges brders on Ansona bank, and determines to swindle Mason out of his" share of the plunder. Mason goes t police headnuarterr and there meets his two grown sons. The boys take thoir father to their room, and tell him the story of how their mother was cared for In hor Illness by Philip Anson, and how thoy wer reared and trained at tho Mary Anson Home. Mason suffers from re morse, and the Yorkshire policeman In spects the abandoned grange. Anson is pulled from the sea by fishermen and taken to a hospital, where he recovers consciousness. Now Read On ? ? t t f "i (Copyright, 1501, by Edward J. Clode.) Hut the police must be Informed at once. It was more than likely the criminals hud left the Grange House soon after tho attempted murder. Yet, If Philip did not object, a policeman should be sum moned and the tale told to him. The man should be warned to keep tho story out of the papers. Tho arrival of tho constable at a late hour created consternation In the house hold, But the doctor knew his people. "Have no fear, Mrs. Vcrrll," he whis pered to the fisherman's wife, "your hus band caught a fine fish when he drew Mr. Anson into his net. He will not need to poach salmon any more." . The doctor sat by Philip's bed whllo the policeman made clumsy notes of that eventful Tuesday night's occurrences. Then, In his turn, he am a red his hear ers. Ho described his encounter with an other Philip Anson In tho highroad at an hour when the real personage of that namo was unquestionably being attended to by the doctor himself In tho fisher man's cottage. "Ay," he aald, In his broad Yorkshire dialect, "ho 'Was as llko you, sir, as twea pea's, on'y, now that I see ye, ho wasn't Bike slko a gentleman as you, and' he talked wT a queer catch in his wolce. T'uthcr. chap 'ud bo Jockey Macon, 'cordlu' te your discrlptlon; soa it seems to mo 'at this 'ere Dr. Williams, 'oo druy' you ?rao f station, must ha' took yer clothes, an' twisted his fcace to luke as much like you as he could." The doctor cut short further conversa tion He insisted on his patient seeking rest, but In rcaponso to Phlllp'a urgent request ho wrote a long telegram, which ho promised would be handed In when the Scarsdale telegraph office opened next morning. And this was Philip's message to Uvelyn: "I havo suffered detention slncc'Tues day night at the hands of Jockey Mason, whoso namo you will recollect, and an other man, unknown. I am now cared for by friends, and recovering rapidly from Injuries received In a struggle. I returned to l.lndon today." (The doctor smiled but raid nothing.) "My only fear Is that you must have endured terrible uncertainty, If by any -chance you Im agined I was missing. Tell Abingdon. "PHILIP ANKO.SV And then followed his address, care of the doctor. "Is that all?" said Anson's new-found friend. Philip smiled feebly, for he was very weak. "There Is one matter, small in many ways, but Important, too. You might add: I hopo you have not lost the blue atom by this mischance. " Ho sank back exhausted. It was on the tip of the doctor's tongue to ask; "What in tho wtjrld is a blue atom'.'" Hut ho forbore.' Tho sleeping potion was taking effect, nnd ho would not re tard It. Ho subsequently wrote n tclo gram on Ills own account: "Mr. Anson Is convalescing, hut a Jour ney today Is Impossible. A reassuring message from you will save lilin from im patience apd help his recovery. He has been delirious until last night. Now nil ho needs is rest and freedom from worry.'' His man waited at Bcsrsdnle postofflco until a reply enmo noxt day. Then ho rodo with It to tho villages where Philip was yet sleeping peacefully. Indeed, the clatter of hoofs without aroused lilin, and ho opened his eyes to find the doctor Bitting ns though he had never quitted his side. tTo Ho Continued Tomorrow.) "The Business of Life Birth Is Preparatory School "Wur tha Sonl of Man Is Bnt to Study and Learn Its Divinity Advice to the Lovelorn ny BEATRICE FAIRFAX. filve Ynnrsrlf ft Chance, Dear Miss Fairfax: I loved a gentle man at first sight, have been angry with him for the last two years and don't care for htm now. I met many other gentle men, but don't care for them ns much. I would like to know whether I would care for another gentleman ns I did for the first, whom I don't care for now. ROSE B. That is something only the future will tell, but thero Is no doubt you will learn to care for another man' even more than you cared for the first. But don't keep tho first love too much In memory. Something Sensible. Dear Miss Kalrfax: A girl friend of mine has her first-year wedding anniver sary. What would bo a proper gift? F. P. With marriage comes appreciation of tho useful, and I nm sure anything from a pretty towel to a china plato or cut glass dish would be acceptable. You know her wants and her likings nnd the limitations of your own purse, and should find tho buying of a gift an easy matter. Ily ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. (Copyright. 1911, by Star Company.) Life means nctlon, from tho crudlo to tho funeral pile. The nltuntlon into which we nre born and our mental and physical equipments at birth aro the result of past ac tion In other lives, nnd all our actions while hern aro forming conditions for lives to conic, There aro llmll Icnh iwsalbllities in thin llfo to gvcr coino, whatever conditions hamper or annoy us, and to bring us Into realltatlon what ever hopes or ns llratlons lure us, We have not be gun to sound tho depths of our minds The most brilliant, the moHt studious, the most reverent, the most persistent, have only sailed about the shores of this great ocean: they havo not even Imagined what deep waters Ho beyond, and what rare pearls llo under thoso deep waters. But we have shining examples of Indi viduals who have achlovcd so much under such discouraging conditions that their lives become an Inspiration to all who meditate upon them. Lincoln, born In povorty. reared In the same hard Hchool, surrounded by tho com monplace and the undesirable and de prived of all opportunltrs for advance ment, nittdo himself a colossal flguro in the eyes of centuries to come through high thinking, clean living and the per sistent cultivation of the old Immortal virtues of honesty, truth, courage and unselfishness and devotion to thoso duties which Ntood nearest. All his thoughts, all hiu ambitions, all his actions, from childhood to maturity, lion to every Issuo which life presented. L'nconicloiisly to hlmsolf, he won tread ing tho path to Immortal fame; ho was building a character which would Invito tremendous rcsponMbllltlrs, and creating the strmigth to im'et thorn grandly. Ho knew what life mrnut. It meant action and achievement through growth. Thetp Is no such thing as Inaction dur ing this life. Wr nro continually going forward or backward. You are cither atrongor or weaker this year than you cero Ihhi yoar. You are bravor or more cowardly. You aro more hopeful or more pessi mistic. You aro more capablo mentally or loss ). You have better or poorer command of your forces. You havo more efficiency or not as much. You nro nearer your goal or further from It. You bio a bettor human being or not ns good. Next year at this time you will bo still fartheronward or stilt farther backward. .Kvery thought, every word and overy net of each day Is chiselling nut tho rtatue you nro making of yourself. If you desire to ho an expression of tho Creator's finest handiwork you must work with care. Dollcuti' tools uro tnn.e thoughts of ours, and thoy must be used with caution. Kvcry morning say to yourself (tho Self i.elf): "Today I will think of whatever Is beautiful, strong, noble, wholesome and worthy. "1 will entertain hope, oourugi-, raver moo, gratltudo nnd love ns the guests of my heart. I will make thoughts of health ut ease In the 'iticst chumber of my mind so iIIbcuso may not enter. "And I will achieve something worth whllo In my chosen field of endpavor. I will work faithfully, hut I will find time were directed toward thu attainment of 1 to sit alone with thoughts of my Creotor those virtues and their practlral appllca-1 for a little while, und no worldly nmbl- Wig-Wagging the Color Scheme Or, How to Adopt the Season's Fad Resinol heals A itching skms RESINOL OINTMENT, vrlth Resinol Soap, stops Itching instantly, quickly and easily heals tha most distressing cases of ec zema, rash or other tormenting skin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimples, blackheads, red ness, roughness and dandruff", when other treatments havo proven only a waste of time mod money. Beware of imitations. Kttinol It sold by practically mr? dro gjrt In U United StaUa. bat rca eaa Uat it at oar xjnM. Writ teday ta Dept. 20-S. IWnoL. Barttmor. tH, for a liberal trial of Baatnol Otetaaeat and BadaU Soac tlon or unxioty Bliall Intrude upon that time." Just ns suiely ns you begin and carry out your clays along these lines. Just an surely shall tho true meaning of life conn to yoti and you shall know God, and you Miall know tho mumlng of life Is Ciod and that In lllm arc nil thu tilings for which you long: Health, happiness, proa ferity, usefulness, beauty and Joy. And you shall know that earth Is not, n vale of loirs, but n great nnd beautiful jirrpnrntory school where tho soul of man la scut tu study and learn Its divinity and to develop Its wonderful powers. Thou dost not dream what forces He !u thee. . Vast and unfftthomed as the deepest sea Thy silent mind o'er diamond caves may roll, On seek them, ami let pilot will control Thoso passions which by thy favorlne winds may be. No man can place a limit to thy .strength Huch triumphs us no mortal ever gained May yet bo thine If thou wilt but believe I" thy Creator Hnd thyself. At length "mo feet must tread all heights now uu- attalned; not thine own? Oo forth, achieve, ichleve, BIG NAMES FOR PLAIN HABITS. Hero are a few of the new names that nllcnlsts havo Introduced to descrlbo ccr tain aborrntlons of the mind that, are not Insanity hut that aro classified As psy ohnsetf, being Indications of a condition that Is not exactly normal. Most of us have some ono or more of them. Most of them nro merely bad habits, exprcssl) of tho nervous strain, of modern life. Tho following, taken from nn accouiv In n scientific magazine of a rocont con gress of neurologists and nerve sno. clallsts, nro a few of the more novel terms they used in their nddrcsscs und In their debates: Mlstnkoshepsomanla The common habit that young men have of pulling their budding mustaches. Otodactylomanlu The habit of putting the llttlo finger Into the ear and agitating It violently. Ptrebsorlmbdomanla Twirling lb um brella U8 ono walks. Onlplmgomiinla Biting the nails. Ktomaductylomanla The Imhlt. so com mon among babies, but by no means un common among adults, of keeping a flngci In the mouth. llarmonlomanlu Heating n tsttoo -vvltti tho finger tips upon the window, tho table or other furniture. Kiatopomanla-Crosslng the legs one over tho other and pulling up the trouse. leg to reveul the socks New Yorw World Tho colored wig has come to visit Whether or not It has come to stay is a nueation for Father Time and his daughters to answer. Certainly Solomon in all his glory woa novor attired with the hirsute brilli ance of these bravo young pioneers in the colored hair fashion. They shine with a rainbow twinkle all the whllo "Claudlt Smiles" up at tho Lyric theater. The Blanche Ring showgirls havo always been Justly famed for their beauty. Now they prove their title to it by actually looking sweet and protty In hair that has all the futurist aritists out-futured. One and all, they assure us that a colored wis must bo chosen with such care as nearly turns your own hair white. Jt must blond with your complexion, it must match or be in artistic contrast with your temperament. .The purple wig will not do for the debutante, nor will the bright green one suit the matron of 50, and several hunlrsd pounds. Beginning at the left, we have a green wig. contrasting with tho demure sweet- noss of its woaror and sotting off a govn of coral and silver. Noxt, thero Is a wig of vasco rouo worn with a gown of old hluo und a com plexion of soft, creamy tints. Sweetness Is nuggestod horo. The third stately muid daros flamo colored locks with her alabaator com plexion and flashing gray eyos. Purplo hair lg worn by a brunatto of warm flrsh tints, whoso dark ojes boam from their royal background. The blue-eyed beauty with cleur pink skin has ventured a wig of cold steel gray. With this she dons a flanio-colcred dress. And the last smiling Rainbow maid has piled her hoad high with musses of dull bluo hair that makes her deep olun eyes all the mora pansy-llko for the con trast In shades. And the crowning glory of this Nover-Nofcr J -and colored hair is that Ita pneo will make It prohibitively exclusive' OLIVETTK. Restores Natural Color to Grey Hair It row hair is grey or faded rou can quickly nnd ncrmanently rcrfcoro its natural color ly using This wonderful prpsratla eradicates dandruff, enuransino hair follicle, and fitvos the hair ltsnatural,yoathtui appearftBC Isn't a dye. Results guarantssd. Money refunded if cot satUfltd. We ani Si at druulitt. Bnl 19 for ampl bottlt at Shirnaa . Ui uantll IV, Omthi, Ntb. FOB BAXB &tTO arCOUUEITDBO BY pHEBaun tt iiocoxriraxa, xmuo oo, 16TH ABD DODOS, 16TK AND KAS MET, 2-STH AH D rABKAlI, 307-9 IttB