THE BEK; OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 101.1. ) K 4 a ADVANCE HOLIDAY SALE of Pianos and Player Pianos Our Advance Holiday Bale of Pianos and Player Pianoe begins tomorrow morning-, Nov. 10. Mr. Bohmoller'i large Pnrohase of STEW Kirn Oracle Bample Pianos at than coat has erowded our floora. We muit make room for our Holiday Stock that la arriving dally, o will proceed to SACRIFICE 500 PIANOS AT WHOLESALE PRICES INTEREST RATES THE SAME Building And Loan Companies Will Not Change This Year. DEMAND FOR MONEY 18 GOOD tncllrntlnna A rr that I.nne SI Month of (hp Year Will tip In the N. nre of TtrrorcJ nrealters for Associations, I Mm ta'iTT.aTTi Free Trial FOR ONE MONTH Of Any Piano In Your Own Homo X look at our floora will oonrlnoa you of th crowded condition w are In. and that our only raoourta la to ancrlflca proflta for quick ealea. OUR MIBTOBTUNB IS TOUS OPPORTUNITY. Ooma In and g-at tba piano you want at WKOXJ2SAXX price. Tou'U never again duplioata the bargatna wa offar. NO CASH PAYMENT DOWN Free Stool Free Scarf Freo Life Insurance Make Your Selection from the World's Best "Wa carry a oomplata Una of tna following' world-famoui PIANOS Steinway Weber Hardman Emerson Steger & Sons McPhail Lindoman & Sons And Our Own Schmollor& Mueller Piano Pianola Player Pianos Hteimvny, Weber, Wheolock, Stock, Technola, Htroud, Stnyresnnt. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BARGAINS $ 75 $100 taaa Kerlloh Upright, now ., S250 Decker It Son Upright now . . .... v . ........ .'. 9300 Faaia Upright, now . ...... . . . 3278 Oaylord Upright, now 8900 Emerson Upright, now , , . , $300 Kimball Upright, I l C now $350 Bohmoller Ji Mueller Upright, now $110 $125 $260 $190 $405 Btagar Bona Upright, J Q g $550 Chlckerlng & Bon Upright, now $750 Statnway Upright, now . . . $1,300 Chlckarlng & Son Grand, now $1,350 Btalnway Grand, now $550 ISahogany Caaa riayar 29Q $600 Harrington Player, now . . . i . $295 $595 $200 $625 $320 FREE Beautiful $150 Diamond Ring Qivcn Away Christmas Eve XTo purchase naoaaaary. Blm ply atap In th atora and reg ister your hum and receive a ticket on tha ring. Don't mlaa thla opportunity. Sohmoller EntabllBhod 1850. Oldont I'lnno House In tlio WosU & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha While no meeting to fix upon an agree, rrent haa been held, It In practically cer tnlii that with the building and loan companies, the dividend and Interest rate next sour wilt bo the (tame as In the past. Tho dividends will remain at 6 per rent and tho Interest rates to borrowers 6C-10 per cent. Thorn had been considerable talk of cutting tho dividend rate and letting th Interest rato stand unchanged, but with nil of the companies, business haa been unusually (rood during the Inst year and the officers of the several companies have concluded to let well enough alone. With alt of the local building and loan companies, the In ft half of the present year Is going to bo one of tha best si months periods In the history of the as sociations. The deposits for Investment have been honvy and nt the same tlma there has been an unusually good de mand for money for the erection of homos In tho city BRIEF CITY NEWS Life ins? Yes. Fenn Mutual. Gould. lighting fixtures. Burgess-Clranden Co. Fidelity Btorage c Van Co. Doug. 1516. Hare Boot Print It Now Beacon l'rcss. Holler Skating at Chambers' Farnam ireet entruuec. Vhonn Douglas 1S71. Chambers' School of Dancing Now Open Social, aesthetic and stage dan cing taught Telephone pouglas 1871. Japanese Admiral Coming Knroute homo from what has practically hcen u tour of the world, Communder General Masul of the Imperial navy of Japan will be In Omaha Krlday morning. Ho arrives at t.lC on tho Northwestern-Union Pac WJs's No. 17, and will he hero something like twenty minutes. Instead of 'Occupy ing a private car, ho Is, traveling moro like an ordinary passenger, having a, sec tldn In one of the sleepers. Krom hero he goes to San Francisco, from whence he calls. Two are Hound Over Wm, Drake and Benjamin Thonins, arrested for breaking and entering the Omaha Credit Clothing company, XH South Sixteenth street, and carrying away merchandise valued at sev eral hundred dollars, were arraigned be fore Judge Foster and bound over to tho district court with bonds placed at fl.OOO each. Spoons Too Cheap John lirlggs, a farm laborer hailing from Canada, was housed In tho city Jail Tuesday evening charged with A most serious offense. Ilrlggs waa attempting to sell six ten spoons of a cheap make, and ow(ng to this fact ho was locked up. John declares ho brought tho spoons from Canada, but he w'ill remain In a cell until the Is InNestlgail,. , Arrested bnt Not Held John McCarthy of Buttu, Mont , was nrrcstod on sus picion of being an ex-convict by ON fleers Wood nnd Iltcti, ,was released by Judge Kostor. McCarthy's description- tal lied with that of a wanted man, but he proved satisfactorily to the court that ho had never been In trouble Bnd had but lately arrived In Omaha from Uutte. Mont., Uiero ho Is engaged In business. FESTIVAL AT HOLY FAMILY CHURCH A BIG SUCCESS Over half a thousand ptoplo crowded Into tho Holy Family Parish school build ing Tuesday night to enjoy the first night of the three-day festival that tha church Is holding In order to ralso fundB for the church. Uveiy4Kdy who attended the festival wus loud In praise of the event nnd nil expensed "hopo that It would bo held again. Tho fair will continue to night ami Thursday night. .V " r T I ' Business Men of Omaha: A movement has been launched in this city which will change the character of the flower of its citizenship the boys and girls, the young men and women on whom will soon rest its destiny. The Omaha National Bank is or ganizing the "Omaha Thrift Club" which is calculated to educate the members in matters of thrift. It has set aside part of its profits for the purpose, which will be given to the members in the form of a bonus if they comply with the rules. All they have to do is make 48 weekly deposits of $1, $2 or $3; after they nave done this they need not fear the future, for they will have acquired the knowledge of "how to get on in the world." Your co-operation is solicited to help make Omaha a "City of Thrift." Join yourselves. Your influence will help greatly. Only one mem bership issued to each person. Our "Thrift Magazine" will be sent free to the members. Membership rolls will close in a few days. Act now. Omaha National Bank Seventeenth and Farnam Sts. Saving Dept. Street Floor 'i I Local Woodmen Renew Fight on Head Officers About U0 memberi; nrtanded an open meeting of tho n. & M. camp. Modern Woodmen of America, at Modern Wood men halt, Fifteenth and Douglas streets, last evening to hear talks by prominent members of the Woodmen Insurgent movement. The speeches urged those present and their absent fellows to fight for the control of the next head camp In order to oust the present head officers, who aro held responsible by tho insurgent federation for the attempted raise ot lnsurnnco rates. Gcorgo Magney, county attorney, made a forceful talk on tho subject, as did J, V Rrecn of South Omaha. The speaker ol the evening, Dr. J. 11. Itcghtol ot Hast ings, president of the national federation of Insurgent woodmen, flayed thu officers of the head camp, whom, he asserted, not cnly attempted to secure the postage of tho ridiculously high rate ot Insurance, but when they were defeated by the courts, turned right around and pretended thry were against tho measure entirely. Dr. Deghtol advanced soma Interesting and startling Ideas on the manner n which the head camp has seen fit to con duct affairs, and was loudly applauded, Tho next head camp meeting Is to bt held In June of tho coming year. If. A. Day presided and besides Intro ducing the speakers, saw to It that re freshments and entertainment were never lax. lfenry Tnggart rendered several ex cellent numbers on the banjo. Box of Prince OW Cigarettes, $1.00 too Prince Otaf pure, imotth, mild Claarattee. A bl.nd ofhlth grid. Tobacco, rich In flavor and perfect la Satisfaction. Gorman SiWer Cigarette Cae Thla cigarette cat la mifnlflcmtlr declined, made to At althar tha breait or hip pocV.t. A baautlrul and uaerul article. Site 3 14 1 3 14. Iraa AmW Gftrttl Held.r- An attractive gift, Meat plott ing to any mta. Length 1 31. If you could buy all these articles from your dealer for $1.00 you would do it quick. No retail tobacco dealer, in fact no tobacco com pany that maintains stores, can afford to sell all these articles for $1.00. They would lose money. ( We have salesmen. Chicago Attorney to Speak at FNaiB'Rith Sunday will be tl'Nal R'ltlth day among the Jews ot Omaha. The celebration, which Is an unusual one, waa Instituted originally to arouse enthusiasm among followers of the faith In the prorogation of Its welfare. Arrangements for the day's program are In charge of the two local lodges, the Nebraska and William McKlnley, together with the ladles' aux iliary of the latter. llujo Sonnenscheln, a prominent attor ney of Chicago and one of the past pre Idcnts of the district grand lodge, is coming especially for the occasion. A reception committee of representatives from each lodge and the auxiliary will meet the honored guest at the depot In the morning and will escort him about tho city. At 2:30 p. m. tho Nebraska and William McKlnley lodges will hold a Joint meet ing and grand Initiation, as well as to participate in the oxtenslve arrangements for the celebration. The committee in charge ot the banquet to be tendered Mr. Sonnenscheln reports that plates for ZOO guests have been or dered at Hotel Loyal at o'clock Sunday evening. I-ater In tho evening a splendid program has been prepared for the meet ing at Temple Israel, where Mr. Sonnen scheln will speak lo the general public. WARRANT SWORN OUT FOR ARREST OF MACE R. CLUFF Warrant for the arrest of Mace R. Cluff, 2625 Emmet street, on the charge of abetting and aiding tho delinquency ot Mildred Hill. S414 Wirt street, was filed by the Juvenile authorities. The allegation Include that Cluff en ticed the girl to take an automobile ride and that she did not return home that night to her parents. While gone, her folks sought the help of the police, be llevlng her kidnaped. CITY TREASURER HAS OVER MILLION IN CASH City Treasurer W. O. Ure had $1,311. 347.03 city cash on hand November 1. ac cording to C. B. McDonald, city comp troller, who checked up the treasurer's accounts. This amount Is about one-third the actual cash usually carried by the treasurer, Mr. Ure having Invested large sums In Interest-drawing securities. STANDARD OIL HAS DECLARED DIVIDEND C. U. AHeman, president of the Stand ard Oil company of Nebraska, announces that tho directors of his company have declared tha regular semi-annual divi dend of 110 a ahare and an extra dividend of K t share, payable December 20, 1913. to holders ot record November 20, 1113. no retail stores, no clerks, no This expense is cut out. We sell all our goods by mail direct. Deliver ies by Parcel Post, prepaid. To introduce our PRINCE OLAF Cigar ettes in your City we make you this most unusual ?ffer. With a box of 100 PRINCE OLAF Cigarettes at $1.00 w present you abso lutely free. 1. An engraved German Silver Cigarette Case, concaved to fit the vest pocket. Durable and attractive. 2. A genuine Iron Amber Cigar ette Holder, atylish and up-to-date. The kind you have wanted. This is the greatest value ever offered for $1.00. PRINCE OLAF are cigarettes of a mild, smooth, Turkish blend. At retail stores PRINCE OLAF would cost you at least 15c for a box of 10. We want you to try them. We know that if you once smoke them they will become your favorite brand. That why we are offering you 100 PRINCE OLAFS for $1.00, together with these beautiful gifts. How We Can Afford to Make This Offer The Kolo Company, Incorporated, which is making you this offer, is the most pro gressive mail order tobacco house in the world. On account of our enormous business carried on by mail, we save the heavy expense of maintaining many stores and salesmen. Thus we can afford to give better cigarettes for the money than can be purchased in any other way, and we can afford to give these profit-sharing premiums. You are fully protected when you deal with the Kolo Company. This Company is incorporated under the New York State laws, is entirely responsible, and will re fund your $1.00 at once on return of goods if you are not entirely satisfied with what you purchase. Take advantage of thU wonderful Chrwtmas offer. Fill out the cou pon below and mail to us at once with $1.00. Do it at once while thk offer hold. , KOLO COMPANY, Inc. 114-118 Liberty Street New York City HOW TO SEND TOUR ORDER CIGARETTES To order a bos of J 00 Princ. Oltf Ci&irettea and receive these presents, write your nam and addreu plainly en tha coupon below, cut off and mail with $1.00 to KOU) CMffAirr. tac.lU-lU UWrt St, Knr T.rk Otr, N. T CUT OFF THIS COUPON Kolo Company, Inc., Dtpt. J2f) .IM-mUWySl. New York atr.H.Y Qtntlamen. Enclatad plit find I1A0 far which piaiae aand ma prepaid bf parcel pott 100 Princ OltfClfrrtt.t. Also pleaaa i.nd me.abaolutelr frta,theOtrman Silver Cigarette Caia and tha Cigarette Holder. Ifthegeee'sare net will nfund ma th.tlOO at one. upon my returning tha gosde ts you Name Str Fait Offic County City or Tawa , 8ta Youth's Snicker Lands Him in Jail Charlea Kishklsh, If years old, who lives at 1307 South Thirteenth street, owes to a hilarious snicker his confine ment In the city Jail and forthcoming difficulties with the Juvenile authorities. Charles was In a theater at Thirteenth, and Pierce streets, and a small vial ot Chinese snuff burned mightily In hi pocket. When the pianist abruptly broke off an ubiquitous rag In the very middle ot a likable bar and took to violent sneezing, Charley cpuld not restrain u mirthful chuckle. The manager ot the theater heard the laugh and wondered. When a score or more patrons began to sneese, he under stood, and with the youth firmly grasped by on ear, he held him for thu patrol wagon. BIRMINGHAM. Ala.-P. U Willis of the firm of I fart 1 1 no it Willis, pharma cists, suffered groatly from asthma and bronchitis, -so bad he Could not attend to business. As ha writes; "I got no relief until I took Holey's Homy and far Com pound. U entirely removed those choking sensations and nover failed to produce an easy and comfortable condition of the throat and lungs." Remember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and accept no substitute. In the yellow pack age. For sale by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement LI i the Quick Answer by Telephone SATURDAY WILL BE 2I0N BAPTIST CHURCH TAG DAY Saturday will b the third annual tag oay for the Zlon Colored Baptist church Permission haa been granted the church ptople by Mayor Da hi man to tag pedes trians on the street. The proceeds of the sale, are to go towards defraying the ex pense ot erecting a new edifice. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. 1 J. M Butler chief clerk ot the railway ma 'I service at Lincoln. Is in Omaha, Ills business here Is not official. Mrs. J. McVeln of Denvtr, who came ' to Omaha to attend the funeral of her brother, b'amue! Maclod, will return to I her borne next Saturday- "All Ready" Comes the will to din nor. Are you interest ed! la your appetite keen, and waiting! Is your digestion normal and bowels regular? If not, we urge a trial of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS at once. For 60 years it has proven a great aid to sufferers from Stomach, Liver nnd Bowel disorders. Has the Bell Telephone supplanted the social let. ter for you? Many have found the telephone the more pleasant and con venient way. The long distance tele phone talk is direct and personal, going almost in stantly and comprehend, ing both message and reply. And, too, telephoning is congenial, permitting those little, intimate, per sonal chats almost like a face-to-face talk. Ask "Long Distance' rales anywhere. for NEMAHA TELEPMftE COMPANY TRAVEL. TMlfoCLD Ttnouon nic OKAL! GRAND CRUISE Brtheauraltcrat cruising itcimshi a 'Cleveland' (17,660 tool) From New York, Jan. 31, 1915 Viilting famous dlles and conntrie on a palatial steamship which serves as yonr hotel. Every luxury and comfort mured. 135 dayg $900 and up tactudlog Ebora Trips and an Btcuury expcaiu. Also CntUaa la Aa O riant. tadU. West Indira. Paaaasa CutL aiki Majkarrasaaa trie, HAMBURG - AMERICAN LINE ISO Wst Xandolpn gtM Oblcxgo, IU. Or local agents. SAKJ9K3 Kvary Saturday KMM KevYsrk U""sC saw isssi in imM i a ,. "MMm I.i . i. SiiM-wilpaM. ttum. af.ialla,m.a ufi.inmuiii i.awBrta Nat, Large. MtUtm. UtinStmrSUamtn CawerWa. CsJtsnia. ftilwl arsis. CsteaUa TUMJUHA, 14.M tana, Building) Dmwta r..ih.n rr, ur.wtia, Caaaraaaua TUN Hut rdtr r-araUkW-Lra fctae r,.i torn irrt1n.iiln .aif. J1..tX4ar-iiM RguaftaMaMafta days, is hour Meten-eraea Serricrfrm NewYetk FirjteAtk Paesssjclo Rap MS asti. Tfcifn Stttt at toy Low Rata. Abafcar Liaa Draft ?? Rra erf Our tWtMfcalTWam..aiM.aM iri Mrnontasois morHnm. owi At ajDW-Jtanaalaai at, .M. C4v.0rtoanv. rnlaagt l mil Aant.-Stvwjwhtia REST AMI HEALTH Tl HITHER AW Will. Mas. Wiiows eooraiNO Bravr baa been BMd fororar SIXTY YKARfl by MILLIONS ol MOTHERS for ClIlUSxEN WltlLlt YSttTHIKO, with PHBFKCT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tha CHILD. SOFTHN8 the GUMS. ALLAYb a'l rAIN -, CUKES WIND COLIC, aad u the best remedy for DIAXRHCKA. It la ab solutely harmless. B sure and ask for Mrs. Wloslsw'a Saothlog Syrup," and take bo other WINTER CRUISES ITAIY & KYFT I TiXAMA CA.VAL TEE KJVEXA WsST NHfS UMU.i SWn ANOKA IUr,A!iiri Newest Steamer tiLTflat SI cam era ta tfc TrojMca) 3VV.e "Lapland" "Adriatic' MLaMreBtic" "Celtic" "Megaatic" I KtVEMIEI 2S1 JAMJA1Y 71 JAMUABV IO JAM. IT PC a. M JANUARY M JAM. S4 MAR. 4 Miur n jam. at has. is ssabom rem. n aju 2 Bad Star and Whlta Star ilea Of. . float T. a. Brown, 8. r. Cor, MAllson I and laSalla StsCnlcogo, or local axta.