HIE BEE; OMAUATUUBSPAV, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. "Cascarets" Relieve Sick, Sour Stamach. i Move aclda, gnsra ami rloaecd-ttp vasto- from- fclotuaclt. Iilvcr, Uowcln Cure lmllBcstlon. . Get a 10-eent bos now. That awful aourr.ers, beVehlns; of aeld and foul gases; that pain In the pit of the storruudi. the heartburn, tiorvowanws; Mm I THORNE REPLIES TO RIPLEY IorllaUM.aA Cnnmiiloncr De I ' , fends Hii .roiition. JIUVATE OWNERSHIP EXPENSIVE lift !? nnllrttml Maanat Omlttfd ConsMrratton of "Otlir Karn Ikr" of Hnarts In HI Aranmrnt. DBS MOIXB8. Nov. lt-(Srell.)-Cllt-frd Thorn, chslrmsr. ot th Iowa Hall d commission, msdp vuhlle today his rb' to the strictures of rrldnt 1J. V. nipt.v of th Banta Fs railroad, rrxard injr the statistics Khlch Mr. Thorn pre rntt at the nstlonal convention of rail ra,v commissioners on the nolbl .sav ins of money by covernmfnt ownership of th railroads. Mr. ntply wrote a sharp letter to Mr. Thome and tho Hall vay A-rr-Oasrtt. leading; orranof the railroads, and the Wall Street Jonrnat, or can of the financial Intereit. attacked him, thui reeoKnlilnir the natlohat lm portance of the lsitc a ralrcd so unoxpeo dly ' In his reeeh In Washington Mr. Thome umniarlied Ills conclusions by a declaration that "the vrlvato ownership ot American railroads U coitlne us more than four hundred million dollara." All Ms tiities aceut this Idea. This was hy aon of the substitute of low Interest tates for high ones and elimination of the dividend. He floured up the Interest and chaoses as tSS3.UK.MX Mr. Illpley (rave tTM.tt9.000 as the total "net opernt' inr Income."' thus showing; thAt the Thome figures for Interest and dividends fir exceed the total net operatlnc In tome Other Inromr Important. In, h1 fl, lttet lo Mr. ltlpley, Thome -evfseii his riibiTf s by eliminating duplies- merit o'n ' iYdok owned by the railroads themselves, bdt ca1)s"attentl0ri to the fact that Illpley eliminates 'other Income" of the railroads amounting- to $JTS,WO,000, which, he says, sVouid certainly so with the railroads It ownership changed. Il quotes 11. K. Yoakum ot the Frisco as estlmatlnff the savin on railroad bonds It owned by the government at ja,PM,(W. which Is ,C0,000 mora than the estimate; made by the statistician on which MtTlvofne based his estimate. Hut eliminating tho duplication ot divi dends because ot company ownership ot stocks ho shows that tho total savtwt by reason' of sovernmsnt ownership, on dividends alone.' would be -nso,W.. "Even t0,OiXJ,000 a year," says Mr. Thome, "would permit us to srant all the, advances blnjr avikcd . for by the eastern railroads, to bo used, so thoy affirm, for better care and better road beds, etc. and t.o allow the same per tent ot advance to alt the other railroads 'nausea, bloatlnjr niter rating dirtiness J and, lok headaohe. means a disordered stomaeh. which cannot be regruiatert n til you remove the eisc It Isn't your stomach'a fault. Your stomach Is fen BWod a any. Try . Osacarrta. they ' Immullalely rleansn the stomach, remove tliii sour, tindlgpftrd and fermenting'' food nnd foul tracM. take the excess bile from tho liver hnd carry off tho constipated waso mat ter and poison from the bowels. Then your stomach troubtn Is ended, A Cas caret tonight will straighten you .nut Vy morntnKa 10-ceni box from nriy lrtuc store ' vltl Veep your stomach . sweet: liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget the cJilldren-thclr Utile In aides need a good, gentle clranstnC, too. . Governor Spelifies Day of Thanksgiving (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Nov. lt.-(Bpeclal.)q.ov. ernor'John It. Morehend Is of the opinion that the people of Nebraska have cause tor thanksglvlmt, nnd has set aside Thursday, November 27, ua tho day, and Secretary of State Addison Walt, with the great seal of the stnte ot Nebraska, attaches his O, K. The proclamation reads: Beginning In colonial days and contlno Inc wltlioot Interruption, we have set, aside one day lit each year as a day of thanksgiving to Almighty Uod for his iiinniioiii iiiriiiiKa in on ni n iihuuii,. f Alio iirofliueni 01 mo i niicii niaiwa iihh Ufsljmated Thursday, November 37, Jhs, ThmiksRlvInc day, nnd In accordance with the established custom and because It Is fitting nnd proper Hint a dny be set aside Xor thus purose, 1 John 11. Moreh,ead, eovernor of the state ot Ne braska, do hereby designate Thursday, November 57, lPlt, as n day of Thanks giving nnd praise by tho people ot tho state of Nebraska. In these things that make for clvla righteousness and permanent good our state has gone forward and tour people are contented and hppy. oLt ua then re turn thanks to nti ull wise and beneficent Creator for these blessings which wo enjoy, and, not forKettliiR the needy nnd afflicted, .make each contribution as Is commensurate with our ability to allevi ato their suffering and make light their load. In the country;, .to keep this up year after year permanently and to nave ,oeo left cvtr 4'very year to distribute In higher -wages to ..labor, and we could do all this without any Increase, what ever, In tretgh't rates. This saving-, after accepting; your modification". It simply because this .Wr unorganised mass ot people making up the government has a nttr credit thMi tUe greatest railroad wstem, or the best financier In tho United states. Wo can borrow money than you can." jv - I fcaw SlrfUlfyosUteeV. . ' Mr. Thwae alto calls attention to the fuel that other Urge savings Jiave been left ouV ot account by Mr. Ripley, Aside from Interest charges ot tae1.0, the surplus form available foe appropriation amounted to HM,W.Wfc which. In addition to. net dividends declared. tt.7.W0. was appropriated for MdlUons and better ments. 6S,7.SJ tdVnew lines or exten lons, W.ttt.a: tor other . reserves, , 17, 97,tSI; for surplus to balance sheet, tel. (Ci,tSj total appropriated, 1UUE3S.746. "Today," he said, "these additions and betterments and extensions, etc., belong toir,4xinnanlei and you are claim InlilihtiftXrelarn on such property InSweWlo'th United States where undTrVrtlderatlon. This 1M.OOO,0Q would go t'o-the publlt. under government wwrarjlp, t jtfd!Uon to the fSO.000.OW mtnUonefj above.1; lr. Tliprhe also called attention to the ValwVtt-O" June Wl crrled t0 nl fcalance sheet ot American roll Voaii." considered as one system, as re iiriU, by'te Interstate Commerce com tnlsilon, the" neat sura of Jl,0U3eeo, In kHfo to tt.e99,9) surslus for thfl year toetrtie4. "This represents Uie accumu latea aurplu ' over 'a period of years," said Mr- Thome, "8om,e of ua have $laubtc4 the; validity Qt some Items In this suryiuo but you so report It; and upon this V'eu eU!m a return. This accumu lated surplus of( more than l.W9,W,0ft) wuW aleo- bo saved to the American CPPfte A? cse it government purchase ot ftiuttUndlnc securiue at prevailing mar ket prkes." 4 -etierH:oaatrles "ew Road. M"r. 'Thorhe,' therefore claims that thla tstlnmte ot a tavlns of t4M.oeo.00i) dollars '.was rather conservative. u "The are serious facts," he wrote Mr. "Klpleyi in cvuieluilun, ."apd the American (people U jrolng .to awake to their im iortnce oefore long. nemember, the Jarge majority' of the dvlllxed countries lot the. globe, three-fourths of them, al rady own mostot their railroads. Within '.he next five or ten years you will see (Government ownership will be one of the -.great political Issues, of the day In tho JUnltsAjStataa, And. when that Issue arises In alt ot Its. vast Importance, the real Problem w)H be whether the operation ot She rsilroadi can be divorced from pol itic, i do not claim It can be done; but ,lf that (M. W acoomytlahad. then thaM aTlnSB Which I Jiaye gutUnad must and ,tUI bo aacnred." t -i (nMesn Bsma m-t exfi. " OXF'OKli; Jjebu, Kov. li (Splal.) The bouse of Gor- Huff, in the east part of Oxford, wax burned to the groonjt yesterday morning. Mr. Huff aroa -erir( started the are, and then went back to bad. When the flro was discovered It had gained such a headway tllat'UMr were scarcely abla-to get them- avAUt.astd. bl cejjd. not arrive in save ajtSla.-The' loaa l e- ;rf rJNs,fliaia covered by t tee. Ssfr sva.X tlsas sstftour iMkenr lor 1pf?Lri i cei wen til t the mPft.'fF' sr;tsHdBW Hsla'hatfsi fr WnsssE (ssn'lstAr aewtieme. UsttJ C-Hss-'ess'ett 'jss atmmvmmm Notes from Beatrice. DKi,VTniC15. NeU. Nov. l2.-(8peclaU-Mlnnle ldrkham of this Hty has fllod a petition In the district court asking that her marriage to Christopher Klrkham of Nebo, Kan., be annulled, fihe was granted a divorce from Cart Herder In Heatrlco on January 9, 18h? nnd within six months was married to Mr. Kork ham, unknowingly violating the law ot the state. She alleges that her husband and his son Informed her that the mar riage would bo legal It perofrmed out sldo ot Nebraska and so they were mar ried In tho atate of lawo. The petition states that thev hav not lived tninthrr cheaper I M man Bn(j ror over n yer nnrt that their marriage be declared null and Void;'- ' . Mayor Ituellng of Wymore has called a moss meeting at wymore for next Monday evening, nt which the quostlon ot running the electrlo light plant on a twenty-four-hour basis, Instead of n twelve-hour basis, will bo discussed. James Do Han, a pioneer resident of Beatrice, suffered a stroke of' paralysis Monday and Is In a critical condition. I News Notes from Falrbnry, rAinnunY, Neb., Nov, U-(8peclal.) Mrs. O. U Ensign departed for Clay Center, Kan., for a visit with relatives today. Her husband la a well known passenger fireman, of this city. Master Mechanic Is. F. TcKtmeycr re- turned to Qoodland, Kan., today after making an Inspeotlon ot the Tocqmotvo shops at this point ana-conferring- with JsWk asass. . . , 4 5 Second Annual Jubilee 1 Made to Measure ANY STYLE Visit our store, pick out any Suit or Overcoat that strikes your fancy and we will make it up any style to your measure at our .price OUR FREE JUBILEE OFFER For this week only "WE WILL GIVE FREE a 7 Fancy Silk Vest with every made-to-measure suit order. Our stock embraces an endless assortment of ALL WOOL fabrics. Remember all our garments are Union Made, and ydu receive a $7.00 Fancy Silk Vest FREE for This Week Only. - t ML ORDERS TAKEN THIS WEEK WILL. BE READY FOR THANKSGIVING ATTENTION! Tnll Men, Stout Mcri, Young Men, Hiird To yit Men, Saving Men. OUtt GUARANTEES TO YOU 'AllE: 1st A perfect fit or no sale. ! . ' 2d AH puro wool fabrics. 3d All trimming? high grade. 4 4th Every suit strictly hand tailored. , ' . 5th We keep in press and repair all.gacments .made by us. 6th Every garment Is man-tailored and not sweat-shop work. SOUVENIRS FREE TO ALL Open Till 10:00 P. M. Saturdays DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS e AT4 THE CORNER FIFTEENTH AND HARNEY AT THE CORNER strict Mochtoilcal 8$j!e"rtfit indent O. W. UWo of -Tntwka, Kan., iltoV Joined him at this point. N. Downs, enclnetr on trains. No. C. ftJf.Snjl. SrJSa)' t0 Council Bluffs. , la., :ls confined to hfs homo on acccounti of Illness. W. Costollo, nn extra passenger engineer. Is filling' his place temporarily. Division Superintendent A. VS. Kelso went to Council Dluffs to Join the special train conveying .President It. V. Mudgo and Chairman Schumacher ot the Rock Island lines.; , .TJils . train Is on a tour of Inspection. Ir. Kelso will accompany If ovor the Nebraska division. News Xotrs of I'awnee Clr TAWNEB CITY. Nob., Nov. lS.-(8pe-clal.) I'Vank Parker, who for a number ot years has conducted a harness shop In this city, today gavo his business into .tho tliand8-.of; a. trustor . fox'the !jneflt of his creditors. ) In a. f rwwwks a'potlwrJrug- store wilt be opened In this city. Frank. JtColweli has lcasqd a bulldng and Is havjnp ex tensive repair nadet preparatory- to tlie Installation in It of a new drug, stocit. Mr. Colweil was Ki. tho drug business here about ten years ago, disposing of his stnreXio. lnli'fcm femytfliMiwho have remalfieJ InpoWi.Hn-'eVrf' si. ince. v 1 1 Nws- prtr f of IVnUoo. .' WAHOO. Neb, Noy. 15.-(8peclal.)-An J mportant. .business change. occurred here tho first of the week, when .Cyrl- Lanlk sold his restaurant- and confectionery store to Frank. Smoial and Anton Preu ell, two youngdualneaa men of this city. .'AVIIllam.ljarktn, an .old resident ot Dougla' county, is visiting his .son, Itov. J. W. tarkln of the. Presbyterian church. Ames Serum Plant Nrarlr Heady. AMB3, Ja., Novi U. (Special.) Wthln a week the $20,000 hog cholera serum plant, which tho last legislature author ized to be built on the Ames campus, Wilt be in full operation with a dally capacity ot 100,000 cubic centimeters of vaccine. The laboratory equipment was rnoved from the veterinary buildings last week. Tho pens In tho plant will handle 1,000 hogs. The dally output will. bo. suf ficient to vaccinate 1,700 anlmals. .Orders fen serum" are' a -month and a halt be MINNEAPOLIS MAN IS KILLED IN AUTO UPSET MASON CITT, la., Nov. Jt (Special Telegram'.) James Hobbs, who was in jured in an automobile accident at 'Gar ner late ' Sunday night, died last night In a lqcal hospital. Ills back was broken. The body will be sent to Minneapolis. Telegrams brought his wife and relatives here. It appears that the four Who were in the automobile at the tlmo when the accident occurred were all old friends. Mr. Hobbs had cautioned tho driver of the car, Mr. Cameron, soveral times be fore th"6 accident to drive slower. Tho otherUJree who were injured, arc getting aiong. fairly well and will recover. Mr. and ilrsV Cameron are both residents of La-.Crosse, Wis. -f:. 'Sloiix; Falls Nerils School Ilotmrx. jSlOUX FALLS, a D., Nov. 12.-(Spe-c'ial.OThe Board of Education Is con templating tho Issuance of bonds In the H'um.pf $160,000 for the construction of new school buildings, the present'" school facilities of Sioux Falls, it being stated, having become Inadequate for the rajldly Increasing num.bec, ot children of '.school age. It is probable .the .proposition, ot authorizing the lssuarco,of tho bonds In the "sum stated will be submitted "to tho voters ot Sioux Falls' at the spring, election.' Jinnee Mntlnee Idol. Sherwood Magee, tho heavy-hlttlng out fielder of the Phillies, is going to be c'omii a moving picture actor during the winter months. CHARGES AGAINST BANKERS ARE DISMISSED IN COURT FOItT DODGE, la.. Nov. lI(-5Se.clsl Tclegrnn.1.) John C. Preston of Crystal tiak'e nnfl-II. M.'Martlnsqn of LoJtStilJf, former bankers indictcxl for false's-ert-trles, were freed today In federaU court on motion of "District Attorney fA. Van Wagenan. Charges were dismissed. 1 Tho men aro the last of four bankers dieted fqr false entries last November o be freed or Charges. .C A. Is&aCs of Forest 'Clty pleaded guilty on ond count and was -tartlonea''"by' the president, X G. Larson of Crystal Lake was freed wltli therdlsniiBsal of .'charges In federal court In June. IS Lifelong IlnmlaRc to dyspqpsla, liver complaints and kldnej troubles is needless. Electric Bitters, (s the guarantied remedy. Only 80c. For sale by all druggists. Advertisement. Vktor-Vktrola IV, $15 Oak A Victrola in the home on Christmas means a happy home throughout year, Tfee following Omaha a.Hd Oouncil IHatfs dealers carry complete Urn of VICTOR VICT KOLAS, and all tho UUe Victor Kecords os fat m tMued. You are cordially l&vlted to Inspect "tho stocks at any of tbe estabUsfaioetita: aassMBsaaasaHBBri Schmoller&Mueller PIANO CO. 1311-1313 Farnam Street OMAHA, NEE. Victor Department on Main FUor- There sire Victors and Victrolas in great variety of. styles from $10 to $500, and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate 8iem to you. Co. Victor Talking Machine Camden, N. J. Nebraska Cor. 15th and Harney, Omaha Go. E. Mtcksl. Mgr. Branch at 33 BROADWAY Council Bluffs Cycle Co. for Brandeis Stores Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room A. Hospe 1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, arid 407 Wt Broadway, Council Bluffs 4 : tr. i . I; t. " -'tr, i W Bros. yz&t&r Department Third Floor .tu Cor. 16th and Harney ,Sts Victor-Victrok. XVI, $200 The Instrument by y!Jeli the value of jl nuslcat Instruments la measured Mnhogaajr oroalt