14 THK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, K0VEMT1ER 13. 1913. IS the annual twntuet of the nssoctatlon J under the dlrretten vX th ladles ot the i NwHUwrsft rtnh, will I Riven at the 1 oltih mmm. The oomttttttMi Itt thnrge i ,rtot Mn. V. II. tilnia nt the Nlh emit Nh im Mrs It. O. Ctmto of the atwtt-latkm. Creirhton Medical Dance. The OelRhton Medical college student j m)) WTr(,. Theater Parttei. In one of the boxes at the Urnmlels Tuesday evening to nee Miss I.tlllan Bus- Krav their iwim dstwx or the present ehoot year at Chambers' Uanclnft Rcadcmy Tuesday evenlns, a. lariro num Ver of students and friend attending. The waits and two-Mep were prac tically discarded t.v n larse majority of the dancers, bMm replaced by the tanco. Pome few eoupl tried the castle- walk, but the tanmi was far more popular. The committee In charge wm J. IV. Kleyla. president; Neal MoKee, ice president; Otis JlorjnujthMer, secretary; Glen Whltcomb. treasurer. The next medic dance will be given at Chambem January SV Tho present were: MlMM Cecil Vaughn. Marie Cmhtnir, Padle Felnsteln, Clarissa, Clay, Julia rUnte. Jlarrlet lMrmalee, Margaret lloohe, 3uth McSparen. Anna Samuelson, Young. , Cecil Whhnell, Emma CSlrln, Ovllla SqulreN .Haiti Lamp, Marie Kelly. Helen Walcotl, Ida Kock. .llee KlmqutM, Helen Johnson. Antony. Mildred Buscklst, Nell A Movie, Gertrude Nelson. Peggy Wearer. rsnle William. Cloldle Alptmi. Loretta. Mallov. Mabel rlanck, K. Osy, Kate Shields. .Audrey Kngelln. Helen Soreiieon. f! mm son. Ann Neble, Minnie' Hecie, Metra- Jlarold Bell, Jamea Kellv. Arthur Offermnn, r J. Itohler, "U O. Poland, Grunt Bslley, P. 11. Walter.. William Arraamlth, M. Bolker. O. w. Whlteomb. A 11, Hendrlckson, Chart M. Swab, O. J. XHerkea. Tt, W. Jones. . W. Kohler, D. H. Bitter, W II. Crawford, Ray Karrell. Dennis Mullen, O, It. Meyers, r. c nitter. Walter Spanton, lister JDonnell. Charles Shook, JfiHDh Weinberg. William A. Nelson. Justin Young, Mlswa W. ArnelL Mure! Jeffries, Anna LIUegren, Berth Klklna, Bose Weinberg, l'aullnn Faulkner, Kthel Larson, Margaret Black, Stella Shaw. Melly Corby, Gladys Sullivan, Adelo Davis, Norn Cook, IMith MoMullen. Agues Gentleman, Katherlnn Hnynolds, A. Fruhworth, Winifred Donohue, Irene Ijincdon. nintilnK, Dorothy Ulitelow. Vera Kant, Nellie lively, Connor, i; Itlchaixli, Martenn, Marcaret Welch, Irene McCoy, nose. Oordy, Ada Antony, Ada Black, nuelah Hynl. Anne Maurer. Itose Frenzel. Messrs. .lack Gillespie. U 5 J. Connors. V. J. Traxler. Lester M. Caldwell, Fred J. Huedy, C. n. Cain, liurbank Whltlnc Arthur noeenblum, John Holland, K, IVska, ' n. C. iiussum. K. Itaker, U. J. Iiuth. M. l. Wennmore, V. J. mrich. Charles Anders, Inseph T. Anton)', r. ii. ntts, Walter I. Hombach, leo Dugher. William Uoney, llobert F. Farrell. T. U Praney, AV. J. Moran, A. II. liorrman, Mr. and Mis. It M. Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. blxon. Mr. C. W. Hull. In the Urandcla box were! Mrs. Helle Freedman of New York. Mrs. Herman Colin. Mlaa torettn Itogers, Mr. and Mrs. A. I). llrandcls, Mr. and Mrs. George Drandels. Mr. J. A. Cavers gave a theater party for Mrs. Arnot of Chicago. Those pres. ent were: Mrs. 8. A. Arnot. Mr. and Mrs. Wlckham of Council muffs, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Updike, Mr. Jerome Magee, Mr. J. A. Cavers. Pleasures Past. Mrs. J. H. Cree entertained Informally I at luncneop n -". Ujwed by nn Orpheum party at the matl- Tho Q. n. 8. club was entertained Mon day evening nt a slumber party oy auss Qraco Muskln. The evening wns spent In mnslo and games, and prises awarded to Miss Molllo Wolf. Miss Yetla Nuthan ami Miss Mollle Isvlno. 8upper was served at midnight. Those present were. Mlssos Anna Milder, Mollle I.ivln, Ksther Tatel, Jennie lilumcnthal. Mollle Wolf. Misses Yettu Nathan, llanna Kulnkofsky, Ida nisemafl, draco Muskln, iotU Horn, If, O. I Arson, H. W Miller, A. Shllllngton. Fred Witt. B. T. Knapp, J. V. Sheehv. Joteph Urodkey, F. H. Murphy. R. Helling. Dr. J. E. rewards. The marriage of Miss Mary Josephine Bheehy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sheehy of South Omalia, to Mr. Roy Barnard Condon took place this morning at St. Bridget's church at 8;D9 o'clock, Rev. Father OUnin of Chicago, a cousin ot thft'brlde, officiating. Miss Sheeny Is a graduato ot the South Omaha High sheet ssA the State Normal school. She taught ih the graded schools of South Omaha for five years. Mr. Condon Is connected with the Boyer-Van ICuran Lumber company of Omaha. Miss Ann Rowley was bridesmaid and Mr, Dan Condon beat man. The bride worn whllo charmeuse klth train and over-drape ot chantllty lare and carried bride's roses, sweet ps and Illlles ot the valley. Miss Rowley worn yellow brocaded satin and large black picture hat and carried yellow chrysanthemums. The ushers at the church were Messrs. Joseph Weppner and Joseph Condon. Decorations at the home and church were yellow and white chry santhemums and palms. A wedding breakfast Vas served to about fifty guests at the home of the bride's parents. In the afternoon a ro ceptloa'w&a given from 3 to S o'clock. The you couple left for a short wedding trip and will be at home after January 1 at 2113 Ogden avenue, Omaha. At tke University Club. A number of small dinner parties were Klven at the club Tuesday evening, when the IsecoM ot a series ot dinner dances were given. , One party Included: Dr. and Mrs. C. AV. roltard. Mr. and Mrs. 12. T. Rector. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Oeonre Bumner. Together were Dr. and Mrs. II. B. Iemere.and Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Totts, One ot the largest parties included: Mtaeea Misses." Orttcnert McConnell. Bertha Dlokey. Margaret McPher- Alloa Carter. ami. Ann Clifford. i.yl& Cook. Harriet Copley. FottbtRd. Me. Carmellta Chase, Mildred Rogers. Messrs.. Messrs. Red Peters. Frank Selby. tieorga Flack. Earl Burkett. lAke Deul. Harry KoOh. Jack "debater. John Stewart. Taylor Belcher. Smaller prUea were given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stsaon. who ba4 three guests; Harold Van Duaen. two; A. C Loomla, two; IJoyd S. Smith, two; Harry O. Parmer, two; Harry S. BTne, twp; It. Tt Ralney, two; A. I. Crelgh, two; AV. H. imsllea, two, and C Ik Mattson, two. At Prairie Park Club. There will be an old.fahloned spelltnga bee" and hard time party given by the" members of the association Wednesday evening at the club house. AU. members Are requested to come "dressed In old .jioUies and bring their lunch In a tin bucket." AVednesday evening. November Personal Mention. A son. Norman Friedman, wasborn to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Friedman. 3011 Charles street. Mr. and Mis. Samuel Tray and small son, Robert AVllUam Tray, who have been rtaldlng In York, Neb., havo removed to Omaha and will make their home at 3118 Cass street. law School Danoing Party. The Crelghton freshmen of the law school will give a hop Thursday ovtnlng at Chsmbors academy. v la and Out of tlie Bee Hive. Mr. O. AV. AVattles has returned from a week's stay In tho east. Mri and Mrs. Martin Saxe ot New TorK are spending a few days In Omaha and expect to leave Friday for tho t. Dr.- and Mrs John H, Trlndor, V. B, A., who have been In New Orleans and other southern cities, have arrived at their new post at Texas City. Tex. Mrs. F. B. Bmlth and two children. Ber nlce and Frank Blair Smith, have re turned from California, where they have been visiting . Mrs. Smith's sister,, Mrs. Turner Macalltster. Mrs. Macalllster re turned with Mrs. Smith for-a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. d. Kdwards. Mr, and Mrs. John A. McShane have returned from week's stay at The Elms at Excelsior Springs. Mr, 'and Mrs. Fred Mash are spending a week in New Tork City. NATURE'S LAW CLEAN FOOD IK A CTHTOMEH FOUND dirt no a regular thing lu a certain h rami ot bread, sho would not accept It at a out nrlco. not even as a gift. This same customer would not accopt milk ot this kind olthor, it sho know It, but mltk Is moro dccolvlng. JlIIlT IN THE MILK will settle to the very bottom ot tho bottle In a few mln utos and there remain hidden from the ove. In pouring milk from tho bottle, this dirt will slide from Us hiding place, to tho croam pitcher or other rccootaclo without being noticed oxcept by tho most obsorvlne. And what kind of dirt Is It? It Is nn mora necessary to buy dirt, In milk than in bread. TO DHTKCT THIS 1MIIT, hold bottle a8 In picture with tho HrIU to tho back and turn bottle slowly. It thero Is any dirt in It, you will find It. Ol'U MILK IS OLKAN when we rocolvo It. and this, with our method of flltcratlon, pasteurization and bottling makes the last drop as clean as tho first. Havo dir driver leave you a frco sample and make somo comparisons. It will surprise you. I ALAMITO Deadly FrlirM possesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New .Discovery will help them. Price, Wo and J LOO, For sale by' all drUgglste-Advertlsement J fV Yk. After trampinft the woods all day nothing tastes as good as hot bouillon. Drop an ARMOUR BOUILLON CUBE in a cap of water and you have it. Carry a box on every trip. At all drugcltU, grocers and baffets Tm fr IhiIh, Aci Anw 4 O y, Ob Wae SWoMrtPlwilliits Nadhie Face Powder (a Grttn uj Omlt Makes Th Ceflexle Be'aittlftsf Seftaitd Velvety IT 13 PURB HARMLESS t The soft, velvet appearance re mains until pow der I j washed off. Purified bra new process. Preventi lunoura and return of dltcolorailons The increasing popularity Is -wonderful White, Flmh, Pink, Biusctte. Bj tuuuicri or mail, jrice ay cents. KAT7CWAZ. TOllZ COUTATtT, fori TSM For sale by Braadels Drug depart cuBt, Beatoa Dru Co. and others. Special Tri-Cities Sleeping Car ' Service Special sleeping car service is nowj operated via Rock Island Lines between Omaha and Rock Island as follows Leave Osaka " , Co.aacil Bluffs Arrive Daveaport . " Rock lslaad . 6:08 p. at. 6:28 p. m. 3:27 a. m. 3:37 a. at. Passengers may occupy berths in sleeper , (at Rock Island) until 7:00 a. m. Tickets and reservations 14tb cad Faraasi Streets, Orasha 16 Pearl Street, Cooacil Blatfs J. S. McNALLY, Divisioa Passes fr Aet I J rE believe we have given the people of Omaha more real shoe value than any other shoe store or shoe department m the city tor the past six years and our increasing trade plainly shows the results of our efforts to give our patrons "REAL BARGAINS" every day in the year. No grab tables here every shoe a bargain $4.00 to $5.00 shoes $2.50 and $3.00. Come Thursday. Some special prices for you. ALEXANDER CO. 1512 Dcuglas St. Children's Department In Bisement. 1 O k lie Sptiiil Pinhist if Knii iNii ti Silt at Aboil Naif Mta'a, Women's and Children's XwMiUr Cofttc, most doeirablo col- ors and styles, all new, perfect goods at a saving of about 50. See the Men's Heayy I Bee the Boys' Sweater Wool Sweaters; on Coat Specials; on sala 31.98 & I sale. . .f8 & 4d L&diM' asd Children's Aulo Hoods' $1 values, blue, gray, red or white, 49c Remarkable special bargain in yarns of all kinds. ' HAYDEN BROS. CANADA LAND WANTED Superintendent of Agencies covering several Central States. Only first clsss, experienced men need apply. Preference given those understanding Canadian land. State salary and experience; give-references and send photograph In first letter. Don't waste our time unless your record shows first class ability as organizer and salesman. WM. PEARSON CO.. Limited WINNIPEG - - - MANITOBA A New Collar. Note the Brake. (p Mr Cam RED MAN BRAND EARL (1 WILSON MAKERS OP TROY'S REST PRODUCT E DO tWO ODtfe JL TWO OR. BRADBURY DEiyTIST 1B66 Farvaw Street. Extract! S3c Up Fliya Mo Up Bri4gewerk ... .98.59 Up Oravraw m.& Up lUta . Up as Tears aas Cffles. Phoae Dobs. 17B8 Ml&ilajc Teeth aappUed without Plates or Bridge, work. Nerves reaaored without pais. Work guar, ateesl tea yeas. Thursday's Bargains that are Simply Phenomenal Do Kot Judgo from tho Pricings Oomo and Examine the Goods. You'll find Values not at All Mtammiflrl ntirl Kmrinn-o nf c in Kftc' "P.vident. vU V- V MM T AUC O W J ' I WW WW V - - 60o VEILINGS, at, Yard 15c i!"on and fancy dot sellings, Bewlng silk nd plain Mesh Veilings. Tuxedo and fancy col wed Veilings, regular 10c to 25c yard vsliif, In two big )o(R Thursday ......., ng Bna 100 TT ii ' Ti i ni Mi in ( OLUNY LAOES, 50o Values at 2oc A big new lino of all linen Cluny taoes in special hand made pat terns; big assortment made to sell up to SOo a, yard, on anle Thurs day at, your choice, rer yard 850 V . Thursday Begins Without Question the Greatest Bargain Giving Sale of Women's Ready-to-War Garments Ever Known at this Season In Any Omaha Stor Over-production on the part of several Eastern makers and Hay den's cash are the direct cause of these Bargain Results: ma VL H $1490 500 Beautiful Tailored Suits; values to $35., at. Materials are epouges, diagonals, Bedford cords, poplins and nov elties, made up in most desirable Lnew styles; all colors and sizes. Charming new Dresses M J CIA V ma-do to sell at $25-$30 t"- Dainty slTadow laces, soft chif fons, crepo do chines, charmeuse, otc, immense assortment of color designs in all most wanted colors for afternoon or evening wear. Hundreds of llcnutlftll AVnlsta, mndo to t0 QC sell up to $7.50, at.. p6iJ70 So varied In style, -no pretty, that words fall to ex press the remarkable quality of their values. Crepes, Silks, Lingeries, etc., In all wanted colors. TEN OTHER REMARKABLE SPECIALS CHASE, WHICH YOU WILL Bargain No. 1. Several Hundred Dresses from the London Dress Co., Now York, made to sell at $5.00 to $7.50, all wool serges, corduroy, etc., etc., newest styles, all colors, on sale Thursday, d QC choice Pi3 $14.90 Several Hundred Ilandsomo Coats, regular values up to $25.00, at. . , Materials are Perslanas, Scalottes, Bouclos, Fancy Mixtures, etc. Styles are the very nobbiest Ideas of the season. PROM OUR BIG NEW YORK PUR- FIND ABSOLUTELY MATCHLESS BARGAINS. Bargain No. 2. Women's Wool Dress Skirts, from II. Marcus, Now York; come In Sorges, Cheviots, Di agonals, protty Chock fabrics and Fancies, made to sell up to $5.00; choice $1.50 Bargain No. 3. Fleece Lined Dressing Sacques, well made, good styles, all colors, regular 75c to $1.00 qualities, just twenty dozen in this lot, while thoy.last they will go at, choice 2oC Bargain No. 4. Women's House Dresses 50 dozen of them, made to sell at fl.00 to $1.50, all good, staple styles, in Gingham, Percale, etc.; plain colors or fancies, at choice CA. choice Thursday .... OUC Bargain No. 7 Tailored Suits made to sell at $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00, newest styles and wide, as sortment of colorings and fabrics; materials alone are' worth more than salo price, each $7.45 Bargain No. 5. Women's Black Petticoats, from Lasco Co., New York, Satines. Silkolines, in all sizes, made with, fancy flounces, and worth 75c, just 25 dozen in tho lot, choice 35c .bargain jno. a Misses' Sport Coats from Cass & Rosenthal, N. Y. Nobby new styles, made to sell at $10 and $12 while they last at, your choice t...$5.00 $1.25 Bargain No. 6. Women's Waists, In big as sortment of pretty styles, in Laces, Silk Messallnes, Wash. Silk and Chiffons, all colors; made to sell at $.1.00 and $4.00; your choice v Bargain No. 9 Over 500 Handsome Coats Plushes, Boucles, fancy mixtures, Astrakhans, chin chillas, diagonals, otc. plain and fancy trimmed made to sell at $15 and $18 greatest snap ever, M A An choice tplU.UU Bargain No. 10 Infants' long and short Slips, Knit Sacques, Flannel Petticoats, Bon nets, Shoes and many other articles in Baby's Wear 50c, 75c and $1 values; Thurs day at, choice 25c Wish Goods Dept. Four Specials for Wrimsday SPECIAL NO. 1 50 nieces ot Brocaded Silk Mixtures, regu lar 50c quality 256 SPECIAL NO. U 25 nieces ot Mercerized Crepo de Chino, all beautiful patterns, regular $1 quality, for ono dav only fln SPECIAL NO. 8 25 nieces nf Silk Ratine, 40 inches wide at S1.00 and $1.25 SPECIAL NO. 4 50 pieces of Silk Striocd Scree, lust, tho goods for waists, all tho latest shades, regular 35c quality, at J ' SaBBSMSHBBHaaHaMmMBMaSsavBMBBBMaMBns $5.00 Velour Hats at $1.99 A big purchase of genuine Imported Austrian Velour Hnts in all the smartest new blocks; your choice of black and colors; regular values up to $5.00, at SI. 9 9 Twenty-One Money-Saving Specials in the Dimesf ic Room Bide and Brown Ginghams tor aprons, 7c values 5i Unbleached Muslin, 36 inches wide, 8 He values ,. ,Q nc-inch Percales, light and dark colors, 12Hc values; 10 3C-lnch Silkolines, good patterns, 15c values 10d 72x90 made. Sheets, 50c values 30d Galatea Cloth, good patterns, 10c values . . , Aruoskeag Outing Flannels, 12 He values 10 Curtain Scrim, 36 inches wide, 18o values 13 M6 Table OH Cloth, light and dark colors, 45 Inches wide, 25c value 15 d Poplins, plain and striped, 25c values 15 d Prints, Simpson's, perfect goods, 6 H c values , 5H Large and complete line of Cot ton Butts, from S1.50 to S6 Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas and Gowns, all sizes, $1.00 val ues, at Y Q86 Ladles' wool Union Suits, regu ular and extra sizes, in erav and white. $1.50 values, at....9g Men's Wool Union Suits, all sizes, values to $3.50, at SI. 45, S1.08 and S2.50 Ladles' Square Knitted Hood Shawls, valuea ud to $1.00 at . . . . , 25 taId 4Qd Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, all sizes, shirts or drawers, 50c value, at 35 Ladles1 Medium weight Under wear, vests or pants, regular and .-'extra sizes, 35c value, at. .10i Wen's Flannel Shirts, all sizes, colors bluo, gray, tan and brown, $1.50 values, at. i-98 Boys' Outing Flannel Gowns, all sizes to 14 years, 50c values, at 35 Ladles' Fleece Lined Underwear, all slze3 vests or pants, 50c val ue8' t . .3Q6 THE LARGEST PURE FOOD STORE WEST OF NEW YORK. IT'S QUALITY tiUUIJa AMU TUli JK1UHT .FKIUUB, FOR THE PEOPLE. SI lbs. best .Granulated Sugar, $1.00 IS-lb. sack best high grade Diamond II Hour; nowins oner ivr creuu, pies or caKes. Per sack $1.10 10 bars Beat-Km-AU op Diamond t Soap for t 7 bars Haakln Bros. Electric Spark Soap tor . 25o 1 bars Cudahy'a Pearl White Soap for . 25 10 lbs. best Wlilte or Yellow Corn meal for 'A19.0 8 lbs. best Boiled Breakfast Oat meal for V"? Gallon cans reaches, Gallon cans . Plums Gallon cans Pears, Gallon Cans Apricots, Gallon cans Raspberries Gallon cans Pineapples. . On-Time Starch, lG-ox. pkjf. ..... .4o Defiance Starch. 16-oz. pkg So McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb....iaVio Yeast Foam. pk 3o g cans Mustard Sardines aSo .lb. cans Early June Isaa. ...... 10c . , - 1 Either kind 35c per can. 60s , , . . IKN 2-lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn ior 7io 2-lb. cans Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans 7Ho The best Domestic Macaroni, Ver micelli or Spaghetti, pkg- 7V4- The best Soda or Oyster Crackers. per lb. , QV4o The best Tea Sittings, lb 10o Peters' Breakfast Cocoa, lb aoo Golden Santos Coffee, lb SOo BTOTEX, BUTTEJSIXE JUTS OXESBB FBICKS: The best Creamery Butter. 1-lb. carton, per lb....... 350 The .best Creamery Butter,, bulk, at, per lb. 330 The best Country Butter, per lb., 31o The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb., Mo Full Cream, New York, White, Young America or Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, lb ,0s All the best brands of Butterlne will go on sale at, per lb. . .S3o uruve, z ids, good Butterlne, for culinary purposes. for s5o Good Table Butter, per lb. , .,. .'l7Va TXS TSOSTASX.E MASKET OF OMAEA rOB TKE PEOPLE. 15 lbs. best Idaho Potatoes to the peck , ,250 The best Holland Seed Cabbage, at. Per lb. ao The best Wisconsin Hubbard Squash per lb. , ,,a0 The best Pie Pumpkins, per lb.... So Jncy Cooking Apples, peck 30o 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce for. ,..60 2 bunches fresh Hothouse Hadlshes for 8o 2 stalks fresh Celery for; 50 Fancy California Cauliflower, at. per lb 8&0 Fancy California Blpe Tomatoes, at ... UUo it TVU UAYnCM'C c:M PAYS 11 J s-"'" I II dl