1 10 Silk Hat Harry's WANT ADS ' Want ads received at any Urns. i bat to insure proper classification o'clock noon for tho evening edition ad before 7:H0 p. m. lor morning ana riundny editions. Want, aus re- ccived after such boon will have) I their flrt insertion under tho head- it, a ttrw. ioifr ." CASH RATES FOR IV ANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. finn InanHlnn 2 ri-nta a word. Two or more consecutive lnser- f i Uons 1 H ccnU a woror. So adver- THeovoJaoRi I 7v rSLS- i X viscoupt jimL AlWky. 0.1 "PIP- I : twister's . i up fort -mc VlStfN S&tSmIsV I fHNk n&ia 1JE fiWlSflKk 7rWp here re- 3 f. 7 Jj, scssom y J. oa,mce mi J MF courts vk N - -Tv-- ''Mm N i r" pjj AOTOugeo jP9H. I tisement taken for leas than 20 cent. NOTE Tho Boo will not be ro- annn.lhl,, tn mnn, than one WTOnZ ,r . : ; - ltat-4-tJon ntiA In tvnnflYmnlllcal error. I k 4-Tl-lTn- T. Vonnnt. be allowed 11. v' i - " - , -- 1 f. ... .i u.iaiI I tavauu OB MUi;i - so oo ran unui joruiuuwi u-o. - f stopped or written oraer. vcruai ur i f telephone cancellation cannot bo I i accepted. li CSLARCTB nATMl ji filx words to tho line. One Insertion 12 cents per lino. Two or more consocutlTe lnser Hons 0 cent per lino. One Una Dcr month 91.80. i Twenty cent a minimum chargo. I AdrertiBements charged to patrons . having account arc measured by the , line, not by tho word. DEATHS AMD FtWHRAIi MOT1CCB 8UTHERUlND-6ara J., wife of ueorgo C Butherlana, at zitt wortn m-mjnu i SlSSh yf-nriTl aDDear later. I The funeral of Edward D. Jackson.. wno Tn( xuntrn m " . - - , , ,, - . died Wednesday evening at a local nos pltal, win oe neiu i -Must Franklin atreet, at X P. II" . Forest Lawn cemetery. m.nn'.nm m. wu-im iTndertakersl w location. ZZU Cumlax attest. TL Dour. 711. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-B. B. Mi Catherine Epsten 02S bovenport. boy: W. and AugusUi llu- poch.aiBson.ooy. riM-dlaTn 48ia urani, am, r,. ni omiih Thirtv.socond. boy. Deaths Mrs. Teresa Hesse, . years. hospital; Herman x-oisiw;, hospital; Edward McCann, 74 years, hos pital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following permits to wed have been Issued: Name and Residence. Ae. Christian E. Hansen. Mlnden 27 Mario M. Chodonlc, Omalia a Alex J. Donohue. Omaha 38 Kmllv Uher. Omaha I T7 w i u,.,v. (w.1,1 11 I 3 Ml.fUlllll I. 1 rilU HI 111.. DWUUl w..ii. Rvlvla E. White. Bouth Omaha, Jlobln a WilUams. Council Bluffs 2S Stella M. Evers. Omaha 1 Xatrd W. Klwood. Omaha... JJ Florenoa ChrlschlUes, Omaha U Huh..) TInwelL Leon, la 10 Huth N. CogUser. Council Bluffs 1 Nicholas Kramer, Lincoln 32 Xalsy Dawson. Lincoln. Si C Walstronu Omaha. 23 illtn S. Skareen. Omaha BUILDINQ PERMITS. K The following DUUtuns permits navo i K.n Issued: William Weston, southwest corner . ,.v. A nnn.l. m t nnninf I liraiur.iuw 44u 7 rnW. "Trami dwellin. IL200; O. anuWmanl tinilMA. KlULLIBJU: I. 1 X'BLBI BCIl. I - ' -v. . . "iii twv.. I Honur, i uuo, ." " i' Uessle. M. TnsACaer, u ortn r oriy-ursi, i frirn, dwelllLs;. S2.4001 LUlU N. Jenome. 1 W Lincoln avenue, frame dwelling. 12,600; A. a. inaioner, mm .tbuiuw. iruim, dwelling. tz.Hio; BtuaeDaaer uorporauon of America. 26G2-4S Furnaro. brick ware- noun ana aaraze. kmiww: Mrs. ai. . i Kvenlecl. 3610 Pine, dwelling, ,um. I " CARD OF THANKS. W wish to thank our relatives, friends &nt neighbors, also th Masonic and DanUh. orders, for .their kindness, tfnTOM UlM:iM Prmanent. Address V 130. Mrs. O. Olson ana ramny WE wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness shown us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father and for the many beautiful iiorai oiienngs. Mrs. J. Z4ch ana lamuj liKLP WANTED FKMAIiK" Ptoetory and Trade. FITTERS WANTED Women fitters and alteration hands wanUd at ones. Apply, cloak and suit ept, 2d ti00'.-.,.-- uiuun onua 1S37. T rn hlrdrC.lnr at reasonable nrlco. j L. Urandels Sons Hair Goods Purlora WAKTED-Experlenced cashiers, cash girls and transfer girls. Aply at ones to T p. Redmond. Buprintendent. urandels Btore. Honswkeepers and Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girt Wanted Ad FREE unUI you get the dsslred results. This applies to residents or unuuis, oouta umana anu council Tl 1.. ... Tl .1 H nh. 1, . . tVunhoA. Tti;; oZ WANTED A competent trlrl in famllv of two. Apply Mrs. W. J Burgess, Jail jiaruey st. GIRL for general housework: 1 In ram. lly Apply Mrs. J. 1L Levy. 1018 gllst 3t. WANTED A cook and a man or woman to oo senerai worn at tne ue - tentlon hospital. Tel. Dr Connell or Mrs. niiuuac, iiuiir ioia. WANTED A Kirl to aulst with house. work, a good home. 1626 N. 1Mb. St Phona Web. lxs. . ' . j 1 . , . ' WANTED A girl for general house - Work no COOklng. Tel. Hamey 2611 407 N, 20th Bt. A COMPETENT white girl for general housework, m CM. 11. WtU Divorce Suit The Tango Hits Rummy's Court HELP WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers nntl Domestic. WANTED a cook and laundress. Refer enccs required. Mm. John W. Iteddlok, jo Emmet Webster 2197. work Bmal famiiy, highest wages, ate b. zgth st WANTED Olrl for general housework. references required. Mrs. M. B. New. man, Bulls 1. The Normandle, Park Ave. " WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. George Van Brunt, 224 8. 8th St., Council muffs. WANTED- Experienced girl for Een ral housework In family of three. Phone ."'"'". .AlJS!JmflSaS!mot,tl """.' """" "' WANTBD-A young girl 10 assist Willi housework. 110 H, 2UU HI. . WOHKINO girl Wishing good home Ii n II I It. n k lla.n.V MTtfl WANTED A girl or middle aged m. . l. with hnn.Atur.rW HaII At oii? Hurt Bl. OIIlLi for general housework. Bmall family. 306 Bo. Kith Ave. WANTED An experienced cook. Three imuy; reference required, un u. rath re). Harney 80W. WANTKD-A irnnd rlrl for Kenera.1 housework. References required. Bmall family. Mrs. 11. A. Simon, 2316 Bo. 32d Bt. Harney 4101. WANTED Qlrl for general housowork. Bmall family. 117 Ho. 33d Bt WANTED Good girl for general house- work. One who can cook. Douglas tZM. WANTED atrl for general housework. Three in family. 3610 Lincoln uivu, Phone Harney 4g(& KOoA Wngea. 371S Karnam. Phone llar- ney I6i, .WANTED Qlrl for general housework. WANTED A Klrl to assist with s-eneral nousework. Mrs, will Bcnall. llarney uxi, , CAI'AHLE girl for general housework. be a good cook; s in family, good ItafoVAa Mm IT W W. .h 111 a IV.tt il wages. Mrs. It B. Welsh, 414 B. 38th at. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, no washing; small family, good wages. Tel. Harniy 6772. 101 B. 3d Bt, WANTED A competent second arlrr. references required; two In family. Apply 332 So. 37th 8t. WANTED A girl for general house work; highest wages; small family. Tel. Harney BM WANTED A competent alrl for irenural housework; 3 In family: good wages. Tel. Harney 66&1 Mlsoellaueons. TOUNO women oomlna to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women's Christian association building at tit. Mary's avenue and 17th Bt, where puces or otherwise assisted. Look for tney win d directed to suitaDie Doaraing our travelers guiaa at me union nation. WOMEN Qet government lobs, excel lent pay; "pull" unnecessary. List of positions ooiainaoie, tree, write imme diately. Kranklln Institute, Dep't 631 C, liocnester. w. y. WAr . r . . . n . . I - "Ev- erywpman." Apply stage door Urandels theater Sunday at 12 o clook noon. DEU WANTED MALE Aareats, Haleauaen nsd Bulloltra Live Agents Season now on. Wnu jueger Mfg. Co., 007 Urandels Theater Uldg. article; bound to sell. Write today for at tractive proposition. C. F. Moss Mall uruer oupnes, r. ii. oi. xajuis pi., uio I""""' v-" auvwiiibiixu oAuiDUAn vaiiwl UIIO WI1U IS VLIUU111UU4 U1U UUllvuieililUUV. . .u nnr imw linn nf calendar.. fBni " ' . ' " . "llWL .n. Prev ?"". . J!?"!fi! in ini BUIUO UUsMllVslsl liafJVBBtarjr. Tnt a man at once In Nebraska. Our ttppeu to all responsible classes of i,.in: tirwn. kn au.tl.. .n old-establUhed house and know from ex. perlence that any intelligent hustling salesman can make money with our line, it will n,v vou to write us todav. Hales mbt.. Kniamuoo Aaveriisini: uo.. lvaia maxoo. Mien. Office and Clerical. WANTED Dry goods and shoe clerk. country town; wages, J60.00; give uge, r-ferenc- .n(t experience, married or sin- Factory and Trades. SPRING rush Is commencing la Iht automobile business; learn now oy prac tiui XDerience in completely eauiD?a shops; no eio iw uearneu montniy ny gooa men. write .national Auiuuiuuue Ing Ass'n. ziit Norm zvtn Bt, uraaa. Neb. i WANT MEN In the city and out to learn barber trade. The new barber law Increases the demand for clean barbers. rw hauIaI ml n n Cmn nllitllfv if. .11 . II wU r.w ;.k u,,m. .rnl while learning. ConlDlrte outfit nf I tools given. Holders of my diplomas i recognlteu everywnere. jiy auvantagea I cannot be duplicated, Call or write at ?nc, MANAUKll, iioier naroer College. " un u Orug store snaps, lobs. Knelit Bee Bldg I PAINTER and paper hanger. Telephone John 1 carlsen, Harney ou, WANTED A pharmacist with store ex perlence: small town, eastern Wyoming: must have best of references as to hon esty and habits from latest employer, J, w. Mcuevitt uuernsey, wyo. WANTED cabinet matters; also ex- narlenced furniture finishers. Omaha Fur. i niture t o, I FLORIST wanted at Henderson the Florist. 1519 Farnam Bt sllscallnaeoas. VAn.f hands, lsborairfl furntahtMl fr.. nf I tn mninvfr Kvim' Kmninvm.m Office. 14U7 Dodge. Tel. Doug, - I WANTED 25 men for Henry" V 8a- inee's Droauction oi raverywoman. An. I ply stagt door Brandels theater Sunday i at II a ciock iiuuii WANTED FOR tl. 3. ARMY Able- I bodied unmarried men between axs of IU and IS: citizens of United States, of 1 good character and temperate nacita. wno 1 ZTZr .tr r.art nrt writ. th. irnrii.h I l.nnirM Fnr Infnr-mmlton .nnlv tn 11 eruitinc Officer. Army Building. 15th and PPflgs bis.. umana, weo.; y rourtn nt, 8l9ux city, is-; i3i no. una ut, Lincoln. THE BEE: HUIiP WANTED MALE MlaOf-llatieoaa. WANT15D More railway mall clerks. poMomco oierK kp'o.rtmn rtrMW ! -tnd. for quality, quantity &. econ . MatVng Position desired.' K m Jtth.nul?jfblock. 21 floor. account pHi-cel write at once American Institute, Dept. 19. Knnsas City. Mo. HELP WANTED ham: ami riSMAi.n MEN, women, get government ) bs, excellent salaries; write Immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. ni-C. Rochester. N. T WANTED flood Vsg time piano pluycrs for prlro rag Umn piano playing contest at Krug theater Thursday night. Apply at box office. WE want reliable men and women everywhere to handle our icclaltlr Write today. W, II. Thomure & Sons. 2610 N. Sarah St., fit. Louis, Mo. WANTED SITUATIONS WIDOWER desiring the services of competent housekeeper. Please write to K 24fi, Bee office. Prefers western states. References furnished If required. WANTED Situation as bookkeeper. Looso loaf system. Reference. Married, Good habits. Address 11. 370, Care llee. WANTED a position as housekeeper by middle aged woman with young boy. Apply City Mission, Tel. D. 6906. WOMAN of 40 with child of 3 yeats wants housekeeping In west; must give references and permanent place; no ob jection to ranch. Write or call 2679 Cum ing Bt., Omaha, Neb. Mrs. D, U. Cle ment. EXPERIENCED drug clerk, not regis tered, married; reference. Address i 131, llee A No. 1 salesman desires position as manager or solicitor; advertising and real estato experience; good habits; univer sity graduate; age 28. Address Bee, South Omaha, Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE TIB THAT ENDURES Is a lucky wedding ring from Fred llrodegaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas fits. At the Blgn of the Crown up the Oolden Btalrs MONEY WE Hl'Y NOTKri 310 llee UldR. Tel. Douglas 2U01. Union Loan Co. NOW OPEN, KAPLAN'S KOSHER CAFE Northwest Corner 16th and tUruey Finest Kosher meals In the city Sam Newman Has moved to h.s new location. 42o H, 16th. Paper hanging and Interior deco rating his specialties. Call and look over his stock. Estimates furnished free, his prices reasonable. Best of materials. Tel. Doug. 43. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONEtf-U.'t remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies; 60c postpaid; samples fro). Bherman & McConnell Drug Co. Omaha. D. H. Uritntn. wnc mtr.. 12 frenscr B... CAMERAti bought and vxenangod. Films developed free. Jordan. Douglas 7254. 1823 Leavnworth. Wedding announcements. Doug. i'w. ' Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th Bt BUTTERMILK. 6c per gallon. Douglas County Creamery. Phone Douglas 3416. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch., 16th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND'S Bis new garage at 26th and Farnam. FORlli DOORS. SEAT COVERS. hurt AUTO PAINTING. Fore doors. slip covers! new tops and bodies built to ordor. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Worts. th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. 6HSi. Automobile WXS? year.J wlVh J. J. Deright Co., $10 N. 16th. ilnn r.wanl fnr inv msjcnetci we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer. 210 N. IMh. FDR SAI.K One flve-nasenger 40 H. P. car, new 1913 model. Must sell this week for cash. What will you give K SS7, Omaha Bee. nNK 4.nmiiiiii.r car: never used ex cept as demonstrator, electrlo headlights and tall light. 1912 model. Lists ut U.260. IS00 takes the car. Won't lust long ut tills price, J Mfi, umana uce. ONE ROADSTER. 40 H. P. car, new 1912 model. Need the money, now mucn will you giver F 316. Omaha Bee. K .... . 1 T: J Y UKPA1HINU, SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-horsepower run about; never been used. Address A 42f, care Bee. WANTED To buy forsah. aood sec ond-hand touring car. Address E SIS. care Be. for SALE Second-hand 1.600-pound linlcW truck, nnulnned with Iirst-Class top and in good running order. This truck we have had to replace for a larger truck and have no use lor u. in sen for toOo.00. Truck can be seen at our factory and aemonstraieu uy our cnaui f.iir inv morning, or by appointment John G. Woodward & Co., 111-213 Broad. way. Council Blurts, la. 4 BUSINESS CHANCES TO aet In or uut of business, call on UANGEBTAU. 404 iiee mog. lei, u. Mil, REUABLE firm desires service of bright young man who can Invest some money ana taxe cnurac ot one uepari ment. Address D 244. Omaha Bee. A good, clean stock of dry goods at Atlantic, la. Good location. City of S.UM Inhabitants. Will sell at a bargain for cai-h. Will Invoice I10.0CX). Address C. A. M elcher. Bouth Omaha. Neb. ""PARTY with 110.000 can secure third Interest In prosperous and growing whole sale and retail business now doing over UM.OOO per annum. To hustler can offer good salary and active position If desirid. Exceptional opportunity. Address F-372, care Bee. LAUNDRY for sale on easy terms In live county seat town, gas ana sewerage. Address V P, OMAIIA, FRIDAY, MAY 2, A. B. C. of Omaha ANION'S 1COSHMR flAPR AKCiion FENCB CO. iron ana wire fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St. Tel. Iled 814. BELL Drug Co., sells everything you wnnt from a drug store. Bend or phone us your orders, quick delivery. Hione Douglas 2C23. CALL Mme. Bennett for retrlmmlng and reblocklng ladles' hats. It's our specialty. 214 H. 17th. Douglas 2607, Empress ANY SEAT 10c ANY TIME GROSS Lumber Wrecking Co. All kinds laundry, dairy second-hand ma chlnery. pipes, shafting and bel ti ng. HILLSIDE Sanitarium, 31st and OhtoT Tel. Web. 5520. Lylng-ln hospital, rest room for convalescents and de bllitated. Regular physician In attendance. HOTEL REX, 16th & CaTirornUrl7 UO. .Modern tu every resut, most sunltary Place In town. Rooms bv week given, reasonable rates. Give us a trial, T7- ERR Abstract Co.. 306 B. 17th Bt. f Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. Lumpman Sign Co., 2d floor, 1302 Doug. Tel. D. 3616. Signs of every descrip tion. Work and prices right A trial will convince. M O.NHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupee, switches from combings, 11. Alon lii lt'H Beauty Parlors. 40s S. 16. D2&3 NLUHA8KA AUTOMOBILE SCHUUL, LEA UN AUTOMOBILE KiUl NEERLVa. Write for new caU oue. Hlfi-li Dodge St.. Onmtin. Ncl.. NEIlltASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlckel's," 15th and Ilurney. Dougluu lGd.'. Wo rent, repair, sell needles, purts of nil sewing machines. 0- .MA II A STOVE REPAIR WORKS. J0U-8 Douglas. Tvler 20. Sen us fnr lot Water and Steam Hi-ill. Kilt. nuces, Copper Coll Gas Water Healers and Uiundry Tank Heaters. S1LK0 CHICK FOOD Mude from pure grams. If your dealer does not handle, call Wagner, Ul N. ICth. Douglas 1142. BUSINESS CHANCES CHEAP for cash, only short order house In wet town; best locution; fine candy, gum, pop and tobacco trade; Ine eienni In season; other business und. pooi health, Address Y 12U, Hep. FOR HALE Hal iiess stock, complete; ,ood town; ll.2S0.U0. Address II. E. Mu eon. Trustee, Meadow Grove, Neb. AN ESTABLISHED corporation, manu facturing an office appliance, interna tionally distributed and which has been successfully murketed for 21 yours at selling prices ranging from 1275 to SG50, desires to enter Into contract tor Its ex clusive agency In Omaha; product ap peals and Is sold' only to luigeat and best business houses. A man who has either actually sold office appliances, card ss terns, IlUnu devices, buslnies systems, or one who possesses a knowledge of mod ern ofllce and lactory systems preferred, must be nble to maintain a small oltlcu nit pay his own selling expense. A spiendld opportunity for a clean-cm man of brums, energy and determination, We pay a big commission on sales, out re fuse to advance u penny on what a man hus done or what he says he will do ritate uge, experience and references. Ad dress Y la Hoe. ' WANTED Ideas. Write for prizes and list of Invonuons wanted uy muuuiuc lurrM Four books free. Rundolph & Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. BUSINESS l'EHSONALS. Artists. ATjrn QniinflT, Summer out-of-doora Albert Rothery. 607-8 Karbach Blk. Attorneys. Dan. Horrlgan, 611 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3S2S. Builders and Cuntractura. GEO. L. ALLMART & CO., 234 State Bank Blag. Doug. 6130, rnwrn A rmll AND BUILDER Esu- mnfa fllrlllft hed; repair work promptly attended to. otto 'inomson. CONTRACTOR and BUILDER C. M. JESPER8EN. 1609 N. 33d. Tel. Webster 21 ft. Paper hanging, painting; good work. riuot irirK. rreu esiim. &i. uiittci. ... WALLACE W. HENDERSON. W. 6033. ET? I T ITT .T. Contractor. Douglas i. . Jli. UUUU General building .MUtrHO- tor and repair work promptly '.tnuea iq. ""A". C. LESSARD, carpenter, glazing, re pair work a specialty. iyir CARPENTERS cJttnr,penter.Urnl8he Call at Labor Temple. Douglas 1859. CARPENTERS M.TtnS with J. F. Wilson & Co., Webster Vt.i, Cement Workers. ALL kinds cement work and parking. Chas. Fricka A Co.. Tel. D. 76i Chiropodists. DR. M. MONHEirTEstabllshed 1830. Carrie J. Bufurd. 632 Pax. Blk. Red 45S7, Chiropractors, J. C. Lawrence. D. C. ZXS Howard. D.6461 Creameries, Dairies and supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Decorators anu Painters. nr'KHJl. itniTSKCLEANlNG CO, Painting, paper hanging, paper cleaning and all general worn in ana ouisiue. Telephone Webster 8140. uzs mortn mn, Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evl lence secured In all cases. Tyler 113s. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agcy. bonded. Suite 43S- ruxion ik. u. um, NATIONAL Detective Service (Inc.), 40a Omaha js'ationni nana mug, iwugiaa ti. L. W. LONQNECKER. 617 Karbach Bik. Dresamnklnc. TERRY dressmaking college, 30th und Farnam. Drugs. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid or 119 orders; catalogue free, nnerman VcCwmel! Drug Co., Omaha. NcU. 1013. Copyright 1313. National News Ass'n. IIUSINKBS PERSONALS Everything Electrical. Electrical Utilities Exchange. 362 Bee Btdg. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, Igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs, Le Bron, 313 8. 12th St. Doug. 3175. Everything for Women. GENERAL HOUBECLEANINQ CO. Painting, paper hanging, cleaning, glax Ing. furniture repalrln g. lia N. 17. W. 6140. CURTAINS cleaned and stretched care fully; strahiht and square; home work. Phone Harney 2151. Klcc viiuimm c.'eaiier. tl.60 day W. wl. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas block. Douglas 19J8. Ladies' Turkish BATHS. Doug. 6K)j. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnam. Doug. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt L. HENDERSON, 1R19 Farnam. D. 1263. BRANDE1B cut flower dept. new store. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. For alen. For men's artistic toupees, wig mak ing see Monhelt's. Est 1SSK). 40J S. 16th. laiuruscr. TORNADO INSURANCE-Call Tyler 2024 O'nell's, 16c5 Barnaul street. lluturo oleM, USED motorcycles, bargains. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcyclo Man," 270: Leav. Uuvlnu, Storage wuil Clenuinis. McLaud & Son, Van tc S., 3-hcrse van, 2 men, tl.50 hr 2 hi s.. 31 per hr. D 4J9 W.643L Nurseriea unu Seed. STEWART'S BEEDMAN. 113 N. 16th. FRUIT TREESI SHADE TREES1 Shrubs and small fruits; no agents. We save you thu cummisslui.. Write or phone us for catalogue. Tel. Benson 634-J. Ben-Bon-Omulm Nursery. renson. Neb. P. J. FLYNN, PROPRIETOR. The Gate City Nursery has a fine line of . nursery stock at their cttles Kiou:dN hit-u u before you buy. J. H. MARNETTE. Manager. ISth and Harney and 63d and BurJette. Ai. R BtfllTT NURSERY CO. Ornamental Shrubbery, Rose, Fruit and Shade Trees. We have everything that can be planted n this latitude. Call at ISth and Douglas or phone D 4493. Special prices this week. UateopatUs. Alice Johnson. SOS-9 Hrandels The. Bldg. Patent. D. O. Barnell. Paxion all . Tel. Red 7117. It I HAM A. ST U HI! Ed. patent lawyer. (46 BiandeN Tneater Bldg. Doug. 3469. Plumbers. STANDARD PLUMBING CO.. Doug. 399S. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing fn Tel. Doug, tti .ew W. Raber, Printer, SS Wo?i BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. qual- tty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13th. Public Stenographers. CORA E. COWEN, bll Bee Bldg., D. 3357 Steel Ceilings. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 So. 10th. Store and Office Fixtures. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy, 2510 N.. South Omaha. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. P. 2711. Tallurmu, the tailor for good 101 Neville Blk. D-631S. HUG clothes. Tornado Pictures. ntm national calamity of fire, flood and tornado; 360 pages; 60 photographs; thrilling stories and sketches. Cloth bind ing, tl; leather, 11.75; mailed or delivered May 1. E.M.BInger. 632a N. 28th A.. Omaha Tiuuka anu Suitcases. FRELINQ & STE1NLE. 1803 Farnam St Trusses nnd Appliances. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. ELASTIC STOCK INGS. THE W. O. CLEVELAND COMPANY, Surgical anu nospuai oupiuicb, 1410-12 Harney Street Vvnrrts in fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. aiviiiiiiu un . .... . Vacuum Cleaner. SWEEPER VAC Vacuum cleaner, economical, durable. efficient: price, uo.oo. M. Montgomery. State Agent l rarnam. uom-, -a Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars. sandwiches. Alex Jetes. a. um bi. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65c a large oou tie. Klein i.iquor iiuuc, m ... mn j. EDUCATIONAL MOSPIER--LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions, wnru fnr hoard. For free catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College. 1S15 Far nam St., umana. jeu. UOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. n.nni.i. murs.es In Ituslness. Book keeping. Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready, can. write ur pnuuo iur it Bovles College. ISth and Harney tits. Omaha. Neb Bssclug. Special prices In Aprtt; ?arn to dance wfaere an tne ctucp i. . uj LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Iloraes nnd Vehicles. rAiii.nAD of good, sound young draft horses. Weight 1.300 to 1.900 pounds each. 9, f Vtmvr, ?i6 norm -ast Drawn for LIVE fiTOCn FOU SALE Horse anil Vehicles. AN opportunity to select from our en tire stock of horses, which consists of many well matched teams, single wagon and driving horses. We are compelled to SJ5E" ,f. hiSo X?TSJi?I I commanding auto truck service. A ten. day trial will be given free of labor cnarges ana win arrange to snip to any part of this state or Iowa free of charge. Responsible parties can buy this stock by paying a portion down and the balance to suit purchaser. We advise to call and Inspect our stock before purchasing ele v, here. Ask for Manager McCaulv Trans fcr Co.. 222S Howard St. Douglas 3760. Harness of all kinds, the largest ctock In the city at attractive prices. Johnson Danforth Co., S. V. Cor. 10th and Jones. HORSES clipped 32; dogs 11 and up. 2013 Cuming St. Douglas 8463. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFT STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they lelt It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 48. TTTlTTIsjn -Arthur E. Dunn, commercial 1! UUIX-L ,holographer. 1727 Howard, Flatlron Blrig. D. 3366 LOST Pocket book containing money and Jewelry between 621 N. 33d and 619 N. 33d. Liberal reward. Call Harney 6758, or return, to 624 North 33d. LOST Suitcase between 115 S. Central Blvd. and ill S. 25th Ave return to Oineha Transfer Co. for reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula ud other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boo on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg Omaha MONEY TO LOAN MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLli and others upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. t. Tolman, 603 New Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Apartment nnd Flats. STRICTLY' high-class 6-room apart ment on West Farnam street, with steam heat and Janitor service. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST THE HAROLD. 27th and Jackson, one 4-room apartment, steam heated, strictly modern; yearly lease; references re quired. Call H. 3757, 'or see Janitor. Beautiful Apart ments of Five Rooms New, attractive, large rooms, very con veniently arranged, finely decorated, oak finish. Brick mantel, gas log, mirror door. Living rooms has panelled ceilings; dining room panelled walls; large porches. These apartments have every modern convenience, including steam heat and Janitor service. The location Is fine, overlooking the Poppleton grounds and In a neighborhood where there Is plenty of fine shude trees and green grass. The number Is 2301-3 Sherman Ave., ten min utes' ride downtown, twenty minutes' walk. Three apartments rent for 145, the year round; one ground floor apartment for 336. Garage In rear at reasonable rates, Appointments to Inspect these apartments may be made any time during the day. SCOTT & HILL, Phone Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. MODERN, elegant, 3-room apartment, close in. Call Douglas 1972. Gordon Van Co. S? XU N. Uth St. or 210 a. 17th St Tel D. SN. THE Landon. 611 S. 24th St. Desirable fur. room and board, also day board. FOR RENT Six-room apartment com pletely modern; Fargo building. South Omaha, above 616, North 24th: Hall. i3i Ram Be Bldg D. 7400: T?T"PVTT TTv7"Htorufe anu Var shipped. 16th & Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516.' THOROUGHLY modern 3 and 5-room apartments; beautiful private surround Ings; reasonable rent. Phone Web. 4328, ELEGANT new 6-room lower St. Loul& nat; lawn; colonial porcn. 3315 cumlng. rci. it. zios. beard and Booms. MERRIAM 3 or 4-r.. private bath: also smau suite; i or z single. Furnished Rooms. 131 No. 31st Ave.; desirable fur. room. FOR RENT Rooms. 2045 Dodge Bt Furnished Housekeeping; Rooms. 2018 DAVENPORT Two or three house keeping rooms. , Unfurnished Houaeltecplnc Rooms, THREE or one room, 1130 N. 17th. Furnished Houses. BEAUTIFUL St Louis flat furnished West Farnam district; artistically doco rated. Phone llarney 6K. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room. mod ern home,' on car Une, in Dundee. Will rent to October 1 to responsible parties Address c 767, care wee. Hotels Usui pnrllurnta. CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heated rooms, J: per week and up; tree oath. THE OVERLAND HOTEL COR. 13TH AND HOWARD Will open for business May L Every room Is newly furnished and completely modern. Speclaf rates by the week. Your patronage is respecttuiiy soucueu. J. J. SULLIVAN. Proprietor. DO DUE HOTEL Modern reasunabls Houses and Cuiiuge. M'LAUP t- Eon move trunks, tie. Me Douglas 4338. COTTAGE Modern. 2114 N 20th $18. CENTRAL, unequalled, modern 7-room house. Halls, bath, basement. Mi r 3d. The Bee by Tad OFFERED FtU KENT Houses nnil Cottntres. Jr Tl 1 Exp. Co.. furniture i KPPfl Pianos mfcved. stored VtlVUVU TVh 274S Bed !fS. njnotiK van a gfottAhi' r. Stor sgW KPerAm'on1h.SrWeAc,obntr! packing, storing and hauling. D. 4 ana D. 3785. Offices 117 S. 14th Ml. 520 N. .th. Moving, packing and storage of hoiv" hold goods and pianos Is our buslnes."; Omaha Van and Storage '',.. flieprooA ttnrasc. 06 S. 16th. by the viaduct. ranch office. 30 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 4163; FERRIN VAN & STORAGE CO. H. H. Goods & pianos. Tyler 1200. W. 2747. t ROOMS, modern. 112 N 2fith D 3717. MAGUARD VAN AND STORAGE CO, packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and planor. Douglas II SC. Omaha Express Co 416 M. mil. DOUglaS 3354. Moving vans, wagons, tire proof storage. furniture packing and piano moving. FOR RENT 6-room cottage at 2051. North 18th St. modern except heat; largo lot paved Btreet Inquire at above loca tion for a few dayp, or teiepnone . iw", from 8 to 9 a. m., or 6 to 7 p. m. 9-ROOM house, strictly modern, 28tt and Poppleton, $60 per month. Nebraskf Realty and Investment uo., zi uranaeu Bl.BOANT 9 and 11-room houses: all modern; walking distance. 424 N. 23d St and 2303 Cass St. LIVE at the Y. M. C. A. park on Cartel lake this summer and reduce the cost high living; a postal irom you aa dressed to the Y. M. C. A. will bring ful; Information. Tel. Tyler 1600. NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hoi water heat. 2632 Harnoy. 160. Inquire c O Brien, llarney ikh. unugins m SA L money m snipping iiout. goods, auto, etc. Missouri River hi eu.it Forwarding co. xei. uoug. Jin. ""t Houses In all parts of the city. Crelgh, Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. COLE Express and Storage, Plana and furniture moving. D. U70. FOR RENT-627 S. 23d St. 7 rooms,. all and bath, all modern. "50; vacant. May 1. J R. Brandt. 1C05 Farnam SI.. Tel. Douglas 133. FOR RENT Two-story frame building, n Cass at. near 2Gth: all modern. Crelghton University. Douglas 2320. CHOICE six-room modern house, best alue In Omaha for 330; corner 24th and Locust. Shepard, owner. Webster 2612. FOR RENT Six-room house, one block east from Hanscom Park car, 2815 WooL worth Ave. Inquire Harney 18S5. WEST Farnam district, new, 8 rooms, S baths. J56. 323 N. S8th Ave. 3021 CASS 9-roora modern house, nlci lawn and shade. Phone Harney 2576. 2923 S. 24th St., city water, J14. 3114 Maple St., 4-r., city water, 18.60. 3615 N. 29th St.. 8-r., well, $12.50. 4533 Franklin St.. 4-r.. well. $8.50. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 508 Beo Bldg. Stores nnd Offices. TWO modern stores, near pos toff Ice; low rent. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT. FARNAM STREET Three-story and basement building, 1011 Farnam street; will rent first floor a.ici banement separately. Inquire, lloom ulU First National Bank Bldg. Teleilhou Douglas 1242. ELITE picture show room at 616 N. 21th. St.. South Omaha. New front and newly decorated, unexcelled location, room for 260 chairs. No operating machines. Excel lent opportunity for experienced show man. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. D. 7406. MOST deslrams warehouse space In. Omaha. Would also consider renting: part of sample room floor, especially good for automobiles- Racine Sattley Co., 10th St. viaduct 1807 FARNAM & rooms, completely - modem, suitable location for offices. studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc.. for tenants wishing homes adlolnlng. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. D. 7406. OFFERED FOR SALE llustcal Instruments. ELECTRIC piano. $126. Ill N. 15th. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months. Xi. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. TlXPTtTT. ... OIL,-.. tuiuwHI., 1 innnlli. tl . fc . . . 1 . Ml, W U.Ull III U . . .. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2919. Miscellaneous. CARPENTER'S tools for sale, 1120 N. 17th. 8x3 air compressor. 612 S. ltth. HALL'S safes, new and Id-hand. Corey & McKenzIe Ptg. Co.. 1407 Harney. D-20H. SAFES Overstocked Id-band safes, all makes. J. J. Deright Co., 1818 Farnam St SAFES I-hand. American Supply Co. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Be. Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and. bowling alleys ana accessories; dot iix lures of all kinds; easy payments. Th Brunswlck-Balke Gollender Co., 4O7-40-South 10th St. Kindling 14, 11. Gross, lumber & wrockint, ROLL-TOP desk for sale. Call 500 Bee, Bldg. ik keiv screens, windows and doom. bathtub and sink, 160 ft. rubber hose, wltl attachment!:; l tann. wi n. atn avr. w. & INDIAN motorcycle, twin cylinder, u yriul .nnriltlnn. chean for cash: could sh Ir on trial. Francke Payne. Bosedaie. Kau. POULTR AND SUPPLIES BUFF Orpington hen. Webster 1936. eggs, and broody EGGS For Hatching From thoroughbred R. C. Rhode Islanc Reds; vigorous hardy stock: great layers, country range; H for 15: $3 per 100. A. II Bsksr, Benson Neb. R. F, D. No. Z. Tel. Benson 747-W 8. C. White Leghorn eggs. $1 per iU Tel. Florence 218 THOROUGHBRED Barred rock lum and eggs fcr sale. Webster 3701. RAISE Peerless strain White Leghorns and I will pay fancy prices tor your sur plus birds. Regular $3 quality eggs only 75 cents per dozen, delivered. Forty-pa.o catalogue and mating list free. Leon Huntington. Douglas 1118. 203 EGG Incubator for oole Mth Ave. Web. 153 At 2716