Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Announce This Extraordinary Event
From Our Great Purchase
for Thursday
Winter C oaks
Splendid . Quality of Plushes, . Caracals,
Broadcloths,' Mixtures, Etc.
At the Greatest Bargains Any Store
Has Ever Offered on Coats of This
Quality so Early in the Season."
The coats in these groups would sell
at $7.00 to $10.00 more than the prices
we ask if you bought them in any, other
store. Thursday you can buy these coats
at a lower price than you can get them
any other day this season. ; '
AH lined plush' coats, Johnny coats,
caracul coats, black ' broadcloth coats,
rough coats, novelty cloth' coats, etc.
this season's most popular novelties.
AH the Women's & Misses'
Winter Coats
made to sell up to $20, at. . .
AH lined black cloth coats, all lined
tdush coats, Johnny coats and full
length' coats. , 1
. All the Women's
- and Misses'
Winter Coats
from this purchase
worth up to $22.60
each . . $12.50
All the Women's '
and Misses'
Winter Coats
from this, purchase
worth up" to $25.00 '
81 9
All the Women's & Misses'
Winter Coats sE!
made to sell to $27.50 & $30
High class plush and caracul coats
black and white rough coats extreme
novelties for winter. '
An Extraordinary Special Bargain for Thursday
Women's $3.50, $4.50 t $5 Shoes, $1S
This is a Clean Up Sale of all our Broken Lines of Women's
smart, Fall Footwear in patent, dull and tan calfskin leath
ersevery popular fall model is shown in button and lace
styles with Goodyear welt or hand turned soles, new narrow
or broad high toe lasts, Cuban or military heels all sizes in
one style or another, shoes regularly selling at M OA
$3.50, $4, $4.50 and $5 a' pair, on sale, at, pair ; . . yliOV
Women's Cozy House. Slippers Quilted satin, felt or. kid
leathers' in all colors to match your kimono J ' inn '
all sizes, at, per pair.
Knitting and Crocheting
Will Solve the Xmas Gift Problem
Miss B. Strange di
rect from the Fleisher
Yarn Mills is now
conducting , FREE1
classes in" Knitting
find Crocheting. You
can learn how to
make the latest mod
els in sweaters,- hoods,
shawls, etc.
The Fleisher Yarn
Kids are easy to make and very pop
ular with the children they cannot
break and make excellent Xmas Gifts.'
Chocolate Day Thursday
Delicious Pompeian- Bitter Sweet
Chocplates with soft, creamy fruit and
nut ceaters worth 40c, spe- O C
cial, at, pound ! ........... . . . .L OC
PPPP We will give a new style of
f: Jack-O-Lantern with
every purchase made in' the; Pompeian
Sweetland Thursday. ' ;'
An enormous assortment' of the lat
est novelties- in Skulls, : Pumpkins,
Black Cats, etc, for place markers and
decorations, at, each 5c.
Vegetable Horns shaped like tur
nips,, carrots, pumpkins, etc., ea. 10c
Advance Notice Next Monday Is Our
real aie 01 raaitice
We bought the entire over-production of two of the largest and most reliable Blanket
Mills in the country at less than actual cost to manufacture. The stock is of the very
highest character as the mills specialized in Blankets of the finer grades the prices
are a fourth lower than the lowest prices in town. You will never have a better chance to
save money by -spending it See the window displays -they tell the story. ;
A flush of Buyers
to Secure Pianos
at Oospe
Of the Tincher Piano Com
pany Stock of Council
Bluffs Buyers from
Far and Near on the
Ground to Secure
the Great Bar
gains Of fered.
Many Going at Half and
Less Than Half Price-
Best Makes to Choose
From Hallet & Davis, .,
Kimball, Steinway,
Bowen, Conway
and Ten Other
Makes. Most
If You Need a Piano Lose No
Time Coming to This Sale
The Pianos Are Going
Fast and You Know.
Choice Bargains Go
to First Comers
Act Quickly.
If the history of Dlano sellln In
Omaha should ever ba written.
this great piano sale of ours would
do entiuea to at least a chapter.
It Is the greatest sale we ever
had greatest In number of pianos
offered greatest In . quality of
pianos greatest In the saving it
Elves to buyers. It la certalnlv the
time for those to buy who wish to
save money. . Not only are the
prices wonderfully low, but the
terms will suit the most modus:
The special offerings in thla
sale make it Dosalble for avai-v
home to own a piano. And what is
nome wttnout a piano? A piano,
more than anv other si-hm
brightens the home, crivca It an fit
of refinement and culture, binds
tne ramiiy closer together, and
gives them the musical education
indispensable in this day.
$300 and $350 Pianos
$157' to 3187
These are new pianos nt h i '
est aIxa In mn.l t .. t .
... "'"u'ti.c, expensive
coses, double veneered lnirt ...
with brass flange action, copper brass
airings, une double repeating action
made to sell at $300 to $350. Goinit at
$157 to $187. t
$380 and $400 Pianos
$198 to $227
These are new pianos going at $198
to $227 that are worth $350 to Hoo.
Our wareroomg and storehouse are
Imply full to overflowlnar with th.
very choicest, most desirable pianos
ever seen.
You Can Depend Upon Us
The A. HosDe comoanv. ha u
selllna- pianos to Omaha's people for
over a third of a century.
Tou will find each piano exactly
as represented, If not better. When
we: tell you" It has bn iihi. .a
carefully used, and that It Is almost
as good as new, you can depend that
it is just go. .
When we say the piano sold for
$300 when new and is now going for
$100, that's the truth, too. Not a
word of misrepresentation or exag
geration here. , '
Two hundred dollar uprights cut
down, to $127; $10 sends one homer
$5 a month pays for It r
Highest class of cabinet grand up.
rights, comprising . various fin
P'WMWthat are sold-from
coast to coast at from I4'K ika
$475. $500, and up o$V dube
Price $229, $243..$268. $295 to 1337
Sn.,v hlgrher for the most e":
pensive cased ones.
We are making the term.
our customer, at thlS sllT "a Vu 11
money down and $2, $j, $5 t ti ll
Bargains in Used Uprights
The Tincher Piano Company stock
used ?h Ianf "'' WchaSi
used, shopworn and sample piano
that must go at once. You will fid
Hallet & Davis. Steinway. Kimball,
Checkering, ivers ft Pond. Conway
and many other make-. Sale prices
$Mnir upwardv Tra 5"
New $600 Player Piano
If you have been contemplating
-HChase of P'""er Piano, 1TOW,
MOKT now, is the time to act .
Here, for instance, Is a brand new
player piano, fine eastern make,
handsome mahogany case, sweet, pure
tone, latest improved player action,
regular price . $600; ; bow at $350
Tern., $25 down, $12 a week. Another
player piano, $700 originally, has
seen some usage, 1265 gets It Terms.
$20 down. $10 a month.
We Ship Pianos Anywhere
We send the piano of your choice
right to your nearest railroad sta
tion, no matter where you live. You
can put It in your home, and If you
don't find It as represented, as good,
fine piano, and a good bargain, you
can return It to' us, and we'll pay
freight and expense both ways. That's
fair, isn't It?
So, If you can't call, write, and do
it now. 8uch n opportunity may not
come again In your lifetime.
1513-1515 Douglas St. Jj
Bargain Surprises Will Be Disclosed On Every Hand in
Thursday's Sales Satisfying Quality Combined With Saving Prices
White China for Decorating
White China for Decorating
7-in: Coupe plate,, each, 20c
4-in. Bread and Butter '
Plates, each.'.. .10c
Salt and Peppers in several dif
ferent styles, per set. . .15
Sugar and Creamers 25c
Cup and Saucers, pr. 10c
A Tremendous Sale of Shoes Thursday
Entire Floor Stock of
the Spencer Shoe Go.
$3.00, $3.50
arid $4.00. .
Entire Floor Stock of
the Donovan Shoe Co.
$3.00, $3.50
and $4.00. .
One of the biggest, purchases of Men's and Women's Fine Shoes ever brought to
Omaha. Although the patent colt and gun. metal calf shoes predominate the stock in
cludes all kinds of leathers in
a broad assortment of good
styles and all sizes. They're
actual values to $4.00; your
choice Thursday .
Seldom,- if ever before, has
such a splendid saving and sat
isfaction giving sale of fine
shoes been held in Omaha or
the' west.
The entire purchase goes at the one price.
- 50c Embroideries 25c
A fine, line of 18-lnch and 27
inch skirt flounclngs and 18-inch
corset cover embroideries in this
very choice lot. ,
$1.50 Dress Flouncings 59c
A swell line of 45-inch heavily
embroidered dress flouncings,
suitable for party gowns, made to
sell at $1-00 and $1.50 per yard.
Loom End Strips
of handsome new embroideries
choicest patterns, in 5; and 6-yard
strips, from 4 to' 12 inches wide
at, yard. . :.V7,H '.' 12. H t
If You Vant Something Real Classy in Garment Style
and Quality at Far Below Actual Retail Worth You'll
Certainly Find the
Opportunity of Op
portunities Offered
You Here Thursday
Tailored Suits in fine cordu
roys, made to sell to $45.00-.-
all ' the best fall colors 100
for your selection
Tailored Suits in diagonals,
tweeds, velvets and fancies-
made to sell to $35.00; big as
sortment of beautiful de- Q4a jpa
signs, at .yLLmvU
Handsome Long Coats Caricules plush
and fancy mixed coatings, newest
styles, made to sell at $15.00 &1f
'and $18.00; at, choice.
' Stylish' Long- Coats, in broadcloths, cheviots and handsome
novelty coatings, made to sell at $20.00 and QIC
; $22.50; in Thursday 's sale at. . J ...... '. :'. . . ........ $ w
French Coney Coat s
Skinner satin lined, rag-
, ular $45.00 values; on
sale Thursday $39.75
Lon Russian Pony , Fur
Coats, regular $55.00
values, all handsomely
made .. . .. .39.00
Long Brown f Marmot
Fur Coa's, Skinner
satin lined, worth
$75, choice $49.00
Blue Wolf FiirSetp-
' Worth to $7.50, remark
able bargains while they
last,,at .. . ....$3.95
Wonderful Bargain Giving In iiliinery
Here is the rule but such values as we
are showing Thursday are exceptional
any place.
Trimmed Hats, worth to $7.50,
300 of them for your choosing
clean and stylish, many
blacks included, all frfl CA
at one price, choice.
Untrimmed Hats, hand draped
turbans and street hats, 500
-in the lot, values up to $2.50;
in two big
lots at ,
Wednesday's Specials
In Domestic Room
Fruit Loom Muslin, 36 Inches wide
10c. values .' THo
Famous Choice 3 Inch Muslin, c
values '.....Ho
60 Inch Bleached Table Damask. 33c
values 'So
Outing Flannel, light and dark col
ors, 10c values THo
Indlg-o Blue Apron Check Ginghams,
7c values ...Bo.
Serpentine Crepe, good patterns, 18c
values VXOO
Flannelettes for. .Kimonos and Bath
. Robes, 15c values lHo
Sllkolines, good patterns, 36 inches
wide,' 15c-values...-. 10o
Black Sateen, 12 He values. . 10c
Pattern Table. Cloth, bleached, 24
yards square, $1.55 values 85o
Percales, light and dark colors, 86
Inches wide, 12c values
Bleached Shaker Flannels, 36 inches
wide, 15c values. I0
Specials in Wash
39c Princess Foulards,-in pretty
designs and stripes, all colors
at. yard 25
25c Dotted Silk-Novelty, in even
ing and darker colors; Thursday
special at yard , . .,..... 1$$
39c Genuine Irish Poplins, best
colqrs, silk . finish" at, yd.-25(J
amoskeag Outing Flannel, . ftst
colors, , in stripes and , plaids,
heavy qualityThursday . at, a
yard ,(..10 and 124
PliSse Crepes, all colors and -white
at, yard . -. . . 12 and 18
Specials in Linen
Pure Linen Huck Towels,
worth 25c, each 15c
Pure Linen Satin Damask,
full width, worth $1.50;" on
sale at, yard .. . . . .l.QO
Full size Heavy Twisted 'Thread
Turkish Towels, worth 39c at,
each .. ..." 25
Excelsior Quilted Table Pads,
ready for use, 54x54, worth
$2.00; each $1.50
The Talk of Onaha - Hayden's Grocery, Butter, Fruit and Vegetable Dept The Home of Quality and Price
IB IDS. Besi uruuiiTO , ' .,
48 lb. sacks best High Grade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for i bread.
Dies and cake, per sack .
It i bars Beat-'Em-All. Diamond C or
Lenox Boap for -'
g lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch. .25c
I cans oil or mustard Sardines for 25a
Jello. or Jellycon, package ......7Jc
4 lba Fancy Jap Rice, or Tapioca 25c
1 lb cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
f0l T
J lb. cans Fancy Wax. String. Green
or Lln.a Beans for ....7c
5 lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, HOmlny,
or Squash for ...7 Ho
E. C or Whole Corn Flakes, pkgv7Jc
Grape-Nuts, package J 2C
Tall cans Alaska Salmon .Wo
The best Domestic Vermicelli, Spa
: ghetti or Macaroni, pkg. ...... 7 He
1 lb. cans assorted Soups , 7 He
The best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, pound'......... 14c
The best , No. 1 Country Creamery
I Butter, pound 30c
The be, N. Y, .or. Wisconsin Cream,
Cheese, pound '.23c
Neufchatet Cheese,- each , ,'v. . . . . Sc
The best Tea Siftmgs, lb. .".10c
Golden Santos Coffee, lb. ...;... 25c
n-Uit of the Keiffet -Pears for
canning-, Thurly, bo. basket, Oo
,".V'v....' OMaKA .
Fresh Spinach, per peck .......
Four bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots.
ur luillips 6c
Hubbard Squash 7fcc and 8c
Two heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce ...5c
Six bunches Fresh Radishes ......5c
Three large heads Fresh Cabbage
or ioc
15 lbs. New Potatoes to the pk. ..1 5c
12 lbs. Fancy Greening Apples to the
peca lor
Four bunches Fresh Parsler ,
Three bunches Oyster Plant ,
Three large Soup Bunches . . . ,
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb,
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, 3 lbs. ,
l.arse Head Lettuce ,
Two stalks Fresh Celery
Six bunches Green Onions
Trjr Hay d e n 's F i r st s