Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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All Together, All the Time, for Every
thing Electrical.
People's Eledrical Page
Brilliant Illumination Makes a City Safer,
Cleaner and Better.
immmmm ,-
M a z d a
Lamp in
16 candle power
lamp you are now
using. It will give
you more and better
light for less than
half the cost. Try
- ' - -'""""''-',:'!''V-Tiiriiiu'iiiiiiimiM-miii in in - Mi mmim
lamp in
old 16 can
dle power
lamp you are now using.
It will give you 3 times
as much light for the same cost.
Try one.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Company
Many Useful Gifts
' in Electrical Way
Now Offered Here
only a little while ago fltectrical gift
ware was practically limited to toylanii.
Germany started the nuking of electrical
toys and America bought them. At pres
ent, it is estimated that we spend not less
that J30,(XW,O0f) per'year for playthings.
It is only recently, however, that prac
tical and convenient electrical devices for
household use came to be Included In the
category of electrical gift-ware. Tet, to
day, they represent a class of gifts which
in addition to all other virtues possesses
that of up-to-dateness to an unequalled
degree. Their great popularity is due not
only to their compactness, neatness and
attractive design, but also to the fact
that they are of general benefit to .ill
members of a family.
The heating devices such as the lumin
ous radiators are made of handsome
polished nickel or of burnished copper,
and are very ornamental as well as use
ful. The electric flatlron is Just about
the right sire and costs just enough to
mRe it an ideal gift. This is also true
in the ease of the disk stove, the coffee
percolator, the toaster and in fact all the
devices now available for this purpose.
The radiant electric grill Is probably
tho most magical of the electric cooking
devises' carried in Santa Clans' pack.
Unlike some of the other devices, it Is
not of limited use. One can do several
kinds of cooking with it, an.d any two
kinds at the same time broiling and
toasting, or boiling and frying, or broiling
and stewing, or broiling while baking
"riddle cakes.
Keep a six, pound electric flatiron'; hot
for fifteen minutes., - '
Every user of an Ice box will be in
terested In a refrigerator that not only
embodies cold storage wisdom, but eleo
trio illumination. In the new electric
lighted Ice box an electric push button
un the outside instantly Illuminates the
interior of the box. This lias the ad
vantage of lighting up dark corners and
revealing at once the whereabouts of
the butter, meat or other food.. While It
was formerly necessary to Illuminate the
entire kitchen or pantry in order to see
Into the refrigerator, with this improved
ice box it is only necessary to press a
button and, behold, a good deal of lllusn-
lnatlon just where it tj wanted. This
frigerator is provided with an air flue
at each end of the Ice chamber, afford
ing a special system of circulation that
prevents a pocket of foul air at top of
provision chamber and gives a dry, cold
atmosphere in every part of the storage
eompartment. This system of sanitation
provides a hot water flushing device In
connection with a syphon floor trap. Elec
tric lamps Inside the Ice box connected
with the push button switch provides the
much needed illumination. Popular Elec
tricity. What a Penny Will Do.
Raise 250 gallons of water 100 feot.
Bring to a boil two quarts of water.
Run the electric broiler for six minutes.
Operate a twelve-inch flan fbr two
Operate an electric griddle for eight
Operate a sewing machine motor for
one- hour.
Operate -a seven-Inch frying pan for
twelve, minutes.
Keep a four-inch disk stove hot for
fifteen minutes.
In Bombay, India, the new dwellings
and offices are nearly all fitted with
electric light and electric fans, and some
also with electric lifts. Hardly less Im
portant than lighting is the demand in
the bungalows for electric fans. Where
electria power is available there is in
every room an electric fan attached to
the ceiling, and generally there are also
small portable lamps. There is also a
large demand for electric machinery foj
power plants. Not the least Important
parfof this demand Is for the textile
factories in Bombay, and it may be an
ticipated that in a few years most, If not
all, of the largest spinning and weaving
mills at least will be run by electric
' N
Mr. T. Thorne Walter, the electrical ex.
pert connected with the Dally Mirror,
London, who recently made some experi
ments in raising chickens under the In
fluence of electric current, now proposes
to do the same thing with babies.
"No kind of food seems to do weakly
babies any good," says Jir. Haker. "As
recently state in the Daily Mirror, I pro
pose to use an electrically charged cot In
which the Baby is put to sleep for about
twenty minutes at a time.
"The physician is at present experi
menting on little animals, such as guinea
pigs, and in a few days we shall begin
with the babies."
Mr. Baker's Intended experiment is to
place babies near high frequency currents
which would be switched on while the
child sleeps in a little bed, placed Inside
a special coil.
'The result, he said, "will be that
while the treatment is in progress the
electro-magnetic vibrations will pass
back andforjh through their bodies."
The. high cost of living necessities
greater economy In the home. Labor,
light and fuel ate the three most expen
sive thfligs in modern housekeeping and
anything that will give better light for
less money, save the coat of hired help
and lessen tho monthly Mils for fuel, Is a
friend in need.
Illuminating engines have shown that
the common oil lamp and the gas Jet are
far more costly than electric llghtST The
oil and gas lights destroy tho paint,
smoke up the wall paper and not in
frequently set fire to the house. Aside
from tho matches used, the new chimneys,'
lamps, gloves, wicks, the purchase of oil
fuel and the care of the oil lamps, the
Item of paper and paint makes these oil
lamps by far the most exenslve. Elec
tricity does not require even a match
once it is Installed. It gives' off no dan
gerous gases to run up needless doctor
bills, does not harm the furniture and
household furnishings, and saves all the
time formerly spent In cleaning and fill
ing the old oil lamps. The Illuminating
engineers have made a practical study of
their work and by the use of the right
tints for paper and paint can Install elec
tricity so it will give a perfect light for a
very little cost. Kjjtoierly more than
half the light was absorbed by dark wall
paper and the smoky" ceilings.
"How did your husband keep occupied
during his vacation?"
"Oh, he was chauffeur of an electric
Make a Welsh rarebit In an electric
chafing dish.
Keep the foot-warmer hot for a quarter
of an hour.
YOU are cor
dially invit
ed to attend a
Fall exhibition of
the newest and
most distinctive de
signs in
Electric Lamps
Hertf you will find
lanlps for every purpose
-at prices generally
lower than elsewhere
There is no gift more
appreciated than an
Electric Lamp an J our
showing of exquisite exclu
sive designs is the largest
in the -west
Miller, Stewart
& Beaton Co.
415-17 South Sixteenth St.
We have just received direct
from France a large consignment
SfcT- of Bronze Figures for Electric
t Liirht. These, figures are the
best modeled and the
host finishpd pvpr
brought to Omaha.
Work of this kind be
longs to the jewelry
class. Prices
$12.50 to $50.00
For anything! high
class in the lighting
line see us.
mi ,
Granden Co.
1511 Howard St.
Omaha Electrical Works
Electric Elevator Repairs
Westinghouse Motors
108-18 N. 11th It. Fhons Bona. 1181.
love Into a Wired House
When looking for a house with all modern im
provements,' see that it's wired for electric light,
and let us-move you. Our service is just as clean
as electric service, and we maintain a fireproof
storage electric lighted, dirt-proof and damage
proof. ' ,
We are swift and careful.
Omaha Van & Storage Co.
MAIN OFFICE 80ft S. Sixteenth St., Phone Dong. 4183.
BRANCHES 300 South Seventeenth and
1120 Xorth Nineteenth Stet.
Three times the
for the
Mazda Lamps
Stand the
1810 Fumm St Iflcr 1414
" Wire for at and w 'U wire
. for you." "
Motor, Stmioos a&d Ctenaral B (pairing,
Electrical KacMnary ud Armature
, Winding- SPaolaltj. ,
Le Bron Electrical Works
Zxptrt Electricians and Machinists
Day, Don-. 176. 813 South lath St
Electric Supplies
Electric Wiring
Bennett Electric Co.
J01 Omaha National Bank Bids.
GLEAN any rug or piece of up
holstery as thoroughly as you
can by the broom or brush method.
Go ever it again with any other
vacuum cleaner. You will get out
more dirt this second time over than
you can by the most
thorough, old fash
ioned methods.
Finally go over it a
third time with a
Duntley Pneum a tic
Cleaner, The results
will surprise you. For the first time you will get the
real dirt the old, ground-in, dangerous, germ-laden
dirt that neither sweeping nor any other method ever
We want yon personally to make this test or see It
made. We want you to see not only the results, but
how quickly and easily they are obtained to know
from experience how much more economical Duntley
methods are.
-Duntley Pneumatic Cleaner
Universal MotorAlternating or Direct Current.
415.17 South Sixteenth St.
I i JkUOTA 'A 17 M
Getting Best Result
from Your Electric
Light Illumination
One of the mom popular misconcep
tions of good lighting is that which mis
takes a largo blaze of light for guod
illumination. A room may have un
abundance of light and still be poorly
lighted and again It may have a re
latively small amount of light and hav
very good illumination. Good Mumlmt
tlon does not require so much that there
be s great amount of light as It does that
It be thrown where it Is needed.
We must remember that objects me
visible by moans of the light they reflect
to our eyes and not because of the light
that comes to us directly from the lamp.
Thero are therefore two fundamental
rules to follow when Installing a lighting
unit. First, to throw the light upon the
objects to be Illuminated; second, to pre
vent the light of the lamp falling directly
upon the eyo. Both of these results are
brought about by tho use of suitable
shades or reflectors.
If one Is reading, for example, and a
onre, ummnaea, eiectnc light Is sus
pended, somewhere between the eye and
the printed page, tho light coming from
the lamp will be so much more intense
than that which Is reflected from the page
that the latter will appear Indistinct, to
say nothing of the eye strain caused by
the direct rays of the lamp. If, however,
the light source Is shaded so that its
direct rays do not fall upon the eyes of
the reader, but are directed upon the
reading matter, the reading will be made
much easier and excessive eye strain
"There Goes That Telephone Bell!"
What happens when the tele
phone rings in your office?
Does someone shout across the
office or down the hall that
Jones or Smith or Brown is
wanted? You don't get along
with one electric light why
with one telephone?
Let us tell you about our
Private Branch Exchange or our
Extension Station service. It
places another telephone where
it is needed, and cuts out the
confusion, lost time and useless
steps, besides increasing your
general efficiency. .
You can boost your business and the general electric
business of Omaha by co-operating to make this Peoples'
Electrical Page a true representative of the electric trade
of this city. ' .
1F Those who do riot advertise remind one of the boastful
young man who soon after .his arrival in one of the large
cities of the east, met a Jew at whose race he sneered.
1F "I live in a- village m Ohio where there are no
Jews," boastingly he informed the jew."
F "Yes," said the Jew, with a taut face, "that's the rea
son it's a village."
If you have a small trade and don't advertise, that's the
reason it's small you don't advertise.
F Think it over! '
The Cost of Living
and Electric Light
One costs mm daily
the other cottt less.
In thsse days of soaring prices
it Is a relief to find one "ne
cessity" whoso cost Is decreas
ing instead of increasing.
For the past thirty years
the cost of electric lighting
has been steadily, growing less.
A few years ago, ten cants'
worth of current would Uglit
a IS candle-power lamp for
twenty hours. New. ten cents' .
worth of currant will light a 1
32 candle-power lamp for 25
A quarter of a
million Bell
calls are