Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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    i i
&eilmai: Pays for luxuries
Stock from Sterz Store.
InaliMtn Tt Ttrlvfrm W Are
. Pnand to Fmnh Sosie of Stoles
' Aatowoblle Aeeooaorie
.' ' Wkich Wore Taltesu
. -IHsh nd fast living prompted A. B
Hellman, credit man for tho Arthur Btont
.uto Supply company, t take advantage
t the trust placed In his hands and mis
appropriate $1,000 worth of the company's
accessory stock. II Is as ported of tak
ing some at tho company's monsy. but the
-exact amount Is not known.
.Th accessories war given to taxk-ab
drivers In payment foe "Joy rides" la Hon
of th necessary money. HeUroan wai
arrested Monday and has made a par
tial confession, implicating A. I Bray,
S. II. Warren and Charlea Bo ward, who
"have taxloab stands at Wirtseiita aad
Tarnam streets. Bmy and Wwra aar
been arrested.
" Hellman is aoaustd of taMnf &
a now suit of clothes from M. A. Sayl
.man, foreman of the repair shop.
Hellman. receiving- a modest salary
'.from the oompaay, has boon flying very
"high, wearing tailored clothes and run
ning around with a fast set.. Taxi rides
at frequent intervals and other luxurious
"expenditures soon used up his saving
and salary. Unwffllnf to fire up, his
mode of Hvtng, Hellman began taking
tires. Presto-lite tanks, storage batteries
and other automobile accessories and av
ttiem to taxi drivers in payment for "Joy
By accident HeJlman's thefts were dis
covered. Mr. Boylman noticed a Federal
-tire on Bray's machine last week. The
, Stro company alone handles these tires
and Boylman knew that Bray did not
buy the tdre from the company. Looking
up the serial number on the tire, It was
discovered that It had not been sold.
-Bray tdld how he had received the tire
and HeUman's arrest followed.
Ryder Tells Ad Club
Men of Citv's Needs
"'Commissioner John J. Ryder aakad the
reo-operation of the Omaha Ad club when
'he addressed the body on needed Im
provements In the plan of city govern-
went and betterment of dvle Institutions.
l He. asked the club to appoint a com
'mlttee to work with committees from the
,. Heal Estate . exchange, Central Labor
-.Union and Commercial club In Investi
gating the present method of city govern
.unt to see what could be done in the
way of establishing public playgrounds,
inaugurating a board of publlo welfare
-and storting other movements .which
'would lessen' the ''need of the county hos
pital, police station and other institutions
ffJr which the taxpayers pay."
lie dropped the remark that the Anns
Wilson property on Douglas street,
r-hlch is to be used as a city emergency
hospital, will "be a white elephant" He
'advocated the selling of the present po
lice station, "which Is stuck off In a cor.
ner of the city on the river bank," the
Younty poor farm, "which Is a greater
expense than It la a benefit," and ths
placing of the proceeds therefrom . in a
.better located police station and sub
stations and publlo playgrounds.. Ths
speaker also said the city should vote
!u00,000 bonds for needed improvements
along- these lines. .
Ben It Vardaman of Des Moines mad
a short address to the club, following
Commissioner Ryder, In which he sanc
tioned the proposed plans ot the city
-C. C. Rosewater was another speaker.
He outlined the , work of the publicity
bureau and asked the club to help raise
funds for its maintenance. , "
(Oai - - I
Announce the Arrival of Very Smart New Models in
Women's Fall and Early Winter Apparel
Juror Had Opinion of
Red Mike Wallace
' One prospective Juror for the trial of
Jpeputy Sheriff Mike . Wallace, charged
with vagrancy, was promptly exoused
by Judge , Leslie when ho declared he
didn't think Wallace a fit man for a
deputy's position. A Jordan, 6313 North
hlrty.fourth street, was the Jurer.
. City Prosecutor Fred W. Anheuser,
who Is prosecuting Wallace in the district
court trial, of the police court appeal,
wts examining the veniremen for general
fitness for service. He asked Jordan If
he. had any opinion in the case.' The
answer should have been yes or no, but
Jordan, did not know this and said:
' "Yes; I don't think he's a fit man for
the Job."
. Judge Leslie cautioned him that he
should-have stated only whether or not
lie was oplnloned and should not have
ilven.the opinion.
. "Well, that's the way I feel about It,"
aid Jordan. "I have rd about him In
the papers, and I have talked with people
enough so I don't think he belongs where
, lie is."' " '. '
Jordan wss excused from service In the
case. - ,
Moosers Name Hall .
.:' : for School Board
I Dr. W. 0. Henry, valiant bull moose,
called a few staunch "progressives" to
gether at the Murray hotel Monday night,
held a. "mass meeting." organised a city
central committee with Alex H. BIgelow
Chairman and P. A. Edwards secretary,
! declared a vacancy on the school board
in the Second ward and proceeded to
, notify Or. Stacy Hall, veterinarian, that
ho was nominated to oppose Dr. & Hol
(orotchlner, whom the republicans and
democrats have endorsed for re-election
c Deputy City Clerk torn - Dalley was
asrved with the proper papers to show
that the progressive city central com
failttee had been born and in Its wisdom
hd nominated a candidate for the Board
f.Educatlon from the Second ward.
f-.T he station known as Wababa in the
Cite of Wyoming will at the request of
the Danish people who comprise prac
tically the entire population of the place,
b known as Neble. The Danes have
,ajked this change to show their admira
tion and deep regard for Colonel 3. p.
Jv'eble, editor of the Danish Pioneer and
& prominent Danish citizen of Omaha.
V Pearfal aiaagater ; .
f deadly microbes occurs when throat
and lung diseases are treated with Dr.
1 June's Kew Discovery. 80c and K. Sold
l! 3ton Drug Co-AdverUaement
Every week 's showing is an event
of itself. Brandeis Stores keep far
in advance of ordinary stores in
their showing of apparel for women
that has the real touch of metropol
itan style. We mention here new
groups of attractive attire:
New Qarmeose Dresses
and Afternoon Frocks
In dainty afternoon and evening dresses of
this poular new fabric, our showing Is re
markably complete. We have Just received
a score or more of new style creations
tbat discriminating women will admire at
Women's Tailored Suits in
New Early Winter Models
These styles differ considerably from the
earlier season models. They are perfectly
tailored suits In tbe shades that are in
highest favor. A group
of all new suit models
at, each
Women's New Winter
No?elty Cloth Coats
This is a special lot which we show now
for the first time. They are serviceable,
practical as they can be and the
materials are the novelty cloths
tli at ore the rage everywhere . .
I'l l
m. aff I SM
' 1 1 i
Raphael-Pred Co.
Sale of Ladies' and Misses'
One lot of Sample Coats, in mix
ture cloth, caracul, plush and
pony cloth; heavy winter coats.
See the New English Walking Coats, in New Black and White'Effects at , . . . . .$15.00
New Ideas
Early Winter Hats
Far in advance of ordinary millin
ery etores, we present the new style
ideas for winter that have won the ap
proval of the foremost style creators
of Pans and Jew York.
The new Tarn Crown Hats are the
favorites of the best dressed sets in
New York, and we show a score of
stunning ideas that are new in every
feature. The accompanying illustra
tion reveals one of many novelty ideas.
A wide range of attractive models at
sio to $20
Thousands of Yards Desirable Cotton Goods
For Fall and Early Winter in Basement Wednesday
Very finely woven pretty bordered effects,
checks, stripe8,figures, floral and Persian
designs in light and dark colorings, looks
like the finest wool French Flan- f
, nel, on sale from the bolt, at, yard . IvL
at 15c Yard Choice styles
and colorings for making
comforters. 35c would be
a low price on such high
grade cloths, at, f
Hundreds of styles and everyone of them
will , make a pretty, warm- bouse dress,
kimono or waist. A big, new, 71
. special lot, at, yard I 2v
One lot Winter Coats, heavy Zebe
line, chinchillas, best grade Satin
lined caracul, etc.; Aft AS
worth to $20.00 $9a30
$20.00 to 122.60 Coats of the new
mixtures, also silk plush, satin
ed:..aU.. $12.50
125.00 Beautiful Plush Coats, In
plain or trimmed, guaranteed
satin lining
$16.50 n $14.85
Other Plush Coats of highest qual
ity, worth to 3i00, at
$2 1.50 d $19.00
Beautiful New Serge Drosses, also
Silk Messaline Drosses QC All
worth J10.00, at Q3iUU
The New Corduroy Dress, blue
and brown, worth QC
112.60. at )IiI9
Ladles' and Misses' Suits, worth
iio.$9t$IO"d $12.50
Beautiful New 611k Waists
worth to 15.00, $ 98
One lot of New Skirts, l QQ
worth to $5.00, for... 9I.90
Raphael-Pred Co.
Whotosal and BotaU.
Corner Thirteenth and Farnam
per yard
suitable for making com
forters. Thousands of
yards just received on spe
cial sale, at,, . A, n
per yard ....., 2v
large assortment of fluffy, firmly
woven outing flannels have
never been shown; also baby
. blue, pink, red, white and cream
outing flannels, at, yard
8ic, 74c, 3ic
"MUNSINGWEAR" Means Underwear Satisfaction
What you have been looking for; in underwearquality, durability, washability, per-
e e e:i a i . n i ii. ; j v x i
nicuuxi vi in juiu wurKinuiisuip, oil popular Bfes, every reqturtsu weigni ana
You will find your underwear problems all solved when you commence to
comfort and satisfaction there is in underclothing your
self the Munsing way. V
Women's Munsing Union Suits In fine cotton and fleeoy
lined, high neck, long sleeves, medium and low.
enjoy the.
neck, sleeveless and elbow sleeves, in ankle
lengths, at, per suit
Women's Munsing Union Suits In light weight
splendid weight for fall wear bleached only
& $1.00 quality,1 at, per suit :.v ... .
04 AA
cotton a
Misses', Children's and Boys Fleecy Lined CAa fiQo C 1
Cotton Union Suits Cream and gray, suit . ..wuLUtC"vl
Women's Munsing Vests and
Pants In light, medium
weight and heavy - PA
fleeced cotton, garment w"C
Misses' and Children's Vests
and Pants In fleecy lined
cotton and part wool, CA a
cream and gray, 'garmt
The Most Extraordinary Bargains in Blankets Ever Offered by Any Store. We bought
at a wonderful reduction, the entire stocks on hand of two of the largest and most re
liable Blanket Mills in the United States, comprising more than 30,000 pairs.
1,000 pairs of Strictly All Wool $4.00 Double Blankets, at, per pair . . . . . ... . . .$1.98
750 pairs of Strictly All Wool Bed Blank
ets, worth $6.00, at, pair ........ .$2.50
$8.00 Twin Bed Blankets, All .Wool, at,
each $3.50
Doctor Cozar's Sanitary Blankets, worth
$15.00, at, a pair . . V ........ . . . . . S7.50
$10 and $12 Fine All ;Wool California
Blankets, at, pair .$5.00
$3.50 Fine All Wool Crib Blanketk, at, per
. pair and e&dk .; .;$1.50 tij
Strictly Iine All Wool Blankets, worth
$20.00 a pair, special, at, each . . . .$5.00
Dreihers Secure Service! of Connec
ticut Eat. Expert.
Doea Line of Hat Cleaning; and Re.
modeling; Never Before At
tempted In Omaha,
Ireghor Brothers, acknowledged "prime
hustlers" of Omaha's cleaning and dye
ing circles, have added a decidedly novel
trade-attractimr window worker, at their
plant at 2211-2213 Farnam street.
They have secured the services of one
of the ablest hat remodelers of Banbury,
Conn., America's renowned hat center,
and have brought him to Omaha as a
permanent addition to their already gi
gantic plant.
This Danbury expert piles his trade
right In the show windows and may be
een any day "making new hats out of
old ones."
Dresners are thus enabled to. not only
clean and block men's hats of all kinds
at the prevailing prices, but will also un
dertake to clean ladles' beaver hats at
from 75c to U, or will clean and entirely
reblock such bats at tl.GO.
It Is possible In many instances to com
pletely change the style of your head
Kear, so do not under any circumstances
throw your last season's hats away; prove
wise In the economical sense and see if
they cannot be remodeled. If remodeling
is possible, this Danbury hat expert will
certainly be able to do It at a trifling
expense. " ,
Just pick up a phone ask for Tyler
3-4-6 then tell Dresners' operator to have
the "hat man" come to the phone. Put
your questions to him tell him what kind
I of a hat you have and what you would
like to have done with it, and he will tell
. you all you want to know and also what
I the work will cost.
Leave work at plant, or at Dresher the
Tailor's establishment at 1S15 Farnam
street. If you prefer; or at the branch In
the Fompeian Room of the Brandeis
stores. Dreshers pay. express one way on
all out-of-town orders amounting to $3
or more. Advertisement.
First Applica- '
tion Darkens
Gray Hair
Tou don't have to' have gray hair or
faded hair if you don't want to. Why
look old or unattractive? If your hair
la gray or faded, you' can change it
easily, quickly and effectively by using
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair
Remedy. Apply a little tonight, and in
tho morning you will be agreeably sur
prised at the results from . a single
application. The gray hairs will be leas
conspicuous, and after a few more
applications will be restored to natural
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur also quick
ly removes dandruff, haves the scalp
clean and healthy, and promotes the
growth ot hair. Xt Is a clean, whole
some dressing which may be used at any
time with perfect safety.
Get a fifty cent bottle from your drug
gist today, and see how quickly It will
restore the youthful color and beauty of
your hair and forever end the ' nasty
dandruff, . hot, itchy scalp and falling
hair. All druggists sell it under guar
antee that the. money will be refunded if
you are not satisfied after a fair . trial.
Sherman & . McConnell Drug Co., 108
So. . 16th, 324 So. 16th, 207 N. 16th,
24th and garnanv Sts Advertisement
All First Size Flowering
Bulbs Only
For beet effects plant named
Tha Nebraska Sesd Ga.
Phone Doug. 1161.
1613 Howard St-
See the
Boys' Suits.
-. Dandies.
Warm Union
$1.25 Imported Corduroys. Wednesday, 98c
We have just received a shipment of these very popular
and very scarce fabrics, including navy, black, cham
pagne, Havana brown, matlot, wistaria, tan, cream,
covert and garnet, all 24 and 27 inches wide, $1.25 val
ues, sale price, per yard 98c
$1.25 ALL WOOL STORM SERGE in every new fall
colorings. Strictly all wool, a magnificent value, at,
Per yard ; 88c
Beaver Hats . . .
Gilk Velvet Hats .
Plush Hats ....
All Beautifully Trimmed
They're qualities that you'll
find priced in most stores at
$5.00 for the untrimmed hat
alone. A broad assortment for
selection. Values you'll find
you cannot duplicate in any
store at $5.00
Specials la Wash Goods Sept.
Hen Fall Waistings
Fancy Jacquard Poplins, a full
line of colors, for wash waists,
Sftc grade, at, yard 9So
Foule Serge in plain white and
black and white stripes, 32 Inch
wide, at, yard 16o
De Lane Galacia Cloth, an excel
lent imitation of Wool Chally,
with pretty borders, at yd. 13Ho
Snowland Fleece, extra heavy
quality, all. good colors and de
signs, at, yard .lio
Linen Specials
Imported Mercerized Pattern
Cloths, worth $1.25, ea. 5
Pure Linen Hemmed Huck
Towels, worth 25c, each 15
Extra large heavy twisted
thread Turkish Towels, worth
29c each for .19
Barnsley and Glass Toweling,
pure linen, worth 15c, at, per
.yard 10
Specials in Domestic Room Wednesday
Outing Flannels, light
and dark colors, 10c
values, for TH
faope Muslin," 36 inches
wide. 10c values, 7Vo
UnbUached Muslin, 36
inches wide, 8c valu-V)
.for . .. ; 6o
Amoskeag , Ginghams,
7 Sic values for ....5o
Cretonnes for convforters,
good patterns, 10 cent
values for 7 Ho
Flannelettes, good pat
terns, 12 Vic values
,for 8Vio
Amoskeag Outing Flan
nels, 12 Vic values, 10c
Sllkolines, 36 inches wide
IS cent values for lOo
Poplins, plain and strip
ed, 2Bo values for loo
Silk striped Ginghams,
.26 cent values for ISO
Large size, extra heavy
neatly bound, wool
filled Blanket, S2.50
values for $1.95
Well made, good heavy,
large size Comforters,
$1.25 values for .. 95o
Fruit and Vegetable Dept. The Home of Quality and Price
1 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for $1
48 lb: sacks best High Grade Diamond
H Flour, nothing finer for bread,
pies and cake, per sack 11.20
10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or
Lenox Soap for 25c
8 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. 25c
8 cans oil or mustard Sardines for 25c
Jello, or Jelly con, package 7Hc
4 lbs. Fancy Jap Rice, or Tapioca 25c
2 lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn
for 7 He
2 lb. cans Fancy Wax, String, Green
or Lima Beans for 7 ',4c
8 lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
or Squash for 7V4c
E. C. or Whole Corn Flakes, pkg. 7 Vic
Grape-Nuts, package U 10c
Tall cans Alaska Salmon ....... ,10c
The best Domestic Vermicelli, Spa
ghetti or Macaroni, pkg. 7 Vic
1 lb. cans assorted Soups . .... .7c
The best Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, pound . 34e
The best ' No. 1 Country Creamery
Butter, pound 30c
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. 26c
The best N. Y. or Wisconsin Cream
Cheese, pound 23c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
The best Tea Sif tings, lb 10c
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 25o
The last of the Xelf f .r Fears for
canning, Wednesday, bu. basket 90o
Fresh Spinach, per peck 7 Vic
Four bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots,
or Turnips Eo
Hubbard Squash 7Vic and Be
Two heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce ...5o
Six bunches Fresh Radishes 5c
'inree large heads Fresh Cabbaaa
ii ids. jNew Jfotatoes to the pk. ..15c
12 lbs. Fancy Greening Apples to tha
peck for 20c
Four bundles Fresh Parsley ,...16c
Three bunches Oyster Plant ...,10c
Three large Soup Bunches 10c
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. 12Vc
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, 3 lbs 10c
Large Head Lettuce 7Vfcc
Two stalks Fresh Celery 5c
Six bunches Green Onions 5c
Try Hoyden's First
Bugs Cleaned
Have your valuable
rugs and fine dra
peries dry cleaned.
We Glean
and any
Other kind
of rugs.
Don't let some tramp or amateur
try to clean your fine rugs with a
carpet beater. He'll not only fail"
to extract the dirt, but he will in
jure the rugs. Dry cleaning is the
only method that absolutely re
moves all dirt and grease and im
proves rather than injuries the rugs.
The Pantorlum has the beat
equipped plant in the city to
properly Clean RugsJ Not many
Cleaning Plants In any city have
gone to the expense of putting
In washers and extractors large
enough to clean large Rugs
The Pantorium HAS.
Have ns do your
bouse cleaning. Phone
ns for estimates on
your Bogs, Sraperlss,
ets. we clean them
batter and cheaper
than yon can hire them
e'eaned elsewhere.
The Pantorium -
"Good Cleaners and Dyers."
1515-17 Jones St. GUY LIGGETT, Pres. Phone D. 963.
Outer Aooarel
fori omen w