THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1912 WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, fou to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the even-ng edition and before 7:30 p. m., for morning and Sunday eAMons. Want ads re ceived after such hours will have their first insertion under the head log "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT AD3. : REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. : One insertion 2 cento a word. "Two or more consecutive inser Uons m cents a word. No adver tisement taken for less than 20 cents. CHARGE RATES. " Six words to the line. t'jv J . I . ,1 , vac insertion ix cents per uw . Two or more consecutive inser tions 9 cents per line. ' One line per month $1.80. 'Twenty cents a minimum charge. HELP WANTED MALE CARD OF THAJSK9. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks o our many friends and neighbors for tMr kindness and sympathy shown us i during the illness and aeath of our be loved wife and mother, and for the many floral contributions. MR. C. J. PALMQ.UIBT AND FAMILY, MR. AND MRS. N. B. PALMQUIST, ' MR. AND MRS. E. A. PALMqUlBT. FIWERAL NOTICE The funeral of Mrs. F. A. Luttltf will .be held from the United Presbyterian J church, Twenty-first and Emmet streets, ' Tuesuay afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, lnter- ment Forest Lawn. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Permits to wed have been granted the following; oouples: Name and Residence. Age. Beier Jensen, East Omaha 28 Johanna Petersen, Omaha..,..,. 28 John J. Harris, Omaha.... 24 Grace Jarrett, Omaha 21 James L. Hobson, San Bernardino, Cal. 30 Margaret SchmlU, Omaha 29 Hans 3. K. Petersen, Mo. Valley, Is.. 2 May Clarlt. Missouri Valley, la 20 v BIRTHS ND DEATH. Births H. Lyman and Geneva M. Blxby, 2624 Ellison avenue, girl; A. and Florence Bochlund, 4113 North Eighteenth, boy; Elmer and Desea Farrund, 2101 Ohio, boy; Charles, and Petra Hansen, 5224 Florence boulevard, girl; George snd Lillle Harman. 2776 Burt, boy; Byron H. and Mae L Hastings. 3506 Hawthorne, bnv: I. M. and Klclna Lucas. 4718 North Fortymeoond, girt; w. R. and Katherlne Llppfold. 1j04 North Twenty-eights, boy; Edwin and Uranlu Murphy, 3111 Leaven worth, boy; C, H. and Hazel R. Aldham, 21(0 Howard, boy; R. T. and Loren Planteen, 2821 California, boy; J. M. and Olla Smith. 3017 Evans, boy; William H. and June H. Shank, 702 West Bhef field. Florence, boy; C. C. and Carrie Case, Mia raraer. oov. vt.iiia mult louvi , rv J 1 " jwvii- rop; Mary Keeiy, 4 years, mi iNonn hospital; Lulu Inks, 33 years, hospital; James Fidler, 73 years, 2416 South Twenty- ninth; Endonletto Bonaflde, 7 years. iim nnrrn MvpniMnin jnnn Miiiftr. vn years, hospital. Aarents, Salesmen mad Solicitor. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you arr a live wire and looking for something good, Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co, 607 Brandela Theater Bldg. "Nuff ced." WANTED Young man 25 to 35 years old for COMPTOMETER SALESMAN, the HIGHEST CLASS ADDING AND CAL CULATING MACHINE made and sold. Must be man of ster ling character and ability. Thorough training in our Chi cago sales office. SALARY AND COMMISSION. Call for S. C. Brown, Wednes day, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Felt & Torrant Mfg. Co., 1319-20 W. 0. W. Bldg. Exclusive Shops BLUE LABEL Guggdnhelmer rye. eight years old, per run quart, J1.U0. Weldon Springs Bourbon, 8 years old, per quart, $1.00. Maryland rye, per quart, 75 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., $1.09. Two quart bottles of beer, 25 cents. Malt tonic, extra fine, 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 121-123 N. 16th St Opposite Postofflce. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. NOW TRY THE BEST. Until November 1, 1912, we furnish good grade of lining, clean, press and reline overcoats for $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING COMPANY. U4TH AND DODGE. TEL. DOUG. 296fi. AGENTS Make big money selling fall leader; quick sales; send for free sam ple and catalogue just out T. F. Mc Nally, Box 302, Chicago, III. WANTED A salesman to handle a strong side line to sell labels, pill and powder boxes to the retail drug trade in the states of Nebraska, North and South Dakota and Minnesota. Write the Chi cago Label and Box Company, 313 N. May St., Chicago, III. WANTED Five young men for maga- tlne work. No experience necessary, but must furnish good references. 13 to 36 per day. H. V. Reeves, Hot', iiomar, oppo site Postofflce. WANTED Experienced salesman In es tablished territory; ladies, children's dresses; kimonos, robes, gowns; Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri. Reardon Bros. Mfg. Co., Waukegan, III. EXPERIENCED shoe salesmen wanted at onoe. Apply to timekeeper, Orkln Bros. EXPERIENCED magaslne solicitors. 578 Brandels Bldg. I....' BUILDING PERMITS. Hattle Keplln, lMl North Forty-fifth street, frame dwelling, $2,000; Scott IHlh 3509 Fianklln street, frame dwelling, U.9; Soott & Hill, 151 Spruce street, frame dwelling, $2,300; Scott A Hill, 2M9 Harris street, frame dwelling, $3,000; Ik ,7W edTS.1l, IIBIIIV dwelling, 13,000; Lulu Carney. Thirty second and Martha streets, brick dwell, ling,. $4,000: Dr. L. E. Brltte, 2619 Maple street, frame dwelling. $2,000; EHaa Car ina 3520 Ulondo street, addition, $100; M F. Wood, IS07 Gordon avenue, frame .dwelling, fi.250. IA. t VTL'II i 1 , u ..lauman' Mi. whn 1 acquainted and ha- had some experience In selling coffees; salary and expenses; state full particulars in first letter, laflt firm employed. Address C 803, Bee. Boys. WANTED Five good reliable boy Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co., 313 a 13 Bt Factory aad Trades. Drug Store (snap) jobs, Knlest, Bee Bldg. "EFFIE" merely packln' 'em up. Hlp podrome. - ; HELP WANTED FEMALE i Factory aad Trades. WANTED Shirt makers for M. E. Smith & Co.,s factory; also janl tress. Apply Douglas St. entrance. i JiuaaeMeeueraand iloaaeatles, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM BOLVED The Bee will run a Servant litrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the "paired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and. Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee otfioe or telephone Tyler lOoo. COMPETENT girl lor general house work. 'Phone Harney 1474. 1321 South 3ath Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; tnoee In family. Call Harney 3744. WANTED Competent house maid in private family out of city, in Nebraska. Wages $30 a month and railroad fare- jAppiy a p. lain st. GENERAL house work airl. Citv refer. ences required. 123 8. 35th St. Tel. H. 621. UPSTAIRS maid to do . chamber-work I and help with children; references re quired. Apply to Mrs. A. C. Smith! 1303 I Park Ave. - ! "COMPETENT girl for general house jwork; no washing. 8315 Burt St. WANTED Immediately, experienced coatmakers, Harteli, 1909 Capitol Ave. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business, learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen are In demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE , SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. TAKE you queries to Hippodrome. "Effle."-Npw WANTED A first class ladles' tailor. Mrs. I. H. Bartle, St Joseph. Mo. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Tools given. Wages while learning. You can Join us with assurance you will succeed. We have received praise from thousands for our beneficial course. Investigate now. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS ASK "Effle," she knows. Hippodrome all week. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 882. Alfred C. Kennedy ance. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 722. S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam Bt Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenxer Blk. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food pills, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman ft MflConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising. "Tailor Beck." FOR renovating feathers and mattresses call Om. Pillow Co., 1721 Cuming. D. $4t7. N. P. SWAN80N, Funeral director. Parlors and Hand some Chapel In new building. 17th and Cuming Sts. Phone Douglas 1060. All kinds machinery bought, sold and ex changed. H. Gross, Mach. Ex. 1001 Doug. Plumes renovated. 426 Paxton Blk. Li. 8391. ALT, will be forgiven. Mary, if you will meet me at the Srgn of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Sts. That Is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rings. RUGS cleaned with vacuum cleaner In your home for. 10, 25 and 60 cents each. Address L 870, Bee. LIEBEN, costumes, 1514 Howard St ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. L4ouiias and Motion pictures machine and film bargains "EFFIE" handB you the right dODe- Hippodrome. i Furnaces and Repairs. Tl Y7 O A TT7 d J mlr in fit VAtlP ntftV furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Let us figure with you. OMAHA HTOVTS REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 28. AUTOMOBILES CYLINDER repairing, auto tinning, vulcanising. 1622 Capitol Ave. TRUCKS One-ton. 2-ton. 2tt-ton and S-ton. any style body; service and satisfaction guar anteed. Best service station in Omaha. DRUMMOND New Garage, 26th and Farnam. AUTO livery. 3d hand cars bought and sold, expert repairing. 4004 N. 34th. Tel. Webster sou. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAilNTLNU. F F FTNTC The uto radiator repair 1 1 x XA1 lv man. 1807 Farnam, rear. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES 6iOUiARD-DAYTON i-passenger Li mousine. Rebuilt and repaired. All in fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. J. J. DERIGHT, BARGAINS. PTODDARD-DAITON 7-passenger lira ouslne. Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Stoddard-Dayton 6-passenger touring car. Locomobile 7-passenger limousine with touring body, locomobile 6-passenger limousine. Locomobile 6-passenger touring car. Locomobile 6-passenger roadster. Overland 4-paasenger roadster. 1818 Farnam St. MATTRESS FINISHERS-We want several first class mattrers finishers at once; light, airy factory, pleasant work ing facilities; plenty of work for all win ter and maybe longer; good pay. Write, don't wire. White Swan Mattress Fac tory, Tom B. Burnett Co., Dallas, Tex. WANTED All-around tailor at once; must be cutter; good salary. , Morrison, The Tailor, Papllilon. Neb. WANTED Experienced house girl for General housework; 137 S. 35th St Tel. larnev 3913. 1 WANTED A girl for general house work; two in family. 202 Dodge. WANTED A good girl for general housework. 1313 Park Ave. Harney 4603. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family; good wages. 3319 Harney. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for gen eral housework; small family; no wash ing; good wages. 101 8. 33d St. MUcellaneoas. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile business; chauffeurs. repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command large salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you loam how to operate, repair and sell all makes of car. NATIONAL AUTO TRAIN ING ASS'N. 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. YOUNG girl to assist with housework and help cars for two children; one who can go home nights preferred. 2531 Pratt WANTED A girl for general house work, family of two; no washing. Mrs. j Arthur Remington, 3632 Harney. 'Phone i Harney 3104. ; WANTBD Competent maid, general housework; 3 In family. Answer quick it you want good place. Phone Harney 2741 WANTED A girl for housework at Henderson's, the florist, 1016 N. 26th St., South Omaha. TO UN G girl to assist with housework and help care for two children; one who can' go home nights preferred. 2S18 Pratt GIRL for plain cooking; no laundry work; small family. 401 S. S8th St. WANTED Young girl to assist with housework; no washing; small family I2"jM Pratt St. Phone Webster 4199. , GOOD white girl for general house- wottc. nave an modern house. Salary $3. GIRL for general housework, no wash ing. a S. Si. H. 2182. YOUNG girl, li, to assist with house- wotk. Mrs. A. Ohman. 1042 8. 28th. H. 2705 GIRL, for general housework; three in i.-nuy; gooa nome; 3119 rass. H. 3.C6. JRL for general house worh. IX- N. 3Hh St. H. 35M. Apply A GIRL wanted at once for general housework: small new flat: twn tn fm. Hf- Tel. Harney 1563 or call at 212 S. 41st. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. 4702 rijurence eouievara. i :'' Miter La aeons. TOUNG women coming to Omaha at uangera are mvi;ea to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St Mary s Ave. and 17th St. when they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for or, travelers- guiae st the Union station. HELP WANTED MALE Ageate, Saleeaaea aad tollcltera. WLE8MKN WANTED In every . . ... i , . . .vujilj. ncicr amoiuous young . men from ttu farm. A minnih!. int, and a little nerve necessary.- Our goods i!d to farmers and our agents makt iiu k m wmKij, i o experience (tKWEiry, iree course in salesmanship XHB HALLER PROPRIETARY CO.. B LA Iff, NEB. . FOR SALE. My 7-passenger $5,000 Plerce-Arrow tour ing car, fully equipped. In good condi tion, for $1,600. Also a $1,760 7-passenger Packard limousine, used only 3 months, In excellent condition. , Will fit any car. $660. A. li. Brandels, Brandels Stores, Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. D. 8477. WANT to remove electric light plant tc good town or will sell machinery cheap. Department B, Electrical Utilities Exchange, Omaha. FOR SALE at a bargain, soda fountain, confectionery and restaurant business; good reason for selling. E. A. Hall, Bee, Neb. EXCHANGE C. B. and O. Realty Co., 1328 Dodge St. Phone Douglas 2966. FOR SALE Steam laundry; good busi ness; will sell cheap If taken at once; will - make terms. Laurita Petersen, Ord, Neb. . MAIL CARRIERS, postofflce clerks wanted. Omaha examinations during November. Free coaching. Franklin Institute. Dept. 213 T. Rochester. N. Y. W AN T K D For U. 8. army, ablebodied. unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36; cltlsens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit lng officer, 18th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 605 Fourth St., Sioux City. Ia.: 130 N. Tenth St.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Chicken nickers for dry picking. Richard Webber. Sioux City. Ia. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Fadfio and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gains your training la our school. Practice of R. R. wires. Address for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. 600 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once tor electric railway motormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine Opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 208, Be. LK'T - Effle" tip It off. Hippodrome all wek. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED for government positions; $20.00 week. Writo for list of positions open. Franklin In stitute, Dent. 216T. Rochester. N. Y. WA NTED Assistant bookkeeper. A 906. Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS. HELP! Call the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1113. COMPETENT young lady with about 3 years' clerical experience, also some ex perience on comptometer, would like a position In an office, good references Address, A 860. care of Omaha Bee. SITUATION wanted as chambermaid. Call Harney 3087, Aak for Viola. GIRL wants position as nurse girl; can give good references; experienced In care of children. Doug. 674. COLORED lady wants position washer or maid. Web. 2420. dlsh- CAPABLE stenographer wants good position; five years' experience, two In Inanrsinee 'Phrkrt Onunrll Rhiffs Rl.t, 2213, or address M 871. Bee. POSITION-By flnt claw clothing salesman; gooa reierence. is srz. Bee. YOUNG lady Would tike poaltion as nuw girt; can give good references, a 304. Baa. I FOR SALE Exclusive meat .market. strictly modern, thriving Nebraska town, 3.500 population, excellent business, snap for right part; Investigate. Address Y 207, Bee. nrSINESS PEKSONALS MONEY TO LOAN DreMsmaklog;. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaking and tailoring. 212 Bee Bids. Red 4293. Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. Fitzpatrick, tailor, dress'g. 2604 Davenport Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. Everything for 'he Home. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 1662. Electric Signs, 60 more efficient 75 lcs current, the ECONOMY patented ELECTRIC SIGN Is THE BEST MADE. Don't fall to Investigate. E. M. Clark, the sign man, exclusive lights for Neb. and Iowa. 202 Boston Store Bldg. D. 1378, Omaha. everything Electrical. H. J. Lanktree Electric Co., wiring of old houses a specialty. 308 S. 18. Tyler 1011. All kinds of electric apparatus, new and 2d hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Works, 313 S. 13th, Omaha Mazda Lamps Reduced 20 per cent. See demonstra tion In window and be convinced of the great saving In using Mazda lamps. WOLFE ELECTRIC CO., 1810 Farnam St Everything; for Women. WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL, 415 PAXTON BLOCK. BYERS Flatlron Hat Shop. Low prices. DRESS pleatings, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Both 'phones. SWITCHES made from combings. Tel Red 6167. ,TT 1lW nl ii mom maAa fimm nlH Ami new feathera. 2326 S. 12th St Doug. 6566. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florist, Boyd Theater Bldg. Brandeis' cut flower dept. new store. IToondrles, McDonald Brass and Bronze foundry. Aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. FARMER & RUSHLAND. furnaces and hotel work. 1403 Jackson St Moving, Storage and Cleaning. Co. Furniture packing, piano moving Office 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. Furn. moving; 2 men. $1 per hr. W. 2748. Masic, Art and Languages. FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of guitar, mandolin and banjo. 1920 Farnam. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S 6EEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. P. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 423 Brandels Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Paints and Glass. We do glazing and deliver glass In all parts of the city. Barker Bros. Paint Co. "The Paint Men You Know." 1609 Farnam. Douglas 4750. Patents. TiTDiu oTTmrsirst Ttn Tjiwver. 846 Brandels Theater mag, uoug. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel Red 7117 Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co.; Tel. Doug. 644 LTW.Raber, Printer, X BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rela-Hall Ptg. Co.. 109 S. 14th. Ind.A-3524 KiTPir.wlnR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON, Webster 3197. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 522-34 8. 13th. Stenographers and Court Repoprters. Myrtle A. Kelley. 816. Bran. The. D. 6681 Store and Office Fixtures, WB BUT and sell anything, everpthlng In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Uo., Htn ana nowara. u. oe UB ureu Salary aad Chattels. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY? when you can get it for the asking. FUP. NITL'RE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RE CEIPT, FIXTURES, HORSES. WAG ONS or YOUR PLAIN NOTE, if em ployed, will be sufficient for security. No delay or red tape. Each transaction strictly confidential. Your call appreci ated and respected. RATES LOWEST, TERMS EASIEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d floor, 308 Paxton Blk. Phon Doug. 1411. FURNITURE SALARY LOANS. Without publicity. Easiest payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Private. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established Twenty Years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Room 215 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Telephone Douglas 229S. CHATTEL LOANS, $E to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-1366. Money MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cheap rates, easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS at 2 and 6 per cent FLATAU, 1514 Dodge St.. Tel. Red 5819. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS New York, Londonderry and Glasgow, i New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tinental and Mediterranean Points. Su perior accommodations. Excellent Cuisine. Efficient Service. Apply for reservation to local agent of Anchor Line or HEN DERSON BROTHERS, General Agents, Chicago. 111. OFFERED FOR RENT. Hoard and Rooms. O. M. E. Hauls trunks. Douglas 6U. 508 NO. 21ST Modern room and hnard $5 a week. Furnished Rooms. two gentlemen. Walking distance. Doug. 3799. ROOM fnr larlv: nrlvatn famllv 11 Rft per week; close In. 1020 H. 21 St OFFERED FOR RENT. . Houses aad Cottages. 6-ROOM house, modern except heat; $16 a month. 2615 Binney. Web. 1762. 5-ROOM cottage, 2619 Blondo, modern except heat, $20. Phone H. 2584. 5 ROOMS, with bath, $18. 830 S. 21at it. Harney 2706. STRICTLY modern 8-room house; cor ner lot, south front; garage. Web. 2968. RENT reduced to $25 for the winter months. 8-room modern brick near 32d and Poppleton. Wright & Lasbury, 606 So. 16th. Phone Doug. 12. TEN-ROOM house. 3202 N. 24th; modern; newly painted and decorated; suitnble for one or two families or for rooming house; $32.50. Key next door. Doug. 2784. 2404 N. 22d, modern 8 rooms, $20.00. 3803 N. 34th, hot water heat. $27.60. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUO. 5S4. 5116 Marcy, 6-room cottage, strictly modern, good condition, $20. Web. 3888. 5-ROOM cottage, one block from car, modern except heat. 1905 Spring St H. 1550. FOR RENT. 2621 Binney St., 6-R., mod. ex. fur.. ..$12 3018 S. 19th St., 5-R-, mod. ex furnace.. 13 1537 N. 19th St., 8-R., mod. ex. furnace. 20 1609 Grace St., 6-R., mod. ex. furnace.. 18 3016 N. 224 St., 7-R., strictly modern... J8 W. G. SHRIVE R. 1047 Omaha National Bank Bldg. REDUCED to $30. My home, 627 Park Ave., 9 rooms. Frank Carey. Phoofc Tyler 1802. 7 ROOMS. CLOdB IN. 2811 Dewey Ave., a strictly modern brick dwelling, within easy walking dis tance; hot water beat, $41. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 16 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 2S13 Woolworth, 8 rooms, modern, $27.50. 1560 N. 20th 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur., $20. 710 No. 22d, 7 rooms, modern, $36. 818 No. 23d, 8 rooms, modern, $40. 552 Bo. 28th, 6 rooms, modern, $35. ' 2220 Clark. 4 rooms, $12.50. 2222 No. 18th, 6 rooms, $15. . 2883 Burt. 6 rooms, $15. 1(09 No. 30th, 6 rooms, $12. 1217 So. 16th, 6-room flat for colored family, $17.60. RINUWALT, Brandeds Theater Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM BARGAIN. I)ok at 1524 S. 26th Bt, A 7-room house, strictly modern in every detail; In a desirable residence district; hot water heat. Bargain at $25. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men, 616 Omaha National Bank BJdg. FOR R11.NT i'liree rurnianea nw,i steam heated; within walking distance; references required; $30 per month. Apply Apartment 48, 816 S. 22d St. DESIRABLE room, private family., 131 N. 31st Ave. LARGE front room suitable for two gentlemen; good family. 1821 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms. 1A blocks from South Tenth car line: breakfast If de sired. Z7Z1 so. 9th St. ALSATIAN TWO elegant furnished rooms. Inquire Traver Bros., 706 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Red 4721. Furnished Hooaekeeplng Rooms. I LARGE room, modern, fnrnlah! r.ousexeeping. fa is. Zia St. 609 SOUTH 25TH Ave. fiimishorl rum. modern, light housekeeping. Unfurnished Rooms. Hotels ami Apartments. DODGE hotel, all reoulremant nf a. first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. Apartments ana Flats. Large moving vans. $1.26 per hour. t. XH Cheap Rent from Owner Nice clean 7-room flat, modern; south side, east front; very quiet; $20. Come and see it; 534 S. 30th St. Harney 1692. , "THE St. George," 31st Ave. and Dodge Elegant , 6-room modern a pertinent, steam heated, Janitor service, etc. James Johnson, 618 Brandels Bldg. Tel. D. 42S1. MODERN 6-room furnished flat Phone Douglas 2179. References. 4-ROOM, strictly modern, heated Apart ment 2821 No. 20th St. J. N Marsh. 6-ROOM brick flat, modern, $20 per month; water paid. 2108 Clark St. Tel. Web. 6725. FIVE-ROOM flat, modern except heat, $16. 1323 Martha St. Phone Douglas 5666. tanrant flturii IVVU B,a,uVb w " - bought, sold. Levy, 2610 N. South Omaha. Trunks and Suit Cases. Frellng A Stelnle, 1803 Farnam St Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Bprlngs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 601-3 S. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine, 660 a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, biz N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL. FOR BALE A good, well established Silo manufacturing plant, located In the richest part of the corn-belt country. This Is a proposition worth Investigating by anyone who is Interested. Good rea sons for selling. Address Y 209, Bee. EFF1E" will tell; ask her-Hlppo- drome now, , RESTAURANT for sale: cheap with good business. Scott & Vanes, Republic, Kan. MANaGER wanted to handle office for large Milwaukee concern; $1,000 required, fully secured; $60 weekly up to start Address B 831, Bee. WANTED-Physldan for office work In Nebraska. C 862, Bee. 9-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers. A good paying proposition. 1711 N. 24th. WANTED Anyone who wishes to learn the hot tamale business and also chill can get recipe from J. W. Wattes) tor $1.00. Address 1506 Webster St, Omaha, llTJSLESS PERSONALS. Architect. Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottretl, W. 881. C. W. Wlgington, 220 S. 13th- Doug. 4387. Bowling. Association Bowling Alleys. W. I. Per kins Co., B. Hull. Mgr. 1313-14-17 Harney. y China Painting. Club orders, china painting, quickly filled. lesson. R. Itchford, 817 8. 17th. Kea t-aw. Mrs. Bachman, china, water. 619 Paxton. Chiropodists. Dr. Monheit, 403 & 16th St. Doug. 3333. "DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas H7. Civil Engineers. E. E. Moore. 20 Paxton Blk. Doug. 30C3, Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Dancing. GENEVIEVE HACFLAIRE, 19th and Farnam. Assemblies Fridays. Detectives JAMES ALLAN. 313 NeviiTe blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. L W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Age, bonded. Suite 428- Paxton Blk. D. 131 Druggists. DRUGS at tut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. . Sherman & ilcConueU Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR ComDlete courses In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Bervlce or Salesmanship. Tl;e catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. IT'S up to "Effle." Answers at Hip podrome , Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lamp-man. 1816 Farnam 8t- Omaha Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. livery and boarding. 1814 Cuming. P. 1667. TTVT1 QiT.l!L.M. form arnni mm. plete, $00. Warranted 109 years. T. F. Stroud co., win ana Aines Ave. aei. Webster 2998. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having , lost some article An w11 rt mII 11 n thm nfflo nf th Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company 10 ascertain wucuim iuey leu It In the street cars. u.nw .rtlDlM Mfth Aav r 1 1 rn H In and the company Is anxious to restore them to me rigntiui owner, van ioug las 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. iie-r AntnmnhllA tire rim 'nn 19th St. ....... .... --. - --- - - Blvd., Thursday evening. Tel. Hamey 4141. rmrwri rh hmt nlnrA tn have vour clothes cleaned, pressed right. Suitorium, 321 N. 16th st u. wa. BEAUTIFUL flat, modern. $35.00. Cor ner 29th and Leavenworth St. Phone D. 4600. LOOK at flat No. 1140 No. 16th St., ottiy $16 a month; will fix up to suit tenant. Red 6751. FIVE-ROOM apartment in the Genoa, second-floor, east side. Phone H. 5680. THREE rooms, heated; modern; 2223 Burt. CHOICE CLOSE-IN FLAT. Look at 2525 Cass, a new 6-r., strictly modern St. Louis flat with gas range, refrigerator, shades and curtain rods furnished; beautifully decorated through out; hot water heating plant $37.50. Keys at 2523 Cass. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT"" Vacant in a few days. All modern con veniences. Have the janitor show you at once. Georgia Apartment 1040 Georgia. Ave. $40. PETERS TRUST CO., 1643 Farnam St. Houses and Cottages, 7-room, $16, 2708 Seward St. Doug. 1398. EXTRAORDINARY RENTAL BAR GAINS 1406 N. 35th St. (35th and Hamilton Sts.), 8-room modern house In a choice location. Will be papered according to tenant s wishes. $35. 219 S. 29th Ave. (half block from Far nam), 8 rooms, modern, In fine condition; reduced to $28.50 per month. 1810 N. 34th (one block to car), aanay 5-room house, with fine bath and toilet, almost new; reduced to $18 per month. 2818 Ames Ave., large 8room house; new plumbing; new bath room; newly papered and painted; reduced to $20 per month. 2221 S. 29th St., 7 rooms, modern except heat; new'v rieoorated : $?2 50. PETERS TRUST CO., 1622 Farnam St. stores antl Offices. STORE ROOM or shop. 1809 Farnam: steam heated; fronting alley: merchan. dlse entrance full glass front . Hall. 431 Ramge P 7406. Ind A 440C. STEAM heated store room, corner, of 25th Ave. and Cuming St., $25.00. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg. D. 1300. OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture. Stoves, furn., left In storage. Furniture, Birmingham range, base burners, mission dining set; sell for charges. 2620 Cuming. STOVES LEFT IN STORAGE. For Sale A number of all kinds of stoves, high grade makes, for storage charges. 1413 Dodge St. Come early. Removal sale turn., stoves, etc. 1919 Clark. LEFT to dispose at once, 8 ranges and 8 heaters. Security Commission Co., 1318 No. 24th St FOR SALE Furniture and fixtures of an $800 restaurant, taken on mortgage; $200.00 will. buy them. Call,- 810 Bee Bldg. . Phone Doug. 2904. Musical lastmaneata. SEVERAL second-hand and slightly used phonographs; different makes; all overhauled and In first-class shape; some as low as $5. Columbia Phonograph Co. '1 ltf,'lers. RENT from the manufacturers direct. No. 3 Oliver typewriter. 3 months, $4.00. Phone Douglas 2919 The Oliver Type writer company. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months, lo. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Allscellnneone, SAFES-Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sizes and makes; bargains. American Supply Co.. 1102-04 Farnam. ' DESKS, safes, scales, s'.iv cases, shelv ing, etc.: see us first. Omasa Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 8. 12th. Doug. 2724. REAL ESTATE LOANS SO M. and up. Harrison & Morton. WANTED City loans. Peters trust Co FARM LOANS nar Omaha: no com mission; optional payments; cheap money Orin S. Merrill Co.. 1213 City Nat Bk. Bid OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha NatlonaL Douglas 2715. GARVIN BKOS SWb,' MONEY to loan on business or res'.' dence properties. $1,000 to $60,000. W. H THOMAS, 503 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Loans on farms and improved city prop erty. 5 to 6 pet; no delay. J. Hi Du mont & Co., 1603 Farnam St., Omaha Co City LOANS. Bemis - Carlbera v Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater f ildg LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A BARGAIN giT.'f'ES books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law Dictionary. Hale on Torts, Cooley on Torts. Clark's Criminal Law Bcoks; good as new. Will sell or trade for chickens or anything you have. A. J. Knott. 4616 N. 86th St. Web. 6596. FOR SALE Or exchange, good, clean grocery stock, amt. about $200, on car line. Address J 868, Bee. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Grocery and meat market In central Nebraska, doing good business, in good town, will Invoice $3,600. Will sell for $2,500 casli if taken at once. Address, Y 205. Bee. FOR sale or trade One 1911 Overland touring car, flve-passer.ger and fully equipped and In good ruraing order, with four new tires. Will trade for horses, colts, cattle, hogs or sheep. Address Y 196, Bee.. . SEND for our s-stem of exchanges. Shopen & Co., Dept. B, Omaha, Neb. 800 ACRES in Dundy county, Nebraska; equity $20,000; want smaller farm In east ern Nebraska or Iowa. Also. 130 acres near Fort Morgan, Colo; equity $11,000. Address Y 211, Bee. WELL bred Percheron stallion to trado for good butcher shop outfit. Fred Olson, Buck Grove, la. WANTED TO BUY Dolgoff 2dhand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web.' 1607. Household gds.clothes & shoes. Doug. 3971. Best prices for shoes, clothes. Ben W.5479. Best prices for fur., clothes, shoes. W.5146. LUNCH room and confectionery, living rooms attached, in Nebraska or 'Iowa town within 100 miles of Omaha. Must be a bargain. Address S 874, Bee. REAL ESTATE ABal ltAC'l' OK 1ITLK. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. CITY PRUPEKTY FOR SALS 7 CENTS PER MNE WILL BE THE RATE CHARGED ON AND AFTER OC TOBER 1 FOR ADVERTISEMENTS RUN UNDER THE CLASSIFICATION, "FOR HALE REAL ESTATE " WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A strictly modern, new, 7-room resi dence. This house is beautifully finished In oak, with four sleeping rooms anfl bath on second floor. Large living room with beam celling; paneled walls in din ing room. Large pantry and entry; full basement Located in one of the most beautiful districts of the city. See us at once, as this will sell quickly. Price $4,850. Terms. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4270. NEW, WELL BUILT FIVI ROOM COTTAGE FOR SALE $25 per month, no large first payment when you are starting in a new home, all modern except heat, very elaborate light fixtures. For -homes on easy terms. SEE TRAVER BROS., Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Red 4721. Aoifiiv a r . i. r.Y i i JTT warehouse or factory purpose. Call own ers at D. 4342 or Tyler 1073 If looking for a snap. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowline allevs and accessories: bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balko-Collender Co., 407-409 S. 10th St. i ROOMS, modern, 1509 N. 45th. 4 rooms. 2202 N. 30th. H. 3953. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 3126 Caas St. Tel. Benson S53W. 25 and 721 So. 37th St., two strictly mod. houses Webster 2590. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos Is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 808 S. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office. 309 S. 17th St 'PL Douglas 4163. A-1659. 17 8. 28th ST. rooms comoletely mod-rn- Hall. 433 Ramge D. fens; A-4401 Hnnso In rrts of the city. """Crelgh. Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. SIX-ROOM house at 2414 Caldwell St., modern except heat, large cellar and good cistern. Rents for $21.00 per month. House In good repair; Phone Harney 4693 or enquire 3218 Webster St. 4-ROOM cottage, sewer and water $12.50 1323 Martha St. Douglas 56o6. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and for warded; cheap li-eight rates. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. let Douglas 394. Office 216 8. 17th St LAUNCHFOB SALE Brooks' model. B horse, 2 cycle. 22 ft.. 1 cylinder, Gray engine. L. S. Grlgg. Phone Douglas 485. . WANTED Two or three reliable fire In surance companies to represent at once cn account of increase of business. 17 M, Bee, South Omaha. Neb. rvvo erf A f..r iiiiMflirviari AT.T. WOOL Dundee suits. $10, alterations free. ' DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS. N. W. Corner 16th and Harney Sts. NEW BRICK, to per thousand. 16th and sprague Bts. r-none e osier za.a. tr. (VI fniT Tta .nnil' p n Inn. Rest for money, wen. sw. narmon ot nwiu. sttVRNTKrcv-YF,AR-OLD boy's high i . I . M... 1 lOrtll 1 scnool caaet sun. reiepnone jl tijl' AViii .T: nil. LAMP Hi llsrht thai nt!.. .v,n..k livi,, tnw lav mnneV never iftuo, ii,v,5 '.p. " '- . " " JOHNSON" LAMP CO.. 621 SO. lbTH feT FOR sale, verv fine buffalo calf over coat beaver trimmed; about 42 waist $100. 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7404 PERSONAL Massage. Mrs. Rittenhouse, 108 Boston Bid. 4 CJQ 1PP Salt Glow and massage. AOSAuri Mm, A1(.B of Chicago. 202 Wlthnell Blk.. loth and Hamey. D. 7665. 63-D A Y BLd6DEM EDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. STRICTLY modem. 8-roum house, btii California. Phone Harney 25. EIGHT-ROOMS, modern. 112 No. 26tn St Doug. 2717. LOST An automobile crank to Colo car. will kA rttarH.H hv ratllrnlnv . I T ,1,11 1 I." same to rieury xiiiicr, ijat roiiiaui. I r un imni-i-story rrame a welling on Cass St, between 26th and 37th Sts.. ail modern Improvements. The Crelghton University. Tel. Doug. 2331. PART of automobile lamp Saturday. Web. 4744. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles.' Fstula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for boak on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R- TARRY. ce Bldg.. Omaha SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Bltt LadieasuaFanteed remedies. 401 Ware blk MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Chattels, HOME LOAN CO., Most reasonable rates, in th city. Wrlti or phone Douglas VXZ. 1623 Farnam. Room 8, Patterson Blk. ( 7-ROOM, modern house, within walking distance on 19th street boulevard. 1417 North 19th street. HURRY and ask "Effie." Hippodrome all week. 8 ROOMS, modern. 113 N. 26th St. D. 2717. FOR rent desirable cottage. 809 Park Ave.; seven rooms, modern, perfect or der; rent $35. J. J. Kemp, 2613 Leaven worth St. Phone Douglas 9ES. WEST FARNAM. 7-r.. modern stucco. 819 No. 38th Ave. $50. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. 7-ROOM, modern. Douglas 8142. 2702 California. FIVE rooms, 1807 Farnam; modern; suitable location for offices, studios, den tal or dressmaking rooms for tenants wishing home adjoining. Hall 433 Ramge Bldg. Douglas 74t. f JQ A flT?. Swedish movement. Apt muwuuuuj 1802 Farnam. D. 6240. VITAL massage, vital bath. Misa D. Fisher, 401 Ware Blk.. 309 & 15th. D. 2785. ANNA H. MARKSf&Fa?' i,sm. !avidre Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 653.. Af A SS A ftTC Expert treatment Mrs. W AOO-UU Steele. SOS S. 13th St. R. 325 "EKFIE"' knows the answer, now at Hippodrome. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; tn fact, anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 131 N. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon will call. , MASSGECorn8 removed- Mr- MilQO.lurj Haynes, 707 S. 16 St D. 44H YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the. Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted.-' Look for our travelers, aid at the Union Station. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud ing piles, 60c postpaid; samples free Sherman McConnell Drag Co, Omaha. Body Massage. 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 77SL REAL ESTATE IXJAA8 WANTED City loans and. warrant. llITV-npi? I,,.. . . . . . . . t 1 -..w . u i.-u et t.iuci-iuiv li puMrr. B-rwm mvu- , em house, fine location, one block f iom f HuO to $10,COO made promptly. F. I: car. jei(i, W ea ti.d;.. l&ih and Farnam. West Farnam Home $5,950 This is a good 2-story, 7-room, modern house, located at 36th and Howard streets, having quarter-sawed oak finish, 1st floor. Including reception hall, liviiip room, dining room and kitchen, and 3 bedrooms with alcove off front bedroom and up-to-date bathroom, 2d floor. Full cemented basement with furnace heat, and laundry connections. Located on beautiful north front lot. 50x121 ft, with many fine shade trees. This is close to lots which have sold at from $100 to $125 per front foot. House Is well built and only about 4 years old. Terms $1,500 cash; balance to be arranged. It will pay you to in vestigate this proposition if you want a home In the West Farnam district at a right price. George & Company Phnno I") 7?,l! 902-12 City Nat'l. Bank Bldii. ' Big Corner in Forest Hill Park - The southwest corner of 9th and For est avenue, a large, splendidly located corner lot. close to Burlington and Union stations, a splendid place to build apart ments or flats. All of the paving on both sides and ether special street im provement taxes are patd for. It Is cheap at $3,000, but the nwner wants to sell this week. See It and make offer. Charles W. Martin & Co., 1018 Omaha J-1 ' Bank Building. , Snap in Dundee 4 Vacant Lots Located on 50th and Burt Sts., can bo bought cheap. . Owner leaving city ami very anxious to sell. His price Is way below prices asked for other lots in this vicinity. Will sell any one or all. For further information see 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins, Agency, ' Toi Tyler 1Q24.J , BRAND NEW Just finished a daudy cottage with rec. hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, nice cemented cellar, modern except heat, close In, paved street large bam, nice lot. Price cnlv $2,300. , BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater. BRAND NEW KOUNTZE PLACE Home for sale on easy terms at 3007 N 22d St. The one at 3124 Evans St. was sold last week. So look this over at onoe, as this desirable home won't be on the market long, living room. ! 23 feet by 12 feet, dining room paneled; both rooms have beam ceilings and best of oak finish;-good plumbing and hot air furnace; very elaborate light fixtures and decora ted to please the most exacting. SEE TRAVER BROS.; 70S Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Red 42;;. DUNDEE HOME. 1 rooms, modern, oak finish, complete In every way; only 2 years old; 50-ft lot the beat buy to be found $4,000; $500 cash will nandle It If you want a home asU about this. ' P- O. NIELSEN, 954 Omaha Nat. Bank. D. 7437 GOOD BARGAIN. Five-room cottage, furnished complete on street car line in North Omaha; must sell, fine place for newly weds; price. $1,850; cash, $860; balance monthly pay menu. R. A. Kelsey, 3492 Ames Ave. Tel Webster 440. ' 20 ACRES, POULTRY FARM Near Blmwood park. Ten poultrv houses and good dwelling house, all ready for business;, big demand tor product A fine site that will double ia value. Ground alone w;-rth 11X0U0 W. T. GRAHAM, Bc Bi4'