' - ' - -1 Omaha Sunday Bee Magazinb Page Copyright, 111!, by the BUr Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved. 1 i !( I-Cabbages; Can Be Raised as Big as Hogsheads? Trees Can Be Made i to Bear Fruit in TwoYears? Plants I Can Be Pollenized by Machinery? Pota to toes Can Be Grown f! c t In i i in Swamp s? The United States Government Is Doing Jill These i2ectce the Cost of Living. (h " Ynrx vvf-MT TT TV TLfWI A F -TUT AT7 4 rA- 4M Sc4x Fvj . - A J y ...,. : . .-.;-.. .s : t -- f,JLmmjm ... ! ., J... ;. 1 Photo by Vx 'f v. kins and turnips are being burled in . deep pits and kept all Winter. Watermelons and. cantaloupes are being buried Inside corn" stalks and ' kept until after Christmas. By soaking seeds in water, they . will germinate more quickly,, and three crops can thus be grown where one was Derore. ' - There are many new vegetables being brought here from other countries. There Is the i'yautia," from Polynesia, which is closely re lated to the "elephant-ear" plant of our gardens. It has a large, fleshy and starchy root, and possesses the notable advantage t growing pro fusely In boggy land. It is. in fact, n wet-land plant, and is calculated The Giant Cabbage as udo, in Japan, is already appear ing in our' markets. It lookssome what like celery, is grown 'like it, Is delicious and should-be cheap. ' The explorers attached to the De partment have introduced- a giant cabbage ' from China, a- single head rought from China. It. Is Found That It Grows as Prolificly in This Country as in Its. Native Land. I ' ' . f ' :'' The giant radishes, ' introduced from China, are now appearing in our city markets, and are, pro nounced far superior to the radishes we have hitherto known.. From the same country comes an. -edible brushes. The platform is so ar ranged r.s. to be adjusted at any height that may be desired, and the brushes, passing over the clover blossoms, distribute the pollen and accomplish the fertilization of the Plants m Paper Bags to Prevent Cross Pollenizing to Perpetuate the Strain. r-i-iHE Arricultural Department of Directly across the Potomac from I the United' States Govern- - the city of Washington is an ex rr, la ,ir!n mn.t.nii perimental farm, maintained by the ment is working constantly on experiments that may result, it is hoped, In reducing the cost of liv ing. The department has already made discoveries that will, in time,' not only introduce new articles of food to Americans, but will reduce the prices of many foodstuffs al ready on the market Science in all its branches is being made to help the farmer, and, incidentally! the consumer, The newest and - . most Interesting discoveries show marvellous strides in scientific farm- ing, and we find by visiting the ex :i perimentaj stations that: t The department is experimenting 3 ' with goats to Bee if these animals f. can be made to take the place of 2 the expensive beef and .mutton. T.7 Goats are the cleanest of all anl mals, they are the least expensive to feed and care for and they are eatea by the people of many coun tries, v. . - , Goats' milk can be produced much ? . cheaper than cow's milk, and it is j. already used in large quantities in Z " the hospitals of the country. Department of Agriculture, where farming novelties of no ordinary 'kind may' be observed. One finds a one-acre vegetable garden designed to be an object lesson in intensive farming. Twenty-eight kinds of vegetables are produced on one little patch, be ing planted in proper succession with the progress of the seasons, in order to keep the ground busy the idea being to show what can be ac complished in the raising of garden truck on an acre1 of land when the latter Is properly handled. The Department is breeding vege tables with a view to standardizing them. In other words to establish definite forms of tomatoes, radishes, beets, potatoes, cabbages, etc., so that the same seeds will always pro duce the same . form and size of vegetable. Ordinary cabbagesK for instance, do not yield more than fifty per cent of marketable heads during the season. One-third of a field of po tatoes will frequently be lost be cause the seeds r re not standard ized, and so it goes all the time with the farmer. The Department hopes to develop plants that will invariably produce 90 to 95 per cent and this will be an important factor in reducing the-cost of living. The potato, like everything else in agriculture nowadays, Is being scientifically controlled. Thus, in the irrigated valleys of the West this vegetable is grown in such fashion that water is never per-f mltted to come Into contact with its leaves irrigation "laterals" run ning between the rows at a depth just sufficient to moisten the roots. Potatoes raised in this way are safe from rot and remarkably perfect, commanding an extra high price. It is thought by the Department that profltab' , use can be made, by crossing, of a "water potato" so called because it grows In moist places recently discovered along the banks of ,the Mercedes River, in Uruguay. Ono important advantage it possesses is ths' It replants it' self, the plant being reproduced from such fragments of rootlets as are left in the ground after the tubers have been gathered. Melons, cabbages, potatoes, pump- m gourd, grown on trellises, which is female b'ossoms. said to be al most excellent vege- ! The Department is also expert table, stewed, and most reasonable., menting in food for the well to do. In the way of fruits, we shall soon It has discovered things that will come to know a new blue - rasp- .increase, the cost of living for those berry, which has been fetched from who can afford luxuries. India; an unfamiliar and delicious Thv are erowine sweet corn un- citrus variety, " called the . ."finger ' der glass--a thing hitherto deemed The Artificial Pollenizer,r or Mechanical Bumblebee, the Newest Invention for Pollenizing Plants. to prove highly serviceable in ex tensive districts of the South un available for any other kind of agri culture. Ah acre of it will furnish an astonishing quantity of whole some and nutritious food. The new Japanese lettuce, known of which will fill an ordinary wheel barrow. One might expect it to be of coarse texture, owing to it huge size, but the fact is that it is far more delicate and delicious than any kind of cabbage with, which we have been hitherto acquainted. lime," and certain kinds of oranges, irom China,' with which we are wholly unacquainted. Southern China, in the coast re gion, seems to be the original home of the orange, and our agricultural explorers have found there some eighty ,kind3 of oranges which peo ple in this country ,have never yet heard of and which can be grown here. Many wonderful things are being done with plants native to American soil. Our plant breeders are devel oping new kinds of alfalfas, which are expected to prove of enormous value tq the farmers. , A.t cheap and" ingenious scheme has been devised to protect orch ards against frost Large paper ibags are filled with, shavings which have been previously soaked in crude fuel oil. These sacks are scattered at intervals among the fruit trees, on the ground, and when the temperature falls to the danger point, fire is set to them. Burning rapidly, the contents send up a iiense smudge of smoke, which forma a sort of artificial cloud and acts as a blanket, preventing too rapid radiation of heat upward from the earth. . Artificial pollination will materi ally increase crops. A most inter esting recent invention is a machine that might be called the mechanical bumble bee. Drawn by a horse over a field of clover, it carries In the rear a small platform, provided un derneath with several hundred little imDOssible. . It seems, however, to be simple enough, the most import ant requirements being plenty of sunlight (the glass must not be shaded) and a temperature of 75 degrees or higher by day. Green houses similar to those used for lettuce .and tomatoes, but t high enough to give the Btalks room, serve the purpose admirably. The thermometer is never allowed to go under 60 degrees at night. The seeds are soaked In water, to make them germinate more quickly, and the requisite pollination is accom plished by cutting a tassel here and Vtnt nrA io4vtr If iitti tha all Ira In eighty-eight days the ears are ready to be picked, but their growth may be ccelerated 10 some extent by supplying more heat. They are worth from $2 to $3 a dozen in May and June. Another miracle of gardening, , hardly dreamed of until recently, is that of producing choice canta loupes for market all through the Winter, beginning in December. The secrst cf it, however, is simply high temperature, with plenty of water and a very rich soil the melons being sown in pots and transplanted later. The temper ature of the greenhouse is never al lowed to go below 70 degrees, and the . melons are raised on the "vertical" plan, the vines being trained on wires, up and down. This saves space, and keeps the melons away from contact with the 6oiI, First Aid in the Fa: mily j i A DISCUSSION of first aid in the fam ily does not concern the treatment of serious injuries like drowning, overheating," sunstroke, epileptic convul sions, apoplexies, etc., - but should be re stricted to slight Usabilities or ailments, says the Journal of the American Medical Association. It certainly Is unwise, and is . sot advocated in this article, to encourage a layman with a small, ii any, amount of . medical knowledge, to treat a. patient for even twenty-four hours before the physician is summoned. If It Is advisable in cities, or if, it Is a necessity in a small community remote from immediate medical aid, for a. family . to be. prepared to treat simple injuries; lainilng; tuniple gastro-intealinal distur bances "as vomiting; constipation or diarrhea; beginning colds of the nose, throat or bronchial tubes; or some sudden rise of temperature, it is well to' outline w hat the family may safely use and should have In some cabinet or closet. This family cabinet might well contain such articles as a graduate, medicine drop-, pers, .water bags, a fountain syringe, a' Davidson .syringe, some simple antiseptic for external use (as advised by the family physician), simple laxatives and cathartics, a pure castor oil (with instructions as to the best method of administering it), boric acid, hydrogen peroxld solution if fre quently renewed, tincture of lodin1 in an - airtight bottle and not too. long kept, some simple emetic as mustard or syrup of Ipecac, some simple antiseptic, a sooth ing ointment (as suggested by the family physician), good whisky or brandy, aro , matic ammonia in an air-tight bottle, smelling salts, pure sodium bicarbonate. perhaos essence of peppermint, oil ot i TO SAE YOUMfflQGTOl'S bills cloves for a sore gum or an aching tooth, some simple mouth mouth wash or gargle, etc.; in other words, simple external and harmless Internal drugs 'or preparations. The cabinet should contain several 'sorts and sizes of . bandages and simple ap pliances for minor injuries. Printed in structions should describe the best "first" treatment for a burn, and picric acid ( should not be part , of , this emergency treatment Picric acid can do a great deal ' of harm when misused on burns, and the exact way it should be used, and the amount, should be determined by the char- . acter of the burn and what" the surgeon deems advisable. Picric acid should not -be a household remedy. , v The family should not have or use, with out a physician's instructions Jo ..some certain person for. some specific reason, . any strong cardiac, narcotic or soporific . drug. Some of these preparations may do ' harm; others are' useless, and the laity should not be encouraged to have faith in " a preparation or drug that Is worthless. It Is much better to teach, them )a' mental . Bdence cure, or give them psychic treaty ., ment i t ' ' ,', ' ; The following "don'ts" apply to drugs ; 'n which have at times been recommended to families for use in emergency, or have ' v become household remedies through their having been frequently, ordered by fphy-; slcians; it is as good a rule for the layV man as for the physician never to do any -harm whatever else may be done: 1. It is unjustifiable to allow a layman to use a drug like aconite in any form es pecially in the form of a- strong tincture of the root, to say nothing of the fact that the solution might become stronger by ' evaporation of alcohol if- long kept, or might deteriorate in other respects. If a physician thinks that a given family should J a have an aconite or cold tablet preparation, he can furnish it with his pet "rhinitis" or "cold tablets," with full instructions how they shall be taken. The only pos sible use to which the family could put, or should put, aconite would be in a begin ning cold. No one wohld advise its use by a layman in a possible beginning pneu monia. 2. The same discussion under aconite will apply to gelsemium. The only excuse for a family having gelsemium .would be that a member of it had recurrent pain in a nerve and gelsemium had been found to be of value. This then is not a family remedy, but a specific one for an indi vidual. " 3. A frequently used substance is swet - spirit of niter. In the. first place, it mre or, less rapidly deteriorates, depending- on the temperature and ,the frequency, with which the bottle is opened. To be of value as' sweet 'spirit -of niter, it must be freshly prepared. When freshly prepared, this ' solution is neutral to litmus . paper, but -when -long kept especially if exposed to air and light, it acquires an acid reaction. It readily .loses, its nitrous ether, and then : could have no -action for good, even if its ; activity when pure and fresh is considered efficient, , j ., ;vv,! , ' 'While -many physicians, believe that sweet j spirit oL'.niter has valuable dia- ' phoretio and diuretic activities, others be-" lieve that such action Is largely a matter of hereditary belief. If pure, it certainly does no. harm, and may do some good. ' Small doses given frequently in hot watef or hot lemonade, with the patient warmly covered up or in a warm room, certainly . tend to promote sweating. Whether the hot lemonade would not' work as well is a - question for each physician to decide. On the other hand, if it is given in larger doses, at less frequent intervals, in ice water, with the patient in a cool room and kept cool, diuresis may be caused. Whether, this also has much to do with the action of the drug, or is due to the ice water and the rest of the treatment is another ques tion for the physician to decide. Certainly, as a remedy to retain in the household ' cabinet it is inadvisable. It should be freshly obtained from a trustworthy drug gist 4. A much lauSed preparation for use in various upset conditions of. the stomach Is the official mixture of rhubarb and soda. While it can do no harm, it seems unwise to recommend it for family use. - The official mixture of rhubarb and soda contains: ; ' gm. or c.c. Sodium bicarbonate'. 35v gr.lxiv Fluidextract : of rhubarb. "''. Ij5 " mxxx .' Fluidextract of ipecac... 03ormvi Glycerine... 350. 11.3 xii Spirit of ". peppermint. . . ... 315 m lxxli Water, enough to make.. lOOjo - fl.5lv This is a mixture that has for many years been largely used in most hospitals. The -young doctor starts out in his in dividual practice with an enprmous amount of faith in this disagreeable-tasting preparation. No one can question that the ingredients are valuable, and If any physician wishes to use this preparation in preference to some other gastroin testinal treatment nothing can be said against his decision.- On the other hand, some patients are nauseated by it, largely because of the glycerin, perhaps; the rhu barb may be too active, orslnefficlent and another laxative must be given; and the amount of alkali may be totally in sufficient for what is desired. The scien tific physician, who thinks, it is as wise to fit his prescription to his patient as it is to make scientific examinations posi- . tively to determine his diagnosis, will rarely find it advisable to use this' mix ture.. If the' patient needs a cathartic, he needs it at once. If he needs a laxative (three times a 4ay, or more frequently, as above is generally administered), the mix- ' ture 'is generally unsatisfactory. ,As such it either does not act at all, or it causes too frequent movements. If it does . not aet at, all and is useless, why have the disagreeable-tasting rhubarb in the prepa- ration? The minute does, of. fluidextract of ipecac, each teaspoonful or 5 c.c. con- taining but 0.015 gm., or about one-fourth 'minim, makes its addition an absurdity, and it is quite probable that most phy sicians' who order this mixture have for gotten that it contains a fluidextract of ipecac. But why continue to use a mix- ' ture. Or why require its officialization In" . the Pharmacopeia, when . it contains in gredients, that hav no activity, especially , in the dose presented T J If a gastro-intestinal condition requires . an alkali, it is better to give it in an amount that is of value, possibly combined . with a bismuth. That glycerin is of value as a laxative and as an antiseptic, and 'that peppermint is a good carminative, there can be no . question; but glycerin is rarely ordered except in a mixture to be taken internally, perhaps not frequently enough. Probably few physicians remember that the mlxtur r of rhubarb-and soda is really a glycerin medication. The matter resolves Itself into the fol . lowing sequence of events: The patient requires some gastro-intestinal treatment He is given a cathartic, his diet is regu - lated and a prescription is written for the - mixture of rhubarb and soda. The patient improves' or recovers, and the physician is sure the rhubarb and soda mixture did it. As a matter of fact, it is probably the glycerin, or at least the treatment did ' him no harm. In otner words, it is the prescription plus faith and glycerin. This digression in the discussion ot household remedies is not to ridicule either the preparation or the treatment, but is to urge the physician to analyze the mixed preparation that he orders to see what its actual value is, and to de cide if that mixture is really just what he desires, for his patient, and to urge him not to order by hospital routine. 5. Favorite cough syrups vlth druggists and with physicians, and therefore used by many people for coughs and colds, are the compound syrups of white pine, of which there are a number on the mar ket Some contain sedatives, as heroin or iodein; others do not All are sweetish, stomach-disturbing mixtures. It cannot be too frequently repeated that the presence of a cough is no reason for upsetting - a patient's stomach by sweet, syrupy cough mixtures, and it Is. always inadvisable. If ammonium chlorid Is needed it should be given in a sour mixture or administered in lemonade. If terpin hydrate is advis- , able, it should'be given In sufficient oose to be of value; the dose in liquid prepara tions is insufficient for adults. , Terpin r hydrate is very Insoluble, and no tea spoonful of liquid can contain more than 0.12 gm., or 2 grains. If it contains that The adult dose Is 0.3 gm. (5 grains) every . four hours. As It Is tasteless, It can be administered in a tablet to be crushed, or in powder. It is a question whether there ' is any ral good pharmacologic or thera- peutic reason for administering a syruD of white pine. (To Be Continued Next Week.)