Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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i Women'
Announce the Host Notable Bargains of the Entire Season ia .
ffli jfk www r
These are all suits which were made up for this fall's business by a Ne,w, York
designer and maker, who produces suits of the highest fashionable character. We
are able to offer them at much less than their actual values. . '
j !.Y pt-; j ;jr jp F . n
Every suit is a charming new style creation for fall and winter 1912. All popu
lar colors and fabrics.
Women's and Misses' Suits,
worth up to $15 and $17.50,
A fine variety of models in this special
group. Many new cutaway effects.
Every suit is well , tailored 'and will give
splendid, service, Every, size for women
and misses. Made to (rftQQ
sell for &L5.00 and ' -2iSH"0
$17.50, ati...
Women's and Misses' Suits, A A
worth up to $25 and $35, at $itf.vU
Here are clever new suits in every size.
All the styles are new and strictly in ac
cord with the accepted models in import
ed suits. Many 'are sample garments
beautifully plain tailored
or trimmed. Made to sell ,
up to $25, $30 and $35, at. ... ,
Women's Stunning New Silk Dresses SAT $9.75
Beautiful style effects new Charmeuse afternoon dresses and party dresses, ; U
in evening shades, classy matinee frocks, etc.j etc. Many are samples all ,
sizes for women, misses and juniors.
Omen's Sergeand Noydty ClothDresses K S $6.75
All popular new fall and winter style ideas plain colored, beautifully made
. serges, as well as'charming novelty "effects Scarcely one that is hot worth
: . double the special price' for Wednesday.
New Winter Hats
We have never in our history of western mil
linery leadership been able to present such a won
derful variety of stunning winter hats for selec
tion at the hands of discriminating women. Our
close touch with the sources of millinery style,
maintained through our own Paris office, enables
us to bring to Omaha the authentic new ideas a
full season In advance of most stores. ; -..The
services of our expert designers and sales
women are at your command.
We mention exquisite groups at
$15 to $35
rahdeis Stores
SEtioXD floor
life'- of. '
ft, J .lt -. J 'I i t a til f ' .k ft '
i j . ii ii I, .ij ii ..i.i inf...n ! V II I .I.H WK in i in ii mjn(i inn !!fm
-"h g : - - "
N. W. Corner 1 6th and Douglas Streets
Hen's Business Suits and Overcoats
Combining Good Service and Correct Style
Come to Brandeis Stores and you can choose from a greater
variety than you can find anywhere else in Omahaand you'll i
get a better coat or 6uit than you ever expected your money
. would buy. That's the kind of clothes we sell that's why
Omaha business men buy their clothes here year after year;
wearing qualities in these v I V OU$
suits and overcoats at. .... . ..
Men's Furnishings Goods
Choice Lota From the N. Y. RUiler's 8 ock
Men's Fine Negligee ud Golf Shirts A great
variety of the most attractive styles, fin
at yc
Men's Flannel Shlrte the kind ; that usually
sells for 12.00, will go i
Men's Ribbed" Underwear 12.00 values on sale
Men's Silk Neckwear Hundreds of patterns
worm up w buc, at .23
Men's Bilk Hosiery Desirable shades, wortn 60c, at, pair 2ot
Men's lisle and Cotton Hosiery Regular 25c values, a.t, pair. 12Hi
IJen's Vinter Underwear All Sizes and Weights, at 50c, 75c, 08c ' .
5 ii vf
fOK.tiLiiljV Tnfci NfciT CO.Mf.iM , 10th and Harney.
Extreme values the big attraction
in our greatly enlarged Blanket,
Comfort, Linen and Domestic Sec
tionEntire south side of store,
both" sides of elevators.
$2.00 Cotton Blankets
Grey,, tan and white, 124
extra quality, , Wednes
day special, per pair
$2,00; Comforts . $1.50
lulled with pure white
sanitary cotton, "extra
large size, Wednesday
$4.00 Blankets $2.25Woolknap, 72x84; the largest
and best blankets ever offered at this V
this price ; gray , tan and white S F 1
Wednesday special at, per pair. .. .... Vph4$a4JF
Special Dress Goods and Silks
Wanted Weaves Sell Wednesday for Less
$2.00 Whipcords Two-toned, 52 inches wide,in all
wanted colors,-exceptional values hg ET
Wednesday special at, I a) if
per yard
$1.00 Silk PopUns, 79c-
All colors, 36 m. wide,
our regular $1 -quality,
$1.25 Suiting Serges $1X0
52 inches wide, all col
ors, fine quality, Wed
nesday only, per yard
Wednesday only, per yd.
; ; Important Special Sale
Solid Gold Top Jewelry at 50c
69c to $1.00 Solid Gold Top Jewelry at 50c
Great variety cuff links, tie clasps, bar
pins, buckle pins in etched and pierced de
signs. Every piece stamped solid gold top
and guaranteed ty us. Great Wednesday
special, at, each . '
Extraordinary Wednesday Specials
Women's 35c Hose, 17c Wool
seamless, good quality Wed
nesday special, per pair
Children's 25c Hose, 12y2c
Full ' seamless wool , hose,
Wednesday special, per pair
Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Underwear, 89c Wool
and silk vests and pants, white only; also a few
vegasilk vests and pants in blue and OA
pink, Wednesday only at, per garment. . C
Children's 89c Underwear 39c Sample vests and
pants, wool and fleece lined, some uniotO Qk
suits Wednesday only, per garment. . OyC
Your Great Grocery
1 Money-Savers
Excelsior Flour, 24
lb. sack ...80
New Dill Pickles,
dozen ..... 15c
Sweet Pickles, per
quart .... .20
Crystal White Soap
6 bars for. .25
Combination for
r Wednesday
15 Bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond
C 8oap, tor ....'...25
Toasto Corn Flakes, per Pkg...lOi
.Seeded Raisins,, 1-lb. package, 13
Diamond Crystal Salt, per pkg 10
Fancy Japan Klce, 'i lba 20
GlUett's MosUrd, glass. . . . . -10
Combination Price
Capitol Sliced Pine
apple, can.. 15,5k
ull Cream Cheese,
pound 22
Capitol Saner
Kraut, can.. lOi
Imported Macaroni
or Spaghetti, two
. packages. ,.25
Capitol Wheat, 2-lb.
package for . .8
New Cooking Figs,
Pound XOi
Capitol Coffee, per
pound ....... 2;
Tea SifUngs, l-lbl
package. . . ' 12
?8c Assorted Teas,
pound . . . . .ftgk
2-lb. Roll Premiom
Batterine, .-48
Orkin Brothers F"' 16th an! Heme,
fpl ...jg
Outer Apparel for Women
Best Qualities-Lowest Prices
See the new
for women
See the new
. Queen
for women.
2 Splendid . Specials
In Wanted Silks
$2.00 Satin Charmeuse $1.68
All silk, 40 inches vide, in
tlack and all most wanted
eolorlngs 25 pieces Just re
ceived. 2.00 yard quality
at, yard ...........$1.68
Imperial Messalines 88c A
beautiful 36-inch all silk mes
saline in every new street and
. evening shade very special
value, yard ..; 88
Tailored Suits
Mada to Measure
wn maVn' tou a suit from
! your choice of over 50 pieces
; of high class 54-inch Scotch
Suitings, Whipcord linings
and trimings furnished man
tailored to your measure
perfect fit guaranteed
at .. .$27.50
The same class of work would
ordinarily cost you 35 to 1 140.
$l.SO wool Oooas, 8o-Tailored
Suitings, Scotch Mixtures. Illu
minated and Plain Whipcords
worth to 11.50, on sale, yard,
at 68o SAd 98
$15.00 and $18.09
Tailored Suits $10.00
150 exceptionally pretty suits, made to re
tail at $15.00 and $18.00; fine assortment,
at ..........$10.00
Misses' Serge Dresses $4.95 Also silk
dresses included, made to sell up to $12.00
extraordinary bargain at . .... .$4.95
Long Seal Push Coats Lined, with yarn
dyed satin; on sale at $15.00
Tailored Skirts-Regular $1.50 values .
at ..........69c
Flannelette Petticoats Regular 35c values
at 19c
Sample Tailored Suits In fine assortment
of beautiful designs, and choice fabrics,
including a nice line of corduroys, regular
values 'to' $45.00; choice . . . . . . $25.00
Wednesday Specials in
High Grade Linen Dept.
Extra large bemed or fringed
Turkish Bath Towels, worth
39c, each 254'
Heavy double thread full size
bleached Bath Towels, .worth. ,
29c, each ...... .-. v. . ;194
Pure linen hemmed' " Huck '
Towels, worth 25c, each 154
Pull ' size hemmed Hucks and
bleached Bath Towels, worth
15c, 'each . ,V. . . . . ... . .1()4
Wednesday Specials in
H Outing- Flannels, in colors, plaids
and stripes, lOo values. ... .7H
Unbleached Muslin, St Inches vide
7o values ..So
Heatherbloom. assorted colors, 35c
values . . ,89o
'Gingham, apron checks; blues and
browns, 7c values. ..6o
Lonsdale Muslin, 36 Inches wide.
10c value . . . . ............ .-.7V4o
B8-lnch Bleached Table Damask,
29c value ..19o
Silk Striped Ginghams, 25c value,
-at I- ,...16o
Curtain Scrlnr.', white and colored,
. 16b value lOo
Pillow Cases, 42x36, good muslin,
12c value- ..9io
Wash Goods Department Specials
Beacon Robe Cloth, looks and feels'
just like wool, - comes 28 Inches '
wide In flower and figure designs,
regular price 60c yard, at 28a
A beautiful assortment of Flannel
ettes, light and dark colors, 36
Inches, wide; at, yard ISo
Snowland Fleece, a complete- assort
ment of patterns and colors, 27. ,
inches wide; at, yard lSHo
new rai. WAISTUTGS.
Eden Cloth, a handsome wool fin
ish, will withstand washing,
comes In plain colors and fancy
' stripes; at, yard IBo
Silk Stripe PopUns, in every shad
and color; at, yard 39a
Imported English Poplins, yard 6Cs
Imported Poplins, yard. .39o
Fancy Jacquard -Poplins, yard..35o
A Speeial Carload of Extra Fancy Illinois Keiffer Pears tor Wednesday
These are packe'd in busn'el boxes and are fancy bright fruit There' Is nothing
finer grown for family use. and less than one-third the price of all Q5a
other varieties. WESITESSAT, bushel basket . .". . . .' J
Jonathan and Grimes Golden Apples In Bnshel Boxes. This Is extra fancy
Yakima Valley. Washington, rrult. weanesaay, per dox.... .....91.10
Another special sale Wednesdays 4 S
lb. sacks .Best High Grade Diamond
H Flour . .91M
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or
Lenox Soip 5
H'askln Bros." Omaha Family Soap,
per bar . .'. . .'. . . . . . . . . .8e
10 lbs. White or Yellow Cornmeal
for .170
4 lbs. fancy Japan Head Rice.... 860
8 cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .860
1-lb. cans assorted Soups.. 7io
The best bulk Peanut Butter, lb.I8Vo
The best domestic Spaghetti, Maca
roni or VermictlH, pkg. ...... ,7Ho
New Honey, per rack 16o.
Wax, String, Green or Lima Beans,
can .....s 7Ho
Oriole or E C Corn Flakes, pkg. .6Vo
The best Soda or Oyster Crackers,
per lb. ..7Hc
Fancy Assorted Cookies, 12 Vac and 15c
quality, per lb." ..80
The ZAst of tna Peaohes, for Wednes
day, per orate... ....660
right the Batter Trust and soy Bat.
terine Cheaper and better than lots
of butter 2 lbs. good butterlne 85o
Good Table Butterine, lb.. ISo
The best, equal to creamery butter,
per lb ...I..... ......i. ....... .860
New Potatoes, 'per peck, 15 lbs.... ISo
Fancy Greening Cooking Apples, per
peck, 13 lbs....!,...... ;..80C
Fresh Spinach, per peck So
Two large Heads Cabbase ........ So
Beets. Carrots. Turnips or Parsnips,
per lb; .80
Two bunches of Fresh Leaf .Lettuce
Four bunches Fresh Parsley...... so.
Two stalks fresh Celery .60
Fancy Red Onions.-lb. 8Uo
Do I
t TVT Have Your Heavy Winter
J3j 0W Suits arid Coats Cleaned
, - ana fui in anape wuw.
The familiar little motto, "Do
It Now," can be most aptly ap
plied to the cleaning and repair
ing of jur heavy winter, gar
ments. Procrastination means
shivering later, when ' the snow
flies;'...; ' ' ': ' ." '."
Your last year's coat,' over
coat, dress or suit, if cleaned
will probably look so good to
you that you will decide not
to invest in a new one.
We have been repair
ing, relining,' altering
and cleaning clothes to .
the entire satisfaction of
. most of the people in ; ,
Omaha for the past 15
years. Phone us and we
will call for your clean,
ing. 1 - :. . -
The Paritorium
' "Good Cleaners and Dyers" ; r '
1515-17 Jones St GUY LIGGETT, Pres. Phone D. 963.