Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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1 1
. E ig :hxXmu 'mil
A Notable offer! You may select
gAny Imported Gown, Costume or
m uur Mtire btocK ivionaay ai just
. 25 Per Gent Reduction!
This mu certainly appeal to hundreds of well-informed women in this vicinity. Most important an
nouncement that any store has madje this year. . , , ,
Thousands of women have voiced their admiration of these exquisite Paris made gowns and wraps since
our opening, less than a month ago." Now these same garments may be bought
$250 Imported Gowns and Costumes at $187.50
$150 Imported Gowns and Costumes at $112.50
closed th d(
off ju ; We include in this offer, only the genuine im
l?wmporfed models which9 were Bent to us direct in
'n'V'bond from Paris. ,We have decided to sell these
gowns and wraps now at the opening of the sea
Bon at uniformly reduced prices, in' order that
Omaha women who appreciate the high character
of this apparel may secure the garments they wish
most and enjoy a full season's satisfaction in its
utility. ; . ; . -. ' " -
'"Women s Suits and Coats
?-omeSrs"Fashionsear Suits, fall 'style aristocrat. . fsi.W
vm. si,,..!., t?,,ii Comnla finUn now mnrlala at ft.l.VOO
j ! H 0 OkUUUlllg H'i fcj . w 1 " - t
li hall ;w:la88y Novelty Coats, new winter Ideas, $25 to $39
Womcn'B Beautiful Dlack Charmeuse Coats, the season's
favorites .$12.50, $39, and $49
' Special section devoted to MUsea' and Juniors' Tall
ored Suits and Coats. - . ! . r : ; . .
Most of These Imported Garments are a Full Season in Advance of
the Style Tendencies of American Made Apparel
" Brandeis Stores remarkable assemblage of imported costumes has been the talk of the style colony of
Omaha this season. " .'.'.' ":., ...?''''"'
It is universally conceded that no western store ever assembled such a variety. Our own foreign buyer
selected each garment personally for us. He visited the most gifted Parisian designers and bought from each
an original creation. In this manner this complete range of ' Parisian styles for fall and winter has been com
prised in our showing.
- . . , . - .v stunTinMHH-,, sifim iMiswrftiiiiiiinmiiriitirniriff-siiiiu ju, - - -
7 - fsjj 'IT I j ""Wittu
: -2 : ( ii ,
wrap fcCTffl h
'ft BWym'vMmM? 'mk i
WK anwtWNSeSj-TTiW . . i:fl fir if III M I .'
$200 Imported Gowns and Costumes at $150
$100 Imported Gowns and Costumes at $75
'; Latest Paris Innovations " '
Special Display and Sale of High Class '
Laces, Novelties, All-overs
'Nettings, Dress Trimmings
Exquisite reproductions of real laces in
Point Tenisei- Irish Crochet, Macrame, Bo
hemian, Carrickraacross, Point Alencon, in
various widths to match; new shadow and
chantilly lace flouncings and allovers, gold
and silver laces, bands and allovers air at
very special prices.
"Wide lace bands, edges and Vandyke Points
in Venetian, crochet and Macrame effects
also metallic bands in gilt and combination;
effects, embroidered floss silk allovers
worth up to $1.25-at, yard.V.V, . . v . .590
18-in. New All-over Laces, 25c yard
Shadow, also oriental and guipuire designs,
in dainty new effects, many worth 50c a yd,
20c Wide Embroideries at 10c yard
18-inch fine cambric and nainsook embroid
ered skirtings, corset coverings', also wide
galloons and insertions very effective de
signson bargain square. ,
Women's Dainty Fall Neckwear
"Wide lace collars, coat collars, collar and
cuff sets, Dutch and sailor collars in crochet,
Macrame and Venise effects silk and velvet
Robespierre collars, etc. worth up to $2
at, eachj. .... ... ..... .25c, 5Qc and 98c
Finest selected grenoble kid In all the new shades
and -lengtha for street and evening wer embrold
' tred backs Paris point or' three stran stitc Ing -pearl
or radium clasp fasteners. We are. exclusive
Omaha agents for these celebrated gloves, ,
I xing Gloves at..'. ...... .....$2.75 $3.75
Short Gloves at . ............. -S1.50 to SS
Women's one and 'two-clasp Cape, Mocha and Fren::i
lambskin gloves tan, black, grey and whiteall
sizes. Fitted to the hand; at, pair S1.35
"Women's . fifenuine . English Walking Gloves - new
tans one-clasp fasteners worth f 1.25; on bargiln
square at, pair ......................... .85
For "Women, Misses' and Children v
Women's Fleecy Lined Cotton Union Suits, mellum
weight, worth up to 75c; at, a suit. ...,.,. .39
Women's Part Wool Vests" and "Pants, -regular and
extra sizes values up to 1.00; at, garment, 59 i
Women's Fleecy Lined - Cotton-Union Suits high
neck, long aleeves, low neck and sleeveless or elbow
sleevesknee or ankle lengths; at, suit .t .31100
Mtees', Chi Iren's end Boys' Union Suits flacy lined
cotton, In gray, cream and bleached; at, suit.. 5.9
Misses', Children's and Boys' Vests, Pants, Shirts aad
Drawers all sizes values up to 35c; at, a gar-
;.y -vm'-'. '
m W
Iff": If
A Fact Conceded By ; Every Well In
formed Western Woman is This:
Brandeis is Headquarters for Furs
of Distinguished Style, Character and
Thoroughly Reliable Quality
This season, as heretofore, Brandeis Stores wilQ
surpass all others in the showing of novelty furs.
: ' ....
, Our, copies of new French models, in fur coats
and novelty sets enables the discriminating woman
to secure something truly distinctive and different
from ,the old shape and styles in furs.. , , i '
.In the selection of no other class of jinerchandise
is the reputation of a store for dependability such
an important factor. Only an expert can detect the
perfect fur garment from the inferior counterpart.
.You must put your faith in the reputation of the
store .before you can trust the outer appearance of
the fur. The quality of Brandeis furs is as substan
tial as the reputation of Br,andeis Stores.
Every fur piece must measure up to the Bran
deis standard of excellence before it becomes a part
of our stock. v
Since we will not risk our reputation by offering
furs of doubtful value, the customer's risk is elimi
nated the moment she selects a fur in Brandeis
Stores. .. '1
' Brandeis Qualities are Always Dependable
Brandeis Varieties are Always the Greatest
'it s sr. v m. v m
'i m If
Possibly you have been admir
ing one of these imported gar
ments, but have hesitated on ac
count of the price. Every price
is now reduced. ;
No two of these garments are alike. . Every
style feature is not only original, but absolutelyc
authentic. Only the new 1912 fall and winter, de
signs are included.
Women's Dresses and Waists
Women's Practical New Silk Dresses are offered at f 10.00 '
Women's New Afternoon Frocks, veryclever, $35 and $49
Women's High Class Waists, made of chiffons, nets,: real
.laces and hlghclasa silks, at; . .T$5.00to $19.00
Women's Silk Pettlcoats, a superior showing at $2j.bs7 $SJ98
New Arrivals In Women's and Misses' Sweater Coats.
Early: Winter Millinery That is Both Beautiful g Practical
Misses' Hats
Sample Lines From Morton &
Wiseman, of New York, at $1.98
These hats are made of fine furs,
beaver, plush and velvet; trimmd with
ribbons, flowers, shirred satin rosettes,
ornaments etc. 200 pretty, styles '. for
girls 4 to 16 years of age. Worth up
to $7 at ,
Displayed in Douglas Street Window,
"Coronet Hats" at $10
There is no other line of medium
priced hats in , the same class with
"Coronets." The. designer has repro
duced the most charming Paris ideas
in dress and street hats, together with
the smartest New York style tenden
cies in trimmed millinery and created
hats to sell at $10 that are the equal
in appearance to any $25 hat that you
can find elsewhere. These are all new
early winter modelsat
Dont miss
seeing the
beautiful da-
!gns in the winter Issue of
tie Standard Fashion Rook.
Every e'ngle thicg a womai
mrAn H shown. And with
veiy copy of the book you
JkJtj StamlMS 3?ttra
. ,veml)r Pattern now on
aie in i'attern L'tjartmeisU
Biggest Offer oa -
The Designer
Two years' sub- CV1
scription for. . . pi.
This offer Is made for a.
I!mtpJ time only. Take ad
vantage of ifhowj
and Floor Oil Cloth
f A Tremendous Casri Purchase From One of the Greatest Manufacturers in the East .
Enables Us to Offer The Biggest Bargains Ever Known in Omaha.
These linoleums and Floor Oil Cloths are in full rollsnot remnants. The Linoleums are in new pat
terns of blue and white tile, beautiful inlaid designs. See them in our window displays.
Made to sell
up jo.. 75c. a
square yd. .at....
. . yd.
Made to sell 'ii A C
up to $1.00, Sq.
square yd., at yd.
Full pieces1 yd., ; I
1 hi yards and 2 yards M
wide, worth up to Lsi
45c, square yard," at. . . .
Plenty of Clerks to Wait on You-Plenty of Room No Crowding
Sale Begins
j ' , ' Jl
The New Silks
Special showing of 42-inch Satin Charmeuse, the craze
on both continents, In 39 shades, Including the new
American Beauty, new French blues, hew browns
and all evening tints. Our $2.50 Charmeuse af, per
yard $1.95
42-inch Changeable Velvets (Velour escaller). the
most extreme velvet fabrics In beautiful combina
tions of two-tone effects at, yard.... .....$4.50
86-inch Princess Dress Messallne Over 50 different
shades. Nothing like Princess messallne as a soft,
clinging silk so much in' vogue and so near the
satin charmeuse, yard .................. S 1.00
Beautiful Collection of Corded' Silks 24 to 42 inches
wide, representing different size cords very pop
ular for tailored suits, coats and dress trimmings -
at, yard i. r.V; . . . f;v: . . .91.0.O to $2.95
J..-.-V.-And English velour cords 25 pieces of
orauroy our regular ,150 qualIty qi
Velvets in all shades, at, yard. . ... ... , .P A
Boulevard Velvets Soft chiffon finish for suits,;
coats, etc. many new shades-7-all widths at, per
: yard ... . .. .. -98 and 50
Fall & Winter Dress Fabrics
Clever Styles In Tailor " Suittings a little different
from former showings. English and Scotch tweeds,
. plain and two-toned whipcords, wide wale diagonals,
" etc. mostly 54 inches wide, yd., $1 and $1.5Q
$2.50 and $3 wide wale, 2-tone whipcords, imported
diagonals,, semi-rough Scotch tweeds main dress
goods department, at yard . . ... . . . ..... .$1,95
New Costume Serges
Here are specials
Navies are in "the lead again.
for Monday: ; : , .
75c Amoskeag, all wool serges, at
1 Rntnnv worsted mills serees. at
$1,50 Cleveland worsted mills serges at .98
$2 Cleveland worsted mills serge ....... .$1.25
$2.50 Imported Tailor Serges at ........ ..$1.75
A saving of one-third from the regular price.
36 Inch to 54 inches wide. -
A Broadcloth Speclsl $1 and $1.25 Broadcloths In
all the best shades a few shales suitable for even
ing coats 50 to 54 inches wide, at yard .. ..69J
3 cases fine all wool suitings,' 36 to 54 inches wide.
'Whipcords, serges, diagonals, fancy suitings, satin
faced fabrics,'etc bargain square, at r
yard .r.50 69 98
I- I
New Fall Arrivals in the Finer Grades of
( " , You will be delighted with these new im
portations. .The most exquisite novelties in
Kussian and French Quny, fine filet, dainty.
Madeira linens, Antique laces, high class
. Japanese guest toweling and.table covers.
7 $6.50 Bed Sets at $398
Including heavy satin Marseilles Bed Spreads, em
broidered scalloped edge with cut corners for 1 tis
metal beds; also bolster cover to match. Immensa
variety of choice designs $6.50 values, , ig
(3.00 Linen Napkins at
$1.08 a . DoEen Extra
. fine grade Irish satin
damask napkins Uze
22x22 inches large va
riety, beautiful patterns
at, per
Main Linen Dept. in Ba"
50c Gnest Towels at 25c
Hemstitched, beautiful
guest towels, fine weave,
pure " linen buck, de
sighed especially for in
itial or: monogram; 5oc
values, at,
each. , . . . . .