THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 13, 1912. 5 A It l. v V v7. L. vt 1 ! S- V?; ft 7 f A Our greater Corset Section, featuring the celebrated R. & C, W. B. and, Warners high grade corset FORMERLY THE BENNETT COMPANY. Our greater Clove Section, featuring the celebrated Reynier, Fownes and Centimere dress and street gloves Thousands m Our Cosmopolitan Exposition of Fall Wearing Apparel Wins oi New; Customers lor Our lew Department Store E RESPECTFULLY DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION to our new equipment how in- ; stalled on our great second floor; garment store. Your inspection is invited. The beautiful mahogany furnishings ana qispzay caserare a reveiauon m moarn aesign ana convenience. 1 he most modern garment store in America is now at your command here. We've originated one of the most practical systems ever devised in modern cabinet con struction veve aimed to make your inspection of our garments a genuine delight. The intensely interesting display of fall garments and this most unusual garment room will attract every style-wise woman to our greater new store Monday. Beautiful Gowns, Party Dresses and; Dancing Frocks PARIS GOWNS AND COPIES-In silks and satins brocades"; velvets, white and even- mings, laces etc., priced at , $27.50, $35, $45, 59,50 up to $175 . PARTY DRESSES AND DANCING FROCKS brepe def chine trimmed'" with shadow ruffles, shirring, fancy girdle, hand made CI Q50 (a &9Q5& v, ! .flowers, etc , Evening shades; prices range; from $111 19 vtJv Unusually Distinctive Tailored Suits fr HIGH-CLASS TAILORED SUITS Beautiful models in novelty styles, ; velvet " suitsi fancy vests, Robes: pierre collars. Braid, cloth and silk trimmed. Prices aft A $oo to CORDUROY VELVET SUITS Plain tailored styles, wide revers on jack ets, new Bkirt ideas, colors brown, navy and black. Prices range .. 49.60 to $66 PLAIN TAILORED AND NOVELTY SUITS - Im- ported models, and . copies, ratine, diagonals, zibelines, rough and fancy mixtures, eponge,' serges, etc. Prices- $35 to 95 Sketch from life by illuitrating two of our riot fall garment: our ttaffi handsome excla- (r Our Showing of New Fall Silks and Dress Goods is Unequalled CHARMEUSE Great variety of shades, 46- tfj 'CA in. width, $2.50; 36-in- width, per yard. .... , . vJUDU CREPE DE CHINE Dress and dainty even ing shades, 40-in. width, per yard. CREPE METEOR Beautiful shades; 40-im wide, season's most "popular styles, per 'yard', WHIPCORD DIAGONALS, TWO-FACED CLOAK INGS At per yard from $1.50 to. . Skirts Made to Order at 82,50 We are making man tailored skirts to order. Select any material in our dress goods stock we will make a perfect fit ting skirt at the low price of. .'. . 1.50 $2.00 $4.00 $2.50 $L00 MESSAUNE, 59c - Beautiful light . and dark shades, all colors, 27-in. wide, Monday special, Q Q at per yard. ... v C $1.50 DRESS GOODS, 89c - Plain and novelty effects, 54 in. Most extraordinary val- Of ues, Monday special, per yd., O CC II v j 1 i ? v si Handsome New Fall arid Winter Coats VELOUR COATS-A gorgeous -display-all styles, three-fourths and full lengths, beautifully braided QC in (Jf Cf and trimmed.1 Prices . $d 10 ItfU WOMEN'S AND MISSES' COATS Heavy mixtures, diagonals, new ' 'collars, button; trimmed, brown and gray, all sizes," Monday special at SILK DRESSES Messaline,, an exceptional special Monday a'C .$15.00 COATS In plush, boucles, heavy, mix tures zibelines, double ' faced materials, Persians, cordur- 0 C a CCQ C A : oys, etc. Prices IV Ut.UV $12.50 Our Greater Shoe Store - Entire Harney street side of our store devoted to reliable foot wear for men, women and cvhildren. We are exclusive agents for the "'Dorothy Dodd Shoes" for particular women. Every style, every width, every size, $3.50, $5 WOMEN'S BOOTS AT $3.00 A most complete line; all : leathers in button and blucher models with new style heel and toe effects, dress shoes, walking shoes, flexible sole shoes for women who want both comfort and style. Many new Q models that will please every w6man. Special at ..... . WOMEN'S $1 50 SLIPPERS, 89c Gray, brown, ma roon and black; hand turned soles, fur trimmed; OQ sizes from' 4 to 8. Monday special, per pair . . .Owl - - .' 7: -. U If V0( j mi J Exquisit New Autumn Laces, Trimmings, Dress Accessories' FASHION'S EDICT FOR FALL IS AN INSISTENT demand for the application of laces, laces, laces in many styles and effects. We've anticipated your demand, following fashion's decree. Inspect our -gf beautiful, nil new showing. f '"SjA INTRODUCING IN OUR LACE DE- USJ PARTMENT All the newest ideas in 'Vv Y'' ' heavy and filmy laces particularly ld' adapted for afternoon and street cos- ( tumes. Venice and Oriental laces, most complete assortment, white, black, ' ecru and cream ranging in price from per yard at 25c to $7 JO FOR THE DAINTY EVENING GOWN You will find the .filmiest of shadow flouncings, edges and insertions, all of the newest designs in Bohemian, Rosa line, Irish, Duchess, Cluny, and Maltese laces ranging in price ftp- A fff r per yard,' from ...... . M at IU 019 $1 CRYSTAL CHIFFON CLOTH, 59c All desir able shades, 42-in. wide, regular $1 values, Monday special at, per cialat, 'rn" yard.. wt 75c ORIENTAL ALLOV ERS, 45c-18-in., white or ecru, beautiful patterns, values to 75c, Monday special at, per yard ....... 45c Si w V 1.75 Great Special Purchase Sale of Books Three thousand volumes of high-class works right from the shelves of the Fleming It. Bvell Co.'s store. These were secured at but a fraction of the mechanical cost of pro duction.' pevell'g miscellaneous books, all in three great lots on sale Monday. Sc BOOKS, LOT 1 - About 300 volumes worth 50c, Monday, at, each. . CORRESPOND ENCE CARDS - 24 cards and envelopes, gold stamped initials, Monday spe- Ql cial at box. . . .v BOOKS, LOT 2 Book3 worth 75c and$l, . 4 Ap Monday, at, each. . ;. JLyL BOOKS, LOT 3-Splendid collection and va- 0?l riety, Monday, each. . flvv $2.00, $2.50 AND $3.00 HISTORICAL VOLUMES AT 50c-Perfect condition, volumns such as History of Greece, Ice land pictures, Handwritings of . Kings and Queens of England, etc. PA Monday, special per volume 9UL $3 ARTIST FOLIOS, 50c Paintings by Fi sher, Eemington, Frost, Parrish, Pen field; Monday PAp special at ....wvL Best Underwear and Hosiery Values WOMEN'S $3.50 SILK AND WOOL UNION SUITS, 'Elliot" extra size union suits, white only, dA pa Monday special, at, per garment. , . .vm9U WOMEN'S FINE WOOL UNION SUITS - White, low neck, sleeveless and elbow sleeves; regular sie, eacli. Extra size, per garment ..... .$2.25 WOMEN'S FINE WOOL UNDER WEAR White and natural col- J or, vests and pants, per garment .vl WOMEN'S $1.25 COTTON UNION SUITS Fine white combed cotton, slightly fleeced, Monday 7Qrf special, per garment v WOMEN'S IMPORTED ' GENEVA SILK LISLE HOSE-Black, white and tan; exceptional values CAa at, per pair ..... .; . . . ... ..... 3"C WOMEN'S $1.25 SILK HOSE Black and colored, pure silk, fashion- QAp able, Mqnday special, pair.....OrC v ORKIN BROTHERS FORMERLY THE BENNETT COSIXTEENTH AND HARNEY STS. AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA . ..... v -, . Polish Home Carnival Will Open Today with Parade. MARKET SHOWS RECOVERY HeaTr Rectpta BrlnK Promise of Farther Activity When Feeders Are Hetorned Dapont Saved front Potter Field. The Polish Home carnival will open to day with a monster parade at 3:30 this afternoon. The parade will form at the city hall, headed by prominent men of the committee, the mayors of both Omaha end South Omaha. Including the entire Toster of officials of South Omaha. The follce and fire departments will be a part of the parade in full regalia and all the fraternal societies and lodges toll Join m 1th various delegations of citiaens from Omaha suburbs. Three bands will furnish music on the march from the city hall to tho carnival entrance at Twenty-sixth and J street. " immediately upon reaching the grounds, the amusements will be thrown open, to the public. Prominent orators will talk , r during the afternoon. A balloon 'ascen sion will take ivikw. in the early evening; a daring glide for life Is another of the many attractions offered, along with the usual carnival merry-making. , The -. streets of the grounds will be lined with Attractions new and startling. The "coun y. try store" is loaded now to the extreme with articles novel and useful. At night the gruunds will be one blaze of Illumi nation with music galonf. esterday markri close of tha licftTieet week that ht South Omaha live . stock market has witnessed in over - a year, at least as far as cattle receipts go. In all 40,300 head of . cattle were received leaving a margin of 8,000 head to the good for this year over the cor responding week of last year. In feeder sales there was such a movement . as promises to bring back heavy shipments of feeder stock within the next two or four months. Farmers and feeder men bought .. heavily . and shipped -out their stuff for a few months run of the feed lots before . returning them . to the market. . : ,y. I in nogs wun me exception oi tne rec ord price of $9.05 attained In October, 1910, J9, the next highest price, was at tained yesterday for a load ; of prinie Berkshire?. The total hog receipts for the week foot up to 2f,S00 head, as against 24.4R5 on the same date a year back. ; Sheep and lambs according to stock men are, if anything, just a shade better than a week ago. Altogether the much heralded scarcity' of cattle is not 'ma terializing, , as ,tirt!y as-- was expected. Stockmen say that the market Is good and prices good.. They declare that owing to the large shipments of feeders sent out to the feed lots it Is reasonable to ex pect that within from two to four months there will bo a big business done on the cattle market In feeder stock returned from the pastures.' " j ' . Dnpont's Funeral -Mondar. . " . Andy Dupont will not be buried as 8 pauper owing to the charity of a number of city employes and friends in the Indian hill district. Acting on the suggestion , of Chief of Police John Briggs several of j the ' police,' ' including Captain ', John i pworak, Desk Sergeant Billy - Corrigan and special officer to the mayor, ilunry Schmellng sold nearly $100 worth of t'ekete at SO cents a piece to the old friends of Dupont In the west end of the city. Chief of Police John Briggs and Chief of De tectives James Sheahan assisted in the charitable Work. , Dupont's funeral will be l.eld Monday morning at 10 o'clock at Larkin's burial parlors to Laurel Hill cemetery. . Black Enters Baslneas. F. W. Black, for the last ten years a carrier in the South Omaha postofflce, has left the service of Uncle Sam to enter the real estate and Insurance line. Mr. 'Black has bought the business , of H. Goldberg, which he will continue in the same place succeeding to Mr.' Gold berg's location in The Bee branch office at 2318 N street. . Mr. Black Is well known and highly regarded by all those with whom he has come In contact during his long service with the local Postofflce de partment. . Metnodlst Choir Maslcalc. Because of weather the previously an nounced musicale which was to have been given by the choir of the First Methodist church on last Thursday has been postponed until Tuesday evening, October 15. The program will be rendered at the First Baptist church,1 Twenty-first and If streets. The following Is the list of those who will participate In the pro gram: - , i j . Mesdames E. P. "Baker, H. B. Berg quint. Max Foote. C. A. Rikabaugh. W. K. Sage, R. B. Schuyler, C. W. Stem. Misses Mildred Bates, Jeanne Lee and Gladys Van Sant, Messrs. K. C. Abbott, C. U Aldrich, B. C. Badger, E. P Baker, A. W. Gove. W. C. Herrold. V. H. Uwb C. W. . Stem. Mrs. J, P. Ringer, accom panist . . The program will be as follows: "Trumpet ' Blow. Musio Flow". ...Gounod "Sing mir dein Lied" Greene : Mrs. Bergqulst . ''Dreamklng and His Love"........ Parker Mr. Badger and Choir. "An Irish Mothers Lullaby"..,. '....Lang Women Chorus. "Fairy Music from Semlramlde". .Rossini Mrs. Rickabaugh and Choir. "The Feast of Adonis".. Jensen Mrs. Schuyler and Choir. "Valentines Day" Stamford "Japanese Lullaby" De Koven "The North Wind'' Chadwick Call for Club Meeting. A special call Is to be given to the members of the Bohemian-American Im provement club to be present at the re organization meeting to be held Sunday, October 13, at the Bohemian National Turner hall, Twenty-second and U streets, at 2:30 p. m. Matters of Importance pertaining to the coming election ere expected to come be fore the meeting. All old members art requested to at tend this meeting, as Well as those who are anxious to become members. ' Magic City Gossip. Mrs. K. Murdock is a guest at the home of her son, A. H. Murdock. Miss Mary Kelly, dressmaking, 811 N. 20th. r Tel. 184S.-Advertisemnt Mrs.. Ralph Hall of Neola, la., was the guest of Mrs. S. Schrigley last week. Mr. and Mrs. ' J. Jameson entertained th Highland Whist club at their homo Friday evening. FOR RENT Seven-room house, partly modem, on car line. 10 North Fifteenth. Advertisement. Mrs. J. N. Williams gave a luncheon Tuesday In honor of Mrs. W. D. Km mona of Wallace, Neb. I write a good many wills; three ' in September. Frank A. AgnewIannon block. Advertisement. Mrs. C." M. Bennig of Vtllisca,' la., ha returned to her home after a short visit at tne home of Mrs, D. G. Robb. There will be no preaching services at St. Luke's Lutheran church, Twnty-ftfth and K streets, on aocount of the pastor's absence. The women of the New Century club will hold a rummage sale Thursday, Fri day and Saturday at Twenty-fourth and Q streets. . k- , . . , Mrs. J. F. Hevhm and daughter, Mine Josephine, of California are vial ting at the home of Mrs. llewlns' sister, Mrs. J. Meyers, 2719 Q street. Kteam heated rooms, 614 N. 21th Btreet Advertisement, The -King's Daughters of the - First PreBbyterlan churcn, will meet st th home of Mrs. George Bradley, Twenty third and K streets, next Friday after noon. For Rent Modern front room, with board, suitable for two young men. So. 887. Advertisement. ' Mrs. Frank Leigh was hostess for the Century club Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Uaie of Omaha gave the members an ad dres on lltinz method of different uses vinegar. 'Mrs. S. La veil I was hostess for the H. P. C. C. club Thursday afternoon. The afternoon was enjoyed at high five and prizes were won by Mrs. Hershie, Mrs. uhafont and Miss L. Retlly. ' Mrs. George Paddock entertained at a matinee party at the Boyd for MIks Anna TJaden Friday, Those present were Mrs. Lower', New York; MIsb Anna TJalen. Peoria, III.; Mrs. G. Paddock and Mrs. H. Trumbel. ',.:': Mrs. H. Newman of Omaha entertained the Pastime Whist club Friday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. F, A. Rob erts, Mrs. Putnam and Ml?s C. Rawley, Mrs. Slate" will entertain the club next Friday afternoon. . Mrs. Erele Sterricker of Omaha enter tained at a 1 o'clock luncheon, followed by a matinee party at the Orpheum. Covers were laid for Mesdames Dempster, G. Paddock, H. Trumbel, E. Sterricker and Miss Anna TJaden. Miss Viola Williams entertained at a stag party tot the R. O. D. club Monday evening. Those present were: MIsbm Helen Tyner, Patience Kelley. Esther Miller, Hazel Barrett. Margaret Fitz gerald and Viola Williams. Mrs. B. Klliott. assisted by Mrs. O. J. Ames, entertained the Ladles' Afternoon Whist club Friday afternoon. Five table of players were present. The guests of the afternoon were: Mrs. Gerhardt, Mrs. Batoman, Mrs. Plnne!l and Mrs. B. Ander son. . Miss May Leach was hostess for the La Linus club Friday afternoon. Those present wore: Miaaes Ola A Is worth. Rita Busrh. Jean Bcrger, Jjjreno Lindhrg, Veronica Farrell, Lucy Ewing, Agnes i Reed, Nina Weppner, Ada Beckett. Edna Philp, May Leach iwd Mabel Menefee. Call National Wine and Liquor Co., 108 108 No.' 24th St., for Stors Triumph beer; also wines and liquors, delivered. Phone South 871. Advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bothwell enter tained at an evening party in honor of MIbs Anna TJaden Tuesday.' In the party were: Mr. and Mrs. E. Sterricker. Mr and Mrs. G. Paddock, Mr. and Mrs. H. Trumbel. Mrs. Lowery. New York; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Townssnd, Miss Anna TJaden and Will Townsend. Mrs. Fred Miller was hostess for the Fortnightly club Monday evening, Tn prizes were won by Miss May Sherry and Miss Minnie Haas. Those present were: MlMsea Mlpnle Haas, Let a Kellogg, May Sherry, Anna Robertson,. Mabel Henry, Mrs. J. M. Henry, Mrs. Cudray and Mrs F. Miller. v One of the most lavishly entertained guests of the week Is Miss Anna TJaden of Peoria, 111. Miss TJaden is a talented musician. Ehe left for her home Saturday evening. Mrs. H. Trumbel gave a matinee party at the Brandels theater. Her gursts were: Miss Anna TJaden, Peoria, III.; Mi. Lowery, New York, and Mrs. George Paddock. Mrs. W. W. Lambert and Mrs. C. Bulla entertained the W, W. W. club Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. M. Laverty. The guests of the afternoon were: Mrs. H. Snyder, Lincoln; Mrs Fowler, Miss Edith Lambert and Miss Jelna Lambert, Kansas City. The mem bers present Were: Mesdames Lambert, F. Scott, W. B. Tagg. B. Hart, A. Miller. C. Orchard, R. M. Laverty, T. H. Hel grcn, C. Bulla and Misses Nora Gilchrist, orace loung, Mauno uennis, juua Willard and Hortense Eads. 'i V Mr. K Trumbel was hostess for the Tug-of-War club Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. George Paddock was assistant hostess. The guests of the afternoon were: Mesdames H. Curtl. E. Bterricker, G Walllcker, Charles Bothwell and William Boehr. The members present were. Mnsdames T. Parker, C. Bulla, N. R. Bryson, Ed Burson, A. Fowler, R. M. Laverty, H, O'Shea. F. Scott, W. Bavlnger, C. Francisco,' B. Harl C. Orchard. F. Prucka, J, Rose, O. Palock and It Trumbel . ; . I.. Dying Man Still . is Unidentified The man found In Riverside park yes terday morning, unconscious. Is still tin identified and in a dangerous condition at the St. 'Joseph's hospital. No one seems to know who he is and beyond the fact that he is known to have eaten some .toadstools, believing them to ba mushrooms, his case Is a mystery. Office Boy Waated. An energetic boy of 16 or over may se cure a good position by applying to superintendent BrandeJs Stores. Adver tisement, i ' Sanatorium This Institution Is the onlr en to tne central west wltb aeparaU buildings situated la their own tample grounds, yet entirely distinct and rendering It possible to classify cases- The one building being fitted for and devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and Dont&ental diseases, so others be ing admitted. ' The other Rest Cottage, betag designed for tad devoted to the exclusive treatment oi select mental cases, requiring (or a time watchful car an 4 spo cial nursing. , 1 t- J5