Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: . OMAliA, .SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1912.
TyiHttvriters. , ;
RENT from the manufacturers direct.
No. 2 Oliver typewriter, S months, $4 00.
Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type
writer company.
TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 month, IT).
BAPE BURNER for sale cheap. 2718
Capitol Ave. '
SAFE. Overstocked with second-hand
fafes; all sizes and makes; bargains.
American Supply Co., 1102-0 Farnam.
DESKS, safes, scales, show cases, shelv
ing, etc.: see us first Omaha Fixture and
Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. Doug. 2724.
FOR SALE New and second-hand
carom and pocket billiard tables and
. bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix
tures of all kinds; easy payments. The
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-408 8.
10th St.
Brooks' model, 6 horse, 2 cycle. 2S ft..
1 cylinder, Gray engine. L. S. Grlgg.
Phone Douglas 4S.
SQUARE piano. 820. Web. S2S4.
THE ANGLE OIL LAMP, the light that
-. n r. M,.. I4av Iab mnnAV
wrw nri(w in nap thnimanrt Ifith and
Sprague Sts. Phone Webster 2372.
Massage, Mrs. Rlttenbouse, tfl8 Boston Bid.
f A RS A (IV. Salt Glow and massage.
iilADOAUXJ Mme Anen of Chicago,
20J Withnell Blk.. 16th and Harney. D. 7fifi.
M ARftAflTn Swedish movement
VITAL massage, vital bath. Miss D.
Fisher, 401 Ware Blk., 309 S. 15th. D. 2785.
MASSAlTR Expert treatment. Mrs.
iXLttOQiiUXi Steele, 208 S. 13th St. R. 325
remedy for Itching, bleeding or protrud
ing piles, 60c - postpaid; samples free
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off clothing; In fact, anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell at 131
N. Uth St., for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and
wagon will call.
MAGNETIC healing, over 710 S. 16th.
M A RS A fl IT! treatments. Fjfteen years
iUAOOAUD experience. Twelve years
in umana. iz.uo hotels and residences;
11.00 at the office, Call D. 868. Res. D. 3437.
7-Room House
In Koimtze Place
Omaha's largest and most uniform resi
dence district, where you have good
neighbors, good schools, churches and
stores convenient; where all the streets
are paved and the best of surroundings
House, 1806 Locust St.. has large living
room, with built-in bookcases, beam ceil
ings, nicely arranged dining room, with
oak panel sides up to plate rail. AH fin
ished In oak; also the floors. A well ar
ranged kitchen, pantry and ice box room:
four well arranged sleeping rooms and
bath; all finished in white enamel with
birch; two-panel doors finished In ma
hogany and oak floors; one bedroom has
windows, which will answer for a
sleeping porch ; stair to attic: 2d floor bal
cony, so' bedding can be aired -outside.
First-class electric light and gas fixtures;
elegant plumbing; a good furnace, fully
guaranteed; pressed trick foundation; a
2-foot terraced south front lot with ce
ment walks and all sodded; on paved
street and paving all paid. The upper
half of, the house is finished in stucco;
all . the' Interior is decorated with high
Class paper. The house was. built by day
labor and will bear the closest Inspection.
It you want a fine home on a cash pay
ment of $1,000, this will surely please you,
Hastings & Heyden
161? Harney St.
We have three of them for sale located
at 13th and Q Sts., South Omaha. All
brand new, electric lights, hardwood fin
ish, well built and nice, large, level lots.
Price, 11,400; 150 cash, balance $15 per
month. Keys at J. W. Quiuk's, 166 So.
13th St.. South Omaha.
810-12 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
FREE treatment, diseases of women
and children under professors sunervl
sion, 1 to 2:30 daily, Creighton College of
. Medicine. Mtn ana uavenport. .
7rinlrHair I was a heavy drinker.
averaging over a quart
of whiaky daily. Tried many ways to
rerorm, out witnout success until I found
a certain easy method and was cured in
three das. Have since saved thousands
of other victims of the liquor habit. It can
be overcome with or' without- drinker's
knowledge, Interesting book (tells how)
mailed, plain Wrapper, free, if you cut
this out and write to Edward Woods, 534
sixth Ave., 153 A, New York.
TV.f A CC A flV Corns removed. 25c: Mrs.
.wauii Haynes, 707 8. 16 St. D 4492.
I BATHS, Swedish massage, Mrs. Snyder,
No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D. 4380.
nam. Davldge Block. Apt. 3. Doug. 6521
Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.
. Body Massage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 77SL
YOTJNO woman cominir tn rimoh
ctraneera are Invltr1 tn vlif ku
Women's Christian association building
ax ma ana ei. Mary's Ave., where they
will be directed to suitable boarding
places or otherwise assisted. Look for
our travelers, aid at the Union Station.
- ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of
tterman Bruaern, a German baker.
please correspond with Mrs. Herman
Brudern, Highland, Kan., or should he
; see this ad he must write home at once.
as there Is very Important news, awaits," i . ...
DENTAL work under supervision of
professor; fio charge except for material
Creighton College of Dentistry, 210 S. 18th
Screenings, 1.50 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16.
BOSTON terrier pups, screw tai'.sire
my champion Tom Cnbb. , Call Douglas
im. 2020 Farnam.
' WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam 8mith & Co., 1320 Farnam St
WANTED City loans. Peters trust Co.
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. I,
"Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam.
FARM LOANS near Omaha; no com
'mission; optional payments;, cheap money.
Orin S. Merrill Co., 1213 City Nat. Bk. Bldg
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
3016 Omaha Nat'l. Douglas 2152.
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
MONEY to loan on business or resi
dence properties, $1,000 to $60,000. W. H.
THOMAS, 603 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Wanted, farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., On,
Loans on farms and improved city prop
erty, i pet to pet j no delay. J. H.
Liumont 4b Co., 1603 tsrnam bt., Omaha.
City LOANS. Bemlff- Cartberg
Co., 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
A BARGAIN for ;me young,iaw-
jVT, 1 Sci lea OI ICtW
books of 12 volumes, 1 of 10 volumes. Law
Dictionary. Hale oh Torts, Cooley on
Torts. ' Clark's Criminal Law Books;
good as new.' 'Will sell or trade 'for
chickens or anything you have. A. J.
Knott. 4616 N. 36th St. Web. 6396.' ' '
: SEND for our system of exchanges,
KhnDitn A f?n Dont H Omaha M.h
FOR EXCHANGE Choice land and
town property for general merchandise.
Address Lock Box L, Seibert, Colo.
CLEAR income property, Omaha, net
ting per cent, to exchange for good
land In rain halt P O Box Ma
PARTIES having large 0-room housed
modern, full size lot, cement walks, paved
street, enlghbor own their homes. Price
J.'s2o0, about half cash gets a bargain, or
would exchange for nice cottage In desir
able location. Phone Harney 682. 4227
Harney St.
COUNTRY HOME and fruit farm, 60
acres, well improved; 10 acres in fruit;
clear. Will pay cash difference for mod
ern first-claBS West Farnam 8 or 8-room
home. Address, C. 882, care Bee.
Household gds,clothes & shoes. Doug. 8971.
Best prices for shoes, slothes. Ben W.5479.
Best prices for fur., clothes, shoes. W.6146.
SLIGHTLY used high grade
Web. 3726. . ,. "...
, . ;
REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of
fice tn Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater.
911 So. 36th St.. containing io rooms, all
fair-sized rooms; furnace; modern plumb
ing: double perch; lot 40x124; paved street;
near car line and in good location; $100
cash, balance 0 a month, practically the
same as rent.
S10-13 Brandeis Theater Bldg.
Great Bargain
Two lots at 40th Ave. near Ames, two
blocks from street car line. $126 each.
One lot, 47th and Cass St., adjoining
Dundee, $600. Inquire at 1208 Jones St
LAKE Street lot, close to telephone ex
change, for sale or lease; fine for flat,
cottages, small stores or garage; will
build to suit tenant. Owner, Tel. Web
ster 2612.
NEARLY new 6-room, modern place;
cheaper than rent. Tel. "Web. 3229.
7-ROOM new cottage, modern; easy
terms. Web. 7069.
SAVB commission by buying direct an
8-room house; owner leaving city. Web.
mailed free on application. Charles E.
Williamson Co., Real ' Estate, Insurance,
Rentals, Care of Property, Omaha.
Best and cheapest suburban acre prop
erty near city. Fine country home sites
and garden tracts convenient to car. bur
veyed, plstted and staked In lots of
H acre to 8 acres and priced from $136
per acre up. Come early and get your
choice of a lot in this beautiful addl
tion. Call for plat and descriptive
literature. C. R. Combs, m to 816 Bran,
dels Theater Bldg. Phones Doug. 31)16,
A-3711.. '
Buying of Wheat Was Overdone Yes
terday on Rumors of War.
Bear on the Oats Market Say There
Are Indications of a Large Ex
port of Thin Grain from
the Country.
' -.- Traversed by the ..
Lands adapted to the widest range of
crop. AH the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat
ing with this coming country, its S0I1,
climate, church and school advantages,
write,, .
W. B. LEAHY, Dept K.
General Passenger Agent,
OMAHA. Oct. 11, 1312.
The Hiytng of wheat was overdone on
var rumors yesterday. Possibly the sell
ing was a little overdone on the official
crop figures. At any rate the trade was
in a position to 'respond quickly if there
was anything alarming from the other
side ana news wver night telling of the
defeat of the TuYkish troops may indicate
more serious news during the day. Based
on domestic conditions independent of the
foreign news It looks like a choppy trad
ing market, with little In the way of
hedging sales to help the bears, and prac
tically nothing In the way of export busi
ness to assist in advancing prices. Keep
ing the crop figures in mind, the situa
tion seems heavy unless helped by some
thing Important from the other slae. Cash
wheat H&lVic higher.
The lowering of October com prices
and easier old cash corn markets, with
occasional hardening of the new crop
months on wet weather or war news,
brought about a more natural position
in corn. The market was heavy yester
day because of the enormous crop total
Indicated. Very few people care to ad
vise purchase of corn in the face of such
a yield. Traders continue to advise cau
tion about pressing the selling side of
the December option on breaks because
of the uncertainty about the new crop
movement for that month.
In a general way a return of bright
weather for the corn belt should bring
a renewal of selling pressure especially
ir. the May option. Cash corn IWific
Bears say that there are Indications of
a larger movement from tne country,
which, with the lighter cash demand, is
expected to result in lower prices. Cash
oau, unchanuea.
rnniary wnt-ui receipts were 2.140.000 hu.
ana snipmems l,li8,0 bu., against re
ceipts last year of 2,6,000 bu. and ship
ments of i)31.(iw) bu.
Primary corn receipts were 462,000 bu.
and shipments 176,000 bu against receipts
lasi year of IM2,m bu. anu snipmems ot
K7,000 bu.
Primary oats receipts were 819,000 bu.
and shipments were 1.001,00.) bu., against
receipts last year of 1,237,W bu. and ship
ments ot 73,0i bu.
The Chicago and Omaha markets will
be closed baturaay, Oct. 12, Columbus
13ay. .
c.earances were Wheat and flour
equal to 608.000 bushels. Com, none.
Uats, 42.700 bushels.
Liverpool close-Wheat, lid to W
higner; corn, '8d to ftd higher.
Hie toiiowing cssn sales were reported
Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 6 cars, sitc;
1 car, 87c. No. 8 hard winter, 4 cars, 86&c;
6 cars, Stic. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car,
8uc; I car, 84c; 1 car, 83c. No. 8 spring,
1 car, Sti'Jic. No. 2 durum, 1 car, 83c.
Corn: No. 3 yellow, i cars, 61c; 1 car
(musty). tiOVsc. No. 4 yellow, 1 ear,, sue.
No. 3 mixed, 1 car, Blc. OatS: Standard,
2 cars, 311ic. No. 8 white, 2 cars, 31c; iu
cars, 30?ic. No. 4 white, 1 car, 30&e.
Barley: No. 4. 1 car, 66c.
Omaha tuna Price.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 86HSTHc; No. S
hard, S6fcS7c; No. 4 hard. 8385c.
"CORN-No. 2 white, 64&c: No. 3 white.
64c; No. 4 white, 62c; No. 3 color, 63ic;
xo. 3 yetiow, tiBjiV4c; jso. s yellow, WWQ
Blc; No. 4 yellow, 69',40c; No. 2, l4c;
No. 3, 61c; No. 4, 59460c.
OATS-No. 2 white, 31c; standard,
31V4c; No. 3 white, SOftipic; No. 4 white.
L..1RLEY Malting, 5S(g65c; No. 1 feed,
KYJS-No. 2, 87'68c; No. 3, 6767c,
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 131 182 180
Minnapolis 610
Uulutn 627
Umana 67 13 35
Kansas City 161 , 7 if
St. (Louis 63 17 X)
Winnipeg $70
Cash quotations were as follows:
KLOl'K Steady; winter patents. H.SOtff
3.(0: Mra&hts, HlOft'4.60; spring patents.
J4.0r4.30; straights, H00$; bakers,
RK-No. 2, V(r60Sc.
BARLBY-Keed or mixing, 47&63c; fair
to choice malting, tiofimc.
SEEPS Timothv, 83.00rf4 .00. Clover.
3.0iva l.oo.
PROVISIONS-Pork, mess. 117.37til7..V).
Lard (in tierces), $11.974. Short rib.i
(loose). 10.62VU.25.
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 60,000 bu. Bxports for the
week, as shown by Bradstreet'a, were
equal to .431.O0O bu. Primary' receipt
were 2,140.(M) bu., compared with 2.376.W0
bu. for the corresponding day a year ago.
Kstlmated receipts for ! tomorrow:
Wheat, 12' cars; corn, 142 cars; oats, 2ol
cars; lions, 8.000 head. "
Chicago Cash Prices W Ilea t, No. 2
hard, !Mj94c; No. 8 hard, 924t0Se; No. 1
northern, SMrt5tc; No. 2 northern, 92
3Vtc; No. 3 northern, SStfJDie: No. 4
spring, R3;c; velvet chaff, 8fifg89c. Corn,
No. 2. esWeSV-; No. 2 white, 64HfB4ic;
No. 2 yellow, 645J64V: No. 3, tssff34c;
No. 3 white, KSfcWic; No. 3 yellow, 63V
fjrtte; No. 4. 62Htr&'e; No. 4 white, 62o;
No. 4 yellow. 62Va1iae. Oats, No. 1, JScf,
No. 3, 33 ttic; No. 4, S233c ; standard,
Rye: No. 2. 6969S4c. Barley, 4S72V
Timothy seed. 3.004.00. Clover seed,
(13.00(18.00. -. . v
BIl'iTKlt-Steady; creameries, 24ttiff29e;
dairies, 22HT27c.
EOGS Steady; receipts, 310 cases; t
mark, cases included, 19$20c; ordinary
firsts, 21o; firsts. 24c.
CHKE9E Klrm; daisies, Wl'V: twins,
16W7c; young Americas, lV417ic; long
horns, 17174c
POTATO KS Steady; receipts, "5 cars;
Michigan, 4:'45c; Minnesota and Wis
consin, 40!(fC.
POl'LTRY Alive, easy, turkeys, 15c;
chickens, lie; springs, 13c..
VEAL-Steady at 014c.
THE' eastlest way to find a buyer' for
your farm is to insert a small want ad
in the Des Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation in the state of Iowa, 43,000 daily.
The Capital is read by and believed in
by the standpatters of Iowa, who Pimply
refuse to permit any other paper In their
homes. Rates, 1 cent a word a day;
tl.2i per lino per month; count six ordi
nary words to tne line. Aauresa Des
Moines Capital, Des Moines, la.
Write for our Minnesota booklet f
special rates.
103 Bankers Life Bldg.,
- Lincoln, Neb. --.
I HAVE two quarter sections of timber
land In northern Minnesota, well located.
close to the river and neighboring towns.
Timber alone will pay price asked. For
particulars communicate with TODD W.
LEWIS, Chamber of Commerce, Minneap
olis, Minn.
i Nebraska.
IP you are In the market for a first-
class farm for a home or your children,
with - all advantages- of quality, climate
and moisture, ready morkct for anything
raised - on a farm, investigate what this
means to you. I have Improved and un
improved farms In Kimball county,- Ne
braska, from $15 to $30, as level as a floor,
dark sandy loam, clay, subsoil. Kimball
county took first prize at state fair on
wheat and millet. I have a half section, all
in crop, well fenced, at $24 per acre. East
ern .farmers are selling tt.elr $100 land
and locating In Kimball county, Nebraska,
Close to U. P. Ry. 1 have other lands from
$6 to $S. all tillable, partly rough. Terms,
C. J. CANAN. 509-510 McCague Bldg.
Feature of the Trading ana Cloning"
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Oct. 11. Fear that the east
ern war might spread beyond the Bal
kans brought about a material advance
In wheat today. Closing prices were s
to lfalc net higher.
W.ineat speculators took a break in
British consols as a warning that Balkan
hostilities might entangle some of the
chief European countries. Bullish senti
ment was increased by the fact that
export business was being done at bet
ter terms than could recently have been
obtained. 7
From start to finish no important re
action took place. December closed l!4'j!
l6 up, at 93Vi93c.
Wet weather heightened the anxiety of
shorts In corn, but wheat strength ana
European war uneasiness receiveu greater
attention. December closed unsettled at
oic, an advance of Hc over last
night. Cash grades were only in fair de
mand. No. 2 yellow was quoted at Wtf
(iaC. ,.
Active merchandising and export trade
brought jip future market for oats.
December closed c net higher, at 32,A'if
Provisions bulged because of action of
grain, i Pork closed 203nc up.
The leading lutuies uiosea as- follows: .
Quotations of the Dnr on
NEW YORK, Oct. 11-Fl.OL'R-Firm;
spring patents. $4.60ifl4.90: winter
straights, $4.464.50; winter patents, $4.70
B5.16: spring clears. $4.25(84.50; extra No.
;l winter. $4.1Qfc4.20; extra No. 2 winter,; Kansas straights. iw.iso.
Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.804.00;
choice to fancy. $4.05(94.10.
CORNMEAL Quiet; fine white nd
yellow, $1.661.70; coarso, $1.60fl.6i; kiln
dried. $4.16.
RYE Steady; No. 2 western, 68o, e. L
WHEAT Spot market strong: No. 3
red, $1.05g-1.07, elevstor and $1.06 nomi
nal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth,
$101Vi, f. o. b, afloat. futures closed
lfcc net higher. December closed $1.01H.
May, u.0b.
CORN Spot market firm; export, 90c
r. -o. b. afloat December to March.
OATS Spot market barely steady;
No. 3 384.l9e; No. 4, S7c,
HAY-yulet; prime, $!.; No. 1, $110(9
1.15; No. 2, $1.001.05; No. 3, SOfc'ffie.
FEED Firm: western spring bran,
100-lb. sacks, $23.35; standard middling,
$25.60; city, $24.60. '
HIDES-, firm; Bogota, 2728c; Cen
trsl America, 27'c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 27
28c; seconds, 2526c; thirds, 22423ttc;
rt?j6ctfl 15c
PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $19.00
(619.50; family, $2!.00(fj'23.00; short clears.
$21.S024.0. Beef, firm; mess. $17.00
18.00; family. $21,00422,00; beef hams,
$28.00031.50. Cut meats, quiet; pickled
bellies, 10 to 12 lbs., $12.00ii 14.50; pickled
hams, $14.00. Lord, firm; middle west,
$I2.;iijil2.40; refined, firmer; continent,
$12.80; 8outh America, $13,35; compound,
TALLOW Steady; city, $6.25; country,
$3.87Wa'.62tt; special, $7.12V.
CHEESE Steady and unchanged; re
ceipts 2.018 boxes. -
EGGS Dull; receipts 8,731 cases. Near
by henneries, white, fancy large new laid,
4l(ff46c; western gathered whites, 30tt7c.
POULTRY Alive; dull; western chicks,
12l4tol3iic; fowls, 13fj;i4c; turkeys, 16c,
Dressed: Fresh killed western chicks,
l2Vift17c; fowls, 15)18c; turkeys, spring,
i5c; old, 16(6 lie.
St. Louis General Market.',
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 11. WHEAT Higher;
track, No. 2 red, ll.O7Vfc1.10tt; No. 2, hard,
SiJtSjC. ,-' r, . - .
CORN-HIgher; track, No. 2, 644c; No.
2 white,' 6t;y6Ki7c,
OATS Firm; track, No. 2, 824634c;
No. 2 white, S5c.
Closing cash prices:
WHEAT-Steady; December, WtoPlttc;
May. 9&c. -
CORN Firm; December, BOHc; May,
81HC '
OATS-Firm; December, 32c; May,
34',c. , '
RYE Firm at 70c. i
FLOUR Firm; red Winter patents,
$1.65(64.95; 1 extra fancy and straight,
?4.1x'fi 4 ho; hard winter clears, $3,45(3.76.
SFJrilx-Tlmothy, $10.00.
BRAN Firm; sacked east track, 98e
HAY Firm: timothy, $13.0018.50; prac-
rie, si2.unil.w.
PROVISION S Pork, lard,
meats and bacon, unchanged.
Flour, bl ' 10,000
Wheat, bu 7,0fW
Corn, bu ,...20.000
Oats, bu ....66,000
Cattle Receipts Light and Trade
Very Slow and Weak.
Sheet " l.amba In Very Mgbt Sup
ply, but Demand la Aluo Limited
and Trade Is Slow
and Weak.
SOCTH OMAHA, Oct. 11. 1I2
Receipts were: Cattle, lugs. Sheep.
Official Monday 12,77 1,798 38,617
Olficial Tuesitav H.WI 4.537 2,'-
Official Wednesday.... 8,112 6,516 86.025
Olficial Tlmndav 6.SS6 b,MQ .
Estimate Jt rldsy 1,4ft) 5,000 . 2,7
Five dy this wsek.. 89.853 22.1S5' 147
Same days last week 81.831 2o.417 iW,M
ssame days 2 weeks ago 86.U91 H',867 toi.lU
Maine davs 2 weeks uao 29.!(65 21.K8 Ul.Ml
Same days 4 weeks aao 28,081 , 27,106 Jb.704
Same aays last year 31.079 22.U6 l(,3Ut
Tne foiloming tabt shows the receipts
of cattlo. hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the yeur to date as compared with
last year; 1912. 1911. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 747.0S9 907,419 140.320
Hogs 2,392,ii9 1,923.930 408,028
bheep 2.124,691 2,139.1uo ....... 14.414
I'ht following table shjwt the range of
prices for hogs at South Omaha for the
last few days with comparisons:' ,'
Date. Ilil2. mi.H!U0.iaO9.mQ8.KOi.llO0.
Oct. 2..
Oct 8.
Oct 6..
Oct. ..
Oct. 7.
Oct. 8.
Oct. .
Oct. Id
Oct. 11
8 44' &!
7 M) dill 92!
1 17'.4 6 29! $ 451 I 62 16 81
8 61 6 231 8 271 7 01 I 4o 6 $4
SJ 18 4(t T K 10 81
8 70N( 6 43i 8 471 7 !4 6 16 6 92
76; 8 271 7 B'l 15l l
6 a
6 27
( 30
8 77UI 6 47J 1 7 611 201 6 Oi
8 7y 6 3l 8 a 6 li 6 11 6 2)
6 il 8 23 t 67 ,lI&l..j
Receipts and disposition ot live stock
at the Union Stock yards for twenty
four hours ending yesterday at $ o'clock;
C, M. & St. P. Ry.. .. 6 . ..
Wabash Ry... . .. 1
Missouri Pac. Ry... 13 .. 2
Union Pacific Ry... 12 11 8 2
C. N.-W'.. east.... 1.4
C. & N.-W., west... 8 2 1 ..
C, St. P., M. & 0 5 .. ..
C. B. & Q east 7
C, B. & Q., west... 36 IS 1
C, R. 1. & P., east., .. 4.2
C, R, I. P., wis'. .. 1
Illinois Central Ry.. 1 3 ..
! Total receipts 59 77 12 4
Article Open. ) Hign. Low. Close. yes y.
We have for sale over 20.000 acre's of
Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest
farm land, where the crop yields for 13
years, Including 1910 and 1911, average
with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also
a leading crop. Better soil, water and
climate cannot be found. Write for full
Information. Agents wanted everywhere.
HAVE a quarter section of land in Holt
county, Nebraska, to exchange for income
property, it is wortn sw an acre, with
$1,0U0 incumbrance. What have you to
offer? Address Box 255. Sioux, Neb.
$3.86 per acre.cssh buys a 640-acre im
proved stock ranch located in the Beaver
valley, roues norm oi uartiett, tne
oounty seat. Ail of section 2S-24-U
Wheeler county, Nebraska (known as
Royce place) land lays level to gently
rolling, sandy soil, fine hay and grass
land. 1 mile to school, 3 miles to post-
office and store, sell settled locality,- has
good, large 3-room Square frame
house, frame barn for 8 horses, frame
granary, chicken nouse, corral, good well
of pure water 40 feet deep, 300 acres
fenced, on main traveled - road. Title
perfect .and clear. Land joining this,
and no better, is held at $10 to $20 per
acre. But owner must raise $2,400 cash
by October 2, so has made a cash price
of $3.85 per acre on this land to make
sure of getting the money quick. - See
this place at once, no time to lose. It
must go. You will probably never have
another bargain like this offered you in
Nebraska lana. write or wire when you
start to see it and I will hold it open
till you have time to report Start today
B. wait. Blue jviounu, jvan.
320 ACRES, well Improved, best bargain
in Sherman county at the price, $50 per
acre; only 4 miles to good town. Also
160 to trade equity for hardware or gen
eral merchandise. This is priced right.
For particulars write W. O. Phillips.
Loup City, Neb .
Wheatj I
iuiy.i i)4
Corn J
July.l td
Oct.. ' U3
Oats i 1
Dec..l32ft32M33 323233,321ilS'S4
May. 341 84ft34& Hi 34A
Ju,y. 34'4 34 iMi434cffj 34B
rum 1 I 1
92mms 92
94Vs 94i
1 I
54 53 681 62
W MS &2!A53
W 63A 62' U
64 W
dry salt
Dec. I 11 40
May. I 10 56
17 40
19 30
Oct..! 17 26
May.i 19 00
Jan.. 19 40-50 19 75
Oct.. U 80
n 92
17 25
19 00
19 40
11 80
11 62 11 40
10 70Jj I
10 72 10 55
11 071i U 00
17 40 j 16 20
18 30 I 19 40
19 75 I 18 96
11 90
11 z
11 60
U 75
11 Uo
10 70 1 10 62A
U (W 10 87
640 acres, all fenced with sheep tight
woven wire, fenced and cross-fenced with
a six-wire barbed fence. 12 miles from
Andrews, 20 miles from Crawford. Fully
500 acres can be cultivated. Small sod
house, good well and windmill, frame
and log barn 24x40 feet, good board
corral. This is good soil and will make
someone an excellent farm.
$9.50 per acre, with terms to suit pur
chaser, takes this place. Act at once.
See my display of Dawes County prod
uct in my Omaha office, ground floor
of the McCague Bldg,, Omaha.
320 acres, Cheyenne county, level as a
billiard table, all good, 8 miles to rail
road. Ripley, 2221 Webster St.
South Dakota. '- -
FOR SALE 160 acres good farm land;
40 acres broke, balance all tillable; 7
miles from Dallas and ( miles from
Colome. Price. $40 per acre, payable
$1,500 cash. 82,500 March 1, 1913; $2,400
March 1, 1917. Address Box 180, Dallas,
80.. Dak.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live Stock Coromlsalon Merchants.
BYERS BROS. & CO., Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg.
Bnyder-Malone-Coffman Co., 169 Ex. Bldg.
LAVEBTY BROS., 138 Exchange Bldg.
Martin Bros. & Co., Exchange Bldg.
Clay, Robinson & Co., 200 Exchange Bldg.
Kansas Cltr Grain and Provisions.
unchanged to 1 cent higher; No. 2
hard, S!U92c: No. 3, 88(?f91c; No. 2 red,
Sl.O35il.05; NO. 8, 9toel,03.
CQRN-Unchanged to lo higher; No,
mixed, 62c; No. 3, 60c; No. 2 white, 67c;
No. 3, 6166c.
OATS Unchanged.
RYE 74c.
HA Y-Steady.
BUTTER Creamery, 28c; . firsts, 2o;
seconds, 24c; packing stock. 22c.
EGGS extras, 26c; firsts, 24c; seconds,
Receipts. Shipments.
W'heat, bu 161.(K 191,000
Com, bu 7.000 ......
Oats, bu 17,000 13,IM
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. ll.-WHEAT-De-cember,
89c; May, 95c. Closing cash
prices: No. 1 hard, 91c; No. 1 northern,
89C091c; No. 2 northern, 86894c; No. J,
CORN No. 8, Cg4I9c. '
OATS-No. 3, 30fr31c. .
RYE No. 2, 61(fl4c.
FLOUR First patents, $4.354.65;. sec
ond patents, $4.204.35; first clears, $3.20
3.50; second clears, $2. 4002.70. Mill stuff
shipments, 2,823 tons. Market dull and a
trifle easier.
BRAN-$18.7520.00. '
. BARLEY-4066c.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
1 northern, 94S5c,; No. 2 northern,
mfite; No. 2 hard, winter, 9293c; De
cember, 9i3ic; May, 95$.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep,
Morris & Co. 1 119 . 204
Swift & Co 132 1.148 751
Cudahy Packing Co 2tff 1.050 1,624
Armour & Co 2J2 1.3ti9 138
J W. Murphy S40
Morrell IS
W. I). Vansant Co 66
Benton, V. S. ft Lush... 180
Hill & Son 58
F. B. Lewis 133
J. B. Root & Co 11
J. H. Bulla 62
U F. Hubs .. 83
Rosenstock Bros 86
McCreary & Kellogg.... 2
Werthelmer & Dcgen... 58
Rothschild & Krehs..,. 61
Mo. it Kan.-Cal. Co 35
Cllne & Christie 8
Other buyers 244 ... 10,190
Totals 2,328 4,826 12.914
CATTLE There were no cattle of any
great consequence in tne yards this
morning, only 1.4U0 head, all told, being
reported. This was hardly enough to in
terest buyers to any extent and, as them
was a heavy fail of rain all the fore
noon, which kept a good many buyers
from going out at all, the market was
low and ouil from start to finish. Under
such circumstances, prices paid were
naturally, weak, and In some cases pos
sibly quite a little lower.
Although speculators sold a great num
ber of stock cattle and feeders yester
day, they Mill had quite a numoer of
head on hand, and as it was so near th
close ot the week tney were not overly
anxious for fresh supplies, so- the mar
ket on stock cattle and feedsrs was
rather weak and dull, th same as .4111
ers. In the end. however, pretty much
everything in first hands was . disposed
Quotations on Native Cattle Good to
choice beef steers, th.26itfl0.tiu; lair to good
beef steers. I7.25u.i: common to fair
beef steers, $6.0O.2i; good to choice
heifers, I6.7dii.60; good to choice cows,
$5.5U4jU25i fair to good grades, $4,40(.60;
common to fair grades, 3.iMB4.0; good to
choice etockers and feeders, $U.Lvas.0o;
fair to good stockers and fvuderi, -26
6.vo; common to fair stockers and feeu
era, $4.606.26; stock cows and heifers,
$4.&0&5.'i6; veal calves, s4.76w9.g0; bulls,
stags, etc., $4&t5.oO.
Quotations on Range Cattle Good to
choice beet steers, l6.frttfyS.30; fair to good
oeei steers, so.wan.w, conwiun vi tair
ueet steers, $5.u((yii.ou
Representative sales:
v iftl tJKiNU A EBRASKA.
I heifers... W)5 6 65 23 feeders.. 663 6 75
6 heiieis... Dl 6 75 6 cows..... 98 4 JO
U loeuels.. 30 6 50 8 heifers... 106 6 00
a tecuei.. m 2 7 heiters... 822 6 15
6 cows 8ns 4 40 12 feedurs.. 829 6 Ou
8 steers.. ..1326 6 46 12 cows..... WW 6 30
4 heiters... 640 6 60 12 feeders.. 750 6 60
11 feeders,. 9i2 6 25 30 feeders.. 711 6 9a
i COWS..... W 4 90 17 CS. tt hS.. 941 5 30
4 cows 110 4 80 6 cows 80S 8 rfO
7 calves... Sol 8 75 12 calves... 341 6 26
Scows 806 3 25 7 cows..... 834 4 8u
9 cow 834 , 4 65
Mllldale Cattle Co Neb.
14 heifers... 896 6 76 26 cows 903 4 00
103 steers... 829 t 90
J. J. Robl tts-Neb.
10 calves... 370 6 75 21 feeders.. 710 6 86
1066 5 50 13 heifers..
120 I SO
44 S 80
... lit
... S 8(1
10 SO
SO 10
... )
WO S so
i w
10 1 6
160 II U
120 a 115
ho n
10 1 t
... is
no 1 IT
... I to
118 74 ... 1 a u 75 ... 4 75
M Id ... I 60 ?0 Ml ... 1 10
SHEEP The run of sht-ep and lambs
was small, 10 cars, or 2.700 head being
received, as compared with 18.158 head
last Friday, r.) head two weeks ago
ami only 253 head on the corresponding
day last year. Contrary to what might
be expected, with such a limited supply
on haivt, the packing Interests were very
slow In taking hold this morning. The
packer buyers having bought heavily
during the current week, are loaded up
at the week-end and apparently have very
few if any orders Vi fill. Another hcar
Ixh influence was the break In prices on
the Chicago market. A three-car Mrlng
of very good feeding ewes sold early at
$3.45, but outside of this one sale very
little was doing early in the morning.
A little later In the morning bulk of
offerings sold early tn the forenoon at
prices steady with yesterday.
For the five days of the week receipts
have been only moderately large, as
about 147.900 head were reported at the
yards, as against 186.208 for the same
time last week. 157,112 two weeks ago
and 167.319 head for the corresponding
period a year ago. On most days trade
was good and active, a fairly large move
ment ot th eofferlngs taking place In
the forenoon dally. An uplifting factor on
the market has been the very favorable
conditions in the eastern dressed mutton
trade. Fat lambs In general are closing
anywhere from strong to 10$15c higher
than prices at the close of last week.
Killing ewes and wethers show fully a
quarter advance, while fat yearlings have
shown about the same improvement as.
lambs. A large volume of trade was
done in the feeder division and owing to
the presence of numerous country buyers
and commission men with orders to fill
business was quite lively most of the
All kinds of feeding sheep and lambs
show about the same advance over last
week, prices being about 2fxS40o higher.
Quotations on sheep and lambs lJimbs,
good to choice, $6.46itf6.ti5; lambs, fair I)
good, jn.3Miti.4r,; lambs, feeders, $5.40&i6 25;
yearlings, light, $4.75(W.26; yearlings,
heavy, $4.45f4.70; yearlings, feeders, $460
$15.00; wethers, good to choice, J3.8Mfi4.10i
wethers,' fair to good, M.65V.1.ft5; wethers,
feeders, $3.7O4.00; ewes, good to choice,
83.333.60; ewes, feeders, $2. 70 3. 25; ewes,
yearling breeders, $4.000500; ewes, aged,
$.1,001)3.60; culls, sheep and bucks, $1.75
Representative sales:
No. Av.
353 Wyoming Umbs, feeders.... 65
358 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64
104 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 66
433 Wyoming lambs, feeders..,. 68
219 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 46
728 Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 88
210 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,.. 69
123 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls., 44
luttB.iD. lambs, feeders .38
378 S, D. lambs, feeders 48
117 8. D. wethers, feeders... .,.,102
102 8. D. wethers, feeders 83
9 8. 1). wethers, yearlings.... 78
24 Idaho withers VX
Wi Wyoming lambs, feeders.... 64
351 Wyoming lambs, feeders,.., S3
13 cows.
22 feeders.. 630
16 steers.... 888
au teeders.. 98
20 cows 9X0
9 calves. ..101$
11 heifers... bfl
ll yearlings M
14 cows 10S2
127 teeders. 9tt7
10 feeders.. 820
U caives... 269
Marriatt &
36 steers. ...HU 6 50
io steers., M2 6 50
42 steers.. ..low 8 50
ii steers.. ..1W3 5 40
U steers. ...WUtf & 40
14 steers.... 96a
ii steers,. ..10,8
28 steers
77 feeders.
6 cows 940
3 calves... 176
14 steers.. ..1145
8 teeuers.. via
12 steers.. .,1268
817 6 65
982 5 75
ti 6 20
5 25
8 no
6 90
7 60
8 90
6 90
6 20
6 90
6 60
6 90
6 86
6 30
i 10
4 00
19 steers. ...1090
16 steers,... 1082
tl Steers.... 996
41 steers.. ..1011
xi2 tw,.ru.... Ui.ll .4 41
6 75 ' 13 steers., ..1004 6 40
6 60
3 feeders.. 920
6 calves... 276
6 30
4 60
6 50
6 ot)
6 40
6 40
iiolden Bros. Wyo.
10 feeders.. u& 6 85 6 steels.... 808 6 25
7 cows 8sO 5 25 5 COm'S 9W 6 &
HOQS-With a fairly liberal supply of
hogs here, today, yesterday s valuta were
well sustained. The packer buyers were
the big factors on the market and took
the big majority- of "the offerings at
prices tully steaoy and in some instances
strong, when compared with Thursday's
traae. - enippers naa very iiuis lire, tew
If any orders being filled on shipping sc-
CORN No. 3 yellow. 66c: No. 2 whlt count. As usual speculators were the
64c; No. 3, m&Kc; December, '54054'i ichief buyers at the opening, but bought
May, 62c-
OATS-Standard,. 33WlS4c.
BARLEY Malting, 6&73c.
v I very sparingly. "A few eany sales were
Omaha Har Market.'
OMAHA. Oct. ll.-HAY-No. 1 upland.
$12.00012.50; No. 2, fll.00ll.50: No. 3,
$9.00tl.00; No. 1 midland, $I1.50fi 12.60;
No. 2,; no. 3. J9.0UBH1.00; n0. 1
lowland, $10.6611.00; No. 2, $9.ooH0.0O; No.
!. J7.COffi9.00; alfalfa. No. 1. $13.50; No. 2.
$12.00; No. 8. 10.0011.00. Straw: Wheat.
$6.50; oats end rye, jr.60.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, Oct. h.-CORN-Hc lower; No.
4 white, 61c; No. Z yellow, 26c; No. 3
yellow, 62c; NO. 4 yellow, 61o; No. 2
mixed. oaVsCr no; s mixea,. sifcc.
OATS Uncnangea 10 yc lower;
white, 34c; standard. 33c; No. I
No. 3
. Imports at New York. . .
NEW YORK. Oct ll.-Imports of mer
chandise and dry goods at the port of
New York for the week ending October 6
were valued at $21,261,723. Imports of
specie at this port for the week ending
today were J68.709 silver and $4,148,763 gold.
Exports were $1,124,98 silver and $40,100
Cotton Market.
tures closed weak; October, 10.35c; No
vember, 10.41c: December, 10.60c; January,
10.62a; M'briiary, ni.vuc; Marcn. lo.sur;
May, IO.⪼ June, 10.90c; July,
gust, 10.90c.
W,94c; Au.
ijstrong to a snade higher. As oft yester-
j'lay, ousiness wan very uneven ana oniy
being made until well along towards 11
o clock. There being only one or two
packer buyers engaged in the late trade,
closing business was rather slow and
somewhat weak. The bulk of ' the hold,
ings were 1st go at prices around $8,75
J.80, while the best hogs sold at $8.9o, the
same as on yesterday.
Receipts footed up about seventy-four
cars, or 6,000 head) as against 8,722 head
last Friday, 3,708 two weeks ago, and
a.iol oh' the corresponding day a year
ago. The general quality of the offerings
was about the same as the last two days
back. As recently, some of the supply
was late in arriving on the market .
Kcpreuentative sales
sh. Pr.
10 110
... a so
... 110
10 1 10
10 t N
so s 0
to I to
1C0 I M
40O I 10
iu 1 10
40 I ti'i
20 I 12 tj
... 1 11214
im 1 tt
M0 I f2'4
... 112
... 1 K'i
40 I 2Vi
10 I lo
40 I K
Ne. . Av. Sh. Tt. ' No. Ar.
U 14TD ... I 0 M m
M 1(1 240 I 70 I HI
21 144 ICO I tl ..UO
44 171 SO I 76 42.. .....264
41 308 ... To ' 0 m
18 IM 160 I "I ' 12. ......Ml
40.. 120 I 71 W m
61., 242 160 I 71 ' W., 209
17 m 10 I "S id 261
M.......II4 ... 1 76 70 234
41.......21 120 I 16 72 240
It, 212 140 I 76 - 12 23T
61... 120 I "it ' Ml 186
241 ... I "7'4 47 2SS
M.......2M.... 1774 76 248
M 210 ... 1 77'4 ; 16 242
Jl 239 40 I "7V4 M 2l
60 26 W 7 2M
6? 262 120 I 00 72 im
14.'.,.. ..244 2W I 6 311
(4 271 10 I 60 1 2(1
06 Idaho lambs 70
331 Idaho lambs, feeders 80
31 Idaho lambs, feeders, culls.. 60
698 Montana wethers nd ewes., '
IM) Montana wethers and ewes.. H6
446. Montana wethers 94
i8 Montana wethers, feeders., .100
1.12 Montana wethers, feeders... 80
52 Mont, yearlings and wethers 67-
66 Montana lambs 74
156 Wyoming lambs 77
473 Wyoming lambs 78
118 Montana lambs, feeders 69 .
105 Montana lambs, feeders.... 66
554 Montana lambs, feeders..., 66
44 Montana lambs, feeders,.,. 66
162 Montana lambs, feeders..,. 66
165 Montana lambs, feeders,,,, 66
825 Montana lambs, feeders..., 66
Kfl Montana ewes 100
2S3 Wyoming ewes 121
24 Montana yearlings 98
277 Wyoming ewes, feeders..,. 106
802 Wyoming ewes, feeders..., 89
aft Idaho yearlings 95
407 Idaho lambs T2
8)2 Idaho lambs 72
211 Idft'io Iambi 73 .
17 Wyoming ewes ,.1I8 "
590 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,. 60
216 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 52
174 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 06
438 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,, 60
612 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,. 60
418 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 45
360 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 67
682 Wyoming lambs, feeders... 59
145 Wyoming ewes, feeders,.... 95
854 Wyoming lambs, feeders.., 64
759 Wyoming lumbs,. feeders... 64
241 Wyoming lambs, feeders.,; 54 .
176 Wyoming lambs, feeders. ,, 55!
27 native ewes 128
17 native lambs ....79
6 10
$ 10
6 65
6 85
6 80
8 40
$ 5?
4 80
8 85
8 95
6 10
4 00
. S 75
6 00
8 15
6 46
8 75
8 76
$ 45
3 80
4 10
6 60
6 65
6 56
t 75
6 It
6 15
6 50
6 25
8 60
8 50
4 50
8 10
8 00
4 50
$ 85
8 86
8 50
6 (HI
t 85
6 15
6 85
5 85
t IS
6 20
3 00
8 00
8 Oi)
8 60
6 76
Demand for Cattle and Sneep steady
Hon Higher.
CHICAGO, Oct. It CATTLE Receipts.
2,500 head; market steady; beeves, $5.6&w
11.00; Texas steers, $4.50(06.00; western
steers. $5.80ft8.90; stockers and feeders,
$4,254)7.70; rows end heifers, $2.9018.10;
calvps, $7.5C10.50.
HOQA-RecelptK, 11,000 head; market
generally 6a higher; light, $8.658.36;
mixed, $S.708.40; heavy, $8.66(P.40; rough,
$K.554i8.75; P'g", J6.00ft8.00; bulk of sales,
8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.008
head; market steady to shade lower; na
tive, $3.254.40;' western, $3.40(4.40; year
lings, $42ri.25; lambs, native, $4.00ti.76;
western, $4.756.86
Ht. Louis Live Stack Market.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 11. CATTLE Receipts,
9.500 head, including 2,100 head Texans;
market steady; native shipping and ex
port steers, $8.OO10.75; dressed and butcher
steers, $&.&0ft9.10; stockers and feeders.
$3.756.75; cows and heifers. $5.7S.60;
cannera, J2.76$4.00; bulls, $4.00ig3.60; calves,
$8.00tf11.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers,
J4-RiVfi!7.00; cows and heifers, $3.25ft(.O0.
HOOS-Receipts, 7,400 head; market So
higher; pigs and lights, $6.60ig.2O; mixed
and bulchers, $8.859.30; good heavy, $9.06
8.26. "'-.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,900
head; market steady; muttons, $3.5003.65;
lambs, $5.50iic6.85; culls' and bucks, $L60toi
3.26; stockers, $2.75iii'3.50.
Kansas tlty Llvr Stock Market.
ceipts, 1,600 head, including 1,000 head
southerns; show cattle, $10. 751)512. 40; mar
ket isteady to shade higher; dressed beef
and export steers, $8.504'U.(K); fair to good,
$6.0063.40; western steers, $6.00.00; stock
ers and feeders. $4.607.60; southern
steers, $4.256.90; southern cows, $8.5ftJ
6.25: native cows, $3.241.60; native heif
ers, $5.0037.50; bulls, $3.755.00; calves, $6.60
HOGS-Receipts. 2.500 head; market. BSD
10c higher; bulk of sales, $8.75&.00; heavy.
$8.OMM0: packers and butchers. 88.75
8.00; Hght, $8.5008.90; pigs. $6.0O$'7.10, .
SHEEP AND lAMUM tieCelptS. 4,600
head;' market steady; lambs, $7.6&86.75;
yearlings, $4.004.60; wethers, $3.50M. 10:
ewes, $3.1003.00; stockers and feeders, $2.00
3,75. ... . . -. , .. ..
Foreign Situation Looms Larger on
Financial Horizon. 1 .
Canadian Paelfle la Storm Center tf
Tradlnsj. ( Ionia r with Wet
' Loss of Nearly Eleven
rolats. '
NEW. YORK, Oct. ll.-The foreign
situation loomed larger on the local finan
cial horizon today, Oover night news
from Ixmdon and other European points
was largely of an alarming tenor, and
these advices were followed by enor
mous sales of American stocks Id Lon
don, Paris and Berlin. The German and
r rench capitals were centers of demor
alisation and London an naiml hoH
hpnr Ihtt K-ii... v. .. . . .
ing. Hales for European account were
estimated at 100.000 snares; but there is
authority for saytng that the total liqui
dation was much in excess of those
figures. -
Canadian Pacific was the storm of tho 1
market, declining $ points in Berlin, clos
ing with half that loss in London and
opening here with a decline of practi
cally 5 points. From this level It made
some recovery only to sell lower at the
unin-e u, ht miei in me aitemoon
and cloning with a net loss of 10 points.
I'nlon Paoiflc was weakest of tile lead
ers, but the Hill Issues, grangers, United
States Steel and coppers were only
slightly lens affected, the range of losses
In some of these issues approximating
8 points In the last hour. Toward the
close, I nlon Pacific, coppers, steel and
a few other active Issues were again
urgently offered at further declines.
Private discounts were above the bank
rate In London and private cables to
International bankers Indicate an early
advance to 8 per cent by the institution
next week. .
Bonds were weak. Total sales par value
aggregated $2,125,009. United States
government bond's were unchanged on
Number ot sales and leading quotations
n stock were as follows: '
Ui. Hlrt. Lav CtoM.
Am!(mtJ Coftrtr
Amerlctn Agricultural
Am, Bct Sugar
American a
Amrlco Can M,...
American C. tk F....
American Cotton Oil.
Am. In leourltlea....
American Uoaead .,
Americas tooomntlvs
American S. a R....
Am. p. A R. pfd.....
Am. Sustr Artnlng.
Ammlraa T. aV T...,
American Tnbareo
tt aaa h. u
U 1 U .
0 7 71H'H4I
, I.J9B - 4Tfi 4i,tB
mo ism lafc it
Lino m m
lo Mi, ' I4 si4
Ms a aau. ' itu.
. N) 14U 14 14
, 1.7M 4SS 43 eiVL
W,M m 14 U4k
, PTk
,.' m m a J2nfc
, ' 70S 14IK 14t4k' S8U
i.wo Kt 4
Anacond MIrIsr Co.... 14,000 46 3W rU.
Atchieoa- ...i.. 11,101 1H m ifl
Airhlaon if!
AtlaiHlc C'oaat Una...,
Bllln,nr Ohio
Bathlchrm Staal
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific k....,'
Central Lsather
Chaaapaaka Ohio....
Chlcasa O. W ,.
auissn a k.
Uiloaga b N. W
I'olorado T. ft
ConanlldatM uaa ,
Corn ProdMta
Dalavar Hudson...
Danrar Rio Ornnds. .
InTr a R. O, pfd....
Dlailllcra' gacuritlas ..
Itrla i. ........
Brla lat pfd.,
Kris Id pfd
Oemrnl Klectrlo
Brest Kterlham pfd
Great Northarn Ore etfs.. t40 41
Illinois canlral
Inlarbomuga Met. ......
Inter. Met. pfd......,,,.
International Harveater
Inter-Marine pfd
International Pump .....
Kansas ritr Seuthern...,
Ii'.l4e uaa
K 14J14 I41H 141 to m m
ttm n 4t 4i
K10 II Klti ,
4J.10S 170 !4JH
"eft Its 1114 II "4
1.000 UI4, II IS-H
. 0t 17 17 17,
I, W 111 'M 111
KM 141 141 M
17M 4 4 41
8. M0 147 141 m
t.m n u w
20 170 17 let
ion n jl
V 4114 40 tt
WC K1'4 M "14
II. 100 4 164, -si4
l.00 i Utj24
100 44 14
i.?oo 113 lnu mu
4.7M 40 135,
47H .,4714
100 1 121
T,W" lit. II ..III'
11.40) '"17 ' 5' le'4
Q H tSSli
io . 11 tin -ijv,
..... 17
toe U M M
Lehlh Vsllejf 17,409 1T 171 17IH
Ixulevtlle 4fc Nathalie.. 0 11 110
n st. r. s. s. i.tos 14 j
Mlaeouri, K. at T-.
MlMourl Pacific ,,
atlonal Blacult ..
Mtllooal Lead
n. n. r. o m. id pra.v m n n sr
New York Central ., l.M 11 111 .'114
P. Y., O, a W...,
Norfolk a Wrntern
North American ........
Northern Pacific
Parifle Mail
People'! Oaa
P., O.j C. St. L
PHtaburgh Coal
Pretaed leel far ,
Pullman Falaoe Car
Reading -
tfepnhllo 1. a a..........
Republic I. 8, pfd....
Rock lalsnd Co.... .....
Rock Island Ce, pfd.....
8t L. S. W. Id pld..
Seaboard Air Line........
Seaboard A. U pta-.....
Rloas-Sheffleld . It I...
Southern Pacific
Southern hallway ,
So. Railway pfd
Tenneanee Copper .....i..
Teiaa ft Pacific...
I'nloa Faclflo ....
Vnlnn Paclflo pfd 11 11 '
4,1,00 44 '.44
100 ,! M,;
1.000 11 115 .jlU
U0 ' U
100 ' 14 I4U .114
I, M0 127 1 't
' 100 U 13 "M
I.1IM 114 114 ;424
1.40 111 1114 jilt
KM )4 14 :'MV
' 40 11 17 ,J7
100 187 147, M7
l.Ml 177' 174iT6
t.70 13 II r 13
tm m n -.'i
I.SOO 17 M M
.1,7(1 46 14 ,14
400 , 11 SB' "Jeek
10 z
41 41
..T.40 in.lio 110
. 4,400 ' '.
; 4U0 .11 M,;l
. LMM 44t 43 -343
, .too i5 i;;T
,17,10 17l'4 170rJI
. 100 ."."lie
United State. Realty.... 10 MJ
.wSr tSi iK
vim aim
Va. Carolina Chemical .400 JJi
W.huh W
Wabaah pfd
Weiter n Maryland ...
Weatern Union
.' in-u,- RtAAtrla
a. f w ... 1.100 11
Total or me any, . ".,v,-.x
4'' 'M
vm 4, ,?
100 J 14 14
700 It ' M
100 SOU M ,
1,70 14; i ,i
IS .10
V. t. ret. la, rag
do coupon
V. i. , rg
do coupon
V. 8. 4i. rg
d coupoa ..
. at. Jowph Live Stock Market.
celnts. 600 head: market steady; steers.
5.7510.60; cows and heifers, 83.2)8.75;
calves, 84.009.50.
HOO 8 Receipts, z.soo eaa; market 6c
higher; top, $9.00; bulk of sales, $8.75S.90.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000
head; market steady; lambs, 86.00ig4.6o.
Stock In Sla-nt. ' ;
Receipts of live stock at the five prin
cipal wetsern markets yesterday: :
cattie. riogs. tneep.
South Omaha 1,400 8,000 2.70O
St. Joseph 600 2.600 1,000
Kansas City L600 2.500 4.500
St. Louis 8.600 7,400 6.900
Chicago 8,500 11.000 12,000
Totals 18,400 . 28,500 2fl,10Q
Soaar Market.
BUGARRaw; quiet; muscovado,
test, 35lc; centrnugsi, no Test. 4.11c;
molasses sugar, W test, i.xe. Refined,
quiet. :
Vevr York Mlnlnai Stocks.
NEW YnRtv. Oct. 1L Closlne nimta.
lions on mining niocnn were;
Com. Tunnel nock., e jnexican
do bonda
Con. Oal. ft
lrnn Silver
t.radville Con.
Little Chief ..,
.. a
.. I
.. 1
Ophlr .......,
Standard ....
Tallow Jacket
... 44
... 10
Nee York Mosey Msrket.
on call, 4V!r7B Pr cent higher; ruling rate.
5 per cent; closing iu, f
ten at & per cent. Time loans, easy;
sixty days, 54 Per cent, and Blnf,,"9;
6H5 per cent; six montha, 8fc5V per
cent. , ' . ' - . ' 3
Closing quotations on bonds today wer
as follows: .
,ioi a. u. oo. ret. ea...'74
.101 L. g. deb, 4S 1111.. 11
.10teu ft N. nnl. 4a... 11
.101 M. K. ft T. 1st ., 11
.111 io gea. s..rt.4 I
.111 Ma. Paclflo 4a....... 71S
Panama la, eoupoa..Wl do coot. Is 17
A.-C. 1st otta.. ei -n. n.n.. oi at. a s
Amer. A. 101 KJ. T, C, g. i.,
A. T. A T. ev. la.lU do dab. 4. , aju,
eAm. Tobacco a...lll T. N. H. ft M.
Armour Co. s. 81 ',et., I
Atchison a en. 4.... 7N. AW. 1st a 4s. 17
An . 4a 11 10 o ct. 4a licv.
do ct. ta 1W. Pacific 4s.....,.4
, o h ..v..:.. ii,;i,
. M0, 8. h. rfdg. 4a. tek
. n renn. ct. la Bl,',s4 .
.11 d0 COB, IS.... 1,10114 '
.107 Reading gen. ,4s.-...' MS
. K 8. U eV 8. F. ft' 4' T7i
Che. Ohio 4.. -oo sen. ae. ....... X4
do conv. 4 S8t. U 8. W. e. 4a.
Ohlcaeo ft A. '.a. 448. A. h. adl. ...:' 77
C. B. ft Q. J. 4a... 56o. Pte. col. 4....2S
do gen. 4a.... d e, 4 .....14
C II I I f tr 4a-.l to 1st ref. 4a. i-.,:!
C R. I. P. . 4s. t80. Railway ia.,...!(Vi
do rfg. 4a......... 17 do ge: 4a :r7
C. ft 8. r 4s 14 I'nlon Pacific 4a.... 100
D. H. cv. 4a.'.... 17. do tt.' 4a... 101
D. ft R. 0. ref. He. W do let ft ref.' 4a.. 5
tHstillsrs -Is ...... 73 C. 8. Rubber U...iM3
EH p I. 4........ I7T-'. 8. Steel M ls.-M!
do gen. 4a... 71 VaM7ar.t-Chero. ftad.8
do cv. 4a, aer. B. 71 Wabaah lat ft ex. s
111. Cen. let ref. 4S 13 weatern Md. 4a.. .sin
Inter. Met. lWeat. Elac. t. laM
A. C. L lat 44 ,
Bat. ft Ohio 4a..
.do 1
Itraok. Tr. CT, 4e
Cn. ot Oa. la...
Cen. Leather la..
Inter. M. M. 4.. M-4'wia. t
Japan 4 .
Bid. Offered.
Central 4s... ill
nnn RtocU Market.
BOSTON, Oct. 11.' Closing quotatioiii on
stocks were as follows: v :
A Done J 41 Miami 'Copper ..... 17
A ma t Copper ...... II ' Nad Con. . . , . .Sll
A- Z. L. ft 8....... UMplMlng Minea v.4 IU
Arlxona Coin. mwwta bum ...,.?i
B. ft C C. ft 8. M. IVi Ntorlh Lake
Cel. - ft Artwn...,. IS01d Dominion
Cat. ft Hecla J" ooeeoi i.. .......... 11
Centennial tl Quincy W
Cop. Rang C. C... I78hannea .,...... liH
East Butt C M... Superior i44
Franklin ............ lH8uperior ft B. M.. t
Glroux Con , 4Tamarck . 4
Grnby Con. ....... 0V. 8. 8. R. M.,.
Greene Cananea do pf .Ji
lele r.oyal Copper. UVtttah Coo II
Kerr Uke 2 Utah Copper 0....,lt4
Lake Copper liWineaa -....,. ,,7A 114
La Sails Copper.... !' Wolverine ........ .7
Key to the 8ituatlon-Bee Atfvertlsbig.
AmeriMB Telephone & Telejrsph a.
A dividend of Two Dollars per ahara
will be paid on Tuesday. October 18.
1811, to stockholders of record atthe
close of business on Monday, Septcnvber
30, 1818.
, , WILLIAM R. DRIVER, Treasurer.
. .".'... -