Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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Police Commissioner Advocates Ee
: forms Before Noonday Club.
rUrrronada and Workhoase Art
Needed S7 Comnslsstoa Form
f OtrtnmHt ti Wet Oet
tlng a Good Trial.
Speaking before the Noonday club at a
luncheon J. J. Ryder, police and sanitary
"commissioner, pointed out some of the
thing that In his Judgment Omaha must
havo la order to be an up-to-date city. It
must have, he aald, a playground system,
a better development of the sewer sys
tem, an Incinerator, where refuse can be
burned, a workhouse for those who are
. now lying Idle In Jail and some institu
tion to take care of the women who are
driven out of the redlight district by the
persecution necessitated by the Albert
law. ' ,
- Mr. Ryder characterised the Albert law
as positively unchristian. "Before such a
law Is put on the statute books." he
.continued, "there ought to be a. way
provided to take care of the wild gam
you are hunting. We still have them on
our hands. You can't chloroform them.
You ean't throw them Into the river. No
in will hire them. In one or two in
stances I have secured Jobs tor such
women and after they worked a few days
"hty lost their Jobs because someone rec
ognised them." -
To Mack Bed Tape.
Mr. Ryder also said that Use commis
sion form of government had not really
-been given a fair trial in Omaha, because
it was tied up with the old form of city
-charter. He said there was too much
red tape connected with getting any
thing done. He gave Instances of little
repairs costing not more than $1W that
were needed on public buildings In Omaha
!that had been damaged by storm. Instead
of letting the commissioner go ahead and
have the work done, it was necessary to
open the matter to bids for the contract,
which required a lot of time, and re
sulted in . getting the work done no
cheaper nor better than If It had been
" done at onoe in accordance with the
Judgment of the commissioner having
that in charge.
Mr. Ryder would have a workhouse for
the city where he would make prisoners
work Instead of "loafing in the Jails as
they do now." "Why should Omaha
support big. able-bodied men In the Jail
while other cities make them work?" he
asked. In advocating public playgrounds
he said, "We must have playgrounds
where the children are allowed to pur
sue wholesome play, where they are
taught discipline. I believe It Is the place
to lay the groundwork of good citizen
ship. We want a place where we can
shorten the crop of shipwrecks. Instead of
providing for a place to take care of the
shipwrecks after they are made."
Appraiser Values ;
s Brandeis' Estate '
; ; at 043,922.02
Appraiser's estimate of the value of
the estate of the late Em 11 Brandels filed
today gave the total value of the estate
at tl.W3.S22.02.
Victor Rosewater, as appraiser, makes
the value conform to the Inventory, pre
viously filed, except as to two Item.
Common stock In the American Realty
company listed at 150,000 has no value
at present The appraiser's report agrees
with the Inventory in valuing American
Realty company preferred stock at $50,000.
The inventory lists stock in J. L. Bran
del & Sons Co. at tl33.333.33j while the
appraiser fixes the value at J271.833.32.
. The Inheritance tax computed on tht
lasts of the' appraiser's report will be
between $9,000 and $10,000.
Haines Dies of His
y Injuries at Noon
Alve M. Haines, manager of the Great
Western pharmacy, 720 South Sixteenth
street, who was Injured in company with
his brother-in-law, Esklll Kronholm.
when their motorcycle which they were
riding was struck by a Union Pacific
passenger train near Lane Cutoff Sun
day morning, died of his injuries at
St.' Joseph's hospital yesterday at 12:30,
Kronholm is still in a very serious con
dition and little hopes are entertained
tor his recovery. -
Crusade to Start
: : Against Cut-Outs
'Chief ef Police Dunn will detail a mo
torcycle cop to chase and arrest auto
mobile drivers who run their machines
with the muffler cut out There Is an
ordinance against open mufflers and reel
dents of sections of the city where auto
Ms cut out the mufflers on the up-hill
I'Urrsb complain of the noise. , Chief Dunn
will see that the ordinance Is strictly en
'Recommendations for changes in state
laws governing legal procedure and work
men s compensation taws wilt be dis
cussed at the regular quarterly meeting
of the Omaha Bar association in the
University club rooms Saturday evening
at S O'clock. Legislation touching the
following subjects will b discussed: '
Permitting attachment against a non
resident of the county. .
Limiting the right of appeal and super
sedeas, Prohibiting the allowance of attorney's
fers in ail case.
Fxpedttingr trial of lawsuits,
limiting Jury trials.
IegJixtng verdict by majority of a Jury.
Compensation of workmen for industrial
accidents. .
' The Jewish UAittf Relief society, which
takes care of needy widows and orphans
of the Jewish faith, will give its eighth
annual benefit ball at the Auditorium the
evening of October 29. Mrs. 3. H. Harris,
president of the society, says that the
fclan Is to make this year's ball an evi
sreater success than last year's.
The general committee Includes the of
ficers Sirs, Harris, president; Mrs. S.
. Robinson, vice president; Mrs. Natalie B.
Uypens, secretary; Mrs. H. B. Msrawita,
treasurer, and Mrs. A. Melcber, chair
man of the ball committee and Mrs. B.
Chedeck, chairman of program committee.
0iaa ir"" " t""1!'""" " " mi
, mm R II 11 I f-1 I
Xni' II II If II ' i i- II i ta Xs
hort U Jl I if I mm t-Jy alrable
Pieces ' . rl H 1 I plc
and PI 111 1 IV B I in
of the J4Mn,M,w,rl,Mi yy-y it their
w I f m-m t4 m I I "if Hf ?rtce
' ""J W HiT Bllii 30lt
- - Si
Mill Ends of Dress Goods
Three Epecial squares will be used for Friday's bar
gains. Millends of-2 to 4 yard lengths- AO
medium and dark colors up to 54 inches JfM P
wide, for entire remnant '. . V -
Lot 2 Mill ends of 312 to 8 yards of 36 to 54-inch ma
terials French and storm serges; nobby A A
mixed suitings; ladies' cloth, repellent suit- , " JIP
ings, etc worth up to $1, at yard, 49c and.W V y
New Lot of All Wool Matched Sample Pieces.
Many, as ten of one kind to match. They are suitable
for misses and children's school dresses, Q P
women's waists and boys' suits on main A JJlO
floor, each length at
5,000 Yards All Wool French Chattier
For one day only, 5,000 yards strictly all wool French
Challies in borders, aloyer patterns, dots and stripes,
medium and small figures in the most wanted shades.
The biggest value ever offered by any Q m
house in America in all wool challie; ''-'tlP
at the yard ; . , . . . . . , . V . '
50 and 54-Inch Heavy Coatings and Suitings.
Heavy suitings for tailored suits, broadcloths, home
spuns, costume serges .worth $1 to $2.50 a yard,
at the yard . . .69c and. 98c
Remnants of Silks at 45c a Yard
5,000 yards plain and fancy silks, messalines, foulards,
dress taffetas, hair line and pencil stripe silks, M P
etc.- lengths up to 15 yards, at, the yard. . . . . .
$1, 27-inch dress messalines in street and evening
shades including white, cream and black CQo
main floor, at the yard v 5? L
Plain and fancy crepe de chine 10 much In vogue Dresden and
Persian orders; also alio ver printed rft. .1
pattornsat, the ard....(.............DUC JIIlJ IVJZ
New shipment of our regular $2.60, 40-inch 'satin charmeuse
in every fashionable shade. At a epecial . f nr
price for Friday, at the yard ile?)
Thousands 0! Samphs and Remnants 4 C A OCa
ALL KINDS OF LACES, at, Each lol'dl
Allovers, bands, appliques, Insertions, festoons, medal
lions, etc. Two great bargain squares filled with ac- !
cumulations from our great sales.
Fine French and German val laces and insertions, also
Armenian and cluny effects 5 many to ; r
match -"worth 10c a yard, at the yard. ........ . JJC
18-inch fine Nainsook and cambric embroidered .
flouncings, also corset coverings many ? p.
worth 30c a yard at the yard . ...... . . . .IO C
Friday Specials in Basement '
New lots of fluffy, warm out
ing flannels will be placed on
sale Friday, on the bargain
28-inch wide, soft finished,
. bleached muslin, 9Xl
at per yard ......... .u2v
Scotch and Cham
bray ginghams in
pretty checks and
stripes, lengths up
to 10 yards, at the
yard Wo
88-inch heavy un
bleached muslin,
two widths makes
a large sheet, 'at
the yard . ...5
Splendid lot Serpentine Crepe
remnants, in all the new pat
terns now advertised, f i
at per yard.......... lwC
Remnants of fast color dress
prints - in dark and light
patterns, at per
A splendid new lot
yard wide dress
, ' percales in light
' and dark patterns,
at yard.... 8
Friday Linen Bargains Basement
Fine weave, 17-inch twill tow
ellng just the thing for
. kitchen use or hand towels.
Limit of 20 yajds to custo
mer, 6c value on basement
bargain table, Friday j-
only at yard
12 c mill end huck towels, 6c
each Fine weave huck tow
els in mill ends, lOo, 12 Vie
and 15c values on basement
bargain tables,
59c table damask at 25c Mill,
ends, excellent quality mer
cerized table damask, 64, 68
and 72 inches wide - actu-
ally worth 59c, in lengths of
1V4 to 5 yards, , 9C
at the yard .....m9C
Hemstitched table cloths at 98c
each About 150 excellent
hemstitched table cloths,
regular 81.50 values in
our main linen dept.,
at each
. .1.
av CttWl
Your choice of a wonderful variety of pretty scalloped ede or
torchon lace edge dresser scarfs, size 18x50 inches always
retail at 50c, at each .........25
1 J"'"" '"'
if '
A Carload of 1911 Model
S40 Grade Sewing 1.50
Machines, Go at Each 11
One of Americas largest
uivov v aijinu, uaav ;
turers, has seen fit to close
out to us at practically our
own price, a solid car load ,
of "1911" model Sewinit
machines and every ma
chine in the loi will go on
sale " Friday and Saturday
only at a price that will be
vi.a a . ., .
Ii- uauea aa irujy sensational
l I merely $14.50 each -com-
J- Plete with atUchments.
you will agrea that there is
, ,'ir-w' - rSa scarcely any difference be
C 1 tween the "1911" and the
"1912" models, The
"1911's" are Just as handsome, practical and will do all the
work of a "1912" model.
Mind you a $40 grade machine, complete with all attach
ments simply because they are last year's models. "Vindex
Special" and "Improved Belvidere" machines names that are
favorably known the length and breadth of America,
Sewing machine demonstration on. Friday and
Saturday by Mr. Fitzgerald, an expert from the
Free Factories. s J
Protect Your Children's Eyes
THE greatest desire of parents is to see their child
ren well nourished, strong and healthy-physkally
well equipped to make a success of life.
Yet, how many parents are there who endeavor to
protect that most important .sense of all the , eyesight
of their children by. providing the most suitable'light'for
the study hours?
" " Modern methods of schooling and the,necessity for '
completing their primary education at an early age im
poses a severe tax on the eyes during the growing period
of life. In many cases this strain weakens the eyes, or
, results in loss of sight simply because the jittie ones are
compelled to study under a poor or improper light
EdisoiTMazda Lamps now afford the most suitable
electric light to study by as well as for general home
use, and furnish it at minimum cost;
Give your.childrenthe benefit of this light We -will
be glad to advise you as to the most beneficial'way
. .-to use Edison Mazda Lamps,
Omaha Electric Light
(BJi Power Co.
Only a Few Offices From Which to Select From
But Very Choice Ones. ;
: ,1
1 1 .
your application should
There is always competition
among applicants for offices in
our building. On account of the
court rooms moving into the
new court house, there are sev
eral verychoice rooms that are
available now. As these are the
most desirable offices in the
most desirable " office - building
in Omaha, if. you want one,
be made at once. 1
We make no extra charges for service. The price of
office includes light and water.
alts 836-838 Fronts on 17th street and opens out on 'the wide corridor
' ,. surrounding the magnificent court to the building. This space la
especially well suited for an office force wheie large work room
and privacy are required. Room 238 Is 9x19 and Room 238 Is 18x32
and in addition has a large fire-proof vault where stationery, etc., can
be stored. This 707 square feet of floor space rents for, per ino., 868,00
&oom S 34 Is partitioned Into three rooms affording- two private offices
and a reception room. This space would be well suited for a phyplcian
and dentist, or any two tenants who could use the reception room In
common. There is a total of 690 square feet of floor space, the prl
' vate offices being about 9 by 16 feet each. Partition would be
changed to. suit permanent tenant. Price, per month... 845.00
Boom 406 This large room in the southwest corner of 4th floor, facing
Farnam street, will not be vacant long as we intend putting tile par
tition in to suit tenant. This office is 19V4x2tt feet in size and has
good'Slsed vault in one corner. There are five big windows so there
is an abundance of light and the location could not be excelled for
comfort during the cold winter days coming. Price, per month, 950.00
The Bee Building Company
Bee Business Officer 17th and Farnam Sts.
, After October 12, 1912,
y ' . of the
will be located at
V 1317 Farnam Street
New Woodmen of the "World Building
Telephone-r-Douglas 283.
s n r in
uier Mppar
Tke Best Farm Taper.
? ;
1 S8 B.ESART W-1S1 Will UTB I
. rtnestMtMest AttracttWJ
Cennsn KMOwsm .
Ctork St mmr tiMm a. I
The Classified
Cages of Tte Bee
ara scanned dally by thou
sands of peopl. . .
Try a Bee Waat Ad.
- ' '-1
Big Sale of
See Other :
IS I 'Jap ( 'vci ' r 1
pkzs. Adamantine
Great fiction Bargain Opportunities Friday x
For This One Day a Complete Line of Notions From Our Wholesale
. Department WUl Go at One-Half to One-Fifth Regular Price.
5c gold eye needles,
at package ...... lc
25c needle books 3Hc
Be pkg. darning .
needles at ...2c
Be standard needles
at ...... 2Hc
Hump hooks and eyes,
made by Delong, at
card . and 2ic
Aluminum hair pins,
per doz 5c
Aluminum thimbles,
each ic
15c hair ornaments,
at .......... .,5c
Dress shields, pr, 10c
Fancy hat pins, ea., lc
pins for' 5c
2 pkgs. brass pins, 5c
3 pkgs. 10c pins, 22:
10c pkgs. hair pins, Oc
10c box hair pins, 5c
10c' kid .curlers, at
pkg 3 He
Shoe laces, pair. Lie
Corset' laces, , pair, .lc
Silk Flosa, skein.. ile
Mercerized ' Floss, at
skein ....... . . . lc
Tape measures,. 2 He
Coats' spool cotton,
at 3Hc
Barbours & Marshals
linen flhread, sp.,5c
Sampson's linen finish
thread, spool ... .3c
200 yards machine
thread at lttc
100 yards sewing silk,
spool at 2c
Nursery pins, dozei
at 2c and 3c
Pearl buttons, dozen
at .......... 2Hc
Collar foundations, 2c
Cotton taper, roll, lc
India tapes, roll. ..2c
Darning cotton, per
ball at lc
Jet' hat pins, ea.
There are many otherltems on sale for the one day at One Half to
One Fifth regular prices.. Don't miss them. Bring this ad with you.
Vool Dress Goods
Four, Specially . Interest ng
Bargains for Friday.
11.00 Scotch Suitings, 48c
Also basket weaves, 54-in.
wide, in a good line of most
desirable colors.
$1.50 Wool Serges, 08c 54
in. wide, in all the fall color
ings and thoroughly sponged
. and shrunk. . ,
$1.75 Whipcord Serges, $1.25
Also handsome illuminated
whipcords, 64-in, wide, among
popular fall dress fabrics.
Wool Dress Goods Remnants
W hipcords, Bedford cords and
fancy stripe suitings, to 75c
yard values, at ... . . . . 38
Beautiful Fall Silks
Greatly Undrprlcd in Mdsy's
Sales. Don't Kiss T1ms.
SUk Remnants, to 75c Values,
at yard, 28c Messalines, taf
fetas, poplins, peau de cygnes,
foulards and pongees, 1 to
10-yard lengths. ' .
$1.00 Dress Silks at 48c 24
and 27-in. width in a big as
sortment of styles and colors;
all new fall goods.
Imperial Dress Messalines, 88c
50 different shades, all S6-
- in. wide, heavy, fine quality.
$2.00 Satin Charmeuse, $1.68
A beautiful imported-silk,
full 42-in. wide, comes In all
most wanted street and even
ing Bbades matchless value.
11,35 Black Srss Silks at ?8o
Peau de Sole, messalines, satin.
Duchess and taffetas.
Big Savings in the 0
45-in. Bungalow Nets, regular
values to 65c a yard, on sale,
at yard .-35?
36-in. Figured Sateens, regular
values to 25c a yard, at the
yard . . . . . .15 and 12V4
25c Colored Curtain Scrims, big
assortment, at yard...15
Five Big Special Lots of Lace
Bapt. Friday
45-in. Colored Madras, regular
value to 85c a yard, Friday, at
the yard ... ;.49e
30-ln. Curtain Swiss; colors or
. white, regular 18c value, at
the yard l214
Remnants'" of Net Scrims, Etc.,
to 65c a yard values, at the
yard ................ 10
Curtains Greatly. Underpriced.
39c and 60c silk mixed goods, all
the newest patterns and colors,
at the yard Friday ;.asa
$& dqtted silk novelty in all the
seasons' newest shades, yd.,86o
New fall waistlngs, special Friday.
Ed on cloth, plain colors and
stripes, at the yard .150
Foule serge in white and .black
and white stripes, S2-in. wide,
at the yard lSo
Silk stripe poplins, all the popular,
shades, at the yard ..i afro
Fancy Jacquard poplins at. . . . .25o
Imported English poplins, at the
yard 26c aad 60o
Pure linen, hemmed iuck
towels, 25c values, ea., 15j
Pure . Barnsley toweling, 15c
values at the yarill ,'. .10
Unhemmed pattern table cloths,
size, 8x4; $1.50 values, at
each 85t
Extra large, cream or white,
Oriental Turkish towels, 35c
values, each 10
Friday in the Domestic Room
Remnants and Goods Off the Bolt at Cost to Manufacture.
Remnants of outing
flannels, plaids or
stripes, 10a val. SHe
Remnants of flannel
ettes, good patterns,
12ft values at ...8Ho
Remnants of percales,
36-in. wide, 12!4c val.,
at 7W
Remnants of apron
-,. check . ginghams, 7c
values, at .5c
Remnants of 36-Inch
. bleached or unbleached
muslin, 7 Ho values. So
Remnants of wash goods
wortn to 16c, at... oc
Remnants of curtain
scrim, 15c values. .100
Remnants of Serpentine
crepe, good pattern,
18c , values .. . ....10c
Remnants 89c bleached
table damask S5o
Amoskeg outing flan
nels, 12c values, 10c
Sllkolinea, 36-in. wide,
perfect goods, 15o val.,
at 10c
Galalea cloth, good pat
tern, 15c value ....10c
Dress ginghams good
patterns, 12 c values,
at 7Hc
Large size cotton blank
ets, good weight, 1.25
values, at .95,0
Good " size comforter,
well made, good
weight, $1.25 values,
at aso
Fancy plaid blankets,
good size, $2.00 values,
at ............. $1.60
72x90, ready made
sheets,-60o values, 33o
Boy's $1.26 wool sweaters. . ..690
Ladies' $1.60 'wool sweaters. -.980
$1.00 outing flannel gowns, men's
or boy's, Friday 49o
$1.00 union suits, girl's or hoy's,
medium or heavy weight ...49o
Ladies' or children's flannel vests
or pants, 60o values, ail sizes,
at 850
Ladies' fleeced union suits; " to
$1.60 values, white, gray or
brown, at .....69o and 49o
25o quaMty hosiery, men's, w6-
men's or children's, at....l2Ho
Men's $1.60 flannel overshirts,
sray or blue, on sale at.... 980
Men's undershirts and drawers,
all wool, to $2.60 values -
at 91.85, 900, 750
Men's $3-.00 wool union suits,
at i. fl.98
Women's Cloak, Suit and
Skirt Department
Women's new fall tailored, suits,
good styles, colors and sizes;
values to $15.00 , ,...910
Women's long coats, new , fall
styles, black and mixtures val
ues to $10 ..95.98
Women's rain coats, values up
to $4.00, at 93.49
House dresses and wrappers, $1.00
values, at eso
Fleece lined kimonos, well made,
loose sleeves, $1.25 values, 98c
Children's fall coats, values up to
$5,00, at ....... . . . . . , . . . .9a.98
Gingham and black petticoats, 75c
values, at 490
Ladies' sweaters, assorted colors,
$1.25 values, at 930
Children's school dresses, values
to $1.26, at 980
Infants' shoes and stockings, 36c
values, at aso
Boys' knickerbocker pants In browns, grays, ' and blacks; 2 values,
at the pair .4,
Boys' suits, an assorted lot, in brown and gray, well made, good
Btyles; ages up to 12; values to $3.00, at ............ 95
Special case of boys' suits with extra pair of 'pants In gray, black and
blue; Norfolk styles, values to 4.00,-at ....... . . , ... . . .$2.45
The best. Diamond II flour, for bread.
pies or cakes, nothing like it, per
sack 9UK
10 bars Beat 'Em All, Diamond C or
Lenox soap, for 85c
Haakln Bros.' Onvaha Family soap.
per bar at So
8 cakes fancy toilet or bath soap, 25o
8 lbs. best white or yellow cornmeal,
for 17o
14-os. pkg. spaghetti, macaroni or ver-
micello, for ..7Ho
1-lb. can assorted soups, for....7Ho
Fancy sweet sugar corn, can at. .7Ho
Wax, string, green or lima beans, per
can TH
t cans oil or mustard sardines ..25o
Jello or Jellycon, pkg. 7Ho
R C or Oriole corn flakes, pkg., 6Ho
Grape Nuts, per pkg loo
1-lb. pkg. corn starch. Tor 40
Teast Foam, per pkg. 8c
4 lbs. fancy Japan head rice. . . . . .85
Tall cans Alaska salmon.. ...... lOo
Peters' breakfast cocoa, lb. SOo
The best tea slf tings, lb. , ..loo
Golden 8antos coffee, lb. 850
light tho Bnttsr Trust aad Bay Bnt-
terlns, cheaper and better than lots
of butter. t lbs. good butterlne,
for SSo
Good table butterlne. lb. ........180
Tho best, equal to creamery butter,
per lb. i ........ i-. . . ao
BtrrrEB abb cxbesb peices.
No. 1 country butter, lb. 300
The best creamery butter, carton or
uuJJt, 10 344
No. 1 dairy butter, lb. ......... . . .860
Toung America or New York cream
cheese, lb.... .i aso
Keufchatel cheese, each ......V. .80
The best bulk peanut butter, lb. 12Uo
Closing np the Prult Season.
The best Elberta freestone peaches,
per crate .55c
Bushel baskets, Illinois Keiffer pears
per basket ........... ...... .91.10
Large market baskets, each. .400
4-basket crates Italian blue plums,
Green tomatoes, market basket," lSVio
Tokay grapes, extra fancy, bsk.. 30c
uoaay grapes, extra fancy, lb..... so
Tho vsgsublo Uarktt of Omasa,
New PotA.toea. np Tulr it i'k. .
Fancy Greening Cooking Apples, per
peek, iu ioa ..........
Fresh Sninach. tirp nlr
Two large heads of Cabbage
Beets. Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips,
per pound 20
Two heads of Fresh Leaf Lettuce, 60
Four bunches Fresh Parsley ..1..60
Two stalks Fresh Celery ...... . 80
Fancy Red Onions, lb .....aUo
Three large Soup Bunches ..... .100
Large Head Lettuce, per head . ,7Ho
Six bunches Fresh Radishes -...j'sc
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb sHo
Market basket Beets, Turnips, Car
, rots or Parsnips .300
Try Hayden's First