Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Nebraska Grand Lodge I. 0.' 0. F.
Central Committee of the United
Workmen Lodges Will Hold
Jolat Meeting- of Lodffca
Next Wednesday.
The 19U session of the Nebraska grand
lodge will convene In Lincoln on October
15. The encampment will meet at Odd
JflelloWB hall on October 16. The grand
Jodge will convene In Representatives' hall
In the Capitol building on October 18.
The usual special session will be held on
Thursday evening to , confer the grand
lodge degree.
Omaha lodge No. 2 will have work In
the first degree next f'riday night.
A meeting of the grand lodge represen-tatlves-elect
for the first district has
fceen called for next Wednesday. vnlnir
at Odd Fellows hall. ',. ,
8tate lodge No. 10 will put on the third
degree work tomorrow nlshi.
John fi. Mason, of Beacon lodge No. 20
died Friday morning at his home, 1624
South Tenth street The body was sent
to his old home at Klota, la., for burial
. Saturday morning.
Beacon lodge No. 20 will have work In
the Initiatory degree next Tuesday even
ing. ,
Crusader encampment No.' 87 will con
fer the patriarchal ' degree upon three
candidates next Friday evening.
Was lodge No. 183 will have work In
the first degree next Wednesday evening.
Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1 will give
an entertainment at Odd Fellows' hall on
Saturday evening, October 26.
Daaujebrog lodge No. 218 will have a
das of five candidates for the first de
gree next Friday night
1 Ivy Rebekah lodge No. S3 will give a
card party and dance at Odd Fellowa' hall
on Thursday evening, October, 21
Jonathan lodge Mo. 225 will exemplify
me miro degree worn next Friday even
k . In..
The members of South Omaha: lodge
No. 48 will visit State lodge No. 10 to
morrow evening and bring along .their
third degree team, which will confer the
degree work upon No. IV s candidates.
Dannebrog lodge No. 251 will have work
tn the Initiatory degree next Saturday
Hibernians Elect Officers.
The county board of the Ancient Order
of Hibernians held Its annual meeting
Monday evening at Arlington hall. There
are sixteen delegates present from Omaha
and South Omaha. The Rev.- Mr. Slnne
of Plattsmouth,' president, was there, P.
C. Heafey was re-elected county presl'
dent; vice president, Jerry Curtain, South
Omaha; treasurer, Thaddlus Leary,
Omaha, and secretary, William P. "Mo
Quade. 1 I
Nebraska United Workmen.
The central committee of the Ancient
Order United Workmen will hold a. Joint
J meeting of all'-the lodges wi,th North
I Omaha lodge No. 159 on Wednesday. The
Speaker will be Governor Aldrlch. His
subject will be "Fraternity." . ,
Spanish War Veterans.
General Henry W. Lawtou auxiliary to
'Camp Lee Forby of the United Spanish
t war veterans will hold a meeting at the
. .home of Mrs. H. D.Corneau, 4715". North
,Forty-second street, oh Thursday, Oc
tober M.
Desperate Shooting
pains In the chest require quick treat
ment. Take Dr. King's 'New Discovery
for safe and sure reUef. SOc and $1.00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement
Piles Quickly
Cured At Home
'.nstant Relief, Permanent Cure -Trial
Package Mailed Free to
All In Plain Wrapper.
I 4L 1
. The Pyramid Smile.
Many cases of Piles have been cured
' by a trial package of Pyramid Pile Rem
edy without further treatment. When
It proves Its value to you, get more from
your druggist at 60o a box, and be' sure
you get the Uind you ask for. Simply
(ill out free coupon below and mall to
. day. Save yourself from the sugeon's
knife and Its torture, the doctor and his
bill. ,1 ' :
Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Kind
ly send me a sample of Pyramid File
Remedy, at once by mail, FREE; In
plain wrapper. ' S ' '
Name ...
"Beddeo's swell stock of
clothing and Beddeo's generous
terms were the biggest surprise
I ever had in my life. In all my '
experience in the credit business
I never saw anything to equal
It. I want all my old friends to
come here and be surprised,
too." So said Mr. E. W. Sperry,
formerly manager of .the Men
tor & Rosenbloom Credit Co.,
but now. connected with this
store. "V, ,
Formerly Ridgley Clothing Co.
1417 Douglas Street.
Photographs - Win Gold Medal
Wik-vtv - rwv - i
f I M
mm4:fiwfj4f I ; ySrtek . i ..,5. sf
Heyn the photographer won the gold
medal at the annual photographers' con
vention Just closed at Grand Island. The
above photographs were among the ex
hibits sent by Heyn to compete in this
contest, in which all the leading photog
raphers of .Jhe state -were entered, The
class In which these were entered was
known as the standard. This class has
been won several times recently by Heyn
In the state, contests. He was also
awarded the gold medal for children's
photographs. . ,
Florence Shipping
Grapes and Apples
' Over $100,000 has been distributed among
the fruit growers of Florence and vicinity
this ; year. ' The Douglas County Fruit
Growers' " association has shipped out ' of
Florence sixty-eight carloads of fruit so
far and at present Is shipping a carload
a day of grapes. Besides the station at
Florence the association has been ship
ping from DeBolt and Benson. Noi all
this fruit Is shipped out of town, but
some Is marketed in Omaha.
The stations are established at these
points for the convenience of the grow
ers. Instead of their having to get up
at 3 o'clock In the morning and driving
to Omaha with their fruit, they now take
It to one of the stations where It Is
bunched and taken to the market late
In the day. Whenever there Is a better
market outside : of Omaha the fririt is
shipped In carload lots and thus more
money Is put In circulation among the
growers. The shipment will last about
two weeks longer.
v , '
Florence to Have
Political Roundup
Florence is making plans to hold a
carnival of Its own this year. It will
be a political carnival and will be held
the latter part of this month. It la plan
ned to have speakers of all the parties
present, republican," bull mooBers, demo
crats, socialists, prohibitionists, suffra
gettes and-antt-suffragettes as well as
all the candidates for office. The safety
of the auditors will be assured by hav
ing all the candidates on the platform
at the same time. Just how to find time
to let them all speak Is the problem
the committee Is now wrestling with.
recording secretary. ' Carlisle Lent;
treasurer, R. La Porte; committee on de
bates, Earnest . Simmons, Charles Mo
Enlry and Francis McDermott; absentee
committee, John Moore and Francis Bar
rett; censors, Alexander , Jamison and
William Kelly.
The old bet, "heads I win, talis you
lose," worked very successfully for Mrs.
Millard of 1136 Park avenue, Friday morn
ing. .
Mrs. Millard was one of the many
"There Is beads on one side and tails on
the other."
Sure enough there were and Btevs
promptly handed the muff over to Mrs,
Persistent Advertising is the Road to
Big Returns.
Corn Will Survive
Damage from Frosts
Though later than some of the other
railroads in getting Into line, the Rock
Island is now Issuing crop reports.
Omaha women who had their furs stored Commissioner Cottrell, who Is in charge
, .The Dramatic club of the Creighton
university department of arts has or
ganized for the year and will meet every
JBaturday afternoon. The selections
chosen this year will be entirely Shakes
pearean and only Shakespearean pieces
will be admitted to the final elocution
contest, In which - the members of the
club take part.
Rev. , Albert Wise. S. , J., will have
charge of ..the .club, again this year, and
the following officers have been elected:
President, Steve , Dierlngerjy vice presi
dent, Raphael ' Hamilton; secretary,
Chester Wells; treasurer, Earnest P.
Simmons; critics, William Flaherty,
Preston McEvoy and Arthur Dalley.
: The Creighton Oratorical . association
has organised with a membership of
sixty -fivo. The organization is confined
to students of the College of Arts and
la In charge' of Rev. Isaac H. Bossct,
8. J. "A meeting Is held every Wednes
day evening. This Is the official oratori
cal association of the school, and from it
are chosen the Creighton representatives
in the Nebraska state and Nebraska
World eace association oratorical con
tests. The . officers of the association:
Vice-president, Preston McAvoy; cor-
respontag .secretary, Paul Harrington;
with Yost, the furrier, whose place was
damaged by fire. , Her muff was also
among those taken by the two employos
while Mr. Yost was away on a business
trip to the east.
She recovered all her furs with the
exception of a muff at the police station
when the police took the stolen furs and
held them for their owners. About' a
week ago one of the detectives found a
mink muff in the Yost store and took it
to the police station.
Mrs. Millard called upon Chief of De
tectives Steve Maloney to see If it wan
her missing muff. Steve agreed to give
her the muff If she gave a good descrip
tion. -
After a short pause Mrs. Millard said,
of the observations, says that the heavy
frosts the last week in September caught
much corn in Minnesota and northern
Iowa, and some In southern Iowa and
northern Missouri.
Should October continue warm and dry
until about the middle of the month, Mr.
Cottrell thinks fully one-half of the frost
bitten corn will dry out and ripen so
that It will be marketable. Otherwise it
will be too soft for shipment.
Leaving out of consideration the frosted
corn. Mr. Cottrell thinks there will be
about a normal crop.
The report places the acreage of fall
wheat sown greater than usual, due to
the recent rains.
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5lii.LLEH .& .MUELL
Duffy's Pur flalt W
man today." Mrs. M. Drolet, 260
Caldwell St., Omaha, Neb.
is an absolutely pure distillation of clean, selected grain,' carefully malted
and so processed as to remove, as far as possible, all injurious elements.
It Is manufactured for the purpose of supplying the profession and public
In general with a reliable tonic and stimulant, and without question is
the purest - and best. . It is a recognized specific . to enrich , the
blood and build body and muscle, and in the prevention and .relief of
coughs, colds, and stomach trouble it has no equal. It makes the old feel
young and keeps the young strong and vigorous. , v
Sold In SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggist, grocers and dealers, f 1.00 a
large bottle. Our doctor will send you advice and illustrated medical booklet on
1 request. The Duffy ii&it WWskey Co., Mo cheater, N. X.
Sieger u Sons
; The reason the small GRAND PIANO Is so much in demand for modern homes is that
it requires tut little more space than an Upright, and has a far superior tone.
The SCIDIOLLFK & MTELLER store offers choice of the six acknowledged leaders, among Grand
K( thwie superb makes side by side. Playing them one after another it is an easy matter to select the
ItUal inurnment. You will have the confident facling that you own the utmost In a Plaao, sad nobody
pan hv a bettcrTlAno tfcnn yonrs.
the SCttMOUJtn & MTKLLKIl store has made this choice possible. Xo other stce in Nebraska
or Wttrn low ofri tw 8TEIWVAY, WECER, HAKDMAX, EMERSON. 8TEGER & SONS attd Mc
pnATL Pianos for sale. Yoa have here aa opportunity for actual comparison of the best that no other
tn the middle West can present. 1
Prices $550 Upward. Terms to Soil Your Own Coitvenisnoe
Cowe In d enjoy side by side comparison of these matchless instruments,
ever to purchase. " ' x
No obligation what-
1311-13 Farnam Stroot, Omaha, Nob.
Oldest and Most Reliable Piano House in the West.
Steger A Sons
Pianos .
Aeolian Pianola
SdtMollw id MwUs9
When tired and . run down, whsn
I sick, for old people, in emergen
cies, at all times, it is the very
best. In Mm. M. Drolet's fam ly
it was of invaluable benefit to her
self, her husband and her child.
"We always keep Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey in our home, because
of the great good . it has done my
husband, child and eelf. When we
first heard of it we were all run
down with hard work and decldei
to give it a trial. My husband had
used it only one week when I noticed
a aeciaea improvement, wnicn con-
tinued. I also used it when I was
having change of life, and I obtalne
wonderful results and am a new wi-
Men's clothes differ in ntodes almost as much as
men differ in moods. There are so many styles
, nowadays, that there isn't any style nowadays
which can claim "onlyness".
"HIGH-ART Clothes" - " ' .
are drafted in many styles for any taste, except bad taste.
Look up , and picture yourself in a "HIGH-ART"
Warmth- Without- Weight Overcoat! For sale by cloth
iers who are usually the biggest and always the best in
their towns.
To learn where they're told, and why they an told then, tee "High
Art In The World'tFamout Monumentt," graphically Uluttrated
In colors, Free for a pottcard. Simply addrett '
Strouse & Brothers '
Maken of ' "Hlgh-Art" Clothes
Baltimore, Md
Hick Art Suits
High Art Ovanoats
High Art Raincoat
High Art Drass Sails
sad Tuxmlos
Palace CIotMng Company
Corner 14th & Douglas . Sta.
Concentraite your advertising in The Bee.
There is a Bee in almost every, home.
, sS
i 1