Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1912, SOCIETY, Image 10

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r Ak-ar-Eea Ball is Culmination of a
. Ion; List of Festivities.
Ta Womesi Wh Have Visited la
Omaha Dnriac the WMk Am
Eatertalaed Many Ereata
for the Bride.
Social Caleadar.
MONDAY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hard
in. thMt(r nai'tv at the fcrandeis for
uiu irnH nurkiev and McMillan
Harding; Miss Heln Smith, bridge
party for Miss Josephine Darling- of
Davenport, la. '
TUESDAY Miss Daphne Peter, bridge
party for Mies Marie Rider of Dubuque;
Carlyle ciud, aance ai rraine rrm.
rub: Prairia Park Kensington club.
meeting at club house; Rod and Gun
club, closing dance; meeting ox uni
versal Circle Card club. '
WEDNESDAY Mrs. T. T. Kennedy,
bridge party for Miss Mary Fernedlng
of Dayton. O.: Miss Rose Smyth,
luncheon at the Omaha club for Miss-
Agnes Burkley; Miss Euphemla John
son and Brownell Hall faculty, "at
home" at the hall: Mrs. Koy Byrne,
bride barty; Mies Ethel Tlerney, lunch
eoa and Orpheum party for Misses.
Helen Hart and Ducv Miller.
THURSDAY Mrs. E. T. Hwobe, bridge
party for Miss Mary Fernedlng; Mrs.
Harry V. Burkley. tea far ane Agnes
Burklev: Et-A-Vlrp ' club, dance at
Chambers'; Mr. and Mrs. Van B. Lady,
dinner for Farrell-iAdy wedding party;
Mrs. William E. Martin, tea tor Mrs.
Burton Hanson of Chicago; reception at
First Christian church for Rev. ana
Mrs. A. D. Harmon; Mrs. W. M.
VomWeg, sr.; tea for missionary so
ciety of First Methodist church; meet
ing of Comus club with Mrs. T. 8.
Granville; Pastime Pleasure dub, dance
at Metropolitan building.
i FRIDAY Hop at Fort Crook.
SATURDAY Wedding of Miss - Annette
' Ladv and Howard Farrell at 6t Ce
cilia's church; wedding of Miss Ruth
Elizabeth McBridt, and Harvey James
.Win. . , .
The first of the debutantes p make her
formal bow to society this season will be
Miss Daphne Peters, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Peters. The party will be
a reception and dance Friday, November
L at the Petcra' residence on South
Thirty -eecond avenue. The dance will
be held la the large ball room on the
third floor of the house.
The Saturday following Miss Fetors'
debut. Mrs. David A. Baum will hold the
first of two afternoon receptions to In
troduce her daughter, , Miss Margaret
Greer Baum. Four to 6 o'clock wM fee
the hours of this reception and also for
tha . ssed. which will ha ssld Satur
day, November 9. Both will be at the
new Baum residence on West Harney
The coming-out parties will be given
by Mrs. 3. J. Dickey to present her
daughter, Mis Bertha Dickey, The
first will be an afternoon tea at the home
on West Harney street, Friday, Novem
ber u, The other party will be the day
following, but Mr. Dickey has not de
cided went kind of an affair it will be.
. The plana of the other 'debutantes of
thla season include a long array of tea
and danees, but the dates are not settled.
' Orchids ised at This Wedding.
The lavender shades of the orchid
frmed a pretty color scheme for the ap
pointments of the wedding of Miss Elisa
beth Hamllng. daughter or Mrs, F. M.
Hamllng, and Mr. Robert M. Keeney ot
Warsaw, Nw Y., which wis celebrated
Saturday evening -at 8.30 o'clock at the
North Presbyterian church, . Rev. 11. V.
ITigbee officiated, i '( . 1 .
Tha" bride was gowned in white satin
i charmeuse with court tiam. The bodice
and skirt were draped on one-sld with
rose point lace and richly em'widerffl
n n i tr:i.i mv
v. m, a, nuuu$ viuu. , .. ..y
The Omaha High School Hiking club,
Composed of high school, girls, walked to
Elmwood park Saturday morning. About
twenty-five young women met at the
high school building and walked to the
entrance of the park which Is about five
mites, covering the distance in forty-five
with pearls and rhlnestoneav She oar- hilnutes. Miss Herbert and Miss Bran-
Keeney-Hamling Bridal Party Y ... ; :
''"''s '
V-JJ.i . I f -t'i I
6 Wi X ; ,,!VwO-r-
- I -V ; (;Jf.
' 1 " l N II 1)111 mil I II ' "
" r w
to Vtalt Mrs. EI V. Iwls for a few days
at the Hotel LoyaL
' Misses Efle Cleland and Dors Nelson
are spending the week-end in Lincoln,
"where they attended the Omaha-Wes-leyan
game Saturday.
Mrs. William C. NIckerson and Infant
daughter of Livonia, N. Y., arrived Sat
urday to spend the winter with her par
ents, Mr.. and Mrs. H. Evans, G228 Em
mett street
- Mrs. O. W. Holdrege and Miss Leeta
Holdrege, who returned last week from
Dome Lake, Wyo., have been visiting rel
atives In Kansas City and are expected
home today.
Mis Stella 'Hamilton returned from
"three weeks in Washington and Atlan-
tlo City. Mrs. Swarfzlander, who accom
panied her east, Is Visiting friends at Em-metsburg,-
Mrs. Leonora Diets Nelson and Mrs.
Hudson, who have spent the summer
abroad, sailed Friday from Liverpool on
the Empress of Britain and lwlll and in
Quebec arriving home the last of next
week. ',
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Cherrlngton leave
Saturday for California. They have
rented their home at 614 North Twenty-
third street and expect to stay In Cali
fornia for the winter.
Personal Gossip.
Miss Balcombe has gone to toe resoy
terlan hospital to take the .rest cure.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bcyee, who were ex.
pected from Chicago for the Ak-Sar-Ben
balj, were unable to come as they have
Just taken , an apartment this week on
the north f .side,; near tb lake, and are
busy moving Into It- ::
Mr. and. Mrs.: Wilson Austin will move
shortly to the house on West Farnam
which haa been occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
H. T. Lemist, who are moving to Vlr
glnla. -. Y ;' ."' v.
Miss Elisabeth Davis,, who has been at
Clarkson hospital, for an operation fort
appendloltis, returned home Wednesday. ,
Mrs. David Baum, Miss Margaret Baum,
Miss Rider of Dubuque, la.; Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Baum, Miss Nellie Baum, Mrs.
Wallace Raynolds. Other guests are Mr.
and' Mrs, 0. W. Wattles, Mr. and Mra,
Victor B. Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
T. Kountse, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood T.
Eastman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith
snd Mrs. D. H. Wheeler, jr.
Ak-Sar-Ben Party.
Miss Ethel Albach gave an Ak-Sar-Ben
party In honor of her Sunday school class
Saturday afternoon. The table had a
miniature float as a centerpiece. Miss
Edith Anderson . assisted. Those present
were: ,
Josephine Stuben,
Helen Thtel,
Louise 'Wood,
Violet Carlson.
Katheiine Entrlkln,
With the Visitors..' v
Miss Katherine Torrance, who has been
the guest of Miss Katherine Krug, leaves
today for New York.
Miss Ellen Barker- of Chicago Is Miss
Congdon's guest.' -' '
Alexgnder Millar and daughter. Miss
Bessie Millar, of New York, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Loomls,
stopping here on the way west for the
hall. '7' '
Miss Adelaide Thomas ot Tekamah and
Miss Blanche Harford of Ashland, who
Spent last week with Miss Ola Belle Her
vey, returned home yesterday.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanna of .Bloom
ington. Ind., have arrived to spend part
of the winter with their daughter, Mra
Palmer Findley, and Mr. Flndley. Oc
tober 1 Dr. and Mrs. Hanna will cele
brate their .golden wedding anniversary,
(Continued on Page Three.)
Ruth Ball,
Oretchen Child,
Stella Elgin,
Blanche Jacobs,
Ebba Jspeon.
Bernlc MeierJurgen,Krma Anderson,
Mildred Paulsen,
Myrtle Paulsen,
Martha smith,
Tania Good eon.
Dorothy Hesbacher.
rled a shower bouquet of white orchids
and lilies pf the valley. The groom's
gift waa a crescent of pearls.
The bridesmaids were Miss June
Greevy, Miss Gladys Lobeck and Miss
Doris Keeney of Warsaw, N. Y, They
i were gowned alike in lavender, crepe de
chine, made entrain with draped skirt
The bodice and one ' sleeve was draped
with white lace. : They carried shower
bouquets ot lavender orchids and white
rose buds. , - v
Mis Luclle Patterson was mtid of
honor and also wore lavender crep
meteor, made with court train. Shadow
lace draped the bodice and formed the
sleeves. She carried lavender orchids.
The bride gave her attendants cortege
bouquet pins of gold and lavender
Mr. Ben Hamllng of Chicago, brother
ot the bride, gave her away, and Mr.
1 Harry A. Bruoe of Chicago served as
best man. The ushers were Mr. Edward
'McDonnell of Chicago, Church Williams
of Chicago and Edwin Crosby of Buf
falo. The groom's gifts to the men ot
the wedding party were stick pins.
Following the ceremony there was a
small reception at the Hotel Rome for
the members of the wedding party and
the relatives. , ;
Mr. and Mrs. Keeney will spend their
honeymoon at the country home of the
groom on Silver lake. New York. They
will be at home after November 1 at
.Warsaw. N. Y.
Gifts for Queen and Princesses.
Miss Elisabeth Pickens, tha new queen
ot Quivers, was presented with a beaut
iful diamond lavaller, the diamonds set
In the platinum, the gift ot her loyal
subjects. . '. ' - ;
Princesses and duchesses of the court
of Ak-Sar-Ben, who attended her royal
highness the queen at the coronation ball,
were presented with beautiful pins aa a
souvenir gift of the occasion. The gifts
were the new "Friendship'' circle pins,
about an inch in diameter and were both
artistic and simple in design.
dels ot the faculty chaperoned the party-
Next Saturday the club will hike to
Rlvervlew park.
Enjafement Annonnced.
Aa interesting summer romance cul
minates In the engagement announce
ment of Miss Elola Jenks, daughter ot
Rev. and Mrs. Edwin Hart Jenks, to Mr.
Ben Funk of Spirit Lake, la.
Miss Jenks and Mr. Funk were in
quite a : serious automobile" collision at
Spirit Lake this summer. Miss Jenks
waa bruised and Mr. Funk and also the
young man driving the other car were
seriously hurt and spent several weeks In
a hospital, but have now recovered.
Miss Jenks is a beautiful brunette and
has a large circle of friends. Mr, Funk
is a young banker of Spirit Lake. The
wedding will take place In the early
spring. .
Silrer Anniversary Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Chase cele
brated their sliver wedding anniversary
with a dinner party last evening at thedr
home.' The guests included:
Mr. and 'Mrs. LeRoy Edwards of LoS
Angeles, Cal; Mrs. Jessie M. Thayer and
her mother, Mrs. Mallory. of Orlando,
Fla.; Miss Butterfleld of Sioux Falls, &
D.; Mr. Clement Ew Chase of Toledo, O.;
iMr. and Mrs. J. E. Baum, Mr. Richard
i Bauxa, -Miss Catherine Baum, Mr. : and
1 - - -
Allen-Gould Wedding.
A pretty home wedding was that of
Miss Frances Paulina Gould, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Gould, and Mr.
Thomas Eugene Allen, which was cele
brated Thursday evening at the residence
of the bride's parents. Rey. T. H. Mc
Connell ' of Westminster Presbyterian
church performing the ceremony In the
presence of the relatives and few inti
mate friends. i
The bride wore a pretty gown of white
chiffon over . white satin and carried a
shower of bride's roses. The living room,
where the cerenwny was performed, was
decorated with pink and white carnations,
and in the dining room red roses and
red-shaded candles were used.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen left for a wedding
trip to Kansas City and will reside In
Social Affairs Saturday..
Miss Elisabeth Pickens was hostess at
a beautifully appointed luncheon at the
Omaha club In honor of her guest, Mis
Ruth Anderson of Tacoma, Wash., and
for Miss Agnes Burkley, who will be an
Autumn bride. Pink roses wers used in
decoration and covers were placed fur
sixteen. , . " V; '
Mrs. A. V. Klnsler was hostess at a
bridge party Saturday afternoon In honor
of her guest Miss Marie Fernidlne ot
Dayton, O. Six tables of players were
For the Future.
The Etavtrp club will give its openng
party at Chambers' Thursday evening,
Ootober 10.
Miss Euphemla Johnson , of Brpwnell
Hall and the faculty will be at home to
their friends Wednesday afternoon.
Shower for Bride.
Mrs. Richard Cleveland Hoyt and Mrs.
Edward Hoyt entertained at a shower
Saturday for Miss Ruth McBrlde. Red
carnations were used in decoration and
the guests were:
Htm phots
honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred 8. Abel ot Sallna, Kan, Present
Mr. and Mra Fred & Abel,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Adams,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Punderland,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Field.
The same evening little MJss Jean
Field entertained at dinner, when her
guests were:
Masters '
Curtis Abel.
Kaltna, Kan. ;
Emerson Adams,
Dean Sunderland,
Payson Ams.
Pleasures Past.
Mrs. R. T. Jones gave a luncheon Fri
day at her home, 2716 Charles , street
Those present were:
Harte. Fairfield.
Edward Hughe, '
Sioux City:
Edward Jenkins,
W. C. Hughes,
R. T. Jones,
Alfred Stewart ,
D. O. Humphory.
Engagements.- ' Y '
Mr. and Mr. Fred E, Hall announce
the engagement of their daughter, Miss
Allls Hall, to Mr, Ralph A. Newell. The
wedding will take place in December.
At the Bod and Gun Club.
Ruth MoBride, -Ruth
Ganson, -H&nst
Kthel Klewit
Florence Powers,
Louise McBrlde,
F-ov RatDh.
Muriel Johnson, ,
Grace McBrlde,
Shirley Freeman,
Blanche Stedman,
W. W. McBrlde,
Walter J. Roseberr. Geonre Rcmlnaton.
Alice Johnson, W. O. Botts.
W. J. Smith,
Wedding Plans.
The wedding party is now complete
for the Farrell-tAdy wedding; wbich will
be solemnised next Saturday morning at
Bt Cecelia's church and Includes MI
Ruth McDonald, maid of honor; Mra
Hardin Bean, matron of honor, and the
bridesmaids will be Miss Irene Farrell and
Mis Ann Robertson. Raymond Farrell,
brother of the groom, will be beet man,
and the ushers will be Harold DrtscoU,
George Keyser, Blaine Young and Fred
Meyer. ,y ;
For Visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Fields enter
tained at dinner Thursday evening In
,. Select thd styles and materials you '
want, let us' know-how Ml Want every v
, little defcjU ; brought oat, , anJ we "will ' -tailor
your garments accoding'lr All
made by expert men tailors and fitters
Ifcre inour ovrn. tailoring shops.
TO ORDER. . . .
TO ORDER. . . .
A splendid showing of handsome
new fair fabrics for your selection. s If s
your garment does not come up to
your entire satisfaction when' fin
ished, you don't have to taka it. The
responsibility is all ours.
Rich Beaver Hats in black and
colors, worth $6.00, at . . . r .'
The Rod and Gun club will close its
season with a dancing party Tuesday
evening for the members and their friends,
The dance will be held in the new club
grounds at Courtland beach In the oc
tagon-shaped dancing pavilion. About
too are expected. to be present
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mr. C. T. Smith Is home from New
Orleans. Y
Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt Fort went to Den
ver Wednesday. ,
Mrs. E. O. Vesna of Dead wood Is visit
ing Mrs. Sol Cohen.
Mr. ' and Mrs. Wilson Austin leave to
day for a few days in Chicago.
Will Green ot Las Vegas, N. M., is
visiting at tha home ot John Baraford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I Cummfnga, who
have been abroad for two months, are
home. " " K .' ' .
Mra W. M. Spence returned Wednesday
morning, from a three months' vial tN In
the east - . Y
Dr. F.'E. Coulter, who has been Spend
ing his vacation In southern California,
has' rejturnedV ' i.J ,' Y"" . .;.
Miss Eleanor Mackay has gone to Wash
ington, D. C, where ahe will attend Mra
Somers school. ,
Mrs. 8, I. MeserauH of Kansas City la
visiting MrS. C U Shant, 961S North
Twenty-fourth street ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountse will be
home about Thursday of next week from
a month In California
Mr. J. J. Hess has returned from a
stay of several months In Switzerland
and other points in Europe.
' Mrs. 8. S. Curtis will return Wednesday
from New York, where she 'has been
-visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bird.
Mrs. George A. Hoagland has returned
from Fort Iawsod. Wash., with her
daughter, Mrs. David Stone, and Captain
Stone. ;'.:'
Mr. J. J. Singer left Friday for Chicago
to attend the reception today In honor ot
his engagement to Miss Hattle Summer
of that city. t
Mrs. Sherman .Canfleld and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Lewis arrived- this morning
Hew Silk Waists
Exceptionally pretty Bilk waists
In every new design, all col
ors, in messalines, taffetas,
chiffons, etc., ; " A Q
worth $3.98, at. JGeK
Fall Cloth Coats
tox wostsar ivro misses
A splendid showing of " the
newest and snappiest fall
coats, at $15.00, dtQ qq
$12.50 and .... P770
XJ-IS- No. 6g Jr OMArfs
when the laundry comes home to you every
week.; , ....
If you are,' fhen we congratulate you.
This advertisement is intended for those
who are dissatisfied whose laundry is badly
done, whose clothes come back torn, frayed
and ruined by careless washing
At 6c a pound, figure out what we can
, save you each month on your family washing,
and besides we save the life of your clothes.
y Blue Wagons ?
Phone Doug. 919.
Correct New Fall Ready-to-weai '
Man Tailored Garments
Suits $25 to $35
Coats $15 to $25
These beautiful suits are shown In a
comprehensive array of distinctive new
ideas, including many clever reproductions
of exclusive foreign models not shown
elsewhere. . Richly lined and splendidly
tailored, in two tone Diagonals, Rough
Mixtures, Mannish Serges and Worsteds.
Elegance and individuality characterize
these suits. '
, Prices from $25 to $35. Tbls includes
all necessary alterations which are made
by man tailors in my own shop. Each
garment is moulded to perfectly fit your
To The Woman
You are pretty apt to, be thinking now about put
ting in some new furniture preparatory to winter com
forts and winter entertainments.
: This is the place for those who feel that they want
the best but must count dollars in buying it.
. No middleman's profit. Let us demonstrate this
fact to you. ?
D Fe Corte Furniture Company
24th and Farnam Streets
otatoes, Potatoes, Pototoes
Buy your potatoes now at the OMAHA FULL WEIGHT POTA
TO CO. We guarantee 60 lbs. to every bushel.
sss Ksrgi s ail v f f ii
r Y 1 r i
398 I
We'Dellver to Any Part of the City.
Cckley's Corner, Opposite Post office.
' ' 1U 1 "" 11 ' .' ,'IU. U. Illl III I ' I ill !
s"-!"!..iiJJJJil'l! Ji,,l.M.ji,.,.,IJi ,,,,u.uj..u,iig-.BH.
j , . Snoosssors to BaUey as Btaob
The larg-eat and best equipped dental
office in Omaha. Experts In charge of
all work, moderate prices. Porcelain
fillings just like the tooth. All instru
ments sterilised after using.
Sd Tloor Pax ton Block, Omaha, Veh. .
A few questions
To Every
Woman in
How much money are you sav
ins; eaoh month from your bus
hand's earnings?
Do you find It almost lmpoe
slble to make ends meett
If you do save, how much inter
est does the money earnT '
Dou you own your home? "
Wouldn't you like to help your
husband get ahead?
Mott womtn ore intarmtttj in
thai thing that help build
. wp t A family fortun: That
is why urn arm addning t Ae
woman of Omaha today
This company ,1s a oo-operatlve
Institution which enables people
to set money enough together to '
take advantage of the growth of "
Omaha in a big way. -
We ray 7 interest and "
Toa SHare In the Profits
If your husband is too busy you
come and talk with us and we'll
show you how you can help him
get ahead.
The Bankers Realty
Investment Company
404 to 410 City Nat'l Bank
, ; Omaha, Nsb.,
Plume If
any one of these Beautiful, Rich,
Gorgeous, Luxnriaot Humes if we
eaa't prove that every WtUow Plume
listed In tbis aa SI hd-katted, 3 plr.
Fast color and otede t( Smrtt African
Imported Select Ostrich Stock.
Read -
Otter X
- wnxows
Mia. IM. H tak S4S
nis.lnw.1tla.w44. S.SS
Bla. W.g, ., S.9
ht. - M
Ul. lost. 321a. wi4h I5.
mm nam
Tttm. , Sl.SS
. " t.4S
ta. T.SA
na. , " io. oe
SMa. " lS.Se
SMa. 14.S
crwn c i ant ma mt im
OS.KV as Ui for frea eumlnatlon.
IT ra
Werir Larfest Eidaslve FestUr DeaUn
sa W. wsaBsaa atraae '.'!
Dt " . ... CHlCAfiO
No other house or store can show
such a complete line of suitable cor
sets as we carry. ; We want all wo
men to know the good points ot the
"Norda. ., ' ... .
We fit every corset to the figure
fit it so perfectly and comfortably
that there will be no cause for com
plaint Ida C. Stockwer
Snwdels Theater Bldg.
Booth Entrance. Phone Dong, 4749,
Residence Studio, 8338 Harney St.
ToL Harney 2687
- "'-TlW!w(-.:.