THE" BEET-UMAHAr rKIDAY, -OCTOBER 4, Officers of Alpha Camp, Woodmen of the World ''WWUM'-- -i&sJBmy!t m i i i ,rl -I- c 7 to; 6 MdSaywyJnmTn rM.'-,-. - vagjWaas1jM .5 v'1 - tir r - a .1 "jo P ml i fir HIIIISI , BACK ROW ALBERT SINCLAIR, KARRT ELIySBERT. MICHAEL KIESBR, ALBERT WINTERS, OKOKOU MBC K-FRONT BOW-N. J. WEHLEB, L. W. DAWSON.. A. J. BRUGKRMAN, CHAS. UNITT. THOUSANDS KELP DEDICATE Woodmen Cpme from All Parta-cf th I Country for Exercises. mSY TEAMS WEAR ' UNIF0IU1I3 Vlaitora Cull at the Old Woodmea BalMlav and Iaapet h Jfw Ma or Go to ta Toy-of . i ' b BaJldlnc f Chaxles . Unltt, clerk of Alpha camp, j Woodmen of tbo World, and on of tiw iprlnio movers In the dedication service, iwas kept busy all yesterday handing out badges to the largo number of members or tne order who are in tbo city. Mr. Unltt estimated that ha gov out over 3,000 badges. Very little business was transacted at the old building, owing to tbo large num. jber of visitors who passed ' through the (rooms and visited with the clerks. Rep jresentaUves of the order from almost very state In the union are here for tne jblg parade and dedication. A rough estfc 'mate of the number of Woodmen In town lis placed at about 6,000. Ot this number over 8,000 are visitors to the city. Woodmen visitors had a hard time try ing to secure rooms for the remainder of She week. AU the hotels art crowded jnd hundreds are being. turned away. .The executive council of the order Issued letters asking the resident members to try and make room In their tomes for Ithe visitors and It is thought that over '1,090 were placed in this manner. On every street Woodmen badges were Sn evidence. The Omaha budges are .white with red a"d blue letters on them, (white the visitors wear various designs. jAmong the prettiest ones, which are be ing worn by Lincoln members, is a gilded Ictump of unusual s!se, with the axes 'crossed on top and "W, O. W." engraved j below, - ,. .', The resident members were appointed bOVEREIGH CLERK OF THE WOOD MEN OF THE WORLD. BIGGEST ENGINE IN WORLD Eaovmoas Tractive Power, with -" perbeatlac garface f 1,310 Beware PXeet, - A locomotive with 115,000 pounds tractivs power' breaks all previous records. A unit as powerful as this is astounding. This tractive power U provided In the tour jdaiiet locomotives which have just been built for the Virginian railway, and is obtained with less than 50,000 pounds average weight per driving axle. Con sidered from that point of view, these locomotives have an added significance. In all parts of the country railroad offi cials are considering how to secure the power required to most efficiently meet a particularly difficult service without exceeding the existing limitations on axle loads. This was exactly the problem on the Virginian railway, and these looomo- tires were developed to meet It ' i They will each be aUe to haul 1S6 loaded fiftyHon capacity freight cars at ten rallas per hour; each has sixteen driving wheels; locomotive and tender weigh 7K, 000 pounds, and the firebox Is large enough to hold a donkey switching loco motive. With these locomotives In helper servloe the official expect ' to Increase the maximum train load over a fourteen mil, 1.07-per-cent grade to 4,230 tons. The crucial point on the entire line over whtah all tonnage passes Is that portion between Elmore and Clark's Gap, on the Deepwater division, a Ctatano of about fourteen mi lea The last eleven and a half miles of this is on a 2.07-per-cent grade, with maximum compensated ourvee at twelve degrees. For the first two and a halt miles the grade is B per cent At present trains are usually operated over this grads with one Mallet of the light est class at the head and two of th heavier locomotives as helpers, ( ' With this power the maximum trail) over the mountain Is 8.M0 tons. This Is, approximately, (00 tons less than the Mal let road engine -can take through over the remainder of the division. As the road ia single track and the volume ot traffic constantly Increasing, It is essen tial to Increase . the maximum through tonnage. . The enormous locomotives were devel oped In order to accomplish this result without Increasing the number of loco motives which .the present maximum train requires over the ruling grade. They will take the place of the Mallets now used as helpers, which will be put Into road service. With two of the Mallets as helper and on of the class having 2,0Q0 pounds tractive power a a road engine, making a oombined tractive force of 832, 000 pounds, It is expected, a previously stated, to take a maximum train of 4,130 tons over the Clark's Gap ! grade. The road engine, unaided, will take this train through to Princeton, the terminal of the division. Apart from the enormous weight and power of tfts locomotive 'as a whole, the dimensions of some of the principal parts are Impressive as showing the extent with which all limits were exceeded In Its design and construction. The follow ing warrant special attention: Outside diameter of boiler at largest ring, 118 inches; tubes, 844, 24 inches diameter; flues, 48, 5ft Inches diamter; heating sur face, 8,700 square feet; superheating sur face, 1,810 square feet; "firebox ring, 18ftx 119 ' inches; length - of boiler, 60 feet ltt Inches; ' low-pressure cylinders,' 44x32 Inches; high-pressure cylinders, ' 28x88 inches; tender capacity, 12,000 gallon of water and IE. ton of coal Following the builder's latest approved practice for this type , of locomotive, the engine are equipped 'with superheaters . The superheater is, ' of . the fire-tube, double-loop type. The .superheated tab, are contained in forty' flues' three and a half Inohes In dlatneter. Vanadium steel was extensively used " for those . parts which are subjected to. the greatest strain The parts constructed .. of this material Include , engine frame, erossheads, driv ing wheel ' tires, - driving,: engine trailing and tender truck springs, main driving axles, main crank pins and piston spider. Likewise, the cylinder and valve cham ber , bushings ' were ' constructed i of cast Iron ' with vanadium content Manufac turers' Record.- . . - - r - j groom's -collar melted, the pastor fell asleep in his study, and the organist payed, 'cm, rromiee m, eleven times. "What in. the world was the trouble?" "Why, the moving picture man's auto struck, a lire oyarant ana nis wnoie out fit -went1 to smash." Clffv-eland Flaln- . r The Missing Adjwnet. . "There was 'a very 'disagreeable wait at the Muggleton's wedding last - eve ning. The bride was In tears, the. bride- Winner in Floral Parade IS f tr --' ; if " I . . Tvagedle Told In Headline. ' "Mr. Ardups Rich Unci Entirely Cured of Dropsy." J'Toung Naval Officer, on Wedding Trip, Becomes Violently Seasick." "Florist Makes Scene Dunning Hand some Actress for Big Boquet" "Three Men on Bases; Gnat, File in Batsman' Eye." "Reporter Sent to Panama to Roast Canal; Tell .Truth and Lose Job." ' "His First Attempt to Umpire a Ball Game In Gory Gulch.;, Complain Loudly of Conditions In Hospital." "Awkward Mistake; Young Man Making Call Sends .up Card of Previous Renter of Evening Suit" Chicago Tribune. V Pointed Patragrrapha, . - Publicity Is the mother of much charity. Good cooks are also born once In a great while. A child saves its parent a lot of money by not being twins. The words of a woman may sound con soling even it they are not. The" average girl Is capable of loving almost any fellow that she shouldn't . A glutton is one who overloads hlB stomach with .food that , others are hungry for. Nearly every mother gets in bad when It comes to selecting a middle name tor her baby boy. The average man would be glad to see bis wife's . relations If he could look at them over a long distance telephone.- Chicago Newa.. , , . . , 1 New Men Special Announcement! Wfan impeding Omaha' i newest and most mtgniicent building do not fail to visit lh on the Fourtetnlh street tide, devoted ixctonvelyto ' ; ;v ' .', ." Men's Sals and ' Correct Dress Accessories ' Tom wiU find it at complete in every dttailu , the building itself. The honor of your visit is desired ; Wtlter A. Stringfelbw W. O. W.Bldg. m Xme v "nt Bx" cr' m lm SO BETTER GLAZED BUILDING IX THE WORLD 21,000 Square Feet IMPERIAL PRISM PLATE GLASS (Upper " SAh Bxtertor Window) Imperial Prism Plate Ornamental Glass (Corridor and IntesrosdUte Partitlona and Door) . , Woodrnen' of the World Building SEE IT! . Made mOaMrbf 13' '"Tj&Z&M ' : , Pressed Prism Plate Glass Co., of Chicago, III FOR SALE BY GLASS JOBBERS EVERYWHERE. , Firja Plate Glass Liability. , Automobile Tornado Bank Burglary Accident Live Stock Rent 1 Theft HeaWi - Steam Boiler INSURANCE New Location W. O. W. Eldg. 'ids .':;.., : Pkons DoasfiasSSS 0PUHA.NEB. For the New WO. W. BuU was famished by us. ' The automobile entered in the Flowerj parade Tuesday by Mrs Emma , B. Manchester was Judged to be the most' beautifully ; decorated car In line. Mrs. Manchester Is supreme guardian of the -Woodmen circle, which Is the - women's auxiliary to the Woodmen of the' World. y " t v r: , V JOHN T. YATES. 1 as one large reception committee and I were busy entertaining their guests and i visitors. The new building at Fourteenth land Farnam streets was viewed from the interior and exterior by thousands ot visitors m the morning. A large number were taken to the roof of the building, where a good view of the city could be obtained. Marshall's Albino Cockroach. An albino cockroach, white as enow, . fcut posseneed of fighting tendencies cMra eousled In the family of Mr. ' Roach, has become a permanent occupant r the "tooacco drawers ' in uovernor , Ws-rhall's desk in the Indiana state Not content merely with being an oc- euntnt of the rovernor'e premises, the Insect has established! a reign of terror mtrue the "plain garden varieties ot ite roach family, which have Infested -. the statehous for many months. Yesterday the "purged" roach gave oattl to another of his kind too for twsrd and too foolish. The other was merely a brown roach, but he boldly ap proached the tobacco drawer from the underside to amp therein. The albino saw him and forthwith gave no quar ter. Whwi Governor Marshall opened hi C rawer the "white plague" was dragging 2uh adversary to tne roacn cemetery. Attaches in the governor's office will make affidavit that such were the hap ipening. Indianapolis News. Tbo Coal Rake-Off. ; In Detroit the other day President T'ndrwood of the Krie railroad declared - that the present high cost of coal is due to retail and wholesale dealers and not to the coal operators or to the railroads. The railroads have not increased their rates In twenty years: the mines have rnade a incn?ae of but 25 cents a ton. -Jf ihe price of cohI in Detroit end other cilics tuf Increased from $1 to $2 a tjn, :'.U? wbolsalers and retailers are getting ti.f) li r.fT cud cf It.' There is (sever any rest ion as to who gets the short end. if Sfh V 7 1 itldf :f test Ooodiii Installed in tho en of the Oor Id Building fx f a J ifl -ja 'r 'MMwaw ....w. ..iwrt' 'W- ,-.;viv: V f f 4 ClAPlt iH ' .'l .1 This is the highest type closet on the market. ' It economizes on water, self-Tenting, cannot clog up and does not touch the floor.: Notice the Banitary features ; - :; After investigating all types and makes of plumbing fixtures, our '.goods were, se lected as being the most efficient, sanitary and the highest class obtainable. ' 1 ; Fixtures installed by J. J. Hanighen Co., Omaha, Neb. ' , .:, Myd - t -. 1E tick company We will remove our office and display rooms to the new Woodmen of the World building about November L We Furnished All the Glass for the Woodmen of the W orld Building r : n v? SU J gV Glass and - Paint" Co, - -omaha -