vv THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912 - - i It liiMtte w '- iwi tan 4 lit hi yon ooiy Mew ; what pleasure the Victor-Victrola brings into voor home, voo drat be without one ror ' a sraff .e cav. Nebraska Cycle Go. offers this Anv Victor dealer in any city in the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor-Victrolas $15 to $200 Victors, $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, N. J. OH. i 1 n This instrument:is a GEKUINE " VICTROLA, ' of the same -high quality which characterizes all products of the Victor Co., and is equipped' with "all of the exclusive Victrola patented features. This is the FIRST opportunity you've had to purchase a Victrola like this at $100. , , . , , . , . , ,, , Victor-Victrola X, $75 Mahogany or oak , You'll always find a complete line of Vlctrolas and Victrola Records In our new Victrola Parlors in connection with Piano Department. Douglas street En trance. Call and Soe Us. Omaha's Popular Victrola Store fin iniav mm: mm .t,,. r,,....wlr4t ,iiin'MWiiii,t-itrtiti('mi)-riiiiliirri iim mi iii.in - : '' mi--Mrtiirtfii ' mill 11 iiniimi nil I n. Free Concert Every Noon from 12 M. to 1:30 P. M. Hear the world's greatest artists, on the' Victrola. Spend your noon hour with us. All are cordially in O vitcd. WAREHOUSES ARE BURNED Sixteenth'; Street Plant' Destroyed, : -Entailing loss of $50,000. '-. -. . , HEEMAK HOPE IS INJURED While Fighting Flame. He 1. Asci dentally Hit on the Head with . an -Axe, hot HI. Condition ' - 1. Not Serlon.. Within five minutes from the time that It tiny blaze was discovered in the ware house of the Nebraska Fuel company at Blxteenth and Pierce streets yesterday lit .6:3 a. m.. the entire string of ware fiouse'. Buildings covering, nearly a square block, was admass of, seething flames flix thousand tons o various grades of toal lent body to the blaze. .According to a statement made bv( R. L. Patterson, Becretary. tha damage will exceed $50,000, but the amount Is fully covered by in gurance. Defective electrical wiring is ascribed as the! probable cause. I John T. Hope, one the firemen, was Injured by having been accidently hit on the head with an axe. Hope and other firemen were fighting the flames, and an axe rwas being wielded by one of them Jn the moke and excitement Hope was hit by the axe... The blow was a glancing one,, and not serious. The Injured man No more Y dirty water-closet bowls and no more anpUasant work keeping them clean. For Stmt Fluth will qaichly make them white as new without terubbing or touching the bowl with the hand. aiti-Fiiish Cleans Water-Closet Bowls Sani-Ftmhis a pouJtrmd chemical ' compomnddUinftctant and do- ' 4ermtemy to an and hmrmlttt to bowl ami ptambint. Cat gean to-day and be worried mm more ky a dieeolorod water-clutet bowl. 0 cents a can at your grocer's or druggist's. was taken to hie home, JB1 North Thir teenth street. " . -I' Make. Rapt Heaawar. Fire was first discovered at 5:80 o'clock by George Abdellah, 112 South Thirteenth street Abdellah te a driver employed by the Nebraska Fuel company and was preparing to feed his team when he noticed a blaze near the middle of one of the warehouses. He Immediately sent In an alarm, but when he returned with Patrolman Risk and several other men five mlnuteB later there was barely time to rescue half a dozen horses from death. The animals were led out of the blazing buildings with their heads covered and taken to a nearby barn. . - Fire J Very Hot. The first companies, of the fire depart ment reached the scene a few minutes after the alarm, but . so stifling was the heat sent out that they Could not get within a hundred feet of the building. A strong wind from the southwest fanned th smoke and heat across the Sixteenth street viaduct, and with the flame at the height of Its fury the firemen had hard work to force their horses across the bridge. Companies approaching from the south attacked the spectacular blaze first from the Pierce street side and when re inforcements arrlved.rfontrol of the situa tion was gotten from this position. City Dads Lose Out in Having Photos Taken on Long Film City commissioners were peeved yester day when the special representative of an eastern moving picture film com pany failed to show up and keep an ap pointment to take their pictures to head the reel of the electrical parade. A date was set when the commissioners would go riding in autos and the film maker would be on the Job, but the latter failed to show up until half an hour after the appointed time and the commissioners had dispersed. This ' was the only opportunity they ever had to have their pictures made and shown all over the United States. The film-maker sal a-he was disappointed, too, but had misunderstood the hour of meeting. RENZE FLOATS GO TO DENVER Electrical Devices Will Be loaded on Special Train. AK-SAE-BEHf ACTORS TO GO TOO Spectacular Pa area nt Will Be the Big Featare of theFe.tlval of the Mountain and Plain to ' Be Held Soon. is to be staged, will be the scene of the masked ball, the closing feature. ' j Owners of Property ' Resent Board's Order The Real Estate, exchange la bothered to know whether owners of property may be considered users of water according to the recent order of the Water board. The rule has been made that owners of propirty and tenants shall contract jointly for water, thus guaranteeing the payment of water bills. Whether or not the owner can be brought Into such a. contract is a subject of doubt on the part of some members, of the Real Ins tate exchange. - One member made the statement that If the Water board can rule that the landlord shall pay for water, tha tele phone, electric light, gas and other com panies can do likewise," which, plan, he said, is far from right The Babonle PI. (toe . destroys fewer lives than jrtomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bitters is the guaranteed remedy. 50c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co.' Advertisement . Omaha's Ak-Sar-Ben electrical floats will be shipped to Denver to be the star feature of the Festival of Mountain and Plaia The festival Is held October 15 to 18, inclusive, and the electrical parade will pass over the street, of that city the night of Thursday, October 17. Instead of the floats being hauled to the Den and there being dismantled as is ,the usual custom, they will be taken to the Burlington freight yards ana pui upon iiai cars, as soon &A loaded, they will be run special to Den ver. Fifty of the principal actors in the Ak-Sar-Ben circus together with all of the apparatus and machinery used In the Inltatlon, will go to Denver, where during the festival performances will be given each night. Denver does not rent the floats, but buys them outright, paying S150 per float and returning to Omaha, freight prepaid, the trucks and trolley arms;1 The floats will not be returned to Omaha, Rense Will Tke Charge. Gus Renze goes to Denver and takes complete charge of the electrical parade and will be the manager of the e'reus. The hauling of the floats caused some spirited competition among the repre sentatives of the Omaha-Denver road. The Burlington, however, bid 50 cents per 100 pounds and secured the contract. They will require an entire train for their movement Some of the shorter floats will be loaded two to three cars, but the most of them will require one car each. The circus actors go and come over the Union Pacific, which road also secured the movement of all the equipment that will be returned to Omaha, The circus crew will go to Denver to be there in time to put the first perform ance on the first night of the festival, repeating It nightly until Friday night when the Live Stock pavilion, where It Warning Causes' a Man Severe Fall, So He Says, and Sues For warning a window washer to be careful . while washing the outside of a third-story window, the Smith Clothing company may have to pay 10,000. Earl Newell, the window washer, sued the company for this amount in district court. He alleges that a year ago he fell from the . window because Edward Smith warned him. ' Newell Is a young man. . He alleges that when he was at work on the outer sill of the window Smith called to him to "lookout." He told him to be careful or he would fall. Instead of having the expected effect, according to Newell, and causing him to tighten his grip on the window, It startled him. There was a temporary suspension of mental activity and he released his hold, falling to the pavement below. He says his leg was broken, his back was se verely Injured and he also was hurt in ternally. . COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS SIXTEEN NEW MEMBERS The membership committee of the Com mercial club reports sixteen new mem bers. This makes In all twenty-five new members reported since the special cam paign for 100 new members has been begun. The new members reported are: F. D. Finklesteln, Omaha Tobacco com pany: C. H. Cornell, president First Na tional! bank, Valentine, Neb.; J. B. Adams, grain dealer; F. M. Morsman, Nebraska . Telephone company; . John I. Fisher, Benson-Myers company; W. A. Schall, attorney; W. 3. Miller, Updike Lumber & Coal Co.; O. A. Sandell, Omaha Wood Working company; " B. A.' Balrd, attorneys A. B. Currle. coal dealer; J. Edward O'Brien, D. J. O'Brien company; M. Loftus, Missouri Pacific; Charles A. Franke,, Krug theater; Arthur Metz, Metz Brewing company; L. M. Rogers, Brandeis Stores; Harry Hawk, Gray Bon nett Tax! Line. See the f few WMfe! 1 6 Cylinder 60 H. P. -i - - Other Models-S2,250 to $6,300 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5,000 1 New Location 18th Street : BETWEEN FARNAM AND HARNEY 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I White Trucks 4 4 4 4 You're Bilious! Your Liver and Bowels Are Inactive "Cascarets" Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indigestion, Sallow Sktn and Miserable Headaches come from' a torpid liver and constipated bowels,-which cause your stomach' to be come 'filled with undigested food, which sours and ferments like garbage ' in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery Indigestion, foul gases, - bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, every thing that Is horrible and nauseating. A Caa caret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning-a 10-cent'-box will keep ; your head ' clear, stomach ' sweet liver and bowels regular and make you feel cheerful and bully for months. Don't forget your children their little insldes " need a ' good, gentlai cleansing, too, occasionally. "- VS. m mumW CANDY CATHARTIC Ay-'v'r..:- 10 Cf NT BOXES -ANV 0RU6 STORE ALSO 83 Be 50 CENT Boncaj $2,250 to $4300 - - 4 4 4 4 4 4 For Out of Town I S Night Storage. - - - 50c Ak-Sar-Ben Visitors I H. PELT ON Day Storage Best Garage Accommodations 25c v OLDSMOBILE A sensational sale of highest grade used cars to make room for new Models - V Every car guaranteed, by the manufacturer,., 110 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Ve have only six of these ears left They consist of one "SPECIAL," one MODEL "M," one MODEL "X.8,tt two "AUTO CRATS," one "LIMITED." , -v We have the largest display of New Models, consisting of coupe,' roadster, tourabout and touring types, AND the PRICES are RIGHT. OLDSIYIODSLE 2209 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 2938 WIYI. J. DOEKHOFF, inO BeaUs. ' Phones .ou' 1W uoaes la. A-as TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER The Beat Farm Payer, -- ' iiiiimjiajaiwgi"'ii'iiMi'iw