TIIE BEE: OMAHA, .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1912. The ;-Npar1ywfiHR -Just Like Jerry to Get Such a Job Copyright, 1912, National News Attn. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus NOW THAT WE ,. WOULD CO TO WORK rIAKbH WORDV fcUT fUL DO TFoyou DEAR! J PlCKf D OUT TM8 tAblEST JOV I COULD - I JOIN THE ARMY; IT SXfS "YOU ARE TO REPORT FO DOTV tfl THE lt.LA.NPV-Q. r -,- - vi 1 n. m rr 1 i i i k n rrr v. i i n i nuinfw.iTc i i ii i i if.. If . . 1 . I III 1 I I I 1 l.O-r'T I I I - . , . . I Wi 1ULDO I I COULD -I JOIN r 1 - . I I ukrM 1 WARRIORS! ..tcovO I II rSLSU II 1 iTtAsvA,, tn -w. I I , , jA III w""w V V III y.l wyi nAVE TO DO I TV2,rSk. II ri.-rv in f uc 7 I I N I uOt I I I II I 1 I Ik I 1 I IV I tf V WVN I WaUkltK) I 1 'n-s-i- iit iw r w-- ' h-wi 1 1 w m 4mrrm. t i i iiiii i. i . am w saw .js rv i x i i r i . l XTi-jr ii i ill i ill' i v i t.. x i ii w w . jf. wr .nr i i l v i II 1 L f 1 I iVfTA MWaOk M I III 'IIIII "" "m. I II QRTXtfByi I i v i ii i i i !t?r, aT i ill ill i i xTTev r 1 i 11 .:iiu"r i i i w m I I J WANTADS' Vant d received at any time, but to Insure propers, classification hiust be presented before 12:00 o'clock noon for the evening edition fend before 7:30 p. m., for morning prttl Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after such hours will have their first insertion under the head Si j "Too Late to Classify." HELP WAMED FEMALE Hoaaekei'uera and Domestic. GIRL attending school or business collet- to work for board in family of two. References required. Phone Harney 27. Residence 113J Ho. 33d St.. Omaha. WANTED A frtri about 1 years. Fbone Hajney 741. 13 So. Uittl St. WANTED Competent cook, references. Mis Millard, Ml B. 38th St. pSH nATES lm WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. )ne insertion 2 rents a word. ,Two or more consecutive lnser Uflns 1H cents a word. No adver- Ksemcnt taken for less than 20 ns. CHARGE KATES. ! fiix words to the line. ' Xne Insertion 12 cents per line. : ?Two or more consecutive loser lions cents per line. , ;One line per month $l.fiO. "Twenty cents a minimum charge. biATHS AND VtJNERAk NOTICES. iiAU-Ou(av, September 80. 1812, afed I 71 years 7 months and 2b days, funeral service wli be held from fara- ly? residence, UJO Tsinuteton street, Thursday. October , at 2 o'clock p. m. interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. friends Incited. Automobile . will bs jsed for cortege. I were . ... .vnvnuta mat I fg llUIIIVaj9 puHiea: i Name and Residence. Age. Riley I). Winn, flilcago, 111 49 Id O. Nichols, Omaha......... St) Robert I. Dillon, Indianapolis, Ind...... 34 S1die Costello. Grand Island, Neb...:.. 31 gnprge L. Pape, Gretna, Neb. ...... over H Ciarna A. Stlmson, Kmerson, Neb. .over 11 laines H. Bray. Decatur. Neb..., 27 Ruth Reed, Decatur. Neb..,. l Fllde R, Best. Omaha..; Bertha Ida Heyde. Oinaha , lake D. Wyman, Omaha.. .............. Josephine Morris, Omaha James J. Zarmoskl. South Omaha....... Mary Lusuite, South Omaha Willis A. Osenbaugh, jr.', Lincoln, Neb MUinie Pounds, South Dakota flyd M. Forney, Omaha................. Beasle Moch, Omiha.. ..,..,.;. Andrew Ch'iistensen, Audubon, la.,.,.. Elizabeth M. Oslen, Audubon, 'a VVllllam W Onlnn anla, nu oargaret i. uarvey, Ixidlngton. Neb.. 27 aeoTge W. Schlsler, Uncoln. Neb....... 12 Mildred Pearson. Hastings, Neb 23 Charles O. Anderson, Omaha ,..., ! Unites Koch, Benson 23 pncenM Bandl. South Omaha........... IS ingelina Calverone, Omaha.... 19 WANTED-5lrl for general housework In family of two; Htt7 Harney St MRS. RUOO wants competent girl for general housework; two tn family; good wages. 4 Normandy apartments, farn Ave. and Pacific St. GOOD Pfemam lrl for general housework; 8617 t H. 46. GOOD girl for general housework; good WHjtes, can go home nights If neo sary. Tel. Harney 2510. GOOD girl for housework. 7, Tel. Har ney 319 So. 88th Ave. GIRL for general houxework. nam. II. 4298. 8917 Far KXPKRIKNCKD girl for family of 3; no laundry. Mrs. Walter if. Squire, 124 N Sftth Ave. - GIRii for general housework; family of 2. Apply 415 N. 20th. I). B2S. YOUNG girl to assist with housework, help to take care of two little girls, ages t and Apply 2702 Lake. W. WS1. -EXCLUSIVE SHOPS- Piano Values While visiting the AK-SAR-BEN bt sure to visit our piano store. We are the largest and oldest piano bouse west of Chicago. You have our 88 years of piano xpertence at your disposal. W guarantee every piano to be just a represented. We refer you to thousands of satisfied customers. Ve carry such pianos as the Mason A Hamlin, Kranich at Bach, Krakauer and other well known makes. Our prices are the lowest In the city, beoause we purchase in carload lots only. We can give you more for your money than any other piano house In the city. Pay a visit to our store, look at our pianos and let us explain our terms. A. Hospe Co., 1.M3 Douglas St., Omaha. Neu. BLUE LABEL Guegenheimer rye, eight years old, per full quart, 11.00. Weldon 8prlngs Bourbon, 8 yeats oia. per quart, 11.00. Maryland rye, per quart, 76 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., fLOO. 1 quart, bottles of beer, 25 cents. Malt Tonic, extra fine. 10 cents a bottle, CACKLEY BROS., fcfl-2S N. 16th St Opposite Postornce. WANTED Dining room girl. Apply at Clarkson Hospital, 21st and Howard. ADwrllaarovs, YOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union station. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. NOW TRY TUB BEST. Until Oct 1, 1912, we furnish good gradt of lining, clean, press and rellne oven coats for $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHKMICAL DKY CLEANING COMPANY, liTH AND DODGE. . TEL. DOUG. 2966. CASH girls, ifl years of age or over. Ap ply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. 1 HELP WANTED MALE. Aarents, Salesmen anal Seltcltors. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you are a live wire and looking for something good, Jaeger Bros. Mfg. Co., 07 Hrandels Theater Bldg. "Nuff ced WANTED Thoroughly experienced clothing salesman; highest references re quired. Nebraska Clothing Co. IF yu' can sell anything, you surely can sell Disability contracts to working- men. Cost very small. Write ror parwu ars to C. H. . Franklin, 123 William St., New York City. - - WAN TED Sales managers with ability; men who can organise territory for the best selling specialty In America. Guar anteed for five years. 25,000 sold in Chi cago In eight months. Every merchant needs It. Exclusive right and territory. Small investment required. See G4rard O. Varnum. Sales Mgr., Room IX, The llenshaw ilotel. -.. BIRTHS A.MU DKATH9. Births John and Anna Walter. 2984 Aior, boy; E. and Jessie Clayton, , hos rital, boy; II. and Ada Fonda, SC8 South Thirty-fifth avenue, boy; Fred and Clara tehollman. 2314 Sprague. bov; Frank and Kfry Petit. Flrty-eighth and Curtis, girl; rv. v. and O. K. Banker, 34U6 North i piirty-seventh, girl; J. (J. and N. G. ' fvnapp, 3X (south Twenty. fourth, bov; lit nest and Minnie Asp, R. F. D No. i, Mr; Vaclav and Anna Kouleckey, boy; Charles and Dellle Knaip, hospital, girl. Deaths-John William, 88 years, hop. la!; Mrs. Mary Averett. 44 years, hospi tal; Mrs. C, E. Fuller, 49 years, 857 Far Jum; Mrs. Geoner, 67 years, hospital; lfio Malijicl. I year, 707 Pacific; Homer I. -Roberts. 60 years. 417 South Nineteenth: lames i. At well, 6 years, hospital; Carl U Stanb. 67 years. 1819 Jackson; Bern frrfl Shlrkman, 35 years, hospital. SALESMAN wanted: convincing talker; gooA 1T1WI80"- Call 208 Plasa hotel. WE want three neat appearing young men to travel with our manager. Call for Mr. Elliot, 807 Brandels theater. Jaeger Bros, Mfg. Co. 1 ECONOMY THE ROAD TO. WEALTH. If In the market for a piano the time to buy is now; the place, here; the way, be your own agent. Make your own selec tion ; by so doing save sales expense which adds to cost of every piano sold by ordi nary aeair. we carry in stock tne ram ous HENRY F. MILLER, STORY A CLARK, LAFFAROUE at CO. and other standard - makes of piano and player- putnos. Bargains In new and slightly used high grade piano. Must be sold: 1360 up right mahogany piano;-one mahogany piano player; elegant $226 Regina ' muslo box,. 21 dinks; Kimball organ, -O. H. HARR PIANO CO., Third Floor Boston Store. LANDERYOU "Maker of oood Clothes." : FALL WOOLENS . . ON DISPLAY. 305 South Ninteenth Street. Farnam Hotel Bid's;. AGENTS Sells from factory to user. New proposition. Sell on sight. Big profits, Permanent employment Write for sample and particulars, The K. K, Shaw Co., Rivers, Man., Can. . Bl'ILDIMG PERMITS. E. J. Hallgren, 8719 North Thlrty- fVenth, frame dwelling. $1,000; Albert tint, zzm roppieton avenue, frame dwell ing, $2,500; F. II.- Oullck. 2854 Spalding, irtme dwellings, $2,500. ADVERTISING calendar and fan sales man wanted to represent us exclusively; largest line Imported and domestic art calendars evsr shown: prices that meet all competition; experienced met) write for - particulars. Manhattan Advertising Specialties Co., Newt York. WANTED Real salesmen to sell our noted and unique line of map and other specialty calendars; our line is different, exclusive; It lands the big buyer, tired of pictures: we also mase a strong an of leather novelties, fans and outdoor signs; strongest combined outfit ever of fered; big money for live men; we maae all our goods; that means low prices; 1913 territory now being piecefl; wnte ruiiy, giving experience in first letter. Kenyon Company, uea Moines, la. 3tn year.) HELP WANTED FEMALE i Clerical BB Office., bookkeeper and , stenographer, insur WW', $65, stenographer, Smith Premier, $40, Stenographer, 4nsurance. $i. . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO..' f 1015-1 City Nat Bank Bldg. - Factory and Trades. WANTED 69 girls. Iten Biscuit Coi r ANTED Girls for ladies tailoring; x-tfMi saiary; sieaay position. Mm So. 16th, ' tL..1. -: i -1 i i. . ,,. ., t,lfU5 to learn halrdresslng. Prices reaiotbIe. Apply H. J. McCarthy, Hair ovinia -wv nranaeis stores. , J HonaekeeiM-ra and Domestics, . THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM VL,vfc.U-The Bee will run a Servant Slrl Wanted Ad FREE until- you ret ih jiired result. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Conn oil Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or leiepnone Tyier low. WANTED Competent cook and second maia. airs. J. N. Baldwin, 408 8. Hh COMPETENT housemaid. Ave. Harney 614. 108 8. Mst (ilKLi for general . housework, 1322 S f.a Kt. rnone arney 3&g. GIRL for housework or to assist with aousewors. rnone Harney J33, 363 n ist Ave. WANTED Salesmen experienced tn our line. Salary or commission. Reference required. Prospects for business excellent. write at once. trie Monitor uu co., Cleveland, O. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS be sure to visit our PILLOW STORE W carry the largest stock of Pillows, Down Slips and Feather Mattresses in the west. . We can give you any slse pillow you wish In either-all down or feathers and down mixed. PRICES REASONABLE V are also expert feather renovators. OMAHA PILLOW CO., Phone Douglas 2467. 1721 Cuming St. OMAHA'S AND DOLL HOSPITAL hut ownp. We do all kinds of Doll Repairing, such s new heads, limbs, bodies and wigs. RestrlPgtng and eyes reset. Exclusive novelties, suitable tor wed ding, birthday. Christmas ana rjm. brance gifts. The Tekna Shop fc . 4341A 1828 Farnam St Phone, uougms The Mandarin Cafe, 1409 Douglas, 2d floor. Steaks, chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. Also quick lunches. Best service. Rubber Goods All kinds; face creams nad powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Charles Loftman, wines, liquors and ci gars, merchants' lunch. 14th & Howard. " WiToTfer TO THE PUBLIC The very, best whisky on the market for the small sum of $3.00 per gallon. The very best port wine we offer for $1.00 per gal. C. SCHLANK & 00., 1107 Douglas St. HOME PLATE CAFE The Right Place to Eat." 220 S. 19th St. John A. Rylen THE TAILOR AK-SAR-BEN GUESTS VISIT THI6 SHOP and we will fit you out with one of our fine tailor-made ladles' or Men s Suits at very reasonable prices. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED TEL. RED 27S4. 206 PAXTON BLOCK. jli.mil.HKN quests, visit the New Home Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. Best meals, loc. ine pesi ior your money. 16th and Douglas. Motion pictures machine and film bargains SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Our celebrated Chinese Herb Medicine cuies rheumatism, kidney trouble, heart trouble, female trouble and dropsy, regu lates deformities caused from sickness or Inflammation. In fact It Is an Immediate relief and an eventual cure for all chronic diseases of the system. If you are a suf ferer, call or write today. 202 N. 19th. Adelight Hair Fooi Positively grows hair, removes dan druff, stops falling "hair, prevents gray hair, restores grayi hair to natural color. Him Frayer, 1421 Farnam. I MR. VISITOR, BE SURE t visit the SODOASIS at Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., southwest corner of 16th and Dodge Bts., , . . AND the OWL'S NEST at the OWL DRUG CO., northwest corner of 16th and Harney Bts. We serve the daintiest kinds of Luncnes, Hot Drinks of all kiod at ALL hours. THE ELITE CAFE 307-209-211 South 14th street. Reopened under new management - Newly remod im1 the finest Chinese-American cafe in thm at Mvervthlnr the market af fords at popular prices. Chop sueys and warmelns, eggs and noodles. All styles, finest steaks and chops in the city. Our 85-cent dinner from 12 to I and 6 to 8 is the best In the city. GOOD coat maker wanted at onoe; must be sober man and first-class tailor; good wages. Address Herman Peterson, Fre mont, Neb. W'ANTED Ten welding operators, Omaha ahop and road work; must un derstand regulation of heat and welding cast iron; will teach you how to weld other metals. Bertschy Garage, 2010-16 Harney St., Omaha. Will call for bundle and family waeh lng, work guaranteed. Tel. Harney 6374. CHAMBERMAID work or general housework; plain cooking. Web. 4m Call for Pearl. COLLECTOR wants position as col lector. Can furnish bond. C 798, Bee. . i , . v 'T I,, T a a- K .ntnmnltll. rnlr mn Don't apply unlees you are capable of making good; we do not employ appren tice and do not want any except the best, salary accordingly. Bertschy Gar age, JulO-16 Harney, Omaha, WANTED Tinner. Rapp Cornice and Roofing Company, 219 S. Main St., Coun cil Bluff. WANTED bookkeeping or stenographic work desired Saturdays or evenings by young lady. Address u 783, Bee. POSITION as colored chauffeur; good references; will do other work. 2522 Lake St. Oscar Hlckox. WANTED-Ftve aood reliable boys. Good wages. W. I. Tel. Co., 212 S. IS St. CASH boys, 16 year of age or over. Ap ply Superintendent, Brandels Stores. WANTED Neat appearing boy for de livery department; must be over 1 year of age. Apply Superintendent, Brandels Store. Clerical and Office, AK-SAR-BEN week 'tis true, hut we must till these positions AT ONCE: j - Bookkeeper, automobile nrtn, sra. City Salesman. $75 and commission. 'Assistant Bookkeeper, $40-445. Stenographer, splendid position, $60, : Stenographer, automobile, $65. ; Collector. Bohemian, W and commission. Glove Salesman, salary depends. Stenographer, experienced, $90. Stock Clerk, $o0-$0. Theia are POSITIVELY, open and for Immediate acceptance. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. YOUNG men, study law. Omaha School of Law. Law Dept., University tf Omaha. Evening sessions. For further information address secretary, 619 Sic Cague Bldg. Tel. Doug. 867. Factory and Trade. Drug Store (snap jobs. Knlest, Bee BldK, WANTED A aeneral repair foreman. for all around packing house work; please give references; state age, experience and salary required. Addres Y 186, Bee. ' WANTED Pipe fitter boss for general packing house work; please give refer ence; state age, experienoe and salary requited. Address Y 186, Bee.. TAILOR WANTED For repairing, pants and vent making; steady work and good wage. Herman Petersen, Fremont, Neb. - - - WASTED Assistant window trimmer, 1 to 8 years' experience1, by large Omaha department store; state full qualifications In first letter: tell me why you will be the man for the plate. Aadress Box A 800. Bee. GOOD all around , blacksmith, steady work for good man. Apply Brown Truck Mfg. Co., Ralston, .ncd. Mlareilaaeona. YOU CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile buslnes; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are in big de mand and command large salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shops, where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all make of car. National Auto Training Assn., 2814 N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb. YOUNG lady with about 3 years' cler ical experience In office, has also worked on comptometer, would like a position. Write A .777, cars Bee. ATTRACTIONS FOR SALE Rexall drug store, south ern Nebraska. Sales about $12,000 a year. Clean stock. Splendid prescription busi ness. Good reasons for selling. Special price for ten days. Particulars, Lock Eox 476, Lincoln, Neb. GENERAL merchandise stock for sale, consisting of dry goods, ladies' and gents' furnishings and shoes. Terms, cash; 80 cents on the dollar of the wholesale price. Stock in splendid condition. County seat town, 3.O0O population. Main line of U. P. R. R. Fireproof building, 23x80 Rent, $35 per month. ' Best of reasons for selling. J. L. Mitchell, Lexington, Neb. SALOON for sale; good location; will sell for invoice price; wish to retire. A 768, Bee. Everything- for Women. Mrs. Olsen. 1st class carpet weaving. W.60H T niTR M A TnT rellablo ladles' tailor, U ljUrLKluAiN, located 433-5 Paxton blk. LateBt styles, materials. Popular prices. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. 12th St. Doug. 6566. - Flatiron Hat Shop. Corolyn E. Byers; prices very reasonable. 1726 St. Mary a DRESS pleatings, buttons covered, alt alzes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block, Both phones. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 16th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1662. FOR SALE Old established drug store, tn Nebraska town of 1,000, county seat, good opportunity. Address D. S. Beynon, Burwell, Neb. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects. Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottrell, W. SSL Bowling, Association Bowling Alleys. W. I. Per kins & Co., B. Hull, Mgr. 1313-15-17 Harney. OMAHA FILM EX. AUTOMOBILES. "ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer, 2230 Farnam. Douglas 8396. TRUCKS One-ton, 2-ton, 3Vfc-ton and 6-ton; any style body; service and satisfaction guar anteed. Best service station In Omaha. DRUMMOND New Garage. 26th and Farnam. Chiropodists. Dr. Monhelt. 403 8. 10th St. Doug. 2333. DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam. Douglas 643'. ' Civil Engineers. E. E. Moore, C20 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3058. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Murphy Did It REPAIRING, TRIMMING, PAINTING. Dancing- Academies, RARIfiHT HALL. 19th and Farnam. assembly Friday. For terms 'phone So. 2654. Genevieve munarre, instructor. TIRE REPAIRING yJTtu tires. We make ttiera almost as good aa now. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guranteed, Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Farnam. V V FTVTC Auto Tinners, general repairing. 1807 Far., rear. CYLINDER repairing, auto vulcanising. 1622 Capitot Ave. tinning, AUTO livery, 2d hand cars bought and sold, expert repairing. 4004 N. 2tth. Tel Webster 3016. Motorcycles. Yale. Hairley-Davldson and used motor, cycles. Victor Roos. 2703 Leavenworth, SECOND-HAND AYTTOMOBILES. FOR SALE cheap; practically new 3 paeenger coupe, 28 H. P., with 32x4 new Fisk tires, with demountable rims and one extra tire and tube. Presto tank. electric horn and seat covers. An ideal car for a doctor liaving a large practice In the country. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Coin. HI1 Piina stamps bought, sold, ex U1U VOIIIS -hallfifl. omaha. Coin and 6tamp Co., 519 N. 16th. ' IF you don't dance see Prof. Mackte, 1816 Harney St. Phone Douglas f348. Dressmaking-. Anna SIstek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaking awl tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 4293. Fitzputrick. tailor, dress'g. 2504 Davenport Miss Naplnsky, gowns. 60S Paxton. D. 5973. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7330. Terry' Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. DRESSMAKING, ladles tailoring, alter ing; first class work; reasonaoie. vveD. 4189. - Store and Office Fixture. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of fixture bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N St., South Omaha. ' - ' - WESTERN MILLINERY SCHOOL, 415 PAXTON BLOCK. Financial Investments. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. ' For Sale-1.000 shares King Solomon T. & D. stock for $250. Also 5,000 Uncle Sam Oil, cheap. Box 75, Little Rock, Ark. Florist. A. Donaghue, 1007 Far. D. 1001; A-lOOt IIESS4 TsWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S, Florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. foundries. McDonald brass and bronze foundry. aluminum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Furnaces and Repair. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Detective. . JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville blk. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. L. W. LONUNKCKER, 517 Karbach Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Age, bonded. Suite 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. Drug-N;it, DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything; for the Home. WE rent repair, sell needles, part of all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Phone Douglas 1662 Everything Electrical. . , . LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrator SEND FOR 80-PAGE BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO., 8S0 Brandels Bldg. 'Phone Daugla 6293. EDUCATIONAL Mosher-Lampman College , j Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarter. work ior board. Address Mosner-LAmp- man. IS15 Farnam St.. Omaha. Men. WB BUY and sell anything, everything in fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first STODDARD-DAYTON 7-passenger Li mousine. Rebuilt and repainteo. AH in fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. Bargains in Second Hand Cars S We have greatly reduced our prices on second-band cars ' for quick delivery. These cars are all in first-class condition and will give the best of satisfaction. Call and see cars before buying. H. E. FREDRICKSON ' AUTO. CO. v ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas 882. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. $373. MONEY UNION TO LOAN-LOW rate, in sums to suit $10 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 2904. LOAN CO. Alfred 0. Kennedy, anoe. 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 722. BARGAINS. STODDARD- Dayton 7-passenger lim ousine. Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Stoddard-Dayton 6-passenger touring car. Locyjmoblle 7-passenger limousine win touring body. Locomobile 6-passenger limousine. Locomobile 6-passenger touring car. Locomobile 5-pasenger roadster." Overland 4-passenger roadster. J. J. DERIGHT, 1818 Farnam St. Twenty per cent les thn Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO... Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Omaha- Plumes renovated. 426 Paxton Blk. D. 8394. 8. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam St. BL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, $2.76; try half dozen; if not satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., 160$ rarnam, Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. PAPER hangers, use Snowtlake Paste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 South 13th St. COMPETENT girl for housework; work wilt be easy. 1821 Grace St. Webster 4627. YOUNG girt to assist with housework; no washing. H. 741. im 8. 35th. A GIRL to attend a baby and to as 1 Rt. generally. 128 S. S5th St. Harney MM). ' . GIRL for general housework In family of three. H. 908. GIRL for general housework who is good cook. Laundress employed. 416 S. foth St H. a&iO. . WANTED A girl for genera! house- work. Three In fa mil v; reference. In quire A. G .Beeson, 3918 Harney., Tel. Harney 3U7. I GIRL ! family. for general Harney mi housework; small LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get into the automobile business, learn it complete In the largest and best equipped training school In this territory. Repairmen, aemonstrators ana-salesmen are In demand. Write or call tor our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1415-17 Dodge 8t, Omaha, Neb. WAN TED For IT. S. army, ablebodled, unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who . can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information appiy vj nwnm ing officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb.; 606 Fourth St.. Sioux City. Ia.; 1 N. Tenth St. Lincoln, Neb, ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper thsn wood; last lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. "D. a Griffith, wig mfr., 11 Frenser Blk, ALL will be forgiven, Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Sts. That Is where B RODEO AARD sells those lucky wedding rings. ' WANTED Good tailor for ladies' tailor ing; steady position; good salary. 60S So. 16th. WANTED For permanent positions, men between the ages of 21 and 86; rough carpenter to do car repair work in Chi cago; rate 26 cents per hour; tools to be furnished by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight Agent, 11th and Chicago Sts., Omaha, for free transportation. WANTED Twa experienced tove men. A. GUHnsky, 107 W. Bdway, Co. Bluffs. Ia. WANTED Tailor who can make pants and vests. Fred M. Kuwltaky, Nebraska City, Neb. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if youi gain your training In our school. Practice on R. R. wire. Address tor- particular. H. B. Boyles, Pre. Boyles College, Omaha, Nab. MAIL carrier. postofflce clerk wanted; $80 per month, omana exam ination November . Free coaching. Franklin Institute, wept, iw o, nooneter, N. Y. ' : iibXP WANTED Male and Female Help. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. $80 per month. Write for list of position open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 117 S. Rochester, N. Y. - WANTED SITUATIONS HELP! Call the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1111 N. P. Swanson, Undertaker. We are . now in our new building and have one of the most up-to-date under taking establishments in city. 1625 Cum ing. D. 1060. Large chapel n connection. BEST bracer for men. Gray' Nerve Food pill, $1 per box, postpaid. Sherman ft MeConnell urug co., umana, reo, Alfred C. Kennedy, - anc. 2 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 722. PLATE dinners, sandwiches, Stars and Stripe beer, Jetes saloon, 13 ft Douglas. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT where the Best Painters buy. They buy from 'us. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1609V Farnam St. Douglas 4760. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 816 S. 15TH, UPSTAIRS. GRANDMA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising. "Tailor Beck." FOR SALE Forty-horsepower roadster. 122-Inch wheel base. thirty-five by four tires, equipped with Hartrord shock ab sorbers, trunk, mohair top, wind shield, speedometer, spark plug pump, extra tiro and tubes, eta Inquire G. J. Hip well. care Powell Supply company. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures. bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, South Omaha. Vents uud Awnings. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas $22. Trunk and Suit Cases. Frellng & Steinle, 1803 Farnam St Wine and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 502-3 8. 13th Bt VIRGINIA DARE wine 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St EDUCATIONAL Y. W.C. A. Educational Department. Classes in Cooking, Sewing, etc. ALL CLASSES BEGIN Oct. 8 Maalc, Art and Langnaae. HENRY COX, violinist. H. 8904. Charles L. Cocke, Jr., piano, 518 McCague. "FRANK MACH, violinist. Red 4627. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL , ALL THE YEAR - ComDlete courses in Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is tree lor tne asking. Call, write or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. - LIVE STOCK FOIi SALE Horsea and Vehicles, FOX STABLES New- location. first-uM livery and boarding. 1814 Cumg. D. 1657. CLOSED or open carriage, rubber tires, Drummond make, for 15 per cent cost. 511 Brown Block. Tel. Harney 623. FIRST-CLASS Jersey. H. 4991. LOST AND FOUND Helen Sadilek, teacher of piano. W. 1349. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 209 S. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 2027. PERSONS having lost some article -would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug ias 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET-" RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gold eye glasses, chain and bon button. Reward. Webster 624. I i ONE depot) wagon and. 1 roc ka. way wagon for sale at Pfeiffer carriage works, 25th Ave. and Leavenworth St Doug, 6922. FOUND A Boston at Bee Office. bull terrier. Call INTERSTATE fore door, 6-passcnger touring car, fully equipped with new top, wind shield, speedometer. Presto tank; all In first-class condition for $800. Gerge Rogers. Phone 2S61, Webster 3269. The Cigar Man. . BUSINESS CHANCES DRUG STORE, good paving for right party; must sell; investigate; good reas on for selling. L 762 Bea. Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. MovinK, Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 216 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. and Nuraerles STEWART'S SEEDMAN. Seeds. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. , B. F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels TO set in or out of business. GAJSGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg.. Tel. call on D. S4T7. WANTED Sales managers with ability: men who can organize territory for the beat selling specialty In America. Guaran teed for live years, s.uuu sold in Chicago In eight months. Every merchant needs it Exclusive rights and territory. Small Investment required. see Girard C. Varnum, Sales Manager, Room 626, Hen- shaw Hotel. FOR SALE on cash basis one of the best transfer businesses In the northwest Reason for selling, ill health. Can be handled with Urn ted amount of money. Address Y 173, Be. MR. BUSINESS MAN Your presence In case of tire on your propery is impera tive. We notify you at once in case of fire. OMAHA FIRE REPORTING AGENCY. 1811 Harney St. Douglas 4297. FOR SALE Good law practice, library, office fixtures. County seat, 2,000. Splen did opportunity for young lawyer. Terms. Reason for sale, retiring from practice. Address Box 746, Albion, Neb. GOOD opportunity for a live man. For sale, a moving picture theater In the heart of the city. No agents. Strictly business proposition only. For further information apply to Philip Goldberg. Cameraphone Theater, 1403 Douglas St ' RESTAURAN T for self. Inquire of owner, 820 8. lStb. , Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Printing. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. xi'.4aK.taFn1vif Diir I" -iiinliv Irtnri- Quick ervice. Doug. 2190, 522-34 So. 13th. Lew W. Raber, Printer, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMFSON. Webster 3197. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. v Patent. D. O. BarneH, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. 8TURGIS, registered attorney, United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Stenographer and Caart Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley, 81 Bran. The. D. 6681 WOT FF ELECTRIC CO. ' V-'i-A - Masda Lamps Wiring. Fixtures, washing machines, electric irons heating devices, vibrators. 1810 Famanl St. ALL kind electrical api s-ot-i Jd-hand, and e' . Elect- ' Brt ' 11. LOST Pair of nose glasses in black case, reward, xei. uougias tiiis. MEDICAL SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 4LDoug. Blk. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R Tarry- cures Piles, i Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wi-ite for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARKY. He Ijldg.. Omaha. Ladies' guaranteed remedies, 401 War blk. MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Chattel. MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! . WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY7 whea ou can ffet for the asking. FUR NITURE, PIANO, WAREHOUSE RE CEIPT, FIXTURES, HORSES, WAG ONS, or YOUR PLAIN NOTE, if em ployed, will be sufficient for security. No delay or red tape. Each transaction strictly confidential. Your call appreci ated and respected. RATES LOWEST. TERMS EASIES-". RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 806 Paxton Bldg. Phone Dou. 1411 FURNITURE LOANS. SALARY Without publicity. Easiest payments. Lowest rates. Confidential. Privata, OMAHA MORTGAGE CO. Established Twenty Years. 1603 FARNAM ST. Room 215 Board of Trade Building. -Telephone Douglas 2295. DIAMOND LOANS at and 5 per cent FLAT A U. 1514 Dodge St Tel. Red 6619. CHATTEL LOANS,v$S to $100. SALARY ' CANS. You can get it today of -LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block, " m.. j i j