Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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His Honor's Goat is Gone for Fair
Copyright. 1912, National News Ass'n.
Drawn for The Bee
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Pick ouk ppiQjO-S ' -
ro rvre cow"" '
ilarried Life the Third Year
Warren Fails to Keep an Appointment and Helen is Sick
- v with Fear. ;;',. ,; r.
by Tad
t ; : I TiiE , . y wife's LUTwr. o vow S .tlfttilliT.iliriuliiiliitltllili hit l -1
' !. A THAT fWKVCT W 7WO v V I I FFMALf vO'Cca I I .Jfea . "WEWJEbc Hi II W ffiTTOM . fcffltoflg..- nT T 4.. V6-7 I I I'll II II 'IPS 8 V
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The Heavens October f grower to go Aione U
When Helen entered the writing rooro
cf th . Hotel Cecil it wu twenty-flve
minute after tlx. Warren wm to meet
her at hair past.' . ,. . "
She took a seat where lie could aee
aim as be enteral It wai Intereitlnr to
watch thft people as ..;
they pafMd in and
. out. , There were
many Americans
how , quickly ona
could tell them. . .
' A - pretty Ameri
can girl and an el
clwly woman.- evi
dently her mother,'
came In and sat
down near Helen.
They were stopping-
the hotel, for the
sir! had a room key
' which she Jlncted
- impat ently. They,
too, were wattlne
tor noma one.
A few moments
inter a yount Eng
lishman with a top hat h)U spats and
a monocle came hurrying1 toward them
"Awfully sorry to bs late. It'i beastly
shame to keep you waiting, but there wa
a nasty Jam .In the ' triffio-the taxi
couldn't get through." : .
Except that he did not suck, his cane, h
was the exact' typ of the young Ehllh
clubman one sees on the stage. Helen had
; always thought U an exaggerated type
! but here evidently was a specimen from
life. She wondered If he had a title, arid
it he wished to bestow it on this Ameri
can girl in exchange for her possible mil
lions. When he drew out a handkerchief
(strongly scented with lavender, Helen
turned away In d'sgust. How could n
girl tolerate a man who used perfume.?
In her absorption eh had forgotten the
time. It was now 0 o'clock, and War
ren hsd not , come. He was usually
prompt, but he said this Morning that ne
had an important appointment at 8
o'clock. And aince they were to dine at
the Cecil, perhaps, to save time, she had
tetter meet htm there.
4 It was not until after t o'clock that
1 Helen was really worried. Surely if he
I found he was going to be so late he
a would have phoned her. He could easily
I call up the Cecil and have her paged,
J livery few moments a bell boy would
J come through calling a room number or
a name, but the name would not be hers.
Perhaps there had been soma mistake
-perhaps he had telephoned. ' She went
through to the desk and anxiously asksd
one oi the clerk, but after some inquiry
be said there had been no message for
Mrs..--Curyg, ' w-i Vv.- ;.. '
Then with a flash came the thought
could she have misunderstood him this
roorningf Ehe felt sure he bad said the
Cecil,; but he might have meant the 8a
yoy,' Only yesterday he had said ' they
must dine, there some evening.
The Savoy was ' Just' next door. The
two big hotels so near together on the
strand were often ' confused. ' Suppose
tin was waiting in the writing room there!
She remembered the mistake they bed
once made In New York, the wretched
hour's wait and the spoiled evening. He
iiAd t&id the Forty-second street subway,
and she had gone to the Forty-second
street elevated.
It took less than five minutes to rrh
the writing room of ths Savoy. A ouleic
glance around the brilliantly lit place-
warren was not there. : . - - . -s . ; v
She made a hurried fhoulrv at th anu
but therde was no message. Back again
to the Cecil, fearful lest he should, have
come while she was away, v j ; ,.. .
lit, was, half-past seven riowt Some
thing must have hanoened! : Ma
not have kept her waltlnava Whole hour.
She would call up the apartment. Why
had she not thought of that before? It
there had been some accident, he might
have boen taken there or have sent some
word. . , - , . .. -.. ; . . ..
There were a line of telenhone booths
Just outside the writing room.; Helen
naa telephoned only once before in Loh-
2wn, and now in her feverish anxiety she
mougnt she would never find the number
In the unfamiliar book, and the time
seemed endless before she could get it
from central. Even then the connection
was not good. The wire was buszlng
with sevemt . rotrcs calllnjr "Are you
there? Are youC there?" the English
slogan for "Hello."
, "No, Mr. Curt's had not come, and
there Is no message." was the answer he
finally received.
"How -touch is it?" she asked me
chanlcally of the boy in attendance, as
she came out of the booth.
"There's no charge, madam.'
Ordinarily Helen would have been sur
prised at the free telephone service, and
would have wondered if It was the cus
tom of all London hotels., But now . she
gave it no thought, nor did "she see that
the boy expected a tip.
Back agatni to the writing room-now
desperately anxious.. What should, she
do next? - . . ,
At a quarter o I Helen could not but
feel the futility -of waiting any longer.
Every dreadful possibility was flashing
through her mind. She would take a cab
back to the, apartment and wait there.
81ie could, do -nothing else.
With a last lingering look about the
place, as though still hoping to see him,
She made her wav thrnuirh I ha
vwf xiu ui mm ins mi ecu one was
wholly unconscious of the curious and
interesting glances that followed her.
Helen's face was always expressive and
now her tremulous emotion was plainly
evident. . - .
Outside stood a long line of cabs and
taxis. The driver oC the one nearest held
open the door.' , She gave tne address
and sank back on the seat , .
The car soon turned from the bril
liantly lit Btrand and pi on through
narrow, dimly lit streets. : : Never had
London seemed ' so menacing. It
stretched .before her in a mass of black,
unknown streets, which accentuated the
apprehensions that filled her mind.
Where in this great, strange city was
Warren? What had happened?,; What
would the next few hours bring to her?
It was a ride that Helen never forgot
The horror cf It stayed with her for
days. . f ,
When at last the cab drew up . she
sprang out, paid the man, , and in her
haste almost stumbled up. the steps Into
the hallwaly. The lift was not 'there;
The Paleface Chief
Roosevelt pati papooses.Digpatcb. from Blackfoot Regervatton.
Oh, there's Joy U over the Blackfoot camp; . . .
The gquawa all dance; the braves all ramp; , '
-. The lash their posies; they fire their funs;
. . On the biggest spree In a thousand suns.
The Blackfeet yell, as the Big Bull Moose
Playfully pats a plump 'papoose!
It hasn't come to the tepees yet
That the squaw should pose as asuffragette.
But you never can tell in this age of change
v What political Jolt may strike the range. ,
And so we observe the Heap Big Moose .
: Pleasantly patting a plump papoose !-v
Old Sitting Bull was a chief of fame,
And Baln-ln-the-Face had a bear of a name:
Eat-Horse-When-Hungry delights the scribe,
And Run-from-a-Grlztly was Jeered by his tribe.
,But never was chief like the Heap Big. Moose,
riayfully patting a plump papoose!
through the iron grating the loop of mov
ing rope shpwed that it was slowly com
ing down. . But Helen did not wait. She
ran up the four flights of stairs, her
trembling fingers seeking the key la her
purse. '
The door was unlocked. She threw It
open. Warren in bis shirt . sleeves sat
reading by the centertable.-
"Hello! Had your dinner?'' ,
Then as she didn't answer, be asked
"What" the matter? Can't you talk?"
"Oh, I I've been so frightened." lean-
ing against the door from sheer weak
ness. ,-. ,
"Frightened? What aboutrf
Bui iue strain had beeii tuu iuUCti.
Helen sank into a chair and began to sob.
With' a- muttered oath Warren threw
down his paper and strode angrily up
and down the room. . ..; '
"Now, see here!" I'm not going to stand
for any hysterica because for once I
wasn't Johnny-on-the-spot. I told you f
had. an appointment a.t 6, and a thighty
Important one, too, I couldn't get away
thut' all there was about It." f
"Oh; but you could Tiave -telephoned,"
she sobbed. .- ..; -,; 5 ; : ,
Telephone where?" , " ir '
"To the Ceclt" '
"Tea, and with the infernal slow serv
ice ' over here I'd have wasted half an
hour. And I didn't have any half hour
to waste. I bad. this man Just where 1
wanted him. We'd gone over the thing
thoroughly and he was Just about to sign
up for a good big block of stock. Think
I was going to leave Just then to call up
any hotel?" . .
"But afterwards couldn't you have tel
ephoned me afterwards?"
"Didn't get through with him till 7:30.
Thought by that time you'd have sense
enough to have had your dinner and be
uu your Way. bents I got something to
eat at a chop house and came here as
soon as I could." .
"Oh, then you've had your dmncr?"
"Of course I've had my dinner. Any
reason why I shouldn't? JJldn't you have
youfs?"-: ', : : 'V-i :' ' '-:r.: r'
, But Helen did net answef-she'cohiatCt
She picked Up her hat. which" she had
thrown on the sofa, and ner gloves aad
purse,, which had fallen to the floor, and
went . Into the other room-closing the
door after her."'. , ,! . ' .'? ;.;v'i
' The great astronomical ewent of this
month will be a total eclipse' of 'the sun
on the 10th. It will be visible on a Jine
dravm from near Quito, across . South
America, to near Rio Janeiro, and thence
across the South Atlantic ocean.. , The
longest duration of totality ; will be one
minute and fifty-five seconds.
As partial eclipse it will be visible
throughout the whole of South' America,
apd for a .considerable distance, on, the
oceans and seas that bound it The
United States will Just get a glimpse, of
the. eclipse at sunrise in Florida and, in
part of the adjoining states. Nothing at
all, will be visible in Omaha. '
.The '-days are getting shorter rapidly
.the whole month," being 11 hours and - 46
minutes on. the 1st,." H hours 8 minutes
on the Ivth and 19 hours 30 minutes on
the 31st, , the -diminution being 1 hour 6
minutes during ;the .month. ' The sun
rises on these dates at 6:21, 6:36, 6:54, and
sets at 6:07, 5:44, 8:34. The sun Is 104
minutes fast on the 1st and minutes
fast on the 31st.4 '
'Mercury becomes evening star on the
4th, but remains invisible the whole
month. t i . .
Venus is becoming more conspicuous in
(Lhe evening sky. Miara is invisible.
Jupiter is becoming, less and less promi
nent every evening: It seta on the 15th
at 8:12 p. m. - ....
Saturn, however, is in the ascendant.
It rises on the 15th at 7:45 p. m., and
will soon be well placed for convenient
observation. ' ',
. The moon is in last quarter on the 3d,
new on the 10th, in first quarter on the
17th and full on the 25th. It Is in con
junction with Venus on the 12th, Jupiter
on the 14th and Saturn on the 28th.
Creighton University Observatory,
The Ten Ages of Beauty
Th'e Victorian Girl
- ; , - Illustratioiu from Goood Housekeeping Magazine for September. ; ,
This Picture by Nell Brinkley is Reproduced by Permission and Accompanies an Article by Octave TTzannc pa "The Story of Furs and Muffs,1
People talk so much about the high cost
of living, about Immodest and impossible
fashions, that we women frequently forget
that' we are living now In the very best time
that ever was, and are enjoying more free
, dom than our sex has ever been allowed to
Indulge in before, , ;. ' ;
.The days of chivalry, with their, tourna- .
' ments of love, their courts of honor and '
their queens of beauty, had a very seamy
side, and women in most ways were little
better than slaves.
Before the French Revolution the aristo
cratic woman of wealth may have queened
it over her. surroundings, but vast numbers
of her poor sisters tolled . in. unspeakable
misery and degradation. , "
It was only after the beginning of the
V nineteenth century and well along toward
the middle of it that women were permitted
i to, have some sort of an education; and it is
- only of late that is, In the last twenty years
that some of the idiotic barriers of fashion
which have impeded the progress of the sex
have at last been ridiculed Into the limbo of
bygone horrors. ?
Look at the beauty of the picture. Your
,,' mother dressed this way, for this pretty girl
is arrayed In the popular fashion of the late
''. She trailed a dress which contained from
twenty to forty-two yards of material
through the dust, for the unhygienic train
was necessary to her status,
. A ' ' f
In this picture
Miss Brinkley
has aptly depict
ed tlie ridiculous
and , uncomforta
b 1 e style o f
dress of the Vic
torian era.
The dress being
worn by the
beautiful girl In
the picture
.would have con
sisted of ' from
twenty to forty
yards of mater
ial, a great deal
of which trailed
through the dost
most of the time.
.You may rail against the short hobble skirt, but it is a
million times, more healthful than these trains, with their '
yards of scalloped and piped material, and the great, big,
bunched-up bustle, which today seems positively grotesque.'
. Under this frock the girl of the late seventies wore the
tightest corsets she could squeeze herself into.' A waist of
eighteen inches, which Is considered too small for the aver
age well 'built girl today, would have been laughed at as
being far too big for the high bred gentlewomen of the sev
enties, who pinched her vital organs into sixteen inches of
space, and then wondered what was the matter with her.
On her feet this lady .wore shoes at least one size
smaller than her foot, for the woman with big feet - was
desperately , mortified, and ' considered that she must hide,:
them and suffer untold, agony in shoes that no. sane woman,
of today would think of wearing, f
Comparatively few women wear pads, nowadays, and
good figures are developed by exercise and athletics. In,
those days almost every woman wore pads of some sort to
simulate the perfect figure which nature had denied her.
The modern girl, even when she has the puff and rat
habit, would feel ridiculous if she wore the same amount of
false hair which pressed upon the overheated head of the
girl of 187J. ,
To he fashionable in those days one had to risk one's
health, and a girl dressed in these garments could not enjoy
one-half or even one-third of the healthy pleasures of the
. girl of today, .r -.'.' -'
Croquet was looked upon as a spirited and almost un
conventional, game. Today It ia almost forgotten. . Sj do :
styles change. Let us be thankful. .
Selected by EDWARD MARKKA!
Some of the wisest little gospels fif
parables now preached in the press
those given the multitude of Frank Cral
From his last collection, "Lame al
Lovelv" (an echo fiom Charles Lani
note this arresting little essay:
"StSait is the gate and narrow Is
way that leadeth to eternal life, ai
few there be that find It" Jesus. I
"Let us," at least for the moment, coif
sidor this shattering statement of Jesuft
not as describing the difficulty of gettinl
into any sort of success, efficiency anl
poise of soul while we live. Look at il
once, not as a day of judgment decreel
but as a simple law of our human nature
"That law is that whoever gauges and l(
models himself alter, other people 13 on i
the road to deterioration and eventually f
ruinr that all real moral advancement and ij
true success are solitary and along 'the .
lone trail
"Men go to the devil in crowds.
goes because the rest are going. The
boy gets drunk because he does not "like 1
to refuse 'the fellows., The politician
steals because he hears they all do it
"In "fact, the devil's other name is f
'They-all-do-it.'' girl becomes b.Td usu- $
ally trying to keep step., Almost all vice f
is social;. almost all righteousness that is f
of any account is purely personal. f
"The real gist of any"kind of gentftne
salvation, Jew or Gentile, Catholic orf
Protestant, is that a man had formed
partnership of two, himself and God,.
against the universe and all that dwell
therein. Saving one's soul Is, in its last '
essence, a sort of' a declaration of in- j
dependence, a sworn allegiance to one's
own .inner, individual convictions' and
ideals, and. a renunciation of all outsida
authority. . ' ;, , I
"This makes, plain why the Biblt tells "'
us to beware of the world. The world
means the mob other people. The prince
of this world is one of the names JesuS
gives jtan. He is 'Mr. They-all-do-it'
."When the devil wascast out cfj, the
Gadarene swine he confessed his name
was Legfon. God it one; the devil is the
many. v :
The truth of this appears in ordlnar -
business. The kind of clerk that is har
est to find is the one who simply do
what we ought to do. Says Kipling!
" 'Creation's cry goes up , .-
From age to cheated age.
Give us the men who do the work
For which they get the wage!' .
-'It is a pity, but true as gospel, that
the average servant Is Inefficient, the
average mother incompetent, the average1
business man incapable, the avxrago
actor a poor, one, and the ' avoraga
preacher a bore. ' r
"In fact, the average of any cla-sof
men is below the average, so to s.oeak.
The world's work is carried on by n ake-
shifts. If any man will train hi nselt
properly and will correctly perfom the
duties of his calling, whatever it U, he
will find that people call him a remark
able person, unusual! extraordinary! i
"If you want to amount to anything,
follow the gleam, satisfy yourself, and'
not others; go in for your own. self- -respect
and not the admiration' ef, the
crowd. The' curse of many a youth J?
that he has been content to do as well
those about him. - I
"You have heard possibly many' a ser
mon on "What Shall I Do to Be, Saved!
Here is one on 'What Shall I Do to Be
Ruined?' And it is a short one-Dp
nothing! - Follow the crowd.. Aim for the
average. ;;
" 'For wide is the gate and broad is
the way that leadeth to destruction," and
many there be that walk therein.'."
- Away With the Handcar
The Chicago & Alton railroad has1' de
cided to banish the handcar and whisk
its sectoin hands to work on some sort of
motor-driven vehicle. At first blush one
mleht sav that this bit of current news
is not a matter calling for any extensive
overflow of emotion, but if the mature
reader will turn his mind back to his
barefooted days he will probably recall
a time when- the railroad handcar was
an object traugnt wun aeepesi miereai.
Was there ever a small boy In a coun
try town wh did not harbor a guilty
wish to steal a handcar and Journey into
the unknown lands whence the .daily
trains came and whither they went? Ho
might have recognised certain impractical
features of the scheme, but he harbored
it -nevertheless. What he really did was
to compromise, and in place
1ov of being a care-free pirate
car craft he cultivated the friendship
the section boss and got leave io naut
with the crew and the cargo of .dinner" .J
pails, picks, shovels, crowbars, nsnpisies,
bolts, nuts and spikes. "
Up the hill the bending backs labored
mightily on those rides, but at the crest,
where the cut was deepest, the attraction
nf ermvitation changed sides and was a
friend. The coast down grade was worth
all the labor of climbing uie mu.
Of the full I
! en a hand-1
rlendship of f
ave to 'ridof