THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1911 3-B YOMEN TO DMYE OWN AOTCS Society Standing Back of Big Rower Parade Tuesday. CROWDS AT THE OUTDOOR CLUBS ' Two Big- WeddlBK8 Brlde-to.Be Se lects Sister Debutante M tne Bridesmaids at Her Wedding. (Continued from Page Two.) com tip from Lincoln for theAk-Sar tsen DaiL Mrs. Maurice Bronner and small daugh ter of Philadelphia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hadra. Mr. and Mrs.' Earl J. Perry of Marshall, town are the guests of Mrs. Perry's par nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haney. Miss Claire Deutsch of Chicago will ar rive Saturday to be the guest of Miss Mildred Rubel during Ak-Sar-Bea week. Mrs. T. F. Barker of Oakland, Cal.,-will arrive next week on her way from the east to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkalow. Miss Ellen Barker of Chicago, who comes next Wednesday to visit Miss Eli sabeth Congdon, will be an out-of-town guest at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball Mrs. F. L Marsh Is here from Los An geles to visit her nenhew, John E. Marsh, at 1339 North Thirty-fifth street. Mrs. Marsh formerly lived In Omaha. Judge and Mrs. A. J. Cornish and chil dren of Lincoln are expected the first of the week to be the guests of Mrs. J. M. Metcalf for the week. Miss Ruth Anderson of Tacoma, Wash., will be here to attend the coronation ball as guest of Miss Elizabeth Pickens. She will be an out-of-town maid of honor.' Miss Josephine Darling of Davenport, la., expects to arrive today to visit her cousin, Miss Helen Smith. She will be one of the out-of-town maids at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball. " ill. At the Country ClnV About one hundred and fifty membsrs and guests took dinner at the Coumrj Club last evening. It was the last of tht table d'hote dinners, but the club will be kept open throughout the winter Mrs. Eva Wallace entertained at din ner when covers were placed fort Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nash, Mrs. C. Sm'th, Mrs. luva waiiace, Elmer Cope, N Frank Haskell, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. . Peters will have at their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Burns, Mrs. W. J. Foye, Mrs. J. J. Dickey, , J. T. Stewart, 2d, E. E. Bruce. I Among the larger parties last evenin? at the club was the one given by Mr. and Mrs. David Baum for ' their daughter, Miss Margaret Greer Baum, and her 1 guest, MiBS Rider of Dubuque. The guests were: Home from Abroad mssmnzY ezzvz mss wrniz wpezand Miss Emily Cleve and Miss Jennie Undeland have Just returned from abroad after having spent the last two years studying the violin in Prague, Austria. During the summers they traveled in Germany, Denmark. Norway and Sweden. While In Sweden this summer Miss Cleve gave a large concert for the benefit of a hospital fund, besides giving several other successful concerts. Miss Undeland also gave a couple of concerts for the benefit of the old people's home in Har danger, Norway. Miss Cleve expects to give a concert here in the near future and will shortly open a studio in Omaha. twenty guests; George F. Gilmore, twenty, and Harry Ryan, ten. ' Misses Marie Rider, Kathenne Beeson, Bertha Dickey, Violet Joslyn, ,Kuth Hammer,' Misses Helen Scoble, Elizabeth Bruce, Mary Burkley, Dorothy Hall, Mildred Butler, Catherine Thrummel.Louise D'.nnlng, Janet Hall, Margaret Greer Baunt Messrs. , 1 Gerald Wharton, ', Raymond Low, . t . Wlllard Butler, Stanley Roeewater, ' Benjamin Gallagher, Paul Gallagher, John Daugherty, Cuthbert Potter. ( Alice Carter, Daphne Peters, jMenie Davis, Messrs. ! ; Ware Hall, . - s 'Harold Pritchett, Jack Webster, iHal Brady, William Taylor, i Richard Baum, Clement Chase, Philip Chase, ! Harry Koch, Entertaining at dinner last evening 1 were: John Madden, who had eight guests) C. J. Smyth, twelve; F. W. Jud 'son, eight; Miss Ella Mae Brown, fix; ( Wilson Low, six. At Seymour Lake Country Club. Mrs. Marcus L. King gave a large (bridge luncheon 'at Seymour Lake Coun try club Thursday afternoon. Autumn j leaves - made an effective decoration. Those present were: Mesdames B. L. DeLanney, iJB. tsiancnara, J. M. Mullen, C. M. Skinner, (John H. Parratt, 'Richard N orach, .Howard Laird, Irvin Hupp, I J. B. Watkins, IL. M. Lord, !G. F. King. "Ma von a T . finer 1 Miss Vera King. At Prairie Park dub. A special entertainment was given Fri day evening at the new Prairie Park club and a literary and musical program was enjoyed by about 200 guests. One of the features of the evening was the presen tation to the olub of the pioture of B. J. Scannell, founder of this club. The spesoh was made by C. T. Walker. The regular fortnightly dance, which was to have been given next Friday at the Prairie Park club house, has been postponed one week owing to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. The Prairie Park Kensington olub will meet Wednesday, October 9, at the club house. At Fort Omaha. , The first of the ' formal hops of the season at Fort Omaha will be given Fri day, October, 11, and will be followed by more or less Informal dances at reg ular intervals during the winter. The post has a new band and besides -the dances there Is a moving pioture enter tainment three times a week. Mrs. Hartman, wife of the commandant of Fort Omaha, has nearly recovered from her long illness from nervous, pros tration and is at home on Tuesdays,: as are most of the women of the post, and after the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities are over there will be more or lesj entertaining by the officers and their wives, ' t ' Megdames D. Moxham of Crawford, Neb.j P. T. Naughton, Joseph Goes, J. M. Tanner, John Urkm, William tJonboy, W. S. King, William Maxfleld, T. O. Phelan, I Armstrong, At Happy Hollow. The last dinner and dance of the season at Happy Hollow will be next Tuesday evening. Many out-of-town guests who have come for Ak-Sar-Ben were enter itained at the club last evening. their guests at dinner: Mr, and Mrs. Robert S. Trumble, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Blair, Mr.';and Mrs. J. Paul Zimmerman, Mr. and Mis. lid ward O. tiamiiton, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McKay, Among the larger' d nner parties at Happy Hollow last vemhg were those given by W. H. Gates, who had covers Jlaced for eighteen; A. W. Carpenter, even; O. P. Goodman, ten. Tuesday evening G. M. Durkee will have Pleasures Past. , f.'-- ' v i. Miss Helen Brandeis " gave a theater party and luncheon ; at the Delft tea room for the Triangle,, club ' yesterday. She had nine guests. Mr. and Mrs. K. Darothy entertained at dinner at theh home Saturday evenlg for their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terry of Marshalltown, la. Mrs, James Trimble gave a quilting party Saturday afternoon at her home for Miss Frances Gould, who will be an October bride. The af terndn was spent tying a white quilt with blue to be used In the guests' room of the bride's home. Those present ,were: Misses Misses Frances Gould, , Claire Vierllng, Agnes Cooley, Rebba McNamara. Alfrieda Powell, Mesdames Mesdames Frank Roberts, Richard Kitchen, Arthur Cajacob, E. I. Langdon, E. A. Rose, Allan Dudley, Ray Gould, James Trimble, Surprise Birthday Party. The children of Mason school gave a surprise on John Schlecht In honor of his thirteenth birthday at his home, 810 South Twenty-third street The evening was spent in playing games. Prises were won by Eva Graham and Edward Lynch, Those present weret tkm of her services In that office for the last ten years. Miss McCartney will leave next .month for Los Angeles to live. At the meeting were: . Mr., and Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jacobson.' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frlcke. Misses Misses Elizabeth McCartney.Mlttie Clark, Josephine McDermott, Messrs. Messrs. Gus Nelson. A. J. Standberg, Mrs. F. J. Despecher. i Weddings. Miss Elizabeth Shortliff, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Shortliff, will be married Monday evening, October 14, to Dr. Clar ence RubendaU. They will have a small horns wedding followed by a large recep tion. The maid of honar will be Miss SbortllfTs cousin. Miss Adeline Kerns of Mollne, .III The best man will be Dr. Rubendall's brother, Ward RubendaU, of Alliance, Neb. Dr.JRubendall Is a gredu aae of the University of Nebraska and ft member of Alpha Theta Chi fraternity. Mrs. Vincent Entertains for Visitors. In . honor of Mrs. Ed Phelan's guests, Mrs. J. P. O'Connor of Dennison, la., and Mrs. T. J. Gist and Miss Bobble Gist of Falls City, Neb., Mrs. C. Vincent will give a 'dinner and Orpheum party Tues day evening. ; Mrs. Vincent will entertain these guests at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball, Miss Helen Phe lan, Mrs. Walter I. Smith and Miss Grace Smith will also be In the party. Misses Mary Kellogg, Victoria Zerzan, Sarah Kellogg. Louise Moore, ' Margaret Minnlck, Masters Edward Lynch, Alfred Zerzan, Fred Morledge, Raymond Kahler, Misses Eva Graham, Ellen Mouss. Ellen Gowman, Mary Jones. Masters Floyd Kahler, Edward Clark, Irving Zerzan. Miss EcCartney Honored. At the meeting of the Orchard . Hill Improvement club, at the homo of the secretary, Miss Elisabeth Mc Cartney, the members presented her with a gold-headed umbrella In apprecla- 5S Initial Showing of Stylish .... Tailored Garments $25 to $35 These suits are strictly man tailored models and are made of the best and newest materials money can buy. The styles shown are the very latest crea tions. Every suit or coat In our magnificent dis play is easily worth $10.00 to $20.00 more than the price we ask. To truly appreciate these you must see them. Alterations made without charge. Expert fitting by man tailors. 1619 Harney Strest Boyd Theater Building Stewart-Slater Wedding. The wedding of Miss Juanita E.. Slater to Thurman G. Stewart took place on Wednesday evening at Kountee Memorial church. The bride wore White crepe de chine with pearl trimmings and carried a bouquet of bride roses. She was given away by her mother, Mrs. Anna Slater, who wore gray satin r tlh old rose trim mings. Miss Blanche Harold was brides maid and was gowned In yellow. A reception followed the ceremony and a number of out-of-town guests were here for the wedding. ' The bride has been a member of the Kountze Memorial choir for ten years. Creighton Medical Club. The students of the Ceighton . Medical college have formed a dancing club and will give a series of five dances through out the winter at Chambers' Dancing academy. One representative from each class was chosen as an officer of the club. Guy Van Scoyoo ot Oak Hill, Kan., a Junior, was chosen president; C. B. Ed wards of Beaver City, Neb., a senior, was chosen vies president; Justin J. Young of Omaha, a sophomore, was eleoted treasurer, and Carl ' Russum of Omaha, a freshman, was elected secre tary. The dates for the dances are Oc tober 15, November 12, December 6, Janu ary 8 and March it. Dinner at Fort Crook. Last evening prior to the informal hop at Fort Crook Lieutenant and Mrs., ul tran entertained at dinner at thlr quar ters in honor of Miss Sweet and lieu tenant Whiting, when the guests were the members of the bridal party, Miss Ayer, Miss Morgan, Miss Pauline Bourke, Mr. Lewis Sweet, Mr. Brian Whiting of Marshall, Vs.; Lieutenant Selble, Lieutenant Griffith and Lieuten ant Wilson. . . , For the Future. ' Mr .and. Mrs. Charles Flndlayson will entertain at dinner today In honor of Miss Dorothy Tetheian and Mr. . Hugh Mc Manus, . whose, wedding will take place October" 15. . Covers' wlli be placed f. r twelve guests, , . . , Engagements. ' - Mr. and Mrs. John- C. Klots announce the engagement of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. Michael J Cahlu. The wedding will take place next month. Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyer announce tht engagement of their daughter. Miss Grace Meyer, to Mr. Henry L. Goldstone. The wedding will take place this winter, -J At-Home Day at BrowneU Hall. Miss Euphemia Johnson of BrowneU HaUhas postponed the at home day, which was to have been Wednesday after noon, October 2, until a week later owing to the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. A. L. Newman of Lincoln arrives Sunday to visit Mrs. Roy W. Moore. Dr. W. W. Bowser, who spent the sum mer in Europe, is expected home Mon day. Dr. R. E. Lamoreaux left for California Wednesday and expects to be gone three or four weeks. Miss Anna W. Mueller of Florence hat returned from a ycr s vocal study in Berlin and Vienna. Mrs. J. Van Rensselaer and son, Bev erly, fcavs returned from a two months' an September 29, 1886-Mr. Charles B. Keller and Miss Cora Doane were mar ried at Trinity cathedral by Bishop Worthlngton. At a few minutes after 8 o'clock the bridal party drove up to the arch that had been erected In front of the cathedral and as the organ began a subdued prelude every eye of the large crowd turned In expectancy toward the door. The bridal cortege was proceeded by two fairies In pink and blue, Mute Jennie McClelland and Miss Birdie Bar ber. Miss Wakeley was the first brides maid, and Mr. A. Wakeley and Mr, Guy Doane acted as groomsmen. FUJI r1 1 September 29. 1874-PhiIlp Potter! Ne braska manager for the American Surety company, thirty-eight years ago married Miss Fanny M. Clark at Fort Calhoun. Neb. September 29, 1891 Mr. W. M. Burroughs and Miss Alice Chute, both of Omaha, were married at the bride's home. Rev F. W. Foster tied the knot. The wedding was a quiet affair. Just the relatives of the contracting parties being present. Mr. Burroughs was the assistant general agent of the Northwestern Life Insurance company. September 29, 1897 Mr. Arthur Mets of Omaha and Miss Emma Schmidt of Davenport, la., were united In marriage at the bride's home. Rev. A. M. Judy of the Unitarian church performed the cere mony under a beautiful canopy of smtlax and pink carnations. An elegant wed ding supper was served in the private banquet hall of the library hall. From earliest childhood the bride possessed a pronounced love for -music, and she be came an accomplished musician and teacher. Mr. Mets is the son ot Senator Fred Mets of Omaha and was the secre tary and treasurer of the Mats Bros. Brewing company. The happy couple enjoyed an extended wedding tour of the east Among the guests present from Omaha were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mets and Mr. Arthur C. Smith. 1 visit with relatives and friends In Call-fornla. Mrs. IS. V. Lewis expects her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lewis, In Omaha about the middle of October for a visit Mrs. Harry P. Potter of Seattle Is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. H. Sherwood, and later will visit Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Breck enrldge. Mrs. Grenvllle Parker of New York, is visiting her mother and grandfather, Mrs, Montgomery and General Dodge In Coun cil Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs, Joel West have returned from a four months' wedding trip on the Pacifio coast and will take an apartment In Omaha for the winter. v . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mllllken of Chi cago, have come to Omaha to make their home. Mrs. Mllllken was formerly Miss Elolse Wood of this city. Mrs. John O. Goodwin and three chil dren of Newcastle, Ind., arrived Saturday to visit Mrs. Goodwin's parents, Mr, and Mrs.' F. B. Keiward, In Falraores. Miss Curtis , will leave early In October to visit Mrs. William Karnes in Kansas City and friends In. Chicago before going to New Tork to be with her sister, Mrs. BIrdr until Christmas. Mrs., E.' D. Wead has returned from a four, months' visit with friends and rela tives In Wisconsin and is with net daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mlok, 2U South Thirty-sixth street M.'ss Zola Delleoker, who has spent the summer abroad, landed in New York on September 10 and has been traveling In eastern cities. She will be In Omaha, October 1. r s F" This is an opportunity to inspect the largest sP S it A 1 t siock oi line iurs ever snown in umana, at prices so . I? low you will be surprised; no middle man's profit; 5 j? F croods direct from maker to wearer. f w Genuine Sable Sots, up from $250.00 Genuine American Mink Sets, up from . .$37,50 Japanese Mink Sets, up from $15.00 Black Fog Sets, up from $47.59 Red Fox Sets, up from $50.00 Natural Oriental Fox Bets, up from $50 Natural Lynx Sets, up from . . . .$00.00 Natural Raccoon Sets, up from $37.50 Natural Opossum Sets, up from $13.50 Natural Wolf Sets, up from ...$19.50 White Iceland Fox Sets, up from $17.50 lllack Marten Sets, up from. . . .$35.00 Canadian Marten Sets, up from $10.00 Ulack French Coney Sets, up from $7.50 Jap Lynx Sets, up from $17.50 Black Iceland Fox Sets, up from $27.50 We mention only a few of the many good sets for lack of space. Genuine Russian Tony Coats up from. .... French Coney Coats, up from ......$10.50 Near Seal Coats, up from $45.00 Monnont (Russian Mink) Coats, up from S60.O0 Woforminb (Muskratl Coats, un from. ........ .$65.00 Genuine Reaver Coats, up from. . ......... $85.00 Genuine Otter Coats, up from ...$175.00 Hudson Seal Ooata, up from $ 150.00 Genuine Alaska Seal Coats, up from ...$250.00 Visitors to Ak-Sar-Ben are welcome to make this store their headquarters, and have their packages checked. A . y Mm Lwmk m I EaU G. E. SHUKERT Practical Furrier. 401-3 So. 15tli St. 3 ..New Fall Millinery.. At Popular Prices And our prices are popu lar too, because they are such that it enables any one to -buy here. Our fall millinery stock consisting of the season 'b newest mod ek is now complete in every re spect. "We invite your inspection. Flatiron Ladies 9 Hat Shop South Entrance New FlaJron Building. The VelvetlnA Shop. 1919 Farnara street, the finest shop of beauty culture In the west, is giving spe cial attention to ladles of Ak-Sar-Ben this week and request those wishing their services to make appointments early. Of Interest To Women Our large assortment of corsets off eri the right sbe and the right model for all forms of women and by, the aid of our fitting service we guarantee to improve any fig ure make it conform to the prevailing styles and also' give ease and comfort to the wearer. We have never before been able to ofler such an excellent line of corsets or give so good values. We invite critical women those "Who demand a good- corset and a perfect comfortable fit . t ; IDA C. STOCKWELL South Side Entrance, Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 4749. REDUCE FAT VATtmS'S WAT Shawl-fuels' Blir mam sua to t mmu tk huty FAT FOE dooa the work . The deltghtful new home treatment FAT FOB, reduces yon to slender ele gance in a harmless manner. No diet. No exercises. No poisonous drugs. Safe, sensible new tat reducer. FAT FOB makes fat ro. FAT FOE the enemy of obesity rescues you from tat lfn thm trrns.t fat reducer people are praising. It rets at the root of fat evils and brings joy to fat folks. FAT FOE restores beal ty of curve to your face, chin and body by removing all bulging fatness, leaving no wrinkles. You may be come a model of slenderness and charm, radiant with new health and greater vitality, instead of being clumsily fat Just say FAT FOB to the drug clerk he knows. All good druggists sell It at 11-00 per box, or can get It for you from any whole saler or Cunningham Sales Co., 14th and Wnree stw., Oenver, Colo. Prescriptions Accurately and Promptly Filled Sherman & McConnell Drug Omaha's 4 Good Drug Btorss. THE OMAHA BEE prints dean news sti mm isniiitiiiiiiiiiiii! m-miir" - - - M 9 1 Chickling & Sons SPECIAL PIANO SALE A GREAT PIANO DISPLAY AWAITS ABc-ar-leM isSSw 1 AT THE ORKIN BROS.' STORE Knabe SOME OF OUR BIG LEADERS: Chickering Bros. Kurtzman Ivers & Pond H. & S. Lirldeman Sterling Huntington 'KU ffTZM ANN, 1 1 PLAYER PIANOS: Chickering & Sons Kurtzman ... . Auto Piano Krell Auto Grand Auto Player And the Orkin Melodigrand And the Celebrated "KNABE" Piano SOLD ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FKIN BIOS. S' SUCCESSORS TO THE BENNETT COMPANY IVERS & fOND UXJ PLAYER FIANOS in .mi ii n n i 3S5X I I n I I H I V