THE BEE: OMAHA,: ' FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 27, 1312. Let Rill Dn Tt-And So He Does Copyright 191. National Newt Ann. Drawn for The Bee by George McMar ' i AND BILL DID! HELLO -BILL; MEET MY Hls PMU FOR THE AMAtPuH FEKrOWVlKtCt AT THE OH! IS THAT ALL! I . L - 1 I'm little ) V VfANO back woman- 1 . LET BILL- . ( " " YOV Vrr YOO Ftfvp AA.D-aUT I CT- I HE'b R.5HT- fS fX I ' I'LL KILL THB FIRST DO IT! WHERf'4 I bNcL"rATMC? UJ' 1 -fa.nthi.artS P man that entew ,' ' L Mt V I 1 FAtP HIM - Ht WON'T MTU L I V - . ' I V NOW! V I o HI X V. 1 II ' -J' ""IT II r v. , . i j n v v i . , vi s v - ' ''' I ..... I UEI.I- WAMEL' .MALE h'lotarv mui iPflfM. WANT ADS - to aat atrs received at any lime, ' to txiare proper cia.ifiMtlori nnut ' S presented before 12 a rt-wit u. for thai CTenlig edition bfor 7 MO 1. n. for morning ami Sunday )) "tjoa. Want ada nKeived after tut I' iMarii will bars their first Insertion - MBiter Uw . Matting "loo L.t to UMif." . r CASH aATEiiTon WANT Al. - REGULAR CLAbSIMi;A1IOX OM tarcrtloa $H rents par word J I cent per wotd for each twbiequen rotiiccatir Joiertiou. Each lu .Hon made oa odd dap lfi cant ! wort j flXO per haa yt uou t when ad U raa wltaoai change nrei.-'fnr. rMMil hounework, titiall I ftmliy. SSfc Joiiwi. Hrry X TV ANT BD Driver for S-ton truck, run nlng hMRM Council Bluff and Omaha, '' i ....... II. In , nnnxll ll,,tta nnd h.i- WASTED Voung gii t 't.. .wIt" ! ool references: man with family pie- iounwork and to take tare of cunoien. , tf tonicity Oarage, 2010-1 Harney, One ho can go home nianti. ,l I Omaha. -EXCLUSIVE SHOPS- EXPERIENCED girl for general houae- w.rit, amily or iniee; no ,nn' alt n'.er, 121 No. Wth av. COMPETENT cook; family of J. 4U )th. CARD OK THANKS. Wt wlah to thank our many fi lendf and neghbora, eapedally Maaonlc loog and Krotnerhooo' ot Eik tor their kino neat and aympathy 'inomn and also 101 their beautiful fioral tribute! In the deatt of our beloved brother. Alexander. MIB8 MARIE WAN80N, KDWAKU E. 1 8WANBON, . ANDREW BWANBON. .2. ... ,...a ....70 ,...S2 ... n 4 ' MARRIAGE HCEKSKS. ,, Tha following permits to wed have bees leaucd; ." Nam- and residence. Age. 'John H. Anderaon, Klkhorn,. hydta . Fry, Jenaon ' John V. Henderaon, Council Bluffa.. Koae A. A. 8halberg, Omaha fVorge Watham, Tamage..... Julia Urlttka, 'J'almage..-. Kimon Borger, Omah. - Jennie Klein, Omaha Albert J. Hermaeh. Carroll,- la....... lyila S. Nlchola, 8t. Louli ....... William Kearae, Pleaaant Plain,, la Ada Hill. Council Bluffa tleorge W. C. Whiting, Fort Crook.'..,.: Wliaoeth Sweet, Omaha 2 ward E. McElhaney, Burlington U. S. Bertna A. Gray, Sloan, la ..22 rieo A. Pote, Omaha.......... .in ftertha'D. McClaln. Brldtewater, Ia.i..?J Anton M. Waddell, Omaha,, Jl lluth M CrUet. Omaha ...1. jUkx r. Keed. Omaha W Klixabeth A. Delaney, Omaha. Max Peteraen. OraaH. .................... Aiartha ttalda, ,Omana 1Vank Road k v.. Peoria. 111...... ........ ..20 May Bufflngton, Peoria, III........ fc William A. Duermyer, Omaha ti Bessie I Toung, couth OmaJja.. ii BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Blrtha Patrick Awand Mary Brennm 17iit South Eleventh, gin: W. E. and A. Todd, North Thirteenth, gii . Ernie and Emma Petersen. 2317 Hun .boy; M. and Emily Plorlzek, 1949 Sut 'l'enty-e!ghth, boy. Oea tha Meredith W. Cowln, i yean IBIS Dewey avenue; Kareef Najjar, 1 daya, 1222 South Twelfth; K. 8. Bnlvelv yeait. fl North. Thlrty-nlnth. RlII.Ol.VG PERMITS. Mil CaatelUr, fra:n David Uannt. dwtlllng, HKL1 WANTED FEMALK . ...i,, ., .. Areata ma oalMWuwrhi ' ' WE WANT ag'enti. male and fvma!. . for permanent potrton In the tm. cltlea. Sanitary SerUe t o., t & Bee Blag. "".WANT ED Lady iollciriraomakVi to 5 tr'dy. 67 Brandela Bldg. : 1 COMPETENT aaleawomaii, -experlenc. In, aelllng children i ihuea; permanen ?ealtton for right party.. Apply Superln : tendent. Brandela atorea lleflcal anti Of fife. " STENOORAPHEK and boukkeeper wholeaale, W. Steuograyner, Inuiani, 160. (stenographer and bookkeeper, Inaur ance. $. . . CO-OPERATIVE rtEPERENCE CO., . 1015-16 City Nat. Bank Bldg. ; I'wltrr d.'! Trattea. 'WANTED W girla. Iten Biscuit Co . d u ii M El U d. II t bj 11 II l lit hi 4 el . f I at it nt r 14 -'4 I, H n H S 3 1 .. WANTED Competent cook In amal family; no mundry. work, ite per mom.. rniro tt., council hiuiii. lei Z.. MI5 Cnpltol Ave. WANTED irl for aeneral homework;. !51 Harney 81. Tel. Harney t.soa. nmt i.Li. ir, if habv and with houaewoi k. Mr Hadla, 12 3. aitlv GOOD girl for general houaewotk, ,!. ill lainlly, wa.ej 1144 oo. ita. "ijlRI, tor general houaework. 3617 Far- nam. Jf. 4046. UlHli for general houaework. 1J12 Wirt WANT hi) 4 or S automobile repair men. Don't apply unleaa you are capable of tr.aklng good: we do not employ appren tlcea and do not want any execopt the beat, aalary accordingly. Ber'.schy Gar nte. 2010-1 Harney, Omaha. GOOD coat maker wanted at once; must be aober man and flrat-claas tailor; bojiI wagea. Addreaa Herman Peterson, Fre mont. Neb. TAILOR WANTED For repairing, pants and vent making; steady work and good wagea. Herman Peteraen, Fremont, Neb. Web. 21o2. COMPETENT girl for general home work. Mri. Alter, 412 JS. MM. liar, pyw. vnrKd Kin tor ceneral houaework, no waahlng. Harney "41. 1S4 Ho. 35th tt. UiKL lor general nouaework lit. 44:s iiooge. no waan. NEAT, competent girl for general .ourework; small, good wagea, no wash- . Call H. 210. V uMPivit.iS t girl for general home work. H. oX. . AltL-rllMurua. ' CASH girls, 3 yeara of age or over. Ap- jy Hupeilntemient, uranaeia atorea. iOUNU women coming to Omaha a aangeis art invited to vlalt tne Jfoung .omen'a Chrletlan aasoclatlon ouudlng . St. Mary's Ave. and ran ot.. where ,.ey will ue uirected to aultable ,ice ut- olherwme aaalsted. Look for navelei guiutt at tiie cnlon tatlun. HEI.1' H AXTED JlAtli AGENTS, bUUClTOKS If you are a ive wire and looking for .uiiii'tiilng kuud. uaeaer tros. Mfg. uianueik ineate.' oiag. -nui tea. . , W ANTi'ED-Two young men not over -years, to travel in ine uakoia and euiankn. Fur (urtnor inionnuun can .lr. Mlahop, ltoni hotel, between 11 a. i. ar.o y. in. AUENl-Be a live one with the gooda ..a. belt eaaiiy. hwry nouaewite vam ,,i line, feampie iree. fceuuuiunt Huppi 8. w.iaon. Ave., f amiena, cai. .-ALfceMAN AN'iWl)-rA convincing .a.hvi, ion nun, can alter in , 1'iara lioiei BARBER wanted at once, ateady Job; miiat .be a No. I workman, single, 14 per week. No Sunday work. Phone M. I). Payne, Platte Center, Neb.- WANTED Flrat-claaa atone man for cylinder lock up, Muat be able to lock everything In this line, make changes of preaa, etc. Apply It possible at Combe Printing Co., St. Joseph, Mo.. . WANTED Two young men experienced In handling shoes to work In stock In wholesale house. Htate age, whether tingle or married, O 67. Pe. WANTEDjmmedlately, first claaa barber. Urand Hotel, Council Bluffa, la. Piaiio Values While visiting the i AK-SAR'-BEN b sure to visit our piano itor. We are the largeet and oldest piayu house weat of Chicago. Vos have ou 38 years of piano exDerlenoe at. voiir dlsposa'. We guarantap every piano to be just as represented. We refer yi to thousands of aatlsfied cutvmers. " We carry suclr pianos a fhe Mason ft Hamlin, Kr&nicht & Bach, Krakauer and other well known) makes. , Our prices are the lowest In the city, betiause we purt;hasi in carload lots only. We can gtve . you more for your money than any other piano house In the city. Pay a vltvltVto our store, look .it our pianos and -letVua explain our term a. A. Horpe Co., 151S Douglas Omaha, Neb. ; , Mlscellaneaaa. A LARGE packing Co. can use a high ciass man in the provision department; ,ine prcfemd that has some knowledge of tne operating end and - also experi enced In the sales end. 8tate experlente, age and wages expected. Addreas, P, Bee ottlce, South Omaha. Wanted Doctor Registered In Nebraska to travel. State age and salary expected. Address '.34 Wth St., Milwaukee, Wis. VotJ CAN EARN MORE MONEY In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonatratora, are In big do mand anu command large salaries; pre pare yourself in our large training shops, where you leam how to operate, repair anu sen all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn., . 14 N. 20th lit, Omaha, Neb. WANTED-Competent salesman for Ne .lukr... to can i n lOiiaiuiii n. .n witn vitubilahed traoe pieierred. State ex- . t.'.tiu'e, teiereiice ana Binary wantta ., n. uppeiihv mei-,- nOteau Liquors, Slli, iUO. WANTED For V. 3. army. Ablebodled, t r married men between agea of IS and 3S; citizens of United States, ot good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, 18th and Douglas 8ts., Omaha. Neb.; 60 Fourth 8t., Sioux City, la.,; lau N. Tenth St, Lincoln, Neb.v TELKUKAP11 positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Can. ttal railroads It you gain your training In our achool. Practice on K, K. wires. Ad dreia tor particulars. 11. B. Boytea, Pre Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. AQEN'is Make 50 per cent profit soli ng our gom wmuou letter, novelty ..i unu cuanikttuie eli.:s; eoj varletlea, normou ueuiMiiu. Cihsu tree. bULLi v"A;N CO., .M Van Buren sr., Chicngo, 111. iu tu A DAt for reliable sulecrip ..oii agents; suuipie itnu complete -ouuit ,v; vitui. iju; iy aituM.'tive pre ..tai.u tut' kuu.ici.beis; t. lastoat, .v tellers ur oirertd; a aaie tor ev ., cn. Ana ot Miiiiiiit, Hi., awraged .al' 1 an hour; Wunt of bt. Paul,, woiklng only part time, averaged . , moiun iut imx m .ntns; bi.ll ot Loir ,o, ie..., maua tii.oj lu ,rflit nours uud ,,j - aiiyoiin vl..lng to work can make io iu u nay. ' pef cent pioilu wi , iJ-i i..ails tit-. Audi ess pie .i.uiii co., 4i Capper Biag., xopeka. itXPriKlENCED' salesmen In shoe de artmcnt; iiret-ciasa. positions lor right ..... ,' j at unce, x. , iv.tUnio.iu, . ,iiut, ktorea. . .. He. , CAiill boya, 1 years of age or over. Ap iy oupeiiiilcniient, ilianueis sluies., ,j buniiMiti.iient Branaeit stores. W'AXTEIi Five good reliable, boyt Good wages. . 1.'. 'Pel. Co., SU fc. U at. iOi-NO h gh tchooi boy wants a piace .o nor .tu-r scuool una eeturuays. .rt.iy -" WAAieu- loung for genera housework. H ill. im Bo. Jth St. THE SERVANT OlKL PROBl.K-i SOLVED-tThe Bee will run a iServan Girl Wanted Ad FREE uiiiu you gat i:,. desired results. This applies to resnutttu. of Omaha, South Omaha and Counu.i Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee ori. or te.ephone TyWr 1C-0). """WANTED Heliable peraun tor aenerl , houaework. Family small. - Permanen, piace. p.aiii i"jo!:ing. Nice iooio. ,-larnev MU.- 4I2S Parnani, WANTED Middle aged woman to take care of a lS-months-old baby. 42 N. tola Ht. , GOOD girl tor general houaework u smtT, ' family, good wage lW So. 36th Ave. H. 2104. i. U1RL tor general houaework in m.. family, plain i-ooklng. Phone Harney 2oTSi 4304 Harney St. . UIRL for gtnerxl housework, amai .family. Will pay m per month. 140 v 8f GOOD girl for general house woik, f. per week, references. I0H N. lalth. Bout . Omahs. Tel. South KI80. WANTED A competent cook, with references. Apply 27 Evana. V. lltt Mra. Jonn W. Redick. WOMAN for general housework. Cal at 4Jft 3. 10th St. Room and board turn ifehod. . -.-. .". ...v ..-,, ; GIRL for general housework; t in fam- . ny; ao wasrung; reterenoes required Mrs. A. G. Beeson, SSU Harney St. II 17. . iimci UMil Uiiibv, ' REAL estate salesman; good salnry; oouKiieepei. insurance; private aiei.og .khe.. automobile; salary depends. i.iHiaiapiii' and office clerk, good cnuncu to.- advauc mem, o5. car chec&er, .h.uukci, vC. X salesmen, Insurance. Sal .1)' anu c.iiiinilSHiiin. tVE REFERENCE CO.. itjli-ii! CityNat. Bank Bitig. uUNj men. study law. Omaha cuooi ui Lkw. Law UtpL University of . inaha. Eveiiimi aetaloua. For further iiiuiiitloii uui aecretary, Sltf Mc ..u i.iilk. 'iel. UtiUg. Hit MAIL carriers, Postofflce clerks wanted. 180.00 per month. Omaha exam inations November Free coaching. Frankiln institute. Dep't 214-s. Koohea- ter. N. X. ... DEPUTIES for secret order. E. F. Wagener, 8744 8. 12th. Tyler 1399. str.- HELP WANTED alAl.fl ANU FEMALE. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. .K) per month. Write for list ot positions oDen. Franklin Institute, Uep't 17 b., Rochester. N. If. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Young man wants to learn the barber trade. Will work for board, room and washing. Address Lock Box 42, Albion, Neb THE TEKNaBHOP An assortment of brlc-a-Vrac. carefully aelected and moderately priced. Station ery; party favors; dolls; di"l hospital. OMAHA'S EXCLUSIVE GUT STORE. 1S2S Farnam St Doaglas 8210. LANDERYOU . "Maker of Good Clothes1," FALL WOOLENS' 1 ON DISPLAY. ' 30o South Ninteenth Street. Farnam Hotel Bldg. BLUE LABEL Guggenhelmer rye, eight years old, per full quart, J1.00. Weldon Springs Bourbon, S years old, per quart. 11.00. . Maryland rye, per quart, 75 cents. Home made grape wine, gal., $1.00. 2 quart bottles of beer, 25 cents. ,- Malt Tonic, extra fine, 10 cents a bottle. CACKLEY BROS., 121-23 N. 16th St- Opposite Postoffice. MR.' VISITOR, BE SURE to visit the SODOASIS at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., southwest corner. of 16th and Dodge Sts., AND the OWL S N EST at the OWL DRUG CO., northwest vofiiei' of 10th and Harney Bts. We serve the dataitiest kinds of Lunches, Hot Drinks of all kinds at ALL hours. John A. Rylcn THE TAILOR AK-SAR-BEN GUESTS VISIT THIS SHOP snd we will fit you out with one of our fine tailor-made ladies' or Men's Suits at very reasonable prices. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED TEL. RED 2784. 206 PAXTON BLOCK. BUSINESS PERSON'AIA KDLCATiOXAL Dauciug Academies. BARIGHT HALL, 19th and Farnam. assembly Wednesdays. For terms 'phone So. 2654. Genevieve Hauflarre- instructor Dressmaking. Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repaii-s. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. D. 6S69. BRYAN ft O'BRIEN. dressmuWnfc- and tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 423. Fitspatrick, tailor, dress'g. 2504 Davenport Miss Napinsky, gowns. -608 Paxton. L). SHiS. BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses in Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civ;l Service or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha. Neb. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas .330. j Terry's Dressmaking college. 20th & Far. Everything- Electrical. LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrators. SEND FOR 80-PAGE BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO., 880 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone Dnug'.as 5213. TOU HAVE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST. Until Oct. 1, 1912, we furnish good gr.vJl of lining, clean, press and rellno ovir- coats tor SOY JEE HONG HERB CO. Our celebrated Chinese Herb Medicine cuies rheumatism. Kidney trouble, heart j trouble, female trouble and dropsy, regu lates deformities caused from sickness or I Inflammation. In fact It Is an immediate ! alinf o rA a v Attantllal miiva r all AhvAnln I vim a ii vi clii ci vii tutu v u i rj ivi ma v,uiu tasv diseases of the system. If you are a suf ferer, call 0r write today. 203 N. 19th. VOT FF ELECTRIC CO, " vJ-! J- Mazda Lamps Wiring. Fixtures, washing machines, electric irons,.: heating devices, vibrators. 1810 Farnam St. Electrio lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d-hand, and electrical repairs. Lts Brou Electrical Works, 313 a 13th, Omaha. ;' Everything; for Women. Mrs. Olsen, 1st class carpet weaving. W.6016 Western Millinery School 415 Paxton Block. Doug. 6821. Bring material. Make your hats. One lesson, Jl. 6 lessons to. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. 12th St. Doug. 5566. Flatlron Hat Shop. Corolyn E. Byers; prices very reasonable. 1726 St. Mary's. $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL DRY CLEANING COMPANY. 14TH AND DODGE. TEL, DOUG. 2966. 1419 Douglas. AK-SAR-BEN VISITORS We serve first-class chop suey, chill oon-carne and yet-gour-meln. STEAK AND CHOP RESTAURANT. Served In American and Chinese styles. LOUIE AUKO, Tel. D. 4591. AK-SAR-BEN SPECIALTIES The Mandarin Cafe, 1409 Douglas. 2d ' floor. Steaks, chops, chop suey, Chinese dlBhes. Also quick lunches. Best service. Rubber Goods . All kinds; face creams and powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam Charlea Loftman, wines, liquors and ci gara, merchanta lunch. 14th & Howard. We Offer ; TO THE PUBLIC The very best. whlBky on the mariet for the small -urn of 13.00 per gal. The very beat port wine we offer for $1.00 per gal. . S.CHLANK & CO., 1307 Douglas St. HELi-": Can the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1111. , Will call for bundles and family wash. Ing, work guaranteed. Pnone Harney 6274. COLORED lady to do housework, plain cooking. 2424 Ersklne, Webster 6101. YOUNG man with experience in railroad office, who can -use typewriter, would like position as clerk, any kind. C. B. Wall, 5924 N. 24th St. AN experienced baker wants a position at once. Address, E 782, Bee. NEAT reliable colored g.rl to do house work. Telephone W ebster 4SW. "WA N TED Book kecpl ng or stenographic work desired Saturdays or evenings by young lady. Address D 783, Bee. AXXOUXCEMEXTS OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Douglas &I" Guarantee Laundry. Flna work. D. 3373. TO LOAN-LOW late, in ' sums to kUlt. 3io Bee Bldg. i-none Doug. UK. MONEY . , '- li'saes. ..... rug si ore tsnap) Jobs. Knteat. B Bldg. LEARN AUTOMOBILE . ENGINEERING. Get i'uto the automobile business, learn II compete In tne iargi anu bent quipi kcuooi in nils loiritory. tiepa:rmeu, oemonotratora anu salesmen .it in UK..ianu. Write or call tor our .Meat cava;ogu. ' , ..EBKAfcivA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1 15-17 Dooge St., Oman a. Neb. TAlLOK wno can make pants and vet. r'red M. Kuwitsky, Neoraska vity. Neb. st'ANTElJTinneta, i-Upp Cornice and .tooting Company, Hi is. Main eH., Coun ., j.uufa. . UNION LOAN CO. Alfred C. Kennedy, "i, ance. 2t first at 1 iank mag. u. m. Twenty per cent 4rss than Omaha prices . . HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-touitii and u Bts.. eouth Omaha. Plumes renovated. 4?5Paxton Bik. It-, mi S. H. Cole Sign Co. D. 378. 1318 Farnam. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 6o, postpaid. .'.; try hall doxen; It not satisiactoiy money refunded. uiiA ION DRI.G CO., loWi Farnam, Omaha. HO Hallpr H.v your Plumbing , j. j-iuuei aiJtl h(ating plants re paired A overhauled betora cold weather rush comes. r,u4 Leavenworth. Tyier luvi. Geneial contracting, painting and paper lianglng. Baker. 21u Clark. Web, etas, "PAPER hangers, use Snowtlake Paste. Omaha Paste Co.. 718 S. 18th St. ( HOME PLATE CAFE "Tim Rleht Place to Eat." 150 S. 19th. BUSINESS CHANCES A" CHANCE FOR A CONSERVATIVE INVESTMENT. A- manufacturing company owning a new plant and real estate In Omaha, costing over $100,000 In actual cost, wants a 3 ,or 6-year loan of $30,000, secured by a flrj mortgage upon Its entire property. This money is wanted to increase the worklrvg capital.. The board of directors prefer ,a I temporary liability which can be paid, oft to Issuing new-stock which will alw "ays remain a charge against the business.' AddresB A78S, Bee. TO gel in or out of business, call on GANGE& TAD, 404 Bee Bldg.. Tel. D. 3477. RESTAURANT owner. 320 lth. tor sale, inquire of FOR SALE on cash basis one of the best transfer, businesses in the northwest Reason for Belling, ill health. Can be handled with limited amount of money. Addresa Y 173, ' Bee. " WE buy, sell and lease moving picture theaters and , supplies, is'at'l Theater corp., 1318 Farnam. UP-TO-DATEv grocery, i;ci better loca tion In city, Ftr sate cr will trade for real estate. AddVess D-7j9, Bee - ' 'r. -v. i tiUSlNESS oppt rtuiilty of interest and amm-iim ib, 2 reliabillty-a widei'y known mill supply Home Restaurant, JlJ'im In large, pri-sperous southern city meals, 16c. for your money. ?Tr A NT) MA'S PANCAKE FLOUR sold at all grocers, with guarantee to please. ATTRACTIONS and Douglas. Motion pictures machine and film bargains KfTrr a vii M TTV i t h AUTOMOBILES "ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer. 21S Farnam. Douglas 8395. BIG BARGAINS IN TRUCKS We have two 1 Ms-ton Rapid Auto Trucks and a 1-ton tiuck. ail In fine shape; also one 5-passer.ger touring car with truck body. Just the article for light delivery Wa E. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO. " ' BARGAINS STODDARD-Dayton 7-pasaenger llm- "stoddatd-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. Btoduard-Dayton i-passenier wurlngcar Locomobile 7-passenger limousine witn touring' body. Loeotnobllo 6-passenger limousine. Locomobile i-3ssenger touring car. Locomobile 6-passenger roadster. cueriand 4-Passengor roadster. . J. J. DERIGHT, i IMS Farnam Ht. ' city ana territory wisiiis.'td retire after suc cessfully conducting' business for twenty five years. Little d apltal required. Pes tige and influence vajoable, but no charge will be made for -ood. will If relieved promptly ot present investment and stocK on hatia. A lavorablei proposition to right party. Address "J. E.," suite 602, 301 n-'ittn Ave., New York. 1 FREE premium with. gallon Hunting Club wnlsky. Express Charges prepaid, $3.65. Get our price list. "West Sloe 1-am-ily Liquor House, 1304 Ltiximer tit., Den ver, Coio. .... INVESTMENT If you rant an Invest ment secured by real estate that pays 10 per cent a year, is perfectly safe, where you can get your money ba ck at the end ot each year if you want It, or can leave it invested as you wish, ' any amount from $100 up; has paid pUr cent cash dividends for the last six vears; ban references; write lo Realty Securities Company, People's Gas mag., Chicago, Hi. ESTABLISHED shoe business at 23 Main St., Council' Bluffs; stock) and fix. tures invoice tl.ooU; best offer before Sep jtember 27 takes it.. Duncan Shoes Co. Ftt I'TV Auto Tinners. general , JJ . T LMV 1807 Far., rear. ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last lifutiine. 207 N. 17th. P.ione Red 814. .ji i r:u or permanent pottioni, i.lU uetaeen ages-of il and V; tougn arpeniers to ou car repair worn la- ci:- ALL w ill be forgiven. Mary, it you will o; me i ceaia p-r nour. io oa meet m, al th, ,sig 0, tb, crown and ...oiiwil Dy apyucant; call ou lluno.s Ultt Golden Stairs on lth and Douglat .totrai Freight Agent. Uth and CulcagSta. That Is where BRODEGAAKD tells ...i., uii.Mim, iot iim ii.M.u.v.uii, tnose H-cky weaoing rings. WANTED Two experienced stove men, A. (jiiitisay, St'7 W. Mway., Co. Wuifa, la. EXPERIENCED girt for general houe. -ork; references. Mrs. C, D. Sturtevani. tit 8. S8ta St. GOOD girl for general housework; family; good wages. Red 730. in GOOD girl for general houaework. Ap ply 819 Bo. 38th Ave. Telephone H. 2S22. I MMJl girl for general houaework, tarn- Vi3f of three- Harney tot, WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; tew weeks completes; tools given; .vagee while learning; you can Join us witn aaaurance you wul succeed; we hav .coved praise from thousands for our tfeaeflcial course, investigate now. Moler barbtr College, 11 S. 14th St. . vAXaLiu' Ten welding operators, jniHi.n aim roaa wora: muat un uwriitbd leguiution of heat and welding ax iion: win teacn you how to weiti otner metals. Be.tstchy Garage, JOlO-Hl Harney. Omaha. A ANTED At once, a good horse ahoer. Apply at C. Gregory Son, 11 Pounh St., Council Bluffs. la- Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. N. P. Swanson, Undertaker We are now in our new bulldinar and have one of the moat up-to-date under- taKing eatabiisnments in city. 1625 Cum ing. D. K'. Large chapel in connection. PLATE dinners, sandwiches. Stars and Stripes beer, Jetes Saloon. It & Douglas. D. 3. Oriftith. wig mtr.. 13 F renter Bik. Why don't YOUb"iy TOUR PAINT where the Best Paintera buy. They buy from US. . BARKER BROS. PAINT CO: 1609',, Farnam. Douglas 4750. ; MOVED AND DOING THE BEST Automobile repairing in the city. "See" DRUMWOND MOTOR 00. New Location. 36th and Farnam. TIRE REPAIRING MR. BUSINESS MAN Your presence in case ot tire on your p ropery u impera tive. We notify you at once in cast: ot ire. OMAHA Flliai REPORTING AGENCY. 1812 Harney St. Douglas OA. DRUG STORE, good paying tat right party; must sell; investigate; goodi reas ons tor .selling. L 762 Bee. ' . EUISON Mo.vli:g Picture outtit for aala cheap: 2416 M St., South Omana. I'kone so. J7. liaomtag House for Sale. FOR SALE-Paylng boarding house, 2&V Lake. NVeb. 4768. Mrs. WIKIain Petersont nrsiXESs personals throw! ay your old! Arcklteets. Plans ft Bldg. estimates. Cottrell. W. 881. Cairosodlats. DRESS pi eatings, buttons covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., 200 Douglas Block, Both phones. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas lbbz. TVrTRM AM reliable ladies' tailor, is UVXlXtiyiAlN, located 43S-5 Paxton bik. Latest styles, materials. Popular prices. Financial Investments. FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. For Sale 1,000 shares King Solomon T. & D. stock for $250. Also 5,000 Uncle Sam Oil, cheap. Box 76, Little Rock, Ark. Florists. A. Domvghue, 607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L HESS & SVyOBODA, 1416 Farnam St L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S. Florist. Boyd Theater Bldg. Fonndrles. McDonald brass and' bronze foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. Fnrnaces and Repairs. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Let ua figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-1208 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Mnslc, Art and Langmaaea. HENRY COX, violinist. H. 3904. PROGRESSIVE MUSirj TEACHER wanted; 30 pupils already organized; lo cation and Information free. Music Teach ers' Training School, 613 Paxton Block. Charles L. Cocke, jr., piano, 618 McCague. FRANK MACH, violinist. Red 4627. Helen Sadllek, teacher of piano. W. 1346. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 109 S. 35th Ave. Tel. Harney 2027. Manic, Art and Langaage, Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. Francis Potter, teacher, guitar, mandolin and banjo. . J22(H4 Farnam. Doug. 3853 Moving, Storage and Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office 21 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per nr. W. 2748. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Opticians. B. F. Wurn, tkting and rep g. 443 Brandeis Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Printing;. Lew W. Raber, Printer, gSlfJJS BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster S197. Reis-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. frlntlnn. . DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 522-24 So. 13th. Patents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Bik. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS, registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone D. 3469. Plntnhers. W. Thatcher, plumbing ft heating. 813 N. 40th St. Office: H. 3107; Res.. H. 1638. L F, Van Valkenberg, lpmdb ing repairs. W. 867 or W. 61i. 1709 N. 24th. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. 316 8. 16TH, UPSTAIRS. naw." Nothing but highest priced and new Dr rot 16fl6 Farnam. Douglas 649J. materials -"used. All work guranteed. 5 Arthur Ston Auto Supply Co., S0:!0 Far- Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. , repa1rin(J, DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. MlirrVlir Tjlfl it TRIMMING.' Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. iuurpay uikx li PA1NTINQ tlil, EaclBe,r,. Matoreyeles. f E. E. Moore, 630 Paxton Bik. Doug. 3068. Yale, Harley-Davldsoii and uaed motor- Chains. VM0TJ Leavenworth. stanTpTbought. ld. SEC6XD-HAXP '.TJTOMOBILES. tamp Co., 619 Tl$ P1'h Cln ,Bd XMJl5-S Clea aadjiteel Cell.... Vo7bVrrtK monafr'optwlnrshte1,!,: CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. speedometer, a park plug pump, extra tive Detective. and tubes, etc. Inquire G. J. Hlpweil, care Powell Supply company. JAMES ALLAN. $13 Neville bik. Evi- " STODDARD-DAYTON 7-pasaenger Li- dence secured in all -aaes. Tyler 1136. mousine. Rebuilt and repainted. All in pmaha Secret Serv., 42 Paxton Bik. D. 1319 C(jdJl0DERIGHT AUTO CQ. L. W. LONUNECKER, 617 Karbach Bik. ftenngraphera and Court Reporters. ' Myrtle A. Kelley. 816 Bran. The. D. 6681 Store and Offlee Fixtures. EL-ECTRIC sausage grinder, S cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of ftxttsres bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N St.. Vrlouth Omaha. WB BUY and sell anything, evervthln ;ln natures. Omaha Fixture and Supply co.,. Liyi ana nowara. u. zm. see us first POOIj tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, .sold. Levy, 2510 N, South Omaha! ) greats and Awalags. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 821 Timaks and Salt Cases. Freling Stelnle. 1803 Farnam St - WJaes and Liqaor. WILIjOW ISprlnga beer, liquor, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetea, 502-3 S. 13th St Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lampman, 1815 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles. FOX STABLES New location, first-class livery and boarding. 1S14 Curr.;"g. D. 1557. WILL sell at wholesale, sample stock, of farm wagons and teaming wears. Cen tral Implement Co., 1117 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 2066. WE aro handling all kinds of live stock, stockers, feeders and range cattle; horses, sheep and lambs. If you need anything In this line, advise us. Bowen & Polk, Room 10, 611 17th St., Denver, Colo. First-class livery. Sherman, 24th & Clark. LOST AXD FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wncther they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. BETWEEN 18th and 24th, on Farnam, gold brooch set with half carat diamond, $10 reward. A. H. Myer, Hamilton Apt's, 24th and Farnam. Douglas 1S2S. LOST-Sept. 21, beU pirn engraved, grapes and leaves. Web. 2592. LOST In or near Brandeis store, a small black leather purse, with gilt clasp, , containing $10 bill and $5 bill. Liberal reward if owner will notif y C 784 Bee Office. MEDICAL Electron Sanitarium Phone W. 672. 1812 N. 26th St. New treatment for nervous diseases rheumatism, all diseases of lungs, heart, liver, stomach and bowels. Special treat ment for kidneys and bladder, nondevelop ment of children, etc. Office and treatinj rooms at Sanatorium. Hours, 9 a. m. t 5. p. m. Wm.F. Race, M. D. Specialist Chronic Disorders. SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Bik. Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware bik. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula' and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN. Salary and Chattels. Money on furniture, pianos am real estate at a very low rate of interest. Nebraska Loan Co., Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg. A-ISSG. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, yoar children, yourself. Here Is your chance to ob tain It In An Easy.-Way on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts in fact anything of value or on plain note, if steadily employed. Terms lo suit. Confidential. Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 308 Paxton block, 217 S". ltith. 'Phone Douglas 1411 and A-141tf. CHATTEL LOANS, $5 to $100. SALARi LOANS. You can get it today of STAR LOAN CO., 4U Paxton Block. DIAMOND LOANS at 2Va and 6 per cent FLATAU. 1614 Dodge St. Tel. Red 6ui:- HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates in the city. Wriu or phone Douglas 135. 1628 Farnam, Room 8. Patterson Bik. MONEY loaned salaried people and others- on their own name; cheap rates; easy pay menu; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. OFFERKL FOR RENT Ueard and Itooaaa. O. M. hams trunKa. P. 6U. A-Wll. REEDHURST for meals. DOUG. 8350. Furnished Itaoma. NICELY furnished' room suitable fo.' two. 1515 Hall Ave. W. 6223. FARNAM. 2042-Furnlshed rooms; mo" ern. Douglas 5577. THREE newly rooms. 612 N. 23d. furnished, moder.i 2011 WEBSTER, modern furnished rooms, reasonable: location good. 60S N. 17TH, modern furnished room, walking distance. Price reasonable.