Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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tck-rloonr Co, Undertakers,
Liffhtlnff rtrturee-Bunrese-Graadea Co.
KTa Boot Print It Now Beacon Press.
Bailor the Dentist, City Nat D. 2oo.
Tljna Baok from Hew York T. Flynn.
buyer for Hay den Bros.' cloak and suit
department, has returned from New
Polio Bek EUzabetli MoCajin The
polic have been asked to locate Eliza
beth McCann, who is supposed to be
living In Omaha, and notify her of the
death of her mother in Buaton, la.
yined on Disorderly Charge Carl
Clark, who was arrested and charged
with running a disorderly house at 515
! North Sixteenth street Saturday night
j was fined $15 and costs in police court.
The five inmates were discharged.
Celebrates Seventieth Birthday P. S.
Boien, pioneer of this section, celebrated
his seventieth birthday at his home, 10ft!
North Twenty-ninth street, yestorday.
About thirty friends gathered to help
him commemorate the occasion. Mr.
Boien came to Omaha in ISfiT when it
was really a party of the wild west. He
is one of the best known and most high
respected Danes of the city.
Georgia Peach Crop Big According
to the report sent to Commercial Agent
WtrtTf, the local agent of the Southern
Railway company, the peach crop of
Georgia this year has been far from a
failure. This yearout of Georgia alone
the Southern -has handled 6.334 carloads
of peaches, as compared with 82G cars
during the season of 1911. Over all lines
this -year Georgia sent out 7.139 cars of
peaohes. Of the shipment. 4,65 cars went
to eastern markets, being handled in
solid trainloads from Atlanta to Wash
ington. Of the" crop, 319 came to the
western markets.
Where Criminal Cases Are Tried
Federal court opens m the Hastings di
vision this morning. A petit jury
has been drawn. R. C. Hoyt. clerk of the
United States district court; William P.
Warner, United States marshal; G. W.
McCallum, deputy United States marshal;
Federal Judge T. C. Munger and Deputy
United States District Attorney I.ane will
go to Hastings for the session. The ses
sion will perhaps last only a taw days.
, """' tl , 1
... i HMTWiwrm-ini
si1?"- Jf
Union Pacific Has
Opened Up Some
New Double Track
Dperate Shooting
paina In the chest .require quick treat
ment Take Dr. King's New Discovery
for safe and sure relief. 60o and $1.00.
For sale by Beaton Drug Co.
The Union Pacific has opened i eleven
miles more of double track between Wior,
Colo., and Ohapprll, Neb., thus making
a continuous double track line of 387 miles
from Omaha to n point four miles west
of Julpsburg, Colo.
The grading has been completed, the
culverts finished, the ties distributed and
the rails on the ground for the second
track from Chappell. Neb., to Pine Eiuff,
Wyo., a distance of 473 miles from Omaha.
I Fuchs, Son & Blind Would Do En
! tire Work lor County.
Scaffold Are AH IMareil In lloadl
na to I'alat MnraW In the
fn Uouk'u" Toanty
loiirt llfe.
Kfforts may succeed to have the board
of coir.ty coir.iuisslonei's alter the county
huildin? interior decoration contract so
ias to let Fuchs, Son A Blind do all the
; w.ork. Commissioner A. 0. ilai'te has
prepared x rcsolutlpn altering the con
tract and If two other commissioners will
vote with him the resolution will be
adopted. It whs referred to Deputy
County Attorney George A. Magney. the
board's letal adviser, for an opinion as
t whether the bouid cmii abrogate the
contract without the ronsmt of Phllltp
son & Co. or New York, who. under the
original contract Is to io the mural
palnllris lit the dome. Commissioners
I.ynh nnd Klsasser at present are op
posed to any change of the contract.
Ti-e lM.ard contracted for the decoration
with Fuchs, Son & Mind upon condition
that the latter would employ Phlllipson &
Co. on tile dome murals. Two weeks ago
Sam Blind told the board I'hllllpson
Co. hud done no work ami no contr.ict
had been made with him. He sk. d the
board to altrr the contract by eliminate
the provision for Philllpson's employ
ment. He said liis firm can have Jus:
las Rood woik done by Theodor Bclir.
When l'htllipsoii arrived a few days
later le w;is Fiirpred to learn what
Wind luid told the board. He said the
work was nearly done. One of the
.. . . . . . piftuvcs is here, others are neany un-
Gen. Leonard Wood ' ! OMAHA CASH RUNNING SHORT j SS. fJta
I i mav put up tlie compieirn pn lures.
Will "Rp rrllPQl- Hi i i Ha'tes resolution would amend the
Mill JJD UUOOll Ul I Commissioners Must Economise RlS- ' ,,.r.,rt because the murals were to be
inlv in Spiral DenftTtments. i finished by September l ami are not yet
Palimpsest Club;
General Leonard Wood, chief of staff
of the United States army, will be enter
tained by the Palimpsest club when he
comes to Omaha at the end of this week.
The general has accepted the invitation
to be the guest of the club's first dinner
of the season. The exact time is yet to
be fixed, but It will he either Friday or
Saturday. The general will' be here on
a tour of inspection of western military
posts, for which he is setting out from
Of (he Million Dollar A iiportioaed
for tbe Year hut Hrttl,Ni::t Hf
main and Part of This Is
Spoken For.
ICity Dads to Have
Seats from Which
to Watch Parades
By MELLIPICIA. Monday, Sept. 23.
F ANY unmarried Omahan in Omaha is planning a trip abroad, let him
I or her beware of the steamship Cleveland that is, if he or she
wishes to remain in the single state. For little Dan"Cupid spends a
good deal of time on this particular ship and is out the lookout espe
cially for single travelers from the Gate City.
' The little god of love has already enmeshed three Omahans on board
the Cleveland. The first was Charles Beaton, one of the most popular and
--so it was supposed one of the most invulnerable of Omaha's bachelors.
But he took passage on the Cleveland bound for Europe a little over a
year ago, and there he met Miss Hattie Wurster, a Milwaukee, belle. As
they paced the deck together-Cupid was hiding in the hatches. The en
gagement wa announced yesterday and the weding will take place No
vember 6.
The' next Omahan to fair a victim to Cupid's darts on board the
Cleveland was Colonel Charles F. Weller, who started out on a trip
around the world from New York last October for rest and recreation. On
the ship he met Mrs. Whittelsey, an attractive widow from Hartford, Conn.
They Bight-saw together in Occident and orient from October to February
and were married in Council Bluffs June 29.
- Miss Louise Storz was the latest Omahan to meet ber fate aboard the
Cleveland, the young man being none other than the manager of the tour,
C H. Lody. They met soon after the ship steamed out of the Golden
Gate last February on its voyage around the world, and Cupid had them
spotted before the ship was half-way over the globe. Before Miss Storz
and her party left the ship at Gibraltar to tour Europe, Manager Lody had
won the hand of the pretty young Omaha girl. She is wearing a stunning
pear-shaped diamond on the third finger of her left hand and the wedding
will be held at' the handsome West Farnam home of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb
Storz next month. Mr Lody will give up managing the Cleveland tours
and will settle in business in Omaha.
September 23. lS91-Mr. Harry Copley
and Miss Pauline C. Collett, both
Omaha, were united in matrimony at the
home of the bride-s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Collett. Rev. L. M. Kuhns of
ficiated. Itj honor of the event the house
was beautifully decorated throughout
with palms, ferns, smilax and roses. The
bride was a pretty and petite young
woman and a great favorite in social ciri
cles. A large number of guests were
According to the report of City Comp
troller .McDonald under date of Septem
ber l." the c'.ty commissioners hnve an
nvailablc balance in all funds of less
than $3ofl.flo of the $1. 000,000 apportioned
for the year from the levy.
Against the $3tl4 S23.52 balance on hand
showed by the statement there is $111,000
approved claims and requisitions utipcid'.
Tlie commissioners have been economiz
ing since they came Into office, but more
rigid econom'cs will have to be practiced
in several departments, say the commie
sioners, in order to stretch the appropria
tions over the rest of the year.
Peptem 2i!. 1908-Dr. Albert Franklin
Tyler, physician, Is four years to the
good since his marriage to Ellen Char
lotte Roe in Omaha.
John Fulton Vaught of Los Angeles, Ca!.
are at the Hotel Farnam enroute to New
York. They will remain until after Ak-Sar-Ben.
Howard Rushton had as his guests for
the week-end two former college friends
at Harvard university, Otto Frasch of
Seattle, who Is returning to Harvard ior
senior year, and Harry urucKer u
SiTaft is Stronger
Than People Think
"Taft is stronger than we here In
Omaha realize," says Charles Grlpg,
secretary of the Omaha Builders' ex
change, who has just returned from a
vacation trip which took him to Roch
ester, Buffalo, New York City, Detroit
and other cities In the east. ,
"I found much Roosevelt sentiment in
the cast, but nobody who' would bet on
the bull mooser," he said. "In Roch
ester the Taft sentiment is pretty strong.
Wilson seems to run behind Roosevelt
In favor, but the betting on him Is
Grigg also visited In Toronto and other
cities of Canada. He says the Canadian
people are also watching the political
Pleasures Past. .
Miss Muriel Johnson entertained at a
o'clock breakfast and china shower
Saturday morning for Miss Ruth Mc
Brlde, who will be married in October.
Those present were:
Grace McBrlde,
Ruth McBride,
Shirley Freeman,
Louise. McBride,
Ruth Ganson,
"William McBride,
R. C. Hoyt,
B. U Hoyt,
Miss Juanlta Slater was the guest of
honor at a luncheon given by Mrs. R. B.
Schuyler. Miss Slater will be one of
September's brides.
Etuel Klewit.
Hazel Welrlch.
Muriel Johnson.
W. J. Roseberry,
Alice Johnson.
Mm. R. B. Schuyler enttrtalned at din
ner at her home when covers were laid
Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold,
Mr. and Mrs. William Shawgo,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Schuyler.
R. H. Manley has throe guests at supper
last evening at the club; J. J. Boucher,
five; Dr. B. A. McDermott, four; A. J.
Vierling, five; Charles Metz, six; A. H,
Fettrs, three; W. H. Butts, four; Fred
"Dale, three; Frank Engler, four; C. H.
Morton, four; J. W. Hughes, three; Mrs.
Downs, sU; ' H. Johnson, six; A.. B.
Rutherford, six; H. S. Susmann, four; H.
O. Gordon, three; Miss Graves, three.
Karlyle Baacing Club.
The Karlyle club was organized Satur
day evening at the home of Miss Ethel
Hartman. The club will give a series of
dancing parties this winter, each fort
night, starting Tuesday evening, October
8. Those present at the meeting were:
Misses Misses
Karcissa Bradford, Ethel Thompson,
Margaret Bradford, Corine Sanderson,
Marjory Watson, Bess Anthony,
Cora Drake Ada Anthony,
Alma Bogs. Ethel Hartman.
Bessie Crowder. . '
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sampson, 1130 South
Thirtieth avenue, announce the marriage
of their daughter, Ruth Althea, to Conn
WilHam Moose of this city, formerly of
Portland, Ore. The wedding took place
September 16. Mr. and Mrs. Moose will
reside with the bride's parents until after
the first of the year.
For the Future.
Mrs. R. C. Hoyt and Mrs. E. U Hoyt
will entertain at luncheon Wednesday at
the home of the former in honor of Miss
Grace McBride. who will be married in
At the Field Club.
Mrs. H. A. Waht entertained at a bow
ling parts Monday morning at the club.
Eighteen guests were present and after
spending the morning bowling luncheon
was served at 1 o'clock.
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
Mrs. B. B. Brooks of Colorado Springs
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Cahow at the club Sunday.
Charles Ware entertained at supper las;
evening when hia guests were Miss Nan
Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. George Laler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cheek, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Rose and Harry Cheek were
in another party.
With Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McKnlght
were Miss Irene McKnlght, George Wolf
of New York and A. W. Porter of New
A. W. Hunt had covers places for three;
Dr. A. A. Fricke, six; George Francis,
Reamer Neb., formerly of Omana,
graduated from Harvard last year and
who will study law at the University of
Chicago this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Southard of
Denver and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fltzsim
mons of Creston, la., arrived Sunday to be
the Guests of Miss Clara Southard at the
MlfB Belle Dewey has returned from an.
extended visit to Chicago and New York
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters, Miss Daphne
Feters and Clarence Peters motored home
from Lake Okobojl Saturday. They were
the last of the Omaha colony to leuve
Lake Okobojt.
Mrs. Charles Offutt and children will
land in New York Monday. They will be
met at the boat by Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Lyman and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love.
Mrs. M. Hall and daughter, Miss Mur
jorie Hall, of St. Joseph, Mo., will arrive
Monday to visit her sister,- Mrs. Carl E.
H.ahn at 2905 Dodge street.
Miss Marie Firnldine of Dayton, O..
will arrive about October 1, to be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. KInsler.
Miss Laura Croger returned Friday
from a week's visit In Columbus, O.
At the Country Club.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baum will entertain
at one of the larger dinner parties Satur
day evening at the Country club in honor
of Miss Margaret Greer Baum and her
auest. Miss Ryder, of Dubuque, who will
arrive Wednesday.
Mr. and J's. K. W. Judson an4 Mr. and
Mrs. M. cf Peters had supper together
Sunday evening at the club; Barton Mil
lard had covers placed for, four; F. S.
Cowgill, five, and A. V. KInsler, fpur.
At Happy Hollow.
Several smalt supper parties were given
Sunday evening at the club. E. A. Ben
son had covers placed for two; M. D.
. t J -.1 II ' 1 tn.A. T A
cameron. twu, cuwaj u n u, iv,
Crelgh, four; MV. H. Gates, two; E.- E.
Kiniberley, five;"J. F. Wetner, two; Max
A. Wyman, two; Samuel Rees, two;
George Ryan, two; John L. McCague, two.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Marguerite Grant Is spending the
winter in New York with her sister, Mrs.
Vincent Wallace Cornell. -
Miss Winifred Shepherd of Denver.
Colo., who has been visiting her aunt,
Mrs. Emma Petersen, left for Wellesly,
Mass., where she will be a sophomore at
Wellesly college
Mrs. Mary Lamb and daughter, Mrs.
tired aching
perspiring feet
AFTER all, no amount of spe
cial treatment or washes
gives quit such instant
relief to poor, tender, tired, ach
i:ir feet as a simple bath with
Resinol .Soap ana hot water.
Then rub on gently a little
Resinol Ointment, let it stay for
a few minutes while its sooth
ing, healing antiseptic balsams
Bink into every pore, and wash
off again with plenty of Resinol
Soap. For excessive or offen
sive perspiration, use cold water
instead of hot.
Trial Rnol Soep. (2&0 n4
I rial iree. Reginoi ointment t60e
and $1) are also iavlr.ble faouMhold
remedies for eezema, rashes, pimples,
dandruff, chafings, sores and piles. Your
- druggist sella them, but for sample f -each
write to Dept. s-A, Resinol Cham.
, Baltimore, Md.
City Treasurer Tie's request for an ap
propriation of $4C0 or $."00 to pay an ex
pert to investigate scavenger tax sales
was considered by the council In commit
tee of the whole and action postponed
for a week,
Chalrmun ButH-r raid the entire commis
sion desired to be given a hearing; on the
matter and Commissioners Ryder and
Dahlman were absent.
Contract for erecting tiers of Keats on
Karnnm street, between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth, from which citizens can re
view the Ax-Sar-Ben parade was let, the
price to be $175, the contractor to remove
the seats. The council has been erecting
these seats and turning the lumber used
over to the street department, but as the
lumber was not needed this year a new
plan was followed.
movements in the United States.
Key to the Sltuatidn Bee Advertising.
N. B. Ballentlne, assistant to the sec
ond vice president of the Rock Island.
Is in the city, holding a conference with
t'nlon Pacific officials relative to track
age over the terminal facilities of the
latter road here.
Mr. Ballentlne stated that he was not
In a position to state when work would
be commenced on the Rock Island's new
freight depot In this city, but thought
the time Is not far distant. The plans
are compleed, and when the structure Is
erected and finished, Jhe Is of the opinion
that it will be one of the most modern
railroad buildings In the country.
Feel Bully! Head Clear, Stomach
Sweet, Bowels Right "Cascarets
You men ami women who can't get
feeling right who have headache, coated
tongue, foul taste and foul breath, dizzi
ness, can't sleep, are nervous and upset,
bothered wltb a sick, gassy, disordered
stomach, and are all worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean with
Cascarets or merely dosing yourself
every few days with salts, cathartic pills,
castor oil and other harsh Irritants?
Cascarets immediately cleanse and
sweeten the stomach, remove the sour
undigested and fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bile from the liver
and carry off the constipated waste
matter and poison from the bowels.
A Cascaret tonight will straighten you
out by mornlng--a 10-cent box will keep
your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and
bowels regular and make you feel cheer
ful and bully for months. Don't forget
the children their little Insldes need a
good, gentle cleansing, too.
It is better soup than you
can makesimply delicious
It is made in the cleanest kitchen in the world from the
best vegetables from the best U. S. inspected meats by a
wonderful cook and twice as much for ten cents asin a can.
You get It in the form of a powder
and dissolve It In boiling water.
You furnixk the tea er and we furnish the loup.
Your grocer sells it.
3.7: .) n i, srse
s$im 4inm .vV'" fs,
v. , ''if Jr
. Jh&fffylm -inii, ,i ... r. i rMi .... .. ,,,., ,f j-fc.-,,,! ''uuml
It's the Pabst Flavor
AH! This is the real thing. With a sandwich
at the club; at the down town cafe; with a
swell table d'hote; on the limited; wherever
you find people wise to what is best at mealtime,
you notice f
The Beer of Quality
on the table. Ask any doctor he will tell you that
Pabst "Blue Ribbon" Beer is the one beverage
that harmonizes best with the process of digestion.
Bottled only at the brewery in crystal clear bottles,
showing at a glance that it is clean and pure.
Order a case for your home.
Phone or write.
The Pabst Company.
Phones Douglaa 79, A 147
1307 Laaranworth Omaha, Nsttf.
How the Steel Tust
investigated itself
at the suggestion of The American Magazine
At last ycar'sannual meetingof the United States
Steel Corporation a stockholder said:
"In the Much nomber of Tht American Magazine then
appeared an article dealing with certain economic condition!
oetaininr among the employed of this corporation I believe
it ii the right of stockholders of this corporation to be fully in
formed as to tbe truth of the statement contained in this article"
Result: the Steel Corporation has spent a year
investigating itself. How it now proposes to
abolish the seven-day week and the twelve
hour day, is graphically told in
m m mm
Gat a conr from tlia nawaatand er taadl 1 S aaata to
The AaMrican Majasina, New York
Low One-Way Fares
September 25 to October 10
The Southern or low altitude route, via El Paso
cand New Mexico, or through the Colorado Rock
ies and Salt Lake.
Ask for a free folder, "Across the Continent in a Tourist
Sleeping Car."
Div. Pass. Agent,
1322 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb.
1506 Farnam St. JltSfS-S Phoue UouS- 1750,
Extracting 25c lip fLfMh'L Missing Toeth supplied
Fillings 50c VP ClrClji0yir,jJ without Plates or Bridge
Crowns ...... $2.50 Up JfPWPJ w0lk ' Nerves removed
Brldgework . . $2.50 Up IT J without pain. Work guar.
Plates $2.00 Up go Ysws Sams Office, snteed ten years. .