Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The Bee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
Entered at Omaha pvstoffice aa second
class matter. . -
orriCES. ,
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha 2318 N street.
Council Bluffs-14 No. Main street
Lincoln- Little Building.
Chlcagc 10U Marquette Building. ,
Kansas City-42i Reliance Building.
New York-34 West Thirty-third streei.
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Communications relating to news ant
iditorlal matter should be addressed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department
Daily Bee, without tsundaj per month
Daily Bee, Including Sunday, per mo. c
Address complaints of Irregularities in
delivery to City Circulation Department
State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of The Bee Publishing company, betnj!
duly sworn, aays that the average dailj
circulation for the month of August, viu
was 60,29. DWliiHT WILHAMB,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to before me this 2d day of September
Seal.) Notary Pubic
Strong, but Not Too Strong.
No man who countenances the plain
fraud by which KooKevelt supporters
hope to gain six electors In Nebraska has
any license to question the . methods of
the New York police force, much less the
nomination of Taft by the Chicago con
vention. Aurora Republican.
That Is putting it pretty strong,
but not too strong. No one pretends
that the Roosevelt electors in Ne
braska can honorably hold " their
places on the republican ticket. Each
and every one of them is exactly in
the position' of the burglar, , who,
when discovered and ordered out of
the house by the owner, , replies,
"This is your house. I don't belong
here. But I will not get out or let
you in because my house is not as
good as yours."
jmsDay taOmaliaJ
Kept. 24.
Thirty Years Ag
M!bs Harrlenberg, the elocutionist, and
Miss Andrew, the art teacher, have in
stituted a novel plan for a historical
Roosevelt's Banning Mate Gives His Own Measure.
Louisville Courier-Journal (De.m.).
Hiram Johnsonlsm, a brand of Roose
veltlsm, Is mere ruffianism. For ex
ample, the bull moose candidate for vlcb
president made a speech In which he
Do not for a minute consider Prcsl-
I making himself ridiculous in the In
terest of the bull moose.
President Taft has not proven an
ideal executive. He could not have done
so and been loyal to the party he repre
sents. But he has never forfeited the
respect, although he has Mt time awak-
dent Taft in this rate. He Is a neg- j ened, and merited, the criticism, of the
coterie or club to meet every two weeks ligible quantity. It Is with shame, aa an American people. To speak of him as a
, Sabacrtbers leaving the city
temporarily shoald fear The
Bee mailed to them. Address
will be, changed as of tea aa aa
. These are good days to go riding
on "shank's mare."
No city can be beautiful while It
is defaced by ugly billboards.
Chicago has started an investiga
tion of its police. Jealous of New
York again.
When Woodrow Wilson comes to
Omaha next week he will show us
the difference.
Europeans, we gather, are not
complaining so much at the high
price of American meat. ,
Presumably, we will soon have a
chance to see what an expurgated
street fair midway is like.
The sample is all right, Mr,
Weather Man. Just bring on a full
consignment for Ak-Sar-Ben week.
Wild oats still grow In some west
ern mountains. Yes, and a few may
be found upon the plains and even in
the cities.
Prof. Woodrow Wilson need not
repine; he will find himself with
plenty of company as a member of
the Ananiaa club.
Prof. Vihjalmah Stafannson, by
claiming to have discovered a race
of blonde Eskimos, is fixing to get
himself called a nature fakir. ,
The goings-on in this country must
make old Zeus feel like descending
Mount Olympus to prove again his
supremacy among the deities.
Still, it is not necessary for a man
running for office to become Just a
common scold even though he sees
himself up against, certain defeat.
Our Congressman Lobeck confesses
to have spent JM2.E0 for his renoml
nation in addition to his filing fee
There's an economical man for you.
It goes without saying that even
now the colonel Is not a candidate
for president "in the sense of seek
ing the office," but Is still merely
willing to take it if "tendered."
St. Paul gave James J. Hill an
elaborate banquet in spite of his
gloomy predictions about the cost of
food and the American people's ex
travagance. ,
By a striking coincidence the same
fire that destroys a Kansas City ice
factory, also wipes out the home of
the base ball club; something of a
frost, itself.
The greatest woman apostle of
peace cannot understand how peace
loving women can lend fafor to the
man who has done most to obstruct
the peace movement That is a puz
ile. V. - .
The fight to cure the mysterious
horse disease seems to have resolved
itself into a contest between the hon
orable veterinary profession and the
ordinary farmer, with the odds In
favor of the latter.
These figures depicting Nebraska's
plethora of automobiles assume that
all of the registered numbers out
standing represent autos in active
commission. This may be correct,
but it is not susceptible of proof. Our
auto regulation law should be
amended to require display of a reg
istry label with color changing from
year to year.
For Cleaner Streets.';
A committee of the Commercial
club has been assigned to the task
of devising ways and means for
cleaner streets for Omaha. The
problem of clean streets may be ap
proached from two opposite sides.
Measures may be adopted to prevent
the streets from becoming dirty or
efforts may be directed to removing
the dirt after it has accumulated
Of course, both methods must be
pursued, but the more effective the
preventive-' measures the less costly
will be the work of cleaning up.
Preventive .measures, moreover, de
volve as much upon the individual
business man or householder as upon
the department of the city govern
tnent charged with supervision of the
Btreets. Observance of the rules
against using Btreets as dumping
grounds, against lumbering them up
with building materials, against scat
tering on them the contents of pass
lng wagons, would do a whole lot,
although It might not, do away with
the necessity of a follow-up in the
form of periodic, systematic and
thorough cleaning. ,
The Cuban Crisis.
With a depleted treasury, acute
need for funds and an aggravated
political situation, Cuba faces the
real crisis of Its modified autonomy.
If it falls this time to prove its power
ot self-government, It is difficult to
see how intervention by the United
States is - to be avoided, anxious as
this nation is to escape that altera
atlve. We have racial problems of
our own without desiring to borrow
new ones from Cuba,
But, while the United States has
always been sincere in its attitude
toward the little island, it is under
obligations, which it could not evade
if it would, In its responsibility to
Cuba. And, on the other hand, Cuba
is bound in adivance to intervention
by us whenever it . fails to make
good on its constitutional contract to
maintain "a government adequate
for the .protection of life, property
and individual liberty:"
The question now arises: fCan;
Cuba survive the present state of Its
finances? Can it hold an honest and
successful election for the presidency
with a loyal submission of the de
feated party to the will of the ma
It has never yet permanently suc
ceeded in this latter achievement.
And Its treasury now is empty, with
much of the public Improvement, to
be made by the 116,500,000 Speyer
loan, left undone. The American
people hope Cuba will yet' make good,
but their government must not be
blamed for taking precautionary
steps in anticipation-of possible fail
and dividing the time between elocution.
art and music
The home t John Itoslcky, corner of
Mnth and Hickory, came near being de
stroyed by fire. A small, boy, a plleot
shavings and some matches did it.
Alex Swan, a Cheyenne stockman, has
purchased the famous , trotting horse,
"Maxy Cobb," for $10,000.'
A pond of stagnant water at Tenth and
Jones streets has become a crying nuis
ance. John Lisse, who runs a candy and
fruit store on Sixteenth street, has com
plained of several boys for stealing
watermelon's and bottjes of pop.
The steamer "Niobrara" Is coming down
from Sioux City to go Into the grain
trade at St. Joseph.
County Judge A. M. Chad wick haa been
given a month's leave of absence.
The office of the secretary of the state
board of agriculture In the Paxton has
been closed and moved back to Platts
mouth. General Passenger Agent P. S. Eustis
of the Burlington, who has been on the
sick list. Is now on the way to recovery
The directors' car of the Utah Central
came In with Bishop Sharp and party on
Twenty Years Ag
w. H. Roberson, manager of R, O.
Dun in Omaha, reported Omaha's whole
sale trade growing at a rapid rate.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bennett were tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter of
Kountze Flace,
A burglar called at the residence of
uraham Park, a plumber, 2221 Leaven
worth street, during the afternoon and
not finding anyone at home, took the
liberty to llff about 1G worth of Parks'
goods and depart
Miss Florence M. Frost. 26 years of ..
daughter of S. G. Frost, and , sister of
mrs. ueorge W. Holbrook and A. C. Frost,
passed away.
Ton of Ui leading merchant tailors
of the city signed an agreement to close
their places of business at 6:30 In the
evening, beginning September 28.
A certified copy of the will of Sidney
Dillon, once president of the Union Pa
cific, waa filed in the Douglas county
probate court. The estate was valued at
$5,010,000, the $5,000,000 being railroad stock
and bonds and the $10,000 real estate In
Douglas county and Nebraska.
Ten Years Ago
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities opened on fime
t noon, the Midway being visited by a
goodly number. In spite of disappoint
ment xeit over the fall down nn Pr.i.
dent Roosevelt, tho board of governors
decided to go through with the electric
pageant and all other parts of the pro
gram as laid out.
Mrs. Robert joore of Cleveland vu
the guest of , her sister, . Mrs. Robert
Joseph B. Southard of Denver, a for.
mer city clerk of Omaha, with Mrs.
Southard, was the guest over the carni
val season of his brother, Charles P
Southard. .
.ihtuf tr (Detectives t Henry W. Dunn
lost his infant Son. four days old.
..fetor Christiansen. 82 years nM n.i
for thirty-five years a resident of Omaha,
uiu oi paralysis at his home. Thirty
first and Ohio streets. -
Thomas J. Kelly perfected the oreil.
satlon of a "study club" for the nurr
of working on neW music to be used by
a large choir being organized for a May
uie coming year.
American citizen, that I say that today
the most humiliating character In all
American history Is the president."
This outburst causes theTphiladttlphla.
Public Ledger to . call, Illram Johnson
humiliating character" will not hurt th
object of aseallment as much as It hurts,
by, exposure, the assailant.
The more speeches that are made by
Hinam Johnson the more the people of
the United EUtes learn about his size.
a lying hypocrite and an assassin -of , He Is Just about the right size to be
charcater." This Is merely magnifying j the candidate for vie president upon the
Hiram Johnson. . . . , '.. .(hlrd-term ticket, a vaudeville feature ot
President Taft's character cannot be 'l American politics, which ought to be un
asaasslnated by the popgun oratory of j der the direction of B.JV., Keith instead
an, individual of the Johnson caliber, who0f Frank Munsey and George Perkins.
Record-Making: Flight of French Aviator.
Springfield Republican..
Predictions that; the height limit In
aviation had been reached because of the
tenuity of the atmosphere have been so
regularly .made that they are no Ibngr
taken seriously, and It need not be sup
posed that the top has even yet beer,
reached In the' spleridld flight of George
Legagneux, who at Villacaublay, Franca.
j reached the . prodigious height of 18,372
eei. mis ingnt is a,532 reet over three
miles, and only 108 feet less than three
and one-half miles. It surpasses the light
of Garros, made September 7, by 1,972
feet. It rose 2,951 feet above the summit of
Mt. Blanc, and was but 1,918 feet below
tha highest peak of Mt. McKlnley, which
Prof. Parker gave up, as unscalable. We
may assume that the aeroplane will
eventually be able to carry man to tho
summit of most peaks, and It would be
rash to say that even the altitude of Mt.
Everest may not Borne day be attained.
But aviators have shown little disposi
tion to go in for mountain climbing, save
for the crossing of the Alps by Chaves,
whose tragic end Illustrated the danger;
among the mountains It Is usually gusty,
and landing offers special perils. So we
are not likely to see the high peaks' pro
faned by cheap trippers, as some have
feared, but the records will probably con
tinue to be broken In pure emulation. It
was thought a wonderful thing in IMS
when Wilbur Wright flew to the height of
400 feet only four years ago! The next
year there was hot debate as to whether
1,000 feet could be managed, but Latham
left the record at 1,640 feet. In 1910 Legag
neux, who has Just regained the lead, as
tonished the world with a flight of 10,746
feet, and then It could be said as it can
be said again now, that there was no use
In going higher. For all practical pur
poses of war or peace two (miles Is aa
good as ten, but It Is easy to understand
the fascination of the sport, and for
tunately these high climbs do not seem
to be specially dangerous.
American Ideas Secnre a Foothold Abroad.
Indianapolis News. ,
"I suppose you carried out your original
Intention when you went abroad, Mrs.
Leeder, and visited Rome, Venice. Genoa,
Vienna, and "
"Oh, dear, no! We visited Roma. Va.
netseah, Jennowaugh, Veen, Veertem
balrg, and ever so many more of those
ancient capitals. You must have misun
derstood me. Mrs. Jipes." Chicago Trib
une. "I must admit that my fiancee can't
"That can be remedied. What's her
attitude about not knowing how to cook?
Does she brag about It, or does ehe talk
like she would make an effort to learn?"
-Washington Hera'd.
i .
"I wonder how the Venus de Milo lost
her arms," murmured the young wife.
"My guess is that she wore 'em off
writing beauty articles," growled the old
grouch. .:. . - ' r u- '.
And then, silence gathered quickly.
Baltimore American, .
"And this bull moose?" Inquired the
visitor from foreign shores. "Have your
people called on him to lead?"
"It Isn't that exactly," exclaimed the
American! "He ia called on the-people
to follow..' Detroit Free Tress.
'"I understand that some of these de
tectives are dlsguIMng themselves as farm
hands and working hard In order not to
be discovered." -
"Great Scott!" exclaimed Farmer Corn
tosnel; "can't somebody discover a crime
in the neighborhood and lure them onto
the placer-Washington Star. ...
"TaHor You have inherited a lot of
money; why don't you settle my bill?
Owens My dear man. I wouldn' have it '
said for anything that my newly acquired
wealth1 caused any departure from my
simple habits.-Boston Transcript. '
Binks Which is the most dangerous,
the automobile or the aeroplane?
Jinks Well, the aeroplane runs over
more people than the automobile Kansas
City journal.
Baker Who's that gfrl who plays
golf all day and bridge all night? , ,
Barker- Oh, that's Manning's daughter.
She's up here with a nurse taking a
rest cure. Life.
"This .speeding is something awful. No
wonder such dreadful accidents happen
from their going so fast."
' "It's not the going fast that makes ac
cidents, ma; it's Hie stopping quick."
Baltimore American. , ,
W. J. Lampton In Judge.
There was a man in our town
Aud he .was-wondrous wise;
He opened many places, yet
He wouldn't advertise.
He thought It foolish to announce
HiH business as some think
They ought to do, and said he had
v No need of printer's ink.
Promotion of publicity.
He raid, was something which
The more he had of, that much less
His chance of getting rich.
He said he'd studied it and knew
That advertising would.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt,
Do more harm than good.
Indeed,, this man in our town
Wan truly wondrous wise;
He was a burglar, which is why
He didn't advertise.
Th American states have long since
experienced with the telephones what
London now seems to be considering.
An official rubric just Issued by the
postmaster-general In charge of the Lon
don telephone service, comes to local
notice through the , London press. For
the telephone game Is one of the most
subtle and hardly played of all our na
tional pastimes. The London officials
advise wire patrons that "telephonic
transmission blurs the distinctive sounds
of consonants and tends to make words
containing the same vowels sound alike.
In passing numbers, therefore, it Is neces
sary to speak mora distinctly than in
ordinary conversation. There Is great
risk of confusion between five and nine,
and much difficulty In distinguishing be
tween two and three. In London each
figure Is pronounced separately, with the
exception of doubles which are so given.
One provision. in the British phone serv
ice will appeal especially to those of us
who quarrel spasmodically with the operator.
"It is the duty of the. operator to re
peat every number passed by the sub
scriber in order give, tha, subscriber
an opportunity, of, correcting, any mis
apprehension. If in any case the repeti
tion is not clear, the operator's attention
should be Called to the fact If the rape-
t tlon i Is incorrect the right number
should be repeated very distinctly, with
emphasis on the figures misunderstood,
If the operator Is not sure she has taken
a number correctly It is her duty to ask
the subscriber to repeat the particulars,
Prompt compliance with the request Is
nf great assistance to the service."
Telephoning through some exchanges
Is a sort of fteurastenlc novelty. It gives
revelation to more varieties of tempera
ments than can be found In the divorce
records of a hundred courts. The psy
chology of telephone manners has been
the subject of much speculation and flip
pancy. We can appreciate the repetition
order in the London rules book, having
still freshly -In thought the memory of
that time when the stating of a double
number, as, for Instance, three, four,
double five was acceptable. Who can
not recall the frosty correction from cen
tral of three, four, five, five? Many of
our telephone worries would be dissi
pated were attention given to the clause
Just quoted. One telephone company Is
sued an order not many months ago
which served as oil on the troubled
waters of conversation. The addition t
the one word "please" to central's re
quest for the number has disarmed more
than one unkind and impatient tongue,
sy a
Gives Your Stoves a Jet-Like Shine!
Done in a minute Lasts a season
E-Z Stove Polish
Never smokes never nmella ha '
friend of the whole family in all
v "ffijfj ma, o WHjr. IUM Want
tne Dest, bo don't just ask for
stove poiisn, tmt
Demand E-Z
"The Mend of the
You'll get cleanly
stove pousn ana
this beautiful
' Plato)
in the
Givi.i W!Ui Aii
Thus "E-Z" Products
VL7 1 tmntA C Ti;-U
E-Z Iron Knaml
.7l in, M-.l tUII.U
" w - a VWSW VMM Diiua ( UIIBII
M&rton'i Kanvas K Wrier Sho Polish
(for white shoes) Glad Hand Soap
IrlAtir iM mmUiI 1.1
f wiciu iui ecuci ai use ibviiu vuu (.all lUICKjy
fget a full set of this silver mad extra pieces to match.
This FREE Coupon Brings
rirt TAaennnn mi premium ;
' Sign and mall todmy. .
3005 Carroll Avenue, Chicago
Send ma toot premium Ifst and one of the Artratus teaspoons
(full slit) free. I encloee li cents in stamps to psy pottage,
paciuag, etc. ,
(5) S City Shut.,
Why No Mention of Root? '
la denouncing by name those
whom he charges with, having been
Instrumental In preventing him from
capturing the Chicago convention
through his fake and fraudulent con
testa,' Colonel Roosevelt is carefully
omitting the name of Senator Root
Why this tender solicitude for Mr.
Is he not going to accord Mr. Root
an opportunity to say whether he is
"boss," or merely a "tool" of the
bosses? y, v,.
Or has Senator Root been given
an immunity bath for some reason
that would not look well for the
colonel in print? ' X
It is said that the controversy at
Lincoln over the right of the school
board to exceed the amount of the
bonds voted for erecting a new high
school building may be adjusted
without settling the point at Issue.
We hope not, because the court de
cision defining the limit, if the board
is limited at all, would be equally
valuable to us here in Omaha.
Undermining the Empire.
The perturbation of the good duke
of Sutherland about American fann
ers' invasion of Canada "undermin
ing the empire,", is rich 'with' humor.
The duke, one of Britain's wealth
iest noblemen; the duchess, London's
social peacemaker, and their two
noble children, have Just, concluded
tour of the Dominion in the Inter
est of the mother country aa well as
Canada. The duke soems to think
heroic action is needed to stem the
tide of American immigration in
Canada. His remedy Is to induce
Scots and Britons to hasten there
forthwith in such numbers, as will
counterbalance the baleful Yankee
Influence, and save the. precious heri
tage of royalty to the north of ua. :
Americans, too,, no. doubt,, would
like to see more of the sturdy tons
of Great Britain take up their places
in this land of promise," but" if they
continue to overlook their opportuni
ties Americans will- not. .How an
empire could be undermined by the
invasion of a distant province need
ing development by blue-bloodied
Americans Is an anomaly. Of course,
if his grace means undermining the
principle of imperialism, he-- may
have found something to worry
about. But it does not seem to be
bothering Canada much-
a Wall street tainted
ni Hemlntlers of the
Kooaeveltlan Era.
Baltimore Sun (Dem.l.
He- never tried to muzzle the press.
jie never organised an Ananiaa club.
He never compared himself to Uncoln,
He never advocated the recall of ludmw
He never tried to dictate terms to the
He never had
money backer.
He never told Great Britain how
govern Egypt. ,
He never humiliated an admiral after a
nriiiiant victory.
He never aroused the enthusiasm of the
narveeter trust. ,
He never questioned, ,the authority of
the supreme' court; r - '
He never said; "If they want the sword
mey shall have It''
He never was accused of appropriating
to himself ldeas launched by 'Bryan.' ,
He never marched up to a national con
vention and then marched down again.
He never thought that association ;Wlth
himself would ' turn a cgrrupt political
"bossy into a party "leader."
He never Hrled to fool 'all the people
eome of the t'me. nor some of the people
an tno time, nor all the people all th.
People Talked About
By Rev. Thomas B. Gregory.
me rugiuve siave law was passed
by the United States congress sixty
two year ago-September 1, ISoO-and
thereby hangs. a tale, a tale of woe as
was not dreamed of by any one at the
time the law waa carried tlfrough the
national legislature. ,
Henry Clay, that rock-ribbed Ameri
can and prince of patriots, thinking to
pour oil upon the troubled waters that
threatened the safety of the ship of state,
formulated . the famous "Omnibus bill,"
so-called from the fact that it waa sup
posed to carry through all the meas
ures that the troubled state of the coun
try seemed to demand. ;!
'Among the other things comprehended
by the Omnibus bill' waa the law which,
It was hoped, would put an end to the
operation of the "Underground Hall
way," a term that was applied to the
growing custom among Abolitionist of
aiding runaway slaves In escaping from
their masters. .
: As Clay felt, about it;' It was) wrong to
do thii,' lnaamuoh ' as negro slavery was
recognised by the constitution and 'the
laws, made in pursuance thereof. The
great Kentuckla'n hated .slavery and
longed for its abolition, but he main
tained that,; the constitution being what
It was, the underground railway. was il
legal. Hence his advocacy of the fugitive
stave law.' which Imposed a fine "of J1.000
and s'x months' . imprisonment on any
one barboring fugitive slaves or aiding in
their escape. ; . . . . "s,- '
Mr. Clay's- intentions- were, of course.
the best in the world, as were also the
intentions of the many northern mem
bers who voted for the bill. The desire
with them all waa to allay the ugly sec
tlonal feeling which had been engendered
by the unconstitutional action of the
abolitionists, and to promote between the
north and south the feeling of peace and
But Instead of acting as it was hoped
It would, ,it acted the very opposite. It
proved to be the very worst thing that
could possibly have been resorted to.
Acting like oil upon flames It only in
tensified the opposition to slavery con
stitution or no constitution. It maddened
the abolitionists and raised up for them
the friends and co-workers they would
never have found without It.
The feeling that It was wrong to punish
a man for trying to help another man to
freedom sprang up everywhere and raged
Uke a prairie fire throughout the north.
, In the meantime Mrs. Stowe published
her "Uncle Tom's Cabin" that most won
derful of Ol the sophistries that was
ever palmed off on the world as truth-
Land a sentiment was awakened against
the "peculiar institution" akin in in
tensity to that which Peter the Hermit
aroused against the Moslem occupants of
the Holy Land.
The constitution waa forgotten, the
laws maae in pursuance tnereor" were
thrown out of the window, and It was
clearly as good as settled, ten years be
fore the dread tocsin sounded, that the
black man was to split the country wide
open, and become the Innocent cause of
the greatest wars of all time.
One hundred years ago last iMtufdav
the Russians started the greatest fire of
a century, the burning of Moscow. Ex
perts In conflagrations assert the Moscow
biase outclassed that kicked up by Mrs.
O'Leary, cow and carried much less In
surance. - ' ;
The designs have .-been, completed for
the memorial bridge which the city of
Augusta, Ua.. Is to erect tn honor of Ma
jor Achlbald W. Butt,' who perlghed in
the Titanic disaster, and work will begin
in a few weeks. It will be a handsome
reinforced concrete structure In three
arches, spanning the Augusta canal,
which Is 160 feet wide.
Germany's oldest poet. Herr Heinrlch
Zelse. has celebrated his nlnety-seventh
hlrthday In Altona. Although he has be
come deaf and blind, Zeiae'a poetical
gifts have not been seriously Impaired,
and he still dictates. lengthy poems to hU
arandchildren. On his birthday he die.
tated an ode dedicated to the kaiser, who
as usual sent him a message of con-'
The honor of telng the youngest theatet
manager In the country la claimed by
Shelley B. Jonea. 13; years' old of Mar.
quette. Mich. HU father purchased the
theater recently and, turned over to his
son the full management of tt. Young
Jones la In thelghth "grade of fhe gram
mar school, and? he Intends to give a
matinee every day at 4 o'clook so the
school cMldren ot tins city can attend.
Spencer Advocate: An editor has to
read everything these days. Here Is what
someone wrote In the "Daffydll" column
of The Omaha Bee: "If Champ Clark
took Taft, Bryan and Teddy across the
Delaware whd Woodrow 'yilson?" Aw
gwan you boob, Wilson's got a motor
boat.- .; :
Fremont Herald: , If Omaha and Lin
coln keep on getting together as they are
now doing, a - monument ought to be
erected to Will Maupln, the "go-between."
At least, ho is to be complimented for
everlastingly boosting those cities, the
state ot Nebraska, and creating a better
understanding among the men of Omaha
and Uncoln. ,
Central City Nonpareil:- We were In
clined to doubt the sincerity of the Omaha
and Lincoln get-together booster! until
Omaha made the suggestion that a new
state capltol building ought to be erected
at Lincoln- That Is evidence conclusive
that the two metropolitan cities of the
state have burled ' the hatchet and pro
pose' to dwell together hereafter In peace
and harmony. It will be better for both
6f them.
Kearney Hub: It has been proposed
by, 'a member of . tlte Omaha Ministerial
union, to- perform- no .marriages after
January i 1514 Without the marriage li
cense be accompanied by . a health cer
tificate. nhe "everyChe "recognises "the
sound , princiijfe 'involved it ' is doubtful If
the suggestion Is followed. " In the . first
place the minister will force " the appli
cants into civil wedlock, an action that
will not prevent such marriages from
being performed and at the same time
deprive them of performing a minister
ial, and In many cases a sacramental
service, as well as much needed fees. Let
the legislature act ; with the ministers
and there can be no question of the suc
cess of the undertaking. . , v ..,
1 evumsen Jourruu-Tr'-Dune: Just to
show their friendliness to Lincoln the
Commercial olub of Omaha recenti
passed a resolution to the effect that Ne
braska needs a new eapltol building, and
pledging the assistance of Omaha and her
legislative delegation to be elected tills
tail te support a measure with that ob
Ject In view. It is pleasing to the rest of
the state to note that this feeling of
amity between the metropolis and state
capita and the suggesion will no doubt
meet , with the approval of many Ne
braskans. :
Wayne Herald: Omaha authorities
have. Issued an order that no unescorted
girl under the age of shall be scan
on the downtown streets of the city after
o'clock at night. How can an Officer
tell whether a girl is under 19 or not?
To make, the order sweeping and effect
ive It should have Included glrla over 19.
Aurora Republican: With Omaha
boosting for a new capital buldtng at
Lincoln there really seglns to be a pros
pect of the dilapidated and unsanltarv
old rookery which has so long discredited
u neing. replaced by an edifice
In keeping wtta the general condition of
the people whom Its occupants are sup
posed to represent Surely aa era of cood
feeling'nath arrived. '
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