10 THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1912. WILL CALL DYNAMITE CASES Trial of labor Leaders Will Begin a 'rL Indianapolis Monday. . nFTY-FOUE MEN INDICTED Charge 1 Violating Federal Stalate tr: Forbidding Tranaportatloa of Explosives on Paaaea ger Trains. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Sept 2& Charged with complicity in the so-called "dynamiting conspiracy." fifty-one men, bresent or former officials of labor unions, are to appear for trial before Judge Albert B. Anderson and a Jury In the federal court of this district on Oc tober t Indicted under a federal statute 'for bidding the transportation of explosives on - passenger trains the defendants are alleged to have been concerned In nation' wide plot to destroy the property of con tractors employing nonunion Ironworkers, culmiin-t.ni' in the explosion in the Los .Angeles Times building, which cost twenty-one lives. Fifty-four were indicted by the grand jury in its report of February 8 last, but of this number John J. and James B. McXamara are In San Quentln prison, and J. & McCray, a former member of the executive board of the International Association of Bridge and 'Structural Iron Workers, has not . been found by the federal authorities. Most of the defendants are or have been connected with the iron workers' asso ciation, which, since 1905,' has been en gaged in a struggle with the National Erectors' association, an organization of structural steel and iron contractors em ploying nonunion workmen. Members of tills employers' association suffered loss from more than 100 explosions from 1905 to 1S11. Following the, arrest of John J. Mc iv'amara, secretary-treasurer of the 'iron workers' association, at Its headquarter! til this city, and the arrest of James B. JlcNamara and Or tie E. McManlgal in ; Detroit, in' connection with the Los An geles Times explosion, presentments were -made to the federal grand Jury of this district that officials of the Iron work ers' association and other labor unions ' had been concerned in a conspiracy to Intimidate employers of ' unorganised jabor by a systematio destruction of jbetr property.. :,..., . ... tdbrtle McManlgal's confession, In which J related that he had been employed by the McNamara brothers and Herbert S. Hockin, acting secretary-treasurer of the Iron Workers' association, to dynamite bridges and buildings In course of con struction by non-union contractors, was the basis of the government', inquiry. He Is to be the principal witness for the government In the forthcoming trial A mam of letters and other records, seised tot a raid on the offices of the Iron Workers' association, also will be offered as evidence of a general conspiracy sec retly to convey dynamite and nitro glycerin from coast to coast In a cam paign against employers of unorganised Iron workers. ; 1 ; Most prominent among the defendants are Frank M. Ryan, president of the In lernational Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers; Herbert S. Jftckln, acting necretary-treasurer and ihe alleged head of the "dynamiting ct?w;" John T. Butter of Buffalo, first i Vice president, and Michael J. Toung of ! Boston and Phillip A. Cooley of New Or Ivans, members of the executive board. Business agents and secretaries of local Iron workers' unions throughout the coun tty, alleged to have been implicated in the illegal, transportation of explosive from state to state,' make up the greater part of the list of defendants, but offi cials of other unions are Indicted. They re Olaf A. Tveitmos, secretary of the Building Trades council of California; William K. Benson, former president of the Detroit Federation of Labor; Clarence E. Dowd, organiser for the International Association- of Machinists; Hiram Clin of Muncie, Ind., organiser for the Asso elation of Carpenters and Joinei,, and Spurgeon P. Meadows, business agent for the carpenters and joiners' unions of In dianapolis, ' United States Senator John W. Kern la to be chief counsel for the defendants arid the government ' will be represented by District Attorney Charles W. Miller and his assistant,' Clarence Nichols, who conducted the grand Jury's Investigation. Boy Bandits Held on Bobbery Charge Arthur Nelson, , Gilbert Lindeman and John Kohn, the boy bandits who were arrested for terrorizing the north end of town with ' numerous hold-ups and who later confessed, were arraigned In p?'l a court on a charge of highway robbery. They waived preliminary hear ing and were bound over to the district court In the sum of II, WO each. Comfort Footwear Fer Hisses and Saleswomen Made of dark brown soft kid, specially pre pared vegetable tanned, neither draws or burns the feet; a soft, flexible outer sole, soft cushion effect inner sole; high top lace only.. A shoe specially designed for .women who have to be on their feet a great deal. Noiseless and comfortable. $4.00 SHOE CO, 1419 FARNAM ST. Solid Gold and fiF" Diamond Set Jewelry Less Than1 Price $35 Diamond Set Cuff M E Links at PlU $20 Diamond Set Cuff Links gft at '. Ji7 rX - ii- i i i-m i t" - - Solid Gold and Diamond Set Jewelry Less Than ys Price $15 Diamond Set Cuff' QQ Links PUvO $10 Diamond Set Cuff Links Jy at $4.50 and P4" We Bought at a Tremendous Reduction. EntireMandelbergStGck 1522 FARNAM STREET, OMAHA ry : Silverware, Leather Goods and Umbrellas Sold to Us by the Trustee On Sale Beginning Tuesday at Brandeis Stores Diamonds Jewel Watches At )4 or Less Than Maridelberg's Prices Cluster Rings $250 Cluster Diamond af.i.i ; 1200 Claster . Diamond . at. .'...' 1175 Cluster Diamond Solid Goia Rings Baby King Plain band and stona setMan delberg's prices " $1.00 and , Sl'.lfO,- our price .;.'.'.;;; . .V'.v i v. .V. .504 Ladies Solid Gold Set Rings Many with reaU atones Mandelberg's prices i $4 and $5, 1 our . price ....... . . V . . V . . 31.39 SolJA Gold Misses' King All color stones Mandelberg's prices ' $2!60 , tO; $3.50, our ..price . f . y. . .81 Ladies' Solid Gold llUngs Set wjta real pearls and many real stones Mandelberg's prices $i. and $5, our price ..... .'$1,03 Solid Gold Set Kings Mandalberg's prices were $4 and .$5, our price ...V. . $2.25 Solid Gold Rings Set with real pearls,' real torquoise, garnets and other stones Man delberg's prices $8 and $7, at ...,$2.93 Solid Gold Set Rings Many ' pearl and dia-' mond set Mandelberg's prices $9 and $10 our price -$3.08 Mandelberg's $10 and $12 Set Rings for Men, will go at $4.50 Solid Gold ' Signet Rings Mandelberg's - prices $4 and $5. at ...$1.50 $10 to $75 Signet and Stone Set Rings for Women and Men. at less than half price. Rings. ihings, .. 9100 Rings, ... tea Beautiful rings for ladies, set with pearls, emeralds, real pearls, real emeralds, real rubles, sapphires In diamond clusters. This is a Wonderful Sale of Everything that can be found in a high class jewelry stock all at prices never before offered by any store in America. t A Great Opportunity to Buy the Most Beautiful and Val uable ChristmaS'Presents Mandelberg held a well established reputa tion in the west for carrying jewelry of the highest grade Every article in his stock was thoroughly reliable in quality. You may buy 'from this stock with absolute ' confidence. Nothing more than one-half price. Some articles one-third and some even one-fourth the original price. ... ' ,','." Be:TUESE)AY S Single Stone Diamond Rings ct. pure White Perfect Cut Diamonds Mandelberg's price $18, our price $9 and . . . . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . . .t .... . . $9.75 Ytct Pure White Perfect Cut Diamonds in Tiffany and other styles, 14k solid gold mountings Mandelberg's price $40, .our price ...$18 ct. Pure White Perfect Cut Diamonds in Tiffany and other styles, 14k solid gold mountings Mandelberg's price $60. our prices . .......... . . ....... $28 and $29 ct. Pure White Perfect Cut Diamonds" in Tiffany and other styles, 14k solid gold mountings Man delberg's price $90, our prices ....$40 an $4' ct. BlueWhite Absolutely Perfect Diamonds, worth $100, sale price . , ....... .i ...... .$55 tlEO Cluster Diamond Rings. . at ....$60 and $60 $128 Cluster Diamond Rings. at ISO $75 Cluster Diamond Rings, at $35 Cluster Diamond Brooches . f ! ; Diamond's, pearls and other precious stones, Man delberg's prices from $10 to $400. : 10 Brooches, 60 Brooches, $33.50. $100 Brooches, 40. Thousands of pieces of fine solid gold and sterling sliver Match Safes, Card Cases, Lorgnettes, Opera Chains, Men's and Wo men's Watch Chains, Diamond Set Necklacet, Men's Scarf Pins. Bar Pins, Solid Gold Brooches all at much less than wholesale prices. MEN'S WATCHES 1 Mandelberg carried only standard, high grade watches Elgin Waltham, Rockford, Hamilton and Howard movements, filled Into Crown, Bosb, Crescent ' and Deuber cases alBo 14k solid gold cases. 15 Jeweled Elgin and Wall ham Watches 12 and 16 sizes solid nickle cases Mandelberg's price $12.50, our price $8.08 15 Jeweled Rockford and 7 Jeweled Elgin Watches 12 and 16 sizes. 20 year guaranteed cases Man- delberg's prices $15 (6 $18, at $7.98 15 and 17 Jeweled Elgin, Rockford and Hamilton Watches 25 year Boss or Crescent case Msndei- a, i- berg's prices $50 to $S5. at ....$13.08 IS and 17 Jeweled Elgin, Waltham and Rockford Watches 20 and 25 year gold filled Crown, Illin ois or Deuber case Mandelberg's prices $18 to $25, ' t v. . ... ... .$0.08 7 and 15 Jeweled Elgin and Waltham Watches 12 " size, 14k solid gold cases Mandelberg's prices $30 ; to'$45. at ........... $18.50 21 Jeweled Rockford Watches Guaranteed 20 year Illinois case Mandelberg's price $35, our price :' at v . -817.50 : 17 Jeweled Adjnstea iioudio noiier Bonn Watch Mandelberg's price $28.50, our price ...... $14.50 . t . - Railroad Watches, also Solid Gold Watches At less than half Jhelr regular prices. LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES O size Elgin and Waltham , Watches Crown ' and Illln . ols cases, guaranteed 20 yrs. . Mandalberg's price $15, our prlci ,........$6.03 O size 15 Jeweled Elgin and Rockford Watches 20 yr. gold filled Boss; Illinois and Deuber cases Mandelberg's prices $17 to $25, $8.08 O size 15 Jeweled Klo-in Watches 20 and 25 year guaranteed Boss, Crown and Crescent cases Mandel berg's prices $18 to $22.50, at ........ ...... s os 0 size 15 and 17 Jeweled Watehes Elgin, Waltham and Rockford movements 20 and 25 year guaranteed Crown, Illinois and Deuber cases Mandelberg's prices i to $Z5, at ....$0.98 0 size 14k Solid Gold Watches-7 to 15 jeweled JUgm and Waltham movements Mandelberg's prices $30 to $45, our price . .. ... . . . . . .$18.50 Wednesday We place on sale all the Mandelberg Sterling Silver Knives and Forks. Tea Spoons, Hollow Ware, Sterling Silver Novelties, Silver Plated Ware. Clocks, etc., at Wonderful Bargains. t TTllirCflsnr e pace on sae a e ne leather Goods, Men's and Women's Purses, . y Traveling Toilet Rolls .Leather Novelties, Men's and Women's Umbrellas, Silver Toilet Sets, Brass Novelties, etc., at Extraordinary Bargains. ; ; ; tl Grand Sale of the Arnold, Constable & Co. Stock , High Glass Now. Going On. The Bargains Are Wonderful.? See Ad on Page 2. BMNDEIS STORES J Both Satisfaction and Economy Assured The New Queen Qual ity Shoes Now Ready i ssirriiVrWivi - MAOU'STOnE.i. A Did you ever Try a Stetson Men's Shoe They're Best Elegant Wew Gowns & Suits The tremendous early selling com- YTffi koep assortments, up to stand- ' ard to make a hasty N. Y. trip. He has just returnee with a line of ex quisite evening gowns, dresses and, -tailored suits that in beauty of design and J value surpass any yet shown. 100 Beautiful Evening Costumes shown for the first-time, at $25, $35, $49 up to...... $175 Scores of Handsome Tailored Suits Im ported designs, no two alike, magnifi cent values, at $35, $49, $59 and $75 200 Tailored Suits 'made;-, to - sell; to $20.00, on sale at, choice . .$10.00 Long Serge Coats, tans, blues and black, special for Tuesday, $8.95 New Johnnie Coats, $10, $12.75 and $15 f .. . , S2.00 Silk Poplins, $1.48 , 44 and 48 Inches wide, with handsome self-colored borders, in ten new fall shades. $1.25 Dress Velveteens, 88e 24 inches wide, in a full line of wanted colorings. Handsome New Cloakings An unmatched showing of 54 lnch chinchillas, plain hacks, reversible coatings, diagonals, polo coalings, etc.; every new coloring in an assortment of . weaves that you'll not find ; duplicated, at. . . .$1.50 The Most Practical and Best Boy's Suit for Fall & Winter Wear in Omaha The "Zero" Suit They come in handsome Scotch . Cheviots, strictly all wool, and are flannel lined. Collars are made con vertible as shown in illus tration. Trousers are'm,ade full peg, linen lined. Boys vote them the best ever. You'll like them, $3.50 to $5.00 Linen Department Tuesday Hemstitched Huck TowelB, col ored borders, worth 9c each, at ......... ......13H Heavy weight double : twisted thread Turkish Towels, worth 39c, each .....25 Pure ; Linen Hemmed Huck Towels, full size, worth 25c, each . . ............. 15 Grand assortment j Huck. and Turkish Towels, white or cream, worth 15c, each 10fr Tuesday Wash Goods Specials Edonj Cloth, the popular walst ing material an excellent - imitation i of wool flannel la .plain and .fancy stripes 27 inches wide. .15 Foule Serge In black and 'white stripes,' fast colors, 32 Inches wide, at.. . .'. ,.15o 60c Jacquard Silks, mixed goods, . light and dark colors, 27 inches. wide, at, yard 25o 89c Irish Poplins, all new Fall shades, at, yard ........... 85o 60c Imported Poplins, permanent .silk finish, at, yard ....... 39o In the Busy Domestic Room Tuesday 10c Hope Muslin,: 36 in. wide, yd..7H Bc Unbleached Muslin, 36 ink wide, yard . . ' 6Wt 1.60 . Bed Spreads, large, -fringed at, , each . . . . 50c Made Sheets, 72 x90 size, at... 33 12 c Outing Flan nel, Amoskeag at, yard .. .....lOt 15c Quality Sllkollne, 36 In. wide, at, a yard .. 10 1 Percales, dark or light, 36 in wide 18c Flannelettes, new colors and patterns at ...... 121 35c H e a t h erbloom r for skirts, assorted colors . . .,. .25 Two More Special Cars Peaches at Hayden's IThaaa orS AYrr. fAJltlV Utah DaClie4 packed and shipped to us to sell for the grower. This week will close lh. VtAAfVl MAflHOn. . VTe advise our onstomers to CA auy aowXnesday pes cra www The la it of Italian Bins plums- packed 4 baskets in crate, U nfi Tuesday.......... 9WV w,ih W nanera for our annual Keiffer Dear sale, for canning. . sraczAXi moxrm saxb titesdat We hare the last of our contract filled on old wheat, wnicn makes lighter, finer and mors loaves of bread to the sack than new wheat For - bread, pastry and . cakes, etc., . can't be beat Tuesday, per 48-1. sack, guaranteed .y..lJ5 10 bars Beat-'Bm-AH, Diamond C or T .run fnr . .850 Haskln Bros. Omaha Family soap. the kind , that Deats err. an, ana makes washing easy, per bar.... So lbs. best white or yellow corn- m.Bl . .17UO 16-os. cans condensed milk for..6Vo 14-os. pkg. best aomesuc macaroni or spaghetti for 7Ho $ cans oil or mustard sardines . .SSo s ih hflut laundrv starch. ...... .860 E. C. or Oriole corn flakes, pkg..6Ho lrgt bottles Worcestershire sauce. pickles, pure tomato catsup, mus tard or. horseradish, bottle ....8o McLaren's peanut butter, lb.... 180 4 cans Eagle, Lewis or Ch'mp'n lye SSo a caxes iancy toilet soap SSo Yeast Foam, pkg. 3o The best tea siftings, lb ..10o The best Golden Santos coffee, lb., 36o t cakes sillco scouring soap ...,.85o BtrrrzB, saos and exxssss The best No. 1 Creamery Butter, Mr ton or bulk, lb.' 38o The best No. 1 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb . 88o Fancy No. I Dairy Butter, lb. ... 33o Neufcbatel Cheese, each 3o Full Cream Cheese, Brick or Llmbur- ger, lb. - i8o The best fresh Country Eggs, per doren 83o TVS OKEATEST TXOSTABLB ash rstrxr kabxiz Dl THE WEST 15 lba New Potatoes to the peck 90o 2 heads Cabbage So Fancy Sweet Corn, per dozen 13io 4 Summer Squash 6o 4 bunches fresh Parsley So bunches fresh Kadisjies or Onions, for 1 5o 1 large Egg Plants for ,. loo Wax or Green Beans, lb. 80 Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips or Sweet Potatoes, lb SHo Cape, Cod Cranberries, quart .... 8Vo Lima Beans, quart So 2 stalks fresh Celery So Green Peppers for pickling, market basket ..v.. 80o It Pays Try Hayd am's E?lMr4i It vll 9 i H I Pays ; Fortune or success have often come through a little want ad. 7 Have you read the want ads yet today? " "