THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912. i i 3 i t CouncU Bluffs BREACH OF PROMISE TRIAL i - ' i i - - Hrs. Elvic L Parwni Pushes Claim . ;; Against Oldf ielff Estate. ; . " ' 1.1..' Ill SIS '-. SECOND TIME uipf FOR ;. TRIAL eYomaa Alleges Promt ef MarrleaV ;Fw Dars B-for HI. Deeta V . .: , ...... i AamlB HeiFa!ii Krratr j r, -'AlltgingX'-a' prnmlse .o;; marriage' ma4 eh.Thsjjlgiyln' ti' a. niV u(fvtQKi from jperntelouaanMrtla, . which caused bis dieath'rtVlVcembr eflhe' ssrnj year Uie secon: -trial qif a fiO.OpV, brfaeh Ot protnl suit was bn In" -the federal ' oourt h:'-egter4af'Vit j' V'.,- r ''I :The fclairittfi In the ca l MTfpivlj It. Parsons 'and tKedsfndnht le William Trowbrldgs, executor of the- estate of Edward Oldfleld, the man who Is alleged j ) , have made the promise of narrtage to ! Mrs. Parsons , the montn befor he died. The effort -Js to compel his estate tto liquidate the Wornj's claim for dam. aee caused by tte yl.ftf man's; refusal, failure or neglect to make ' good the al leged promise, made In 1D10. . Oldfleld was a . wralthy resident " of Carroll. Ia., who look, up his home .there when he retired from- his farm nsarae i City In 1M7. He was a widower with three married daughters as his soli' heirs. .When he died his property, rated t $2J.O06, was evenly divided among the daughters, each having a life Interest, th property then passing to their chl dren. The daughters are Mrs. D. , M. 1ftaWyer of Carroll, Mrs. Q. O. Ntfchols 01 Glidden and Mrs. lloge of Sac City,. Mrs. Parsons, who Is now a .resident of Sioux Falls,' S. V., was a resident of Carroll . i'hen Oldfleld came there and became acquainted with him. . At the- time of hla death he was 57 years old. Makes Claim Known. -'"After the funerat was over Mrs. Par eons marts jiown j)r 'claim and soon after begtVault against In executpr. of the state In the state court at Carroll and It .was later transferred to thr fed eral court. It came to trial In the May term i ot. Judge McPherson's court this year i Des Moines. It waa a stubborn fight oa both-;slda and when It waa Anally submU'ted to" the Jury the differ ' trice of opinion waa so great that a ver dict could not be reached and th jury Waa discharged. r A previous suit of nearly the same 'nature had been brought against the es tate and won by Mrs. Nancy -Bowie of Carroll.who set up the claim that she waa' Cjl'dfjeld's common law wife. The evidence showed that she had long been hisv .housekeeper, and the Jury gave her a voTdtct 'of $4,780, specifying that St was for her "Unpaid services as housekeeper) The Judgment . was accepted and paid by th estate. Mrs. Bowie, is now the prin cipal witness for the estate, and some interesting"' byptaya'ar discernible 'Iri the angry glances that each woman shoots at h other when they wmfront each Whs. :"" V- (:. , A brilliant array of legal talent Is lined .up on each side. Saunders & Stuart of this city and C- f.; H!ner. of Carroll (represent) he leseitoriajjo th estate And Ben I. and L. H. SaJllnger and Kalpa MiLean' of CarrolV f re ably pressing the claims., pf ,, Mtu raonsv 'Thj' Jttry Is t composed of men 'from various,, parts of '.the stat and comprises: James Acaer inan, Atlantic;1 D.' Brown, Denlson; Hans Broderson, Harlanj R. w. Ueraur, Creston; Matthew Darrah. Jr., Corning; 1,'Osc'ar Doty, ''34issourl Valley; Ralph aiawRa, Audubon; Jartlee Johnston, 'Ot ,tumwa; Charles' 'A, 8mlth, Coming; W. ' IE.' Bmlth, HarlSn; C. M. Simpson, Ham iburg, ahd M.' M. Thornton, Sidney.' j .. .-.v. .- -. - .f;;.,i. Council Bluffs Bread Contest Draws the Women I to Pure Fob&Show ROBINS AND BLUEBIRDS 1 CfLY! AWAY SOUTHWARD j People, pas slog along Washington ave Inue yesterday i wara treated to an ef- qulslt concert when thy neared the jepenfler Smith' property, where the liUa and beautiful lawn Is covered with stately (elm and ash trees, Hundreds ot robins, imany bluebird and a number of black -(birds had gathered there,' evidently i pre Jparlng for thlr.fUght to tba, south, Each little throat Vaa swelling with melodious notes. thU " could be heard tor a';, dis , tance of several blocks, which arrested these wheeled In their flight' and Joined tha chorus. Birds observed, approaching the trees were all coming from the north. i and the whola concourse seemed to have gathered thare to discuss family matter and things connected with their summer's experience 'and . the; long 'Journey to the southland. One could easily imagine th mother birds were proudly showing to other -mothers the n members of th family" that ad com -during the seAaett and to be. talking of the places whera tlie Beats had been made. - TKe birds wera so Joyously happy and so intent upon their own affairs that they I, paid no attention to the curious crdwd of people, their noisy advent had attracted, and not the slightest, notks was taken of tin scolding squirrels whow horns were 4n the same trees. After an hour and a half, when the concourse had been Increased by scores of fresh arrivals, the noisy demonstration gradually died down. Then a number of the old patriarchs and matrons of th .flock took wing toward th' south, 'followed with decorous leisure by the others. In ten. minutes the trees were deserted and a string of robins and bluebirds extended toward th south as far as the eye could reach, all flying high. More than. MO loaves Of richly 'browned bread, were offered by as1 many Council Bluffs womon yesterday afternoon, each confident!)- expecting o win one of the three prises offered at "the "pure f pod show for. the. best leaf of bread. t9 be msde of Qold Bond flour.- The first prize, JS in geld, svas won by Mrs. J, T-. Senku, residing at No. Eldr PHrt;,Cie second, P. in cssh, by Mrs.. Edward W. Craine, 1115 Fourth, avenue! -.and the third, a siick of t he . Gold . Bond ' flour, by M rs. Qi B. van Hornl Ki Hasel 'stleet j . , u JjOutej head1 of -tUo-Merger -Bak ery cornpsny, who supen-ises tne con struction snd V distribution. V'of ' ls.000 loaves of bread a day, was the solo Judge. Armed with a huge knife, that resembled machete, h confronied the more than 100 women. His face was a trifle pallid, but ' bore a stern and determined ex pression whn he began the work- of dis secting; ths best bread (hat can be baked by the best women of Council Bluffs. He fully realised the delicacy and the danger , of his position 'but he proved to be en accomplished diplomat. He won th attention- and admiration or an mt contestants when be picked VP the first loaf end began to describe its excellence snd Its beauties. In the first three min utes .he .had .told every woman, present something valuable . about good bread making, pointing out the good features, indicating the defects and telling how to eorrect them. When th long sharp knife separated the fragrant brown loaf Jn the middle ha discoursed learnedly upon other properties, removing the sting of disap pointment by declaring that there never had "been 4 perfect loaf of bread made: Grain,'', texture and other, essentials of a perfect loaf were pointed out, followed by a diplomatic declaration that the gen eral surveyof the long array 'of ' loaves indicated to his , practiced professional eye , (hat. they, constituted the best lot of home made bread he had ever had tne pleasure of -seeing. -Prom that' moment It was, easy , sailing, for there was hot a Woman who manifested a disposition to caress bim with' it rolling pin. Tho awards '.gave general . satisfaction, for the defects of almost every loaf wert pointed out and explained to the In terested woman who had made It and eaoh went away with an increase of knowledge that more than repaid her fof the trouble of entering the contest. AlthyUflj threats of . a , severe storm were pronounced In th early part-6f the evening, last night they were not .suf ficient to deter a multitude of people from crowding into the Auditorium and more' thait ; JiOOff" paid admissions were registered' before the rain came. When th downpour wss greatest several 'nun'1 dred members of the Omaha Retail Grocers' association reached the building In automobiles and special street cars. This afternoon" wllj" tie children's day, and every boy and girl under' 12 years of ag will, be admitted free, when they appear at th' doors. This evening has been designated as Council Bluffs nlgtit; and properly to observe in the Commercial club's - officers have pledged- a . full sit tendance Ot th club members who are fo rtach the Auditorium In a botlV. Th balconies ir!-agaln -crowded last night to hear the exquisite music of the Arthur. Smith. lnd. Following is, the muslcsl program, for today: . March-Berlin Echoes ,...,...,...! Llfick Baleotlo'n Bright-B.yes C. Hoschna Moroean Love's Whisper ........ Thomas Medley Remtek Hits Liunpo Selection Girl of My. Dreams..., Hoschna Idyll-Affection Hlman Barcarolle Tales of Hoffman.Offenbach Oalop Cavalry Charge ............ Luders Overture Poet nd. Peasant Suppe Council Bluffs Minor Mention , 'OouoU Xlnffs Of flo of. ' Ih B Is at 14 ITOBTX ICata MX. Tslsplion -43. Council Bluffs 3 Belectlo n Trav I 'a Gavotte Glow Vorm a. Patrol-Blue and Gray : Rag-Wild Cherries selection Tho Strollers . Idyll-lyv'a Conflict-.. Walti-Gypsy iove Real Estate Transfers. . The following real estate transfers were reported to The Be Thursday by the , Pottawattamie County Abstract company ! E. A. Countryman and wife to 'Mil : ler Bchoobtoe, lot i, block J. Harrl i" Son Street add. to the city of Coun- '. plr Bluffs, la.,- w. d. ,.$ 200 ; Ham to same, lot 16, block l. Har ; rison Street add. to th city of ' ' Council Bluffs. Ia., w. d j Charles M. Carter and wife to Al i fred Hansen, south a It I inches i and Borth 13 ft. S Inches ot lot 7: ! the south St ft. Inches lot . all V In block 10. Hughes A Doniphan's ' add. to the city of Council Bluffs. .' Ia., w. d.. ; J70 . A. A. Clarx and wife to the Benja - 1 itrlB Company, lots 13 to U In block 14. Benson's 1st add to City of Council Bluffs, la., q. c d 0 5 G- T; Nelson, single, to Mattie E. : Smith, luu t and 4, block 23, Evans I 3d BHdge add. to Council Bluffs. 1 la., w. d 300 j lle-UIe E. Smith and husband to G. ! T. Nelson, lot 4, block 11. Everett's add. to city of Council Bluffs, la.. W. d. m.... J.W0 j. F. schnorr and wife to Julia House, lot s, block 7. Baj llss Pal mer's add. to city of Council Bluffs, la-;, W. d..'. ,.'.:'... ..i M Seven transfers, total. $3,7fK .Davis, drugs. Victrola, $15. A. Hasp Co. ' H.. Berwick for wall paper. Woodrlng Undertaking Co. TeL339. Corrigans. undertakers.- Phone- 143. FACST BEER AT ROGERS' BUFTET. Lew-la Cutler, funeral director., fhone 97. Fine watch ' and ' Jewelry repairing. Leffert's. : - ' , . ' ' Morehouse Co., ' the ' horn of" good printing. '' 4 TOVT'R ?AFfi.'HAS MOVED TO NO. 8 PEARU STREET.. , . ', Painting" and paper hanging.' -" Jensen' Wall paper company-, Mattonlo-temple. Bluff City Laundry. Dry Cleaning and Dye Works. New phono No. 2814. ' - ' ' TO SAVE OR BORROW. SEH C. B. Mutual Bldg. A Loan Ass'n. W Pearl. BUDWEIiiER on draught-The Grand. Budweiser in bottles at all - flrst-claes bars.- " . .. Only one marrkige license waa Issued yesterday. It waa taken by John Ha lacka and Anna Hvacina. both of Omaha. and both giving their ages as years. Hawk eye lodge No. 184, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet in regu lar session Friday evening.. A good at tendance Is desired, especially the degree stalf for drill preparatory to putting on the work belore the erand Iodize at Mioux City. Brewlck & Sandwich, building con tractors, yesterday took out permits for the erection of a 13.000 dwellng for George Ouderkirk, corner of Bluff and Story streets, and for a 31,500 cottage fot Charles SorrenBon, South Eleventh street and Twenty-first avenue. Vernon Br.eedlove. lis oounds. the local boy champion bantamweight wrestler of the world, will take on Bill Murphy of Butte, jwont., w pounds,, ror a unisn match, best two out of three falls, catch- a-cateh-cuj), -September 24, for a side oei oi iw. BlU Murphy posted a last week to bind the match. Two good pre liminaries will be pulled oft before the main bout. The first will start at 8:30 o'clock. The matcnes are under the aus pices of the Iowa Athletic club at their rooms, 15 South Main street. The divorce suit' of Clara R. Kretchmet against Charles W. Kretchmer occupied me attention or Judge K. B. Woodrutt In th district court nearly all day yes terday. Evidence on both sides was In troduced and tho attorneys for each made a hard fight for his client. The cast .was submitted at the close, of the day and taken under advisement. Some ol the testimony was rather sensational but only a small audience was preuent to heard it. Th Retail Merchants' as'soolkrfn'n Is Planning to hav a series of businesn taiKs given here by men of national prominence and . who .have shows quall- iicaiiuns mat entitle tnem to suggest better ' business methods and solve busi ness-problems.- It the plan la carried out th lectures will be- given during the month of October. Editors of magazines devoted to business problems, Buch as Suocess, will bo asked to deliver some of tho addresses. A lecture will also be sought from one of the members' of the (acuity oi tne sneidon school. As lec turers of the caliber contemplated will PflB fr tntnikV If Its ilttnnat n si h . x. m admissionee that will-lie sufficient to cover the expense. As the audiences are expected to be composed almost wholly of business men, none would obiect tu oeing cairea upon to; pay a liberal fee for knowledge and sugaestions that might ue worm many umos me cost. Delo ftieClolland. alias ' Fred Moore. was aires tea yesterday upon an indict ment returned by r the last grand Jury accusing hdm of lorterv. MiMTlnllaivrt naa worsea in a Oesultory way at the Green Fuel comimny's yards on East wroaaway ror several years. It Is al leged that on February 10. last. h forsed the name Of W.' fl. Qreen to a check for WU.o and in the evening of that day Passed it St the C. N. Potorunn nh store on rean street. ; us bought 'a M pair oi snoes ana receivea iiu.w in cash, Manager Green told the m-and . lurv that on February 10 he missed a number of cnecks irom his check book In the office. aim mat tne one laonuried as No. 24 apd passed at the Peterson store was one or th number missing. Ha pro nounced it a crude forgery, as the slg- nuiure km wrrnen kit. ' w.- irn.- McClelland was locked up in the ounty jau in aeiauu oi sow oona. encountered on South Tenth street,, has been discharged from the Edmundson hospital where he was cared for since the crime was committed. He hobbled -to the police station yesterday afternoon on crutches. Detective Lane Is fully con vinced that the man who shot him-is tho Omaha -dope fiend, Wilson, who 'is now serving a thirty-day sentence In the county Jail on general vagrancy charges. Iane yesterday dlscox-ered additional proof of his conviction when he was told by a "Northwestern railway employe that he saw Wilson running away a few minutes after tho fhootlng. The railroad man asked the f eing man what he was running foi and the fellow said a man had been shot and be was going for a doctor. The ' shot that . hit Iane wgs fired,fom.a' rpvtlvnr held in the man's coat ixteket A powder-burned hole was found fn : Ihe" bottom o W'Jlson's right hand coat pocket. When arrested, Wilson said ho was Merplng In tme of the Welch freight waguns when -he- was' awakened by the siui. .-, Itr.e. who .was looking foi a burglar 'equipped with si flashlight, said yegterday that , ' ho : had snarched , tht wagons a momonf . before passing- the al ley . where he encountered the thug, who blinded him with his flashlight and shot hira; '. ' v--, .-: ' ' '. ';. : : b y. l ' ' 1 1 L" " - ji Majestie ranges need no stove blacking, 349 up. 'p; CDe, Vol, Hardware Co. Bluffs Auto Thick : by Fire Cowncil Bluffs 'trod a specific Interest In the spectactija -fire that destroyed Penver's . 260.00rt Auditorium building1, where the national meeting of fire chiefs being held. In 'the more than 3100,00 worth, of fire ffgtitlng apparatus that was packed into the building for exhibi tion . purposes was- -the new automobile hoso truck that had been made by the Webb company for? the Council Bluffs fire. department. It "Was entirely destroyed, with all of the remainder of the appara tus that had been1 brought there by man-1 ufacturers. . ' ' 1 '; Copies of 'the tTehver papers containing ccounts' of , the disastrous fire were re ceived here last night, sent by Fire Chief1 Nicholson, who Is attending the eonven-, tion, accompanied by Mrs. Nicholson. - Iri brief note Chief Nicholson expressed his regret over the -loss of the beautiful truck the Vehb psople had built to fill ...... Verdi .... Llncke ... Dalbey Snyder Englander Moses ..... Lehar St, John's Church Calls New'Pastor the congregation ot St. John's English Lutheran church has extended a call to Rev, W. Gardner Thrall ot Chicago to fill the vacant pulpit Mr. Thrall Is a noted platform worker, whos lectures, illus trated by crayon blackboard work have made him famous in th middle west snd the east When it was learned that he was considering the plan ot retiring par tially, from the lecture platform and de- Voting his time and talents to the up building ot aom church as its pastor, th official ot St. . John's ohunch got t Into communication with him. The correspond etice created such a favorable Impression that Mr. Thrall consented to,, -come to Council Bluffs and look over the field, He will occupy th pulpit ot the church on Sunday morning, and it th large and appreciative congregation greets hJoi that is now expected, he may .consent to accept th call. v- Mr. Thrall has volumes of press notices ueismng nis successes m ine lecture rield, which includes Chautauqua and teachers' Instltuts courses. His colored crayon 11 lustrations given as he talks havs made him Immensely popular with every audi enc h hat confronted. That he la also S worker Is indicated by the demand that his beep made for his noon hour talks in factories and shops. If he can be induced to locat in Council Bluffs ne win greaiiy sua to th power and la fluence of the clergy. The vestrymen or Bt. John's church want to See every seat occupied next Sunday morning. Girls Wasted. Girls who hav been in our employ J butter scotch wrapper, stick candy wrao- peri, chocolat dippers and packer pleass report for work at one, f. Can' also glv employment to fifty new girls. John a woodward A Co "Ths -Candy Mtn, Council Bluffs, la. - - - ' . s Oastes-if they are not" from Leffert's fthey gr not to best' ' V. M. C. A. Notes. The winter at th Yotinr Men Christian association ar-il starting .this weea wim a large attenaance. atiaio m nasiuta has been flxel up -and put ' to snape tot me winters wora. , t , ITie business men are going to start the season with their annual banquet in- the gymnasium rTioay ntgnt. Artor the class has worked up its appetite with a gam of volley ball, fifty-men will take their places around the- board. There win oe special mumo, toasts and th election nf volley ball captains. An auxiliary gymnasium has been fltt out on the second floor, where boxing ana wreeuinir win r conducted. wrestling mat has been Installed, chest weights, punching bag and a good hund ball court. Hoxlhg and wrestling classes will Mart next . week. Albert Becker of this city will have charge of th box In and Mr. Holden of OmaM will direct tho classes in wresuing. Glasses fitted, leases iiupllcated. fart's, opticians. Lr- Notlcs ot appeal to the state supreme court was yesterday filed In tho district court by the attorneys for the defendant In tho oase of Robert '8. Earhart against O. P. McKesson. The suit was tried six months ago and resulted In verdict for Eail:art, who sued McKesson for 1 10.000 damage for false arrest and prosecution in connection , with the dis posal of mmlng stock in, a company In which both were interested. McKesson was accused of procuring Earhart Indictment by the ' grand Jury. In the trial that followed that be was fully exonerated. The - suit - for damages re sulted In a Judgment in favor ot Earhart of several thousand dollars. Another suit Is now pending in the district court to enforce collection of tne judgement by garnishment ana execution. McKesson, who formerly lived ia Council Bluffs and was prominent in local Implement deal era' circles, Is now a resident of Lot Angeles. Detective Elmer Lane, who was shot In th leg by a night prowler whom 'Cascarets" the Best Laxative No Headaches, IMlItonsneso, Sluggish IJvcr, Constipated Bowel or ' Soar Stomach by Morning NO Odds how. bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you. are from, constipation,, indigestion, blltlousness and sluggish intestines you always get the desired results with. Cas carets and quickly, too. Don't let your stomach, liver and bow els make you miserable. Take Cascaret tonight; put an end to th hsdacbe, bll HousnesB, duulness, nervousness, sick. sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your Inside organs ot all tho bile, gases and constipated matter which Is producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happiness and a clear .head tor months. No more days of gloom and distress It you. will take Cascaret now and then. All drug gluts sell Casoarets. Don't . forest the chlldrent-thelr little inside need a good, gentle cleansing, too. REDIT SPECI ALS--SEy ER M Amazing Ones For Saturday - , --'upe .- Ladies' Suits at Only $10.50 ( . 8ome 4f the prettiest v uito' vt transplanted from New York to Omaha, mill be on sale here Satur day at $10.50 the stilt Crisp, Dark ling garments In styles that will ap. peal at. once.; , Special Men's Suits at $9.75 .Men's FbII Suits are decidedly bet ter bought here than at regular cash stores; suits In styles of now, and made tip of as good materials as on; could ask for, low as $9.75. Startling Skirt Values at $4.98, Saturday here, will-witness a stren ous selling' of Ladles' Skirts in prevailing Serges and Whipcords; also ' some fancy Worsteds ; . skirts that are' far- better than the price indicates. . . ? , . ;- Other Needfuls en the Credit Plan : The Peoples' carrys ' also, and of fers on credit, Ladies' .Fall ,HatA, Boys' Suits and Men's Winter Un derwear'. Hats and , Shoes. Save money and. take your time paying your bills at the Peoples. Formerly at Sixteenth and Farnam - - , ...... r $1 a Week or So Does Nicely the Council Bluffs order, and which Was 'nt such an exceptional character that It was taken to Denver for exhibition pur iposea. Chief Nicholson and Mrs. Nlchol ,on were involved in the grave danger that threatened thousands of people who thronged the building when the fire broke .out, and hundreds had to be taken from the high balconies by ladders and saved by jumping Into life nets. ' Further de tails of the chiefs experience are awaited witi interest. , . '. What effect the destruction of the hoso wagon will have upon the contract order is problematical. 'It Will at least delay its delivery for several, months and miy cause its rescinding. J ' : The Bubonic Plata tx destroys fewer lives than stomach, liver and kidney diseases, for which Electric Bltters-!s th guaranteed remedy. Mc. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. w ii w mm m k m -. jrr . -u I he . iVidst L v ira Ik 11 1m ail n a. ma a ujiau reditable A X J PRIL, 1865.-rCame a time when Lee -Having onlv the wreck of that broud arrav.which had r" dealt the Union Army so many crushing: blows 7 hurried , West to seek an avenue of escape." Grant , . Wged the pursuit without pause; while Sheridan hung ' ;. ;,on Lee.'$ flanks with untiring energy that knew no rest.- T'";, '. : Pood failed the Confederates; if they stopped btot'a . moment tne.noise oi pursuing norse ainnea tneirears, -;:p6n,''-dftw;e beadon each other i at only W.ttm At last ohcndaii stevalry ere p anted wuarcly betore Yoti learn of Lee's ride among his veterans when he xjcc s ixuiii. xjcc itt iuc jicau vi iiis nau-siiirvcu tiuuua ordered a charge.! With the courage of : the. jbravest The complete story ; of Appomattox the most creditable episode in all American historyis picture! and described in Section 16 of the Brady War Photo graphs. In this section you also see the scenes leading up to the. great surrender. You watch the sharp- "Fort HeU;' Vapd VReb';, pickets from Fort Dam- -h. "(!,. they obeyed . , The opposing cavalry moving aside revealed dense bodies of inrantry in battle line. Then it was that the Civil War was about to end in one of the bloodiest tragedies of time. The Confeder ates, with a rallying of their old-time courage, threw themselves forward. It was but momentary the ad vance was stopped . . . then they turned homeward, no longer Confederate soldiers, but American citizens. knew that surrender was inevitablW-the tears streammg rlntun the fifl : of tKs nvn wkn WMt ' With Wm1'1 through the battles of , the Wilderness, Spotsylvania C and Cold , Harbor without flinching. V All the intimate scenes come before you you look upon the faces of the generals wfro rnet and arranged, , for the surrender of Lee and the Confederates at Appo mattox : Grant, Rawlins, Porter and the rest.; It iT intensely interesting educational mspiring' this The fcast lit r Wml or me ia ady G Get Your Mkiintr Numbers NOW lOlOgrapilS or Get ihe ENTIr SERIK 3; The Talae of the Brady War Pictures lies not only in their . 'pmonal ittyeat, but In the fact that they were the only phtt prapks ever taken while a real war toes in Pngfess. No words can describe, no' painting of the artist can depict the actual scenes. Brady photographs are the only pictorial story of the trreat conflict from Bull Run to Appomattox. Only in tnis great compilation pan yoti witness the scenes that welded the Republic into a mighty nation. 1 . ' ": 'And, now the last section No. 16, is ready. You can complete your collection by adding this or any other section' still lacking. Or, if you have thus far neglected to obtain any of the' series, you can get the full set of sixteen sections for only $1.60. . The single sections may be had at ten cents each. These pfcturee of Brady's tdl you the intimate story of the war. In fieca, yott see the Union generals, six of whom later t became Presidents of the country. You see the rank and file, i thonsands upon thousands of them mere boys. You see the ;Kt pomp of parade and the deadly harvest of the battlefield. ' You :p; tee war as it is in reality never before has history so truth-M fully portrayed it - The pictures are a life-study in human -jlj; emotions and human endeavor. . $'f .'- The modest price of this vivid pictorial story of the Civil 4 War,; makes it a hiatory ttiat everyone can obtain. Previous to this publication the Brady photographs were accessible bnly to the'pWvileged .'few," Now they can be secured by fveryW man-woman, boy or girl, who appreciates the real g and iCgnity of our country's history. . . 7" , ..... , eurj. Section 1 6 Now Ready Contains the Final Chapters ' of i the Great War Drama Hake Your Money Work We Pay 1 Interest We are Issuing a small amount ot 1st Mortgage In dustrial Bonds on a million dollar Nebraska Corporation. , Opportunities "of this 'sort where a safe conservative 4 Investment Is offered, pay ing a good rate of Interest, are r," ;';' Call and see us. " Call or Write . 1127 City Nat 'I Bank - ' Omaha, Neb. Here are a few of the oicturea shown II SesW in the last section, each being further vitalised by an authenticated description of the scenes and persons represented. Rushing the Federal Battery Oat el Jtutsoill. Fort Neglsy New NsihrilU. 7 - ' The OW TeBMsse State Cspitnl With SoUiers in Camp. Thoaasi AdTacinf on KuLrill. . Ths Cusrd Dorio( Um Adance A Bettered Menslea at Petarsbsnrg. Post ol Danger, Petersburg. -Picket line Near Petersburg. " ' ShsrfMhootars Behind the Shelter. ; ' Confederate Dafenees. Mole-HUl RaaiparU Near the Crater." ' -, ; ; v' '. Crete's- SaBaot After Cordon's Torlons Hope" Charge. Rebel Bor in the Trenehes, -:' , . ... , CeiMtrsU Who Ware at Appomattox. Scene ia Petersbarg After Surrender. '-. Lee's Last Attempt te Prcmsioa His Army, v Scenes in Richmond After the E Tarnation aad Many More Ieclisiliiig a Beautiful Colored Frontispiece -"Ready For Framing Read the tory Told By Previooa - Sectiom In the LosgJLoct, Original ' Brady Civil War Plwtogrephs I gasinMHi el & WarFort SawSsr'aad Joctins 2-Skilok. - i Saelm 3-MwM sad Mantrna Fwe FerW Sactioa 5- StmmmwmW Jithn al Cir - UtttM iboa 7 FrWri hjeai'i mmi Omm IViwwBsi faafvaMroi SkIM S Vidnhw SuSh t-Gsmbn. Sssewa ie-Ckkim-Lilin Ktmmrr fuaa. c . , . -, SHoa It Ths Wa 1 MJOm y. Scioa IS- 5tCTWu Th KWeaV Aaafe : ' Scoi U-SMMs't Mna TWaaeb CMrsW-Ct . kue of Asluis. S.ort l-tmmdomk ('!-Ss al trntmr- SwtiM IS-SiMtm's Manh to Mm S -Osr f assaaash. -n - i .. . Saadea H rsloisatag aad Aapaataitoa. - This fwipoh and $1.60i Gives You the Conqs!te Senea-- Section 16 or aiiy Otkr Sectwso 10;' 4 .1-1 r Now is the time to complete your col,1 lection' of ; the Brady War Photographs, i Section 16, the last section, ia ready for fty6u. This coupon and ten cents makes it yours. Or, if you . failed to get any pre-'.; yioua sectaotig bring in vtAe.:cocp60 - tod you mav obtain them at temjeetjacte tl-i ityo-nc'sts llOUCe series we wiU aappty you with a cwof si -aaaaia rits set npoQ reqfteel, Tneeottpesj '. and $1.60 will put yo te poeneealoa tof the entire ": h collection. ' Don't wait, call at oawat tbi office a with the conpoa. Or write. to s and. we will ' make arrangements te ship-the coUectioB by ea,. press, F. O. B. this city. . v ii - i SAVE TICS COUPON IT ISOPS VOU GST (3?ii Bmdye Famcnje CMl Wa Photographa c ' -f v And Professor Elton's Nearly Written " ' History of tins Civil War m m t..t