12 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1912. fcftt Rill Do If He Does and Enjoys It , Copyright 1912. National New sn. Drawn for The Bee by George McMamu r , r-- ' , ' 'r- 'hH 1 ( nt- 1 S"'rs-- (WonanQ V AND BILL. DID! ; - Finrp-EN UKE T UE5? "wLTH7l SetSfh U PNN6g J (J LET BILL ftusedJ f srieV A y WHEN YOU J WALK WHEN THE sET OiEO p YOU'LL CT "TV Hfl 1TI I U T ,T J" SOMF PORK ""f -- I ' '"' " I ..wEn uiv I v.npvrrubvT& I nTTRIXlTO fTCTAVrFS I BUSirESS PERSONALS I MONEY TO LOAN .MKI.P WAXIHn HKJIALK , niibr nnninw ainvtnviuiiii' i I , ... ' . : ... , . Factory anil Trade. PLATE dinner, sandwiches. Stars and OIHI i uici, i" " I (t.m n or nrnarvormia anil thorn WW B U Wnrn fittlno. and i-an's- 443 RrnnflelS I J" T T . z:rrr:- 8nd territory wishes to retire after sue- .,.. " ', ' Y I II I , WANT ADS -Wnt ads revel veil at any time, but ' to buure proper clasMlfication must -e presented before 12 o'clock in. for ;.Ue CTeoiug edition and before 7:ju j.p. m. for morning and Sunday dl tioa. Want ad received after court will bare their first Insertion t under the needing "Too Lata tv CteMify.- rCASQ RATES FOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLAjsSl H CAT lO N On Insertion IK cenu per word and 1 cent per word for acb'.ubieo.uent contecntiTC Iniertton. Each tner ttoa made on odd daya ltt cent per word: f SlJUt nee Ima nee tnoutb 9 when d ia ran wtUout cuang ol . Housekeeper d Uin-tlc , '.F.XPERIENCED girl for general house work; .-good home; good wages. 20W Knifmoii, Webster 1096. JOBATUS AND FCNEllAL ROTICE8. CASSIDY-Mr. Mary, at her home, 922 Efd Bt., Omaha, Neb. Age. s(. Funeral wtsi fee fceil Saturday at S P from Dodder's chapel, 3d and Cum ing Bts. Interment In Florence cemetery, I Friends Invited. , BIRTH ASD DEATHS. felrtha-Otto and Harriet Bernhard. South Thirty-first, girl; Harry and Mary jruen, m Nerth Twsnty-thira, gin; u, J..- and Myrtle Fries, 2310 South Twenty fourth, boy; John E. and Imogens M Krenier, 1136 North Seventeenth, boy; fcrnle and Anna Flescher, 2623 Corby, boy; GeoTge and Mary Monson, hospital, gtrl; Clare J. and Georgia O. Bhshan. S21!) iMlaml, boy; Andrew and Annie Sulley, 1717 Burt, girl; Edward and Martho tTownsend, 2235 North Twenty-fifth street, .BVi .!-..:.. ' Deaths Marietta Qulusle, 1 months, 71S Boulh rourteenth; Ea M. Hanson. 78 (years, U0 South Twenty-elghtn; L. Mor tlen. 43 years, 3327 Spsuldlng; John V. ;Orkhudlr. 28 years, hospital; John C. (Petersen, 68 years, 1'81 South Thirty-first; t Jiahel Rosnlrk, 7t years, 2(tn South Fourth street. ',, MARTIHGK MCKN8I2S. WANTKl-Comi)etetit girl for general housework: 1 In family. Mrs.- K. A. Creighton, 11 S. 34th St. J I. 381. tilKL for general housework, three In family. Mrs. (..'reign, 112 No. 320 Ave. -llf-fli f r -anrul hmiu-turnrk. niu Li family. 133D So. 36th Ave. H. 2904. COMPETENT girl for general houHe work, . must know how to cook, good wages. 28 California Si. It. 816. GIRL, for general housework. Best of wages to competent person. 482-1 Florence Blvd. W. 70. G1UL, for general housework. Oood wages. No washing. H. 1891. U So. 38th. LEARN AUTOMOBILE - ENGINEERIN1. Get Into the automob.ie business, learn It complete In tl.s largest and best equipped training school in this territory. Kepairmen, demonstrator and salesmen sr in demand. Write or call for our latest catalogue. ' NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1416-17 OodKe St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED First class stone man tor cylinder lock up. Must be able to lock everything In this line, make changes on presses, etc. Apply If possible in person Combe Printing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. GOOD girl for general housework. Farnain. H. 4(Kfl. 3W WANTED High school girl to work for room and board and car fare. Call 711 N. 3d. UIHL for genera) 20th. housework. CIS S. . Q1HL to take tare of baby and assist with housework. II. MSO. 12S S. 36th. Apply mornings. , GIRL for general housework., Mrs. C. E. Smith, XMB Howard. H. f.30. . WANTED Competent girl for general housework In small family; work light; good wages. . 422 N. 31st St. WANTED Voung girl to asslut with housework and take tare of children; one Who can go home nights. 2615 Cap. Ave. Permits to wed have been granted to "th" following couples: 11 . . Name sn: Address. - Roy L. CumrmnjiH, Oina'ia......"., Bertha Maud Queen, Omaha.. i.. James E. Vesey. Council Bluffs. Jloretta It. Hapgood, Omaha...;. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, good wages, city references required. Mi. R. K. Kimball, Douglas wo.- G1RU for general housework; famll of two; ho washing. Apply evenings or Sunday 141 N. 41st St. GIRL for general housework who Is good cook; laundress employed. 418 So. .th St. H. WANTED Experienced cook; must have city references. Call at 104 S. 38th Ave." WANTED For a companion, an elderly lady that wants a good home and will help a little with the housework. Address G "Mi, care Bee. Age. ... 1 ... id ... 21 ... 18 Bl'JLDING PKItMITg. Hastings Heyden, 1S15 Kvans, frame dwelling. $2,800; H. D, Reed, 4SM Lake, frame dwelling, fc,O0O; p. C. Cramer, 3SU1 Spauldlng. frame dwellltig, f,3ti0; John T. Johnson, 1707 South Twenty-ninth, brick 'building. ,0flO. HELP VAXTEDFK.MALE Clerical and Office, . . . V' WE can ALWAYS place co.uptent men in h!Kh-grade office positions.' Our terms are the raont reasonuble and nu tnoils tht ixnost rructlcal In the city. CO-OPBRAT1VK KKFlCRENCK CO., ,, 1016-1- City National Bank bldg. COMMERCIAL traveler wants to em ploy stenographer who . can do work at Juime eveninxs: will furnlxh kln.i nt ma. chine desired; prefer one accustomvd to .technical terms of casollne rnin LAddrssa J-764, cars Bee. GIRL for general housewoik, assist with looking, no washing. 4012 Harney. .H. fe34H. , - ., -J- G1KL for general housework In small family; plain cooking. H. 2071 4204 liar. ney. 1 v ' Jdlscttllaaeoas, TOUNQ women tomiiig to Omaha a stranger are invited to visit the Jfoung Women's Christian association buuUtng at bt. Mary's Av. and 17th St. wher they wilt be directed to suitable boarding piacas or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveleis'. guide at the Union station. WANTED Man to repair stoves and furuuees, Omaha Stove Repair Wonts ' WANTED NonVnloiT r bricklayer at Omaha Furniture factory, Ralston, Neb. AK-SAR-BEX SPECIALTIES We Offer ' ; TO THE PUBLIC The very best whisky on the market for the small sum of $3.00 per gal. The very best port wine we offer for $100 per gal. C. SCHLANK & CO., 1307 Dougla St. BUSINESS opportunity of Interest and reliability. A widely known mill supply firm In large prosperous southern city and territory wishes to retire after suc ceesfully conducting business for 25 years. I Little capital required. Prestige and In fluence valuable, but no charge win te made for good will ir relieved promptly of present Investment and stock on hand. A favorable proposition to right party. Address J. E., Suite 602, 303 Fifth Ave., New York. Opticians.. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandeis WANTED Experienced bon bon dipper. Apply Sweetland Candy Factory, lul. Burt St. CAN use one or two good cattle butch ers and one good pickling cellarman; also a good sauHage foreman and sausage helpers, at once. Addsess Box 708, Ogden, Utah. Ogden Hacking and Provision Co. . lliiwrllsaeesi. , . YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are in big le aiand snd command large salaries; pre pare yourself in our large training shopa where you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of car. National Auto Training Assn. 2il4 N. 20th St., Omaha, Neb. The Mandarin Cafe, 1406 Douglas. 2d floor. Steaks, chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. . Also quick .lunfhes. Beet service ' Rubber Goods All kinds; face creams and powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. , , . ., L ...... m WANTED Experienced insurance man for Htata manager; straight salary. Ad dress, Prime ot Life Insurance Associa tion, CmBhu National Bank Bldg. WANT E ti For U. S. army. Ablebodied, i rmsrried men between ages of 18 and 3S; citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who 'can speak, read end write the English language For Information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, ISib and Douglas StS;, Omaha, Neb,; 60i Fourth St, Sioux City, la,,; 3 N. Tenth St., Lincoln. Neb. TELEGRAPH position guaranteed you by tho Union Pacific end Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your warning In our Mhool. Practice on R. H. wir.e. Ad dress for. particulars, II. B. Boylcs, Pres. Boyles College. Omaha. Neb. MAIL carriers, Postofflce clerks wanted, $80.00 per month. Omaha exam inations. November tt. Free coaching. Frankiln Institute. Dep't 214-s, Roches ter. N. Y. ' ' . WANTED Middle-aged lady to llv with and care for an old lady as com panion and helper with housework; oiuv five-iooni cottage to care tor. Ad dress lock box ir.fi, Clurinda, la., giving age and references, WANTED The following help at once: Ha. ad maker, second girl, meat carver, coffee girl, dlHh washer, kitchen girls, assistant i,atiry cook and floor girls. Apply Woodmen Cafeteria Co.. basement, W. O. W. Bldg., Saturday and Sunday. UKLV WANTED ALILK Factory ud Trades. WANTED Girts tn nm n r.un-r rrolored or white. Douglas 1. Omahii faper and Stock Co.. luth and Marcy. ,, HsasFkeettem U.mestlce, 'TUB SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servsni Ulrl Wanted AA V!tVw ,.,n ., oslred results. This applies to residents vi u.tnt, Boutn omina and council liluffs. Bring your ad to Ths Bee office : telephone Tyler lOnO ! tiousework; reference required; two In ITamily; good wages. 824 S. 33d. liar. 1740. , GIRL wanted either to usslst or to do Kneral work. If. UTS. i GIRL, for second work. Mrs. BpKcsberger, 3619 Farnam St N. A. i WANTED Comptttent cook in small ! family; no laundry work. per month. 125 Third St., Council Bluffs. Tel 274. i COMPETENT second girl; good wages. 115 8. S4th. H. GUI. ! WANTF.D Nrat-appearlng girl as housemaid. Apply Browriell Hall, loth 'and Worthlngtun Sts. Douglas ti. 'IRL for general housework. m Pop yleton Ave.; H. im. . ( , WANTED Girl for getieial housework. Small family. 5565 Jones St. or call Harney 3. ' . Aaeuts, kairsMivu aaaollcltir. WANTED-Wholesale agent to sell Vacuum Washer. Baker A Seymour, m Hiandels Theater Bldg. WANTED High grade specialty sales men to sell on a commission basis to retailers the handsome and most efficient hand-power vacuum cleaner on the mar ket; works like a carpet sweeper; a good live wire will nmkwj from ISA) to $IW per week. Call or write, giving age, experi ence on the loutl and reference to the Sterling Vacuum Cleaner Co., 5r.9" W ANTEDExperienced" salesmen al once. Omaha Gus Co. Inquire Push. AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you are a live wire and looking for something gooa. jaeger aw, .tiig. vo., 607 Brandeis Theater Bldg. "Nut ced." AGENTS-A new article; record break, liig sales everywhere. Write tor free sample and our new catalogue. Walter Fogarty Co., Edin'Hiton, Alta, Can., Warehouse In Buff ilo, N. Y. ' WOOD choppers wanted. Box 174, South Omaha. , . HELP WANTED . MA 1.13 AKU--WiMAI.K. MEN and women wanted for govern ment position. $W per month. Write for list of oosluons ODen. Franklin Institute, Dep't lil7 Rochester. N. Y. MAN and wife to work on a farm close to Omaha; muKt have long experience Apply 632 Bee Bldg. WANTEDSITUATIONS H ELI'S Can the Omaha Employment Bureau. Douglas 1112. CREIGHTON university student, age 15, seeks employment after p. m., and Thursdays. Willing to make himself gen eiaiiy useful. Would prefer drug store. I all Red . HOME PLATE CAFE . "The Right Place to Eat." 320 S. 19th. AK-.flAR.REN ruests. V.slt the New Home Restaurant, 1514 Capitol Ave. Best, meals, loc. The best for your money. Charles Lottman, wines, liquors and ci gars, merchant lunch. 14th & Howard. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. D8OUghia8. and Motion picture machine and film bargains -AUTOMOBILES ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer, 2230 Farnam. Douglas 8393, AUTOMOBILE SNAP Snap if 4aken at or.ce. one Ford Model T and one E. M. F. Telephone Webster 3018. f " ' Rooming Houses for Sale, FOR SALE Paying boarding house, 2206 Lake. Web. 47f8. Mrs. William Peterson. NICELY furnished, Phone Harney 6317. all modern flat. 12-ROOM all modern flat, furniture In very good condition; fine location, walk ing distance; always full; part cash, easy terms. Douglas 8476. BUSINESS PERSONALS Architects. Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottrell. W. 881. Chiropodists. . DR ROY, 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. ' Civil EiiXineere. E. E. Moore, 620 Paxton Blk, Doug. 3058. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. Coin. flirt" rViina stamps bought, sold, ex U1U V01I1S changed. Omaha Coin and Stamp Co., 619 N. 16th. Printing;, Lew W. RaberTPrinter, SHoil BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Chattel. have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here is your chance to ob tain It ...--.j Reis-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524. SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 3187. , Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 622-24 So. 13th. , Patent. , y , D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURGIS,. registered attorney. United States and foreign patents. 646 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Phone J. 3469. Plumbers. W. Thatcher, plumbing & heating, 813 N. 40th St Office: H. 3107; Res., H. 1638. Easy Way , on furniture, pianos, warehouse receipts in fact anything of value or. on your plain note, if steadily empioyea. xerms to suit. Confidential. , ,j , Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 308 Paxton block, 217 S. 16th. 'Phone Douglas 1411 and a-mid. MONEY loaned salaried people and ethers on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol man. New Omaha National Bank Bldg. L F. Van Valkenberg, fp,S Ing repairs. W. 867 or W. t;fl 170S N. 2h. Steel Tank and Calvert Companies. NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany, 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Stenographer and Conrt Reporters. Myrtle A. Kelley, 816 BranJ The. D. 5682. ; Store and Office Fixture. WEJ BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. D. 2724. See us first. Cornice and Steel Celling;. v CARTER Sheet Mejtal Works, Omaha. BARGAINS STODDARD-Dayton 7-passenger Hm ousine. ' Stoddard-Dayton 7-passenger touring car. ' Stoddard-Dayton 5-passenger touring car. Ijocomoblle 7-passenger limousine with touring body. - . ' Locomobile 6-passenger limousine. Locomobile 5-passengsr touring car. Ixcomobile 6-passenger roadster. Overland 4-passener roadster. - J. J. DERIGHT, . 1818 Farnam St. FOR SALE. Welding plants for welding any metal by autogenous process; guaranteed; com. plete ror $160.00. Address AUTO WELDING AND MFG. CO., OMAHA, NEB. MOVED , AND DOING THE BEST Automobile repairing In the city. 'See" DRUMMOND MOTOR 00. New lAcat!on, Ihith und Farnam. Detective. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds ot fixtures bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N St, Sonth Omaha. . Omaha Secret Serv., 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319 L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk. Dancing; Academic. BARIGHT HALL. 19th and Farnam, assembly Wednesdays. For terms 'phone Ho. 2664. Genevieve Hauflarre, instructor. V ,v Dressmaking. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. Anna Slstek, suits, cloaks, dresses, alter ations, repairs. 215-6 City Nat. Bk. P. 6869. SEWING by dajr in families. Good work guaranteed. Wch. 4843. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaking and tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg. Red 4239. Fitzpatrick, tailor, dress g. 2504 Davenport Miss Napinsky, gowns. 608 Paxton. D. 5973. Dressmaking. 1707 Dodge. Douglas 7330. Everything; Electrical. LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrators. SEND FOR 80-PAGE BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO.. 880 Brandeis Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 5293. Will call for bundles and family wash ing, work guaranteed. Pnone Harney 6374. YOUNG, honest, reliable man, 21 years old, wishes a position as clerk with a local firm; prefers grocery business, Ad dress, O 769, care Bee. HOUSEWORK reliable colored girl. Webster' 4999. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA TENT CO. ' Tel.Y Douglas i 8X2. Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 3373. TO LOAN-LOW rate, in sums to Milt. 810 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. UNION LOAN CO. Money Alfred C. Kennedy, riaa"dIn.S ttnee. 20 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 722. TiAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS, 316 S. loTH, UPSTAIRS. ' GIRL, for general likes children. H-U21. housework, a ho AT once reliable eron for general Tmnsework; small family, ulce room. 4123 Farnam. H-3440. 4rOOD girl for general housework; mall family; must be good cook; no washing. 414 8. 38th St. , ...GIRX, for general hous;wurk; two family; good watfes. :S Dodge. ' in WANTED Competent maid for house work. Pleasant room. Rffireice re. quired. Phone Harney S077. 1141 8. S3d St llua,' WANTED-Flve good reliable- boya. Oood wge. W. U. Tel. Co.. iM 13th St BOY abiut 18 to wrap. Apply, Omaha News Co., 15th and Davenport. - "WANTED-Neat apiearlng young boy for officii work, one who has had (ixperlt-nce preferred. Must be over 16. Good wages. Apply at once to T. B. Ret man, su pertntenUent Brandeis Stores. W A N TED A ', li-year-olU colored boy; private family; afternoon. Sl Bee Bldg. Clerical and Office. WANTED Man capable of taking full charge of set of books and handling credit for Omaha concern; must b familiar with local credits, have executive ability to handle office force and a man of practical ideas; a' steady position at good salary. This is an- opportunity worthy of investigation by any high grade auditor or bookkeeper at present employed. Absolutely .confidential. K 7KI, Bee, - . COMPETENT girl, good wages. With St. 14 N. WANTED A competent girl for general Jioosework. S03 Dewey Ave. Harney IliA WANTED Competent cook and laun dress, family of 8. Call 411 S. 40th Ht. GIRL or woman wanted for general Jiousework. 42S No 19th. v ' EXPERIENCED s-ond girl. Kh Av. Douglas 217. 518 So. EXPERIENCED cook; I in farollv; ref erence required. 507 So. 3Sth St. H. GIRL for general housework; id fam ily; references required. Jll N. SSth Av EXPERIENCED general housework girl; 2 tn family. Mrs. E. T. Swobe, Xlt ba. 40th. Harney 2!2. - ; WANTED At once, girl for: general housework la family of three. ' Phone Harney SOU. i COMPETENT ghrl wanted for general 1 housework: small flat; 2 tn family; good J home for the right girl. Tel. Harney 1663, ; or call at 212 8. 41t St.- ..: ... YOUNG men. stuflr law. Omaha School of Law. Law Dept University of Omaha. Evening sessions. For further Information address secretary. 610 Mc- Csgue Bldg. Tel. Doug. 867 WANTED young man experienced In handling a set ot books In retail busi. tiehs. ana can use a typewriter.. Must be willing to do otner work, such as clerking and collecting. Don't answer unless you mean business. Glv refer ence. salary and full particulars In ap plication. C 764, Bee -; f wentv per cent less than Omaha prices HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L St.. South Omaha. Plumes teno.ated. 425 Paxton Blk. D. 8394. S. H, Cole Sign Co. D. 3768. 1316 Farnam. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, $2.76; try half dosen; If not eatitactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO., lutt! Farnam. Omaha. HO TfflHAr 'leve your plumbing , J. Xiauer uml ntln plants re paired e overhauled before cold weather rush conies. 17i4 Leavenworth. Tyler lol'i. Tinners, general XA 1A -UXTT.'AutO x-, repairing. 1807 Far., rear. t 1 1 T. REPAIRING, Murphy Did It is- FOR xSALE "WELCH" 60-horepow 7-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims.. Klaxon horn and Presto-O-Llte tank. The car is In first class condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of $1,200 take it Addreas Van Brunt Auto Co., Council Bluffs, la. TIRE REPAIRING 5E tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guranteed Arthur Stor Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. WOT FF ELECTRIC CO. " -'-A Wiring for electric lights and power. Fixtures, washing ma chines, electric Irons, heating , devils. Easy terms.1 1810 Farnam street Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Bt reess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. ALL kinds electrical apparatus, new and 2d-hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Works, 313 S. 13th. Omaha. Everything; for Women. . Mrs. Olsen, 1st class carpet weaving. W.6016 DRESS pleatings, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO,, 200 Douglas Block, Both phones. WE rent, repair, sell needles, parts of all sewjng machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. Tel. Douglas 1662. I L1EFF, ladles' tailor; tailored suits and fancy gowns. Room-456 WeadBldg. Motorcycle. Yale, Harley-Davldson and used motor cycles. Victor; Roos. 2703 Leavenworth. v Western Millinery School T . t, I- . . con. 4i! raxior. xio:k. jluu. oo-i. Bring material. Make your hats. One lesson. $1. 6 lesions $5. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. STODDARD-DAYTON 7-passenger Li mousine. Rebuilt and repainted. All In fine condition. J. J, DERIGHT AUTO CO.. AUTO repairing; 2d-hand cars, bought and sold. .Morrison's Taxi, 4004 N. 24th. Web. 8018. ALCO for sale, model 1911, 4-cyllnder; gone 8,000 miles; new 6-passenger body. O 76 Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES D. S. Grit mhTTwlg mfr., 12 Frenxer BlkT THEcTTY ofstuart will receive swled blda for d gglng an open, well, 10 feet In diameter and 100 feet deep, and walled up with a 9-inch brick wall, all bids to be in by October 6, 1912. We reserve th right to reject any or all bids. Address the city clerk, Stuart, la. . PAPER hangers, use Snowflake Paste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 8. 13th St. - - ; ANCHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last llfvtlme. 2u7 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. OMAHA POSTING SERVICB. Advertising "Pat Welch's $2 hats.' Factory and Trade. v Drug store 0nap) lob. Knla. Bldg. WANTED Preiser, 106 So, 14th St. H. : Iivlngston, WANTED For permanent positions, men between ages of 21 and SS; rough carpenters to do car repair work In Chi cago; rate 25 cents pr hour; tools to b furnshed by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight A cent, lltn and Chicago Sis., -Omaha, for free transportation. YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST. ' NOW THY THE BEST. Until Oct. 1, 1912, we furnish good grade ot lining, clean, press and relin over coat lor; $5.00 WE CALL AND DELIVER. SUCCESS CHEMICAL- DRY CLEANING COMPANY, MTH AND DODGE. TEL.. DOUG. 29S8. General contracting, painting and paper, hanging. Baker, 2W7 Clark. Web. ( tig Return-. V WANTED Two experienced stove men. A. Gillnsky, 307 W. Bdway.. Co. Bluffs, la. GOOD coat maker wanted at once; must be sober mn and first-class tailor; good wages. Address Herman Peterson, Fre mont. Neb - ALL will be forgiven, Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign ot the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas Sts. That I where BRODEGAARD sell tho!e lucky weeding ring. N. P, Swanson, Undertaker We are now in our. new building and have one ot tne must up-to-uaie under taking establishments In city. 1625 Cum ing. D. lttK Large chapel In connection. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT where the Best Painter buy. They buy rrom us, BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 16.V4 Farnam. ; Dougla 4750. TO get In or out of business. GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg., Tel. call on D. 3477. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. 12th St. Doug. 5566. T.OTTV?MAT reliable ladles' tailor. Is LiUXlDylUi , located 4M.6 paxton blk. Latest styles, materials. Popular prices; Flattron Hat Shop. Corolyn E. Byers; prices very reasonable. 1726 St. Mary's. Financial Investments. - FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS. For Sale 1.000 shares King Solomon T. & D. stock for $250. Also 5,000 Uncle Sam Oil, cheap. Box 75, Little Rock, Ark. POOL - tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N, South Omaha. Tent and Awning;. OMAHA TENT CO., Tel. Douglas 822. Trunk and Suit Caae. Freling & Steinle, 1803 Farnam St." 'Wine and Liquor. VIRGINIA DARE wine 65c a large bot sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 602-8 S. 13th St VIRGINA DARE wine 65c a large bot tle. Klein, Liquor House, 622 N- 16th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE . Horses and Vehicle. WILL SELLAT WHOLE- Q AT -sample stock of farm wagons OAxxu teaming gears. Central Im plement Co.,-1117 Farnam. Douglas 2066. sample stock of farm wagon and team ing gears. Central Implement . Co., 1117 Farnam. Douglas 2066. FOX STABLES New location, first-class livery and boarding, 1814 cuming. v. is. lst-clas livery. Sherman, 24th & Clark. FOR SALE A park trap, almost new; also two depot wagons, one almost new. Dr. B. B. Davis, j FINE driving horse. Concord top buggy and harness. Douglas 540. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain wiwther they left it in the street cars. y Many articles each day are turned in and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightrul owner, can oug laa 4X ' . OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PAN y. 1200 REWARD for the return of dla mond and sapphire ring, and no questions asked. A. L. R., 212 S 17th St. - LOST Wednesday evening, lady's open face gold watch; for reward return to MoCaffery, Schllts Hotel. LOST Gold bracelet, engraved inside from "Sam to Mother;' reward. Return to Mr. . Hinckley, shoe dept Brandeis Stores. LADIES' bill book containing $20 bill; return to Bee office; reward. LOST Vicinity of Columbus and Schuy ler, hand grip tagged J. S. Chase, iseattie; please express to J. 8. Chase, oaaiuac, Mich., charges collect . EDUCATIONAL FOR SALE on cash basis one of the best transfer businesses in the northwest. Reason for selling, 111 health. Can be handled with llm ted amount of money. Address Y 178, Bee. WE buy, sell and lease moving picture theaters and supplies. . Nat i '.neater Corp., 1318 f arnam. FOR SALE Carpenter shop for sale; In good locality. Inquire of Neis Larson, Wausa, Neb. ' FOR SALE -Cheap, two-chair -barber shop; best location In town. Address, Pearl Law, 202V4 W. 3d St., Grand Island, Neb. - MOVING picture show In city of about 34,000, doing good 'business, for sale or trade; leaving town reason for selling. D 753, Bee. - . , - - - FOR SALE An up-to-date cafe; good opportunity; for further information ad dress P. O. Box 129, Kearney. Neb. Furnaces and Repair. REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or. hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought iron and cast. Let us figure with .you. t . - .. - OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-1208 Douglas St.. Tyler 20. Florist. 1607 Far. D. A. Donaghue HESS & SWOBODA, 1001; A-1001. 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. Foandriea. McDonald brass and bronze foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson 3lule, Art and I.anaaa;ea. HENRT COX. violinist H. 3904. PROGRESSIVE MUSIC TEACHER wanted; 30 pupils already organised; lo cation and information free. Music Teach, era'. Training School, 613 Paxton Block. . BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR rvmnlt courses In Business. Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service, or Salesmanship. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for it at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boylea College, Omaha, Neb.. ; , Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed : courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions, Work for board. Address aiosner-mp' man, 1815 Farnam SU Omaha, Neb. MEDICAL SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug. Blk Ladies guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware blk. GATE CITY, Mellette county, S. D.. offers exceptional opportunities to live business men desiring to begin in a new country and grow with It This town is being built in the heart of the Oak creek valley, the corn belt In the Rose bud country, recently opened to home stead entry; buildings are being com pleted and can be leased to live mer chants. All unsold lots will be auctioned oft Sept 25, 1912. Take the Northwest, em line to Winner. Address John W. Shevlin, Winner, 8. D. RESTAURANT owner. 320 & 19th. for .. sale, . Inquire of MR. BUSINESS MAN Your presence in case of fire on your propery is Impera tive, We notify you at once In case of fire, OMAHA FIRE REPORTING AGENCY, 1812 Harney St. Douglas 4W7. DRUG STORK, good paying for right party; must sell; investigate; good reas ons for selling. L 762 Bee. A. Charles L. Cocke, jr., piano, 618 McCague. "FRANK MACH, violinist Red 4627. Helen Sadllek, teacher Of piano. W. 1346. Mr. and Mrs, Kelly, teachers of singing. 209 S. 36th Ave. Tel. Tfarney 2027. Cora Schwarti, voice. 401 Boyd theater. Francis Potter, teacher, guitar, mandolin and banjo. Farnam. Doug. 3S53.. MotIbnv Storage aad Cleaning. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. Office S16 S. 17th St. Doug. 394. FERRIN'S Van & Storage. T-12O0; W-2747. FERRIN'S Auto baggage. T-1200; W-2747. Furn. Moving; 2 men, $1 per nr. W. 2748. , . am erira and Seed. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. lth. .. . . Osteopath y , Alice Johnson, SOS-J Brandeis The, Bldg. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles," Fistula -nil other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until, cured. Write for book on rectal disease wun testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. I WISH to announce to my patients and friend that I have returned from my summer vacation and am now at their service proiessionauy , DR. J. W. NOVAK, DENTIST, Room 4. Continental Blk. Douglas 6077. MONEY TO LOAN. Salary aad Chattel. on furniture, pianos and real estate at a very low rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., ' Douglas 1356. 220 Bee Bldg- A-1351 Money In An DIAMOND LOANS at 2hi and 6 per cent' FLATAU. 1514 Dodge St. Tel. Red 5619. OFFERED FOR RENT lloard and Kooma. t. 811. A-2fll. O. M. E. basils trunks. shkpman Ave., modern room with excellent board. Call Webster 4026. REEDHURST for meals. DOUG. 8350. WILL give the use of a beautiful home and heat. Fine location, one canine, irr exchange for board for three, no one but good and responsible people need ap ply. References required. Addre B-757, Bee. ' ' Furnished Room. . 1118 N. 20TH, modern, furnished roohi; clean and respectable. Webster o604. 613 N. 17TH, modern, well furnished; gOod location. DESIRABLE modern, room; walking aistance. steam heated Red 4232. - KM Sn. 26th Ave., large room, kitchenette, gas furnished, $4.00. with OWL HOTEL, newly furnished, electrio ight, hot water; 25c up. 110 N. ISth. - CENTRAL, heated rooms, strictly Red 4232. modern steam 1915 CHICAGO -SAY! HERE'S THE PLACE TO ROOM. CHEAP. MODERN. TWO nioelv furnished housekeeping rooms, In fine flat; close in. 547 a 24tn Ave. ' ' MODERN double rooms; close in. Phone Tyler 1526. 217 B. 25th St. .- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; modern. 8112 Mason St. Harney 4092. WELL furnished modern rooms; walk ing distance. 2702 Farnam. 2705 Farnam Elegantly furnished room; walking distance. , ; - T . - 1008 Georgia Ave. Strictly modern room; sultaDie ior. two genneuira. Harney 4264. . - ' " ' . ,. 3 nicely furnished rooms for light house- knlnr: new resiaence; roiraern, nnua- com Park district; heat and ga lshed. $30. Douglas wis." furn- A NICE south front room, modern. furnished,- in Bemls jparK. on car line. gentlemen preferred. 3,wz Myrtle Ae. $10. Telephone Harney 2266. mi WILLIAM Modern room; location good; reasonable. Red 3369. 1 Furnished Housekeeping; Rooms. 613 N. 23D. modern, furnished rooms; kitchen, etc. - '-. - Furnished Apartment. THREE or 4 unfurnished apartments. reasonable, 2018 Davenport. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED or unfurnished house. 1411 Ptnkney. Red 4877. - " - WANTED Middle-aged couple to share home with two. Walking distance. .-. M 761, Bee " ; Untarnished Room.' , winr.R ' unfurnished, private " bath. small tore room and outside porch, mod ern except heat; no cnnoren. aui . mm. t MODERN except h sat; desirable; nice yard. $18. W. 6178. Hotel and Apartment. DODGE HOTEL, all requirement of a first-class hotel, at reasonable price. Apartments and Flat. Large moving vans. $1.25 per hour. P. 39i THIRTEEN rooms, modern; rooms rented; Income, $100 per month. Rent reasonable. All or part of furniture for sale. Phone Red 4854. : ' ELEGANT St. Louis flat, 6-r., colonial porch; opposite Bemls park. 3315 Cuming. Alfred O. Peterson, A. M.. M. D. 6TRICTLY modern 6-room hot-- water heated apartment, 817 Pine St, near Brownell Hall. Phone Owner. !Sed 664ft LAFAYETTE-CORNER 17th AVE. & JACKSON STS.. 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, LARGE AND CHEER FUL: EVERYTHING MODERN, NEWLY DECORATED. .RENTS RE DUCED. WHY NOT LIVE CLOSE IN AND SAVE CAR FARE. SEE JANITOR OR PHONE DOUGLAS 7020- FOR RENT Eight-room Ilat. 1216 Park Wild Ave,, renting $20. Inquire 1502 S. 5th St. - STRICTLY high class S-rootn apart ment on West Farnam St, with steam heat and janitor service. " . JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 2121 Leavenwodrth, 6 rooms, close in, $20. THE STANDARD. , STEAM-HEATED" CHICAGO FLATS. SEPARATE HOMES. Six high-grade modern rooms. - Hot water all year. Janitor. Quality and prloe cut high cost of living. See them yourself. Winter $35 to $37. Summer $10 eM' PAYNE & SLATER CO.. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Bouse and Cottage. HOUSEHOLD gooff packed and tor warded; cheap freight rates; Gordo Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. ;. Tet. Doug 391: -office 216 S, 17th St - FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern - except heat; all newly painted and papered. 2905 Seward'. Webster 3903. , CHATTEL LOANS. $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS. You can get It today of STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block. HOME LOAN CO., Mort reasonable rates in the city. Write or phone Douglas li3i 1&3 Farnam, Room 8, Pattsrson Blk. MOVING, packing and storing of houss hnid goods and piano la our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof Storage, 80S S. 16th, by th viaduct Branch office. 8C9 & 17tU St Tel. D HO: A -1559. . - A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all modern, 9-r, $40. . 725 & 37 tn. W. 30.