THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1912. 7 WANTED TO BUY Paw TTio-Vioe prices for furniture "J x6utoi cIothe, Bho.. w. 518. LOT second-f8nd Tel. S. 777. household goods. DOLGOFF 2d-hd. store pays biggest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. W. 1607 CASH paid for a second-hand Electric. Must be in good condition and reason. able. Address F 736, Bee. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room In a private home bjr a young lady; must be first class; walking distance; references ex changed. B 740. Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED lO sell your property Ust it with ths OVEIL R. E. & INS. AGENGT. Tyler 1024. 1506 Farnam St. REAL ESTATK ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract flee in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. FIELD CLTJB DISTRICT Nine-room house, furnace,' stationary laundry tubs In cellar, all modern, lot 40x124. Price only $3,500. This Is a big bargain. Located 911 a S6th St. $500 casn. Da lance on payments. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater. ATTENTION HUNTERS. I have an Improved Island in the Platte river for sale, two fully furnished houses, boats, decoys and all hunting and fish ing paraphernala conveniently located; can be reached by auto or train in 1 hour; just the thing for a small hunting club; price right Call at once. Elmer A. Johnson, 2806 Leavenworth. Over in Council Bluffs we know of a nice 6-room cottage, In ex cellent repair, witn Datn, eiectrio lights, good cellar, large floored attlo, front and back porch, on one car line and few blocks from Omaha line. You couldn't buy its like in Omaha for less than $3,000. We have It for sale for $1,600; $50 cash, balance $15 and Interest per month. - Let ua show you. . IT GEE REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat is Proving a Good Fighting Market for Investors. WEATHER MAKES C0KN PRICE A Temporary Show .of Strength tn September Oats Market Steadied That Cereal (or the Later Months. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS Dundee, east part, paved street, only $750, a real bargain. Good new houses on all sides. West Farnam district, just north Joslyn Slace, amid choicest surroundings, full -foot lot, only $2,000. Other lots adjacent selling for $2,500. GEORGE G. WALLACE, ' BROWN BLOCK. 5 LOTS $1,000 5 LOTS Small house, 53 fruit trees, nice shade trees, north and east front, all fenced, ideal for chickens and garden, 4 blocks from school, part cash. Balance $10 per month. .Call 1402 6. 49th St;, after 6:30 p. m. DUNDEE 100x128, south front, paved street, 1 blocks from car, nearly new, 1-story house,;. 6 large rooms and reception hall; very fine oak finish first floor; hot water heat; first-class plumbing; built-in Icebox; workshop on rear of lot; can be used for garage; owner leaving Omaha shortly; will make low price. 4816 Web ster. 'Phone Harney 1125. NORTHEAST corner 24th and Evans Sts. Lot 74Vix80 ft. Excellent location; good shade and car service. House 7 rooms, modern, In good condition. Price, $3,000. Inquire owner, 2581 Evans St. Phone Webster 4830. Choice of Two Car Lines 7-room all modern house, oak finish; large corner lot, 55x140; paved street, plenty of shade and shrubbery;' room for double flats. This is a bargain. Offer owner terms. 2403 N. 18th. OMAHA. Sept. 16, 1912. It is Drovlnar a. ennA flffhtlnp market In wheat, with conditions abroad bullish enough to be a great help in supporting prices on this side of the ocean. Last week leaders were not so certain about the northwest news being decidedly bear- isn. instead of hedging sales on tne wheat market against the spring crop movement tha his- milling- interests are absorbing the wheat and making sales of flour ahead on a large scale. Of course the big movement will overtake the de mand and give an accumulation In stocks and result in selling pressure a little later. Strength in both cash wheat and futures la the northwest Saturday morn ing had much to do with encouraging buyers here. The popular feeling Is that on hard spots it will do to sell wheat If the weather - favors heavy marketing. Cash wheat Vo lower. Nothing else can take the place of weather conditions in making corn prloes for the balance of this month. A favor able or unfavorable finish for the big crop will form the basis for higher or lower prices probably for months to come. Messages confirm frost over night at points in North Dakota and Minne sota, but It is not kuoted yet whether there was any touch of frost in western states as predicted for Saturday night or not. Bright, warm weather will certainly prove bearish, but traders advise, as be fore, caution against pressing the sell ing side of December corn at the present discount until the crop is absolutely safe. Cash corn l3c lower. A temporary show of strength in the September oats option steadied the mar ket for the later months last week and may do so again.. But in the end the enormous crop should be on the side of lower prices. Cash oats were unchanged. Clearances were, wheat and flour equal to l,o20,009 bu.; corn, none; oats, 162,000 bu. Liverpool closed with wheat ftd higher, and corn 4ld higher. Primary wheat receipts were 3,174.000 bu. and shipments, 1,274,000 bu., against receipts last year of 1,714,000 bu. and shipments of 695,000 bu. Primary corn re ceipts were 1,057,000 bu. and shipments 692,000 bu. againBt receipts last year of 637,000 bu. and shipments of 827,000 bu. Primary oats receipts were 1,571,000 ba and shipments 581,000 bu. against receipts last year of 672,000 bu. and shipments of 662,000 bu. The following cash sales were reported: Wheat. No. 2 hard, winter, 1 car, gttc; oeaj tt m rm KUft 1 far fi-M. H 9 UMB. I 'i' , , loin, I . No. 3 hard. 2 cars. 864c: 6 cars. 85c. No. 4 hard, 1 car, 83c; 1 car, 82c; 2 cars, 819c. No grade, 1 car, ec; l car, (oc. jno. j mixed, 1 car, 84c. No. 1 spring, 1 car, 77c. Oats: standard, 3 cars, 31 Vic. No. 8 white, 22 cars, 31c. No. 4 white, 6 cars, mic. Corn: No. 2 white. 1 car. 70c. No. 3 white. 7 cars, 6!H4c; 2 cars, 69c; 1 car, 68c. No. 4 white, 2 cars, eiw. jno. z yeiiow, 4 cars, 67V4C No. 3 yellow, 4 cars, b7c; 2 cars, 67V4c. No. 4 yellow, 2 cars, 66V4c. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 67c. No. 3 mixed, 4 cars, 60c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 65V4c No grade, 1 car, 63Vjc. Omaha Cash Prteea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 8587c; No. 3 hard, 84?i6Vc; No. 4 hard, 885c. CORN No. 2 white, 70c; No. 3 white, iStoH,c; No. 4 white. 677&c; No. 2 yellow, 67ftc; No. 3 yellow, 6iV4fe7c; No. 4 yellow, 6666Vic; No. 2, 6ic; No. 3, JOVic; No.. 4, M(&iti6V4c; no grade, 62& OATS No. 2 white, 8131?ic; standard, 31c; No. 3 white, 304c; No. 4 white, 30V4 &aic; No. 3 yellow, 30V431c. BARLEY Malting, owtfboc; No. i feed, 3546c. YE No. 2, 6567c; No. S, 6385C. Cariot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oat CHICAGO 4JRAIX AJfD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Cloalaa Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 16.-Wheat showed weakness today under the weight of a big increase In the visible supply. The close was nervous at prices varying from Saturday night's level to o below. Visible supply figures for wheat turned out to be a gain of nearly three times that of the corresponding week a year ago. Receipts at primary centers were also on a huge scale, double the total of twelve months back. World shipments were larger than expected. Accordingly, the market dragged after It had made an early upturn due to higher cables and to rough weather northwest Clearances were liberal. Decemebr closed Kc net lower at 90iW5c. Frost reports led to a little buying flurry In corn, but belief became wide spread that little If any damage would result to the crop. December closed steady at Kc, the same as Saturday night Cash buyers were entirely out of the market until a break of 2o stirred up considerable business. No. 2 yellow was quoted at 697(H4a Oats followed wheat downward. De cember touched 8lo and 32V32c with the close off c at 32G32o. Weak ness in the hog market carried down provisions, pork finishing 20c to 32. easier than forty-eight hours before. The leading futures closed as follows: Artlclel Open. High. Low. Close.l Sat'y. Wheat Sept. 92V4 92H 92 93V 2Vi Dec. 9114 91k 90V4 90Ti 9169m May. 95V, 96 95 95 b Corn. Sept6969V4 6Mi 67V4 67 69 Dec..5252 62a 61V48S 62 May. 6262 52 , 51 . $2 51 Oats. Sept 32 32 32 32 32 Dec.. 32 32 31 32 32 May. 34 34 34V4 34 34 Pork. Sept. 17 10 17 20 17 10 17 10 17 SO Oct.. 17 22 17 30 17 10 17 10 17 36 Jan.. 18 65 18 65 18 30 18 37 IS 70 Lard. Sept. 11 10 11 10 10 46 10 96 11 10 Oct.. 11 12 11 12 10 90 11 00 11 IS Dec. 10 67 10 70 10 68 10 66 10 70 Jan.. 10 6710 67-60 10 60 10 60 Ribs. Sept 10 60 10 60 10 62 10 52 10 67 Oct.. 10 6710 67-70 10 65 10 67 10 70 Jan..9 65fi879 HftgOT 8 8790 9 87C90 10 00 COUNCIL BLUFFS. New, modern, 5-r bungalow,- on large lot with south front 2 blocks from car line and 10-minute ride to Omaha. Terms, $200 cash. We will show you. Day & Hess Co.. 123 Pearl St. Phone 3344. BUY a home, $1.00 down. Shopen & Co. ON AND AFTER OCTOBER 1ST, 191$, THE RATE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS CLASSIFICATION WILL BE 7 CENTS A DINE EACH INSERTION. $500 CASH buys my modern home, oak finish, 4 bedrooms, built-in bookcase, fire place, paneled walls, large floored attic, screens and storm windows, 50 ft. lot House only 2 years old. Located 2 blocks to car, Dundee. Price $4,000. Call owner, Harney 4746. . J OWNER'S SPECIAL OFFER Quick sale sacrifice; ( rooms, new, mod ern, fine corner lot Uth and Lothrop. Call Red 0697. SIX acres on Ft. Crook car line. Price $1,900. Ida Neff. 438 Bee Bldg. SALE of lease of 14 acres for 3 years near Benson, 4 acres In corn, balanco in hay. Also 2 head of horses, 2 wagons and a buggy, 1 set of work harness and 1 set driving and about 250 chickens. Phone Benson 714 W. - TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. FIRST SEE JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH l.AKDS FOB 8 ALB . UnraU, GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA.' Traversed by the ATLANTIC, BIRMINGHAM-ATLANTIC RAILROAi). Lands adapted to the widest range of eroo. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For literature treat, ing with this coming country. Its soil, climate, church and school advantages, write - W. B. LEAHY, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent. ATLANTA. OA. Idaho. FOR SALE 20-acres or appies a.ia prunes at New Plymouth, Idaho. This year's apple crop estimated at 3,000 boxes goes with land. Small payment down, long lime On Daittnue, vv . juau, am- mett Idaho. lows. THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad In tbt Vtm Aiowes vauiuu. uuii we nilatinn In tha state Of Iowa. 43,000 daily. The Capital is read by and believed In by tha standpatters oi jowa, wuo unyiy re fuse to permit any other paper in their cornea Rates, 1 cent a word a day; 8X2J per Una per month; count six ordinary word to the Una Address Dea Moinef Capital, Des Moines. la- Chicago 187 429 387 Minneapolis 916 ' Duluth . . 1,895 Omaha ............. ..... 121 47 64 Kansas City ... 420 , 31 43 St Louis 255 138 134 Winnipeg 146 : ... ... REAL ESTATE FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $4.15 6.00; winter straights, $4.004.60: spring patents, $5.50; spring straghtsi, $4.00&4.15; bakers, $3.70ft90. RYE No. I, 68680. BARLEY Feed or mixing. 4653c; fair to choice malting, 6071c SEEDS Timothy, $2.503.75. Clover, $13.0017.50. provisions pork, mess, $i7.izwu.. Lard (in tierces), $11.02. Short ribs (loose), $10.2510.70. Total clearances of wheat and flour wore equal to 1.020.CC0 bu. Primary re ceipts were 8,174,000 bu., compared with 1.714.000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply increased 8.989,000 bu. for the week. The amount of bread stuff on ocean passage increased l,iw, 000 bu. Estimated recnlDts for tomorrow: Wheat. 650 cars: corn. 733 cars; oats, 519 cars: hoars. 14.000 head. Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.04(91.07; No. 3 red, 8c(g'Jl.04; wo. i nara, No. 3 hard. 88(93c: No. - north- ern. 93M94c: No. 2 northern. 8193c; No. 3 northern, 89?91c; No. 2 spring, 90583c; No. 3 spring, 86091c; No. 4 spring, 7588c; velvet chaff, 892c; durum, 8390c Corn: No. 2, 689c; No. 2 white, 70 71c; No. 2 yellow, 6970c; No. S. 68 fi8Vtc: No. 3 white. 70rac; No. 3 yel low, 6970c; No. 4, 6767c; No. 4 white, 6Sc69c; No. 4 yellow, 6ic- uats; No. 2, 32V432c; No. 2 white, 3435c; No 3. 31(g32c; No. 3 white, 883c; No. i white, 3132c; standard, 33S34c Rye; No. 2, 6868c Barley, 4572c. Seed: Timothv, $2.503.75; clover, $13.0017.60. BUTTER Steady; creameries, 242Sc: iri 22VwS24Vt!C. EGGS Steady; receipts, 6,932 cases; at mark, cases included, 17ffil8c; ordinary firsts, 19c; firsts, 21a PHEESE Steady; daisies, 1615c; twins, 1416c; young Americas, 16 15c; long horns, iiwiovc. POTATOES Easy ; receipts, w 1 cars; Michigan, 4548c; Minnesota, togtuc; wis cons n. rac. - TniTT.TRY Alive, firm: turkeys. 14c: chickens, heavy, 13c; light 12c; springs, 15c. VEAL-Easy, nc NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Developments of Day on Exchange Mainly Favorable. TRADING STEADY, BUT DULL Firmer Tendency of Honey Mnrket Partly Nullifies Optimistic News Specialties Most Active. NEW YORK. Sept 16.-Last week ,8 bank statement which showed a slight strengthening of the reserves instead of the threatened deficit ana an en- : ment of $70,000 gold In the London mar ket, the first In over two years, were factors In today's fairly steady but very dull stock market Other developments of a favorable character inciuaea w p tlmistlo view regarding general business conditions expressed by the executive heads of the Harriman and Pennsylvania railnoad systems and western ireigui. operations, were in excess or last yer. with an increasing shortage of equip ment. ..., . ThJe conditions were partly nuniiwa. however, by the firmer tendency of tn money market. Call loans opened at 5 per cent going to 5 in the final hour, atlhough demand was not especially keen, a fortunate factor in view of the in creasing dlmunltlon of th esupply. The gold Import was regaraeo a 'speciaT' transaction with indications. however, that further negotiation ara under way. Much of today's business on the ex change was in the various specialties, in cluding the coppers. Chlno scoring a new high record, the equipments, leruinwrs. American Can, Peoples Gas and local tractions. St Paul, weat iMorrnern, Knrth.rn Trlftn and Lehigh vaiiey were In moderate demand, as was also Reading, at the outset. In the late deal ings pressure against Reading had an un settling effect on otner acuve causing an Irregular close. London was a moderate buyer of cop Mr nH vim iiiiiuas in this market, sell ing Union Paclflo and Reading. Money was plentiful at tne rsniin mmi where discounts again hardened. Rnnrt. continued their Irregular trend, the only notable feature being an a-polnt rise In Chnio convertibles to 180, a high ronnni. Total sales Dar value amounted to $1,625,000. .United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of salos ana teadinc quotations on stocks wera as follows: SUIm Hlrh. Low. CI"" ImilnniM rVmrMT .... 7.000 I74 Amarlcan Agricultural .. 7w Anwrloan Bit Sugar.... WO 75 American Can M,K American Can pfd 4,000 111 $11.275.70(, as against a deficit of $22,793,703 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. - Boston Slock Market. BOSTON, Sopt 16.-Closlng quotations en stocks weie as rollows: Allow Mohawk Amal. Ctopper M Nevada Con !i4 A. . U 8 30NtptMln Mlnea ... Arlaooa Com Mi North Butte B. ft C. C. ft 8. M, J North Ue 4 Cat. ft Artiona 79HOI.I Dominion M llal. ft Hecla. Hi 0-eola U 18 Qultiejr 57 Shannon 1&H n Superior 4Vi B. M... It 4 M4V. 3. 8. R. ft M... 4 v to ptd WM, MVVtsh Con U SSrtah Oopoar Q tS K Winona m Wolverine 77 C.. M. Centennial ... Ceo. Range C. Carf Butte C. Kranklln Superior ft Olreux Con J-H Tamarack Grant Con Greene Caoanra ... lale Roy ale Copper. Kerr Lake Lake Copper La Salle Copper... Miami Copper 5H South Dakota-. FOU 6ALS 160 acres good farm land: 40 acres broke, balance all tillable; t miles from Dallas and 6 miles from Colome. Price, $40 per acre, payable 11,600 cash, $2.6(10 March 1. 1913; $2,4M March L 1917. Address Box lo6, Daila K.D. . Kansas. FOR SALE Well improved 160-aore creek bottom farm; one mile Coffeyvllle; population 18,000: $75 acre. List free. J. K. Beatty, Coffeyvllle. Kam Minnesota. . MINNESOTA. -Write for our Minnesota booklet "C;" special rates. '- DAY & NIGHT REALTY CO., , V 103 Bankers Life Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. ' FOR SALE 160 acres of fine land lo cated 4 miles from Holt Minn., Mar shall Co., destined to be the garden spot of Minnesota; along high graded road, school house on land, 80 acrs broke, all tillable, black loam clay subsoil. Price, $3,500. Terms. Merchants State Bank, Red Lake Falls, Minn Montana. CAREY LANDS OPEN TO ENTRY Valier, Montana, project. Fifteen annual payments. Irrigation system practically completed. Forty thousand acres irri gated this year. Grain yields double dry farm crops. Write Clinton, Hunt He Co., Box S, Valier, Montana- Nebraska, 40-BUSHEL WHEAT LAND, $25 TO $35 PER ACRE. We have for sale over 20,000 acres of Cheyenne county, Nebraska's choicest farm, land, where the crop yields for 12 years, including 1910 and 1911 average with the best in the state. Alfalfa, also, a leading crop. Better soil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full information. Agents wanted everywhere. FUNDiNGSLAND INVESTMENT CO.. SIDNEY. NEB. FOR SALE 286-acre form. Big Sioux Valley, northwest Iowa, 3 miles from town. Fine buildings. Prize home place. $130 per acre. Address. F. A. Keen. Beloit. Iowa. - - Fine Small Farm One of the best near Council Bluffs, 34 acres, about S miles out, mile from rail road station. Good 8-room house, barns, chicken houses, large cave cellar, nice shady lawn. About ! acres bearing apple orchard. In prime condition; small cherry and plum orchard, grapes and berries for family use, 3 acres alfalfa. Crops now made, Including 10 acres of excellent corn. This is a nice home and a money making proposition for an industrious man. Owner Is so situated that he can not handle it and authorizes us to sell the whole place. Including crops. Good young team, new farm wagon and two seated buggy. 2 cows, 8 hogs, a lot of furniture, chickens, eta Vill give pos session at once. All for $7,000; $3,200 cash, balance at t per cent M'GEE REAL ESTATE CO., " 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs luoia Dakota. . FOR SALE 4S0 acres, fine rolling, erasing land, fenced three wires; dwell ing and out-buildings; 100 acres can be farmed: plenty water. Six miles north Bcnesteel, Gregory county. South Dakota. Also 51 high grade Hereford cow. and calves, two registered 3-year.old bulls. Cattle not for sale separately. For further Particulars address C. W. Rogers, PD UER. NEB.. Lock Box 134. Nevada. 820 ACRES hay land on Elkhorn river. Depot in center of land. Can be used for general purposes. Well Improved. Posses sion this fall. Must sell in ten days. Price $60 per acre one-third cash, five and ten years on deferred payments at S per cent Apply to M. Lyons, uromet, Neb. North Dakota. NORTH DAKOTA LAND 20 more deeded Quarters must be sold In SO days For further Information writs Dakota Square Deal Land Co.. Mlnot, N. D. - Texan. CHEAP patented state school lands. South Texas, $1 an acre cash, balance ten years. For all particulars write F. A. Connable, trustee, 484 Commercial Bank Bldg.. Houston. Tex Wyoming. WYOMING Enoi mou crops, paying for land. Grain shoulder high; $15 per acre. Expenses refunded. If statment untrue. Write C. L. Beatty, Pine Bluffs, wyo. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. SeDt. 16.-FLOUR- Steady; spring patents, $4.905.30; winter straights, $4.4w4.5U; winter patents, $4.70 5-15; spring clears, $4.264.65; extra No. 1 winter, $4.lo4.20; extra No. 2 winter, $4.00 Kansas straiirhts. 84.1&&4.26. Rye liour, quiet; talr to good, $3.861.(10; choice im lancy, i.uo,a4.i&. COiiNMEAL-Quiet: fine white and yel low, $i.66&l.;o; coarse. $1.WL66; kiln dried. 4.2u. RYE Steadv: No. z .west 6c. C 1. f. Buttalo. BAKLEY Quiet; malting, 6876c. WHuAT-Spot market, Irregular; No. 2 red, new, $1.0o. c. 1. f. track and L o. b. afloat; new No. 1 northern Duluth, 99c, f. o. b. afloat; futures .market closed W c, net, lower. Export sales amounted to ten loads. September, $L03; December, 98 13-lfic; May, $L02c CORN Spot market, esay; export 58c, f. o. b. afloat, December to March. OATS Spotmarket. barely steady; No, 2, 39c, nominal, on track,; No. 8, 38o and No. 4, 36c, both on track. FEED Barely steady; standard mid dline. 100 Dound sacks, $26.3Wr26.60, HAY-New. uuiet: No. L $1.20: No. 2, $1.10; No. 3, 90c4$1.00. ,i( HIDES-Steaay; Bogota, 25S36c; Central America, Z6C. LEATHER r irm; hemlock iirsts, zwb 27c: seconds. 25&26c; thirds, 2223o: re lects. 15c. v KUVisiojNS t'orK, iirm; mesa, i.ioig 20.00: . famllv. $21.5022.50: Short clears, $21.0033.O0. Beef, firm; mess, $16.50 17.00; family, $19.0019.60; beef haras, $28.00 (jmi.w. cut meats, ami; picaiea oemes, 10 to 14 lbs., $13.0O&14.00. Lard, easy; middle west $11.2511.36; refined, steady; continental, $11.90; South American, $12.55; compound, $8.008.25. BUTTEH-Steady; receipts, 6,372 tubs; creamery, extras, 2929c;. firsts, 27 28c; state dairy, finest, 272Sc; process, extras, 26c; factory, current make, firsts, 22c; packing stock, current make, No. 2, 2121c. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 932 boxes state whole milk, colored specials, 16 lGc; state whole milk, white specials, 15316c; state whole milk, under grades, 14&'15c:. skims. 413c. EGGS Irregular; receipts, 11,386 cases fresh gathered, extras, 2830c; extra firsts. 25(g'27c; firsts, 2324c; refrig erator firsts, season's storage charges paid, 23 24c; western gathered whites, 26 30c. POULTRY Dressed, firm; fresh killed western chickens, 1424c; fowls, 1617c turkeys, lwspuc. . Miscellaneous. OKLAHOMA, ARKANSAS AND LOUISIANA FARMS FOR SALE. Farms for sale In 40-acre tracts and up; easy terms; write for literature on state, desired; we are owners, not agents; we have 15,000 acres In Oklahoma, 10,000 acres in Arkansas and 4,000 acres of rich Red river bottom land In Louisiana; tenants wanted who can farm 320 acres or more of our lands In Louisiana; agents wanted. Address Allen & Hart 308 Commerce Bldg., Kansaa City. Mo. . LITE STOCK MARKET OF WEST tblp live tock to South Omaha. Save ml ease and shrinkage- Your consign. xients receive prompt and careful alien .Ion. . ', l.lvc Stock CoramlftMlon Merrbanta. BYERS BKOS. & CO. Stronir. rellaM CLIFTON Com. Co. Kit Kxchnnge Blrig fenyder-Ma'.ony-Cotfman ,. IWt Kx. MM. LAVERTY BROS.. 13S c.ianc Bldg. Martin Bros. & Co., Exchange Bldg. St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept 16 WHKAT-Cii.h weak; track, No. 2 red, 98cJl.03; No. 2 hard, 90g'93c. CORN Lower; track, No. 2L ' 6870o; V 2 whits TSUffiWin. 1 OATS Lower; track, No. 'z, 32(332c; i0. t witiie. oav. , Closing prices of futures: WHEAT Weak; December, Mc; May, 0r-K'eC. CORN Steady; December, 49c; May DOUc. OATS Weak; December, 31?4o; May, 4o KYUr-ixwer, ai oawBosc. VTT'I-? Wtonrlv rw9 winter nafuita $4.654.95; extra fancy and straight, $4.15 .so; nara winter clears, &hj&v iimomy, uu.w. . CORNMEAL-3.70. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track. 99c fl.Vt. hay ijower; timotny, iLomspi7.eo; pral rle. $9.0r14.00. PROVISIONS-Pork, lard, dry salt meats and bacon uncnangea. POULTRY weak; chickens, llo: snr ns: 15c: turkeys, 16c; ducks, v$12c; geese, 6 ioc. . . BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2529e. EGGS Firm, at 20c. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 13.000 Wheat bu 2.16.OOO 156.000 Corn, bu '. 138,000 33,000 Oats, bu... 134,(M 53,000 Sugar Market. NEW . YORK. Sept 10.-SUGAR-Raw( steady; muscovado, bs test 3.80c; cen trlfugal, 94 test 4.36c; molasses sugar, , 83 test 3.61a H 4,000 100 1.200 100 700 4.1N 00 too 100 1,300 00 too 1.(00 4,t0ft t IS1 M 41 IMS MM M 44 4H 107 148S 4 107 1M 141 lo B il II mva 14K, WA 144H 15H 1 IS 17 m 46 SStt 44 183 15 14 M 31 ISO 14 (S 43 138 138 138 41 46 46 128 12S Z0 19 l 1U to IS l American C. ft F m o Ameriran Cotton Oil 4.W0 B8 Am. lc Securities American Llnaaed 600 14 1 American locomotive ... oo 4S 4! American S. & R.. ...... ,W0 Am. 8. A R. pfd 100 107 107 Am., gusar Refining.; American T. T '"e American Tobacco 400 271 Til Anaconda Mining Co.... 3,400 4 4 Atchlaon L1M 1 If Atclilaon pfi oo joj im Atlantlo Ccaat Line Balttmora ft Ohio 1 1H 1H Rethleaem Steel W 40 8 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 1,100 10 89 Canadian Paclflo ,.. W0 74 174 Central Leather .H 1 Cheapeak ft Ohio !, 80 79 Chicago o. w " i " Chlcaao, M. ft Bt. P 1.000 107 106 Chicago ft N. W... ...... Colorado F. ft I.. ....... Conaoltdated Gas Corn Products Delaware ft Hudaon Denver ft Rio Grande.... Denver ft R. O. pfd Diatlllera' Securities .... Brie Erie let pld Erie M pfd ..... General Electric Great Northern pld Great Northern Ore otii.. lillnoia Central Intorberougb Met later. Met. pfd International Harvester ,. Inter-Marina pfd ,.. International Paper ..... International Pump ...... Kanaaa City Southern.... Laclede Gaa Lehifli Valley ioulevulw ft Nathvllle.,. M . 8t. P. ft 8. 8. M... Mlaaourl. K ft T. ....... Miaaouri Paclflo 1,700 41 41 41 National Bltcult 10 1 17 187 National Uad $00 69 M N. R. R. of M. ii pfd New York Central 1.400 114 113 114 N. Y.. O. ft W 400 87 Br M Norfolk ft Westers. 3,000 11 116 118 North American, ex-dlv. 1,300 4 83 83 Northern Paclflo 1.700 lMVi 136 Paclflo Mail 100 81 31 80 Pennaylvanla People') Gaa P., C, C. ft St. I. PttUburih Coal .... Preened Steel Car..., Pullman Palace Car Reading Republic I. ft 8..., Republic I. ft 8. pfd-' Rock Inland Co Rock Wand Co. pfd.. St. I ft 8. F. Id pfd Seaboard Air Una.... Seaboard A U pfd.... Sloai-Sheffleld I. ft Southern Paclflo .- Southern Railway ... So. Railway pfd Tenneuea Copper ... Texae ft Paclflo..,.. Union Paclflo Union Pacific pfd.... United States Realty United Btatea Rubber... 60 United Btatea Steel 13,700 72 U. 8. Steel pfd ,. eov 1U 129 10 6 6.000 136 1U 134 100 30 80 30 100 16 IS IS ..... ..... 26 ..... ..... 37 106 3,100 168 164 17 600 13 163' 162 100 160 14 14 M (SO 121 133 123 1.100 117 111 117 1.100 110 200 14 I.. ion 31 7 167 1 17 18 26 61 3o 23 BO 66 108 10 31 tl 63 84 43 48 23 14,000 149 168 18 s ..... 38.200 167 100 37 800 1,409 1,100 100 400 1,800 89 M 61 36 23 60 106 24 184 27 68 - 14 61' 23 49 600 1,300 4,400 600 110 61 64 43 Utah Copper ., 4,300 Va.-Carollna Chemical .. 800 Wabash , W0 Wabaali pfd 100 Weetern Maryland 1,200 Weatern Union 100 WeatlnKhouae Electric ., 1,100 Wheeling ft U S Total sale lor the day, 233.800 shares. 5 4 4 " 66 81 88 ..... 83 60 60 71 72 112 112 64 64 46 4 14 66 tl 87 vrn York Mtntnsr "Mocks. NEW YORK, Sept. 1G. Closing quota tions on mining stocks were: Com. Tunnel stock.. 6 Mexican ado bondt it Ontario Con. fal. ft Va.... 4t Orhlr Iron Sliver 140 'standard .... Leadvllla Con. 8 Yellow Jacket Little Chief I Offered. .180 .1(0 . 66 ..100 . 30 . London Stock Market. LONDON. Sept. 16,-Amerlean securities nnened steadv todav. Fir buying orders were executed during the forenoon and prices advanced from to over Sat- uraay s jnbw torn closing. Corn and Wheat Region Bulletin. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m.. 75th meridian time, Monday, September 18, 1913: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Raln- Statlons. High. Low. fall Ashland. Neb... 52 43 .00 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Kinds of Cattle Steady and Others Slow. HOGS OPEN HIGHER, CLOSE FLAT sheen and I.atnbs in Fair Snpply. Ttlth Lambs Mast Msmerous Good, .Active Market, with Prices Generally Steady. 67... 82... 64... 6... 64... 66... 80... 78... 81... 60... 67... SOUTH OMAHA. 'Sept. 16, 1912. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Estimate Monday ,000 Same day last week... 9.3M Same I weeks ago 7.713 Same S weeks ago 8.921 Stmt 4 weeks ago 7,613 1,300 2.27 3.744 2.227 4,131 1.933 25,000 29.8 26,04 89.783 21,978 42,039 Same day last year.... 11,635 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South 9ma,n? for the year to date as compared with last year: 1918. . 1911- Inc. . Cattl 717.0t3 7M.577 ....... M.&15 Hogs 2.298,628 1.831.807 4(56.821 ...... Sheep 1,645,738 1,558.039 ........ USo The following table snows the rangt ot prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days with comparlosns: Date. 1912. l.4U.ii)iO.li0..il90g.;W7.lo. Auburn. Neb... 63 48 .W Broken Bow.... 62 50 .00 Columbus. Neb. 65 40 , .00 Culbertson 69 4S .00 Falrgury Neb. 08 41 .w Fairmont Neo. os a .w Grand Island ..68 46 .00 Hartington .... 63 41 .w Hastings, Neb.. 58 48 .00 Holdrege, jncd.. mi .w Llneoln. Neb.... 55 42 .00 "North Platte.. 64 88 .00 Oakdale, Neb.. 65 S9 .06 Omaha, Neb.... 66 46 .00 Tekamah, Neb.. 62 44 .00 "Valentine .... m -i Alta. Ia 66 43 .08 Carroll. Ia ....60 .tn Clarinda, la.... 63 60 .00 Sibley, la 04 43 .w Sibley. Ia 62 46 .01 Sky. .. Clear CIrar Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt, cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Raining Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Minimum MaI inrluded In averages. temperature for twelve-hour period end Ing at s a. m. DISTRICT AVERAOE3. No. Temp.- Central. Stations. High. Low, Columbus. O. Louisville, ny Indianapolis . Chicago, 111 St. Louis, MO. Des Moines ... MlnniVpolls .. Kansas city.. Omaha Unseasonably , 18 22 1.1 24 , 19 , 22 61 , 25 , 17 cold 78 86 84 74 62 64 66 weather Rain fall. .80 I .40 .40 .30 .00 .40 .80 .00 .00 prevails throughout the corn and wheat region. Freeslng weather occurred In western Minnesota and the Dakota, and frosts In western Nebraska. Appreciable rains occurred within the last twenty-four hours in ail except tne uraina, n.owi City and St. Louis diftriota. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Kansas City Grain and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Sept lo.-WHEAT-Cash, unchanged to o lower; No. 2 hard, 8889c T No. 3, 85&87o; No. 2 red, 9699o; No. 8, 87S97c. CORN Unchanged to lo lower; No. I mixed, 70c; No, 3, 69o; No. 2 white, 73Vo; VfM&rNo, I white. M&eao; No. 2 mixed, 340. i-lnalnv Drlces of futures: WHBAT-September, 884c; December, CMZn Ua RflUn. CORN September, 67c; December. 47o; MOATS-December, S3c, May 2232T4o, RTE Unchanged. 1JAV TTnnhanffAfl . .-. BUTTE R Creamery, 264o; firsts, Zie; seconds, 22ftc; packing stoca, io. BOGS-Extras, 24c; firsts, 22o; seoonds, 17c. Sept. T.lt6fc! 6ept 8, Kept. 9.1 8 8pt 10 8 35 i Sept. 11. ( 8 37SI Sept. 12 HSVai 6 941 t 061 I 931 6 011 6 881 I 83 6M w 6 Veil t 911 7 9; Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. I 971 9 02 7 01 e 91 131 8 374k 6 85i 14 8 42 86 151 18 7K 18 6 81 8 80 9 13 e 9 27 15! 8 76 8 861 7K9 7 881 7 83 e 7 93 7 86 8 W 1 Gili K 821 ( 6X1 S 831 6 93 6 661 i 84 6 87 6 71 6 881 S r0 6 88 6 CD 86 6 87 6 02 6 90 w 6 84 6 90( Sunday. Rlnta mnA i4lannnltlnn of 11V StOCk at the Union Stock yards. noum for the twenty-four hours enaing ai v- in. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogsheep.H'r. C. M. & St. P 1 1 Mo. Pac iu Union Paclflo os C. A N. W., east.... 1 C. N. W., west...ia C. St. P. M. & O... 1 C. B. & Q., east... 1 C. B. ft Q , west. ..159 C. R. I. & P., east.. C. R. I. 4 P., west.. I Illinois Central 1 C. Q. W ToUt Receipts.... 357 S 1 8 7 1 4 44 78 ia 96 DISPOSITION HEAD, ot t;atlie.noga.onwii;; Omaha Packing Co 6U Swift Co...., 9 Cudahy Packing C0.....U8I Armour & vo WKn Murphy Cudahy direct....... Morrell W. B. Vansant to Benton V. ft ft Lush... 6is Hill & Son.: If F. B. Lewis 136 Huston eV Co 170 J. B. Root A Co 222 3. H. Bulla HI L. F. Huss 109 L. Wolf 8U McCreary ft Carey 1M 8. Werthetmer 411 H. F. Hamilton Ml Lee Rothschild 304 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 20 Kline Sc. Christy 4S Other buyers 1.850 469 4H5 765 677 203 J.767 i.263 2,014 4,938 2.048 12.219 ...M4 ...559 ...283 ...SH ...24 ... ...181 ...U0 ...138 ...m ...M6 ...17J 1M 8 85 40 8 So ... 8 36 40 8 86 80 I 86 40 8 40 80 ( 40 80 I 40 80 t 40 ... 8 40 t0 8 40. 80 t 40 19 188 200 I 45 14 267 1M 8 46 be 2X3 80 8 45 81 117 ... 8 46 75 228 ... 8 45 6 2S0 80 8 46 68 254 160 8 45 . 71... ..'... ... 8 45 It) 288 120 t 46 72 ...26 40 I 60 71 m 40 8 60 i fair: BHEEF-Receipts of sheep were this morning as compared with recent weeks, although smaller than last Mori-' day by about 4.800 head. As compared., with a year ago there was a falling off of about li.OOO head. Thus it would appear that receipts at this point were none too large to supply the current demand. However there was a weak feature to the trade as advices from other points, es pecially Chicago, were Indicating large, receipts and lower prices. In spits of un favorable reports from the east the mar ket on killers opened fairly active and fully steady with last week. Buyers all seemed In need of supplies and were out In good season in the morning picking up. . the best of the receipts. This was true of both sheep and lambs. As usual on a Monday the attendance ot country buyers was not very large, but . still there was a good buying demand; for feeders, commission men having lib eral orders In hand. As a result the mar ket opened fully steady and with con-', siderable activity so far as the better! kinds at least were concerned. A good., kind of feeding lambs sold as high as $9.65. Although there were about 25.000 hA , of sheen and lambs In the yards the great nig duik or tne receipts nad changed hands by midday. To put It another way. practically everytning tnat was sorted up and ready to be sold was disposed of : by 12 o"clock, and practically everything in sight had changed hands before the close of tha day's trade, maklnar it a verv' satisfactory market for sellers from start"" to nnisn. Quotations on Sheen and Lftmbs Lambs. good to choice. 17.107.40; lambs, fair to good. 36 6007.00; lambs, feeders, 26.00(36.65: yearnnn. light I6.2ofc5.65: vearllngs.' heavy, $4.75(55.10; yeantngs, reedera, $5.00 Ij5.60; wethers, good to choice. $4.154.75; wethers, fair to good. $4.0ftS4.1S; wethers,- feeders. 83.90S4.40; ewes, good to choice. $3.7504.85; ewes, $3.1O3.80; ewes, yearling breeders. $4.605.00; ewes, aged, $3.50 4 60; culls, sheep and bucks, $2.00(33.00. Representative sales: .-'. No, , Av. 444 Montana wethers 131 326 Montana wethers 132 503 Idaho lambs 72 449 Wyoming ewes, feeders. 143 Idaho ewes, feeders Ktt w yomlng lambs, feeders. . 230 Idaho lambs, feeders 110 Wyoming ewes 98 97 65 68 103 Pr. 4 25 425 720 5 65 8 60 440 40 400 Receipts. Shipments. ....142,000 141,000 .... 81,000 18,000 .... 48,000 3,000 54 4(4 1 66 81 $7 TJ. 8. '(- do eoupea ...... V. B. la. rag do coupon ...... V. 8. 4a, ret do eoupon New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Sept 16.-MONEY-On call, strong, at 4H36 per cent; ruling rate, 0 per cent; closing ma, t per cent; of fered at 6(4 per cent. Tithe loans, strong; sixty and ninety days, 5ft per cent; six months, 66tt per cent. fKlMlfi MJ-aUJANTiLfcl FAPEK-OWB6 per cent BTUKL1AU JSXCHANGB-gteady. with actual business In banking bills at $4.8275 for sixty-day bins and at 14.B6T6 for de mand; commercial bills, $4.82. Hi L viuH -Bar. 63c; Mexican, dollars. 48c. BOWUB-uovernment, steaqy; railroad, easy. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: .101 K. C, Bo, ref. it... t7(4 .101 L 8. deb. 4a 131.. 91 .10214 L. ft N. unl. 4a... .97 .102 M. K. ft I. IK 4a. 98 .118 do 4He KVi ,118ttMo. Paclflo 4..... 71 Panama la, eoupon. .101H da oonv, 6a., ...... A.-C. lit 6a ctla..-. UK N R R ot at 4Vi.. 90H eAmer. A, aa vn n. y. C. f. 81,8.... A. T. ft T- 4. .112(9 do deb. 4s Am. Tabacce U m n. t. N. H. ft H. Armour ft Co. 4Hs.. ton ev. IHa 90H Atchlaoa gen. 4a.... HN, ft W. let e, 4s 97(4 do ev. 4s I960 104(4 do ov. 4a IU do or. to 107(4 Ne. Paotflo 4a M A. C. 1 let 4a 66 do 8a t Bel. Ohio it 96 0. I. L rtdf. 4e... 92 do 8(ie WHPenn. or. 8(4i 1916.. 97 Brook. Tt. ev. 4... 80(4 do cos. 4e 102(4 On. ot G. 6a 107(4Readn( gen. 4a.... 96(4 Cen. Leather 6a 6614 8. L. ft B. P. ff 4a 78 Ches. Ohio 41a.. 9li do gen. 61 84(4 do eonv. 41ia 9314 St h. a. W. c. 4a.. 90 Chlcaso ft A 8V4t.. 4(4B. A. L. adj. 5s..,, 774 O. B. ft Q- J. Mgo- Pao. col. 4a.,... 9 do ea. 4a 94a do cv. 4a iiu C M ft 8 f ev 4(4"1 do lat ref. 4a 9144 C. R. I- r. e. 41. M'k8o. Railway 6 108 do Tf. 4a J7 do gen. 4a ?8!4 C. ft 8- r. V44(4tnlon Paelfle 4,,... n D. ft H. ev, 4.... 97H da cv. 4a. 10114 D. ft R. O. ref. to 81 40 let ft ref. 4a.. 9514 DlatlHert to 74 TJ. g. Ruber a Il Brit P- L g) 8. Steel td 6a...WS14 de gen. 4 77Hva.-Car. Chem. 6. 98 do ev. 4a, aar. B 7714 Wab. lat ft ex. 4a. 99 111, On. let ref. 4a. 9214 Weatern Md. 4a..... Mu . . r 41.. ai mr . w, . . ... . ..V inier. jmi. ii,--. mw.-a.ieo. ev. at.. 95 inter, n. at. ' -wia. vmlraj 4a.. ejapan 4Ha ......... 91 Bid. "Offered. 8814 61(4 1 Condition of Treasury. WASHINGTON, Sept 16.-M the be ginning of bu.4lness today the condition of the United States treasury v was: Working balance In treasury offices, $86, 217,079. In banks and Philippine treasury. $32,236,283. The total of the general fund, $147,173,292. Receipts Saturday were $3,. 380,846. Disbursements were $3,009,210. The deficit to date thts fiscal year was Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oats, bu Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 16, BUTTER fMrm and In good demand; western reamery, extra, 29!433c; nearby print, extra, 81c; fancy, S2c. ' ' BOaS-Flrm and In good demand; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, f re-i cases, $7.80 per case; current receipts, free cases, $7.50 per case; western firsts, free cases, $7.80 per case; current receipts, free caseB, $7.2O7.50. . CHEESE Quiet, but steady; New York full creams, choice, 164l&lVic; New York full creams, fair to good, 15Hl6c; New Vork, part skims, 1014c. Visible Supply of Grata. NEW YORK, Sept. 16.-The visible supply of grain in the United States Sat urday. September 14, aa complied by the New York Produoe exchange, was as fol lows: Wheat, 26,679,000 bu,; Increase, 3,988,000 bu.; In bond, 418,000 bu.; decrease, 73,000 bu.i Corn, 1,768,000 bu.; increase, 815, 000 bu. Oats, 6,837,000 bu. ; Increase, 1,299,000 bu.; In bonds, 62,000 bu.; Increase, 1,000 bu. Rye, 706,000 bu.; increase. 99,030 bu. Barley, 1,460,000 bu.; Increase, 276,000 bu.; In bond, 21,000 bu,, unchanged. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Sept lC-WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 and No. 2 Manitoba, nomi nal; No. 3 Manitoba, 8s 2d. futures strong: October. 7s 9d; December, 7s5?4d CORN Spot quiet; American mixed, old, no stock; new American kiln dried. 7s 2Vid. Futures, strong; September, 6s 5d; December, 6s ld. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Illl., Sept. 16-CORN-Market lc lower; No. t and No. 3 yellow, 69e; No. 4 yellow, 67ttc; No. I and No. t mixed, OATS-Market KHc lower; No. 2 white, 38c; standard, 32c; No, 3 white, 3i$3zc. Minneapolis Grain Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 16. WHEAT September, 8686Hc; December, 88c; May, 93141893140. Cash: No. 1 hard, 90c; No. 1 northern, 879T4o; No. 2 northern, 84l37Hc; NO. 8, 8ZljfS4C. Elgin Batter Market. . ELGIN, III., Sept. 16. The quotation committee of the Elgin board of trade today declared butter firm at 28c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Sept 16.-METALS-Cop-per quiet; standard spot and September, $17,25tfpl7.76; October, November, Decem ber, $17.2617.50; electrolytic $17.50Q17.75; lake. $17.62Ufi17.76; casting, $17.121fcg17.25. Lead, firm. $5.00((j6.20. Spelter, firm, $7 40 tf.75. Antimony, quiet; Cookson's, $8.50 8.60. Iron firmer; No. 1 northern, $18.60 17.26; No. 2 northern, $16,3517.fl0; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, $16.76 M7.60. , ST. LOUIS, Sept 16. METALS Lead, weaker, at $4,971. Spelter, strong, at $7.85 7.40. y Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sent. 16.-COTTON 8not closed aulet; middling uplands, 11.76c; mtria.lng g"". 12c: 'ales, 867 bales. Cotton futures closed steaoy. viosing bids: September, 11.12o; October, 11.21o; November. 11.34c; December, 11.44c; Jan uary, 11.38c; February, u.fdcj warcn, 11.53c; May, u.wc; juiy, u.wc, Dry Goods Mnrket. NEW YORK, Sept. 16.-DRY GOODS Ma.11 orders were large In the selling agencies and commission houses handling cotton goods. M'ne joooers are getung a teadv trade ana mere m oonsiaeraDie duplicating In fall lines. Wide prints are firmer. Sams rule iirm, nut quiet. Oils and Rosin. SAVANNAH, Sept 16. TURPENTINE -Firm. 88C. ROSIN-Firm; type F, $6.42; type O, $6.42. , . Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept 16.-WOOL-8teady; territory and western mediums, 2ftg24c; fine mediums, lft20c; fine, 1317o. Total $.170 - 1,669 26,241 r a ttt hi a rftnslnts ware liberal this morning, being only slightly smaller if, an nn Mnnilav of last Week, but with that exception the largest for ome littU t me back. Btlll receipts toaay wer shmit t kCfi hvart smaller than a year ago, At the same time that receipts were lib eral, advices from other selling points were discouraging, early messages gen erally reporting a break In prices. Thus the market opened a little slow, Feeders of good quality and carrying some little flesh were tha first to sell and thev commanded aood steady prices, In fact the market on all desirable kinds of feeders was generally steady and fairly active at that, on tne otner nana aood many light stock cattle were car rled over from last week and they war hard to move at any price. It was, in fact, not so much a matter of price as finding a buyer when tt came to the light stock cattle as no one seemed to want them even at the decline ot 264r00o re. ported last week. While beet steers opened ratner siow, there was a. pretty fair demand and the desirable kinds were rattwr generally steady. Inferior stuff was naturally neg lected until the last and was tn some cases weak. Cows and heifers were not In very large supply as compared to tha total receipts of cattle, and as thsre was a good de mand tne market was about steady. Tne trade, while not especially active, was In fair shape and the most desirable of the cow stuff changed hands In fair season. Quotations on native cattle: Good to choice beef steers, $8.25djl0.25; fair to good beef steers, $7,264(8.35; common to fair beef steers, $6.007.25;- good to choloa heifers, $6.2608.25; good to choice cows, 6.25l.25; fair to good cows, $4.2135,25; common to fair cows, $3.004.25; good to choice stockers and feeders, $6.007.7B; fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.0$ 6.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, $4.75&6.50; stock cows and heifers, $4,501$ 6.75; venl calves, $4.10(38.76; . bulls, stags, etc., $4.00o.50. Representative sales: . HEIFERS. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..... 446 4 71 . 8 690 I 00 10 117 4 86 BULLS. 4 1280 4 60 I.... 14 4 96 t... 1111 4 70 I CALVES. 1 110 I 00 298 in 4 441 4 26 1... 164 1 7t STOCKERS ANO FEEDERS. IT 6(0. $ 16 4... 760 $ 10 ......, 661 6 40 . 14.... 771 6 76 14 610 6 66 8 893 6 80 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 900 6 40 2 calves... 150 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Demand lor Cattle nnd Sheep Steady Hoar Weak. CHICAGO. Sept 16. CATTLE Re- cmpts, la.wo head; market steady; beeves. $6.?5ai0.&5; Texas steers, $4.754ji 4.40; western steers, $S.709.16; stockers and feeders, $4.207.15; cows and heifers, $3.90i68.00; calves. $8.0O(gU.O0. lioos Receipts, 30,000 head; market, weak, mostly 10c loweri light $S.2o&8.85; mixed, $8.0y(t8.86; heavy, $7.858.70; rough, . $7.85j8.0&; pigs, $5.258.15; bulk of sales, $8.r.(B8.70. SHEEP AND LAMBi Receipts, 42,000 head; market, steady to 10c lower; native, $3.50tt4.65; western, $3.604.63; yearlings, , $4.70$6.85; lambs, native, $4.ia7.66; weat ern, $5.00(87.70. ' tt. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 11,000 head, including 6,000 Tex ans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $K.6010.&0; dressed and butcher steers, $6.00S.50; stockers and feeders, $4.00ifi'7.26; cows and heifers, $4.00 8.60; canners, $2.7504.50; bulls. $4.00 4.50; calves, $6.00(611.60; Texas and Okla homa steers, $4.2Wo.00; cows and heifers, $3.76(5(7.50. nous Keceipts, neaa; market, lira lower; pigs and lights, $6.009.00; mixed and butcher, $8.7069.00; good heavy, $8.75 j8.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, S.000 head; market, steady; muttons, $3.65i83.S5: lambs, $5.50(97.60; culls and bucks, $1,509 S.50; stockers, I2.7&&3.50. , Kansas City Live Stock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. 6ept 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 21.000 head, Including 2,000 souths ems,; market, steady to strong; dressed, beef and export -steers, $8.oO10.75; fair tr good, $6.00028.60; western steers, $5.75ifi 10.10; stockers and feeders, $4.26Hz7,50r southern steers, $4.25043.50; smthern cows, $3.26(35.00; native cows, $3.2f6.40; native heifers. $4.758.50; bulls, $3.75.00; calves,' $5.50ifj.25. . . ; HOGS Receipts, 4.0W head; market. steady to 6o lower; bulk of sales, $3,460 8.80; heavy, $8.45$8-66; packers and butchers, $8.B0g.S2tt; lights, $8.458.87H: pllgs, $.00T.60. flHEEP ANO UAMUS tteceipts. ll.uw head; market, steady; lambs, f6.00igi7.40;; yearnii$B, e.iu..Dv, i.wnri.wv,. ewes. $3.504.00; stockers and feeders, $2.604.:s. ; t. Jimenk Live Stock Market. , ST. JOSEPH, Sept 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.400 head; steers, $6.75 10.00; cow and heifers, $3.75(39.00; calves, $5.50(P.(. HOGS Receipts, 3,300 neaa; mantei slow; top, $8.80: bulk of sales, $S.50.8O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,004 head; market slow; iambs, $$.00(g1,50. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: cattle, liogs. oneepi South Omaha.... 9,ooo z,aw . St Joseph..... S.40O 3,aw 4,ww Kansas City zi.miu 4,w n.wo at. Louis 11.000 8,200 '- 8,000 Chicago wow a,wu- 18 cows 18 steers. 42 steers. 39 steers, 7 steers. 39 steers. 21 cows. 8 75 436 6 66 5 40 6 cows.,. 874 6 $5 27 cows 967 6 85 23 steers.. ..1166 6 76 74 steers.. ..1009 6 45 23 cows 1017 6 10 ., 812 ( 75 13 COWS 786 .. 985 6 85 28 steers.. ..1128 ..1074 7 60 33 COWS 889 ..1227 6 85 47 steers. ...1080 7 00 ..10fi! 4 15 9 calves... 188 f 00 917 $ 40 14 cows 972 6 25 75 COWS 925 6 35 11 cows 1010 6 00 15 steers.. ..1290 I 75 156 steers... 980 4 45 7 feeders.. 628 6 70 D. R. Whltaker-Wyo. 2S feeders.. 1139 8 15 37 feeders.. 1148 115 H. Farthing Wyo. 2S feeders.. 1192 7 60 HOGS Speculators and shippers opened the market this morning paying prloes that were fully 6c higher than last week's close. Their demands, however, were limited and it did not take them very long to securo as many as were wanted. Packers bought a few more hogs at prices that were generally about steady with last week. The trade- then flattened out and for a time absolutely nothing was doing with about one-third of the hogs still unsold, mere aia not reauy seem to be enough hogs on sale to Interest the packers and such bids aa they were mak Ing at that time were 6o and In many cases ivc tower man eariy. Instead of Improving it became still worse and buyers left the yards with a number of loads still unsold, with no on trying to buy them. As a matter of course tha cause for the market flatten ing out aa it did waa the mean close of the Chicago market Good light hogs sold as high as $8.65, with the bulk of the sales at $8.35S.45. Representative sales: Total! ...63,400 47,800 91,000 Evnpornted Apples and Dried Frnlta NEW YORK. Sept. IS. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet; fancy, 894c; choice, 7(i?814c; prime, !Vt7V4c. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, In a waitinr poslUon; Calif ornlas up to 30-40s, 88 914c; Oregons, 6V49Hc. Apricots, quiet; choice, BGWic; extra cnoira, wiw fancy, 10i2c. Peaches, steady; choice, ftime: extra choice, 74J74c; fancy. 9c. Ttalslns, quiet; loose Muscatels, 4H 6Uc: choice to fancy seeded, oWplicj seedless, 6146!4e; London layers, $l-40fl jr Coffee Market. ;NEW YORK. Sept. l.-C!prFEB-Fu-tures market closed steady 4 to 11 point net lower. Sates. 33,750 bags. Spot coffee, steady; Rio 7s, 14(&14-c; Santoa 4a, 16c Mild, quiet; Cordova, 1318c. . HYMENEAL r No. 61... 17... 9... 70... 11... 7..., Av. th. Pr. .,,.201 80 7 50 ....187 160 8 00 ....151 H 111 ,...141 80 1 80 ....244 .,. 15 ,...239 10 111 Ne. Av. 64 174 24 197 81 Ill ! 104 74. 44. Sh. Pr. 80 8 40 ...' 8 40 ' 180 1 46 10 8 45 .229 120 I 46 .168 60 8 46 Gtlbert-Saarer. Miss Llssie Gilbert and Mr. Harry Sagep were married on Sunday evening at th People's church by Rev. Charles W. Say Idge. , h S it A BRITISH COLUMBIA FARMS-EASY TERMS ' The province of British Columbia offers great Inducements to the small farmer. Tbe country is young and growing. The markets are big and pay high prices. v We are placing on the market a number ot 40-acre farms in a good district within 3 miles of a railway under construction. These farms are sold at 1640 in terms of $330 cash and $15 per month. . . .. Write today for illustrated booklet. F. I. This la a splendid op portunity, i y NATIONAL FINANCE CO. ILImlted.) Head Office: .Vancouver, Canada. Reliable Agents Wanted. Liberal Commission.