',1581 sia-ifW-- I V -. .HE.; BRIDES-ELEGTPERKING . UP jWeddings of Importance Are Schcd : uled for the Near Future.' " ' MOVIES ' INVADE THE HOMIS . i , . . , . . , List of Prospective Debutantes Is Growlac and Several Girls Are to Make Tbelr Bow to Sojrletr Soon. Social Calendar, i MOXDAT-Mr. n5 Mr. W. C. Susder tend. dinner-dunce at Seymour lAke Country clul Mrs. Ellen Coad Jenwn, luncheon for Mrs. Pue LeCand of Oal veston, and for Mrs. Frank Coad; Mrs. Banon Millard, bridf part)' for Misses Schneider. ' ' TUESDAY Mrs. . Ellen Coad Jensen, luncheon at Field Hib for Mrs. Le Cand and for Mrs. Frank Coad; Mn J. C. Hammond, luncheon at Happy Hollow; Mra. William Archibald Bmlth. luncheon at Field club; Ladies' day at Field and Happy Hollow clubs; dance r at Harpy Hollow. WEDNESDAY Mr. and Mrs. George Kelly, dinner at Field club; Mrs. N. Martin, meeting of W. W. club; Mrs. Worley, meeting- of Golden Glow club; ' dinner-da nc at Field club. THURSDAY Mrs.' J. J. Sullivan, lunch eon at Field club: Ladies day at Field and Happy Hollow. FRIDAY-EHnner-dance at Seymour Lake Country club. - ' ' ' IPATCUDAY-Judgre and Mrs. J. J. Sulli van, dinner at Field club; dlnner-dfince at Country club; dinner-dance at Field club; dinner-dance at Happy Hollow; dinner-dance at Rod and Gun club. Three brides-elect, whose weddings will be of much local Interest are Miss Eusebla Dudley. Miss Fannie Hoffhine and MUs Juanlta, Slater. Although none of these young women Is an Omaha girl, each has so many friends here that her marralge will be attended by a number c Omaha people. The engagement of Mlsa Dudley of Council Bluffs to Mr. Raymond Perry Conner of Denison, la., was announced Friday at a luncheon given by her mother. Sirs. Vllllam Harrington Dudley. The wedding will take place November 12 at ft Paxil's Kptseopal churcli In Council Bluffs. The matron of honor will be Miss Katherlne Mllroy, who , will then bo Mrs., Mel Uhl, Jr. Mlsa Hasel Nell of Chlcaigo will be maid of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Helene Smith of Boston and Miss Ruth Barr of New Orleans. The best man will be Chester Dudley, Miss Dudley' brother. " Miss Dudley, since leaving school at St. Mary's, Knoxvllla, 111., has been one of the most poyuiar society gin of Coun cil Bluffs and Is well known In the (Omaha Country club younger set. Mr. ' Conner attended the Culver Military academy. He Is the son of Judge J. P. (Conner, ex-congressman and prominent banker and newspaper owner of Denison. : Miss Fannie Hoffhine, who came from jColumbus, O.. about a year ago to live fwtth her brother, John Hoffhine, at the ' Hamilton apartments, will be married I September 28 at the Hamilton to Dr. A. D. Brown of Omaha. The wedding will orcur at the Hamilton, Miss Marie Tracy of Edlna, Mo will be bridesmaid and Dr. A. A. Smith of Lincoln will be ' best man. After the marriage Dr. Brown iand his bride will reside at the Hamilton. Miss Juanlta Ellen Slater of South Omaha, who Is a popular member of the iCountze Memorial chor,- will be mar iried at the church September 25 to Mr. Thurman G. Stewart of Laramie, Wyo. I Mix Slater is the daughter pf Mrs. Anna .'Blateiy'.- :;- -''';---;.;i';ir,v' Society Haa SI o vies t Home. .. The movies hye found their way-Into the residence! and have come to be a highly popular mode oi entertainment there. Instead of golnj out to the mov ing picture shows a number, of Omahant iKlve their J own shows right In their homes. They own either stereopticon or post card machines, In which they show ( pictures of people and place which they 'themselves have seen on their travels hers jand there over the whole world. And they 'jfre amply competent to supplement the ; pictures .with descriptions iflrawn from 'their own' experiences, y ; I The travelogues given bjnMr. Charles ,'Martln and Mr. Frank Martin at the .home of Mr, arid Mrs. George Barker are social events with a distinctly educational ; tinge. Both the! Messrs. Martin are expert with the stereopticon and nave studied : their subject so thoroughly that they are 'prepared ; to ' give interesting . verbal if ketches to accompany the pictures. DUr. Ins the summer several travelogues were 'given by them -on the lawn of the Barker ; home,'-; , ' .;. ' J . ' ; i Mr. Gurdon Wattles kti a fine col ,lectlon of Burton Holmes slides and bor. .rows the Martin stereopticon occasionally to give an exhibit., Mr.' Wattles baa a 'post card machine alio In which he shows : pictures which he ' has collected on his 'trips. Those ot Japan, China and the I Philippines are especially rood. John A. IMrShane has a rare collection of slides ) which he bought while In Europe and ! which he shows in hla stereopticon ma jchlne. v:J;f: . , Mr. Ralph W. Breckenrldgi recently Icame back from a trip around the world I laden not only with experiences and Ideas (from many lands, but also with pictures of all the places he and hla family vis ,lted In Europe and the orient.. These he exhibits on his post card machine for the enjoyment of his friends. . Louis Nash has one of the, post card machines and win use it for displaying ,the Interesting; pictures ' which he got I while In Panama pictures shewing the tropical life there and the,. work on the ! canal.. He has not been able to use the Imachtne In his country home. Kaehwood, 'because of lack of electricity, but will i display his pictures when he and his family move In town. Debutante Met Grows. The list of prospective debutantes keeps growing. The latest addition to the num. ' ber of attractive young women who will make their bow to society this season Is ijmji' jr-rf-- THE OMAHA -SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1912. .. . - I Their Engagements Just Announced f i- : :.!H i rM.9e4FBAiut Sanatorium This insUtutlon to the only na Id the central west with separata buildings iltuatoi in their own mple (rounds, yet entirely distinct and rendering it possible to classify cages. Tbe one building being fitted for and devoted to tbe treatment ot noncontagious and coo mental diseases, so otters be ing admitted. Tbe otber : Rest Ccitaee. being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, reQUiring for a time watchful care and spe cial surging. Miss Alice Carter, daughter of R. U Carter. Miss Carter has just returned with "her mother from Hyannla, Mass., where she has spent the summer, ' fihe has not been In Omaha for two years, but studying at the Boston Conservatory of Muslo for two years, and has not been In Omaha very much In that time. She was a classmate In Brown el I Hall of three other debutantes-to-be Misses Daphne Peters, Bertha, Dickey and Kath erlne Thummel, The other debutantes se far aa known now are to be Misses Car melite Chase, Caroline Congdon, Dorothy Hall, Pauline Bourke, Margaret Baura and Mary Burkley. , - . Celebrate .Weddinjj Anniversary. , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miner entertained at bridge at their home, 2590 Pratt street, Saturday evening In celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of their marriage. The house was beautifully decorated with potted pjants and cut flowers. A four course luncheon was served at the con clusion of the game. The guest list In cluded. , , Mr. and Mrs. James V Chisek. i Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sydney. , Mr. and Mrs. K. A. French. - Mr. and Mrs. B. EX Lloyd. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. EX Cappage. ' Mr- and Mrs. J. S. Coulton. Mr. and Mra T, C, Leffert- of Council Bluffs. .. Miss Genevieve Newoom of Arlington. Miss Helen Ashley of Bloomlngton, III. Mise Fay Powell , Weddiny Belli. The wedding of Miss Mildred M. Mit chell, daughter of Mrs. C. B. Mltohell. and Dr- Charles EX Schneider of Chicago took place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's mother, 2100 Grant Street, Rev. H. J. Klrcheteln officiating. The bride wore a dainty gown of white voile over silk with lace trimmings end carried a shower bouquet of bride's rosea and swansonle. Mendelssohn's wedding march was played by Miss Mil dred Rose, after which "Melody of Love" was played softly during the ceremony. There were no attendant V ' The decorations were pink and whits Through the rooms .-were palms, ferns, smllax and pink and white asters. A wedding supper was served, twenty-five guests being present. Those assisting were Mies Laura Rose, Miss lone Llnd- sley, Mise Olga Plerson and Mrs. C. C. Rose. . Dr. and, Mra Schneider have gone to Chicago where they will mJte their home. ... ' , Miss Florence Maud Lancaster, daughtet of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lancaster of Benson, will be married Monday afternoon to Mr. Charles Hertsog. The wedding will takt place at the home of the bride, at s o'clock, followed by a reception to whloh about 106 guests have been asked. Mre. H. V. Jeffrey will be matron of honor and Mlsa Bessie Lancaster, maid ot honor; Miss Gertrude Miller, Miss Helen Taylor and Miss Alice Lancaster will be the bridesmaids. Mr. Edward L. Bradley will be best man. Miss Ruth G&nson wHl be the soloist and the wedding march win be played by Miss Marguerite Llljen- etolpe. For St. Louis Guest, Miss Mae Engler was hostess at a bridge party Saturday afternoon at the Field club in honor of Mlss-Ru4h Cald well of Bt. Louis. The Invited guests were: Mlssee Ruth Caldwell, Marlon Carpenter, Marjorie Foot, Helen Smith, Mildred Marr, Harriet Blake. Mary Philllppl, Ruth Dowllng. Palny Jane Fry, Bess Latey, Gertrude MUler, Dorothy Dale, Florence Liver, Ruth Gould, Ines Latey, . Syhll Nelsnn, l Misses - of Unooln. Ruth Latenser, Nan Barrett. Heth Vaa of Detroit, Helen Rayly of Sioux City, May Loutse Richard! rif Lincoln. Louise Stori, Olg Stors. Lulu Houck, Florence Naaon. Helena Trimble, . Charlotte Harringtot Marguerite stowttte, MHnH Howland. Marie Riley. Katherine Krug, Marguerite Busch, Margharetta Burke. Lillian Rtley. Helen Chase of Lincoln. - Mesdamee . Medames- Crosby Wyman, . Riley of Denver. Wilson, Atkins, With the Visitors. , , 4 Mrs, Herbert Gannett and children ar rived this week from Buffalo to visit her parents, Mr. and Mra C ft-Taylor. Miss Clara Bull of Pasadena, Cel., ar rived Friday to visit Mise Caroline Ctmg don whose classmate she was at Vas ter. Miss Bull has made brief visits hare on her way to and from college, but will make a longer stay this time, remaining until after the Ak-5ar-Ben festivities at least. . i .. : . ; Mrs. John F Waggaraan, who has been the guest of Judge and Mrs. Doane, ex pects to leave Tuesday for Washington. Mrs. Per ley, who has been -here all sum mer with her daughter? Mrs. Brogan, left yesterday for Excelsior Springs. Miss Nye of Boston, who has been spending six weeks here as the guest of her nleoe, Mra. Charles Marsh, will leave next week far California.' , Miss fiplelman ot Topeka, who has spent the summer at ; Okobojl. was In Omaha .Thursday on her way home and iiBM entertained by Mies Gladys Peters end Miss Bertha Dickey. Miss Splelman will return later in the season for a longer visit. Church Sooieties Meet. . ' The Baraca and Phi lathee societies ot Hanscom Park Methodist ohurch met last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brury, 8208 Pacific street. A concert was given by Miss Ruth Part ridge, plan'o solos; Earl MoConnell, violin solos; Miss Margaret Scott, readings and Ralph Brury, trombone selections. The C. Sontals of the First Christian church gave their annual banquet last Friday -evening In the assembly hall of the church. Mrs. J. H. Ellsberry was toastmlstress and the several toasts were responded to by Rev. H. J. Harmon and W. W. Slabuugh. After the banquet a business meeting was called. Miss Jose phine Murphy was unanimously elected president for the ensuing year; Miss Oneida Moran, vice president; Miss Ethel Brown, secretary'; Marguerite Comer, treasurer. Those present at the banquet were: ; . : Misses MlBses ' Florence Andrus, Oneida Moran, ' Bessie Ball, V- Helen Morris,- Ethel Brown. V Ruth Morr's. Josephine Murphy, Frances Rogers, Ruth Siabaugh, Madge West, Myrtle Walker, Ruth Zlttle, Mary Carrier,; Marguerite Comer, Marie Gallaway, Gladys Glen, Bkilth Jones, Ines Klllmar. Jean Matters, Mra J. H. Ellsberry, Rev. H. J. Harmon, W. W. .Siabaugh. doctors the masterly Ideas of the profes sion. A number of speeches were madfe. The principal addresses were given by Dr. T. T. Harris. Dr.- Joseph Urldll, Dr. T. J. Boler, Dr. Charles Needham, Dr. J. T. Loney, Dr. C. O. Robinson and Dr. J. Banders. The .executive committee were; Dr. W. H. Quigley, A. M., chairman; Dr. 8. J.jMoorehead, Dr. L. E. McGrane. Off to School. Donald McWhorter, who . has been spending three ' months on the Pactflo coast visiting relatives at . the Presidio, San Francisco and Los Angeles, Is spend ing a few days visiting Sanford Glfford and other friends. He will leave 8unday evening for Chicago to resume his studies In the engineering course at Lewis In Miss Mary Louise Laterurer, accompan ied by her brother, Frank Latenser,. has gone to New Tork by) way of the Great lakes. , Miss Latenser will attend S. Vin cent's school on the Hudson and Mr. Latenser returns to Columbia university. Bernard Smyth, son of Mr. and-Mrs. J. C. Smyth has returned to Holy cross college at Worcester, Mass., where he enters his Junior year. Harold McConnell, son ' of Mr. and, Mrs. A. B. McConnell, Is visiting Daniel McCarthy In Chicago for a few days before leaving for Notre Dame, Ind to resume his school studies. Miss Elizabeth Carr has gone to Lex ington. Ky.i to attend Sayre college. At Happy Hollow. Mrs. W. O. Henry entertained at a large luncheon at the Happy Hollow club Saturday. The guests were seated at small tables, which toad for centerpieces baskets of pink, asters. Covers were laid for thirty. Mrs. F. H. Garvin entertained at lunch eon Saturday In honor jOf her daughter. Miss Helen Garvin. Twenty-rilne guests were present. The Harvest Home dinner at Happy Hollow will be Thursday evening. One of the larger dinner ptirtles will be given by Mel Uhl, who will have twentyrfour guests. Tuesday evening T. L. Combs will have sixteen guests at dinner. Wednesday Mise Alice Duval will enter tain at luncheon, when she will have cov ers placed for forty. Mrs. W. E. Shafer will have thirty guests Wednesday. Thursday. Mrs. W. O. Henry and Mrs. H. B. Lemere will each entertain at luncheon at the club. Saturday evening Miss Louise Northrop entertained at dinner at the club, when Medioal Students Have Rally. Last evening the Phi Beta PI Medical fraternity gave-an enjoyable smoker and banquet at the University club rooms in the Barker block. A large number of the medical students of the John A. Crelghton Medical college, were present, together with many of the leading phy sicians end surgeons of. Omaha. A eon slderable number of the elderly alumni members. of the Phi Beta PI came to Omaha to be present at the celebration. The purpose of the assemblage was ta fratemaltse the students and doctors an J te brjng them Into closer relations and to Instill Into the-, minds of the future (Continued on Page Three,) The drinks we serve are ust as good on cool days ae hot. We've drinks for all appetites and all people. Our Soda 18 as pure and delicious as It 'a possi ble to make. v - TXS SODOASIS, 16th and Dodge Streets. THE OWl'S STBST, 16th and Barney Streets. SHXSKAN fc MbCOsrarSU p-Pirjr, COMPACT. J) TO THE WOMEN; WHEN you think you re ready to consider getting some really ; fine furniture-a single choice piece for some needy spot in the house, or a complete equipment for room v you wilKdo yourself a favor and us, of course by visiting this store and becoming acquainted with our way of saving you moneyno middleman's profit." D. F. Corte Furniture Co. 24th and Farnam Streets. Authentic Suits, I. TiTi A ATTT?T tyles in New Gowns; resses and Goats i . ... Our superb collection of new garments for fall far surpass any former showing.' It is of the greatest interest to fashionable 59-, men, for it. discloses the most authentic styles for all 'occasions. Iaii'ificent Assortment of W omen's ; and Misses' Fall Suits At $25.00,' $35.90, $45.00, up 'to $75.00 ,; These values are unequaled, 6mart mod els in most favored fabrics. . - High Class Novelty Coats $25.C0, $35.00, $45.00 up to $100.00 This showing will bring you in contact , with the latest ideas of the best designers in coats; some are copies of imported models, v and are especially designed for all dressy oc- . casions.- - Stiperb Evening Gowns t $50.00, $72.50 up to $150.00 -These handsome costumes possess an un mistakable air of elegance and distinction. Only a personal view can give you an ade quate idea of their beauty. ENGLISH JOHNNY COATS At $10.00, $15,00 $25.00 aad $30.00. 50 SATIN CHAE ITEUSE DRESSES Values to $20.00 Specially priced at $12.75 In black, navy, taupe, byowri; fashionable models, some have Robespierre collars. Modish models in the ultra-fashionable corduroy and import ed mixture materials. S SfRE: 's Special Bargain Events Sale of Hair (joods , gECOSD ILOOa FOMPE1AW ROOK 18-inch and' 20-inch natural wavy hair switches, all shades except gray - $1.50 values ' , ; ' CQp on sale at . . ..,...'... .-.....'.. - . ; ; 24-inch, two-ounce,' beautiful -natural, wavy hair switches, $4.00 values, on sale V $T Monday at . ..'.. .... ....... . M5. O M 28-inch natural wavy switches, most adaptable tor tne J new coiffures 3 separate stems - Qn QR $12 values at .... . ... ............ . pU.s70 26-inch, 2V2-punc,. natural wavv hair switches reg- ?;.v:.m98 Large cluster puffs, 28-in.cluster$1.98 j Medium size-cluster puffs at . : .98c All Beauty Culture work done in Private uootns oy experienced operators. Monday $5, 24-in. all around trans formations of 18-inch nat- satrj.:.;;.$2i98- FOUR BIG WALL PAPER BARGAINS Smart,- attractive bedroom papers in the latest fall patterns; worth up to O 18c a roll, at roll ......... ...... . New Liquid Gold Papers A fine selec tion of new fall patterns, reg- lip larly worth 25e, at the roll ........ i. Bed room and kitchen papers, 10 patterns worth up to 7c the roll, , Op at per roll Parlor, dining room, hall and store papers worth up to 15c the roll; Cp at roll SPECIAL SALE AND DEMONSTRATION OP COOKING WITH "Wear Ever" Aluminum Gooking Utensils RriiniL npnartment-West Arcade. ; September 16th to October 1, 1912. v wum -X . . A t..wtn..M war. tlAVAP Jl . Tne woman wno once ueco in"uiu . changes back to the old style utensils. During this sale a demonstrator direct from the factory will be on hand daily to te-'-, . ..c.ori hv h fsmous "Wear-Ever VB.nia.KVB uuoreoov - . ... Jt Aluminum Ware. Delicious cakes, wanies, pot. yC , route, etc., will be served free dally. Come In and look . over our extensive line during . this demonstration. , If you fail to , . . . . ..... a Imam i4r buy It win oe Decause juu muvauj use Aluminum ware- f T extra" special ; m repjlr 2 05 set of Stucs Pans shown In illustration they sr act ually worth 2.05 . - O I 95 with this coupon they eosttflsfcW. Bring- This Coupon With Ton. tnwTvi cta-mtiapti PATTERNS NOW ON SALE Pattern Dent. UUi I , Here are the settled styles of the new season, absolutely correct in every detail. The Fall Fash-; 1 Ion Book cosU 20c yon get a pattern irw. , . BRANDEIS STORES A little want ad does the business.