8 THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. Let Pill Do Tt Yu Can't Always Sometimes Tell Copyright, 1812, National News Ann Drawn for The Bee by George McManus IU. PHONE Mr" VHAT YE 11 VHA.T DO I WANT ? HUH? HOW MANY , LI ?"r.H . - AND BILL DID. ' HTtrLLVii WAITING FO : TOLD YOU I WANTED "MCb WJW ITCLU ' WAIT H DO IT!! , , k ! ?i-T-:';- 1 1 2-8-.-Wcu,r. f you-what?, J n just a U, j , 1 - ' WAIT with Hr 5'tL ; DIDN'T VE YOU MINUTE I ( " 11 , HCULO -CENTRAL- 1 f ALlk.HT-.U f ANY NUMrU&o V-! IJ J J .VCt a-8--f v I DON YOUTHS fl Ju M Jl ' V - i . . - i i - . r HELP WA.iTKD FEMALE HELP WANTED MALE ANNOCTN I.MENTlv . BUSINESS CHANCES BUSIf'ESS PERSONALS ' MONEY TO LOAN Hwwktrvfn and Domestics. ( Factory and Trades. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 04. WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to insure proper classification moat be presented before 12 o'clock m. for the evening edltioa and before 7:80 p. m. tot morning and Sunday edi tion. Want adi received after ucb hours will bm (Mr first lnsertlea aader the heading "Too Ute te Uaasity.- CASH AiTEs'ToR WANT AM. ' REGULAR CLASSIFICATION OM tnserttoa 1H cenu per word and 1 cent word for each subsequent eoneecntlTe Insertion. Each inker ton made on odd days 1 ft nt per word; SUM per line per month when ad Is nu without change ut cW. deaths and fiseral notices. GIFT Aiuia, SepieHiuer S, 1S12 ' years I months 6 days. Funeral services wnl be held from the residence of her mother, Mrs. R. Khyn, 1414 Erorast street, Friday, September IK, at I o'clock. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. .Friends invited. KEMP Carl,' aged 14 years; son of Mr. Miohaal Kemn. ...... Funeral Saturday morning. September 14. from the residence. 31)03 Ch cago street, to St Peter's church, at 9 clock. Inter ment at Holy Bepulchre oemetery. M'CLAY Elmer C. died Wednesday, September 11, aged ST years. Me was born In Scotland. He Is sur vived by his widow. He was a member oi thu Miidarn. Wondmen at Atchison. Kan. Funeral will be held from residence, gi Xrth Tntv.Mvnd street r rlday, September 13. at 2 o'clock. Burial at, forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. HARHIACB LICEN8US. have Age 47 ..... 38 ...... The following marriage licenses been Issued: V Name und Residence. Anton Vanous, Omaha.....'. Mrs. Mary Heitxbausen, Omaha.... Stuart A. Campbell, Tllden, Neb.'.., Oiendorls Snider, Tiraen, ."Nee.... Elmer G. Lundburg, Wakefield, Neb.,.. 28 Nettle V. Leggett, Wakefield, Neb...,, 38 Earl T. Butters, Sioux Falls, 8. 1....... jg Leona Glle, Oldham, 8,, D...... ... H Jbv- El nobb. Omaha !7 JoMphlKi Kern, Omaha................... Ernest A. Read. Omaha n Adeline Calhoun, Kearney 1 19 Robert P. Morehead, Stanton 87 Magdalene M. Helse, Omaha....... 87 Lloyd Folts," York. Neb Jl Clara Moore, York, Neb 1!) Axel Johnson, Omaha 30 Ulga Hull, Omaha , XT Kmtl Fendrlck. Schuyler, Neb.,,'.... 22 Ilmte Jonas, Clarkson, Neb 3D COMPETENT cook for small family. references required. Call mornings at 408 No. 40th St.. Tel. II. 62S5. GOOD cook wanted for private family. Apply at once, 2016 Cass. GIRL for general housework: 3008 Pod- pleton Ave. WANTEDGirl for aeneral housework. Apply Mrs. John Steel, 1318 So. 30th Ave. COMPETENT girl for general house work wanted: , no laundry. II. 60: 3802 Lincoln Blvd. GIRL Wirt St. for general Web. Z762. housework. 1915 WANTED A neat-appearing girl for general housework. Call Mrs, E. Dewl Ing, 828 Georgia Ave., Harney 5682. EXPERIENCED girl for general house. work. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. Harney 2298. GENERAL housework wanted by man and wife. Tel. Douglas 6030. Call after 6 p. m. Ask for Maggie. OOOD. steady girl or woman for aen- eral house work. Good home. Harnfv 2387. 2632 Harney St. , GOOD clrl for aeneral hounewnrlr. no launury. ui a. win Dt, WANTED Comoetent alrl for ren.rnl noueewora in lamuy or two. Mrs. W. J. Burgess, m'i Harney St. WANTED Girl for general housework. iwo in iamuy, good wages. a29 Dodge. WANTED First nlaa hniii)AkMnir fnr iaay wno is employed. Phone Harnev 6290. WANTED At once, rood strl for cen- eral housework; good wages. 810 So. 36th Ave., or call Harnev 6246. LEARN AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING. Get Into the automobile business, learn It complete In the largest and best equipped training soriooi in this territory. Repairmen, demonstrators and salesmen sre In demand. Writs or call for our latest catalogue. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE , SCHOOL. 1416-17 Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb. TAILOR wanted to do pressing and re pairing, but bIho new work; lo a week or more and steady work. 8. L. Jacobsen, Hamburg, la. Twenty per cent less than Omaha prices. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L StB.. South Omaha. Plumes Renovated mDougaX83l! 8. H. Cole Slsn Co. I J. 376S. 131 Fnrnsm. Upholstering, pollatilna and leflnlshing. resetting, and mending springs, matresses worked over. A. Adkins, 1619 Dodge. EAT KOSHKiK HOME COOKING. ARKINS, SIR 8. 16TH. UPaTAIRS. OMAHA TENT CO.. Tel. Douglas SSJ. I Guanantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 33.3. PRINTER WA NTED Good man fori country office. Permanent position for right party. State wages wanted. Phons or write The Frontier, o iseiii, NeD. TAILORS wanted, flrst-clasa coat makers at once, S3 and up. F. L. Holmes, Ames, la. WANTED Proof reader, who can fill In as lob compositor or linotype opera tor. Answer by letter, giving experience and salary expected, to Mr. Howard, Matt Parrott A Sons Co., Waterloo, I, EL CONTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Box 60, postpaid, 82.76; try half dozen; If nut satisfactory money refunded. BEA TON DRUG CO.. 15(13 Farnam. Omaha. CHESAPEAKE CAFE and lunch room now open. J. G. Dennis, Manager. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. H O HallprHave yul P'umblns ii. j. ixuuvi and heatlng pantB re. (paire& overhauled before cold weather rush comes. 1754 Leavenworth. Tyler 1597. WANTED First-class, horseshoer and ' floorman. Steady Job. M. L. Tobin, Huron. 8. D. WANTED ,For permanent positions, men between ages of 21 and 35; rough carpenters to do car repair work In Chi cago; rate 25 cents per hour; tools to be furnshed by applicant; call on Illinois Central Freight Agent, 11th and Chicago Hih., Omaha, for tree transportation. FORTY union tinners and cornice mak ers wanted at once; 46 cents per hour; do not wait to write, come ahead. Wm. Fos ter Mfg. Co., Springfield, 111. MOORFIELD'8 PATENT. SULPHER STEAM BATHS SUPERIOR TO TURKISH BATHS. -We treat successfully Gout, Rheuma tlsm. Lumbago, Kidney and Stomacil trouble: Dropsy and Catarrh. Massage vibration, theropatlc. lamp and electric treatment. Lady attendant for ladies. 607 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Tel. South 2992. WANTED Girl for general housework or to assist with housework. Tel, liar. 3233. 862 N. 41st Ave. WANTED Assistant housekeeper with hotel experience, no other need apply. Mrs. Johnson, Housekeeper, Hotel Rome. WANTED-GIrl for general housework. Good wages. 2685 Harney St. - Phone Douglas 6877. lUUcvllaneoaa. :, TOTJno women coming to Omaha as strangers sre invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. - Look - for our travelers' guide at hs Union station. HELP WANTED WALK rV B1B-THS AND DEATHS. ' Births-John and Mary Urbetis, 752 South Fifteenth, boy; Alois and Theresa Posloff, 603 Leavenworth, boy; George and Blanche Winn, 2913 touth Sixteenth, boy; James P. ' and Blanch McDonough, 1826 North Seventeenth, girl: Eric and Eun Hollander, 4336 Maple, girl; Thomas and JSHiabeth Donahue, 3911 Webster, girl. Deaths-Charles E. Hunt, 68 years, tHMDltal. James E. McGuckln, tifi years, hospital; Lucy Nyland, 11 years, (17 North Eighteenth; Iiavld Jameson, 48 l e&rs, hospital. "a BUILDING PERMITS. Farmers' Lumber company, Twenty foTinh. and Boyd, frame warehouse, 8'J.ow. tzsrr, ; , . -. ,- rrr, rrra Agent, Halrararn aad Solicitor. TOU are a hustler, you are a splendid success at your present business; how ever, do you believe you are receiving all the money your talent Is worth? Why not go Into the life Insurance busi ness where your talent and energies caa have full play and where there Is no limit to what you can make? You say you know nothing about writing life In surance; neither did the thousands of successful life insurance men when they started. If you are a hustler, It matters nt if you know nothing about life In surance, I can make you a success by giving you a splendid contract with a splendid old line eastern life insurance company nd teaching you the business. It matters not what your present busi ness Is, It costs you nothing to investi gate, this proposition. This ad- I In tended to reach the successful men who want to make more money than they are now receiving. No time for the "has beens." Address N 718, Bee. .8 EELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad OUlea. HELP! HELP! HELP! Ws need at once: Stenographer, t&i fil ing clerk and typist, t; bookkeeper and stenographer. Insurance experience,- $75: 'assistant bookkeeper, (40; bookkeeper and stenographer, coal firm; ISO; stenog rapher, fcO; three comptometer operators. 4o-uu; cigar clerk, o and board and room; stenographer, beginner, $36; book keeper and stenographer, $40, board and 'footn. ' , POSITIVELY open. Call AT ONCE. '"CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., W16-16 City Natl. Bank Bldg. PHYSICIAN wants office girl; some knowledge of typewriting. Address K 717, Bee. factory aad Traces. WANTED Three girls experienced la Irspery work. Apply to Colling & Laier, mi Farnam St. - WANTED-Olrls. Iten Bi-cuit Oo. Uottackeeprra and Uaateatlea, THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED-Thf Bee wilj run a Servant Girl Wsnted Ad FREE until you get the deaired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council IMuft. Bring your ad to Tbe Bee office m' telephone Tyler luuO. - WANTED Girl or elderly lady for gen eral housework; small family. 9X12 Lake. tSIRL for general housework; family of 3. M Lotnrop St. Web. 2504. .WANTEDExperlenced nurse girl. 436 N. 8h St. WANTED Reliable person for general t-; i ,i ivo sj rr h srtf sr t in tr rl a I nsrms iAn . 1'iHCf?; nice room. Tel. Harney 3441 4123 COLORED girl to assist in the kitchen. H. mi. 3W S. 26th St vV ANTED A competent . second girl. Ml 32d Ave. .V ANTED A girl for general house work. Must get one at once. 1906 Farnam GIRL to assist with housework; family r,t two. 8. 43C. 2316 J. South Omaha. WANTED A Sir! for 'general hoimo. work. Small family. Good wages. 3M arnam t. . 1 - t,iut ;iiJs.NT girl for general house work; must be good cook. 3870 Dodge. - AGENTS, SOLICITORS If you are a live wire and looking for something good, Jaeger Bros, Mfg. Co., 607 Brandela Tbeater Bldg. "Nut ced." AGENTS Steady employment and rood pay for fall season to a few reliable men. Write at once for sample.' , Oklahoma Mrg. and supply Co., El Keno, Oki. WANTED Salesman tw sell chewing gum to dealers on commission; good Job for the right man; don't answer unless you mean business. Dock Parks, ttf mh kit., Denver, Com. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Our course Includes everything none in a muaern snop. complete ouuii 01 tools given. Wages In finishing de partmentconstant practice expert in structionsdiplomas granted positions waiting. Call or write. Moler Barber College: 110 S. 14th St. . 2 MEN wanted to solder aalvunlzed Iron tanks. Must know how to wipe sol der. Don't apply unless experienced. Neb. Iowa Tank Co., 13th and Spruce. Mlacellanrona. , , YOU CAN EARN MORE MONET In the automobile business; chauffeurs, repairmen, demonstrators, are In big de aiand and command large salaries; pre pare yourself In our large training shop whera you learn how to operate, repair and sell all makes of cars. National Auto Training Assn, 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. PAPER hangers, use Snowflake Paste. Omaha Paste Co., 718 So. 13th St. AK-SAR-BEN SPECIALTIES We Offer TO THE PUBLIC The very best whisky on on the market for the small sum of $3.00 per gal. The very best port wine we offer for I1.C0 per gal. C. SCHLANK & CO., 1307 Douglas St. JEWELRY FIXTURES and small amount of stock in county seat town of 6,000. Best location, fine building, can be released for a term of years. Right price for quick sale. Furnald & Co., Carroll, la. RESTAURANT for sale. Inquire of owner, 320 S. 19th. FOR SALE The only meat market in good town of SCO. Address Box 274, Oelrlchs, S. D. WE buy, sell and lease moving picture theaters and supplies. Nat'l Theater Corp., 1318 Farnam. MR BUSINESS MAN Your presence in case of .fire on your property is Impera tive. We notify you at onco In case of fire. OMAHA FIRE REPORTING AGENCY, 1812 Harney St. Douglas 4297. 321 NO. 25TH Full of roomers, a good 10-room rooming house; snap; terms. . llooiuliiK Motisra tor Sale. FOR SALE Paying boarding house, 2200 Lake. Web. 47GS. Urs. William Peterson. CALIFORNIA, 11414-Twelve rooms, new ar.d completely furnlnhcd, always full, payment good, terms, to suit, leaving town. Douglas 3572. N oner ire null Seeds. 6TEW ART'S 6EEDMAN. 118 N. 16th. Oateopatky, Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg. Ojpttoiaoe. B. F. Wurn, fitting and rep'g. 443 Brandels Patent. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. STURQIS registered attorney, United States and foreign patents. 616 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone. D. 3469. . Photographer. RInehart, photographer, 18th ft Farnam. Printing. Lew W. Raber, Printer, S'uffl BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. Rels-Hall Ptg. Co., 109 S. 14th. Ind. A-3524 SUPERIOR GRADE OF PRINTING. JOHN C. THOMPSON. Webster 3197. Waters-Barnhart Ptg. Co.; quality kind, quick service. Doug. 2190. 522-24 So. 13th. BUSINESS PERSONALS Architect. Plans & Bldg. estimates. Cottrell. W. 881. Cutropodlata. DR. ROT, 1MB Farnam. Douglas 6497. Civil Engineers. - E. E. Moore, G20 Paxton Blk. Doug. 3058. The Mandarin s m Cafe, 1409 Douglas, 2d floor. SteaksT chops, chop suey, Chinese dishes. Also quick lunches. Best service. VANTKl-Good yard man: 125.00 Dei- month with board and room and a win ter job; one who understands steam boiler:- no boozer need aDDlv. Mr. M. G. Cappron, Hotel Monroe, iirlnnell, la. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you by the Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads If you gain your training la our school. Practice on R. IL wires. Ad dress for particulars. H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College. Omaha. Neb. Rubber Goods y All kinds; face creams and powders; hair, tooth and nail brushes. THE BELL DRUG CO., 1216 Farnam. Clothing Manufacturer. . Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. Creameries, Dairies and supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. ' Coin. tWA rVvine stamps bought, sold, ex Uia v01US changed. Omaha Coin and Stamp Co., 519 N. 16th. Cornice and Mtret Ceilings. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omahi - Dentists. Mach ft Mach, 3d floor Pa ton. D. 10S5. HOME PLATE CAFE "The Rlk-ht Place to Eat." Si S. 19th. A l.Ui O-RIT.M truants vlalr th NW Home Restaurant, 1614 Capitol Ave. Best meals. Ibc. 1 lie nest lor your mmier. TJT A TL- .4 1 .-. t'u onnrlu.'(,VuR StflrM and A un.i. VI i . 1 1 u . Hi.. ... , - Stripes beer, Jutes saioon. u as uwism. WiNTKII Mm ti, ,1,. nhimh I,. ..I,.,. work; must be reliable; would only take part time; give references and where can Ka Manhul ll V t..lul..nn. A A " 1 ') Use. ' ' MAIL parriers, Postoffice clerks wanted. 880.00 tier month. Omaha exam inations November 6. Free coaching. Franklin Institute. Dep't 214-s, Roches ter, N. T. HEIP WANTED MA LB AND FKAI.il.Bi. WANTED Agents, men and women, wholesale and retail; fsst seller; large profits to agents. 828 Brandels Theater Bldg,. MEN and women wanted for govern ment positions. $80 per month. Write for list of positions ooen. Franklin Institute, Dep't 217 S., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS . WANTED EXPERIENCED PAINT SALESMEN. ' If you have not had experience selling paint do not call. It you have, we can offer big Inducement. The Atlas Oil Company, (07 First National Bonk Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Boys, WANTED Five good reliable boys. Good wages. W. U. Tel. Co., 212 n. 13th St WANTED Boy with wheel to learn drug business. Unit ft Docekal. Clerical aad Office. SIX YEARS we; have been supplying th large commercial house of Omaha and surrounding territory with competent office help. WE KNOW their needs. THEY KNOW our ability In selecting the desirable help, it will PAY YOU to In vestigate our system. Terms reasonable. Businens strictly confidential. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Nat l. Bank Bldg. YOUNG men, study law. Omaha Sohool of Law. Law Dept. University of Omaha. Evening seislona. For further Information address secretary, 610 Mo Cague Bldg. Tel. Doug. 867. , WANTED Bookkeeper for commercial business. One that van use typewriter. State age, experience and ralnry ex pected la application. M V.S, Bee. BOOKKEEPER for ledger work even ings. Will require three or four even ings each week. Would rather have young man who has had some experience on ledger work, but must be neat writer, accurate and quick at figures. Work not heavy or complicated and will not Inter fere with other duties during the day. Please state age,. kind of work you are now doing and what experience you have had, If any. Address, O 714, care Bee. ratters aad Trades, Drug store (snap) jobs. Knlsrt. Bee Bldg. WANTED First-class bard candy maker at ence; will pay good wages to light man. Aleo want Ice cream maker. Send night lettergram, mating ability, terms, etc. Ward-Owsley Co., Aber deen, 8. D. MIDDLE-AGED woman to work In a good home near Omaha; wages, $10 per re n.tU. Wob. XM. GIRL (or general housework. 1544 N. IHh, Wi bster 37aS. GOOI general housework girt, wash ihi and ironing done out. H. 3615, Mrs. Goorge Srqtllre, 816 go. 37th St. GIKt to assist with general- house" R,:K, small family, guod pay. ii, Wi, 1G No.; 'Mh St. . f . . . WANTED A first-class saddlemaker on stock saddles. Write, stating refer ence and experience, to the J. U. Wilson Saddlery Co., 1721 Lawrence St, Denver. WANTED Two linotype machine operators. Apply at once, Combe Print ing Company, St Joseph, Mo. WANTED Flrt--lats candymaker for retail conieciionery store, inquire at Peter's Canny Palace. .Sioux City. la. . WANTED An experienced man to measure and make window shades. Ap ply to Culling A Later, 1903 Farsuun St WOMAN aged 42 with child of 2 years wants good, permanent place as house keeper, ranch preferred.- 2527 Cuming St., Mrs. Scott. YOUNG man wants position as chau fevir; good references, w. F. Basham, 1S06 Chicago. Red 5749. EVENING work wanted by first-clans bookkeeper; best references. Address B 712, Bee. HELP! Call the Omaha Emolovment Bureau. Douglas 1112. lady or couple; will assist in housework. i. j i. AiKiniou, riov.aia si. POSITION as stenographer: reasonable salary, and do public work; Bee buildliig preierrea. Aaaress is iov nee. EXPERIENCED stenographer and bookkeeper wants position as private secretary. Address, A 669, Bee. MIDDLE-AGED man wants a position as janitor or porter; can furnish the best of references; reliable and steady worker. Call Webster 4SS3. ANNOUNCEMENTS N. P. Swan son, Undertaker Wa Am now In ntir umia- Y.iiil.li.a .i have one of the most up-to-date under takins etsbllshment In the cltv. i Cuming. 1). lOfiO. lirge chapel in con nection. ALL will b forgiven, Mary, if you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Douglas streets. That is where KRODEGAAKD tells those lucky wedding rings. Charles Loftman. wines, liquors and cl gars, merchants lunch. 14th & Howard. Detectives. JAMES ALIaAN-312 Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Omaha Secret Serv. 428 Paxton Blk. D. 1319. L. W. LONGNECKER. 617 Karbach Blk. ' ' Dancing- .vasemm, BARIGHT HALL, 19th and Farnam, as. sembly Wednesdays.. For terms pnone So. 2654. Genevieve Hauflarre, Instructors ATTRACTIONS OMAHA FILM EX. DOU8V n d Motion picture machine and film bargains AUTOMOBILES. ONE body only, In A-l condition, for 6-passenger touring car. Black silk mohair top and seat covers. Inquire at office of Arthur D. Brandels, Brandels 8tores. MOVED AND DOING THE BEST Automobile repairing In the city. "See" DRUMMOND MOTOR CO. : New Location, 26th and Farnam. 1 T' J TiREPAIRlNG. luurnyiJiaiiK FOR SALE "WELCH" 50-horsepower T-passenger touring car with the follow ing equipment: Mohair top, windshield, Jones' speedometer, demountable rims. Klaxon born and Presto-O-Lite tank. The car is In first class condition and a bar gain. First cash offer of $1,200 takes it Address Van Brunt Auto Co., Couucil Bluffs, la. ALBERT H. BIHLER, Auto repairer, 2230 Farnam. Douglas 8395. TIRE REPAIRING tires. We make them almost as good as new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Store Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam. , Morrison's Taxi Webster 8016... Motorcycles, y Tale, Harley-Davldson and used motor tycles. Victor H. Roos. 2703 Lesven worth. SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES STODDARD-DAYTON . 7-passenger Li mousine. Rebuilt and repainted. All In fine condition. J. J. DERIGHT AUTO CO. " GET your diamond at Brodegaard's. ANQHOR FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; last lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. OMAHA POSTING SERVICE. Advertising "Pat Welch's $2 hats.' D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr., 12 Frenser Blk General contracting, painting and pa perhanginK. Baker 2107 Clark. Web. 66JS. N. P. Swanson, Undertaker We are now In our new building and hsve one of the most up-to-date under, taking establishments In the city. 162$ Cuming. D, 1060. Large chapel in connection. MONEY; TO LOAN-LOW rate, In sums to suit 810 Bee Bldg. Phone Douc 2ii, UNION LOAN CO. Alfred C. Kennedy, ance. 209 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 722. AUTO repairing; 2d-hand cars, nought and sold. Morrison's Taxi, 4004 N. 24th. Web. 3018. BUSINESS CHANCES TO set in or out of business call oa GANGESTAD. 404 Bee BUlg. Tel. i. 34.1. FOR SAL H Drug store; good clean stock throughout; western Iowa; for particulars address Y 163. Omaha Bee. ""fObTSALE Dental office In live Ne braska town. Going west for wife's health. Answer If you meau business. Address Y 164, nee, ket with good location; good reason for selling. F 708. Bee. Why don't YOU buy YOUR PAINT where the Best Painters buy? Tbey buy from US. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 16091 Fajriuua. v Doug,- 4150. GATE CITY, Mellette county. 8. D.. offers exceptional opportunities to live business men desiring to begin in a new country and grow with It This town la being built in the heart of the Oak creek valley, the corn belt In the Rose bud country recently opened to home stead entry; buildings are being com pleted and can be leased to live mer chants. All unsold lots will be auctioned I off Sept. 25, 1911 Take the Northwest I ern line to Winner. Address John W. Shevltn. Winner, S. D. MAKE chewing gum and make a fortune. We teach you how from A to Z. Address H. U. Elliott & Sons. Harbor SPlltm MJca. Drcaamaklus. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th ft Far. Anna Sistek, suits, cloaks, dresses, altera tions, repairs, 216-e City Nat. Bk. D. 6969. SEWING by day In families, work guaranteed. Web. 4843. Good DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 3999. BRYAN & O'BRIEN, dressmaking & tailoring. 212 Bee Bldg., Red-4239. Everything- for Women. Mrs. Olsen. 1st class carpet weaving. W.6016 Heavy blankets and light quilts cleaned ior iau; reuucea rates to hotels. SJ. iiTil. WE rent repair, sell needles, parts of all sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th a n.l L T ...... . . H.v&.a Dk.. l-,.i.J 1 ,?I.1 flliu uailiv., Di.CVLa. AllUIItt truug, XDQi, L. LIEFF, ladies' tailor: tailored suits and fancy gowns. Room 456 Wead Bldg. WILLOW plumes made from old and new feathers. 2326 S. I2th St. Doug. 6566. Western Millinery School. 415 Paxton Block. DougT682l. Bring material. Mane your hats. One lesson, $1.00. 6 lessons, $5.00. LOHRMAN sellable ladles' tailor, ts Latest styles, materials. Popular prices. prices very reasonable. 1726 St. ' Mary's) Everything Electrical. LOWEST PRICES on massage vibrator. SEND FOR 80-PAGE BOOKLET. HARTHUN ELECTRIC CO.. 880 Brandela Bldg. Phone Douglas 6293. Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. purgg-jrnuen o.. 1BU WOWarq. I. 6S1 All kind electrical apparatus, new and 2d hand, and electrical repairs. Le Bron Electrical Wrka, 313 S. 13th. Omaha. Florist. A. Donaghue. 1607 . Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS ft 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. rtoraare and Repairs. - REPAIRS in stock to fit your stove, furnace, steam or hot water heater; new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast Let us figure with you. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-1208 Douglas St.- " Tyler 20. , "N r'oaadrica, , McDonald brass and bronze foundry, aluminum, tin, lead castings. 1407 Jackson. , AloTing, Storage and Cleaning. ' Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Furniture packing, piano moving. utnee zib t. litn si. uouar. Plambcra. W. Thatcher, plumbing ft heatlng.813 N. 40th St. Office: H. 3107. Res. H. 1638. kinds plumb ing repairs. W. 86? or W. 6126. 1709 N. 24th. Ti T7 Von Va llrTiVifi,i. All Stenographers anil Court Reporters, Myrtle A. Kelley, 816 Bran. The. D: Steel Tank and Culvert Companies, NEBRASKA and Iowa Steel Tank Com pany. 14th and Nicholas. Doug. 3869. Store and , Of ilce Fixture. WE BUY and sell anything, everything In fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 2tli and Howard. D. 2724. See us first. ELECTRIC sausage grinder, 2 cash registers, scales, showcases, all kinds of fixtures bought and sold. Levy's, 2510 N bi., soutn omana.t POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures, bought, sold. Levy. ttlO N, go. Omaha. Tents und Awnings. J0MAHAJTENT CO.. Tel. Douglaj821 Trnnka and Suit Cnaes. Frellng ft Steinle. 1S0S Farnam St-. Wine und Lliinor. WILLOW Springs beer, liquor, cigars, sa'iidwiches. Alox Jetes. 602-3 S. 13th St. V'IRGINA DARE wine 65c a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House.. 622 N. 16th St Salary and Chattels. YOU have long desired to obtain ready money for the sake of your wife, your children, yourself. Here is your chance to ob-. tain it In An Easy Way nn ftirnltiir nlonns warahnllM rACfllDts rln fact anything of value or on your plain note, if steadily employed. Terms to suit. Confidential. -, ' - . Reliable Credit Co. Third floor, 308 Paxton block, 217 S. loth. 'Phone Douglas 1411 an A-1416. MONEY loaned salaried people and others on their own name; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. Tol man, New Omaha National Bank Bldg. DIAMOND LOAN'S at ihi and 6 per cent. FLAUTAU, 1514 Doufeo bl. Tel. Bed SSi. OFFERED FOR RENT Uoarii un4 Koouis. O. M. E. baiils trunks. D. 611. A-28U. 2S24 FARNAM Modern furnished rooms, with excellent board,. DOUGLAS STREET. 2103. THE GRANADA AND ANNEX EXCELLENT ROOMS AND BOARD. 114 N. 26th St.-Well furnished room; good board. . REEDHURST for meals. DOUG. 8350. YOUNG lady roommate wanted by an employed young lady having a large south room in desirable location. 1234 S. 25th Ave. - Furnished Rooms. 2042 FARNAM Modern furnished rooms; breakfast if desired. 318 N. 19TH Modern, clean, furnished room; reasonable. , . . TWO nicely furnished rooms. Marcy St. Phone Harney 3337. 3019 FURNISHED rooms; desirable; mod sir:, fteam heated. Pd 4232. 2402 CASS-Steam ; heated, neatly fur nished, $2.00 up. ' 221 N. 24TH, apartment 7, newly fur nished room, modern, $2.50 per week. 1816 DODGE1 ST. Modern rooms, $2 and up. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR Complete courses In Business, Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service or Salesmanship. . The catalogue Is free for the asking. Call, write or phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boyles, President Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. Mosher-Lampman College Unsurpassed courses. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions. Work for board. Address Mosher-Lamp-ban, 1815 Farnam St.,1 Omaha, Neb LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles. Fox Stables New location, first-class livery and boarding. 1814 Cuming. D. 1557 BUGGIES, surrles and runabouts at less than wholesale price te close out JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO.. 10th and Jones Sts. 1ST clsss livery. Sherman. 24th ft Clark. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having mst ome article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it in the street cars. Many articles eacn day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 48. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. - LOST Last Saturday evening, a pin seal leather card case with name stamped on inside, personal cards of H. Y. Freedman, money, stamps, etc. Liberal reward, no questions. 716 So. 13th St. , LOST Saturday, August 31, blatk and tan Airedale pup, 6 months old. Return to J. C. Lynch, 2212 Mason St. Reward. LOST-Phi Delta Theta fraternity pin, Nebraska Alpha chapter, name "H. K. Owen" on back. Finder please call Har ney 6167 for reward. , MEDICAL SPECIALIST for WOMEN. 41 Doug Blk. Ladles guaranteed remedies. 401 Ware Blk. FERR1.VS Van ft Storage. T-1200; W-2747. : McLaud & Sou V an t S., 3-norse van, men. $1.25 hr., 2 hrs, $1 nr. D. 4338. W. &U. FERRIN'S Auto baggage. T-1200; W-2747 Furn. Moving; I men, $1 per hr. W. 2748. Mualc, Art aad tsnaraage. Miss Peters, piano teacher. Webster 1054. Charles L. Cocke, jr., piano, 513 McCague. FRANK MACH, violinist Red 427. Helen Sadllek. teacher of piano. W. 1346. PROGRESSIVE MUSIC TEACHER Wanted 30 publls already organized Location and Information free. Music Teachers' Training School, 613 Paxton Block. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, teachers of singing. 209 So. 35th Ave. Phone Har. 2027. Cora Schwartz, voice. 401 Boyd theater. Henry Cox, violinist. 1313 Farnam St. Harney 3904. Francis Hotter, tarh of guitar, mando lin and banjo. 19201 Farnam. Doug. 3S&A SPANISH lessons given by competent I na trim tar. Phoiw wht. IK' Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation.. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials: DR. E. R. TARRY. Bee Bldg., Omaha. I WISH to announce to my patients and friends that I have returned from my summer vacation and am now at their service professionally. DR. J. W. NOVAK, DENTIST, Room 4,' Continental Blk. Douglas. 5077. MEN who are ill. send for free booklet of chronic diseases; write fully and son, fidentially; 50 years' experience. Old German Doctor, 1719 Springgarde& Street Philadelphia. Pa. MONEY TO LOAN salary aad Chattels. HOME LOAN CO. Most reasonable rates in the city. Write or phone Douglas 1235. 1623 Farnam. Room 8. Patterson Blk. Mon furniture, firirV real estate at J rate of Interest. Nebraska Loan Co., pianos and a very low Douglas 1356. 230 Bee Bldg. A-135'i CHATTEL LOANS. $5 to $100. SALARY LOANS You can set it today of , STAR LOAN CO., 601 Paxton Block 2706 FARNAM Desirable front room, modern. H. 6369. NICELY furnished rooms for profes sional or business men, every modern convenience and tiuiet. Address 2125 Douxlas St., Tyler 1228. LARGE nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern, , walking distance, 2308 Dewey Ave., Tel. Red 4963. 2416 SO. 20TH Modern furnished room; reasonable; board if desired. Furnished Houses. 6-ROOM s cottage, all modern, con veniences. 316 Reed St - Benson. Neb. Douglas 678 and ask for Mr. Berlo. Furnished Housekeeping- Roota. TWO neat furnished rooms, good nelgn borbood, modern. 3127 Mason St 1424 SHERWOOD AVE.-Two large, modern housekeeping rooms, on bath room floor; reasonable. Webster 3426. 1805 LEAVENWORTH - Housekeeping rooms, $3.50.' Phone Douglas 6071. 624 SO. 20TH Modern housekeeping rooms. Price reasonable. 1918 CASS-Modern, light housekeeping rooms. , i r r L-1,-1, 1 1.-1 t - n ii , ..V. J AAIkUUU. A..A ' I UUUIO, .U11IJD1IOU complete; fine flat, close in, strictly mod- ei II. 01 DU. Ave. Hotels ana a part meats. DODGE HOTEL, all requirements of OWL HOTEL, newly furnished, electrlo light, hot water; 25c up. 110 N. 13th. Apartments cud Flats. Large moving Vans. 31.25 per hour. D. 394. STRICTLY modern 6-room hot water heated apartment, 817 Pine St., near Browned Hall. Phone Owner, Red 6640. 5 ROOMS, 1803 Farnam, modern, suit' able location for offices, studios, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc.. for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall, 433 R&mge Bldg. D. 7406. FOR RENT New apartment, four and five rooms, modern, $18 to $22 per month. Telephone Douglas 8279, FOR RENT Brick flat, 2712 Jackson; frtllf Kortr-nnma nnri $n4k wcui wumio (VUU VO. til I UUII1 Beuuiiu floor, living, dining room, kitchen and re ception hall first floor; cemented cellar, first-class furnace, in fine condition. Key at 2710 Jackson St Inquire at 401 City Nat. bank. CENTRAL, all modern, steam heat 7 room house and 4 room flat 220 N. 23rd. 1508 N. 20TH ST. Best 5-r. "St. Louts" flat In the north end of town. Only $23. DivD 0 OT A T I." .ALT, 1 TV Omaha's Rental Men. 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. . 2191T1Fst. : A very choice 6-r., strictly modern "St Louis" flat, with hot water heat Bar gain at $30. v PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY, Omaha's Rental 'Men. 16 Omaha' Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hoases and Cottarca. HOUSEHOLD goods packed and tor warded: cheap freight rates; Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Doug. 394: office 216 S. 17th St FINE 8 room house in Cathedral dis trict Reasonable to responsible tenant Call Tvler 1538. HOUSE, 1921 Cass btreet Eight rooms. modern. Walking distance. : TOU can rent of me a 2 or 3-r. bouse, $7 up, without money if you can do building and repair work. Several lots for truck ra sing, chickens, etc. Write at once. L 716. Bee. . 6-ROOM modern, shade tree. 2010 Elm St. $26. Telephone Harney 1510. MOVING, packing and storing of house hold goods and pianos la our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct Branch office. X) & 17th St Tel. D. 41S3; A-1508. ' A real home, pretty lawn, electric light, all modern, -r., $45. 725 a 37th. W. 259CU