THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. 3 BRYAN TO TRAIL ROOSEVELT Nebraskan Will Follow Colonel'! Western Itinerary. BEGINS SATURDAY AT DENVER He Expects to Speak at All Polnta In the West Where toe Big Boll Moose Has Appeared on Hi Speaking Toor.- NEW YORK, Sept. 12.-WIlllam J. Bryan notified democratic national head quarters here today that he would start next Saturday on a speaking tour of th- western states, following: closely on thft trail of Colonel Roosevelt. He will make the trip at his own expense. 11 r. Bryan will open at Denver Satur day night, September 14, preceding Colo nel Roosevelt, who speaks there next Thursday. He will then speak at all Im portant points where Colonel Roosevelt has spoken in Colorado, Utah, 'Montana, California, Nevada and Wyoming, return ing to Lincoln on October 2. From that date until the end of the campaign he will speak In the middle west and east under the auspices of the speakers' bu reau of the national committee and at the committee's expense. ,' Roosevelt Talk Irrigation. LA GRANDE, Ore., Sept 12.-Colonel Roosevelt stopped here for two hours to day on his way to 'Boise and made an address at the Union county fair. From La Grande he left for Huntington. He will speak in Boise tonight. Colonel Roosevelt talked of irrigation In his speech in La Grande, which lies in. the heart of the irrigation district of this state. He advocated development of . arid lands under the lead of the national 1 government. "' i "Oregon should follow the example of , other western states in giving women j the women the right to vote," he declared "I have grown to feel that there are cer- tain Injustices to which women are some : times subjected which cannot be righted i unless you give them the ballot." Colonel Roosevelt's itinerary may be changed to "Include an' excursion Into Texas. He had planned to omit that state I from his list because of the time required ' to make a campaign there. He considered 'today a trip to Dallas to deliver one speech. Wilson Plaees Tariff. . SYRACUSE, N. Y., Sept. 12.-Governor Woodnow Wilson discussed, the tariff here today at the state , fair before the largest r crowd that has yet gathered to hear him in his presidential campaign. ''We, have the r right, to look to pur - government," he said. "Not to support uB, but to remove the obstacles to our individual self-support It is said that . prices have risen all over he world. Yes they have and they have risen faster and higher in high tariff countries than in low tariff countries. No Intellectual gifts stand in the way of the assertion because we don't have to have very much brains to read statistics, and sta tistics are open to every man which show that the United States is burdened with the cost of high living as no other coun try in the world is and there must be something special in the United States which makes It true. ' "Take the price of meat, for Instance. It has gone up 30 and 40 per cent in ten years in this country and the price of American meat has' not gone tip a frac tion of a cent per1 pound In London mar kets. . j.- "'"The argument for protection," he con tinued, "when there is domestic compe tiUon ilerentJrom the argument for protection ' where there Is no domestic competition. The wall -of the tariff enables certain gentlemen to get behind , it and say, "We are all of us secure; why cut one another's throats? Why not stand together?' And they did with refer ence to meat" The governor referred to the tariff as a "malignant growth that, required a radical operation." ' "If I am a surgeon- and you are a suf ferer, will I see that your declining years are made happy?" he asked. "I will per form the operation, but I will not cut a single tissue that Is wholesome. I am going to cut put the diseased portion and 'save your life. The man who does not j propose to cut the deadly thing out is a quack and not a surgeon. Don't let the quacks deceive you." v While Governor Wilson was speaking a portion . of the circular grandstand ou which he was standing cracked ominously, but did not give way. Nntmea Demoerata Xame Baldwin. HARTFORD, Conn.. Sept. 11-Gov-ernor Simon E. Baldwin was renominated today without opposition at the ad journed session of the democratic state convention. Other state "officers and seven presidential electors also were named and a platform was adopted. In accepting the nomination Governor Baldwin alluded to the democratic vic tory of two years ago In Connecticut as a rebuke to the republican party for abuse of Its power. "In this day of the final breakup of the republican party I look to see Con necticut range itself again in the party of Jefferson and Madison; the party of political equality of opportunity; the party that stands for social and Indus trial and legal Justice." MINISTERS TRANSFER v TO NEBRASKA CONFERENCE BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 12.-(Speclal.)-The fifty-second annual session of the Nebraska Methodist conference convened In Centenary Methodist church yester day morning with Bishop Frank Bristol, D. D., of Omaha presiding. At the call of the roll 112 ministers responded. O. T. Moore was elected secretary and E. M. Furman, O. P. Trites and E. B. Maxey his assistants. A. V. Wilson was elected statistical secretary, with eleven assist ants. Dr. A. C. Crosswalte was elected treasurer and B. A. Alexander, A. A. Randall, N. C. Seidel, W. M. Jackson, C. E. Corrall. J. P. Yost and G. M. Jones his assistants. Bishop Bristol announced the transfer of J. P. Yost from the North (Nebraska conference and J. F. Boeye and G. F. Francomb from the Austin conference. About 160 ministers and thirty probation ers will receive appointments from the bishop. ' Rev. J. R. Gettys presided at the sta tistical session In the afternoon and ad dresses were delivered by Rev. A. O. Hin son on "Thy Kingdom Come" and Dr. Jp.v Somervllle of - Wichita, Kan., on "God's Call to the Church for Aggres sive Evangelism." In the evening, the anniversary of the board of foreign missions was enjoyed with an interesting and logical address by Rev. A. A. Parker, president ofBaroda seminary In' India. The church temper ance society spoke on "Life in , a Dry State." Beatrice charge first appears In the conference minutes In 1858, and of tho pastors who have served Centenary church since that time only Rev. Duke Slavens, Rev. N. A. Martin and Rev. U. G. Brown are at this session of the con ference. Nebraska GERMAN-AMERICANS LAY PLANS FOR PICNIC SEWARD, Neb., Sept. 12.-SpectaU-The German-Amer'can picnic will be held here on October 3. The Tyrolean singers and yodelers who were at the World's fair have been engaged for this date. Chancellor Avery and Prof. Fos sler of the Nebraska State university and Congressman Charles Sloan and Candi date C. M. Sklles will be the speakers. Two county bands will furnish music. A water fight between members of the Seward volunteer fire department, band concerts and free vaudeville all day will be given here on September 18, bargain day. Ehrman and George Thomas have formed a partnership for the transaction of trading and real estate business. Elmer Rousselle was knocked from his j automobile Sunday evening and rendered unconscious, when his car was run Into by another car driven' by Mr. Hennlmann. The Young Men's Christian association building committee held a meeting Thurs day, evening. The Carnegie library com mission has approved the plans of the building as submitted -y the committee and as soon as plans and specifications can be prepared by the architect, bids for the building will be asked for. ,F. W. Parks has sold a half interest In his flour and feed business to J. Verne Willis. The body of Mrs. A. J. Hotchklss, a teacher for many years In this county, j and whose death occured at Oshkosh, Wis., from paralysis, was brought here for interment today. She wa aged 64 years. I . , NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY IMPLEMENT HOUSE AND THEATER BURN AT M'COOL ATCOOL, Neb., Sept. 12.-(Speclal.)- Flre started In a 10-cent store operated by. William Steel yesterday morning at 4:30 o'clock entirely destroyed the build ing and contents. The blaze soon caught the Implement building of Marshall Bros and burned that to the ground. Most of. the large' stock of implements, buggies and wagons were saved-' Loss estimated at $5,000, partly covered by Insurance. Schools of Cambridge Open. ' CAMBRIDGE. Neb., Sept. 12.-(Spec!al.) -The Cambridge public schools opened' yesterday morning with the largest en rollment. ever had. The attendance of nonresident free high school puplh. Is the largest In the history of the schools Twelve instructors are employed, as fol lows: C. White, superintendent; Miss Lenor S. Fitzgerald, principal; Miss Elsie Belschner, assistant principal; . Miss Marie Keal, second assistant principal; Prof. Marcellus De Witt Nicholasdi rector of music; Prof. C. Elberon Hard ing and the M'sses Cornelia Sullivan, Georgia Culver, Vesta R. Snyder, Fay Babbitt, Bessie Dunlap and Grace Mc Clelland grade teachers. Grows Beautiful, Heavy Hair, We Prove It 25 cent "Danderine" Destroys dandruff Stops , falling hair Cleans and invigor ates your scalp Delightful dressing. To be possesed of a head of heavy, beautiful .hair; ; soft,, lustrous, . fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely 'a matter of using a little Danderine. It Is easy and inexpensive to have nice, .soft hall1 and lots of it Just get a 26 , cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine now all drug stores' recommend it apply a little as directed and' within ten minutes ' there will be an appearance of abund ance; freshness, flufflness and an In comparable gloss and lustre and try as you will you cannot find a trace of dand ruff or falling hair; 'but your real sur prise will be after about two weeks' use when you will, see new hair fine and downy at first yes but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp-Dan-derlne is, we believe, the only sure hair grower; destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and It never falls to stop falling hair at once. V" . If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one 1 small strand at a time. Your hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful In just a few moments a ., delightful surprise K awaits everyone who tries this.'. BEATRICE, Neb.. Sept. 12.-(SpeclaI.)- The committee selected to sell stock in the new Home Telepnone company, to De or ganised at Wymore in opposition to the Bell company, reports that about half enough stock has been subscribed and that It Is meeting with much encourage ment in the way of subscriptions. Some are taking the limit of ten shares at $35 each. ' The case of Keiiy Bros., an implement firm of Wymore, against the Gage County Telephone company was heard by Judge Pemberton yesterday. The case was taken under advisement. The plaintiffs ask that the company be com pelled to restore telephone service in thelr place of business. The attorneys for the defendant contend that the judge has no jurisdiction over the matter and should be brought before the railway commission. Frank Davidson and Miss Martha Kle man, both of . this city, were married yesterday by Judge Enlow. John Carmichael, . living near Ellis, was kicked In the side by a horse Wednesday and badly hurt. SAUNDERS COUNTY FAIR IS WELL ATTENDED mobile ambulance took him to tors. C. F.' Prange' was thrown from - his wagon while coming from Malmo to the county fair and rendered unconscious yesterday. The neckyoke broke and let the wagon run against his mules' heals which caused them to run away. He came to and was able to get to the near est house where he stayed all night and was able to get about next day. The body of John Erlckson, a pioneer resident of Swedeburg, was laid to rest Tuesday In the 'Swedeburg cemetery. He came to this county In the early days and had conducted, a store at Swedeburg snce the town started. He had been sick the last year and passed away . last Saturday. I Reynolds, Neb., Jan. 29, 1912. Mr. M. L. Blackburn, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dear Sir: n Yours of Jan. 24th received and would say that I received a letter from you but was sick at the time and so it was laid aside at the time and so got into the waste basket. Now would say about my policy, it was a $2,000.00 policy and 10 years to run. I kept no special account of it, but will say that, when I settled up with the company, they paid up on the cash basis all sO. K. and if I knew any one wishing insurance would ad vise them to take policies in the Bankers. My sons both have policies in the Bankers now. They are both satisfied with the Bankers insurance in every sense of the word. Yours truly, GEORGE WARREN. TEN PAYMENT LIFE POLICY TEN YEAR SETTLEMENT MATURED IN THE Old Line Bankers Life Insur ance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska Name of Insured. . .George S. Warren Residence. ........ .. .Reynolds, Neb. Amount of Policy. . . ... .... . $2,000.00 Total Premiums . . . .... .$1,664.40 SETTLEMENT Reserve . . ................ .$1,239,64 Surplus ... . . .'. . . . . ........$ 534.16 Total Cash .$1,773.80 Ask'the man who owns one of these policies.: Write us for an agency. WAHOO, Neb., Sept. 12.-(Speclal.)-Thc Saunders county fair Is In full blast and large crowds are In attendance. A heavy rain fell Monday and Bomewhat Inter fered with the attendance Tuesday, but Wednesday the grounds were thronged with visitors.' The Malmo ' band, the Mead band, the Wahoo band and the Prague orchestra furnished the music. The twenty Pine Ridge Indians are at tracting considerable attention. During the half mile dash a green horse flew the track and tossed the driver onto the fencer He was not severely Injured, but 1 II.. t A I A 1. A A ....a WOODMEN OF CRAWFORD , PLAN BIG LOG ROLLING CRAWFORD, Neb., Sept. 12.-(Speclal.) -On October 1, 2 and 3. Crawford will begin a three days' fair festival and race meet and In connection with this, the Modern Woodmen of Crawford and sur rounding cities assisted by the Royal Neighbors will hold a big log rolling. A. R. Talbot, head consul of the Mod ern Woodmen of America, will be here and will deliver a public address. Other prominent speakers are expected also. October 1, the Woodmen and Royal Neighbor parade will take place, and In addition to this parade a program of racing automobiles, Roman hippodrome chariot, hurdles, trotting, pacing and run ning races, which will be open to all., The Twelfth cavalry band will furnish music Drill teams from Alliance, Hemlngford, Marsland, Chadron, Harrison and Rush vllle will give exhibitions. Active work on the new Burlington de pot at Crawford was begun Monday morning and when completed Crawford will have a depot that will be the pride of the northwest. The depot wUl be lo cated on the south side of all tracks and will be fifty feet longer than the pres ent structure and will have tiled floors and be heated by steam. The Burling ton Is just completing a subway under Main street, which cost J26.O00. The Twelfth cavalry yesterday began Its hike to Hot Springs and on Its return will stop over one day at the fair at Chadron. , . .. AGED PIONEER WOMAN TO FILE ON HOMESTEAD STANTON, Neb.. Sept. 12.-(Speclal.)- One of Stanton's oldest Inhabitants, Mrs. STRONG FORCE OF MARINES HOLD NICARAGUAN RAILROAD SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua, 8ept. II. -A strong force of United States marines ' hold . the railroad between Cortnto and Managua. The train service now Is regular. The town of . Masaya will be occupied by murines tomorrow and Oranada the following day. The letter town is strongly held by adherents of General Mena, the rebel leader,: No fighting will be permitted at points oc cupied by the American force. The United States cruiser Denver has ar rived here, the California sailing for Corlnto. ... , Foreign Affairs The Italian premier, Signor Glolltti, who Is now at his country place at Piedmont, Switzerland, has had a special wire put In In order to communicate with the un official delegates who are discussing peace with . the Turkish representatives in Switzerland. An Inquest on the body of Charles .0. Boucher, a New York newspaper man, who was found dead at Oravesend Sep tember 9 from gas poisoning, was held In Indon. The verdict was that Boucher had committed suicide while temporarily Insane. i An exchange of noncombatant prisoners has practically been arranged for between Italy and Turkey. The prisoners held by the Turks comprise members of the Ital ian mlneraloglcal expedition capture In Tripoli, while the prisoners of the Italians are civilians captured on. the Aegelan Islands. , Members of the Panaman administra tion express alarm over the request made by Maurice H. Thatcher, governor of tho canal zone, that the Panaman govern ment Issue a decree providing that all concessions which Panama might make to Individuals or corporations to use the waters of the republic must contain a clause that such concessions are granted subject to the superior rights of the United States ovsrthese waters. Running up and down stairs, sweeping and bending over making beds will not make a woman healthy or beatlful. She must get out of doors, walk a mile or two, every day and take Chamberlain's Tablets, to Improve her digestion and regulate her bowels. ' For sale by all dealers.1. ; A Beautiful Complexion Afi Bt Yturt 1 Tim Day t Nadinnla CREAM Tho Complexion Beautlfler V ltd and Enderud By Thtuimndi NAD1NOLA banishes tan. tallowness, freckles, pimples, liver-oot, etc. Extremt cues twenty day. Kids pores and tissues of impurities; leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. Directions and guarantu in package. By toilet counters or mall. , Two sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00. . , NATIONAL TO 1 1ST COMPANY, PrU. Tmm Said .by Hlurmmn-McCrtniell Drug Co.. owl Drug Co., Loyal Fhvmicjr, Harvard I" titrate?, ntiun, KEARNEY NORMAL AND ACADEMY BEGIflf WORK "ii.i tV1 ' if r f; I"1 'il r ' f 1 1 Siliii:l S i 1 il1 ,i Vt m MUtf-irn , ,i i w-i - -id it. ''f', i ! i' t N'1i ii '"'in M I K BP il ''if WW,liuB ',lii l ,'! , h . i i "nl'n H'lfii'iiiii flfgjjlliig -mm Urn ftQiiiM After a Day of Work or Flay . Because OXJ AOS has all the goodness that master brewers can put Into It health, strength and the real pleasure that always goes with the drinking of good beer ' Sterilized Ambaf Bottles TaaUIy Trade Supplied by SOUTH OUI1 WILLIAk. JETTER 8503 V. Street TelePhoae South 868 Council Blulfs Kid Age" Bar 1513 Sonta ti Street, Phone 3833 ' " OICAJEA HUGO F. BILZ . 1384 Songlaa Street, Phone Bong. JETTER BREWING CO. Sonta Omahav Webrsska. ' 1 jfriiilSifcTf if UY VTV 71 h 1543 jt'yj-'i i'' J V Hj,'"lf '--mill-inn H .. tin v-fn '"if . . i ij"ry "ii. ', ft u . ,11 rt" 1; .l-H. KEARNEY, Neb., Sept. 12.-Speclal.) Today the registration at the Kearney State Normal school opened with many students presenting themselves for en rollment. Regular classes will be held Friday morning, for which the perma nent programs have already been ar ranged. : The Kearney Military academy took up actual school duties this morning when revllle was sounded at the usual assembly time. The enrollment Is about the same as last year, about 100 boys being expected by the end of the week, In foot ball and other athletics, the In stitution, which Is a leader In this part of the state, will be badly crippled, from the present outlook. The majority of the foot ball team and practically all of the star track team of last spring having graduated. ; " . News Notes of Deshler. DESHLER, Neb., Sept. 12.-(Speclal.) x.fgu8t Krako, who resides near 1 this p',ace, sold $3C0 worth of melons from an acre and a half. At a meeting of the trustees of the Lutheran High School and Business col lege Monday plans were ordered for a building which will cost about $35,000. Eighteen five-light Iron posts were or dered for Main street at a meeting of the town board Saturday evening. District court will convene In Hebron October 7. There are twenty-two cases on the docket. Seven divorce, five parti tion, three suits for Judgment, five con firmation, one damage and one criminal case. . . The hearing of William Horton, charged with forgery, came up before Judge W.'llmore, Tuesday. He was bound over to the district court for $5,000. Falling to give bond he was placed In Jail. ' Allra-rd Pickpocket Boood Orer. MADISON, ;Neb.t Sept. 12.-(Speclal.)-Gordon W. Wilson, arrested last week on a charge of picking pockets at the Tllden carnival, had his preliminary hearing this afternoon before County Judge McDuffee and was bound over to the district court on the charge of petit larceny from the person. almost blind, still holds the spirit and ambition of her youth, and has filed on a homestead In Wyoming, and will leave this city next month alone to take up quarters on her, land and prove up on it. Mrs. Drefson is comfortably well oft and the move she now makes Is prompted alone by a desire to show that age is no handicap, so long as there Is de termination. . She Is of sturdy German blood and despite the "dimmed condition i of her vision, Is very active and shrewd j In business affairs. ' A. HGSPE GO. 1513 Douglas Street. Art and Music Thirty-Eighth AniBal Openinf Tuesday, Sept. 17th. Watch Sunday's Papers for big Announcement '''"''" jf . ( i . J l r V. , .. . ...... r Music -:- Souvenirs -:- Refreshments EMPLOYER TRIES MAN AND ' ; GIVES HIM FIFTEEN LASHES I EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 11 Taking , the law Into his own hands, F. J. Schofleld, proprietor' of a chemical works, , admin istered a punishment of fifteen lashos with a rawhide on the back of James Daughty, one of his employes, who was alleged to have been caught stealing a small sum of money from him today.. After the punishment Daughty was given three hours to leave the city. ; Daughty was tried before a Jury con sisting, of other employes of the factory and Schofleld acted, as Judge. He was found guilty and the "Judge", admin istered the punishment GRAY HAIR SIGN OF AGE, EASY WAY TO RESTORE COLOR A harmless remedy, made from com mon garden sage, quickly restores grey h.ilr to natural color. The care of the hair, to prevent It from losing Its color and lustre. Is Just as Important as to care for the teeth to keep them from dis coloring. , Why spend money for cos metics and creams to improve the com plexion, and yet neglect your hair, when, gray hair is even more conspicuous and suggestive of age than wrinkles or a poor complexion T Of the two It is easier to preserve the natural color and beauty of the hair than it is to have a good complexion. All that Is necesary. Is .the occasional use of Wyeth's Saga and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a preparation of common gar den Sage and Sulphur, combined with' other valuable remedies for dry, harsh," faded hair, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. After a few applications of this simple,: harmless remedy, your hair will gradually be restored to its natural color, in a short time the dandruff will be removed, and your hair will no longer , come out but will start to grow as Na ture Intended It should. , ' v.-:' ' Don't neglect your; hair, for ,it goes ' further than anything els to make or mar your good looks. Tou can buy this remedy at any drug store for fifty cents a bottle, and your druggist will give your money back If you are not satisfied after' using. Purchase a . bottle ' today. Tou will never regret It when you realise the difference it, will make In your appear ance. . . :: . . ;V Agents, Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., 103 So. 16th, 324 So. 16th, 207 N. 16th and 24th and Farnam Sta. , A Life Sentence of suffering with throat and lung trouble is quickly commuted by Dr. King's New Discovery. EOc and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Here is a Real v Dyspepsia Cure "Pane's Dlapepsin" settles ' upset Stomach's and c nda Indigestion in five minutes. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returna Do some foods you eat hit back taate good, but work badly; ferment into stub born lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic Jot this down: Pape's Dlapepsin digests e'civthlng, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never - was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach Is disordered you will get happy relief In five minutes, but what pleases you most Is that It strengthens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. Most remedies give you relief some times they are slow, but not sure. Dla pepsin is quick, positive and puts your stomach in a healthy condition so the misery won't come back. Tou feel different as soon as Dlapepsin comes In contact with the stomach- distress Just vanishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases,' no belching, no eructa tions of undigested food, your head clears and you feel fine. Go now, make the best Investment you ever made by getting a large fifty-cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from Indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. i ftSfl I I ' i i ' HI mfytfzx ill 52Nv ,. I Fall Opening '. ra . v--; : : -. PI: 33B Brandeis Stores Announce Their Annual Display I A Presentation of the Correct Styles in Women's Apparel Fabrics and Furnishings . For Autumn 1912 Week Beginning Monday, September 16th ia32H