Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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f I
In the Hazp Mazy Indian; Summer Days
.Copyright, 1912, National .News Assn.
By Herriman
sfe jS- lto?, , Vf.,' v,V.r
- V . - T . ..- ...... . . ' . - - r-r - ?
I NAT. LEAGUE. ' S V Ml hi-
.;--u v, v nvtzmmmm wmx. Ji r; v;; .v
' 4 'ii' 1 ii hi mm. ' Ml JI f . . . I .
Harry HelprTPa'i Eangen to Kice
Four to Two Victory.
iMMfum In Order o Ctch lef
Handed BrhBimer, Wfcltk
, , H Doe In very ei
. 1ASC0US, Neb., Bept. U-SpecUl Tel-
egnm.)-TMt fielding and clever work In
th hoi on th Dart of Harry HJcks
helped the Omaha fUnffera to hand Lin
coln a 4 to S defeat here this attwnoon,
when a postponed frame waa played off.
The work of Juatlo at ahort and Coyle
' n rluht fieW w , feature. Haennan,
who went the pace for seven Inning waa
off on control, walking five men. Tuckey,
who relieved , him, allowed one walk,
which bloMomed into a acore. ,
i Hlcka uhowed his mettle In the aeventh
Inning when with two men on base, and
two down he purposely walked Dwyer,
who waa batting for Hagerman, and
filled the bates in order to get at Berg
, hammer, a left-handed hitter. Bergham-
'iner grounded out and retired th side.
A ninth Inning rally was cut short
with twd men on bases by a double play
after Coyle had made a tr catch f
McL&rry's fly against th right field
; fence,' ' '-. ',.
Two runs for the Kourkes came In ths
first Inning, Justice singled and went to
: second on Coyle's sacrifice. ' Thomason
was walked.1 Johnson grounded to Bar
Voiir who tagged Justice, Johnron reach-
,lng Irst. Kane doubled to left center
scoring Thomason and Johnson.
With, one down In the fourth Hagerman
walked Schlpke.;; The "Sqlpper" Stole
; necond and ' when Mullen dropper Bar-
' bour"s throw aftern fielding Scanlon's
j grounder, Schlpke scored. -,
Thomason waa walked In the eighth,
, anil went to second on Johnson's, sacrl-
' flee. Kane grounded out,' Thomason go-
. Ing to thlra Schlpke beat out an in-
' field hit and Thomason" scored. '
Two two-baggers byo Miller and Mullen
In the eebnd netted a run for the Ante-
:lopea, In the "ninth Barbour waa walked,
and went to third on Miller's douWe.
Mullnvwa ut, and whn Molarry . sut
a high one to Coyle which he speared,
Barbour scored. Miller was caught off
wcond andnabbod.j Score: s ., .. s.
t) Lincoln. '
. AB. R. H. O. A. E.
... 4 . 0
..4 0 0 4 a 0
...fB S9 .690, New
Chicago ....82 4S .Ktl
PitUburTh..7 Ul .603
fiuia.. ' .i
I.lovd. 2D
Col, cf...M,
Mc(ormlclf, -If.,
J-rbour, b......
M:'Vr, rf ,....!
Mullen, lb:
Juration, c. ......
Mcljarry ' ,
HxKerman, p....
Tuckey, p........
1' Totals ..A,.'
' 3
JV 7 27 18
untlce, ss..
Coyle. rf
Thomason, cf....
Johnson, c
Kane, lb...
6lilpk, 2b..,.,i.
f.'iehoff, 3b.....
Scanlon, 11. ....v..
Hjcks, p.........v
AB. R,
, 1
. Totals 28 .- 4 ,, , . 27. 18 , 0
'McLarry batted for Strattoh in ninth;
I)wyer batted for'tlagermaA tn sev
enth. . '.,. f U. . .
Lincoln ....o,..:'..'. lt0 ;0 0 0 0 01-1
Omaha ......... ,.,2 0"01 ii 0' 0 if 0-4
Two base hit: Ulllv (I), Mullen, Kane,
Double Dlay: . Cbyle.,to iSchlpkn to 'Jus
tlce. Left on base:,' Lincoln. ; Omaha,
h.', Stolen Mullen.. TiiomanoK,
Stfhlpke. SacrMICe hits: Coyle,-Johnson,
Hicks. Struck out: .-'ByV Hagcrrafta,'; 3;
by, Hicks, 4. . BwM1 balls: Off.Jiagerr
man. 6: off Tuckov; ! off Hicks. 8 BbIIc-
Hicks: Tin-j:t.:J-,4o. iL'fiiplirs: PeeaM.;.;
L f
"tt.-. :,
CRETE, Neb.y Hepti llATo-tbe Sporting
Editor of Th;Bee:4 in ltsj, 8undayi,3fe
there was &i article coiicertiipg a 'base
. ball game piayed between Malls&n' and
Wayne whlcji swent, nineteen Itjnlngs with
a' score of luo.08nd, lp which only, ons
pitcher was-usedV by each ;t'eajn. v,The
writer of theaiUfte. claimed thai tbj.was
a new record tot i Wse ball game 'played
V- ri:'. . . - ... .. .. -
, numoer so. innings wiin i; 10
score and only- Wo pitchers, v ' ' V 'VV
This record, "however, 1 was ,'beaten by
four full innh-jgsvjast year ,! 'n irr J
etiiiiegiate hall .game Finn IJoane .
c)lSege defea(e pyru"vNorma 1' to0 "in," '
gaei.s tnat took twenty-three innings; td;
play off the tie."' 4 Stevens, now wtth the
Superior Stat league team,1 pitched" for
Peru and Kj-etslnger, j , at t Ioane,
pitched for (the, wlnnlpg .rtde, and they
both went thejeflth-e.twenyithre inhlngs
neither one of them allowing over, four
o five hits iii what 'would be two games
nJ a half had only ''nine lmilngs been
played. If there is any record to be hung
up with that kind of a game th!-shoul!
wry dearly set the Madiaon-Wayne
game out of the running for the .honor.
' P. A. DAWES. "
TORK. Neb.. Sept ll.Speclal.) Au
rora's P&ll team came to;Tork yesterday
a ad played a farewell game with the
York league team.. The score jwaa 8 to 0
in favor of Tork. In the evening a ban
fluet was given, to the Tork team by the
fans of the city. Tomorrow all of the
team will bet on their, way noma. While
Yiirk did not win the pennant the team
hat played good,' clean bail and has done
."thins to put fca-te ball on the toboggan
which Is more than some of th
t'-ams In the state can say. V
The question is asked: "Will Tork have
a tam n'Xt yoar." , Yt?s,, and the best
Omaha 83 83 .W9
St.. Joseph,. SI 4 .6591
D. Moines. ,74 7 .525!
i.lneoin ,...71 7s .483
Wichita .... 77 .4731 St. Louis.. ..64 78 .409
Hlounc Clty,,67 75 .472! Brooklyn ...50 82 .371
Topeka ....48 97 .3311 Boston. 40 90 8(
W.L.Pct. ' ' W.L.Pct.
Boston 94 38 712! MlnneapoSltlOO 66 .6'.
Willa 86158 .8051 Columbus ..5 1 .609
Wash. 80 55 .59S Toledo ......91 6S .691
Chicago ....84 8v485 Kan. City.. .78 77 .504
"droit 62 73 .459 Mllwaukee...73 81 .474
Cleveland ..58 74 .439 St. Paul., "...,73 84 4f3
New York;. 48 83 ,367 Inilsvllle 't.69 97 .375
St. , Louis... 45 87 ,341 Indianapolis 63104 .338
Yesterday's Resalta. ' '
Omaha, 4: Lincoln, 2. . '
t. Louis-New York, rain. , v.. :'
Pittsburgh, 10; Philadelphia, 3. .
Chicago-Boston, three inning; rain.
Cincinnati, 1; Brooklyn, 2.
Boston. ; Chicago. 0.
New York, 6; St. Louis, 4.
Philadelphia, 8; Detroit, 7. "
Washington. 2; Cleveland, 2
Milwaukee-Minneapolis, rain.
Kansas Clty-Bt. Paul, rain.
Indianapolis, 4; Columbu( 2.
Toledo, 4; Louisville. 1. ' ; '
Games Today.
Western Learue Omaha at IJneoln.
St. Joseph at Denver, Dei Moines at
Wichita, Kloux City at Tod A.
National Leairue St. Lou s at New
York. Pittsbursh at , PMlnriolnhln Chi.
cago at Boston, Cincinnati at Brooklyn.
American League Boston at Chicago,
New York at St. Louis, Philadelphia a;
Detrojt, Washlgton at Cleveland. .
American Association ai
Columbus, Toledo at Louisville,
Tentative Schedule ';
of Bellevue College
... ; ' .''1, , , r- '
Bellevue college foot ball stock has
taken a decided rise the last week. ,.V
number of new men are . expected who
have only signified their Intentions of en
tering school the last few days.. White,
who made such a strong showing on the
second team last fall, being the latest re-
oftilV -White is an Omaha man from
whom1 much was expected this year, but
it was thought for some time thatM
would 'not ba' bacfc (o choOl thfg fail: If
is understood now that he will probably
return to the hill in time for the Initial
practice, which will be called Monday
afternoon, September 15.
,:A number of -others have 'sent word
that they- will wear Bellevue . uniforms
this year, among them McGlnnls of Te
kamah and R. Jones, who expeoted to
enter the University of Nebraska for his
last two years. .
The first game is scheduled for. October
6, with .Nebraska at Lincoln.
The schedule is not yet completed, but
at present stands as follows:
w October 6-Unlverslty of , Nebraska at
Lincoln. ,
October 12 Cotner at Bellevue.
October 17 Omaha university not final).
October 28-Tarklo at Tarkto. v
- November 2-WesleVan at University
Place, -,- ' .
November TTnlvertritv nt .hm,u
second team at Bellevue.
November 16 Open.
November 23-Doane at Crete. :
.VRETe! 54 eb..' Sept. , H.-tSpeclai.i-.
Doane college- opened Tuesday and Coach.
,obnson:hal.a.god;'squad out for foot
baH, practise hoth.JiJOBday and Tuesday
nights.' Of .the. old men Captain "Belly"
Adam, Bronson, , King, R. Mlckle, Blust,
Kretslnger, Goble.-R. ;Hlgby and Krebs
are bacte jn the ' game. " and some very.
promising( hew material- Is on hand.
Johnson md HarrU, both of Nellgh and
bath, of them huskies, .and Medlar' of
York will do much toward addina weleht
to the liae, while the back field also has
several new 1 candidates. "With the large
number of , last year's varsity squad on
decjk prospects e encpHraglng. t
1 pa rouowing is tne schedule of game?
that ' TMiie will' play.' belnir one of ths
hatdest In years; "
i October 6-Cotner at Crete. ;
October 11 Peru at Peru.
, October 18-Yankton at Yankton. 8. D, a
tsland. ;. . k
VPVembefJ-HasUngs at frete. . !.
cembt JSebraska university t
Place. - f . -i . I '
Novemlw 33 Bellevue at Crete.
November 28--et. Hirv'i st ttt. Mrv
JCan... ... ,., ,kv j , . .;
t 4 1""!. - , . ,. .
"INGLES1DE. Neb., Sept. ll.-(Specla1
Telegram.)-Tngleslde defeated the State
league leaders today at Hastings by the
score of I to , McCullough started for,
Hastings, but Herche "relieved him in
the fourth. ' Wright, pitcher for IngI.
side, allowed only two hits, being master
of the altuatlon at ail times." cbaeffer
featured at bat. getlng three hits out of
three timet up. Score : - i .
Ingles'de ...........6 0 0 ft 0 M 1 o 1
tiasnngs .V 0 0 0 0v0 0 0 0-0
inw: nsKiings. Ain;uuougti. Her
sche and Bechant. Downey; Inslenide.
Wright and Smith.
UNCOLN. Sept a-(6pedal, Telegram.)
The State league directors' meeting here
today decided that Hastings and rremoht
were tied for the pennant. It has not
yet been decided what agreement shah
govern playing off .the tle,vbut .this wUl
probably be done. ' .
Chalmers, for Philadelphia, Lasts
Only Four Innings.
Donlln aad Masee Drive Oat Home
. ItDas uMUIer Get Three-Base
. Hit and SU Players Se
core Slna-lea. "
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. ll.-Plttsbursh
hit the ball hard and won from Phila
delphia. Chalmers only lasted four In
nings and tieaton three and Nelson fin
ished the game. Carey's batttng fea
tured. Hcore: ...-,'
aym, id... 4 I II 0Pakrt, ct.. I I'M
lny, II.... 1.4 1 0 OMftfM, It... I 1 8 e
Donlln. rf...S 2 I 1 OR, Miller, rtt I ISO
wtfnr, M . 6 1 I i Olidenu. lb. t 1 11 1
4. Miller, ID t 1 14 0 OWtlah, lt.;, 4 1110
Wllwn, cf... I lf ODoolin ... I I I I 1
ButUr, 2b... 4 1 1 1 C Dodge,' lb.,. 1 0 9 10
Simon, e.... 4 8 8 1 ODooin, o..... 4 Sill
Krrj. p..,,l 0 0 1 0Chlmr, p. 1 0 1 0 0
CkmnlU, p., t 0 0 0 OBeaton, p.... 10 0 10
Hendrlx ... 0 0 0 0 ONelton, p... 1 0 0 10
Boyle 110 0
Total! U 14 87 12 0
:. , TotH.v'..M 10 27 10 2
Batted for . Perry In fourth.
Batted for Ohalmers in fourth. '
Pittsburgh 0 10 4 0 0 3 0 1-10
Philadelphia .....1 030000 0 0-8
Two-base hits: J. Miller, Carey, Wag
ner, Paskert, R. Miller, Wilson. Three
base hit: It. Miller. Home runs: Don
lln, Magee. Bases on balls: Off Ferry.
3; off Camnlte, 1; off Chalmers 3; off
Nelson, 1. Struck out: By Ferry, 1- by
Camnlts, 1;. by Chalmers, 1; by Beaton,
Time;. 1:10. Umpires: Brennan and
Owecs, . .
naln Breaks, I p Ganje.. .
BOSTON, Sept. ll.ri-Raln broke up "the
Bonton-Chicago;. game In- thr first half
of the fourth Inning today. Boston was
ahead at the time. 8 to 2 but the visitors
Jiirf jpenon second. nd .third with two
rifti"?' 'MaranvlllS ,-ahd Klrke
drove nome the three Boston tallies.
Zimmerman's home run scored Chicago's
first run and trie second was tallied just
before the game, was called. "Toney for
Chicago and Perdue for . Boston were the
pitchers-. ..-.!. .. .. . -
CINCINNATI, O., Sept. U.-The Na
tional Base Ball commission today ruled
that a; clause in the constitution of a
minor league prohibiting' the acceptance
by one of Its clubs of a' player under an
optional agreement is In conflict with
the revised national agreement, ' there
fore 'null and void. ' -' ' A
A minor league club may,, however, for
business reasons, decline, to enter into
an optional agreement with a major
li-agus club or a : minor leagu club of
higher classification, but Its privileges' to
do so can hot be restricted or nullified
by legislation of 'its' league.; ' ' '' '
The ruling was made by the commis
sion' on requests from the president' of
the Connecticut Stato league' and several
other minor league executives."
PEORIA. ,111., Sept. ll.-Sherlff Minor
stopped the "Knock Out" Brown-Johnny
Thompson fight in the sixth round to
night when Thompson claimed a foul.
Referee Ryan refused to allow the. foul
and the fight' proceeded.- Thompson
seemed to be in distress, and Brown
showered him with blows to the face and
body until the sheriff interfered.- The
fighters were apparently evenly matched'
until Thompson claimed a foul." The
fight waa staged by the Marquette club
at Central park. Both fighters weighed
in at 158 pounds. ' ' ' ' '
Chicago Baffled at All Stages by
Pitcher Collins.
Fielding of Weaver . la Feature, of
Afternoon, with Battlaff Honor.
: Going to Borton, Hooper -
. ' and .Lewis, ..' , " ; -
Three . Fielders', Errors , Worth
Many Runs to Indianapolis.
Tialtina; Twlrler Gives Nine Bases
Balla, bat Els Kit of Them
- Go for ' Xethlos; Home
'" Ran bt" Johns, ' ' '
(unfinished): ' " " : ' -
Early-Thscher, b. g.-(Overs). ...i,,,.!' 1
Bushnell King, br. r. fRay).... 2 8
Denver Jay, . g. (Macey) .....4' 2
Francona, b. " m. (Parker)......, .......3 4
Time, 2:0?. 2:06. . -, --.i....1
Trotting, two-year-olds, purse $2,300 .
Cegantile, br. . c. by Tregantle-Cecil- .'
etta C. (McDonald)....: it 1
Borbara- Overton, br. o. (Dolphin).... 3- 3 I
Time, 16y, 2:16. :,.... , .
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.'. Sept.. ll.-(Spe-cfal.)
Deputy Sheriff Cords 'yesterday ..
COLUMBUS, Sept.ll. Three fielding afternoon obtained . information that
mistakes by'Cpfumpus- players were worth 1 Sidney Isler, wanted for attempting to
as many runs to Indianapolis In a game'shoot Miss Lola Reed at Pioneer park,'
Roarmast Is Winner. " :
ROSEMONT, NebiSept. ll.-(Speclal.)-
Hosemont oeieatea Bt. tftepnerm tunaay
by the score of 13 to 8. A triple steal by
Rosemont In the sixth Inn nar nut the
game on lc: Th batting of Karstring,
(tettma- four hits- in five times at bat.
featured. Batteries: St. Stephens, Ban
gert and Bangert; Rosemont, Barton and
Snell. Errors: St. Stephens, 8; Rose
mont, 4. Struck out:. . By Bangert, 6; by
Barton, 11. -."
,ii . .. r ,
National Golf Champion
i U -' N j . . .:v"
' V.
l fV:' rf !- " ' -
. y .. - -
v AVfe '
Iji i K v ' L"
' 1
A r Xjjs-j. ..... " "...
CHICAGO; Sept n.-Chlcago coUId do
nothliig to li&y Coili'na today and Boston
bunched hits off: Cicotte and" won-the
second game of the series today, to 0;'
Two hits, a sacrifice and a Wild pitch
gave the visitors their first run. Two
singles, a sacrifice and a triple counted
two more, while bunched hits netted
three in the ninth. . .. ...
The fielding of Weaver waa the feature
of the afternoon. Collins . allowed but
one hit until the seventh,1 when tbr-se
were bunched with no results and again
In the ninth when two more hits netted
nothing. The batting honors went to
Borton, Hooper and Lewis.. .Score:-,,,-, .... ,
4 0 4 2 0 Hooper,' rf... i 111)
0 OYarkaa, 2b... 1
0 0 Speaker cf.. I
0 OHon'kwm, eft
0 OLawla, If....
1 1 Gardner, 8b. S
I OStahl. lb.... I
1 A Wagner, ia.. I
OCarrigan, e.. I
0 OR. Co!Un,,p 4
Rath, 2b..
Mattlek. of.. I
Lord, If 4
J.Colllna, rt4
Borton, lb.. 4
Zaldtr, 8b... J
Weaver, aa.. 8
Kuhn, c I
Clootta, p... I
Dbdle ...... 1
0 1
1 0
1 2
I 16
1 1
0 0
0 4
0 0-
0 11
K1AIPVT. A t irurin : rl
One of the largest galleries that ever
turned "out for a match on the Chicago
Golf club course tramped through the
scorching heat behind the -two eastern
golfers, ' who Wer .fighting .out : .their
fourth match in a national championship.
Travers won, 3 up and 1 to play, and
gave the--Chlcago golf , followers, who
had never had an opportunity before to
see him, an exhibition of the power of
rising' to the occasion " that has "thad
him iamous among Ame-lcaa golfers. ; '
' Totala.....l-4 27 1 l " Totala.'....IS 'lWff 10' 0
Batted for Weaver in "ninth. ' '
Lor out; hit. by ' batted ,ball..V .ij
Chicago 0 00000000-0
Boston :.T....a ' e tjf&
Two-base hit: R. Collins. Three-bass
I hit'vLewisi.v SacrlHCf .JhtJ:Terke-iStaht
'Wagm.-', gtolen. bases:' 2eider, 'Hooper.'
i-- on oases: cnicago, 7; Boston, 8.
Bases on balls: Off Cicotte, 8: off Col
lins, 2. -"truck out: By Cicotte. 4; by
Collins. 3. Wild pitch: Cicotte. Time:
J:D5., Umpires: Dineen and O'Brien.,
Bis How ait Detroit.
DETROIT, Mich., Sept. il.After" Um
pire Connolly called Cobb out for step
plng out of the batter's box in the third
inning, a spectator in the grandstand
hurled a bottle at the umpire. It struck
the ground, then bounded and hit Con
nolly in the mouth. :y
Cobb had singled and Bush, scored von
the disputed play. Several Detroit ulay
ers loudly protested and Manager Jen
nings was sent to the club house. Cobb
seated himself on the bench instead of
taking his position in centerfield and Con
nolly pulled his watch. Cobb finally went
out, but the wrangling did not -stop. Vltt
was also ordered .to the club house and
In the seventh lnnlna- Buah u ntftloi) '
AD.H.O A B. ' " AB.H.OjL.B,
JWirphy, rf.. 8 t 4 OBush, aa..... 1 0 14 1
PTKPtert, of. 5 1 1 0 OOeal, 3b..... 1 1 )
O Ulna. 2b.. 6 2 2 1 OCo'den, 3bca 4 2 111
Jliker, "b.... 3 0 0 1 OCrawford, rf 2 ,1 -I 0
fticlnnea. lb. 4 1 11 t' orvh.-rir:::- n f6-a
Valh. If... I I I 0 OVaach. If ... 4 110 0
Barry, .... 4 l o I Loudon, 2b.. I 171
Egw, C.....J 14 0 lK.Onalow, lb 4 1 12 1 1
Houck, p..;. 8, 0.1 1 lKe.nar, e...4.'J. I t.-l
Oj'laakle,-p.t0 tr 0 OLakW-a v'O i'O-0
riapk.- p.... 0 "Pi-0, 0 0Jod! ......Ai-'ti 0 0 0
! ' TfljtlSs ' 14- II 2 Tbtala... 11 21 ;
' waued tor- Laxe Ini-'thenlnth:-.., ,,
yhiiadeiphia:' ,. '..4.1 l 4 l-Vofj.a; 0-
1 Two-base7hits Walshkocher, Loufleh4
nus: houck, iu in eignt ana one-
third innings; off Plank, 1 In two-thirds
Inning. Sacrifice hit., Houck.. Sacrifice
flies: Crawford (2), Veach. Stolen bases:
Collins 8), Magget tfh Murphy, liaker,
McInnes,-CqbB (2KsLouden. Doublplay:
Barry.trf Colfcns to Mclnnes. lift' on
basest P.hlliuielphla, .WtDetrolt, -iJ. Bases
on balla; Off , -Houck, rftWff Covaleslkle, 3r
off Lake,. 6.. : Baai on errors; PhliadaN
pixioi 3.-t' Hit. by p( toiled ball: BiMouck.
Cobb. Struck out: - By Houck, 3; by
Lake, 4. Passed ball: Egan. Wild
pitches: Houck, 1; Plank, 1. Time: 2:34
UmplresK-Connolly and Kart. ;
i . ' iapa;oWiUy,geiwrtore. ,t
f CLEVBIjNI), O.. Sept lnfclevelg'nd
defeated Washington, , the visitors field
ing In erratic fashion, Blandlng; put
pitched Johnson,' Score: . -; i, '.i
' . AB.H.O.A.B. "... AB.H.O.A.K.
'Johnston, lb 4 1 fl Uallr it.. I 11 1.1
tbapnian, aa 4 0 4 .4 ePoatar, ,Sb:.. IX 2 l" t
Turaer, Jb..4 l'l 1 0 Milan, cf... 12 0ft
Jackson, rf.. 4.-1 0 0 Oti.ndll, lb. 4 4 10
.Lajola, Jb..'li f I i La-aorta, .2b.. M l 4 1
Hndryr cf. , 4' r, 2 0 C Shasta, .If... 4 0 1"0 0
Oraney, If... 4 110 t McBrlde, aa. 2 1 0 I 0
Cariacb. ... 4 0 4 2 OMaorr. .... 0 10 0 1
Blinding, p. )l I I i(Johnon, p.. 'l ) JO
that the visiting teamwon, 4, to 2.A Ashen
felder gavV nine bases- on Wlls,' but the
recipients of eight were not advanced,
the long h-ts of John tthd Shelton com.
Ing with nobody 'on. ' Scoret ' r ''; :
AMM.OJi.S, -. ... - , AS.B.O.A.K.
O'R'srke, 2b 2 0 0 2 1 Woodruff, If 4 1 $ 1 0
00 BCTLeary, aa. 41 2 11
1 0 0- OBalHy, cfu. 4 2- 2 0 0
10 1 IK.Wirma, rf 4 0 2 0 0
0 10 4 ulngerton, Sb. 2 0 1 10
V 10 OHfantar,' lb.. 10 7 4
0 1 IOO.Wtrma .Sb l 0.2 4 0
14 0 OMcCbrty, c. 2 111 0
0 0 1 OAth'faldar p l 0 O i l)
Hlhman . If I
Johna,' -rf., 4
Pairing, 2b,v2
Miliar, lb.?. 4
Bhlton, cf.'. 2'
Qarbat, aa.,-1
Bnlth, e.... I
MeQ'lllin. p 1
Cook, p... 1
Paly 1
oi t i
t,t04rtals.s... fM
. 1
Totia.:.27 i it a i;:-.'- ,.f
Batted 'for :Cook In; the ninth.'" - .
Columbus 'i:.i o o .-) l o 0-2
Indianapolis .,..v,.00 2 10 1.0. 0 04
Stolen bases: Rellly (2). Sacrifice flies:
Smith, Ingerton. Three-base hit: Shel
ton; vHome run:' "Johns, 1 Double play:
Jngerton to O'WiHIams-to Hunter. Bases
on balls: .Off McQulHln, 2;. off. Ashen,
felder, i.j .Struck out: By MoQulllln, 2.
by Cooki; by Ashenfelder, 6. Hlti: Off
McQuillin, 2 in four Innings; off "Cook, 3
in five innings. Left -on bases: Colum
bus, 8; Indianapolis. 3 Time: 1:37. Um
pires: Hayes and, Handipoe. '.. .' .4 -'
Toledo Defeats Loniavllle.
LOt'ISVILLE, Sept. ILvToledo defeated
Louisville 'today In the first game of the
series. The wildness of Owln, a Kitty
league recruit. In thtf flfthj allowed the
visitors three runs. Score: ,
" LbuitrviLg. -- -v TolePo. " '
AB.H.O.A.K. S.-V : AB.H.O.A.B.
Bnrcb, of..,, 4 0 t 0 ORallly, If.... S 0.1 0 0
I 0 OBrady, aa ... 4 110 0
l-'S-lBurna, oftV. tf 1 2' 0 0
I .1 OC'gaJtoo. . -rt. 4 0.1 0
I 0 2b. 2 12 4 1 '
I I OBronkla,' 8b: 2 10 4 o l
Maloan. rf... 4 0
Btancb'ry, It 4 I
HulawlU. . 2b 4 1
Burka, lb.... I 0
BVmlllor. ' aa 2
Flabar, 1... 0
aablal, 1- 1.
Paarce, '...; 2 1
Owln. p.....!
Clttnona, p.. 1 0
Hayden tJteif-.
v ai nam, p. a a a a a
j'iv ".' v ft JT" ar.'n ?rrt "rW
Batted for Clemons In the eighth.
because s)ia had. jilted, him and . was in i
the company of another young man,, had
been in the city early that morning.,. He
called at the home of the sister of Isler
accompanied v by 9. policeman , and . found !
the man Just about rfady to leave, ,Tlie
officers, say that . Isler . admitted, his ln- ;
tention of shooting the girl and declared ,
that she had enraged him by making re-.';
marks, about him. ,He is being held vtor
trial. '
. , Iowa Weave Note. .-',. ,C i
MARSHAXLTdvVN Joseph Hayn, a
former farmer near here,, committed .'sui
cide at his home at Okmulgee, Okla.
MARSH ALLTOWN-Whlle at work .on
a school. house being built near Laurel,
this county, John P. Donaldson, a young
carpenter of Laurel, fell -fourteen feet
today, receiving . Injuries that will prob
ably prove ratal, Donaldson suffered a
; , ???"?: lb' J i1! ' i dislocatfon of the vertebrae at the neck
I 0 iFkinb'TpS 0 0 T 0 and ,H lyln a ne,pless Pa'yUc-
III -'j-'u. -1 -' r : -. --.:.
0 10 Totala..
Louisville ........... 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1
Toledo .;;2. 0 0 0 0 3 0 0;t 0-4
Stolen base: Bronkle, Derrick, Brady1,
Two-base hlt. Schlel. . Sacrifice-'- hits!
Burke Gwln. Sacrifice fly: ,Burch
Double. play: Bronkle to Gardner tt. Der
rick. Hits: Off Gwln, 4 in five Innings
off Clemons, 1 in three innings. Struck
put: By Gwln, 3; by Falkenberg, 8; by
demons, 1. Bases on balls: - Oft Gwln, 1
off Falkenberg, 1; off Clemons, 1, Left
on. bases: Loulsvlileu- 4; Toledo, 7.
Passed" talf?v'Pearce. , Time: 1:45. I'm.
ptres; Anderson and Ferguson. '
Baden Wins Anothesr f
Eich Trotting Stake
"'. C : : ; r- j -i ;
'SYRAtrUSE,'' N.V T;,; 'Sept. U.-Iaden;
pllofed VSA. ' B. Rodney-of Jersey::CIty',
N. J., won in 'straight heats the" fco,000
Empire State stake for 2:14 trotters, the
feature, of, today's Grand "Circuit. program
'at ' the New TorK'state fair. The little
brown stallion trotted the three fastest
heats of the y-w. the, second heat
thiwaja-eed 6,EttW 4f.i&cllp hit
retard' to 3.:06?i. lrrverV hpsft Baden
leff . througtfout,. but vat tlniesv-only by
rDuIIe ?ArchdaIe divided ' the Honors of
tnt" diywlth B'adent;' troltfhg'-'the two'
fastest - feats' of fife" season," each in1
2:W4. It was in the 3:04 trot that the
.jveteran (Seers forced his -cure to. equal'
BJHy eurkt't fecofd aHs'tHen to duiill
'cate theperformartce.f ln the first heat
(Dudle ArCtidaW eiipped 'onecond from
Iter markSummarle:. $f . -LTrirtUni&-ftf:22
class, pSrs-f:4i,200:
Iiorduyton, b., a, by-iArhm, dam
by Electrtcity - (McDonald) 1
Floralma, b. m. (Tallman) 2
Lue C. b. m. (Murphy 3
Starlight MoKinney, blk. jn. (Mc-
JKInney) 4
Count Ttesehkoff, b. s.(McDev!t).. 5
'TTfm'ltI:lg"i:- '8:1211. i-IMfa X Z
The-sEi Pire State stakt,, "R14 -trot, purset
10,tt)0: - . i. -.. 1
Baden', 'br. s,, bv Bln-rars,KaJdah.
. vbif ICremlln fRodnev) -j.-.t.?..'.' 1 1
Rath McGreger, ch. m. lMcDonald) 3 5 2
Kswier vv., d.. m, iuoxi... 1 1
Dave Hallle. br. s. "(Miirohy) i i n
Dorsh ' Medium-,' ik. wr. Jones). .8 3 10
iifi vvaaaerej-.t. g. rfMacetli....4 l
Annio, jonu p., m. . .ivarpente....o s &
Bergen; b. s. (Jeers)... t.v,;.X 6 8
Mike Agan, b. g. 'Shank).?, .. 7 8
Rarallo. br. s. (Hodges). 1010 .
May Mack, b.- n.-,.(Flemtng)....',...ds
Time, 2:0H. 2:; -2:07U.'-" ' "
Trotting, I:W class, purse "2,030
. . , A" -' ' I ". ! f. ' - r.f"' . f
rETerr woman's heart WspohBi ti
tHo charm and iweetnegs.of ataby"i
'Toie;-)au8e niture intended U6r tojt
mothWobd. j., But " tiw t tn Ipvlniy
nature -of a'm6tbel,;rtrlnkB 'ff6in th
"period -of aultering" irnd danger;
"Women who' vie Mother's- Friend ar
eared much dlicoafort and lufrering,
and their- systems, ,blnff :thorou-hlr,
prepared i bf; this great - remedy,, are
In a healtjhy ' 5bridt46jiv toT)4ieet thg
lime with th least" pBthle suffering
and ' danger. ; Mother's " Friend is
recommended only ' for th&. relief and
twnf5rt pf expectant' mothers; it is in
no sense a, remedy, for; yarioui ills,
butV its ( niany'yeara; ot success, and
the1 thousands , pf endorsejoaents re
celved from women'.rho hare used it
are' truarantee of the benefit' to be
derived from its use. This remedy
does not accpmpllah wonders but l'U
ply assfsts nature to: p4rtec ltwork,
It)tW- Ilind'i ifliayir'' Mils;. Pr
contributes 1 0 IT
strong, healthy
motherhood.': Mother's "Friend is aold
at drug stores. . Write- for our freJ
pooitor. expectant. mothers, . 1 t
?ULADFiaV UGUUT0R CaVjAdMttt, Gavj '
T Si... LOUIS, Sept. H. New .York won t v i .
tronr; StJ"Loubv4) .mixing' !it , f."",
rors .andS, passes: ! g&T:xiiX -..T ,r: . I 'e , .- '- if? . '
'NBWTOBK;.' ?-V;-0'-8T.1i JtnS.'l" ; Ii 'iii'".--;' ! 2 'iW' T"'
McMiii-a: ai 1 jo oshotW. ;it..., 111 0 ,1. llTiTl!ll-l IlnL
Dnl. Arr-hdala-. hlk. m hr .4n..
' dale-Dudle Egmont, by Egmont ,v
cnier (ueers) 1 r
Donald). ...... .2 .4"
Totals... ' 117 11. J . ToUla.;.,.22 1141 I
.Cl-.vetend,;-,,,;. 4).:'f, ; ;: 0 0-J
Washington .......1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-3
t Two-case hltx MfBrlde, , Basel on : balla: s.4 fMcDonald)
uit ruanaing, . .BirucK ouii jBy-uiana urscei. cn. ,m,r tWMV"tJ.T.".'i....... .4 3
mg. 2; by Johnson; Ti-,. - Tinier 1 :SoY- Um- Uy Audubon, ch.. h-- (Uatoornp) 6 4
plres: O'Loughlin and Westervelt. . ' King Brook, br. g,v (Higglns),.; 5
- v ... -.- ...v Time. i:M'x. i!04. ;.:v. : ;
This . Coupon land.''
.good "" far the. pexi'
liumher of ALL' thfe
following magazines:; v
""',':'. Snssot aiagaal-to.i.V X
V-a-s"' MoClnre's, -Kagaslnt. .'. .
A )t) The ladles', tTortd; . , ,
Kational lrijtioa jronmat f
Address, Magas (oiipon Dept.
' Twentieths Century Farmer
v Omaha Neb. " $
If outside Influences -srere resoonsible for chronic ulcers, then external
Anatin.' ib..! iii o !' applicattolis and simple cleanliness, would be a carative treatment, r But the
Walle, aa...l 1.1 I I k t"t 1. t.. ;w ., KlAx li.Vt, lUMmiiniiMlt'iir'afiir 'ItMiwF
MMHf J,. l .b 4 r 0 jantten. ft., f I 10 0 1
Danlela, it.. 4 I -4 0 0Haa:a&, if... I I I 1 ti
I-)lTlt cf.. I A 1 S 0Pr.ti 5K 1 a a a ti
Slramona. 2b I I 1 I OgioTall. lb.. I Oil I l!
Iterratt. lb.. 41 l'l
Hartaall,. H i 1 I 0 0
ToUla.....M 111 U 1
. Touts . ...14 I 27 II I
..Batted for Powell In seventh; . "
New Pork 0 10 1 4) 1 3,0-fi
St- Louis ...-....:.0 VO -OiO.ft O 4 fti 4
Two-base bits: McMillan, 'Daniels.
.Three-base chits: LellvelC Daniels., Bases
on balls: Off Caldwell. B; off Powell, '3.
Struck out: By Caldwell. 3: by Warhop,
It- by Baumgardner. 1. .Time: 1:46. "Um
pires: Evans and Egan.
Key to the Situation Bea Advertising,
ferslstent ' AdVertlsinit1 la th'a" Roi t
hii fctuwir-";' ' "-
cause theplasje to scab over temporarily, but the blood
, is not made such, treatment -and soon the old
inflammation and discharge, will return and the sore
i be ai 'barvwbrse .than before. iS. 5. S. heals old
Sores by going down into the blood and removing the
impurities 'and germs '-which, are responsible for tha
place. S. S. S.j thoroughly-pnrifies the circulation
-' and in this way destroys the source of every chronic
nicer. In addition S. S. S. 'enriches this vital fluid
and assists nature in overcomin-f the bad effects of a chronic ulcer. 1 Book
j on-ScT ra ttod 4y -medical advice free to, all who write.
Race Resalts at MllTrookee. ' '.
' MILWAUKEE, Wis., Sept. ll.-A fast
track and good time featured,- today's)
card of the Great Western circuit at the
state fair grounds this afternoon, sum-,
mary: : ' 1 - ' f '' .!
Pace. 2:10 class, purse 31,000: RobrRoy,
first; Go Tell, second; Prince Patch, third, i
Best time, 2:10H. - 1
Trot, 2:30 class, purse 32,000: BIHIfc Bluff, j
first; Alta Coast, second; Phil y : Bars. (
third. Best time, 2.10. ... . . .,''
Pace, 2:25 class, purse 31,000: Warner i
Hall, first; Jessie Direct, second; Sham-1
boy, third, i Best time, 2:10., .... - , ... :'
Three-I ' Letgne '' Results. ;
At Decatur Decautr, 6; Danville' 2
(twelve innings). - i - - : -
At Peoria Peoria, 3; Dubuque, $.
At Bloomlngton Bloomlngton, 0; Spring
field, 1 (ten lnnln-gs). ...
At Qulncy Quincy, 4: Davenport; 3.