12 1 THE BEE: OMAILA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1912. MOP WILL MLD YIADUCT .. Overhead Crossings on Nicholas and Locust Streets. CONFERENCE WITH CITY COUNCIL Officials of Road Sliow WllUiriw 1 to Proceed mm Rapidly Legal Steps la Matter Ca Be - -- Takes. Members of the city council and offi cials ' of the Missouri Pacific Railroad comnany to conference once more threshed over the question of viaducts over ,tJ railroad tracks along Nicholas, Locust and Dodge streets. After the conference. Commissioner Ryder had this to say: j "I believe we axe nearer to the con struction of these viaducts than ever. The Missouri Paclfle representative. Agent Xoftus. has Just returned from St. Loois, where he met most of the chief of ft clals of the road. He brought back with "him encouraging reports, and so far as ,one can Judge, legal red tape only stands In the way of actual beginning of work on these structures. I do not believe the city council or the city legal depart ment will stand In the way of taking the shortest possible cut to get results. Suits now pending In supreme court will e postponed for a few months on the calendar, but the city will lose no rights thereby If the present prospects should fall through. ' aly Waits Red Tas. "At the conference, representatives of the Missouri Pacific expressed a willing ness to start this fall on the construction of the Locust street viaduct, providing the necessary legal steps can be taken. Everything looking to the construction of this viaduct, aa well as the others, Will, begin anew. , "Under the plans as discussed, the Lo cust treet viaduct Is to be about three blocks in length. It is to be thirty-irfx instead of twenty-six feet wide, aa orig inally proposed. ' It work begins this (all, it is to be completed early next spring. "As to the Nicholas ' Rtmet viaduct, City Attorney Rlne has been Instructed to prepare and Introduce at the council meeting Thursday morning an ordlnanc declaring the necessity of the structure. This ordinance will provide for a struc ture forty, instead of thirty-six feet wide, as proposed originally. Where the door will be above the buildings along the sides, eteps will lead down. ! ','" , '.' Widening the - Streets. , "For the purpose of widening the street in order to conform to the addi tional width of the proposed viaduct, the Missouri Pacific will donate a strip of land along. the north side of the struc ture while the city will take such iteps as may be necessary to get the rlfcht-of-way over a certain strip of land orig inally Included in. Nicholas street "Ho ' definite action was taken with reference to the proponed Dodge street viaduct, but its construction at an early date is looked for and not only this but there Is a possibility of a viaduct along Grace street in the near future." Lewis Sues for Commission on the Water Bond Deal Action demanding $10,000. as compensa tion for the part he took In the sale of the 17,000,000 Omaha water bonds has been started in the municipal court at Chicago by S. Arlon Lewis of this city. The defendant Is Harris & Co. of Chicago, bond dealers, who put the issue on the market after it had been sold by the water board to Kountze Bros., at a premium of i 152,000, . Lewis says he was employed by Harris Co. to negotiate the purchase" of "the water bonds, but has not been able to collect his fee. Shaw & Ball of Chicago have been en gaged as counsel by Lewis,' and repre sentatives of that law firm are expected here soon to take depositions. - - Lions and Elephants in Government Hands The United States government has on its hands a large portion of the Camp bell Bros.' consolidated shows, stationed at Falrbury. Neb. Recently the Acker- man-Qulgley Lithographing company of Kansas City filed suit against the shows asking for approximately 110,000, which they allege is due them for services and work rendered. The government has at tached twenty-four high school horses, five' lions, two elephants and several coaches, wagons and other paraphernalia. Real Estate Dealers ? Favor Sub-Walk Tax j The Read Estate exchange at the weekly meeting refused to go on record as opposed to the sub-sidewalk tax proposed by the elty council. The matter came up in the shape of a motion made by W. H. Green to the effect that the exchange oppose the tax. His motion was voted down by a Urge majority. The exchange Instructed President Morton to continue to act on the committee provided for by the council to investigate the proposed sub-sidewalk tax. A committee consisting of William ftull and F. D. Wead was appointed to attend the Deep Waterways convention to be held in Little Rock, Ark., the latter part of the month. D." C Patterson, W. T. Graham and George Wallace were 'ap pointed a committee to arrange for a delegation of real estate men to meet the Pittsburgh special next Monday and par ticipate in the entertainment of the victors. This was the first meeting t the Real Estate exchange since the vaca tion season. COMMISSIONER RYDER IS AFTER GARBAGE HAULERS City Commissioner Ryder is having his cup of woe filled to overflowing, all on account of . the acts of the garbage haulers. Instead of going to the city dump with their loads, these men are unloading in the residence districts, using vacant lots, street Intersections and al leys in unfrequented portions of the city for the purpose. The patrolmen and motorcycle police officers are on the lookout for the vio lators of the city ordinances, but have been unable to locate them at their work. Violation provides for a long term in the city Jail, as well as a heavy fine. "Died of Paeamoaia" is never written of those who cure coughs and colds, with ,Dr. King's New LMscovery. Guaranteed. Mo and 81.00. i'or sale by Beaton Drug Co. 0RKIN BROS. ANNOUNCE BIG CHALLENGE SALE SATURDAY " - . - "Everything comes to him who waits," says the old-time copy, book. "Who hus tles while he waits, succeeds," says the modern man. Orkln' Brothers' activity In the Omaha retail field Is a good illus tration of this old saying and Its mod ern' version, t This firm's purchase of the old Ben nett .store and their success In closing out practically all the Bennett stock in three months was a big task success fully accomplished., r v , Now a Great Fall Challenge sale is being announced for Saturday, Septem ber 14. It la understood this sale will become a semi-annual feature at Orkln Brothers.' The large number of buyers who have been in the eastern markets have re turned. In speaking of their buying ex pedition, Mr. M. B. Orkln. who managed the trip, states that much merchandise was bought at many special price conces sions, and that the Great Challenge Sale they will open next Saturday will be a revelation In value-giving to the public of this territory. ; ..., ; TOBACCO HABIT BARRED ' AT U. P. HEADQUARTERS Noiseless Peddling i is Not Profitable "Wa-a-a-terme-e-e-e-ekms!" ': ' How can you sell 'em off the wagon and make enough to pay your peddler's license and have a profit besides, If yot can't call out Hke that, long and loud and lusty f ; This Is the question Morris Kalman, a peddler, asks and the court' must answer. On his own behalf and that of a hun- ' dred other peddlers Kalman in district , court yesterday started suit to enjoin the city, Police Commissioner Ryder and Chief of Police Dunn from enforcing an l order, that peddlers' must keep their feet on' the soft, soft peddle. The order Is de signed to protect housewives and others in the residence districts from the blatant bawllngs of the hucksters. Kalman says icalilng one's wares Is part of the business of a huckster, the most Important part, In fact, and if the city won't let a man use his lungs it oughtn't to give him. a license to huck at all. He says the issu ' ance of a license carries with it permis sion to cry out one's wares at the top of one's voice, just as a license to run a 'merry-go-round carries with it permis sion to " play the merry-go-round musiq 'box. : . .An order temporarily restraining th 'defendants from enforcing the rule was issued and the case will come up for hearing next week. Men clerks at Union Pacific headquar ters are rapidly acquiring the gum chew ing habit Many of them in the past have been using tobacco Now they have out it out,4 not because they - consider. :lt a filthy weed, but because the Union Pa cific said so. ' . 1 J .. Cuspidors have been sent to the Junk pile and there is nothing doing when It comes to the delicious plug. The clerk are now chewing gum and their jaws are working overtime. Chewing tobacco while on duty In the Union" Pacific building la equivalent to dismissal of any employe. 20c Jh' Coupon, and goo for the next number of ALL' th following masaslB: ttooa Sutkeplag , notorial Keview Ike ladies' World Address, Magailn Cotfpoa Dept. Twentieth Century fanner, Omaha, Neb. u AMUSEMENT! Bally Hat loo; Xvgm. a-10-aOo. On Douglas Street, at XSta. KYTOWS YAUBETIT.I.E ),... wjq. iramea Animals; The Reros; Sisters; Walton ft Brant; Hipposcope lectures. THB ii A err It's Selisrhtfnl CoMinnottsw a to Bj T to ii j. nu, tojiHy. "OMASA'S TXriT CXHTCW n (jQrfti4T7l buj Hat. 15-as-aoo Big "latch'' Cooper's Vtw Chow JB2iU AX, IVVtM JLJHU JTUIaJUZ EXTXAVAQAHEA AND TAUDBVILX.B Tom' WcKae as "smoKe;" waish, Lynch & Co., in "Huckins- Run;" Webb Sisters; Gorgeous Production; Beauty Chorus; Gingery, Snappy, Wholesome Fun. ladles' Sim Matinee Every Week Pay. Matinee Dally 1:15 Every Night 8:15 AOTAXCZO AVSSTXSiX.B. This week The Elliott Savonaa, Seu mus MacManus players, Ed Wynn, Wil son Broa, Ferguson ft Nothlane, Eugene Trio, Great Llbby. Prices Matinee, Gallery, 10c best seats, 26o, except Saturday and Sunday. Night, Itc, 26c. 60c. 75o. BDAF1DEIS THEATRE Tonight, AU -Week. THE JAMES HAWLK1 COMPANY la Henry X. Blxey's Saeossa "MABT JAITE'S FA" Bights, BSo, SOe. Sat. Kat ESo. m 1 Kattaoo Today, Tonijrht BERNARD DALY in ' DION O'DAKE rrioea 10a, too, 300. Mats. lOe and BOo, Smadari HOZJimOOJr. BLntjr in BOMAJTCB OF TH VirSEXWOaXB KRUC THEATRE Mat, Today a do; Hlght t:30 T-Betit Seats 60o WT5pH'S BEEF TRUST Eeal Burlesquers XjUIm Sims Katioos. Brandeis SALE OF WOMEN'S FALL WEIGHT COATS THEY WERE MADE TO SELL UP TO $10.00 EACH We made a special purchase of 300 fall weight coats and we secured a remarkable reduction. These , coats are made of serges, novelty cloths, mixtures shantungs, cloth of gold,' etc i Ihere are many manufacturers samples m the lot. Just the thing for chilly evenings, automobile and early fall wear. In cluded in this lot are coaU for girls, ages 13, 15, 17 years, that yrill make excellent coats for fall school wear, at ... .... ... . . WORTH UP TO $10.00 .98 DiiK ana $er IS w U III in an f.fP Hw " !4 !S ft ge For ' Women and Misses-rWbrth W $8.50 and; $10,00, at. These silk dresses were bought at a special concession Trom the 1 maker, They are made of heavy quality messaline and include many good, new fall styles.- The' serge dresses are in navy, brown and black, all fall models in prettily trimmed and semi-tailored ef fects. They are in women s and misses' sizes and were made to sell up to $10. Thursday your choice on our sec ond floor, Suit Depart partment, at . . . . . Vv . Women's Street . Tailored Hats A few of'the styles In this group hive won ad miration In our 16th street show windows. All the smart, new features of the season are vln- ciuaea, Diacg witn cjBinDinationo.or new taupe, brown and navjr, simply trimmed velvet sailors, etc., splen did group at . . . . . . ...... Misses' and Juniors' Millinery j-:. Section v'v I The new plush, velvet and corduroy hats as Well as the silk Tyrolean effects for girls .8 49 14 years of age, remarkably complete assortment of smart hats at 'i fir mh -.uwS, ' V"' f if j' ' .$1.50 fmm' if Thursday's Great Special Bargain Event Sale of Women's Sample Footwear In Sizes 3, 3y2, 4 and 4; Widths A and B ONLY. The Only Sizes Made in Samples of Women's High Grade Footwear. Here is the smartest, finest, most attractive fall footwear made for women, for these are Genuine Sample Shoes made'entirely -by hand from' the very highest grades of leathers only the heart of a hide being used. There are just 400 pairs in all the . new fall styles, in sizes 3, 3, 4 and 4Mt widths A and B. Attractive Fall footwear, made to sell at $3.50, $4.0, $4.50 and $5.00 a pair; on sale at, pair . . .Y; ..;.............,.;.. IT Stamped Towels Stamped -on good quality mercer Ized . huck with floss for working slxe 18x36 ln Art, Dept., at, ' , each; . .V. . . . ; Chocolate Day Pompeljn Bitter. Sweet C h o c o lates with pure crushed fruit and nut centers; Tegn-. -v m lar 40c rhoco- J. T O lates kt. lb;,. "V -J DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST 1508 Farnam St. I Extracting . .... . 25c Up" Fillings ........ 80c Up Crowns ...... $ 2JSO Up Bridgework '. . 92.50 Up Phone Doug. 1750, ' Missing JTeeth supplied wtthoat PUtfS or Bridge! w(irk. - ' Nerves reinoved without paid.' Work guar Plates ........ f2.00 Up m Taars Sana omea anteed ten years. Fortune or success have of tpn come through a little want ad; Have you read the want ads yet today? ! VVM. J. BOEKHOFF, JUaU Saas. PhotlPS t,om' m uuuc to. A-axlS. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS THIS GREAT Semi - Annual Lace Display The most complete exhibit of finest Laces, Dress Trimmings, line Silks and Robes ever shown in the west. Thursday the last day. Display held in piano department, - Extra Specials of Children's School Clothes M n A 1-..Tk -.1- Extra Specials in Children's, School Shoes Hew Suits - Hew Gowns-llew Dresses A display Including all the most effective creations of makers whose, position as arbiters, of style is unassailable. No place else will you find such a charming assemblage of the new style ideas so attrac tively priced. ' "-,-..,-, ,. . r FIVE HUNDRED" ELEGANT SARIPLE SUITS No two alike, distinc tive individuality in every graceful line, designed by makers who are anxious to retain their leadership in the world of fashion; all greatly underpriced in Thursday sale at. ....... . .825.00 35.04) 200 Nobby New Suits Made to sell to $25.00; serges, diagonals, tweeds and fancy suitings; all newest colorings and styles at v.... ...... ...$15.0I Aliases' Peter Thompson Dresscs- $45.00 $55.00 $65.00 Long Russian Pony Coats Hand somely marked, Skinner , satin lined, garments worth $50.00 to $60.00; in Thursday sale at one price, choice. ... ..$39.00 In navy and black, $15.00 values; just the thing for school wear; matchless bargains Thursday $8.95 Women's Percale House Dresses-i- All sizes, regular $1.50 values; at choice Ogj Women's Long Silk Kimonos All colors, regular values to $10.00; choice Thursday ...,..5,00 Children's Wash Dress es All sizes, big assortment, - regular , values to $2.00, at . , , . 79 Children's Gingham . Rompers Regular 75c values, choice 35J Special Bargains in Infants' Wear. vNew Fall Wash Goods Thursday Beacon Bath Robe Cloth, the most complete line of colors and beauti ful designs ever shown,. 60c grade, at, yard ',, ............ 98o Cord Sets to trim, at, per set. . . , 39c Double Fold Flannelettes, in beauti ful designs and colors, pretty bor ders for trin tiling bands, 19c quali ty, yard . . ..... ... 15c Enowland Fleece, complete assort ment .of patterns and colors,. 15c grade, yard 13'6fl Amoskeag Outing Flanhels, the' best brand made, all fast colors, at 10 ' and ....... 13He Thursday's Linen Specials Pure Linen Hemmed Huck Towels . full size, worth 25c, each 15H Extra' Large Hemmed ? Turkish Bath . Towels, worth 50c at, each ....... . i . . . .... .25 ' Pure Linen Barnsley Round Thread Toweling, worth 26c ' yard ....15t Fattern Table Cloths, assorted de signs, size 8x10, worth $1.75 each .. .$1.00 fcw Fall Boa Hasfi !Y Absolutely authoritative styles at less, better assortments and better values at every pr.ee. - Broad assortment of both dress and ' tailored models, Quality and . style that you'll find will cost you $19.00 to duplicate in other stores; match less at ...... .. ........ $5.00 Street Hats Worth $5.00 Imported French felts, silk velvet hats bound and trimmed In white . swell felt shapes bound and trimmed with ' Tagal braids, 200 for selection at .. 81.98 WE GUARANTEE WILLOW PLUMES Extra special values shown 'at. ........ . . . . $3.95 $5.00 $7.50 up to $15.00 ' The Only Store That Guarantees All Millinery. r Some of Thursday's Underwear Snaps ladles' $1.00 Union Suits, silk lisle, tight or loose knee, lace trimmed, at 490 tadiM' Plna Uaje Twti, to 75c val ues, hand crochet yokes, silk taped, pair 85c, Wo, 19 Ho Ladles' Combination Bolts, In fine crepe, nainsook, - etc, daintily trimmed, ail sues, to i.o tiu, at w , .490 Ken's Union Stilts, all kinds and sizes, $1.00 to H-50 values, 9o, 40 Ilea's Shirts or Drawers Balbrig- gan or lisle, all colors and sizes, regular values ta 1.25, at 48c, 35o and ....................... S5o Men's and Boys' Night Gowns, tl quality, good quality muslin, sizes 12 to 20, at 490 Ohlldren's Fall Wolf ht Uadarwsao- Vests or pants, to 25c 'values, laHo In the Busy Domestic Room Thursday 10c Ionsdale Muslin, 3 Inches wide, at, yard 7W 13Ho Koonlig-at Bloaonod Kuslln, 42 inches wide ............. .840 Sai:i Hsavy Brown ISnsln, 18c value, 45 Inches wide 18H 690 Seaajr-Kada Shaets, Snowflake, 81x90 size w 7o Apron Chock Glnfhams, blues, browns, greens, at ........ . ... 60 12V4o. Amoikeag Crating Flannels New fall patterns at .......... lOo 80c Striped Ticking, 82 Inches wide, at. yard ... 85o B9c Cotton Batts, 72x90 size; at 45o Now Is the Time To Put Up Peaches and Plums m. ' nn irarlr An. carload Of extra fancy Colorado Elberta Free stone Peaches, and one carload of extra fancy Washington Elberta Freestone Peaches that are extra fancy fruit and will go on sale Thursday, at, per crate ...... 78o Our advice- is buy now. i f 4-basket crates of extra fancy Italian Blue Plums, pr crate s 96o Bushel boxes of fancy Utah Bait- lett Pears, per box ta.10 Bushel boxes fancy Flemish Beauty Pears 1'65 The Bartlett Pear season will close this week. " ' 19 POUSDS BEST OBAinrtATBH STTOa 100 48 lb. sack best High Grade Diamond "H" Family Flour, made from the finest selected old wheat, per sack.' at tlM 10 bars Beat 'Em AH, Diamond "C" or Lenox Soap ........ 5o 10 lba best White or Tellow, Corn meal 17tto 4 lbs. fancy Japan Head Bice ..8B0 C cans LuLu Scouring Soap, ltbeats the Dutch -.- f 8 cakes fancy Toilet Soaps .... 35c 8 cans oil or mustard Sardines... 860 1-lb. can Assorted Soups ....... .950 lS-oz. cans Condensed Milk .... Ho 1 4-oa. pkg. best Domestic Spaghetti. or Macaroni THo Yeast Foam. pkg. ............ ..; 3o Grape-Nuts, pkg. ........... ..-.100 E. C. or Oriole Corn Flakes, pkg.' Stto The best Creamery Butter,' carton or bulk, lb. 30o The best No: 1 Country Creamery Butter, lb. .'...V......i.i... BSo The best No. 1 Fresh' Country Eggs, per dozen ....... sao Fancy Full Cream Cheese,' lb. . . . .180 Fancy Full Cream Brick or Lirabtir- ger Cheese,- lb.. ..... U.. ...... ,18o THE OBEATEST VEGETABLE ABTB raiJIT KABXET XM THE WEST Prices Xiosa Than Wholesale. 15 lbs. New Potatoes to the peck, at . 80 12 lbB. fancy Greening Apples to the peck ..... .' . . . ... .ISO Fancy'Sweet Corn, per dozen .. '7Ho 2, extra large heads, of Cabbage. 60 Large market basket Cucumbers I60 4 Summer Squash . . 50 5 bunches fresh Parsley ....... 60 Hubbard Squash, each lOo 6 bunches fresh Radishes or Onions for .1..... ...,...;. 60 Larg Had Lttuce. per head. . 7H Beets, Carrots, Turnips or Parsnips, lb. Ho Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb. 8Ho Green Peppers for pickling, market basket .....SOo S large Egg- Plants ............ 10c 3 large Musk Melons 100 Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb, 80 Large Cucumbers, each .......... lo Lima Beans,, quart ...;,Mr 60 2 stalks fresh Celery ............. 60 Fancy Tokar and lCalaga Oxapoa. pr lb. . . 60 Concord Grapes, basket ...... lxo It Tr. rf 1.;4' s?!mI ' It Pays 1 1 liuut?il d rifSl Advance Announsensnt of Salarday Sales , INFANTS SHOES Big Factory Purchase, are values to $1.00, on sale at .......... ;1 10c, 15c and 19c SALE OF SAMPLE TAIL- SALE OF SAMPLE PLUSH 0RED SUITS v''.COATS.'.'fV- 1" L