10 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1912. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET i , ... Many Think Wheat Market is in Shape for an Upturn. CASH COM KEACTS SHAEPLY Nataral Dullarsa la Noted la Oats Trade, with Only a Little Rally with Other Market at . . the le. twins, l4$15c; : young Americas, 15V&& UllC, IUIIK IIUI MB, Jt3f lOC. . PflTATOM Stwilv rr OMAHA, September 12. 1911 Follow ng the strong turn In wheat yesterday, there was considerable expres s on of bull sentiment and many declared the market In shape for some further up turn. Traders say the general trade was oversold in expecting a more bearish Washington report than was received. Grain men think It well to take Into con s.deration the fact that snorts, both big and little, were largely Induced to hedge yesterday, and that this element of sup port will bo wanting the rest of the week, and It is more than probable that cash and elevator Interests will take advan tage of any further bulge to make hedg ing sales. The news from the northwest Is very bearish, and there is little douDt but that the total spring crop will be ra sed by later reports, based on threshing returns. Cash wheat was H to lo h gher. No doubt the September and cash sit uation will bear close watching for the remainder of the month, as a sharp reac tion in the cash prices were reported late yesterday. Brokers thought there was some investment buying for the i new crop month on foreign orders. Each 'bright day adds millions of bushels to 'the volume of commercial sorn and re 'duces the element of danger from frost. Traders say they can see changes for Iselllng pressure In the May option on hard spots, but there Is reason to keep to jthe buying side of the December or. de pressions, because the country Is not :l!kelv to suDDly the corn necess-iiy to fill 'contracts for that month at so great a discount under old corn. The shipping I sales were largest yesterday and It looks as If all the available corn is wamea. Cash corn unchanged to lc -)nwr. ' A natural dullness was noted In oats yesterday and only a little rally with lother markets at the close. The supply is so great that selling pressure Is likely i to be . the feature. . Cash bats, unchanged to lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,819.000 bu. and shipments 1.100,009 bu., against receipts, 1,100.000 bu., and shipments, U92.onO bu. last year. Corn receipts were 'asi.000 bu. and shipments 334,000 bu., (against receipts, 798,009 bu., and shlp- Imets, 1.062,000 bu. last year. Oats re ceipts were 1,396,009 bu. and shipments 945.0U0 bu., against receipts, 710,000 bu 'and shipments, 117,000 bu. last year. The following cash sales were reported (W heat: Nov 2 hard winter, t cars, 8Cc; z cars, &c; cars, sbc. no. i nam winter, 4. cars, 85c; 1 car, tia; i c&s-a. 84Hc; 1 cars, 84c. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, 83V4& No grade hard winter, 1 car, 70c: 2 cars, 76c. No. I mixed, 1 car, 84V4C. ! Corn: No. X white, 1 car, 73c; No. 2 white. ( cars, 72yj,c No. 4 white, 1 car. 72c; car, 70H& N. 2 yellow. 1 car, 71o. No. t ; yellow, (114 cars. 71c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 70c; 1 car, 89c, No. t mixed, 1 car (choice), 7Hic; 8 cars, 7W4cl cars, 7014c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 614c; i car, 69c No .grade, 1 car. C814c Oats: No. 3 white, te cars, smc; (.cars. 31 '4c; 5 cars, 81c. No. 4 white. 1 car, 31c; 1 car. 80e. Clearances: Wheat and flour, 493,000 bu.: corn, 2,000 bu.; oats, 2.000 bu. Liverpool closed with wheat 14d higher jto lid lower. Corn unchanged to H4 lower. Omaaa Cash Prices. WHEAT No, 2 hard, 8&37Hc; No. 8 hard, 848iic; No. 4 hard, 80H85c. CORN-No. 2 white, 78c; No. 3 white, ,7214c; No. 4 white, 701i7ic; Nor 2 yellow, '71c; No. 3 yellow, 70-Vallc; No. 4 yellow, 6iVii70ci No. 2, 70147ft; No. 3, fOjfTOVfcc; No. 4. m 9!4c; no grade, fite. OATS-No. 2 white, aiyifrKc; standard, SlWle; No. 3 white, 31031 Ho; No. 4 Iwhlte, 3(4f31c; No. 8 yellow, 8031c. HA K LEY Malting, e05c; No. 1 feed, KYE No. 2, 3C4c; No.' 8, 62Q3a 1 Carlo Receipts, . . Wheat Corn. Oats .........308 878 888 , .436 ... ... 689 ... ' ... 68 82 40 176 8 1 1E6 69 64 9 ... ... POTATOES Steady; receipts. 35 cars Michigan and Minnesota, 46ft 60c; Wis consin, 40$ 50c. POULTRY Alive, easy; turkeys, 13c; enickens, heavy, I3itc; springs, 21ftc. VEAL- Steady at 91414e. w Corn mm Wheat Reg-Ion Ballet? a. United Mates Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for the twenty four hours ending at 8 a m., 75th meri dian time, Wednesday, September 11. 1912. 1912: OMAHA STATIONS. Temp. Rain- Stations. High. Low. fall. Ashland, Neb.. 80 60 .26 Auburn. Neb..85 63 .09 Broken I'ow ..6$ 60 .05 Columbus, Kb. 75 58 .20 Culbertson, Kb. $0 68 .00 Falrbury. Nb. 87 61 .13 Fairmont, Neb. 81 66 .47 Gr. Island, Kb. 80 60 .26 Hartington, Kb 48 64 .83 Hastings, Neb.. 78 69 .60 Holdrege, Neb. 78 56 .00 Lincoln, Neb... 83 62 .07 No. Platte. Kb 70 64 .00 Oakdale, Neb.. 70 67 .08 Omaha, Neb.... 84 62 .47 Teksmah, Neb. 73 62 .40 Valentine, Nb. 66 46 .29 Alta, la. 70 62 .04 Carroll, la 76 64 .36 Clarlnda, la.... 85 62 .00 Sibley, la. 9 60 .08 Sioux City, la. 70 64 .10 Sky. Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy . Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloud HEW YORK STOCK MARKET Higher Money Exercises Depressing , Influence on Trading. LOWEST PEICES LAST E0US Heading- aad Canadian Pacific Are Weakest of Railway Isaacs, with BfocB Pressure Against the .,. '. Steel Isaacs. " 94 64 .00 86 64 .00 94 66 .00 92 64 .30 96 66 .00 80 60 .30 68 44 .20 94 68 .60 76 68 .30 decidedly .cooler Chicago ...... Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha ...... Kansas City St Louis Winnipeg ... CHICAGO GRAIX AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading- and Closlac Prices en Board mt Trade. CHICAGO, Bept It-Signs that Euro pean countries were preparing for record breaking Imports helped turn the wheat market today from depression . to : strength. The close was unsettled, vary ing from a shade under to a shade above last night's figures. On the ensuing advance, shorts covered , freely, but commission houses were per isistent sellers, causing the market to react December ranged from WSmHc, closing a shade net higher at 9014y$lc. Unexpected advancement shown by , samples of new corn from Illinois led to !& withdrawal of the Industries from the ; market for old corn and left prices weak j December swung between 62G3Kc, with the close 5214c, a loss of Ui114c net 'Cash gradet, were depressed; No. 2 yet 'low. 7Mi76c. Some slight Improvement In the export I trade held oats stesdy. Outside limits reached for December were S214o and I ailic, with lost sales 14c off at 32MK?32!4c. Packers had brokers In the provision pit bidding up products, especially nearby ! options. September pork scored a net advance of 25c, but otherwise the lift In ! prices did not exceed 10c. The leading futures closed as follows: jArtlclet Open, j HiKh. Low. Close.) Yesy. iWheatl , Bept.91V4 r.tec..!)0Va"4 May., 9495 nuorn. 8Dt , Dec.. May. Aats. i Bept. : Dec mm 31 fork. I Sept.1 ,Oct. Jan.. lUrd. f Sept. 17 26 18 8214 Oct, Dec.. Jan.. Klbs. 8pt. Oct. Jan.. 92l 90 T1V4 6.1W 82. 34 17 2714 17 39 18 99 1115 11 20 Wi'l 91li 9114 BWiiSOTifiSl WiU !94H(Hi!96(&9u:9014i 71 1 m 6214!53fil4 81 I 624 70 5214 6i 81'4! 8214 3214,3214 3414! 34 11 1214 11 15 1 10 72U 10 76 10 6714j 10 6714 I 17 20 I 17 2714 II XV 17 80 18 82 18 85 I 10 7214 10 70 10 1214 10 80 I 10 7714 10 1214! U 1214: 11 15 10 724 10 65 10 72141 10 70 10 10 11 15 11 0 10 75 10 6714 31 34Vii H 0214 17 20 18 85 11 10 10 0b 10 6714 10 65 10 75 10 70 10 75 10 70 10 1214! 10 0714 Cash quotations were as follows: KLOUR Steady; winter patents. 84.10S 4.M; straights. $3.904.60; spring patents, !34.25S5.70; straights, l.004s4.20; bakers, 83.70JJ.90. RYE No. 2. 71tc. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 4532c; fair to choice malting. ffiTOc. , SEEDS-Timothy. 82.5&S4.00; cloven PROVISIONS-Mess pork. tl7.2517.S714, Ird, In tierces, 311.20. Short ribs, loose, 210.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 493,000 bu. Primary re ceipts were 1.719,000 bu.. compared with l.luo.OOJ bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, aa shown by Brad street's, increased 8,666,009 bu. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 225 cars; corn. 417 cars; oats, $32 cars. lioge, 16,009 head. Chicago Caah Prices Wheat, No. 2 red, 6104?10514; No. 3 red, SfefidUMU: No. 2 hard, 8U4!4c; No. 3 hard, to Sic; No. 1 northern. 92&93!4c; No. 2 northern. f992c; No. 3 northern, 88a91c: No. 2 spring. ks&SOc; No. 3 spring. 84 87c; No. 4 spring. 2S6c; .velvet uhaff Ki'aaic; durum. 87&90C, Corn, No. t 7ftl4c; No, 2 white, 7714c; No. 2 yellow 74--.ii 7!c; No. 3. 747&lc; No. 2 white 7&W7714c; No. 3 yellow, 75Hi7c; No. 4, ri;i74lic; No. 4 white, iS.oc; No. 4 yellow. 74Vi4t75c. Oats, No. 2, S2t4c: No. 2 white, S'ldSV; No. 3 white, 32Mm'4c; No. 4 white, 31M3214; standard, '32 34c. , Rye. No, 2, 67Hc Barley: 4575c. Seeds: Clover, J12.&mi6.00; timothy, 8i50g7.O. BC'ITKR Steady; creameries, 24'aSo dairies, Slt&iMVxC. KOGSSteady; receipts. 8.SS1 cases; at mark, cases include!, liS1814c; ordi t nary firsts, 19c; firsts, 21c. C11KESE - Weak; daisies, 1514 u 1514c; 'Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. m. "Not Included In averages. DISTRICT . AVERAGES. No. Temp.- Rain Central. Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 : Louisville, Ky... 22. India'polls, Ind. 18 Chicago, 111 24 St, Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, la. 22 Minneapolis .... 61 Kan. City, Mo. 25 Omaha, Neb..... 17 The weather Is throughout - the corn and wheat region. Showers occurred within the last twenty four hours In the western . districts and upper laks region. A fall of one Inch occurred at Concordia, Kan. L. A. WELSH. . Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. NEW YORK GENERAL MARkET Quotations of the Day on Varioae , Commodities. i NEW YORK, Sept ll.-FLOUR stead ier; spring patenu, 4.90fi.30; t winter straights. 84.40fl-4.50; winter patents. 84.70 6.15; spring clears, 84.254.5; extra No. 1 winter, 84.104.20; extra No. 2 winter. 4.00$4.10; Kansas straights. 84 1584.25; Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 3.854.00; choice to fancy, $4.0&f4.1E. CORN M E A L Firm ; fine white and yel low, 81.70SP1.76; coarse, fl.6531.70; kiln dried, $4.25. RYE-Steady; No. t west, 69c, c. U t Buffalo. BARLEY Steady; malting, eofiOo, c. 1. t, Buffalo. . WHEAT Spot market irregular; new No. 3 red, 31.04 e l l, track, and $1.0214 f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 99o, f. o. b. afloat Fuiures market closed . unchanged to U-16c higher; Sep tember closed at 81.0114; December, 981-16 g999-16c; May, H.02. CORN Spot market easy: export 58140 f, a b. afloat, December to March. OATS-Boot market steady: new stan dard white, 38o nominal, on track; No. 2, 2814c;' No. 8. 377!4e; No. 4. 86S3614c; natural wnite, KViraic: new wntte cup ped, mumtc. all on track. HAY-Steady; prime, 3185; No. 1, L; No. t $1.1691.20; No. 8, $1.00. HIDES Firm; Bogota. 26142614c: Cen tral America, 2514c Central America, 2614c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 2014 27c; seconds, 2426c; thirds. 2223o: re jects, 16c. ' jrKu visions Pork, steady; mess, 319.76 fr20.25; family, 21.6022.60; short clears. S30.5OS22.66. Beef, steady; mess, 316.00a 16.50; family. 818.502.19.W: beef hams. 828.04 631.09. Cut meats, quiet: Dlckled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs.. S12.00ftl4.0Q: pickled hams. 813.50 mw, una, nrrn.; miaaie west, $il.45 lt.ou; renned, steady; continent, 311.96; South America, $12.66; compound, $8.1214 $.8714. ; 7 TALLOW-Steady; city, t 8X0; special, 714e; country, 0c NEW YORK, Sept 11. SrGAJl Raw, steady; muscovado, 89 test, 8.86o; centri fugal, 98 test, 4.36c; molasses, 89 test, 8.81c; refined, steady. BUTTER Steady; receipts, 8,908 tubs. Creamery: Extras, 282c; firsts, 27 28c; process, extras, 2,!426c; factory, current make, firsts, 2214c. CHEESE Easy: receipts, 5,948 boxes. State, whole milk colored, specials, 1614 16c; same, whites, 15$j'16c; skims, 714c. EOas-Ficm; receipts, 14,753 cases; Fresh gathered, extras, 28fi29c; extra firsts, 25H26c; firsts, 23424l4c; refrtger ator firsts, season's storage charges paid, 3324c; lower grades. lKjff2Jc; western gathered, whites. 26j)29c. . POULTRY Dressed, steady; fresh killed western chickens, 'l724c; fowls 1414l14o; turkeys, 16tfl7c. St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Me., Sept. ll.-WHEAT-Cash, lower; track No. 2 red. .001 03 No. 2 hard, 90ig92l4c. ' CORN-Iiower; track No. 2, 7677e; No 8 white. 78!40W4e. . OATS Strong; track "No. I, 22ff32'io No. 2 white. 8414c Closing prices of futures: . . VHEAT-Decembtr,- 81!g91c; May, 9o0. ' " t- C'ORN-Lower; December, 60c; i May, ?A'T8rWek: December, 81c; May RYE-7014C. . ' ' ' FLOUR Dull: red wlnt.r iui.m. i 5.00; extra fancy and straight, $4.1&f4.63; iwu winter clears, J.0U0.Y6, SEED-Tlmothy, 810.00. " CORNMEAL-88.70. ' 3 KRAN-Weak; sacked, east track, 89c HAY-Dull; timothy, $11.0018.00; pral rle. $9.00014.00. PROVISIONS-Pw-k. unchanged; job bing, $16.50. hjiid) unchanged; prime steam. $10.6510.85. Dry salt meats, lower; b0Kf.1l mxtrm. mhnrtm til n.) - $11.50; short clears, $11.76. Bacon lower; noxea extra , snorts. Jiz.&o;. clear ribs, $12.60; short clears, $12.76. POULTRY Weak: chickens, 12c; springs, 1614c: turkeys, 16c; ducks, Stf butter Higner; creamery, :7flt9c, EOaS-Flrm. 30c. . Recelnts. Khlnmant Flour, bbls...,. .......... 8.000 ' 12,006 Wheat, bu 156 0M J 1m myi Corn, bu 70,000 83000 Oats, bu 85,000 83.000 Kansas City Grain and Prorlsiona. KANSAS CITY. Sept ll.-WHEAT- Cash, unchanged to Mtc higher; No. 2 hard. 87fiSSc; No. 8, 85714c; No. 2 red. 9c$1.01; No. 8. 89ff97o. CORN-Unohanged: No. 3 mixed. 74c: Ko. 3. 7214fr73c; No. 2 white, 741475c; No. 3. 737314c. ' : OATS-lte higher; !No. I white, 34140 $5c; No. 2 mixed. fcl484c. Cloning prices of futures: WHEAT-Sentember. 88Ao: Decemtwr SS'c; May. 9014c, CORN-Soptember. 69Uwo; Decem ber. 481it8c; May. 48ii(g'48c. OATS-nccember. 32c; May, 341434Hc RYE Unchanged. HAY Unchanged. BUTTER-Creamery, 2614c: firsts, 2414c; seconds, 2214c; packing stock. 2014c EGGS Extras, 23c; firsts. 21c: seconds 16c. ' v , Receipts. Shipments Wheat bu 178.000 227.0W Corn, bu ., 8,000 50,000 Oats, bu 16,000 11,000 I - 1 MinneapoHs Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 11.-WHEAT-Sert 85c; December. 8SHc; Msy, 93t? 9314c Cash: No. 1 hard. S9c: No. northern, 874(h8S14c: No. 3 northern, 8314 WHEAT No. 1 northern. 93B14c: No 2 northern. 90149114c: No. 2 hard winter SiftSSc; December. 8914c: Mav. 94c. CORN-No. 8 yellow. 7577c: No, 8 wnue. itw, .-so. 3, 7 55 14; December. azc; way, uc. OATS-Standard, 3314?) 34c RYE No. t 72c. BARLEY Malting, &Sfi76c. CORN-No. 8 yellow. 72V. OATS No. 3 white. 3OfiS0Vio. RYE No. t 6163c. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks. 830.00. F1XL'R-Flrst patents, 84.35S4.65; second patenu, 31.20(84.56; first clears, $3.2O&3.50; rm ciars. ' . FLA X $1.7Si 1.7414. ' . BAKLEY 40&ttc, NEM' YORK, Sept. ll.-Hlgher money exercised its depresilng Influence upon today s stock market Call mrnv niwi at 4(4, per cnt, the highest Initial price or the present movement nnH at mMiv aamucn as 614 per cent was paid. The market made its lowest price level in the last hour, to th of greater activity than at any pr-vlous time in the session. Reading and Can adian Pacific were weakest of the rail way issues, with a great deal of pres sure against United States Steel, Amal gamated Copper and American Smelting. ..0t,heT les" representative Issues, par ticularly the tobacvi rmun war-A nuPn 2 to 4 points. Towards the close money again, was Ipaned at 514 per cent .Lwnuun s operations nere were unim portant, conswtlng of small sales on h&l. an re. There was more activity and a further shading of prices In the bond market Total sales par value aggregated $1,900,000. Unltfd States government bonds were unchanged on calk , . Number of aie anc leading quotations on stocks were as follows: Salw. Hlfh. Low. Ooit. 049; total of general fund, $150,237,961. Re ceipts yesterday, $2,441,790; disbursements. $;.273,fea. Deficit to date this fiscal year. $7,879,740, as against a deficit of $2,903,078 at this time last year. These figures ex elude Panama canal and public debt transactions. . London Stock Market. LONDON, Sept 11. Amer.can securi ties were quiet and featurless during the early trading today. At noon prices ranged from 14 to above yesterday s new 1 one closing. OllAHA GEN Ell A I, MARKET. Anurifttmstso' Oopser . Aourlcaa Agricultural American Beet Sugar. Americas Cas American Cta pfd. Americaa C. F 1,00 87.70S H K U 406 . It . W MS, tioo 7sh n ii 7,700 40)4 lH t( i.ioo i20t4 inn, mv, 11V, u 4J14 100 io 6934 S3W 14 4t 13H 4:h lotH 1,100 127 lt7H 1J6 00 144 143 144 1,090 I7JH M 147 l.tOO 4i 45 ii 1,100 191 107 107 100 101;, 101 101 141 400 104 10 lMlt i,oo 40 n u M 171 tit 80 MM 7 7 U4 11 10 li 106 101 MO 13 13 138 1,100 13 1,700 146 144 KM 16 11 31 144 m ti 17 33 3( 62 43 on ui leg lin I.10S 133 133 131 1,400 41 44 00 iz in 1,600 lt It 1,100 63 67 4,700 124 114 600 1,600 7M 300 34 M!4 13 44 13 36 8? 43 109 16 16 123 ltt M 124 1 16 2 Mi 106 1,509 1 1M 144 400 161 11 141 100 14 141 100 It 18 1,700 41 100 138 100 40 40 137 14 40 134 ...... ..... tt 100 114 114 114 400 37 14 34 100 114 116 116 300 K 14 MH 1,400 127 136 124 1,400 31 31 31 1,100 134 123 123 400 116 116 11 1,100 110 io m 600 14 23 13 100 17 17 ! , 147 14,t0 lt 144 147 400 100 too 67 11 American Urtton Oil..... too Am. Ice laearules 200 Americas Linseed 100 A men can Locomotive ... 1,200 Americaa 8. A R 1,700 Am. b. a k. pfd Am. Sniar Refining... Americaa T. aV T American Tobacco ... Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison Atchleon pfd Atlantis Coaat Line... Baltimore a Ohio Bethlehem Bteel aroowjrn Rapid Tr L700 0 vuauian refine , e,tgo ji Central Leather 1,300 30 Chesapeake eV Ohio 300 79 1.111CISO u. .... 100 18 unicago, at, a sc. r.... Chicago It N. W... Colorado F. aV I Consolidated Oaf Corn Products , Delawar A Hudson..... Denver A Rio Grande.... Denver a R. O. pfd...,. Distillers'' Securities .... Brie , Brie let pfd..,,rs;J(,(, Erie Id pfd General Electrls , Oreat Northern pfd Great Northers Or etts.. Illinois Central Interborouih Met Inter. Met pfd International Harvester .. Inter-Marine pld ........ International Paper 4.... International Pump Kansas Cltr southern.... Lscleds Gas Lehigh Valley Loulavllle Nalhvllle... M., St. P. A 8. S. H... Mlaeourl, K. A T MlisourrPacKle National Blacult National Lead N. K. R. of U. Id pfd.. New Tors Central N. T., 0. ft W Norfolk A Weatern North American Northern Pacific ........ Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People' Oas P., C, C. ft St. L Pittsburgh Coal Preaied Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Readlna Republic I. ft 8..... WO 17 37 J4 Republic I. ft 8. pfd..., 1,700 W 7 37 Rock leland Co 1,100 24 16 2A Rock leland Co. pfd...., 200 41 11 11 St. U ft . F. 3d pfd... 100 , 36 16 Seaboard Air Une U " 100 12 1 tr.bc.rd A. L. pfd...... 1.200 II 60 alM..8heffleld 8. A I... 100 66 66 66 Southern Pacific Southern Railway ...... So. Railway pld... Tennaaaeo Cnppor . ...... Texaa ft Pacific, Union Paclflo ........... Union Paclflo pfd United States Realty - United Btetea Bubbor.... 400 : 17 United State Steel 4.S00 73 U. 8. Steel pfd... Utah Copper J JJO , Va.-Carollnt Chemical ,. 1,100 4o Wabath v v J Wabaeh pfd W0 14 n.... U.r.l.ttd . 400 67 WMtinehouae Electrta .. 4.700 87 14 WkMlln. a t. B Total sales tor the day, SvO.OCO shares. New York. Money Market. NEW TORK. Sept IL-MONEY-o. RfflXi'. 'fuk rnt: - rullns? rate. 44 prcWrclosmi bid 4, offered at 4(J per cent; time wi. ivnst.w ner cent: '90 days. 8fJ54 per cent; six mOntnS,-'DWl I'jrr , PRIMH MH.rt.VJ A IN 1 lur rArwv-7i P STERUNa . EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers bills at 34.83 for 00-day bills and at $4.8690 for demand. SILVKR-Bsr, Mexico dollars, BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. " ' ' . Closing quotations on bonds today were s follows; tj. 8. raf. 2. riv.ltl K. C 8a ref. 6...1t do coupon ....... ij. s. oeo. e mi... win U S la, res l(" N. unl. 4s.... 17 a. eouoon 11 M. K. T. 1st 4a. M B. 8. 4a, rg.......lWH "do geo. 4 16 do coupon ..nnaao, rmcuic im m,,ma 1Alk An Mn ga tt rininu , - ....... AJIla-Chal. Wt Is.. 40 , N B R of M 4., Amer. Ag. Is l N. T. C. g. 8s... 6 A T ft T. . 4s.. HI do dab. 4a IS Am. Tobacco a...m H; T. N. H. ft H. Armour ft Co. w e. w . Atthtwn gen. 4a.... 17 N. ft W. 1st a 4e. 7 do v. 4e M60..l.10t do ev. 4s.... 114 do tv. la 107No. Paclflo 4a..... .. IS A C. t. tat ,.... 944 do Is W , o. B. u rrog. .. 0Pena. ev. t. 1S16.. 17 M do eon. 4s 103 1081tedlnt gen. 4a..... H r,iea 1. jl a j? im iu ion. L.r . - " Che. Ohio 4., 4 io gw.H..i 14 do eonv. 4a...... u . w. -m Cblcairo ft A. 1HS. 44 8. A, t adj. 8s.... Tf4 C B, ft Q. J. "4. 14HSo. Pac. col. 4a... I do gen 94 do ev. 4s...,. 94 C U ft 8 T ev 4e..l06 do 1 ref. 4..... 13 C It. I ft P. o. 4. 43sn. Railway Is..,. .104 da rtf . 17 " 4s. .'. r ft 8 r. ft 4s MHei'nlon Paelflc 4. .. M D ft H. ev. ....' -1 -ao vt, ie n 1 ft R 0. ref. 8s. H do 1st ft ref. 4a... M rrt.tlllera' la 74u. 8. Rubber ta..1M Rrle P. I. 4S....... S74i V. 8. steel Id Is.. .102 do gett. 4 -T.va.-ver. o. . a. ev 4a nr. B. 71 Wabaah let ft ox. 4s ... ' 1 r 1 tU w..m XfH 4a Ill 111. v. ' . - - ' - Met 4i..... t"Wet Eio, tr. sv. Inter. M. M. 4.. 4 Via Central 4s..... Japan m Bid. Ottered. ' Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Sept. 11. Closing quotations -1f wara as follows: Alleuaa i. 4tMohaw Amal. Copper ...... 14 Nevada Con S, 1a a o. -v ipimiiia niun . Arltona Com. 4N'orth Butt ...... B ft C. C. ft S. M, I North Lake ..,. Cat ft Alisons " Old Dominion ... rail ft Hla.......M Oeceola -1 i-t M Oulncv tvnivniiiiti .......... - - Cop. Bang C, C... l78hanno ......... Cast Butte u. "aoiwrior iv superior m a. m 1 Tamarack ........ KHlV. S. 8, R. ft M in ao pia f 4,400 10. 101 109 1,700 10 2 - t 11 I 11 10 44 43 43 21 2 U 84,600 149 147 147 30S M , n .-r .......... II 10 71 .... 112 44 44 41 41 4 4 14 14 11 H 11 ! 8 BUTTER No. L l-lb. cartons, 27c; Wo. 1. in CO-lb. tubs, 27c; No. 3, 25c; pack ing. 25c. . .-- CHEESE Imported Swiss, 83c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24c; twins, 174c; daisies, lie; triplets. 18c; Young Americas, 19c; blus label brick, 18V4C. Umberger, Mb., 0c; l-lb., 22c. POULTRY-Broiiers, 3840c per b.; hens, 15c; cocks, 9&10c; ducks, 18c; geoae, lee; turkeys, 23c; pigeons, per dox., $1.80. Alive; Hens, 10ft 11c; old roosters 5V.e: stags, Sc; old ducks, full feathered. :; eeese, iuii leatnerso. be; turkeys, 12c; p geons, per doa, 90c,- homers, $2.S0; squabs, No. I. ' $1-60; No. 2, 60c Beef cut prices: Ribs. No. L TtSfnu: No. 2, 16c; No. 3. 1010c. Loins, No. t 24c; No. 2, 16c; Ns. 3, llllia Chucks, io. i, iuc; no. w wgmwi no. b, mi An. Rounds, No. 1, 13m4o; No. 3, lie; No. 3, (&c. Plates, No. J, 7(&Tc; No. 2, W i'Ac. No. 8. 6554c. . 1 FISH (fresh)-Plckerel, fa; 'white, lSe; ptks, lSc; trout, 14c; . largs oiples, lil 16c; Bpanlsh mackere . is. ei, lie; had docks, 16c; fioundera 13c; green catfish. 16c; rosa shade, 800 each; shad roe, per pair, 46c; salmon, 16c; halibut, 8c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, 8c; billheads, 3c. FRUITS, ETC. New apples In bbls.. f3.0WaU.iU Spanish onions, per case, $1.4'). Bananas, fancy select, per bunch, 250; Jumbo, per bunch, Ji75&3.75. Data, Anchor brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs. In box per box, 12.26. Dromedarj' brand, new, 30 l-lb. pkgs. in box, per box, $3.00. Figs, Cali fornia, per case of 12 N. 12 pkgs., Soc. per case of No. 13 pkgs, $'.60; per case of 60 No. $ pkgs., $2.00; bulk, In 25 and 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; new, Turkish, t-crown, In 2u-lb. boxes, per lb, 16c: crown, In tO-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; T crown. In 80-lb. boxes, per lb., 17c. Lemons, Limonlera, selected brand, extra fancy, XQ-laQ sixes, per brt, (6.60; Loma Llmoneira, fancy, 300-360 sizes, per box, $6.26; 240-420 sixes. 60c per box less; Cali fornia, choice, 300-308 sizes, per box, $a.. Oranges, California Pansy brand, ex tra fancy,. 86-126 sizes, per box, $3.75; extra fancy, all sizes, per box, $4.60. Peaches, California, 86c; Colorado, white and yellow, freestone, 075c. Canta loupes, -California, 45 size, 13.00; Rocky Ford, 45 size, $3.25; pony, 54 sise, $2.50. Watermelons, per lb., la VEGETABLES Cabbage, home grown, per lb., lHc. Ceiery, Michigan, per dox., 36c Cucumbers, hot house, per dox., 86c. Egg plant, fancy Florida, per doz., $1.50. Garlic, extra fancy, white, per doz., 15c. Lettuce, extra fancy, white, per doz., 25c. Onions, while. In crate, $1.00; yellow, per crate, 80c. Parsley, fancy southern, per doz. bunches, 5Vfi75e. Potatoes, homo grown, per bu., 76c. Tomatoes, homa grown, per 4-basket carrier, 40c Wax beans, per basket, 75c; gieen beans, per basket, $1.C0. , . ' OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle and Good Feeders Steady with Tuesday HOGS STEADY TO FIVE fflGHEB Good Demand for Desirable Sheen and ' Lambs Sheep . Stroac to Text Hltrher, Lambs Fifteen to Quarter Higher. Bal. ft Ohio 4t do la nmk. Tr. CT. 4s On. of Oa. la... Can. Ueether le M W.nklla Olreux Con. Oranbr Coa. .... urwuv v - - . i . . n 1. f-VnMV. II U I'.ah rnn' laie ivuyi ..".fi - - ....... Kerr Uhe Copper Co take Copper MW1noa I Salle Corow 4a WoUerlne Miami Copper ' .-.yrrr Vork ATIatair Storks. NEW YORK. Sept. lL-Closlng quota tions on mining stocxs were Com. Tuaael stock.. I stexleaa . . 18 . . . 1 . 40 .111 . 11 . 15H . 44 . It . 40 . 45i . M . U . 44 . 4 .M do bonds Con. Cal. ft Va. Iron silver .... Ueadrllle Cos. Little Chief .. Offered. 11 Ontnrto ... .. .... 41 Ophlr ....... ....IK standard ...1MI ... IS Wo Tel low Jacket M , Coadltloa of . Treaanry. WAPHINUTON, Sept. ll.-At the begin nlng of business today the condition of the Lnlted states treasury was: work ing balance In treasury offices, $S7,7.i.47b; !n banks and Philippine treasury, $33,357, Visible Supply of Grain. NEW. YORK, Sept. ll.-Spectal cable and telegraphic communications received by ""Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies, as com pared with previous account: Wheat, United States, east Rockies, Increased, 3,321,000 bushels; United States, west Rockies, increased, 241,000 bushels; Can ada, decreased, 408,000 bushels; total United States and Canada, Increased, 3,156,000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe, Increased, 6,500,000 bushels; total Ameri can and European supply, increased, 9,666,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, decreased, 605,000 bushels. ' Oats, United States and Canada, Increased, 1,198,000 bushels. The leading Increases and decreases follow: Increases Minne apolis private elevators, 250,000 bushels; Kingston. 146.000 bushels: Louisville. 142.- 000 bushels. Decreases Rochester, 105,000 ousiieis; AKron, &,ouv Dushels. Metal Market. MEW YORK, Sept ll.-Hlgher mony per, firm; standard, spot, $17.251)17.76; September, $17.8517.40; October, $17.35 17.40; November, $17.2517.50; electrolytic, $17.7517.8"M4; lake, $14.7517.87tt; casting, 317.12ft17.26. Tin, firm; spot $48.40-48.t; September, $48.40048. t; October, $48.50 48.75. Lead. ' firm, $5.006.25. Spelter, Arm, $75O.O0. Antimony, quiet; Cook son's, $8.45. Iron, firm and unchanged. Arrivals of copper st New York today, 230 tons; exports this month, 8,656 tons; local exchange sales, 50 tons. London copper, spot, 78 6s 3d; futures. 79 Is no. Local exenangs sales of tin, 35 tons. London tin. firm: soot 222 6s: futures. 218 6s. London lead, 23. London spel ter, 27. - Iron, Cleveland warrants, 66s ma in ijonaon. - ST. LOUI8, Bept U. METALS Lead, firm at $5.0214. Spelter, strong at $7.30. ' Turpentine and Rosin,'. SAVANNAH. Ga,. Sept. 11. TURPEN TINE Firm, S80 to S8M0; sales. ISO; re ceipts, 343; Shipments. 408; stocks. 308.522. ROSIN Firm; . sales, 2,336; receipts, 1,723; shipments, 4,767; stocks, 100.9HO; quote, , o.3o; s.s; js, 1a.4tw10.45; l $6.45ig6.62V4; G. H and I, $1456.55; K. $6.50(S.60: M, $8.80.W; N, $7.35; WG, $7.80; WW,'. $8.20. ... Dry. 'Goods Market. NEW YORK, Sept 1L DRY GOODS- The oooton goods market is steady with a trend toward - firmness In prices. Job bers report an active trade with nearby traders. Worsted yarns are very firm. Knit goods and hosiery are active for fall delivery and New York staple hosiery mills are engaged- ahead for three months. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. 10, 1912. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday.. 9.354 . 2.276 29.895 Estimate Tuesday.. 7,826 Estimate Wedn'sd'y 6.500 3 days this - week.. 22,680 Same last week.... 20,873 Same 2 weeks ago.." 17,873 Same 3 weeks ago.. 16,896 Same 4 weeks ago.. 17,808 Same days last year 25.257 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, as compared with last year: 1912. 1911. Inc. Dee Cattle 602,630. 741,519 138.9S9 Hogs 3,279,841 1810,501 469,340 ....... Sheep 1.485,965 1,433,165 : 62,800 6,212 5,700 14,188 18,363 16,983 18.665 22,177 14.320 20,912 20,000 70,907 63.964 76,998 67.050 37,062 140,168 Date, j 1912. l!U.ll;i0.il94)J.1908.;i9U7.1906 Sept 3.1 8 31'il 7 121 I 851 1 Ml $ 43' 6 67 Snpt 8.1 8 2;4! I 7 87 $ 631 6 661 6 851 Sept 4. 8 23M( 7 17 j 7 85 87J 6 69 6 76 Uept M 8 22ft 7 08 9 OS 1 ti Oil 6 75 t VI sept. . S Zb-ti Vi IV 7 Sl sj 6 94 9 061 7 93 61 & Si) Sept. 7. Bept. . Sept 9. Sept 10) Sept 11 8 .TS'4 35 6 97 e 7 01 9 02 9 131 6 981 8 911 7 92 6 64j 87 6 76 6 83 5 90 e ' fill. There was cons'derable life to the trade all the morning, a complete clear ance being made at an early hour, fomt ttood light hogs - welching around 80i pounds sold to the packers at $8.50 top tor the day ana identical w.tn yesterday best price. Receipts were estimated at eighty-four loads or 5.700 head, as against 8,701 last Wednesday, 7,392 two weeks ago and 5,662 on the corresponding day a year ago. ' Representative sales: No. At. 8h Pr. No. At. So. Pr. '4 244 140 I 40 5 ....... 130 40 1 ... I 40 SO...... .124 10 1 40 41.. ...... Ill ... 40 CO 344 140 I 40 M 148 HOD 1 40 47 Ill m I 40 ' It. 43... 41... 51... 41... 34... IB... 47... 120.. 44... 44... M ., ... 41... 11... I 14. 82. ..340 100 108 ..21 80 I 21 .223 ... 121 ..2l 200 I 36 ..321 140 1 30 ..243 M 1 30 SO I 30 40 I 30 30 I 30 10 I 30 .. I 10 ... I 30 M 1 10 i 10 I 30 40 I 80 . .. I 30 ....278 ...1264 ...148 ....231 ...217 ....324 ...247 ...304 ...2RS ...230 ....270 40 I ?0 ....240 24 1 30 ....267 40 1 30 M 230 400 I 30 72 251 It 240 10 302 It 231 16 m 4 240 49 ..261 74 Ill ... I 40 ... I 40 ... I 40 . - 8 40 10 1 40 10 I 40 80 I 40 70 I 40 14... 48... 74... 13... (2... 64... II... 11... It... 44... 48... 41... 64... 68... 21... 73 240 73 340 6 4 l 70 S1 24S 10 I M Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for ths twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterday:, RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Hrs. 7 89 6 691 E 82! 7 881 6 68 5 83 7 83 6 66 6 84 5 S7 ( 41... ....253 140 I 11 32 240 ,., 1 ..351.. 180 I 30 ..242 200 I 36 ..201 40 I 36 ..214 100 136 ..231 120 I 36 ..111 140 1 16 ..117 10 116 ..303 40 I 36 ..1 10 1 35 ..261 10 1 36 ..260 40 8 15 ..281 120 1 36 ..283 120 I 33 ..111 ... 1 15 10 I SJ 40 1 15 10 1 36 CM. St P... Wabash Missouri Pacific. ... 6 Union Pacific 79 C. & N. W.. east.- 1. C. & N. W., west.. 49 C, St P., M. 4 O.. 6 C , B. & Q., east.. 63 . C, R. I. & P., east 4 C, R. I. & P., west 1 C. G. W..... 2 Totals All 1 3 3 21 6 29 7 : 2 2 93 45 .8 I 23 77 DISPOSITION HEAD. . . CQUifc. Hogs. H r s. Morris & Co.... Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Schwarts & Co........ Murphy Cudahy Country Armour Country....... Morrill W. B. Vansani Co. . . . Benton Vansant & L.. Hill & Son..... F. B. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla... L. F. Huss McCreary & Kellogg.. & Werthelmer & D... H. F. Hamlton M. Hagerty.. Sullivan Bros. M. & K.-Calf. Co Cline & Christie....... Other buyers ' Totals 607 726 829 747 m - 2.133 1,657 .2,508 1,539 1,604 69 1,097 1,648 2,987 953 If78 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Bept. U.-COTTON-Spot eloaed - quiet; . middling ' uplands , 11.65c; middling gulf, u.90c: no sales. .( Cotton futures closed firm. Closing bids: - September, 11.13c; October, 11.23c; November,. 11.34c; December, 11.40c: Jana uary, ll.S2o; February, j 11.38c; March, U.46c; May, ,11.55c; -July. 11.61c. . .. ' Liverpool Grain Market. ; LIVERPOOL. Sept U.-WHEAT-Spot steady; No. I Manitoba, 8s 6d; No. 3 Manitota. 8s 2V43; futures steady; October, 7s 7d; December, Js 4d.. . - - - CORN8pot, quiet; American . m'xad, old. no stock; new American kiln dried. 7s 2V4d; futures firm; September, 6s 3T4d; December, 5s lttu. , . . Peoria Market, ; - PEORIA, III., ' Sept. lL-CORN-le lower; No. $ yellow, 76V4c; No.. 2 yellow, 75V4o; No. 4 , yellow. 74o; No. 2 mixed, 75V4e; No. S mixed, 75V4c; No. 4 mixed, 74c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 whits, 33c; seandard, 325c; No. 3 .white, S2c. Wool Market. ST. ' LOUIS, t Sept 11 WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums. 21g25c; fine mediums, 1820c; fine, 1316c. . , . Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Bept 1L CATTLE Receipts, 8.700 head, Including 1,600 head southerns; market steady to 10c higher; dressed beef and export steers, $S.60(ii 10.50; fair to good, $6.0008.50; western-. steers, $o.5Ott8.50; stockers and feeders, $4.0O7.35; southern steers, $4-00&.25; southern cows, $3.25f5.00; native , cows, : $S.256.65; native heifers, $5.60g.50; bulls,: $3.55!fR.OO: calves. $6.00fi.09. , - HOGS Receipts, - 6.600 head; market steady to 5c higher; bulk of sales, $6.00f 8.90; heavy, tJt.454jS.T5; packers and butch ers, $8.6008.90; lights, $8.45g.90; pigs, $6.15 4J7.25. ....'' SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady to 15c higher; lambs. $6.35iR7.40: yearlings, $4.60e6,75; wethers, $4.0O4.60; ewes, ' $3.754.25; Stockers and feeders, $2.50g4.25. , - ,- M i ....ana St. bonis Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Sept 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,000 head. Including 3,000 head Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. $S.5010.50; dressed snd butcher steers, 3S.0OJi8.EO; stockers and feeders, $4.00tr7.25; cows and heifers, $4.00 68.50; canners. $1:4 25; bulla, $4.00 8.50; calves. $6.0011.00; , Texas and Okla homa, $4.25$S.0O; cows snd heifers,1 $3.00 r7.?. HOGS Receipts, 5.300 head; market 5c lower; pigs and lights, $6.009.15; mixed and butchers, $S. 9669.15; good heavy, S.9fff9.00. - . SHETP. AND LAMBS Receipts, 5.000 head; market steady; muttons, $3,650 3.85: lambs. 8S.0O7.00:' rulla and bucks, $1.8093.60; stockers. 83.T5iPS.50. .7,055 6,703 11,807 CATTLE Cattle receipts are holding up very well this week so that the run for ths three days amounts to 22,60 head the largest for any week In a long time back but Smaller than a year ago by over 2,500 heads. The supply consisted' al most entinrely of range cattle, there be ing only a few grass natives and no corn feds of any consequiatece. In spite of the liberal receipts of cattle the supply of good kilting steers was small and the market on anything at all desirable fully, steady with yester day. Buyers were out In good season In the morning and the better cattle were mostly all disposed of at an early hour. . Cows and' heifers were In very mod erate supply rand most of them sola quite early in the morning at prices generally steady with yesterday. Good feeding steers were steady and anything on which both packers and feeder Duyers would compete was strong. On the other hand common light stockers were decidedly slow sellers and sharply lower tnan yesterday. . . Quotations - on natWe cattle.. Beef steers, good to chalce, $8.2510.25; beef steers, fair to good, $7.258.26; beet steers, common lo fair, $6.007.25; good to choice heifers, $6. OtVgfi. 75; good to choice cows, 85.0033:8.00; fair to good cows, $4.00o.00; common to fair cows, $2.754.00; good to choice stockers and . feeders, $8.0007.50; fair to good stockers and feeders, $5.00 8.00; common to fair stockers and feed ers. $4.5085.00; stock cows and heifers. $4.505.75, veal calves, $4.508.75; bulls, stags, .etc., $4.00(85.50. Quotations on range cattle: Good to choice beef sters, $7.00f8.75; fair to good beef steers, $.007.00; common to fair beef steers. $5.000.00. s Representative sales: COWS. No. ;- At. Pr. No. at. Pr. 18 3 60 1 ;...10S6 4 IS 4 04 w 1 176 4 26 HEIFERS. 4 727 4 40 4 177 4 W v IV I...1 4 440 I 10 I 10... ....... 470 I 10 . t 11 713 I 10 ' 21 1 177 I 10 I 44 248 IN 8 40 " 70 28 80 I 40 68 2N M I 30 68 238 80 8 40 41 227 40 I 44 63 232 to I 40 - . 64 321 10 I 40 17 234 M I 40 61 241 160 1 40 71 260 40 I 4714 . tt. ......270 80 8 46 43 236 200 I 45 It 2S2 ... I 46 40 266 40 8 46 14 212 80 I 46 J 71 217 200 I 46 61 '..2(1 ... I 46 64.. 241 ... 1 46 . 41 210 100 I 46 i 84 17 40 I 46 74 204 40 1 60 fl 184 140 1 60 11 171 ... I 60 .204' 120 1 66 .212 40 I 66 .111 ... I 66 ..205 ... I 40 - I ... 11.... I.... 1.... i.... I....' II.... a.... .... to.... I.... CALVES. . 406 I 46 1 401 1 11 1 . tn.os.. t ,. 140 I 60 m !..,.. 270 7 00 .. .744 6 16 . 801' I 26 . 628 I 10 .426 I 44 . 884 I 80 .1030 I 71 40 7 0 286 8 00 226 I 26 130 I 60 161 1 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 400 4 74 .... 607 I 40 Ill 8 60 ....614 140 .... 740 I 76 .... 110 6 76 481 (71 II. 78 -. T.. 4.. 41. ...... 444 I 80 ....... 760 10 ...... 674 4 00 487 6 0 828 6 11 .... Ill I 20 ....1137 160 WESTERNS NEBRASKA. 7. COWS..... 7t4 4 40 7 calvea... sen !3 cows 906 6 15 14 feeders.. 655 S 75 8 steers. ...1045 43 cows 917 9 heifers.- 777 6 26 10 steers. ...1072 6 60 3 cows 935 5 40 48 feeders.. Affi JO steers.. ..1045 6 25 12 steers, ."..1120 6 steers... .1275 7 10 32 steers.. 472 6 50 68., 46.... ...322 ... 1 36 71., 49.. .....246 320 I 31 73., 61 284 80 I II 71 ' PIGS, 66 121 ... I 26 SHEEP Receipts of sheep and Iambs was fairly large again this morning, while the total supply at other markets was comparatively light. Quality of the Offerings was pretty much the same as on yesterday. There was a strong tone to the general trade and local buyers ap parently had good orders to fill. Any thing good to choice on the killing order was eagerly sought" after, other kinds also ..being In pretty fair demand. As some of the offerings were late In ar riving at the yards and time being neces sary for sorting, little trade took place early in the morning. ; Once the market opened buyers wasted no time in satisfying their needs, every thing at all desirable as killers sellins mostly 1525c higher on lambs aria strong to a dime higher on fat sheep. There was a strong feeling to the trade through, out and the greater part of the fat stuff was picked up before midday. About half a dozen loads of range lambs sold as high as 37.35 and some ewes brought $4.25. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $6.957.35; lambs, fair to Oud iS.6G.g5. 95; lambs, feeders, $o.0GS.90; yearllnira. xnnA tn rhnir. nht -ji. yearlings, good' to choice heavy, $4.75 5.10; yearlings, feeders, $4.505.26; weth ers, good to choice, $4.154.60; wethers, fair to good. 14.tKyo4.lr,: wnthers foodor. f3.754.25; ewes, good to choice, $3.75 4.35; ewes, feeders, $3.103.60; ewes, year ling breeders, $4.505.00; ewes, aged, $3.50 nt-i.ov, cuu sneep ana ducks, 2.vui3.oo. .Representative sates: No. 303 Nevada , lambs 742 Nevada lambs 464 Montana-wethers ....... 67 Montana wethers 236 Idaho ewes 698 Idaho lambs 517 Idaho lambs ............ 560 Idaho lambs 311 Idaho lambs, feeders.. 110 Idaho lambs, feeders, culls - 41 317 Idaho lambs, feeders, culls 52 152 Idaho ewes, feeders'........ 106 247 Idaho ewes, feeders... t 97 2i0 Idaho ewes, . feeders. 1 25 Idaho ewes,, feeders.'. 419 Idaho ewes 27 Idaho ewes 151 Idaho ewes 203 Idaho ewes 2C0 Tdaho ewes .29 Idaho lambs 106 Idaho goats 501 Idaho. Iambs .............. 5S4 Idaho lambs ., 176 Idaho yearlings, .feeders 2P3 Idaho htirtbs, feeders.;., 350 Idaho lambs, feeders...... 69 385 Idaho lambs,, feeders...,.. 68 184 Idaho ewes, feeders 97 188 Idaho ewes, feeders 97 , 261 Wyoming wethers, feeders 103 L"7 Wvomlna- wethers, feeders . 98 402 Wyoming wethers, feeder .105 102 Wyoming wethers, feeders .102 BOWLING SEASON POPS OPEN Special Entertainment Provided for Devotees of Hooks and Curves, FAIR SC0EES ON THE ALLEYS Officers or Lraffnea mni Clnb Back ers Called to Front and Foree to Make Speeches and Roll First Balls of Season. The bowling season or 1912-13 wast launched last night with the opening of the Booster League on the Association alleys. , The space was crowded from, the runways -to the doors, but in spite of the crowded" condition, everybody was made , comfortable and enjoyed the evening's entertainment. ' Speeches . were made by Mr. Ratekin. president of the league, and M. R. Hunt ington, who spoke on ths history of the league. "' ;.' , : .. .. Rolfo of the Clara Belle team; made th biggest '.count ' on -anV backer of a team on hto throw of first ball. Fiowers were furnished for the women, and cigars for the ; rt'n. - Refreshments consisting of punch and wafers were served during the entire evening. , . ' ' f The bowlers were a trifle stiff and out of practice, but with this handicap a few high scores were rolled. .. '-: s- McCarthy of the Brandes High; Balls took' all honors of the evening with a total of 633, while the Popel-Glllers got high honors with 2707 m.d-sesaon foym. I The , Pope-Gillers won . three straight from the Brandes High Balls. The Fred Delfs . took three from the Guarantee Clothing Co. The Store Malts got; 2 out of 8 from the Stars and Stripes. Thn Clara Ttnllrs arnt- aviv with the Maxzeppaa with three straight Following are the scores; , ': STORZ MALTS. 1st. 2d. Weeks ..166 Bedwell . Straw .... Eastman Durkee .. Totals ..i.164 ....153 ....162 ....190 ....lia" 187- 137 129 216 144 3d. Total. 178 171. 137 211 148 531 472 419 578 4S4 . STARS AND STRIPES. 845 2,482 Hammond Stern ...... Stockwell Stine ...... Hamlll .... Totals 1st. 153 187 .......161 159 .1-9 2d. 147 192 152 140 129 3d. Total. 152 161 146 145 137 462 641 444 455 Av. 101 .... 97 .... IN 100 .... 89 ' .... 66 .... 98 .... 71 .... 70 Pr. 7 35 736 425 ,4 25 400 700 ' 7 00 1 00 6 25 6 75 825 3 50 $ 75 360 3 00- 4 00 400 400 400 400 860 3 00 7 00 7W 620 66 ' 815 69 6 40 120 123 110 50 65 65 55 93 134 Utah wethers ................. 98 351 Utah lambs, feeders 69 131 Utan lambs, feeders 52 61 Utah lambs, culls...;........ 80 72 Utah lambs, culls ... 68 541 Utah lambs 68 l'J8 Wyoming lambs, feeders ... 65 37 Wyo. lambs, feeders, culls . 49 137 Wyoming ewes, feeders ....107 65' Wyoming ewes, feeders .....105 68 Wyoming ewes, feeders 108. Wyoming ewes ...115 ' 1$8 Wyoming lambs ............. 75 8 25 $30 3 30 480 430 4 80 480 600 680 600 - 5 00 610 8 85 $30 800 360 380 380 4 10 700 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK?, MARKET Persistent Advertising 1st the Road to SU Returns. . 6 6 85 6 30 6 40 20 helfers...l015 6 80 7 cows.. .a 0rt 4 tn 23 steers.... 861 6 20 21 cows...,, 971 6 15 Peter Nlssen-Neb. 4 steers.. ..1292 SO 81 steers.. ,.1250 8 00 I calf 140 8 60 0 w R. M. Mora n Neb. ' 30 cows..... 925 6 40 1C1 feeders. 1071 700 G.. Brennan Neb. 3 feeders.. 1052 $ 60 21 steers.. ,.1201 7 25 F. AmsDoker Neb. 27 feeders.. 1038 6 60 ',' Teater A Biles Neb. JO feeders . 1030 6 80 14 heifers... 723 5 26 T Mex. fd.1027 4 25 20 cows..... 925 5 35 4 cows 1045 5 35 - - E. : E. Thompson Neb. , 15 feeders. .1218 7 80 35 feeders.. 1348 7 15 J. H. HaskeH-Neb. 26 feeders.. 810 6 25 8 feeders.. 781 6 26 19 cows... 839 5 30 Holmes & Jensen Neb. J3 steers.... 801 "1 OH 27 heifers... 850 6 75 4 cows..;.. 895 5 36 D. H. Briggs-Neb. ?9 feeders. .1126 90 IS cows..... 805 6 15 a cows..... (3 4 w Parmelee Ranch Co. Neb." Steers.... 994 7 85 T. U Brlggs. 14 feeders.. 1082 4 So 18 cows 897 5 30 WYOMING. 11 steers.s..l36S 7 60 10 mlxed..M18 6 60 13 feeders.. S91 $ 85 17 cows 1091 5 89 5 cows 1084 6 35 16 feeders.. 620 6 40 16 cows...,. 925 "6 60 So feeders.. 913 60' 6 cows 971 5 70 12 feeders.. 957 6 60 15 steers.. ..1243 7 00 23 steers. ...1144 6 75 9 feeders.. 948 $ 56 87 feeders.. 935 43 28 steers.. ..11 1 4 75 42 cows.,... 989 6 50 31 steers.... 898 $40 12 steer. ..J104 S 60 10 steers.. ..1007 4 50 Waits Bros. - 29 steers. ...MSI 6 60 8 steers. ...1343 7 60 19 cows.... .1010 6 00 9 cows 1002 S 40 - -. W. H. Conlogue. a steers.. ..1098 $ 65 6 steers. ...1050 6 80 . William Conlogue. 43 steers. ...1128 4 65 6 steers.... 950 5 80 HOGS With only a fair run of hogs ths market was a little slow In the open In f. first sales being steady - to Strong with yesterday. Once ' trade was well under way-business Improved and tht bulk of the offerings was bought by the nackers at prices a nickel higher. Nearly all grades showed the advance. Shippers! and peculators did not cut a very blgj figure in tocays traae, wnue pacKert. apparently had a gooa many orders Demand for Cattle Weak Mogs and Sheep Weak. ' '... ..- '' CHICAGO, Sept. 11. - CATTLE Re ceipts, 18,000 head; market weak; beeves, $5.7510.CO; Texas steers, 84.753U. 40; west ern steers. $5.85.30; stockers and feed ers. $4.257.00; cows and heifers, $3.00 8.00: calves.. 88.503)12 00. , , : HOGS-Recelpts, 22.000 head; market steady to 10c lower: light. $8.35805; mixed. $8.0509.10; heavy, $7.R5ffi8.30; rough, $7.&5tf?8.05; pigs, $5.5C8.25; bulk of sales, $8.85m0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 61.000 head: market steady to 10c higher: native, $S.!S)4.75; .western, $1604.70: yearlings, $4.705.86: lambs, native, $4.8507.85; West trn, $5.0007.70. r . . . - , ; St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ' ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. 11. CATTLE Receipts, 1,700 head; market steady; steers, $6.7510.00; cows and heifers, $3.25 459.00; calves, $5.009.CO. HOGS Receipts, 8.200 head;' market 5c higher; top. $8.90; bulk of sales, SS.SOffr 8.80; bulk, $?.30(fi3.80. ' 4 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market higher; lambs, $t.007.35. . . Stock In Sltrbt. Receipts or live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday; 1 . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 8outh Omaha ....... 5.300 5,700 20,000 St. Joseph 1,700 ! 3.200 6.00O Kansas City .. 9,700 ' 6.500 10.000 St Louis 8,0?0 5.300- 5.000 Chicago .....i. 18,000 22,000' 37,000 ..: ,..842 FRED DELFS. . 1st. 2d. 168 ,...161 ..- ....142 ....179 .......... .186 760 734 . 3,338 131 130 154 173 173 3d. Total. 104-484 128 146 156 176 419 442 508 536 A Bowers ... Cooley ...... McCabe .... Bengie' ....... Horwich ..... ' ' Totals ... - GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. . tat. . 2d. 3d. Total. Wiley ...... 125 130 ; 388 Pickett i .171 151 156 478 Ray ..... ........161 161 124 " 446 Hanseni ........ i....i.l42 .; ; 14S 153 443 Arnstein .............171 1SS .150 469 .837 . 781 770 2,388 Totals : .778 723 713 BRANDES HIGH BALLS. 2,214 X C. Rlce.J McCarthy . Toman ... F. ' Rice .." Tousem 1 .. 0'Can.der i 3d. Total 170 ' 491 218 ' 683 . 1st. 2d. ....158 163 .:..1S9 '226 ....147 190 160 497 ....128 ... ... .128 ....191 1?1 184 536 : 156 ' '129 "285 896 f Totals .813 - ' -N POPEL-G1LLERS. 1st. 2d. .172 ......158 .221 153 Christensen Hemleben , Firestone . , Howell .... Melum I .... . i .. . .( , , . . ' j Totals .' ----- . Mbtthes Wuthirch .... Powell ........ Hammerstrom Green ........ ..185 ' 199 131 175 187 198 3d. Total. '152 623 181 183 178 189 510 589 EU 667 .........889 925 MAZZBfPAS. . . 1st. Id. ...146 ..154 ..197 137 144 141 162 891 2,707 3d. Total. 1QA 1GM Ml 126 125 159 JJ7 413 413 441 553 Totals 782 -CLARA BELLES. - 1st. . 2d. ......176 150 155 ......191 ......165 743 789 ,' 2,314 .800 187 177 163 190 V 3d. Total. 157 5C3 47J 513 138 181 .-V 661 535 r.837 916 892 '2,645 Cain Janos ........ O. Johnson . Wartchow ... fituns ................165 190 180 Totals ... Commercial Leaane. A practice match between the Omaha Bicycle Co. Indlaris and the. Gordon Flre- iiiwm inu u wo voinmerciai Ieagua was held at the Metropolitan alleys. A large crowd was in attendance and muca enthusiasm , was shown. Scores: '; ' OMAHA BICYCLE CO. INDIANS. . 1st. 2d, Sd. TAtal ixeaie m iwj 156 Noah -..196 166 181 Boord ....... ........1X5 150 175 McMartin 199 178 180 Balxer,.:.v 183 171 .'171 554 643 1)10 567 , . 504' Totals .............974 821 863 2.658 GORDON FIREPROOFS. . 1st. 2d. - 3d. Total. 2UU 158 ..........137 Heaton ' . Sutton ... Laird .... Nelson .. McDonald Totals .153 ..814 IM 180 564 172 159 4S9 182 , 182 , 501 202 134 602 127 ,139 . 419 867, 774 2..4S5 Thursday night O'Brien's Monte Crlstos vs.' Brodegaard Crowns. : Movements of Oman Steamships. Port. , , Arrlred. '. j-Sailed. " BOSTON. d-mrlo. QUEBNSTOWN... ..v...Frcoaia. - ' QUEENSTOWN ...cmpaala. COPENHAGEN. Hellig Olar..... CHERBOUBQ., K. W. der Greets CHERBOURG.. Pres. Llacoliu wveh,, ;.. ....................... Areoniaad. GIBRALTAR...:....' Koenlg Albert, ' LIVERPOOL Camnla. . . .VKW. TORK.... K. P. WllhelB NitW YORK. ..American.. Totals 40,90 41,700 78,000 Coffee Market. t NEW YORK. Sept lL-COFFEE-Fu-! tures' market closed net unchanged to 5i points lower; sales, 84.750 bags. Spot I market steady; No. 7 Rio. 14Tc; Santos, 4s, 16c. Mild, quiet: Cordova 16 18c. Rlice Results at Heron. HURON, S. D Sept 10.-(3peclal Tele gram.) In spite of rain, the attendance at the state fair today ran high Into the thousands and the program was quite fully completed. The second day closes on a record-breaker for money receipts. Today's races, over a somewhat heavy truck, resulted as follows: -Trotting. 2:20 class, purse $1,flnk won by Merle McV., . own.d by Harris ft McComas of Sturgeon, Mo.; Hydryad, .eecond. owned by L. E. Brown. Delavan. Iil.; Queen Idolph. third, owned by W. S. Glass?' Watertown. Time. 2:25. Pacing, two-year-olds, purse 8300, won bv Comit, owned by N. H. Kingman, Setby. S. D. Time, 2:141. f'M 4,4? ' -Wfw fl J4V Mil III WflMMMM a 32c This Coupon and good for the next number of ALL the following magazine:; - -' ' BsYlssr sf JisTlsws ": ;" CosmopoUtaa -. riotcrlal Beriew Address, Magazine Coupon Dept., : Twentieth Century Farmer, iy -.-;: - '. Omaha, Neb. nKITISn COLUMBIA FARMS-EASY TERMS The province of British Columb'a offers great Inducement to the small farmer. .The country is young and growing. The markets are big and pay high' pricea.- v - ' We are placing on the market a number of 40-acre farms in a good district , within 3 V4 miles of a railway under construction. These farms are sold at. $640 in terms of $50 ca-h snd f 15 per month." ,''"'.'? ... -'. - ; ; . Write today for Illustrated booklet, F. I. This is a'splendld op portunity. ' .- ; ' NATIONAL FiACK CO. IL.Imlted.) Head Of fleet. Vancouver, Canada. .-,.- ' Reliable Agents Wanted , , . j - Liberal Commission. - ' Jl